
rypervenchelj1102: I'd make a copy of the first "sudo iptables-save > filename" that you made, so that if you need to you can restore from it to fix your rules.00:00
rypervenchelj1102: I would also recommend installing the package "iptables-persistent" so that your rules will get loaded after a reboot.00:01
gr33dy1im also much more interested in a good running system, more storage space can be purchased later00:01
lj1102rypervenche: well I'm not concerned about me making things worse but about having duplicate rules or some curroption when restoring them ;) Well you're right I could just reboot of things get hairy.00:01
rypervenchelj1102: iptables-save does nothing more than output the current rules to standard output. You can redirect that to a file, as I showed you.00:02
rypervenchelj1102: That file is exactly what your rules look like, so you manually add/remove what you want, so there should be no duplication. When you run the restore, it overwrites all of your current rules whatever is in the file.00:03
lj1102rypervenche: yeah, i was concerned about "iptables-restore" as I thought it may do some patching or something00:03
rypervenchelj1102: Nope. Feel free to read the man pages for both :)00:04
lj1102rypervenche: will do, thanks.00:04
=== rrr__ is now known as rrr_
eb0twow systemd is amazing00:14
Tex_Nickeb0t: how so ?00:14
eb0tit just makes a lot of messing around very simple00:15
Tex_Nickeb0t: specifics ?00:16
Tex_Nickeb0t: I'm just curious about what people like/dislike about systemd00:17
* jamesd loves how they throw away 30 years of unix technology away in the name of adding a few bells and whistles. 00:17
eb0ti like it because normally when i want to see whats ahppening i use tail00:17
rypervencheThat topic is best for #ubuntu-offtopic00:17
eb0tbut now i just use journalctl which does the same00:17
eb0tif i want to add something to defualt run level00:18
eb0tsimple systemctl enable command00:18
eb0tstart it stop it reset it00:18
eb0tno matter what the service is ..its always the same00:18
eb0tcheck the status of a service00:18
eb0tsame command again00:18
eb0ttake something out of the boot start up ..00:19
eb0tsame command again00:19
Tex_Nickrypervenche: you're right, I shouldn't have posed the question ... so it would be better discussed in OT00:19
eb0tits just makes life easy00:19
eb0tno init.d00:19
eb0trc config00:19
rypervencheeb0t: #ubuntu-offtopic please.00:19
eb0tim finished00:19
eb0the asked and he received00:19
=== mridul is now known as MrDoubtFire
eb0tstill dont get it thoguh...when nobody is talking about anything..what is the big deal about ttalking about linux stuff00:24
eb0tfact is there is none00:24
eb0tjust people wanting tos show off and act like they are in charge00:24
Tex_Nickeb0t: I broke the general rules of the channel ... but hey, just cause a dummy like me jumps off the cliff, doesn't mean it's good for you to follow !!! LOL ;-)))00:24
MrDoubtFirehi All, so many desktop options in Ubuntu, not sure which is the best one00:24
eb0tgo for gnome mrdoubtfire00:25
MrDoubtFireBut that is a Memory Hog, no? I tried it, but gnome-shell in ps output is on top all the damn time00:25
Bashing-om!best | MrDoubtFire00:25
rypervencheeb0t: This channel is for support only. If you want to talk, go elsewhere please. Lest the ops deal with you.00:25
MrDoubtFirethough I did like the appearance n such00:25
eb0tyes gnome uses a lot of resources ....if thats an issue then maybe something else00:26
eb0thave you tried i3 or awesome window manager00:26
jamesdMrDoubtFire: try them all.. the one that meets your needs is best, if you are new, i would stick with the default distro... because it will have the best user experience and more people supporting it...  sure a ferari gives a nice ride, but it may be 50 miles to the nearest ferari certified mechanic when it breaks down00:26
eb0ttheya rare super slim00:26
eb0tand fast as hell00:26
MrDoubtFireebot: not really .... awesome window manager, does sound awesome,  I think I am gonna try it out today in VirtualBox first00:27
MrDoubtFireand then baremetal00:27
eb0tpersonally i use xmonad and gnome...and jump between the two00:27
eb0txmonad is no nonsense and total bare bones00:28
MrDoubtFirexmonad, I saw the videos on youtube, but I need something my wife can use on my computer too, xmonad will push her apart, lol00:28
eb0tbut you can do everything from command line...arch is better looking but it sometimes breaks00:28
jamesdif you watch movies or play games properly configured audio out of the box is a good thing, and its hard to do, so is hard on some smaller distros00:28
eb0tor you may have issues when updating or getting certain things to work00:28
MrDoubtFireI know, but again, my wife is a non-tech person, she hates commadn line, lol .... I will google n check out the awesome window manager n see how it is00:29
MrDoubtFirenevertheless, tx for the suggestion ebot n all00:29
xanguaMrDoubtFire: consider Lubuntu or Xubuntu for low resources00:29
MrDoubtFirebtw m surprised no one talked about KDE?00:30
MrDoubtFireJust thinking ... :P00:30
xanguayou could use KDE withouth efects if you want00:30
blzAre ZFS and Btrfs substitutes for RAID arrays?00:35
jamesdblz: forget that btrfs exists.. you will be happier, visit #zfsonlinux for help with ZFS.00:36
blzjamesd, thanks!  Yeah I got the sense that btrfs was under "heavy  perpetual development" :/00:36
blzjoin #zfsonlinux00:36
nmatrix9jamesd, how is ZFS I still hear it's not as reliable as ext4?00:36
jamesdnmatrix9: i have been running it on my ubuntu box for years probably at least 3-4 years now, no dataloss... not everything is supported as it is in an illumos distro but not bad.00:37
rypervenchenmatrix9: ZFS can't be built into the Linux kernel though, due to licensing. So there's that.00:44
nmatrix9rypervenche, ah ok but how is it's peformance and reliability though I was going to go with ZFS but right now reliability is my biggest concerns especially with power outtages00:47
rypervenchenmatrix9: I only have experience with ZFS on Solaris, not on Linux.00:48
nmatrix9Can someone explain to me why nvidia-current is like 40 megs less than nvidia-331?00:50
=== utlemming is now known as utlemming_away
ki7rwis it necessary to use WEP to set up internet connection sharing? or can it be done with no wifi encryption01:11
* ki7rw guesses that he should just go buy a router01:12
foobar12_nmatrix: nvidia-current is just a virtual package depending upon the current nvidia-<version number> package, so it doesn't actually contain anything except packaging information01:13
jamesdki7rw: that is my advice...  must more testing and as soon as you have more than one user on the wifi, you become the admin... and then you feel like work even when you are relaxing on a saturday with a beer,  "Dad the internet is down again"01:13
Tex_Nickki7rw: wifi encryption is NOT necessary01:13
ki7rwTex_Nick, thanks01:15
Tex_Nickki7rw: if you need wifi encryption though ... wpa is better than wep01:15
ki7rwjamesd, it's interesting that the tablet sees the wifi but the galaxy s4 doesn't - both running android01:15
* ki7rw doesn't want to buy a router since i'm traveling01:16
canonprinteris it possible to make a command for the terminal at all01:16
jParktonit is01:17
canonprinterooo how :o01:17
jamesdki7rw: which is why i recomend the router... 9 times out of 10.. really its 99 times out of 100 it just works, though i do have the skills to do it my self, $50 isn't worth my time to do it my self.01:17
canonprinteri want to make it run "cd ~/Documents/btg" then "python3 btg.py" when I type "btg" in the terminal01:17
canonprinteror rather just01:17
canonprinter"python3 ~/Documents/btg/btg.py"01:17
canonprinterwhen I type "btg"01:17
jParktonyou set those in your bash profile I believe?01:18
canonprinterand where that might be01:18
canonprinteri am a noob to linux/ubuntu01:18
* ki7rw should've brought his spare router01:20
canonprinterjParkton: any idea where that is? :P01:21
foobar12_canonprinter, you can setup aliases in ~/.bash_profile ... for what you want to do, I believe this is what you need: alias btg=cd ~/Documents/btg && python3 btg.py01:21
jParktonI am not sure01:21
canonprinterAh tyvm foobar12_01:21
foobar12_canonprinter: more info on aliases is available here: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/aliases.html01:21
jParktonyou can google adding commands to linux bash01:21
canonprinterYes thank you :D01:21
foobar12_canonprinter: no problem01:21
=== foobar12_ is now known as foobar12
ki7rwbut one has to try not to incur additional charges when traveling by plane - i carry too much stuff as it is01:23
=== corey84__ is now known as Corey84
irctc551Hi. Is ubuntu desktop dieing in popularity?01:48
bubbasauresircnode0, No, it's jusr pining.01:50
=== marcos is now known as Guest54714
Tex_Nickirctc551: in the past many months, there have been media articles claiming that desktop computing in general is loosing market share & that desktops are a thing of the past ... it's just media buzz01:59
RrjjShould I install the Ubuntu restricted extras? or the Xubuntu?02:05
RrjjWhy different variants differ the sizes in MB?02:05
sloantotheboneHi rrjj02:05
sloantotheboneIsnt restricted have proprietary software?02:06
RrjjAre you using Ubuntu w/ Unity?02:06
sloantotheboneMe? no02:06
sloantotheboneI'm using ubuntu gnome02:07
squintyRrjj,  they are two totally different subjects.  xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce rather than unity or someother desktop02:07
ubottu!Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.02:07
sloantotheboneThat must be what the mythbusters use02:08
sloantotheboneAnd then there's Ubuntu Satanic heehee02:08
RrjjYes I'm aware of that. But my question is, will it create problem if I install the restricted extras for Ubuntu if I'm using the Xubuntu?02:08
sloantotheboneI doubt it02:09
cfhowlettsadly neither ubuntu satanic nor sabily (ubuntu muslim edition) are being maintained anymore02:09
cfhowlettRrjj, it will cause no problems02:09
RrjjOkay, that's a relief. Thanks02:09
sloantotheboneI came here to ask for help02:10
cfhowlett!ask | sloantothebone02:10
ubottusloantothebone: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:10
sloantothebone-_- I know02:10
sloantotheboneI cannot run unity3d games on facebook, I have unity3d enabled in pipelight02:11
xanguasloantothebone: wine is not perfect, have you researched on the wine database ¿02:12
sloantotheboneNo just google02:12
alexbirdhave usb stick with documents. formatted dos fat16. can open in windows 7 and fedora 20. cannot open in ubuntu 15, but shows up in fdisk02:13
squintyalexbird,  maybe try the "Disks" program and see if it mounts from there.  If it barfs the progam may give some clue as to why02:17
alexbirdsquinty, what is the Disks program?02:18
cfhowlettsloantothebone, I run ubuntu but keep win7 in virtualbox just in case ...02:18
alexbirdfound it02:18
RrjjHow to bring back the startup splash screen on Xubuntu? It was gone after installing nvidia driver02:19
alexbirdsquinty, it shows up in Disks, but how to take some action on it?02:20
cfhowlettRrjj, go to the bottom panel > settings > session and startup > Splash02:21
squintyalexbird,  see if it is mounted    if not then try mounting.  if it mounts ok then it should be available via your file manager or command line/terminal02:21
squintyalexbird,  probably an idea to format your usb fat32 these days too.  :-)02:22
alexbirdsquinty, that is the thing, I do not see an option to mount02:22
Rrjjcfhowlett: I want to bring back the default one. How to do that?02:22
RrjjLike the plymouth for Ubuntu02:22
RrjjI'm using Xubuntu02:22
cfhowlettRrjj, choose the one you want.  you have a choice of 4.02:22
squintyalexbird,  click on the "cog" icons available after you highlight the particular item you are interested in02:23
alexbirdI see Format, Partition, Edit filesystem (grayed out), etc., but not mount02:23
=== Ionic is now known as Guest98792
alexbirdsquinty, I also see create disk image, benchmark. edit mount options (grayed out)02:25
squintyalexbird,  just checked again.  if the device is mount there should be a "square" just before the cog icons... if not mounted then click on the arrow.02:26
GerowenAnybody know if Facebook changed their chat protocols?  Pidgin no longer logs into Facebook chat for me.  Logs into Google Talk just fine.02:27
=== ejnahc is now known as ejnahc^
alexbirdI see an arrow with a minus before the cog icon, but that would delete the partition. I see a square with a triangle up close to the top right of the window, but that looks like 'eject device'02:28
kryptofreakhello all?02:28
squintyalexbird,   you could also unplug the usb and then plug it back in.   then in a terminal type dmesg and see if the unit is recognize after the display has finished scrolling.  if the unit is not recognized in dmesg then it it's current state it will not be recognized02:28
cfhowlettalexbird, possible workaround: copy off the files to your HDD and reformat that USB.  sussing out why the files won't read is a different matter.02:29
squintyalexbird,  square/arrow   for mounting and unmounting      the hyphen/minus is for deleting a partition02:29
kryptofreakquantum: what up?02:35
moobasedm-crypted mounted secondary harddisk. Has about ~10 files I'm not using or accessing in any way (afaik). Not in a file manager, console or anything. Fresh ubuntu install. The disk is however periodically being accessed which spins it up, what and why? kworker and jdb2 is doing the most io on my system. Why would jdb2 "journal" the disk that I'm not even using?02:38
kryptofreakso im new to using linux can anyone help me whats the first 10 things i should do to a fresh install besides the updates i want to add a cpu monitor gage i also wanna learn how to switch to other irc channels about specific stuff like network security  im just trying to learn02:39
kryptofreakim using ubuntu 14.04 lts02:39
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moobasekryptofreak: whatever irc client you're using right now, you can type (without quotes) "/join ##security"02:39
moobasein the chat box, to join ##security.02:40
cfhowlettkryptofreak, learn to use search engines for simple questions:  https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=10+things+install+ubuntu+14.04&ei=UTF-8&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-00102:40
moobasekryptofreak: just install ubuntu, and go from there. Follow tutorials on how to install CPU monitor etc.02:40
cfhowlettkryptofreak, for general and free ubuntu guidance:  www.fullcirclemagazine.org02:41
nmatrix9daftykins, you awake?02:41
nicomachuslol, still having trouble with that monitor nmatrix9?02:41
kryptofreakmoobase: thanks man i appreciate the help i didnt know the join thing02:41
Guest98792so, it has come to this02:42
kryptofreakthank you everyone for the much needed help02:42
=== Guest98792 is now known as Ionic
nmatrix9nicomachus, Why you gotta call me out like that lol . . . yes I can't seem to build a nvidia driver for vivid but fortunately I can get full screen WITHOUT the nvidia driver module.  I think my xubuntu is trolling me.02:43
Ionicnmatrix9: are you missing the kernel headers?02:44
Ionicor the development framework?02:44
nmatrix9nicomachus, the reason Iam on vivid is long story short based on advice from another person to upgrade to resolve some mouse cursor disappearing issues in xubuntu02:45
nmatrix9Ionic, how can I confirm I believe I installed those through synaptic02:45
linuxuz3rdo you guys know a good temp and cpu activity monitor02:46
linuxuz3rhdd and so on02:46
cfhowlett!sensors | linuxuz3r02:46
ubottulinuxuz3r: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.02:46
nmatrix9linuxuz3r, you need lmsensors installed02:46
Ionicnmatrix9: dpkg -l | grep -i linux-headers-$(uname -r) I beloeve02:46
nicomachuslinuxuz3r: if you want something that will continually display on your desktop, look into Conky.02:46
nmatrix9Ionic, linux-headers-3.19.0-22-generic yeah it's installed02:47
Ionicnmatrix9: okay... what about build-essential?02:47
Ionicnmatrix9: and before we're guessing away, what's the actual build log (full!)02:47
nmatrix9Ionic Iam ahead of you I already pasted it02:48
nicomachuslinuxuz3r: my conky setups: https://imgur.com/wYn8bOu02:48
nmatrix9Ionic, just a sec02:48
nmatrix9Ionic, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11863881/02:48
OerHeksnmatrix9, so 3.19 on 14.04 gives nvidia-issues?02:48
Ionicnmatrix9: need /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-331/331.113/build/make.log02:49
jgrasser_does anyone know the ubuntu certified hardware list exists in a downloadable format02:49
cfhowlettjgrasser_, never seen that but the "clearly" plugin to ffox converts web pages to easily readable format and allows printing to .pd02:49
nmatrix9Ionic, just a min02:50
jgrasser_any chhance that Mr Shuttleworth will make that hardware list downloadable02:50
