
lordievaderGood morning.09:30
BluesKajHowdy all12:38
lotuspsychjegood evening to all17:23
lotuspsychjehi lordievader17:28
lotuspsychjehad a nice day?17:28
lordievaderQuite okay, yes. How about you?17:30
lotuspsychjefine here tnx17:31
OerHekshi lotus & lordie17:31
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: hellow :p17:31
* OerHeks forgets to hit [tab] 2x17:31
lotuspsychjelazy :p17:31
lordievaderHey OerHeks17:31
OerHeksi am updating the old wrecked laptop from mom17:32
OerHeksati x200 .. zucht17:32
lotuspsychjexubuntu/lubuntu :p17:32
lotuspsychjegot an old X800 running 14.04 fine on unity17:32
OerHeksubuntu runs fine, 4 gb onboard17:32
OerHeksbut slow sceen stuff17:33
lordievaderI reinstalled my old laptop yesterday. It had Wily and I wanted Wily on there. Problem was the images I had of Wily didin't boot. The only other image that I had was Trusty...17:35
lordievaderOerHeks: Does the radeon driver still support the x200?17:41
OerHekslordievader, no, just the opendriver works17:49
lordievaderRadeon is the opensource driver ;) Or are you reffering to vesa?17:49
OerHeksehm ... Then radeon it is.17:49
lordievaderFglrx is the closed source one.17:50
lordievaderOerHeks: But the radeon driver is quite nice. I use it myself.17:50
lordievaderIn my case it is even better than the fglrx driver :)17:51
OerHeksI am a nvidia-man myself, never had an ATI card that worked flawlessly17:51
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: hi mate18:18
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje18:18
BluesKajwhat's up?18:19
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: relaxed day today, nothing much18:19
BluesKajsame here,..it's hot outside , 30 atm18:20
lotuspsychjebit cooler here today18:21
OerHeksfew rainy days ahead \0/18:21
BluesKajgood, my daughter arives in Barcelona tomorrow morning, she was worried about the heat wave, Then she leaves for Pamplona on wed.18:23
OerHeksai Barcelona, that can be 40'C18:24
lotuspsychjeyeah hot18:24
BluesKajthe temps should be more comfortable by wed tho18:25
BluesKajok 21 in Pamplona, good18:27
lotuspsychjescary silent in #ubuntu19:16
Johnny_Linuxthanks to bazhang19:52
Johnny_Linuxhow goes it19:57
lotuspsychjefine Johnny_Linux and you?20:01
Johnny_Linuxnot bad,20:01
Johnny_LinuxCritical vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-5122, CVE-2015-5123) have been identified in Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Windows, Macintosh and Linux. Successful exploitation could cause a crash and potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system.20:05
Johnny_Linuxyay adobe20:05
lotuspsychjeadobe is dead :p20:06
lotuspsychjeanother service that gets mass exploited worldwide..20:07
OerHeksit is not mentioned here yet http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/cve/pkg/ALL-linux.html20:07
OerHeksbut i am more afraid of these https://www.exploit-db.com/shellcode/20:08
Johnny_Linuxi did the research cuz it crashed twice today20:08
lotuspsychjebotnets with 0day flash exploits are scanning the whole world ip's20:09
lotuspsychjeand manual metasploits20:12
OerHekssometimes pages keep on loading stuff, even as it seems that the page is complete.20:28
lotuspsychjeEriC^: evening mate20:32
EriC^evening lotuspsychje :)20:32
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
EriC^^how's it going?20:44
EriC^^hey Bashing-om20:44
lotuspsychjefine here20:46
Bashing-omEriC^^: o/ , Considering all I should be doing, and how HOT it is here, and I am setting here on this terminal, and our air conditioner works well, I am doing well ! You ?20:48
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Good to read you also .20:49
lotuspsychjeevening Bashing-om :p20:49
EriC^^Bashing-om: i'm good, wish i had some cigarettes though20:52
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Your evening ? Recon you are winding down ? Been slow ?20:52
* Johnny_Linux lights one up20:53
EriC^^Johnny_Linux: :P20:53
Johnny_Linuxel oh el20:53
Bashing-omEriC^^: Are you in the process of of a willing withdrawal ?20:53
lotuspsychjepuff puff pass Johnny_Linux20:53
EriC^^no, just the store was closed today and i was too lazy to go get20:54
lotuspsychjelazy sundayz :p20:55
Bashing-omEriC^^: I feel for you, I went through that situation last weekend, here was a Holiday; and my drug suppliers were not available.20:56
EriC^^nevermind, i dunno why i was being silly, i somehow thought you meant something else20:58
Bashing-omEriC^^: Most likely not "something else" as I consider my nicotene habit as correlating to a drug also .20:59
EriC^^oh ok21:00
lotuspsychjehuh wot21:00
EriC^^drug suppliers sounded so sketchy21:00
* lotuspsychje has drugs as highlight21:00
EriC^^like i thought heroin or something21:00
Bashing-omgonna go embibe and smoke . Wont take long .21:00
EriC^^well i found a cigarette21:05
Bashing-om:), me too - all better now .21:07
lotuspsychjeso far for quality ubuntu discussions :p21:10
EriC^^lotuspsychje: at least we're not scaring anyone away with odd conversations this time :P21:11
lotuspsychjebeer n drug5 suits everyone indeed :p21:11
lotuspsychjeone big happy familly ubuntu around the globe :p21:12
Bashing-omHappy ? You have not seen me, when I break grub and can not boot !21:13
lotuspsychjewhat did you do Bashing-om21:14
EriC^^i just thought this was hilarious http://cdn.acidcow.com/content/img/new02/57/tn.jpg21:14
Bashing-omRoll my sleeves up, and get the more comfortable with the boot process ( what I want to do where and when ) !21:15
lotuspsychjea lil stress EriC^^ :p21:16
Bashing-omEriC^^: ^ a 2 pack-a-day habit ?21:16
Johnny_Linuxhe goes through 2 lighters per day21:16
EriC^^if you google ubuntu logo + smoking you get a ton of weird stuff21:17
EriC^^lol Johnny_Linux21:17
EriC^^this comes up for some reason http://growabrain.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2009/03/10/smoke_peace_pipe.jpg21:17
Johnny_Linuxdog gone21:18
OerHeksheh that is what dogs do21:19
OerHeksshame the follow up article is gone > http://www.dell.com/support/article/us/en/04/SLN151664/en?dgc=SM&cid=259487&lid=552968622:23

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