bubbasauresjgrasser_, I think it's that there are more not listed running ubuntu with no problems, the list is not worth a whole lot except in a specific context.02:53
foobar12linuxuz3r: as an alternative to conky, you could also throw this into a terminal: while true; do sensors; sleep 1; done ... just calls sensors every second for an updated readout; it's what I use02:53
allenanyone here this evening familiar with stopping CPU throttling on Ubuntu under xfce ? I have tried all I can find, with no success, so i must be doing something wrong02:53
jgrasser_the list has value. if affected consumers purchasing habits then it would be worth alot02:54
cfhowlettjgrasser_, easy enough to test specific hardware; go to your local computer store, boot an ubuntu USB and see what flys.  I've been known to sneak into a quiet corner of the apple store and start ubuntu on the Mac Air ...02:54
nmatrix9Ionic  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11864748/02:54
jgrasser_cfhowlett, that is easy for you an me but not for the general public02:54
cfhowlettjgrasser_, the "general public" can figure things out just as you and I had to do.02:55
allenno matter what i set, the cpu keeps dropping back to 800mhz, instead of staying at 2.7Ghz.02:55
jgrasser_i wanna build an app that would tell you if a laptop is linux compatible just by scanning the laptops barcode02:55
allenor is there a channel more geared toward tech support ?02:55
Ch4p1Ewhats good02:55
OerHeksallen, is that bad?02:55
alleni think its bad bud02:56
cfhowlettallen, #hardware perhaps02:56
allencomputer runs like a slug lol02:56
OerHeksallen, when a pc is idle, i would like my cpu trottle back02:56
allencan't even play a silly flash game02:56
alleni would too, but its doing it all the time02:56
Ionicnmatrix9: urgh okay, I know that error02:56
jgrasser_cfhowlett, that is the wrong attitude.02:56
jgrasser_grandma should not have to figure stuff out02:56
nmatrix9Ionic, the suspense is killing me man, what is it?02:59
Ionicnmatrix9: ah, an incompatibility between the kernel interface and the driver02:59
Ioniclooking at what trusty ships03:00
sparchitectIs it possible to run a WordPress site (domain from NameCheap) on an Ubuntu LAMP stack from home under the following conditions? 1: Port 80 blocked by ISP.  2: ISP supplied router with FIXED WAN DNS. 3. Not paying for a static IP.   ---  (Works fine on local network, but all I've been able to view from outside network is apache2 default page.)03:01
Ionicyeah 3.19.0-2203:02
nmatrix9Ionic, What? is nvidia-331 too far back for vivid?03:02
Ionicnmatrix9: the problem is that I don't remember when this dentry stuff changed03:02
Ionicnmatrix9: you're on vivid? then yes!03:02
Ionicthere's... wait03:02
Ionicnmatrix9: try nvidia-34603:03
OerHekssparchitect, no open port 80 ... i guess not.03:03
Ionicunless you're card is not supported by that newer version anymore, in which case you're screwed03:03
Ionic(and will have to downgrade the kernel)03:03
kruxyou could change the port to a different port instead of 8003:04
Ionicnmatrix9: what card is that?03:05
sparchitectOerHeks, I believe the port 80 work around is the easy part, I've redirected the domain to port 8080 with apache listening there etc. I'm mostly just having trouble with wordpress.03:05
alexbirdlooking for a way to read dos fat16 usb drive in ubuntu 15. Reads fine in fedora 20.03:05
nmatrix9Ionic it's a Geforce GTX 550 ti, the website says it supports 35203:05
nmatrix9Nvidia latest drivers03:05
binniis it possible to run a simple server on port 8080 (which I've already done) and route incoming request from 80 to 8080 (because I don't want to run my server as root, which port 80 requires)?03:05
alexbirdthanks squinty03:05
alexbirdsomehow Disk is not helping03:06
sparchitectkrux, I don't know If i need to get a new DD-WRT capable router, OR pay for DynDNS service?03:06
kruxbinni: port forwarding you router should be able to port forward to 808003:07
allenk can't chat in hardware, Xubuntu has no one in it, is anyone willing to take a few and look at this issue with me ? I would truly appreciate it.03:07
Ionicnmatrix9: so go ahead with 34603:07
nmatrix9Ionic, ok03:08
kruxsparchitect: so you have apache2 installed succesfully ? and changed port to 8080 ? and you are able to access it from outside your network ?03:08
kruxwith your ip# ?03:08
OerHeks!register | allen you need to register your irc name to join ##hardware03:08
ubottuallen you need to register your irc name to join ##hardware: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode03:08
allenbut do they help with ubuntu03:09
Ionicnmatrix9: nvidia are a bunch of m*** c*** s***, they like to deprecate products after a few years and provide "legacy driver versions" which aren't even regularily updated anymore03:09
allenthere is nothing i can set in my bios/hardware to stop the throttling, i have looked03:09
TypeSquidTest - Disregard03:09
cfhowlett!test | TypeSquid03:09
ubottuTypeSquid: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )03:09
OerHeksallen, your cpu/chipset is designed that way, but this page might be any help >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/523640/how-i-can-disable-cpu-frequency-scaling-and-set-the-system-to-performance03:12
aeon-ltdIonic: in nvidia's defense they output like about 10-15 products every 12 months, supporting everything for more than a few years is difficult and expensive03:12
allenOerHeks i did that already :)03:13
Ionicaeon-ltd: which is all essentially the same hardware, but varying clock speeds or disabled features03:14
nmatrix9Ionic, took the words out of my mouth I am really getting pissed off at nvidia nowadays03:14
=== erwin is now known as easyOnMe
easyOnMegood day everyone03:16
Ionicaeon-ltd: also, they could at least have the f*** curtesy to provide specifications for products that are EOL anyway, enabling interested community to come up with stuff on their own03:16
TypeSquidHey easy03:16
easyOnMeI just entered this command in the terminal03:17
easyOnMesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade and got this response back03:17
Ionicaeon-ltd: AMD even releases (incomplete, I guess, but still usable) specifications even for new products, or at least they used to. the hardware also seems to be supported longer than nvidia's. it's all "business stragety" BS.03:17
easyOnMeReading package lists... Done03:17
easyOnMeW: GPG error: http://deb.opera.com stable InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1435908620 KEYEXPIRED 1435908620 KEYEXPIRED 1435908620 The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 63F7D4AFF6D61D4503:17
easyOnMeReading package lists... Done03:17
easyOnMeBuilding dependency tree03:17
easyOnMeReading state information... Done03:17
easyOnMeCalculating upgrade... Done03:17
easyOnMe0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:17
IoniceasyOnMe: please use a pasting service03:17
nicomachus!paste | easyOnMe03:18
ubottueasyOnMe: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:18
Ionicnmatrix9: what happen ?03:18
TypeSquidHuh.  Looks like their GPG key expired.03:18
TypeSquidfor Opera03:18
TypeSquidAre you actually using opera?03:19
nmatrix9Ionic, don't know machine just froze up after I uninstalled nvidia-33103:19
TypeSquidIf not, just remove the Repo03:19
Ionicnmatrix9: urgh, okay. well, try 346 now...03:19
easyOnMeok this is the screen shot03:20
easyOnMeplease advice me on the error message03:20
IonicI don't see any reason why it would have locked up (given it was impossible to compile the kernel module anyway)03:20
easyOnMeso that I know what to do03:20
IoniceasyOnMe: TypeSquid already asked a few03:21
TypeSquidlol.  @easyonMe.  Such a low resoulution.03:21
nmatrix9Ionic umm Iam unable to find that what repository it exists in?03:21
easyOnMeTypeSquid: yeah I am using Opera03:21
Ionicnmatrix9: in the vivid repo?03:21
Ionichttp://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/nvidia-346 <03:22
TypeSquideasyOnMe: Huh...  I'll take a peak.  But yea it looks like their GPG key expired which would suck.03:22
Ionicall there03:22
OerHekseasyOnMe, look at this manual:  wget -qO- http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | sudo apt-key add -03:23
OerHekseasyOnMe, if this does not work, contact the opera guys03:23
Ionicwget | sudo03:24
Ionicyou're a genius03:24
easyOnMeOerHeks: wget -qO- http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | sudo apt-key add -03:24
TypeSquidLooks like that would update the public key.03:24
easyOnMethis command is there something missing at the end03:24
Ionicyes, it would fetch it03:24
nmatrix9Ionic, hmmm just did a sudo apt-get update not getting it automatically03:24
DoYouKnowI don't like these tabs on the ubuntu 15.04 Terminal03:24
Ionicand run it through apt-key03:24
Ionicnmatrix9: you'll have to install it manually?03:25
TypeSquidNah, it will take the rest from the pipe.  A pipe is the "|"03:25
OerHekseasyOnMe, read the page i gave you03:25
DoYouKnowthey are hard to see on my monitor03:25
Ionicnmatrix9: the restricted repo is enabled, right?03:25
* OerHeks facepalms03:25
xanguaDoYouKnow: Install any other terminal emulator you want03:25
IonicOerHeks: there's a full blog dedicated to that dangerous behavior: http://curlpipesh.tumblr.com/03:25
easyOnMeOerHeks: thanks so much03:26
easyOnMeit solve the message error03:26
easyOnMeOerHeks: you're a genius03:26
OerHekseasyOnMe, have fun03:26
easyOnMeyou're cool man03:26
nmatrix9Ionic, I checked synaptic it's checked for software restricted by copyright.03:27
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RrjjIs there any software that works like windows's restore point? Because I want to try out some problem fixes and see if it will work or not.03:27
RrjjBecause I may messed up something and it would give me the chance to revert the changes made on the system.03:28
Ionicnmatrix9: so why aren't you seeing that package?03:28
Ionicnmatrix9: apt-cache search nvidia | pastebininit03:28
Ionicerr, pastebinit03:28
aeon-ltdRrjj: you could just make a backup with clonezilla. the process is a lot longer, but you will literally get to the exact same point of the install again unlike windows system restore which is a little imperfect03:28
alexbirdany ideas as to why a usb drive will not open (for read or write)?03:30
alexbirdopens fine in fedora03:30
aeon-ltdalexbird: is it encrypted? is there any protection on it?03:31
alexbirdthanks, no, no protection03:31
alexbirdI think it is a format thing03:31
alexbirdbut works fine in fedora and windows 703:31
easyOnMeanyone here who has been a web master03:32
easyOnMeor who is currently doing web server admin03:32
easyOnMegot some issues of my own here03:32
aeon-ltdalexbird: if you have no data on it you could try reformatting it, maybe fat32 instead?03:32
easyOnMeI just installed wordpress03:32
nmatrix9Ionic, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11864846/03:32
easyOnMein my public_html folder03:33
alexbirdaeon, I have documents I want to access from ubuntu03:33
OerHekseasyOnMe, easy on the enter please03:33
easyOnMeyet when I visit my url www.websmith.link03:33
easyOnMethe site still says website under construction03:33
Ionicsome day I really have to restart my browser...03:34
Ioniccrawling away...03:34
Ionicnmatrix9: are you positive you're on vivid? this looks like trusty03:34
easyOnMeI do not know why it does not point the url to my wordpress even if my wordpress uses the www.websmith.link url as the site address03:34
Ionic(because 331 is the lastest version on trusty)03:34
moobasebad idea to set firefox disk cache folder to /tmp/forefox_tmp/ (ramdisk)?03:35
Ionicnmatrix9: please show /etc/issue and /etc/apt/sources.list and everything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*03:35
OerHeksIonic, he is sparse with info, yes he is on 14.04 with the 3.19 kernel manually installed. i stopped looking for solutions.03:36
Ionicmoobase: yes. totally stupid. firefox already has a memory cache03:36
Ionicif you don't want it to use a disk cache, disable it in its settings03:37
IonicOerHeks: that's trusty, not vivid. wut?03:37
nmatrix9Ionic, I installed 3.19 manually03:37
nmatrix9Ionic, I installed the kernel manually03:37
moobaseIonic: if I do that, it won't use a cache at all afaik?03:37
Ionic3.19 is available in trusty through updates03:37
Ionicmoobase: aren't there two options - one for disk, one for memory?03:38
Ionicnmatrix9: if you're on trusty, 331 is as far as you'll get for nvidia. and this is incompatible with 3.19... you'll have to downgrade to 3.18 or even lower03:38
Ionic346 is available on vivid only03:38
Ionic(and you said vivid before, so I'm confuzius nao)03:38
nmatrix9Ionic, ok Iam starting to see the picture03:39
moobaseIonic: no. That's why most solutions moves the disk path to a ram disk. Why do that if the cache was in ram in the first place?03:39
Ionicmoobase: mh, yeah, I seem to remember wrongly03:41
Ionicwell, if you really want to, go ahead. but the file will be gone every time you restart, not sure how well firefox handles this.03:41
Ionicand it'll obviously eat away your memory03:41
IonicI'm already fed up with firefox using 6 GB of memory as-is03:42
Ionicnmatrix9: you could also patch nvidia-331 but I have no idea how to do this on ubuntu/debian and don't have the patches at hand (they are on my gentoo partition, can't access this easily from OS X)03:43
nmatrix9Ionic, I think I'll just downgrade to 3.1603:43
easyOnMehow do I find webserver or webserveradmin channels in freenode03:44
Ionicare you sure 3.18 isn't enough?03:44
IonicI seriously can't remember which version broke the driver03:45
Ionicmust have been something in this range, definitely 3.19 is broken already03:45
nmatrix9Ionic, I don't even see 3.18 option in synaptic03:45
FoxhoundzeasyOnMe: alis03:45
nmatrix9Ionic, I'll play it safe 3.16 for now03:45
easyOnMeFoxhoundz: how to use alis03:46
Ionicnmatrix9: oh, yeah, it goes from 3.16 to 3.19...03:46
nmatrix9Ionic, crap ok I'll stick with 3.13 then03:46
Foxhoundz easyOnMe try /msg alis help03:46
Foxhoundzfor starters03:46
easyOnMeFoxhoundz: ok thanks03:46
Ionicnmatrix9: huh? no, 3.16 is fine03:47
nicomachusdoes anyone know why Chrome does this?: https://imgur.com/hSTXtcj03:47
nmatrix9Ionic, ok03:47
Ioniccanonical neve rpackages 3.17 or 3.18 for trusty-updates though03:47
nicomachuscreates a separate launcher icon for the open process03:47
easyOnMeFoxhoundz: i do not know what is wrong03:47
easyOnMeit seems that the command you gave me is not working03:47
FoxhoundzeasyOnMe: try /msg alis list web03:47
Ionicnmatrix9: also, you lied to me, I'm disappointed and sad03:47
easyOnMeok thanks03:47
FoxhoundzThis is an IRC command03:47
easyOnMeFoxhoundz: did work man03:48
nmatrix9Ionic, about the cookie in the cookie jar?03:48
Ionicnmatrix9: about telling me you're on vivid03:48
nmatrix9Ionic, I thought I was on vivid03:49
Ionicnmatrix9: I WILL NEVER TALK TO YOU AGAIN!03:49
fancyfetushey guys03:49
Ionicbut seriously, tru downgrading03:49
nmatrix9Ionic, that's what Iam trying to do right now03:50
Ionicalso, you probably should upgrade to vivid one day (and thus to 346)03:50
nmatrix9Ionic, Someday . . . but today is definitely not that day.03:51
nmatrix9Ionic, Iam gonna reboot into 3.16  now03:57
nmatrix9Ionic, pray for me03:58
kryptofreakhi im trying to get youtube to work on fire fox ive already sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer04:03
kryptofreaksudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd804:04
kryptofreaksudo apt-get update04:04
kryptofreaksudo apt-get install freshplayerplugin04:04
the0_hello all newbie to ubuntu here :) I have just finished installing 14.04 and I have a question, i "installed" a package using the terminal now I need to open the gui what would my command be ?04:04
beepiethe0_, you're trying to go back to the graphical session? you hit ctl-alt+arrow-key(left or right) to cycle through tty1,tty2,..04:06
the0_beepie thanks for the response, let me clarify, these are the commands i used in terminal sudo apt get04:09
the0_sudo apt get update04:09
the0_sudo aptget install04:09
the0_now i need to launch the gui of the package04:10
beepiethe0_, apt-get update, downloads the latest index of software from the repos, apt-get install <package>  should have passed without errors, if it did then you may not see your app in the desktop menu04:10
beepiethe0_, that's a plugin btw04:11
beepiethe0_, you'll have to consult the application that uses it04:11
Tex_Nickthe0_: a typical app onstall would be sudo apt-get install appName04:11
skitsHopefully quick one. Is there anything off the top of your/all of your head/s that would cause proftp in Ubuntu 14.10 to suddenly start timing out at welcome with no changes and running fine for weeks?04:11
beepiethe0_, if you saw the dependencies (base application package) get installed, then it should be in the menu04:12
skitsGoogle brought up inetd but its in standalone and the ftp stuff in inetd is disabled/#'ed out04:12
kryptofreakhelp pls04:12
Tex_Nickthe0 what did you install04:12
beepiethe0_, otherwise it's not a well crafted plugin package04:12
the0_i am beepie , it's documentation sates  "after installation launch gui that should be all you need to do04:12
beepiethe0_, you didn't see if other packages installed? you should know what application name uses that plugin then use- -> apt-cache search <application name>04:13
beepiethe0_, dpkg -l <package> would say if its installed04:13
beepiethe0_, then it should be in menu04:13
the0_let me check04:14
AndroidHackeranyone know of a reverse apt-get build-dep?04:15
skitsnm, figured it out. Thank you though (It was a local issue with an isp stutter/packet loss issue)04:17
* skits waves bye04:17
Ionicnmatrix9: loks like it worked fine04:17
the0_beepie, ok it installed successfully but the app in my sidebar is not what it is supposed to be , it seams to bring up a login page for something called launchpad, is this common04:21
easyOnMeif I use ssl04:22
easyOnMewhere do I find the ssl file that contains the keys04:22
easyOnMein my ubuntu04:23
nmatrix9Ionic, actually Iam back on 3.19, the 3.16 failed to boot got missing modules error on boot04:23
cfhowlett!ssl | easyOnMe04:23
easyOnMecfhowlett: what do you mean04:23
easyOnMeby !ssl |04:23
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, ~/.ssl folder04:23
easyOnMeplease explain04:23
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: thanks04:24
AndroidHackerthats generally where it is unless i suppose configured differently.. but default04:24
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: I do not see the ~/.ssl folder but when I press ctrl H I see a .ssh folder04:25
easyOnMeis this the one that I am going to use for my sftp04:25
AndroidHacker~/ is your home folder04:26
AndroidHackerso, /home/USERNAME/.ssl04:26
SuperLagif you have access to a box, how can you tell if the original install was for ubuntu-server or ubuntu-desktop?04:27
rypervencheeasyOnMe: You are looking for your SSH keys. So they will be in ~/.ssh not ~/.ssl04:27
AndroidHackercrap sorry thats what i meant04:27
rypervencheeasyOnMe: The keys ending in .pub are your public keys. The ones without .pub are your private keys.04:27
Ionicnmatrix9: missing modules? like what? did it fail booting early, like in the initrd?04:27
AndroidHackerSuperLag, lsd_release -a?04:28
easyOnMerypervenche: ok thanks04:28
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, sorry for that brainfart04:28
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: no problem man04:28
Mr_Krolanyone uses touchpad mouses?04:28
easyOnMeall of us commit errors04:28
FoxhoundzMr_Krol: a lot of people do04:29
Foxhoundzwhat's your question?04:29
SuperLagAndroidHacker: Description:    Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS04:29
moobaseokay.. so the process systemd-journald   is waking up my sencondary idling disk /dev/sdb whole the time. What business does it have with a sleeping disk im not using?04:29
SuperLagit doesn't specify04:29
Mr_Krolwhat are the good brands for ubuntu?04:29
cfhowlettSuperLag, end of life, no longer supported.  recommend immediate upgrade04:29
SuperLagMr_Krol: good brands?04:29
cfhowlettMr_Krol, brands????04:29
AndroidHackerwell, technically ubuntu server and ubuntu desktop are identical if im not mistaken, besides the packages that are installed by default04:29
cfhowlett!flavors | Mr_Krol04:30
ubottuMr_Krol: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.04:30
Mr_Kroli was taking about companies that work well in ubuntu for the mouses04:30
AndroidHackerSuperLag, did u see my comment?04:30
SuperLagcfhowlett: I know, i know. It's in the plans, but I need to plan this out. This box is incredibly important to the customer, and I'm not sure how to handle it, yet. Was thinking about cloning it, and upgrading the VM, as testing.04:30
cfhowlettMr_Krol, most mice work.  bluetooth can be problematic.04:31
cfhowlettSuperLag, sounds like a plan04:31
easyOnMerypervenche: just curious though04:31
rypervencheSuperLag: That would be smart. Keep a backup once you do the real upgrade.04:31
easyOnMeI create my ssh keys last year04:31
SuperLagcfhowlett: what's the best way to clone it? rsync?04:31
easyOnMebut with a different brand of linux04:31
easyOnMelinux mint04:31
cfhowlett!mint | easyOnMe04:32
ubottueasyOnMe: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:32
vijuI want to upgrade to 14, the LTS version but not sure why. I am running 12 LTS, is it worth upgrading?04:32
easyOnMeand then sometime last year I need to re install04:32
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, that doesnt really matter04:32
rypervencheeasyOnMe: That won't matter. I'm assuming it's a 2048-bit RSA key?04:32
AndroidHackerthey're still ssh keys04:32
cfhowlettSuperLag, there is a way, but I've never done it.04:32
easyOnMerypervenche: that one I am not sure04:32
easyOnMenow I am using the same laptop but with ubuntu linux04:32
rypervenchecfhowlett: Not a relevant ubottu message...he's not using Mint right now...04:32
easyOnMewill this ssh keys still be valid when I connect to my vps04:32
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, its compatible.. its just like transferring a file04:32
Mr_Kroli got a logitech and seems be working nice04:33
easyOnMeoh ok04:33
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, yes it will04:33
AndroidHackeras long as its the correct ssh key04:33
easyOnMeso it does not really matter what brand of linux you use when you generate the ssh keys with your vps04:33
easyOnMeoh ok04:33
easyOnMethanks for that04:33
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: you're cool man04:33
rypervencheeasyOnMe: You won't have any problems except maybe making sure the permissions are correct on the files. :)04:33
AndroidHackeryou can generate ssh keys on redhat and use them on mint or any other distro04:34
easyOnMewell I am luck I save the ssh folder when I installed ubuntu04:34
SuperLagcfhowlett: is there any way to download the Lucid desktop installer? I only see the server version available on the kernel.org mirrors. The only reason I'm asking is to get as close to the installed version, as possible.04:34
easyOnMeI still have the file backup with me04:34
AndroidHackerthats good04:34
cfhowlettSuperLag, you can still find lucid in the archives.04:34
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: oh so that's how it works04:34
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: thanks04:34
AndroidHackerno problem04:34
easyOnMelearning a lot from you man04:34
easyOnMeyou guys are cool04:34
beepieeasyOnMe, you need to be able to login with password then use ssh-copy-id04:35
cfhowlettSuperLag, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/04:35
nmatrix9Ionic, I can pastebin a screenshot of the boot04:35
* beepie says rather prior, use ssh-copy-id, not login with ssh 04:35
nmatrix9Ionic, it gave up waiting for boot device04:36
* beepie says you need to have the public key copied to the server before it can be used04:36
SuperLagcfhowlett: thank you. Much appreciated.04:36
cfhowlettSuperLag, happy2help!04:36
AndroidHackerSuperLag, theres a great program called timeshift04:36
AndroidHackerif u have GUI access04:36
AndroidHackerit uses rsync04:36
AndroidHackerbut its all automated04:36
SuperLagAndroidHacker: I do have GUI access.04:37
easyOnMebeepie: thanks for the info04:37
AndroidHackerSuperLag, timeshift is similar in a since to basically TAR'ing the entire / filesystem while preserving perms and whatnot04:37
AndroidHackerbut its fast04:38
beepiessh-copy-id basically adds the public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 on the server side04:38
AndroidHackershould be authorized_keys04:38
kartik_how to dwonload and  install  idm04:39
AndroidHackeror maybe i am wrong?04:39
AndroidHackerSuperLag, http://www.teejeetech.in/p/timeshift.html04:39
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beepieAndroidHacker, if you're unsure you can check the manpage, it'll say the name of the file04:39
Ionicnmatrix9: hum, that means your initrd probably wasn't created correctly for some reason04:40
AndroidHackerive just always used authorized_keys but maybe it varies04:40
Ionicsudo update-initramfs -c -k all might do that for you04:40
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: filezilla needs me to open id_rsa file04:41
easyOnMewhen I chose the file it came with this message04:41
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: http://imgur.com/FZNLNUV04:42
nmatrix9Ionic, that's it?04:42
easyOnMeI think the answer to the question is yes right04:42
moobaselol, why is the task bar always at the top instead of the bottom in linux?04:43
nmatrix9moobase because gravity04:43
AndroidHackeruhh, i dont know wtf exactly its saying.. but i would just use the built in file manager for FTP04:43
Ionicnmatrix9: well go ahead and try. this command should generate all missing initrd's04:43
brandonphuongI'm formatting my USB stick to mount an .ISO, I've googled for a while now and I'm wondering what the difference between "mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb1" and "mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdb1" is04:43
brandonphuongAre they just two different ways of acheiving the same thing04:44
nmatrix9Ionic, well Iam hoping it doesn't make it any worse!04:44
nmatrix9Ionic, be right back04:44
Ionicno, can't make it any worse04:45
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, please make a spare copy of your private key and put it in another directoy04:45
nmatrix9Ionic, pray for me04:45
AndroidHackerand i suppose you could try it04:45
AndroidHackerbut please, make a backup first of the key04:45
nmatrix9Ionic, or drink a beer for me04:45
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, also, what is the permissions on your id_rsa file?04:46
AndroidHackershoudl be 60004:46
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: how will I know the permission04:46
easyOnMenow I am having difficulty as I could not open the id_rsa file04:47
easyOnMeeven if I got the correct passphrase04:47
AndroidHackeryou have a password with your key?04:47
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, ls -l <file_name> will give you the permissions04:48
* beepie uses alias ll='ls -AldF --group-directories-first *'04:48
AndroidHackerit should say -rw-------04:48
beepieAndroidHacker, passphrase != password04:49
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: yes it id04:49
AndroidHackerah, sorry, dont know much about ssh04:49
easyOnMe-rw---------- 104:49
AndroidHackerjust know how to use it04:49
beepieAndroidHacker, setting a passphrase for the key is only decrypted locally04:49
AndroidHackeroh ok i did not know that04:49
beepieAndroidHacker, so if someone steals your private key they can't access it unless they know the passphrase04:49
easyOnMebeepie: so how will I allow the file to be opened then04:49
AndroidHackermaybe that could be why his client is not allowing him to use it beepie ?04:50
beepieAndroidHacker, the passphrase is 100% separate from the server side04:50
brandonphuongDoes anyone know the diffrence between commands: "mkfs -t vfat" and "mkfs.vfat" ?04:50
AndroidHackerbeepie, yea i totally forgot about that.. thanks04:50
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AndroidHackereasyOnMe, i would go commandline come04:50
beepieAndroidHacker, think of it as a "zip"-password kind of thing, but the zip file contains the actual key file for the ssh process04:51
AndroidHackerright right04:51
beepieAndroidHacker, you can use ssh-agent to store passphrases so you don't have to remember them04:51
beepieAndroidHacker, (ssh-agent protects the passphrases in it's own encryption container)04:51
rypervenchebrandonphuong: They are the same thing.04:51
AndroidHackeranything similar to like a keyring?04:51
brandonphuongThanks rypervenche04:52
TragicM3LONanyone have exp with LIRC?04:52
Ionicnmatrix9: still nothing?04:52
nmatrix9Ionic, still the same let me post a image of the boot error first so you can see the errors given04:52
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, what exactly are you trying to transfer?? you can just use scp04:53
_RaizDoes ubuntu comes with non-free software pre-installed?04:53
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: I want to uploade my app that uses the recent version of codeigniter04:53
xangua_Raiz: yes, do you have an ubunt support question¿04:54
Ionicnmatrix9: I won't be around too long... actually I should go to bed about now04:54
_RaizWhat is the non-free software it comes with by default?04:54
nmatrix9Ionic, http://imagebin.ca/v/28L8Q4ZvuB7R04:54
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, oh ok.. do you know how to use scp?04:54
eguneysI can't display unicode echo -e '\u03bb' outputs \u03bb. please help04:54
MACscranyone doing bonding on their 14.04 servers and havent had the greatest luck using the method described on the ubuntu wiki?04:55
beepie_Raiz, you'd have to check the ubuntu wiki to turn on univers,multivers, ..etc..04:55
Ionicnmatrix9: okay, the initramfs exists, but it's not including the right modules. maybe sudo update-initramfs -u -k all helps?04:55
beepie_Raiz, and "restricted" repositories in order to use those04:55
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nmatrix9Ionic, Ok I thought I did that command before04:56
Ionicnmatrix9: you did -c for create before04:56
Ionic-u will update all initrd's04:56
TragicM3LONif anyone can help with this i'll be forever greatful. I got 2 Raspberry Pi devices to stream from. They both use the Apple TV Remote. Now when I use controller A it controls both A and B. If i use controller B it does same thing?04:56
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, the scp syntax is as follows -> scp /home/user/file.zip sshuser@sshserver.com:/path/to/dest04:56
Ionicfun fact: if you slice grapes almost in half, put them into a microwave and turn the microwave on, you'll get bursts of plasma04:57
AndroidHackerso, basically exactly the same as cp command04:57
MACscrTragicM3LON: how is that not expected?04:57
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: yup04:57
TragicM3LONMACscr, i dunno04:57
TragicM3LONi'm new to this shit04:57
beepieTragicM3LON, try putting one of the rpi in another room04:57
easyOnMeso in my case its like this04:57
TragicM3LONthey are in diff rooms04:57
beepieTragicM3LON, lol04:57
nmatrix9Ionic, yeah it is late I'll reboot one last time either way I'll update you tomorrow04:57
MACscrjust like if you have two tv's that are the same model, you will have the same issue04:57
beepieTragicM3LON, dunno04:58
AndroidHackershoulda got something better than the rpi204:58
MACscrhas nothign to do with the rpi04:58
TragicM3LONit's not the poi04:58
easyOnMescp /var/www/html/codeigniter/
TragicM3LONsomething to do with lirc04:58
easyOnMenow my question is this04:58
MACscrthe rpi2 is great for streaming04:58
MACscrTragicM3LON: no, its the remotes. they both send the same singal04:58
easyOnMething is I prefer the drag and drop gui of filezilla04:58
easyOnMemakes me know where I am at the directory structure04:59
MACscri dont know why you would think anythign different04:59
TragicM3LONright, but when i programmed them, i would hvae thought ithe'yd be different commands04:59
MACscryou thought wrong04:59
MACscrthis is basic and has nothing to do with computers04:59
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, your command is mostly correct except you need the -r (for recursion) because its a directory05:00
AndroidHackeror, when using a directory05:00
MACscrhow else do you think you can buy a replacement remote for a device unless it uses the same commands as the old one?05:00
easyOnMeso can you show me the correct command then05:00
TragicM3LONwell you have to program them in05:00
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, scp -r /var/www/html... ...05:00
TragicM3LONbut ya i get what you're saying05:00
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: at this stage05:00
MACscrmost IR remotes send the same thing. RF remotes can work a bit differently sometimes05:01
easyOnMecan i just generate a new ssh key with my droplet in digital ocean(DO)05:01
MACscrTragicM3LON: easy solution is to just buy a different remote for your second one05:01
TragicM3LONMACscr, so is there no way to edit the lircd. to fix it05:01
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: have you tried using droplets in DO before05:01
nmatrix9Ionic, didn't work05:01
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, well do you have access to the machine currently?05:01
MACscrno, the issue again is the remote05:01
MACscrthey are the same thing05:01
easyOnMeI have05:01
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, yes, i know DO and vultr05:01
Ionicnmatrix9: okay, that means more debugging is needed, I don't have any recommendation as-is05:02
easyOnMething is I forgot some to the commands05:02
nmatrix9Ionic, ok05:02
MACscrTragicM3LON: personally i prefer 2.4ghz remotes with my media clients05:02
nmatrix9Ionic, go to bed we can talk later05:02
MACscrhave a small keyboard on them as well and are only about $1505:02
easyOnMeI remember I was just following the tutorial on configuring my server strictly using the tutorial provided by DO05:02
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, just generate ssh key pair on your pc and then scp the id_rsa.pub to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys05:02
easyOnMething is I failed to note down the exact commands I used before05:02
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: can I just use filezilla05:03
Ionicnmatrix9: night, not sure I'll have time (or ideas) though05:03
easyOnMeI want a visual of the directory structure where I am uploading my folders05:03
easyOnMeto my vps05:03
AndroidHackerwhatever you can do to get id_rsa.pub on your server @ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys05:03
nmatrix9Ionic, I appreciate you helping me either way05:04
AndroidHackerwhether CLI or GUI05:04
nmatrix9Ionic, thanks05:04
AndroidHackerdoesnt matter05:04
eguneysI can't display unicode echo -e '\u03bb' outputs \u03bb. please help05:05
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, all you need to do is wipe out your existing ssh keys IF you want to start fresh05:05
AndroidHackerthen run "ssh-keygen -t rsa"05:05
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: but I need to connect to my DO droplet right05:05
AndroidHackerand copy the pub file05:05
AndroidHackerno, not to generate the key05:06
easyOnMeI am now looking for that tutorial in DO05:06
AndroidHackerthat tutorial will just confuse you05:06
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: but thing is in my .ssh folder right now05:06
easyOnMeI also have some keys there that I generated when I connected to github05:06
easyOnMeoh ok05:06
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: so you mind walking me through the steps05:07
AndroidHackerwell u can name the keys anything you want05:07
AndroidHackerright now, on your PC run ssh-keygen -t rsa05:07
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: in the ubuntu terminal you mean05:08
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: Enter file in which to save the key (/home/erwin/.ssh/id_rsa):05:09
easyOnMewhat shall I do05:09
easyOnMeprovide the file name05:09
easyOnMeI mean a new file name05:09
AndroidHackerwhen it asks you to store the file in home/user/.ssh/idrsa bla bla bla.. enter in a new directly, like /home/bob/newkey/id_rsa05:09
AndroidHackeror give it a diff name05:09
OerHeks"wait" :-D05:10
* AndroidHacker waits05:10
* beepie frozen on beep05:11
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: sorry man05:13
AndroidHackerno prob05:13
easyOnMeI just completed it05:13
easyOnMenow I have the keys05:13
easyOnMehow will I use to communicate with my droplet in do then05:13
vkssguys , my power inidicator on ubuntu 14.04 is not updating. Any solution05:13
beepiewhat's a droplet ? dropbox shutff and sthings?05:13
AndroidHackerno beepie, VPS05:14
easyOnMebeepie: yeha vps05:14
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, run this in terminal (adjust accordingly) - "scp ~/somedir/new_key.pub user@server.com:/home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys05:15
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: ok05:15
AndroidHackersorry lol im a moron05:15
AndroidHackerno nevermind, you can do that05:15
AndroidHackergo ahead and edit that command and run it05:16
* AndroidHacker is truly a moron05:16
vksshi  my power inidicator on ubuntu 14.04 is not updating. Any solution05:17
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AndroidHackerdo what the normal computer user does.. pound the keyboard, smash the monitor, cuss and yell05:18
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: man05:19
easyOnMejust one sec05:19
easyOnMeI am trying to connect to my drople via ssh command05:20
easyOnMeI am not able to05:20
AndroidHackerdid u run the scp command and it went thru ok?05:20
easyOnMeI am using this ssh -p username@
easyOnMeI am not able to log in to the droplet's terminal05:20
AndroidHackerwhat about the scp command05:20
easyOnMeno I am not uploading files yet05:20
AndroidHackerno, you run scp from your terminal, NOT on the server05:21
easyOnMeI am just trying to check whether I can go is05:21
easyOnMeyeah I got that05:21
AndroidHackerand why are u using -p for?05:21
easyOnMebut what I am doing right now is trying to connect to my own droplet05:21
easyOnMeit was the command I joted down back then when I did this command05:21
easyOnMepart of the tutorial from DO05:22
AndroidHackerno, its just ssh user@server05:22
easyOnMeback then i am able to connect05:22
beepieAndroidHacker, who calls VPS a droplet?05:22
AndroidHackerunless you use a different port05:22
AndroidHacker-p is for port05:22
AndroidHackerbeepie, digitalocean.com, a vps provider, calls them "droplets"05:22
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: could it be that my configuration in DO has changed05:23
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, this is not that difficult05:23
easyOnMeas the droplet's ip addressed has also changed05:23
AndroidHackeryou said you had access to the vps05:23
easyOnMeI remember my ip addressed was changed when I got delayed in my payments05:24
AndroidHackerok but that doesnt matter05:24
easyOnMeso when I got my droplet restarted I got a new ip05:24
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: yup05:24
AndroidHackerif your running a vps you should know how to get to it05:24
easyOnMeI just want to access again its been two months since I accessed it05:24
AndroidHackerjust use the web interface on the digitalocean website05:24
easyOnMeI used succeed accessing it05:25
easyOnMenow I am wondering what I did wrong05:25
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, i would switch to vultr.com - faster SSDs, and about 20% cheaper05:25
AndroidHackeralso faster cores05:25
AndroidHackerand you can get 50 dollar credit for a new account05:25
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: ok I will take note on that05:25
OerHeksmake sure the keys have #600 and the ~/.ssh folder has #700 permissions05:25
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: but I got to go through the hussles of setting and configuring my server again05:26
AndroidHackeri highly doubt you did that much setup considering you cant even connect to it =]05:26
AndroidHackerhaha i had to say that sorry im just kidding05:26
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, whenever u get SSH access working properly, use the scp command to copy the key05:27
AndroidHackerand you should be good05:27
AndroidHackeryou might need to add the local ssh key to your ssh-agent, but thats another story05:27
easyOnMeyou really wanted me to use scp instead of sftp05:27
AndroidHackerit doesnt matter how the file gets there, it just needs to get there05:28
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: ok05:29
easyOnMewhich one is more secure though05:29
easyOnMescp or sftp05:30
Smedleshi all...05:31
Smedlesjust moved my ubuntu server install to a new server - checking dmesg logs, I'm seeing messages like:05:31
Smedles[30477.770946]  sdc: unknown partition table05:31
Smedles[30477.839805]  sdd: unknown partition table05:31
Tex_Nickaren't they both OpenSSH based . so 128bit rsa ?05:31
Smedlessdc is a ssd with the OS on it05:31
Smedlessdd is a microsd card used for grub and swap05:32
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, i dunno05:33
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: ok05:34
easyOnMethanks man05:34
easyOnMeI keep you posted once I am done05:34
easyOnMehow long have you been using vultr by the way05:34
AndroidHackerSmedles, what u using? udoo?05:34
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, about 6 months05:34
AndroidHackeri switched from DO05:34
easyOnMeoh ok05:34
AndroidHackeralso, you can install custom ISOs with vulr05:35
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: are you a developer too05:35
AndroidHackerdoes my name not give you a clue ? ;)05:35
AndroidHackerandroid dev yes05:35
SmedlesAndroidHacker: udoo? os is ubuntu server 15.0405:35
marcos_hello, i'm using ubuntu!! :D05:36
AndroidHackerSmedles, nevermind..05:37
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marcos_I return after a long time...05:37
marcos_I was forgetting many things05:38
AndroidHackeryou aint missed nothing great, i assure you that05:39
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: I manage to access my droplet in my console05:41
easyOnMewhen I run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade05:42
easyOnMeit run everything but in the end there is a message05:42
easyOnMe3 not upgraded05:42
easyOnMeI run sudo apt-get upgrade05:42
easyOnMestill it says 3 not upgrade05:42
easyOnMewhat shall I do to upgrade those 3 stuff05:42
easyOnMewhat command shall I use to force ubuntu to upgrade05:43
cfhowlettforce?  don't force!05:43
AndroidHackerits not upgrading for a reason05:43
cfhowletteasyOnMe, they were not upgraded for good reason.05:43
easyOnMecfhowlett: why05:43
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: why05:43
AndroidHackermost likely package confliction05:44
easyOnMeoh ok05:44
cfhowletteasyOnMe, when the packages are ready, the upgrade will work.  patience.   also: from time to time: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade          to get new kernels and packages.05:44
easyOnMecfhowlett: thanks for that advice05:44
easyOnMeI learn a new thing again05:45
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, i forget but does the DO terminal support copy/paste on the command line?05:45
AndroidHackerif not, figure out why you cant connect to it.. maybe you dont know the password?05:46
AndroidHackerim not sure why you are having so many problems05:46
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, right now on the vps terminal, see if a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file exists... i bet this is why you cant connect05:47
AndroidHackerif it does, wipe it05:47
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: ok hang on05:48
easyOnMeI was issuing sudo apt-get autoremove05:48
easyOnMeI just did sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it upgraded those 3 items I was referring to05:49
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, ls ~/.ssh/autho*05:49
cfhowletteasyOnMe, see?  fixed itself.  without force.05:49
easyOnMecfhowlett: yeah05:49
easyOnMethanks for the advice man05:50
cfhowletteasyOnMe, happy2help!05:50
MarcWwhat is the point of encrypting "home folder" if we use full disk encryption? I don't get why Ubuntu install propose both at the same time.05:50
tonyyarussoMarcW: Full disk stuff is decrypted the entire time the system is on, whereas home folders are only decrypted while the user is logged in.05:52
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: it gave me this root/.ssh/authorized_keys05:52
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, rm -rf ~/.ssh/authorized_keys05:52
beepieMarcW, because it can slow disk access05:53
beepieMarcW, to a crawl05:53
tonyyarussoeasyOnMe: dist-upgrade.05:53
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: successfully removed05:54
moobaseis there a keyboard shortcut for "pasting" marked text instead of clicking the middle mouse button?05:54
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: now what05:55
AndroidHackernow try to connect to your vps via ssh05:55
AndroidHackerif it works, scp that file05:55
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: hang on05:55
easyOnMethe command05:55
easyOnMesudo apt-get purge is for what purpose05:56
gnomedAny gnome shell user here?05:56
gnomedI need help05:56
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, please, lets just get this ssh working05:56
AndroidHackerits been over an houer05:56
MarcWtonyyarusso, beepie: do u think its necessary to have both at the same time? dont u think its overkill?05:57
Tex_Nickmoobase: in what application, terminal ?05:57
moobaseHow do I find out what's causing this? (it's waking my disk up all the time) http://pastebin.com/xCL9PhUX05:57
AndroidHackerapt-get --purge will remove config files along with the package05:57
moobaseAndroidHacker: is that the right way to uninstall stuff?05:57
AndroidHackersudo apt-get remove --purge pkgname05:57
AndroidHackermoobase, dunno05:57
tonyyarussoMarcW: Depends entirely on what you're trying to protect against.  Certainly there are situations where both could be appropriate.05:58
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: man the terminal is hanging up05:59
easyOnMeno connection time out05:59
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: is it because of the way it was configure back then when I was strictly following the tutorial from DO06:00
AndroidHackermaybe you just need to reboot it06:00
AndroidHackerreboot the server06:00
AndroidHackerand try ssh again06:00
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: when you say reboot you mean06:01
AndroidHackeri mean reboot06:02
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: power off the droplet from DO06:02
easyOnMeor I reboot my laptop06:02
AndroidHackerthe server06:02
easyOnMehow do I reboot the server06:02
easyOnMeso I need to go back to the DO console again06:03
easyOnMewhat command shall I issue then06:03
AndroidHackerare you totally new to linux?06:04
AndroidHackersudo reboot06:04
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: just barely one year of using it06:04
easyOnMebut I am happy learning it06:04
easyOnMewhile developing06:04
AndroidHackeruve been using linux for 1 year and dont know sudo reboot?06:04
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: yeah06:05
easyOnMethe only know I reboot is to use the gui06:05
easyOnMeshutdown or restart06:05
easyOnMeI am dummy to linux command at this stage06:05
AndroidHackerdood, you need to get WAY more acquanted with terminal06:05
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: yup06:06
AndroidHackerwhat happens when your gui crashes?06:06
easyOnMerebooting completed06:06
AndroidHackerbecause if it hasnt, it will06:06
easyOnMeI just issued the ssh root@ip_address06:06
easyOnMestill waiting06:06
easyOnMehope no problem this time around06:07
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: I am wondering how come this time around it is no longer that quick as before06:07
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: man connection time out06:08
beepieeasyOnMe, oh sorry I was on the ssh server06:09
beepieeasyOnMe, haha06:09
easyOnMebeepie: I cannot connect to my vps06:10
easyOnMekeeps on saying time out06:10
AndroidHackerur connecting as root right?06:10
darkxploiteasy on me which vps06:10
AndroidHackerwhat about firewall?06:10
beepiemaybe he locked himself out06:11
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: yup06:11
AndroidHackergo back to the do term06:11
darkxploituse telnet <ipaadress of ur vps> 2206:11
easyOnMewhich terminal06:11
AndroidHackersudo ufw status06:11
easyOnMemy laptop or the server's terminal06:11
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: it says active06:12
the0_ok does anyone have any experience using the fingerprint-gui, im able to make it pass all tests, except only in the ubuntu display (gnome it doesn't work and probably because i installed gnome after i installed the fingerprint stuff) , but even in the standard ubuntu display it still doesn't ask me for my fingerprint scan06:12
AndroidHackersudo ufw allow 2206:12
the0_btw i know for a fact that my hardware is supported, i think its just a config issue06:13
AndroidHackeror better yet06:13
AndroidHackersudo ufw allow from <your_ip_address>06:13
beepiedarkxploit, telnet?06:14
beepiedarkxploit, lol06:14
beepiedarkxploit, nice killer joke06:14
easyOnMeok I just issued the command06:14
fancyfetushey guys06:14
beepiedarkxploit, use -v with ssh06:14
the0_hey beepie , help me out here ? :)06:14
easyOnMehow can I undo it and just allow my ip address only to access06:14
AndroidHackerjust leave it like this for now06:14
AndroidHackertry to SSH in again06:14
fancyfetusI'm trying to install windows 10 preview before installing ubuntu along side.06:14
AndroidHackerand dont close the DO terminal06:14
beepiethe0_, fingerprint scan?06:14
beepiethe0_, wtf is that?06:14
easyOnMeit says connection refused06:15
easyOnMewhat is going on now man06:15
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, goto DO terminal and do - sudo ufw allow from <ip>06:15
beepieeasyOnMe, you did a funny thing, you locked yourself out06:15
AndroidHacker<ip> being your IP address, your WAN address06:15
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, dood, what port is SSH running on? 22?06:16
AndroidHackerhow did he lock himself out?06:16
beepiethe0_, that's pam stuff06:17
beepiethe0_, what device are you using?/or would be?06:17
the0_yep , any help ? is there a better channel for that ?06:17
beepiethe0_, dunno, maybe there is06:17
easyOnMebeepie: how did I lock myself out06:17
the0_as in my laptop or my biometric scanner ?06:17
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, what port is ssh using on your server06:18
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: I do not know06:18
AndroidHackerwell it matters06:18
the0_it basically allows me to run one finger across my scanner and it logs me in or give me sudo access when requested06:18
rypervencheeasyOnMe: Did you set AllowUsers in your SSH config?06:18
easyOnMehow come I cannot connect to my port 22 now after we issued the sudo ufw06:18
easyOnMerypervenche: I do not know06:18
easyOnMehow will I know06:19
AndroidHackeryou shouldnt have to06:19
rypervencheI know it's in DigitalOcean's documentation for setting up SSH.06:19
AndroidHackerits automagic06:19
fancyfetusWhy is uefi stuff not more automated yet?06:19
fancyfetusseems like such a pain in the ass.06:19
beepiethe0_, if the package/setup doesn't setup pam for you, you'll have to edit pam files and that can be tricky, add on top of that anything needed as for modprobing drivers, dbus, etc..  that's why i asked for the device --perhaps there's a wiki already for it06:19
AndroidHackerim done now06:20
AndroidHackergood luck06:20
the0_well if you look at that link, the manual is great and theres even a device specific part for me to follow I just don't know how to get from point a to b, to do it06:21
the0_let me look up my exact thing again, ill be using lsusb i think06:21
beepiethe0_, so i guess its an sgs thomson you're using06:21
the0_147e:1000 Upek Biometric Touchchip/Touchstrip Fingerprint Sensor06:21
beepiethe0_, if you use lspci -k , it'll show drivers loaded , perhaps one is "loaded" for it06:22
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: one more thing06:22
beepiethe0_, if not you'll have to modprobe the right driver06:22
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: just this one06:22
easyOnMehow will I undo the command sudo ufw 2206:22
easyOnMehow will I undo the command sudo ufw allow 2206:23
easyOnMeplease just this one06:23
easyOnMeI will try to trace back what I did the last time06:23
the0_im pretty sure drivers aren't an issue because the fingerprint-gui, has recorded my prints, and tests successful, or do u think i might still need a driver06:23
easyOnMejust want it back to the way it was06:23
easyOnMeso that I can retrace my steps06:23
beepieeasyOnMe, depending on your firewall, don't forget you also have to let traffic out, if it's not "ACCEPT" as the default policy06:23
easyOnMebeepie: ok so I will I undo sudo ufw allow 2206:23
easyOnMebeepie: what happens if sudo ufw allow 22 is issued as a command06:25
the0_did you get that beepie06:25
beepieeasyOnMe, i don't use ufw, but you can list items with iptables -L -n , you can temporarily just use an ACCEPT policy if you're just working in a lan environment (iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT, iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT)06:26
beepiethe0_, oh06:27
the0_does that make sense ?06:27
beepiethe0_, so it's something to do with just usage inside a gui session then06:27
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: are you still around06:27
beepiethe0_, you'll have to see if you're missing anything pam06:27
beepiethe0_, you can verify this in /etc/pam* .. there's guides online i'm sure06:28
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: what's the effect of sudo ufw allow 2206:28
AndroidHackerdont get him started with iptables come on seriously06:28
AndroidHackerit just opens port 2206:28
beepieAndroidHacker, nobody is06:28
beepieknock off the firewall06:29
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, i have about 10 things in my head right now that could be causing this connection problem06:29
AndroidHackeryou could have the config file set to use ssh keys ONLY06:29
beepieif -P INPUT/OUTPUT ACCEPT still locks out port 22, then it's not a firewall issue06:29
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: likely06:30
beepieeasyOnMe, netstat -plutn06:30
beepieeasyOnMe, should say port 2206:30
easyOnMeI remember I created another account06:30
the0_The installation package installs default settings for UKEK devices that require NVM emulation. However it might be necessary to fine tune these settings. Below are quoted some excerpts from the documentation for UPEK fingerprint scanners:06:30
beepieeasyOnMe, if it still fails, then it's your routing/networking/driver06:30
the0_how do i find out if my ukek device requires nvm emulation ?06:31
beepieeasyOnMe, or maybe you did something weird on the client side06:31
easyOnMebeepie: no it didnt06:31
AndroidHackerhell i suppose the entire serve could be offline06:31
beepieeasyOnMe, you can't even ping the other machine?06:31
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, ping google.com06:31
easyOnMe64 bytes blab blah06:32
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, at this point you might as well just destroy this server and create a new one06:32
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: let me try on more time06:32
easyOnMeto connect ssh to my server06:32
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config06:33
AndroidHackerdoes it say anywhere passwordauth no06:33
AndroidHackerif it does, change it to yes06:33
the0_bleepie, did you get that06:34
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, also cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -i port06:35
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: you are referring to the terminal in DO right06:35
AndroidHackerplease check those both now06:35
AndroidHackerdam im starting to wonder if you even have sshd installed06:36
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, if you want my continued help im going to need some quicker response times please06:37
AndroidHackerthis is dragging out too long06:37
the0_androidhacker, help me i will answer fast :)06:37
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: ok06:37
easyOnMeI got it06:37
easyOnMeit listed a lot of things06:37
AndroidHackeri know nothing of what u speak the0_ sorry =[06:37
easyOnMewhat details do you need06:37
the0_and bleepie, the one who does is m.i.a. and uninterested :(06:38
AndroidHackereasy lets start with cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep Password06:38
tonyyarussoeasyOnMe, AndroidHacker: I haven't quite followed this (long) exchange - could you summarize the issue again?06:38
AndroidHackercant connect06:38
the0_tony help me instead :)06:38
beepieeasyOnMe, so you didn't seem to check netstat -plutn haha06:39
tonyyarussoAndroidHacker: More specific?  I assume trying to connect via SSH obviously, but as which user, and with what type of failure?06:39
beepieeasyOnMe, does it work yet?06:39
the0_help me beepie!06:39
AndroidHackertonyyarusso, who knows man.. im not getting any info06:39
tonyyarussothe0_: I don't think I know anything about your issue unfortunately :(06:39
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: PermitEmptyPasswords no06:39
easyOnMe#PasswordAuthentication yes06:39
easyOnMe# PasswordAuthentication.  Depending on your PAM configuration,06:39
easyOnMe# PAM authentication, then enable this but set PasswordAuthentication06:39
beepiethe0_, you'd have to check the pam files06:40
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, ok06:40
AndroidHackernext do06:40
beepiethe0_, see if it's all configured properly06:40
the0_ok, check them for what ?06:40
AndroidHackercat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -i port06:40
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: let me update you a bit06:40
tonyyarussoeasyOnMe: What user are you trying to SSH in with, and what type of failure / error are you getting?06:40
easyOnMetonyyarusso: cannot connect for sftp06:40
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, please just run the command06:41
tonyyarussoeasyOnMe: "cannot connect" is not specific.  What's happening?06:41
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: just now I manage to connect via ssh using a different user and port06:41
easyOnMetonyyarusso: brb to you06:41
easyOnMejust need to follow AndroidHacker06:41
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: PermitEmptyPasswords no06:42
easyOnMe#PasswordAuthentication yes06:42
easyOnMe# PasswordAuthentication.  Depending on your PAM configuration,06:42
easyOnMe# PAM authentication, then enable this but set PasswordAuthentication06:42
easyOnMeadmin@www:~$ cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -i port06:42
easyOnMe# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for (Used to be Port 22)06:42
easyOnMePort 777706:42
AndroidHackerTHERES THE PROBLEM06:42
beepiethe0_, maybe this is still relevant - http://fabianrodriguez.com/blog/2008/03/fingerprint-authentication-in-ubuntu/06:42
AndroidHackerssh -p 7777 user@server06:42
AndroidHackernow, go into the server and secure this shit06:43
AndroidHackersudo ufw allow from <ip>06:43
easyOnMei did ifconfig06:43
AndroidHackeryou need your wan ip address of the client06:43
AndroidHackeryour laptop06:43
easyOnMethat's what I did earlier06:44
easyOnMebut just to confirm06:44
easyOnMei did ifconfig06:44
AndroidHackerwell if your behind a router ifconfig will show you lan ip06:44
AndroidHackerwhich will not help you in this case06:44
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easyOnMeAndroidHacker: this is what I got
easyOnMewhen I did the command06:45
easyOnMeI am just using my own laptop here at home and no lanhere06:45
easyOnMeso that is my ip address right06:45
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, now that you can SSH into this, open a new teminal on laptop and scp sshey.pub user@server:~/.ssh/authorized_keys06:46
tonyyarussoeasyOnMe: Unless you're doing some EXTREMELY weird stuff, which we know you're not because if you were capable of such things you wouldn't be asking these questions, you most certainly have a LAN at home.06:46
tonyyarussoBut it may be transparent :)06:46
easyOnMetonyyarusso: do not get you man06:47
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, focus06:47
easyOnMeI use ifconfig all the time because I do web development06:47
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: sorry06:47
AndroidHackerscp your_sshkey.pub user@server:~/.ssh/authorized_keys06:48
moobaseso.. dbus is constantly scanning for new devices? (it's waking my sdb up)06:48
beepieeasyOnMe, you ever done an ssh from "internet->ISP->homeSSHserver" before? (or is this the first time?)06:48
beepieeasyOnMe, if so, then it is possible your ISP can be block regular service ports06:48
beepieeasyOnMe, some ISPs do this06:48
easyOnMebeepie: I did a few times but not really very familiar in all these stuff06:48
the0_ok beepie, so when trying to put the changes, it won't let me save because it is a read only, how do i get my permission to change it06:48
easyOnMehang on fellas android wants me to do something give me a minute06:48
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: you mean like this06:49
AndroidHackerafter you get that ssh key into your auth files you should be golden06:49
the0_how do you edit an auth file06:49
the0_i need to add two lines, to /etc/pam.d/common-auth06:50
AndroidHackernano <file>06:50
AndroidHackersudo it most likely06:50
the0_ok i was trying to do it in txt editor06:50
AndroidHackerthats fine too06:50
AndroidHackernano is a console text editor06:51
the0_ok, how do i get sudo permission when editing it06:51
AndroidHackerjust open a terminal and do "sudo gedit <file>06:51
AndroidHackeror w/e text editor you use06:51
easyOnMescp /home/bob/.ssh/do_keys/id_rsa.pub root@
easyOnMeok one sec06:52
AndroidHackercept i cant believe you just did that on open channel06:52
=== L235 is now known as L235_
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused06:54
easyOnMelost connection06:54
AndroidHackeru need to specify port06:54
easyOnMescp /home/bob/.ssh/do_keys/id_rsa.pub -p 7777 root@
beepieeasyOnMe, you can speed up ssh logins by using "UseDNS no" in sshd_config06:54
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: how06:54
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, scp -P 7777 .......06:54
AndroidHackerwith scp, its capital P06:55
AndroidHackerssh is lowercase.. retarded i know06:55
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easyOnMeAndroidHacker: ok done06:56
AndroidHackeryour done06:56
AndroidHackerand set06:56
AndroidHackernow u should be able to SSH in without a password06:56
AndroidHackerwell, now you need to add the ssh key on your laptop to the ssh-agent06:56
the0_ok now that i added those changes how do i restart pam or whatever06:57
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: how06:57
easyOnMehow come I still got this06:57
easyOnMessh root@
easyOnMessh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused06:57
AndroidHackerdood stop playing with me06:57
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: I am not06:57
AndroidHackeryour not using port 2206:57
beepieyeah dude he wouldn't answer me when i asked twice to type netstat -plutn06:58
beepiepleh! I give up!06:58
beepiesorry easyOnMe !06:58
the0_ok beepie i added those changes and nothing06:58
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, remember - ssh -p 777706:58
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: ok sorry06:59
beepiethe0_, sorry man06:59
easyOnMebeepie: I did netstat -plutn it says some errors06:59
beepiethe0_, i don't know much on this area, but it definitely should be possible06:59
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, on your laptop you need to ssh-add ~/the_private_key_you_created_earlier06:59
AndroidHackernot the .pub07:00
beepieAndroidHacker, not the .pub to where?07:00
the0_ok well im gonna go through the manual that they gave with it, and can you help me out on the way ?07:00
beepieAndroidHacker, ssh -i <priv key> is the command07:00
beepieAndroidHacker, in case you're helping him07:00
AndroidHackeri thought that was for like a one time use07:00
AndroidHackerssh -i <privkey> ...07:00
beepieAndroidHacker, no every use07:00
beepieAndroidHacker, ssh -v, would show what rsa priv keys are checked if one is too lazy to use -i07:01
AndroidHackeri thought you could ssh-add <privkey> to NOT have to specificy it when u connect07:01
easyOnMeok so what is it now07:01
beepieAndroidHacker, if he's using the ssh-agent07:01
beepieAndroidHacker, but he has to be running the ssh-agent07:02
AndroidHackerwell i guess i just assumed it was standard07:02
easyOnMeyeah I remember an ssh-agent was used before07:02
beepieAndroidHacker, i also mentioned this long ago07:02
beepieAndroidHacker, but it's useless anyways07:02
easyOnMeI remember in the tutorial ask me to paste something07:02
beepieAndroidHacker, because you told him not to set a passphrase with key generation07:02
AndroidHackerbeepie, lol, its been a LONG night, forgive me for being fried right now lol07:02
easyOnMeno problem man07:03
beepieAndroidHacker, it's only useful if you set a passphrase but in his case you omitted to using -N with ssh-keygen07:03
easyOnMebeepie: so how is this going to proceed07:03
beepieeasyOnMe, you seem to have a routing issue07:03
AndroidHackerbeepie, i totally believe you but i dont know all of those details07:04
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beepieeasyOnMe, I suppose you did iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT, and iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT, since it's behind a firewall anyways (the routing box)07:04
beepieeasyOnMe, but i offered to help much sooner ;-)07:04
* beepie won't repeat himself! mwhahahaa07:05
beepietoo many steps and "ifs" sorry07:05
easyOnMebeepie: no problem07:05
* beepie also is tired 07:05
AndroidHackerthe problem this entire time was because he wasnt using the right port07:05
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: ok now if everyone is tired its ok07:06
AndroidHackernow for real im done07:06
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: I appreciate your effort man07:06
easyOnMeno issues here07:06
easyOnMeI am humbled and flattered you guys offered help07:06
easyOnMeyou guys are tired07:06
easyOnMeits ok07:06
easyOnMeI will try to figure this out myself07:06
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, look into adding that private key into your "keyring", per se07:06
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: how07:07
beepieuh you didn't read AndroidHacker07:07
beepieAndroidHacker, what did i say about ssh-keygen?07:07
AndroidHackerim not arguing about this, im going to bed07:07
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: hey wait07:07
easyOnMeI think I got in07:07
beepieAndroidHacker, not arguing07:07
AndroidHackerthese are the exact same steps i used07:07
beepieAndroidHacker, he's not even using a "passphrase" for his keys07:07
easyOnMeI used filezilla and it seems to show me the file structure07:07
beepieAndroidHacker, a passpharse is like a "zip lock password"07:07
AndroidHackerwait, i see what u mean nevermind07:08
beepieAndroidHacker, so if someone steals the key files they can't open these files without knowing the passphrase, think of it as a "password" but for the file only07:08
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easyOnMeAndroidHacker: I got it man07:08
easyOnMenow my question is how will I configure my server so that it will open my codeigniter up once I upload it07:09
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: I do not see any /var/www07:09
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, just in general do some ssh research and learn more about it07:09
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: ok will do07:09
AndroidHackergood night07:09
easyOnMebut for now need to please my boss07:09
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easyOnMelast one man07:09
easyOnMehow shall I establish a root folder for the website07:09
the0_suck his penis that will please him !! lol07:10
easyOnMecurrently my site shows ubuntu info07:10
easyOnMethe0_: manners07:10
easyOnMethe0_: and language07:10
easyOnMethe0_: lol07:10
AndroidHackerlanguage == english07:10
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: lol07:10
easyOnMeno man I was referring to theo07:10
AndroidHackeri know me too07:10
the0_he knows lol07:10
easyOnMewhat I mean is when you have developing locally in your laptop07:10
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: lol07:10
easyOnMethe localhost refers to /var/www/html as the root foler07:11
easyOnMewhat about in my DO server07:11
easyOnMehow shall i do it and establish a root folder07:11
AndroidHackerwhole nother topic man.. i got to get to bed.. i have work in the AM07:11
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: ok but at least lead me to an online resource that I can read on07:12
AndroidHackergoogle.com has 99.9% of the information you seek07:12
AndroidHackergood nighyt07:12
the0_good night07:12
easyOnMethe0_: any ideas man07:12
rudi-is-mewhat are my options with regards to ubuntu destop as media server as well as NAS for windows and mac? I'm just doing a bit of research, but will test it on my current ubuntu 14.x desktop first07:12
easyOnMebeepie: can you help me out07:13
the0_whats your question ?07:14
the0_really there are very good tutorials on google for ssh, ftp, etc07:14
beepiegn gtg07:16
beepieeasyOnMe, sorry!07:16
rudi-is-methe0_ was that for me?07:17
patero-ngI want to know how to install ubuntu on my usb drive like if it was a hd and make it bootable07:17
rudi-is-mepatero-ng try http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ there is a lot of info on your question07:19
rudi-is-meas well as all the apps and stuff you need to do it07:19
patero-ngThank you vaby07:20
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: man thanks for your help07:21
easyOnMebeepie: no problem07:21
easyOnMebeepie: thanks07:21
easyOnMeanyone here who has been a web admin or is currently a web master using ubuntu server07:21
tonyyarussoeasyOnMe: Better to just get to your real question than ask vague ones like that.07:22
easyOnMetonyyarusso: ok this is my concern07:22
easyOnMeI am facing my server file directory07:23
easyOnMethis is what I know07:23
easyOnMeright now my localhost points to the /var/www/html/ folder07:23
easyOnMehow do I make my server do the same thing to point to particular folder where I will upload my app07:23
easyOnMeand make it online07:24
easyOnMetonyyarusso: meaning get it real time07:24
easyOnMeup and running07:24
easyOnMetonyyarusso: so that visitors to my site can see the web pages I created07:24
easyOnMetonyyarusso: can you help me out on this07:25
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darkxploitwhat is the problem07:26
darkxploitplease be brief07:26
tonyyarussoeasyOnMe: ...that didn't make any sense.  "localhost" is a hostname - it doesn't "point to" a folder anywhere.  Similarly, your "server" will not "point to" a folder.07:26
bigobonyhow to install a module in python3 version07:26
darkxploitbigobony, use pip07:26
the0_dark exploit, i know you know stuff about pam.d :) am i right?07:26
easyOnMetonyyarusso: no what I mean is the localhost is the local server on my laptopthat I use for development07:26
easyOnMenow I want to deploy our company's app07:27
patero-ngRudy are you there07:27
easyOnMehow shall I establish a web root in our vps07:27
darkxploitthe0_, not sure07:27
easyOnMetonyyarusso: when developing we use this in our url07:27
easyOnMelocalhost/ci_project and the browser will load the web pages07:28
easyOnMebut this one works because the localhost is a server in our local machine07:28
easyOnMenow what about when we deploy into the vps07:28
darkxploitthe thing is that easyon me is not concise and is talking several things at the same time which makes it difficult to solve the problem07:28
easyOnMehow shall we do it07:28
FlanneleasyOnMe: Sounds like you want to copy your files to /var/www/html/ci_project then07:28
maxxeris it possible to disable upstart in 14.04? My system remains stuck after init-bottom07:29
easyOnMeinto the vps07:29
patero-ngRudy that site only tells me how to install linux live i want a full install on th ere drive07:29
easyOnMeFlannel: exactly man07:29
moobaseSO! Some desktop environments communicate with udev via dbus to discover new devices?07:29
easyOnMeFlannel: my question is this07:29
FlanneleasyOnMe: So... just put them there and make them readable by www-data.07:29
darkxploitthe0_, whats ur problem with PAM07:29
easyOnMewhat do you mean put them there07:29
easyOnMecurrently the directory structurs is home/admin/07:29
FlanneleasyOnMe: Copy (or move) the files to that folder.  No big deal.07:29
easyOnMeoh is it07:30
easyOnMejust paste everything inside home/admin07:30
the0_im trying to configure my fingerprint scanner , i found a package that does support mine, i got the package to take my prints, the package has a self-test for sudo , gnome screensaver, etc  i just don't get asked for my fingerprint when i try to check it outside the fingerprint-gui07:30
easyOnMethen when I refresh my site it will render the web pages07:30
FlanneleasyOnMe: No, inside /var/www/html/ci_project07:30
tonyyarussoeasyOnMe: It would be helpful if you took time to collect your thoughts and then type the whole situation out on one or two lines instead of drawn-out smatterings of partial information that are hard to follow...07:30
easyOnMetonyyarusso: I explained everything already to the best of abilities07:31
easyOnMesorry if it still not clear07:31
easyOnMeI am really sorry07:31
darkxploittonyyarusso, u r right.. i have been following easy on me some minutes.. that so difficult07:31
easyOnMeFlannel: do you mean I need to come up with a new folder07:31
easyOnMein my vps07:31
easyOnMejust like how it is structured in my laptop07:31
bigobonyno by pip its giving syntax error07:32
FlanneleasyOnMe: Um, I suppose so yeah.  You simply need to copy the files to the correct folder inside the document root of your web server.  Things inside your document root are served by the webserver.07:32
darkxploitbigobony, are u in the right virtualenv ?07:33
moobaseI don't get it.. is udev a part of the kernel or not? Also, is it udev that create/deletes files in /dev/*?07:33
easyOnMeFlannel: but currently when I manage to connect my filezilla this is the directory structure I got07:33
easyOnMeso my question is this07:33
FlanneleasyOnMe: right, /home/admin would be the home folder of the 'admin' user.  You need to be in /var/www/html07:33
easyOnMeI will just paste everything from /var/www/html/ci_project to home/admin07:34
darkxploiteasyOnMe, can u resume to us 1. your precheck, 2. your actions, and 3. your postcheck07:34
the0_darkxploit im trying to configure my fingerprint scanner , i found a package that does support mine, i got the package to take my prints, the package has a self-test for sudo , gnome screensaver, etc  i just don't get asked for my fingerprint when i try to check it outside the fingerprint-gui07:34
tonyyarussoeasyOnMe: Personally I'd set up a separate VirtualHost for an application normally, but that might not be necessary depending on what exactly you're doing with this.07:34
easyOnMedarkxploit: firstly, I just want to deploy my webpages for a start07:35
easyOnMemy actions is to upload the files07:35
DoYouKnowouch... using 184GB right now... can I enable compression on my drive?07:35
easyOnMemy post check is to see whether the web pages are rendered once I type my url and hit enter07:35
darkxploitok easyOnMe did u use tools like rsync -naiv07:35
FlanneleasyOnMe: No, thats backwards.  You want to copy stuff to /var/www/html.  Anything in there (and 'only' in there) is served via the webserver.07:35
easyOnMedarkxploit: no07:35
easyOnMenever heard of those07:35
easyOnMethis is my first time deploying07:36
easyOnMeI am a developer07:36
easyOnMethis job was chuck on me just yesterday07:36
darkxploiti mean from the preproduction platform to the production environment u can do u  rync in dryrun mode07:36
FlanneleasyOnMe: Please stop using the enter key as punctuation.  It makes it very difficult to follow your sentences.07:36
easyOnMedarkxploit: man thanks for introducing me to that07:36
easyOnMeI will be glad to learn07:36
easyOnMecan you point me to a resource where I might learn from07:36
darkxploiti dont know07:37
darkxploitso did u try to acess ur webpage through ip address07:37
darkxploitexplain me the platform schema07:37
darkxploitdo u have 2 web servers, load balancers etc...07:38
darkxploithow did u set up ur platform ?07:38
easyOnMedarkxploit: I just use a vps from digital ocean07:38
darkxploitdo u got ur domain name already07:38
easyOnMethe url is online and it points correctly07:38
easyOnMethe only thing is there is no files or pages to render07:39
darkxploiton the server document root07:39
easyOnMethat is why I want to learn how to establish a root folder for our company's web site07:39
patero-ng   Are you talking about a blog?07:39
easyOnMepatero-ng: are you asking me a question07:39
darkxploiteasyOnMe, do a netstat -ntpl paste it here07:39
darkxploitpatero-ng, wait wait i think i know his problem07:40
easyOnMedarkxploit: you mean issue this command from my laptop's terminal07:40
patero-ngYes :-*07:40
easyOnMepatero-ng: no07:40
easyOnMeI am deploying the partial parts of our company's app07:40
darkxploiteasyOnMe, fire the command netstat -ntpl on the server itself07:40
easyOnMedarkxploit: the server terminal07:41
easyOnMeone sec07:41
darkxploiteasyOnMe, yes07:41
moobaseso.. let's say that I rm -f udev. Now, I create a tmpfs called /dev. I'm going to by hand do what udev did. What set of tools do I use/man here?07:41
darkxploiteasyOnMe, why do u take so much time to launch a command07:42
easyOnMedarkxploit: Last login: Sun Jul 12 15:00:21 2015 from
easyOnMeadmin@www:~$ netstat -ntpl07:42
easyOnMe(No info could be read for "-p": geteuid()=1000 but you should be root.)07:42
easyOnMeActive Internet connections (only servers)07:42
easyOnMeProto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name07:42
easyOnMetcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      -07:42
darkxploiteasyOnMe, its obvious that ur webserver wont work07:43
darkxploitbecuase u have connected on ur console throught the port 7777 which is by defautl granted by digital ocean07:43
easyOnMedarkxploit: so what should I do07:43
the0_holy fuck will you babysit him privately07:44
easyOnMethe0_: I was instructed to paste it here ok07:44
easyOnMethe0_: please easyOnMe ok07:44
darkxploiteasyOnMe, 2snd thing is that there is no applications have apache or nginx working. IN this situation port 80 must listen07:44
easyOnMethis is my first time laying my hands on web admin job07:44
the0_yes you were also instructed not to enter after every little thought, seems you pick and choose which instructions to follow,07:44
darkxploiteasyOnMe, i guess u need to learn more about web server configurations etc..07:45
darkxploitthe0_,  here is the situation when someone dont know anything and try to explain thing which he knows07:45
easyOnMedarkxploit: o dear but I saw the web admin you quit yesterday installing all the php, apache and mysql stuff07:45
easyOnMewho quit07:46
tonyyarussothe0_: Please watch the language here - we want to keep this channel family and work friendly.07:46
darkxploiteasyOnMe, u need to do the basic configurations for ur VPS first07:46
easyOnMedarkxploit: ok can you please guide me here07:47
darkxploiteasyOnMe, which means to install lamp-sever^ if u r on ubuntu07:47
darkxploitwhich OS are u using07:47
easyOnMenot really spoonfed but just help me out man07:47
BuzzardBuzzhttps://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/httpd.html, just for easyonme07:47
easyOnMedarkxploit: they were already installed man07:47
BilboSwagginsI just installed 14.0207:48
easyOnMeI was told by the web admin yesterday07:48
BilboSwagginsif I do a dist-upgrade it isn't going to take me up to 15 or something, right?07:48
darkxploitok then start the ssh and web sever services on ur vps07:48
the0_sorry just annoying watching everybody and their mother help this "employed web developer" configure a server, or am i in the wrong channel ?07:48
BuzzardBuzztry the guide out and like it07:48
easyOnMebut just to check whether he did what command can I issue on the terminal to check07:48
darkxploitthen fire the command netstat -ntpl paste here again07:48
easyOnMedarkxploit: what command to start those services07:48
BilboSwagginsso uh07:49
easyOnMeI am in the server terminal now07:49
tonyyarussoBilboSwaggins: No, 'apt-get dist-upgrade' just does some different things with dependencies within a release - it doesn't automatically move you to the next release.  (There's do-release-upgrade for that.)07:49
BilboSwagginsthanks tonyyarusso07:49
BilboSwagginsyou a good guy07:49
darkxploiteasyOnMe, paste the output of this command here cat /etc/issue07:49
DalekSecBilboSwaggins: dist-upgrade in addition to performing the function of upgrade, also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages.07:50
easyOnMedarkxploit: Ubuntu 14.10 \n \l07:50
BilboSwagginsso it's just going to bump me up to 14.04 right?07:50
tonyyarussoeasyOnMe, darkxploit: It would probably be appropriate to take this to PM or a temporary channel since it's rather lengthy and involved though.07:50
easyOnMedarkxploit: do you ming07:51
tonyyarussoeasyOnMe, darkxploit: Also, don't do any multi-line pastes in the channel - use pastebin for that.07:51
darkxploitim hungry07:51
darkxploitits 11 51 here07:51
darkxploitim in mauritius07:51
easyOnMedarkxploit: ok you go and have your meal first07:51
easyOnMeI will be right back too07:51
easyOnMeneed to buy some stuff07:52
DalekSecBilboSwaggins: Right.07:52
easyOnMeit is 4pm here07:52
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easyOnMedarkxploit: I meet you at 1 your time07:52
easyOnMe1 o' clock07:52
easyOnMedarkxploit: is it ok07:52
the0_is there anyone here who can help me configure this fingerprint scanner, i installed a package, that without a doubt supports, the package has a self test function which works on all levels i just need to configure my computer to request the fingerprint scan07:55
the0_im running ubuntu 14.04 http://www.ullrich-online.cc/fingerprint/doc/Step-by-step-manual.html is the manual for the software07:55
darkxploitthe0_, is it related to the pam issue ?07:55
iongraphixI am trying to build a visual query formulation framework for neo4j. Something like a Query builder for neo4j. I was hoping I could get some advice from the clan08:02
moobaseIt requires a huge amount of man hours to keep a distro running. So I'll assume to begin with that there are A LOT of people working on these projects. From the distro teams point of view, how much work per day is put into keeping it running?08:04
bazhang!ot | moobase08:05
ubottumoobase: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:05
the0_is there anyone here who can help me configure this fingerprint scanner, i installed a package, that without a doubt supports, the package has a self test function which works on all levels i just need to configure my computer to request the fingerprint scan08:05
the0_<the0_> im running ubuntu 14.04 http://www.ullrich-online.cc/fingerprint/doc/Step-by-step-manual.html is the manual for the software08:05
nomicThe following should work after configuration is done:08:09
nomicsudo: Open a terminal and type “sudo xterm”. In the terminal should appear a line prompting for a password while at the same time a GUI widget should request a finger-swipe. You should be able to open xterm with root permissions by typing your password and by swiping your finger over the reader as well.08:09
nomicxterm = xterminal window08:10
iongraphixI am trying to build a visual query formulation framework for neo4j. Something like a Query builder for neo4j. I was hoping I could get some advice from the clan08:10
the0_is there anyone here who can help me configure this fingerprint scanner, i installed a package, that without a doubt supports, the package has a self test function which works on all levels i just need to configure my computer to request the fingerprint scan08:11
the0_<the0_> im running ubuntu 14.04 http://www.ullrich-online.cc/fingerprint/doc/Step-by-step-manual.html is the manual for the software08:11
the0_nomic, i get no such line08:12
nomicgo to ubuntu forums -- ask there - this place is transient for help http://ubuntuforums.org/  register an account - put together a help wanted message (!) .. put iti n the right place08:13
nomicsearch on forum to see if question has been asked before08:14
nomicor. .. contact the maintainer of the package08:14
the0_i want to irc for help ?08:14
the0_this isnt ubuntu support irc ?08:14
nomicubuntu forums is very busy08:14
nomicthere is also that, for support08:14
the0_ok well that's what im here for is ubuntu support08:15
iongraphixI am trying to build a visual query formulation framework for neo4j. Something like a Query builder for neo4j. I was hoping I could get some advice from the clan08:16
the0_Very important!! Since version 1.07 existing user data (registered fingerprints) need to be owned by root.root. These files are located in "/var/lib/fingerprint-gui/" and have NOT the correct ownership and modes when they are created with a previous version. If you want to continue using these files you need to execute the command "sudo make user-data" after installating the new version. Alternatively you can completely remove this directory a08:16
the0_nd aquire new fingerprint data with the new version.08:16
the0_i need to know how to do this08:17
nomicyeah well the thing is, the0_  .. this place isn't somewhere where you are going to get anything other than transient suppot -- for a problem that you wish to deal with 100%, go to the forums08:17
the0_what is transient support ?08:17
nomicalso if you log a message on the forums - people will attend to it while you are asleep, even -- you must raise a thread right away08:17
nomicthis is public forum there is no formal ubuntu support here08:18
nomicit just depends on who is here at  the time (luck)08:18
the0_umm the ubuntu site, directs you here for support.... id say thats formal08:18
nomicset up your question in a thread on ubuntu forums to be more sure of some feedback08:18
the0_so you come here to discourage questions.... or why are you here08:19
the0_Very important!! Since version 1.07 existing user data (registered fingerprints) need to be owned by root.root. These files are located in "/var/lib/fingerprint-gui/" and have NOT the correct ownership and modes when they are created with a previous version. If you want to continue using these files you need to execute the command "sudo make user-data" after installating the new version. Alternatively you can completely remove this directory a08:19
the0_nd aquire new fingerprint data with the new version.08:19
the0_can anyone help me do this ?08:20
nomickeep asking here08:20
nomicbut also make a thread on ubuntu forums08:20
the0_will do08:20
nomicyou will get this resolved08:20
nomici searched in ubuntu forums http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=8192182  for "ulrich fingerprint" -- there are a lot of threads08:22
nomichttp://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?search_type=1     <- put in "ulrich fingerprint" into this -- you will see that there are many postings about it08:23
nomichttp://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=8192187    <- try that  the0_    not sure if it shows the search08:24
nomichttp://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=8192195   the0_     this gives you all search results for "ulrich fingerprint" -- in ubuntu forums -- there are threads (postings)08:25
nomichttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2286082   Validity Fingerprint Scanner help!08:25
nomicetc (just one)08:25
nomicuse google, use the search facility on ubuntu forums -- this issue has been addressed ... rememer to put into the search screen "Random Question (to ensure you are a human and not a spambot)"08:26
nomicthe0_  there is information out there - this issue has been addressed (within ubuntu forums) - you just have to find the information, read, absorb08:27
nomicis not a problem specific to ubuntu08:27
nomicis a general problem08:27
nomicthere is much traffic in the forums - post message now and people will respond .. the earlier you post it the better08:28
nomicthe software is designed for ubuntu, it should work .. be patient08:28
vaderWell done nomic. My hat off to you sir.08:30
iongraphixI am trying to build a visual query formulation framework for neo4j. Something like a Query builder for neo4j. I was hoping I could get some advice from the clan.08:30
patero-ngLol @clan08:38
rcjameshi guys08:38
rcjamesya guys mention finger print08:38
rcjameswho have finger scanner that support latest ubuntu?08:38
BilboSwagginshow come my internet is so slow in Ubuntu as compared to Windows?08:40
the0_i do08:40
the0_hi rcjames, do you know anything about them08:40
terminal_echoBilbo perhaps the entire computer is slower?08:41
the0_different dns maybe ?08:42
BilboSwagginsterminal_echo, no08:43
terminal_echoyeah could be DNS08:43
terminal_echonot using VPN or proxy or anything like that?08:43
BilboSwagginssome things run faster but I am getting a lot more lag over my wireless08:43
BilboSwagginsit's Ubuntu08:43
rcjamesbil i had some computer that the wifi run slower it's due to drivers08:44
rcjamesall the parts are meant for microsoft and so those hardware will run best but blah to microsoft :)08:44
moseswhats the easiest to use in terminal editor in ubuntu?08:48
brontosaurusrexmoses: what do you mean?08:53
moseslike i dont want vi08:54
mosesI mean I guess i can use vi08:55
mosesbut its annoying08:55
brontosaurusrexmoses: probaly nano08:55
brontosaurusrexbut vi is what cool kids use08:56
mosesnano is sick08:57
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^Jaxx^Hi All.... on 15.04 I can only get sound out of my laptop speakers if I choose headphones as the output device.  In output devices I can see Line out and Headphones options but no speakers. Is this a bug?09:08
the0_no you just need a driver09:10
^Jaxx^@the0_  but if I choose headphones.... the audio comes out of the speakers09:10
the0_what happens if you choose the speakers09:11
^Jaxx^@the0_  speaker is missing from the output devices list.  In the list I have line out and headphones.... only 2 devices.  If I choose headphones, the audio comes out of the speakers  :-)09:12
^Jaxx^As if the list is wrong09:12
the0_what happens if you plug in headphones?09:13
^Jaxx^the0_ audio comes out the headphones09:14
the0_sounds like a bug to me :)09:15
^Jaxx^@the0_ I think there is just an error in the list in alsamixer09:16
^Jaxx^for my laptop anyway09:16
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regeditcan i flash ubuntu to my HP TouchPad?09:34
kmldchi all. I have a simple question, where is the sources.list for softwares that are installed from other sources, specificallly applications like google chrome?09:37
kdzarhi im running javavm in ubuntu but after closing the program the vm still runs eating up all my memory. how do i kill it?09:37
kmldcI know they are not in the original sources.list09:37
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kmldckdzar: I am not a pro, but have you tried to kill its process using the monitor application?09:40
kdzarkillall, kill09:41
kdzareven in htop09:41
kmldcthen I have no ideas man, as I said I am a noob09:41
kdzarim also a noob09:41
kdzarthats why im here09:41
kdzarrunning minecraft server09:42
kdzarso i closed it a few times09:42
kdzarbut the javavm of each instance stayes in mem09:42
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valentinmuhello everyone. i encountered live usb(dvd) 14.04 hanging during boot process, while 12.04 boots ok. when i removed "quiet splash" from boot options i saw that it hangs on "Configuring system"09:42
valentinmuwhat's that? :)09:43
valentinmui tried both 32/64 versions09:43
kmldcfound it myself, problem solved thank you09:45
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moobasewill spinning up/down 10 times a day really have that much bad impact on my disk?  (need it on and off in intervals.. pls don't ask why)10:02
FourFiremoobase, yes10:04
FourFirethe constant spinning down is why WD Greens have such a poor lifespan10:05
easyOnMeneed help in configuring my vps so that I can go online10:12
easyOnMethe person whom I arrange a meeting quit the IRC10:12
bekkseasyOnMe: So just ask.10:12
easyOnMebekks: ok thanks10:13
easyOnMeI am a developer please give me time to explain things as this is how I understood how a web server seems to function10:13
easyOnMecurrently my codes are in my laptop's local server name localhost10:14
bekksHow about just asking your question, instead of explaining what you understood so far :)10:14
easyOnMeand this localhost points to this root folder /var/www/html/10:14
easyOnMewere my code resides10:14
easyOnMeso my question is this10:14
easyOnMehow do the create the same web root in my vps in digital ocean10:14
ObrienDave*face palms*10:15
bekksAsk digital ocean.10:15
easyOnMebekks: oh that was helpful10:15
easyOnMebekks: thanks10:16
bekkseasyOnMe: We dont know what digital ocean configures in a different way than the standrda Ubuntu - so ask them.10:16
easyOnMebekks: but this is what I am asking10:16
bekksAsk THEM not us.10:16
easyOnMebekks: ok fine10:17
easyOnMethanks anyway10:17
ObrienDavethis is Ubuntu support NOT Digital Ocean support10:17
easyOnMeObrienDave: I am really just asking about Digital Ocean10:17
MeliteDoes anyone know why an Ubuntu 15 system can connect to a network via wifi, but not be able to connect to the internet?10:17
kdzarhi im running javavm in ubuntu but after closing the program the vm still runs eating up all my memory. how do i kill it?10:18
easyOnMeI am also asking about vps in general10:18
easyOnMethat's all10:18
easyOnMeanyway thanks people10:18
bekkseasyOnMe: This isnt vps-general-support, this is Ubuntu support :)10:18
easyOnMebekks: just trying my luck here10:19
easyOnMebecause earlier there were three guys who helped me out10:19
bekkseasyOnMe: And Digital Ocean uses a modified Ubuntu, so you really need to ask them for support of their products.10:19
easyOnMeunfortunately I had to go out to buy something10:19
easyOnMebekks: yeah correct10:19
easyOnMethanks again main10:19
Trentanyone can help with an error?  (Could not load GPU driver) bumblebee ubuntu 15.0410:22
bekksTrent: Just ask, dont ask to ask.10:23
ObrienDave!details | Trent10:23
ubottuTrent: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)10:23
the0_can anyone please help me with moving a file, im running into trouble and im new to this10:24
bekksthe0_: So just ask.10:24
nomiccp makes a new copy (copy) mv moves the file10:24
nomicmv sourcepathname destinationpathname10:24
nomicotherwise use a file manager such as nautilus10:24
nomicsudo apt-get install nautilus10:24
ObrienDavedefinately TV time10:25
nomicif the file won't go where you want it to go - you do not have "permissions" on the file/directory so you need to enable superuser on the command such as "sudo mv sourcepath destinationpath"10:25
nomicthe0_ ^10:25
the0_ok im trying to use xiphos bible guide, but I'd like to add more texts i found a source for more but when i click extract and then highlight and move to what i think is the proper directory for xiphos to see them, it tells me i dont have permission10:25
bekksthe0_: So wher do you want to extract them to?10:26
nomicthats it - you need "sudo" then the copy command .. but permissions are there for a reason - are you supposed to be adding to that directory - you may corrupt it10:26
bekksnomic: We dont even know a single path until now.10:26
bekksthe0_: Thats a path where a user doesnt have write-permissions.10:27
the0_oh, well i may be doing it wrong then10:27
bekksthe0_: You need to extract the texts into your home directory, and then move them using sudo mv10:28
Trentthis is a bumblebee.conf10:28
Trentprimus: fatal: Bumblebee daemon reported: error: Could not load GPU driver10:28
Trentwith this10:28
the0_well i extracted them into downloads folder, is that not good enough ?10:28
bekksthe0_: Yes, thats enough. But you dont have ermissions to just copy them to /usr/share/sword/modules/ztext/texts/ - thats what you need sudo for.10:29
the0_that is in the home directory right ?10:29
the0_ahh so my command would look like what ? and basically i want do a bunch of them at once (all english txts) so im sure theres a way to do that too10:30
nomicyou use "wildcards" ('*')  same as you would in dos    cp *   <- copys all files10:30
nomiccp *   destinationdirectory - copies all files from current path to destination10:30
nomiccp *name  copies all files ending in "name"10:31
nomiccp *name*  all files containing name10:31
the0_great now how do i navigate to the directory on the terminal10:31
nomicuse cd pathname10:31
nomiccd = "change directory"10:31
nomicpwd <- print current directory10:31
the0_duh i should have known that lol10:31
the0_lets give it a try then brb10:32
nomiccd  <- without pathname - changes to your "home" directory  (/home/username)10:32
nomicits got everythign dos has +10:32
nomiccos its not a toy10:32
nomic(the 'bash' shell).   default command shell with linux10:33
varuntvi am looking for a tool, more like a widget which executes a command (terminal command) which way should i start searching. Would be great if you recommend me any tool already available which can do this.10:33
EriC^^varuntv: maybe try alt+f2 ?10:33
bekksOR just open a terminal.10:33
the0_the0@the0:~$ cd /home/downloads10:34
the0_bash: cd: /home/downloads: No such file or directory10:34
the0_the0@the0:~$ cd home/downloads10:34
the0_bash: cd: home/downloads: No such file or directory10:34
the0_the0@the0:~$ cd home\downloads10:34
the0_bash: cd: homedownloads: No such file or directory10:34
easyOnMeEriC^^: hi10:34
EriC^^hi easyOnMe10:34
EriC^^what's up?10:34
bekksthe0_: /home/username/Downloads10:34
easyOnMeneed some help man10:34
easyOnMeEriC^^: have you done web admin before10:34
EriC^^with what?10:34
bekksEriC^^: He needs some Digital Ocean support.10:34
EriC^^nope, what's the problem though?10:34
varuntvkeeping a terminal open or switching between terminals just to execute a command is reducing productivity alot.10:35
unusedPhDtry byobu10:35
easyOnMeEriC^^: I just discovered just now that I can access the /var/www/html folder via filezilla10:35
bekksvaruntv: Almost 90% of my work is being done in terminals, so thats quite productive for me to have a terminal open10:35
EriC^^varuntv: alt+f2 maybe be what you're looking for, give it a shot10:35
easyOnMeso my question is10:35
easyOnMeif I upload all the webpages inside this directory /var/www/html/ in my vps10:36
easyOnMewhen I refresh my website it will render all these pages10:36
varuntvEriC^^, not exactly. I want to execute a bash script on press of button or some shortcut irrespective of which terminal im in.10:36
easyOnMeon the assumption that all the apache, php and mysql stuff are correctly installed in the vps as well10:36
bekkseasyOnMe: That depends on the configuration of your webserver, which was configured by Digital Ocean. So please ask THEM.10:37
nicoitHi! Firefox doesn't play music on soundcoud.com, says "There was a problem playing this track". My system is ubuntu 14.04, can you help me?10:37
EriC^^varuntv: use a keyboard shortcut to do that, do you want the terminal to stay open after it finishes to see the result?10:37
varuntvbekks, true but i have a terminal open with certain env variable set just to execute a command10:37
easyOnMebekks: it was not DO who configured it10:37
easyOnMeit was done already by our web admin guy who quit yesterday10:37
bekksvaruntv: And?10:38
bekksvaruntv: I dont see you point of lowered productivity.10:38
easyOnMeso I was just confirming things here if what I am about to do will result in the way I expect them to like how it works with local servers10:38
varuntvEriC^^, no i just want to execute a terminal command thats it nothing else not expecting any output10:38
EriC^^easyOnMe: try putting the website there and see if it works, check the apache config file to see if something else is specified10:38
varuntvbekks, switching between terminals :( extra keystrokes.10:38
easyOnMeEriC^^: ok10:38
easyOnMeone more thing though10:38
bekksvaruntv: Nonsense :)10:38
easyOnMeif I go to this /var/www/ directory10:39
easyOnMeand I issue this command on the terminal10:39
varuntvbekks, might be for u but not to me :)10:39
easyOnMe/var/www/ sudo chmod -R 777 html10:39
easyOnMeis this ok10:39
bekksvaruntv: If you are measuring "productivity" by keystrokes to change windows, you are already unproductive, measuring the wrong things.10:39
EriC^^easyOnMe: by default that dir is used, check /etc/apache2/apache2.conf to see if something else is specified in <Directory ... >10:39
easyOnMeor I am making this too vulnerable10:39
easyOnMeit was done already according to our web admin guy10:40
bekkseasyOnMe: 777 on /var/www/html/ is the most horrible approach in terms of security.10:40
EriC^^varuntv: ok, set it as a keyboard shortcut10:40
easyOnMebekks: so what should be the correct command then10:40
EriC^^varuntv: settings > keyboard > shortcuts, then custom10:40
easyOnMeso that permission to read and write on /var/www/html folder can be done10:40
bekkseasyOnMe: 755 for directories, 644 for files.10:40
easyOnMeI only want the html folder to be read and write but for /var/www I will not allow any permission to read and write10:41
easyOnMeit that possible bekks10:41
varuntvbekks, everyone have their own understand of productivity.. for me wasting time just to switch between terminal.. type command/alias is lowering productivy when it always can be done by keyboard shortcut. Thats what i wanted to know10:41
bekkseasyOnMe: if yu need your user to have write permissions on that folder, create a group containing the apache user and your user, and grant write access to that group.10:41
varuntvEriC^^, Thanks lemme checkit out10:41
bekkseasyOnMe: But literally NEVER set 777 on a public access directory.10:41
easyOnMebekks: ok thanks note man10:42
easyOnMenoted man10:42
bekksvaruntv: create an alias in a terminal. :)10:42
easyOnMeif I issue this command chmod -R 755 /html is this the correct way and right way of doing10:42
bekkseasyOnMe: No. Do not touch permissions.10:43
easyOnMebekks: so how will I be able to upload files on html10:44
varuntvbekks, thanks man! Have alias already but.. anyways lemme c i think keyboard shortcut is what i am looking for. Lemme c will come back if that doesnt work out. Thanks for the help.10:44
bekkseasyOnMe: I told you, above.10:44
easyOnMebekks: oh you mean group permissions10:45
bekkseasyOnMe: Yes.10:45
easyOnMemind if I ask for help how to do that in ubuntu 14.0110:45
easyOnMesay my user name is user110:46
easyOnMehow shall I issue the permission to upload on the folder /var/www/html10:46
bekkseasyOnMe: I told you :)10:46
bekkseasyOnMe: if yu need your user to have write permissions on that folder, create a group containing the apache user and your user, and grant write access to that group.10:46
easyOnMeok then let just google it and seek confirmation from you10:46
bekkseasyOnMe: You dont need to get my confirmation on what I just told you, twice.10:47
easyOnMebekks: yeah I get it let me just research the correct command to issue on the terminal10:47
easyOnMebekks: quite new to ubuntu10:47
easyOnMenot too familiar with command on permissions as I only know the basic stuff10:47
bekkseasyOnMe: groupadd and useradd -G groupname username10:51
easyOnMebekks: give a sec I got some reading from ubuntu10:51
easyOnMelet me get back to you if there's somethings I don't quite understand10:52
easyOnMethanks man10:52
easyOnMebekks: ok I am done reading10:53
easyOnMemy question is the group www-data is this a default group10:53
bekksWe dont know whats the default webservergroup on a Digital Ocean VPS.10:54
easyOnMebekks: by default I mean ubuntu has it already right from the very start10:54
easyOnMebekks: no we are talking about ubuntu10:54
bekkseasyOnMe: Seconds ago you were on a Digital Ocean VPS. I dont think that has changed.10:54
easyOnMebekks: what is the command on the terminal to list down user groups on ubuntu10:55
bekkseasyOnMe: cat /etc/group10:55
easyOnMebekks: ok I see www-data:x:3310:57
easyOnMewhat does that mean10:57
bekkseasyOnMe: Which doesnt necessarily mean that the directory in question is owned by that group.10:58
easyOnMebekks: so you mean www-data already exist10:58
easyOnMeand if we assign permission for this group www-data to write on /var/www/html10:58
easyOnMewe can do so right10:59
bekkseasyOnMe: a group called "www-data" exists. It depends on Digital Ocean wether that group is used for what you think it is for.10:59
bekkseasyOnMe: NO. Do you actually READ what I am telling you?10:59
easyOnMeand then include user1 to that group and therefore user1 can upload files on the html folder10:59
easyOnMebekks: yes10:59
easyOnMeI am reading10:59
bekksObviously you are still ignoring it.10:59
easyOnMebekks: the server I use in DO is ubuntu 14.0111:00
easyOnMeand it works just like any other ubuntu11:00
easyOnMethat is why I am posting questions here11:00
bekkseasyOnMe: No it doesnt.11:00
easyOnMebekks: ok having said that11:00
EriC^^easyOnMe: which dir are you trying to upload to?11:01
bekkseasyOnMe: They use their own configs, etc. which we dont know about. If you need support for it, ask THEM, not us.11:01
bekkseasyOnMe: Told you three times now, thats enough.11:01
easyOnMebekks: ok thanks11:01
easyOnMeno problem11:01
easyOnMejust allow me to chat with some people here ok11:01
easyOnMeyou have been very informative I learn a lot11:01
easyOnMeEriC^^: the directory is /var/www/html11:01
easyOnMebut I only want html to be uploaded files to11:02
easyOnMethat is all I am going to do11:02
EriC^^easyOnMe: type ls -ld /var/www/html and see which user/group owns it11:02
easyOnMeI just want to be safe and not cause any security vulnerabilities just like what bekks was advising me11:02
easyOnMeEriC^^: ok give me a sec11:02
easyOnMeEriC^^: it says root root11:04
easyOnMeEriC^^: drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 16  2014 /var/www/html11:04
easyOnMeEriC^^: so any ideas what else I can do now11:04
histoeasyOnMe: how'd you configure apache?11:05
easyOnMemy user name is user1 and I want to upload files inside html folder without causing security vulnerabilities11:05
easyOnMehisto: I think our web admin did it the usual way11:05
histoeasyOnMe: are you hosting files from /var/www/html ?11:06
easyOnMehisto: that is what I intend to11:06
kdzarwho can recommend an easy web monitoring backround software for lan ?11:06
bekkskdzar: Whats a "web monitoring background software" - what do you expect it to do?11:06
easyOnMehisto: I have access to /var/www/html but no permission to upload files into it11:06
histoeasyOnMe: Did your 'web admin' possibly setup a public directory in your /home/user1  somewhere?11:07
easyOnMehisto: however I can change the permission but I want to be careful not to cause any security issues if ever I do so11:07
kdzarbekks i need to make graphs but thats not a req for the software to show how much bandwith is used to sites like youtube11:07
histoeasyOnMe: right, because it's owned by root:root and other users have no write11:07
easyOnMehisto: ok having said that11:07
easyOnMethe web admin who quit yesterday just advise me to use my own account11:08
easyOnMeas this is the only account with permission since I was chuck with this job of doing some web server stuff11:08
histoeasyOnMe: so you don't have access to sudo ?11:08
easyOnMehisto: I am not sure though11:08
histoeasyOnMe: or root?11:08
easyOnMeis there a way to check11:08
histoeasyOnMe: sudo echo test11:08
easyOnMehisto: I got this back11:09
EriC^^easyOnMe: shouldn't the webserver already be set up? you said you wanted to copy the files to /var/www/html ?11:09
the0__easyonme makes me hate chinese people lol11:09
easyOnMethe0__: man people like you gets into trouble11:10
easyOnMethe0__: firstly I am not Chinese man11:10
easyOnMethe0__: you have been very rude even earlier11:10
EriC^^easyOnMe: i think the problem is trying to see how it was setup to use what etc.11:10
easyOnMeother people warn you already11:10
easyOnMethe0__: be careful man11:10
histoeasyOnMe: well you have several options. I would add permisisons for a group to write to html and then make your user part of that group11:10
the0__what are you talking about and dont be giving me no warning11:10
easyOnMehisto: yeah I think that is a better approach11:11
the0__and i know for a fact you are chinese , lol you just said it earlier11:11
easyOnMethe0__: I did not say I am Chinese man11:11
easyOnMethe0__: well just be careful man11:11
easyOnMeyour language and your manners11:11
EriC^^easyOnMe: ok, type sudo groupadd <group name>11:11
the0__you said your from beijing11:11
EriC^^easyOnMe: nevermind him11:12
easyOnMethe0__: man just a favor let me just do my work11:12
the0__lol you mean let eric do your work11:12
easyOnMeEriC^^: thanks11:12
histoeasyOnMe: wasn't www-data there from my skim of your previous comments?11:12
easyOnMehisto: yup11:13
easyOnMeso that do I do11:13
easyOnMedo sudo groupadd groupname or just assign permission to www-data11:13
EriC^^histo: would it somehow help to search which dirs are owned or have the group www-data or something?11:13
EriC^^or maybe if he uploaded some config files to you histo ?11:13
kdzarim looking at cacti11:14
kdzaranyone using it?11:14
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xpheresanyone has an ubuntu phone?11:14
bekkskdzar: Some people use it.11:14
histoeasyOnMe: chown :www-data /some/directory  to make www-data the group of that directory11:14
kdzarbekks you?11:14
bekkskdzar: whats your actual question?11:15
easyOnMehisto: you mean issue a command like this: sudo chown :www-data /var/www/html11:15
kdzarbekks i need to make graphs but thats not a req for the software to show how much bandwith is used to sites like youtube. any ideas on sofware that can do this11:15
histoeasyOnMe: then you can sudo chmod g+w /some/directory and sudo usermod -a -G www-data youruser11:15
histoeasyOnMe: yes11:15
bekkskdzar: You are looking at cacti - just take a look wether it fits your requirements.11:15
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easyOnMehisto: so do this sudo chmod g+w /html/ and sudo usermod -a -G www-data user111:16
easyOnMeor this11:16
easyOnMehisto: so do this sudo chmod g+w /var/www/html/ and sudo usermod -a -G www-data user111:16
histoeasyOnMe: the later11:17
easyOnMehisto: so do this sudo chmod g+w /var/www/html/ and sudo usermod -a -G www-data user111:17
easyOnMehisto: do i need to put slash in the end like this: sudo chmod g+w /var/www/html/11:18
histoeasyOnMe: no11:19
moobaseall scripts in /etc/lib/systemd/system-sleep/ will be executed when you suspend/wake. Future proof or legacy soon to be depricated? Way more convenient than unit files.11:19
histoeasyOnMe: are there already files in /var/www/html?11:19
easyOnMehisto: only the default index.html11:20
histoeasyOnMe: k that file probably has the same permissions as /var/www/html11:20
easyOnMei just did this11:20
easyOnMehisto: sudo chmod g+w /var/www/html11:21
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easyOnMeas for the last part I am now going to do11:21
easyOnMesudo usermod -a -G www-data user111:21
histowouldn't you have to route all traffic through your box to use something like cacti?11:21
histoeasyOnMe: yes11:21
easyOnMehisto: thanks11:22
histoeasyOnMe: now user1 is a member of the www-data group which has write access to /var/www/html  directory11:22
easyOnMehisto: ok so this means it will allow me to use this user's account to do ftp using filezilla11:23
histoeasyOnMe: well if you want to be secure you shouldn't be using ftp. Use somehting like sftp instead11:25
easyOnMehisto: yup11:26
histoahh cacti uses snmp11:26
histoeasyOnMe: do you have ssh access to the box with user1?11:26
easyOnMehisto: if I issue this command rm -rf foldername11:26
histoeasyOnMe: huh?11:26
easyOnMethis will also delete the folder and all the folders and files inside that folder being rm right11:26
histoeasyOnMe: yes but the -f is probably not needed11:27
easyOnMehisto: oh ok11:27
easyOnMehisto: yup11:27
easyOnMeI got access11:27
histoeasyOnMe: hwy what?11:28
easyOnMehisto: no because you were asking about whether I got ssh access to the vps box11:28
easyOnMeso I ask why11:28
histoeasyOnMe: because if you have ssh access you can use sftp instead of ftp11:28
easyOnMehisto: ok11:29
easyOnMeI will11:29
easyOnMenote with thanks man11:29
moobasegotta run flock4 (lock screen) in the graphics tty (by a suspension script). How? Just running it in another tty or the script won't lock the screen11:29
easyOnMehisto: what is the terminal command to show hidden files11:29
bekkseasyOnMe: ls -a11:29
easyOnMeoh ok11:29
easyOnMethank you11:30
paul_Hi guys11:30
histo!manual | easyOnMe11:30
ubottueasyOnMe: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/11:30
paul_Could anyone please help me I'm new with Ubuntu and made a mistake...11:32
histopaul_: only if you give details and ask what you need help with.11:32
paul_I would like to change back the colors of the gnome terminal to the default ones11:32
histopaul_: under your profile settings in gnome-terminal youc an change the colors11:34
paul_Is it OK to post here a link to the guide I followed in order to change them in the first place ? I think it might help you to understand my problem11:34
histopaul_: sure11:34
paul_Ok cool !11:34
paul_I used this, it works well but it's ugly11:35
easyOnMehisto: just curious11:35
easyOnMeI use filezilla to delete files which is awfully slow11:36
easyOnMecan I just close it for it to stop the deletion process11:36
histopaul_: can you pastebin the script that you ran the .set_dark.sh or .set_light.sh11:36
paul_Right away11:36
histo!paste | paul_11:37
ubottupaul_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:37
histoeasyOnMe: I haven't used ftp in ages. I'm not sure how it handles file deletion when the connection is lost11:38
easyOnMehisto: well let me share it with you11:38
easyOnMeif you close it while it is deleting the deletion stops11:38
anttali came again to ask stupid question11:38
easyOnMeand I use the rm approach to delete folders and files and in an instant11:39
easyOnMefolder and files are deleted filezilla takes ages11:39
anttalhttp://pastebin.com/vYvQ1C16 = Why that prints "portti" at first row on awway11:39
paul_histo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11866207/11:39
anttal"portti" is that row name that i want to print on array11:40
histopaul_: now we need to see the src/set_theme_default_profile.sh  script since that is being called11:40
paul_histo : here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/11866210/11:40
histopaul_: what is the output of echo $dconfdir11:42
histoin a terminal11:43
paul_a blank line...11:44
Amis(14.04LTS, Gnome Flashback) Hello! After an update binding the Windows key to the gnome run dialog doesn't work here. Any ideas? (dconf: org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings.panel-run-dialog = ['Super_L'])11:44
histopaul_: edit > preferences > profiles   how many profiles do you have there11:44
paul_Only default11:44
histopaul_: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/gnome-terminal11:45
histopaul_: you'll probably have to log out and back in to see the change.11:45
easyOnMehisto: I just want to aks11:45
easyOnMecurrently in this server vps that is11:45
easyOnMethere is only two accounts right11:45
paul_histo : i'll be right back !11:45
easyOnMemy user1 account and the root account11:46
anttalcan some1 help me :(11:46
easyOnMethere are11:46
easyOnMehow do I get access to the root account11:46
easyOnMevia ssh11:46
histoanttal: ask in #bash11:46
anttalhisto i will thanks11:47
anttaleasyOnMe sudo su?11:47
paul_histo : it worked !11:47
paul_histo : thank you very much !11:47
histoeasyOnMe: you'd have to set that up through digital oceans control panel. You'll probably also want to reset the root password through their panel to revoke whoever had access before rights.11:47
easyOnMeanttal: thanks11:47
AmisSetting ['<Shift>Super_L'] instead of ['Super_L'] in dconf works. Why can't I set it to the windows key without any modifiers?11:48
histoeasyOnMe: don't use sudo su11:48
easyOnMehisto: why11:48
paul_histo : one last thing, do you think it is possible to use themes found here : http://tmtheme-editor.herokuapp.com/#!/editor/theme/PlasticCodeWrap in the gnome terminal ?11:48
histoeasyOnMe: because it's the incorrect way.11:48
histo!sudo | easyOnMe11:48
ubottueasyOnMe: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo11:48
easyOnMehisto: so you mean when I do su11:48
easyOnMeand change the root password it won't work11:48
easyOnMeI mean it will not override the existing root password if I change the root password11:49
easyOnMeusing us11:49
histoeasyOnMe: With your VPS there are ssh keys enabled etc...11:49
easyOnMeusing su11:49
easyOnMehisto: oh yeah11:49
easyOnMeI get what you mean11:49
histoeasyOnMe: they also setup a root password when normal ubuntu does not.11:49
easyOnMethere is this part where there is option to reset the password11:49
easyOnMehisto: ok ok11:50
easyOnMeI will do so11:50
easyOnMebut if I change the root password my user1 account password won't be affected right11:50
histoeasyOnMe: you really need to check ditial oceans control panel out and their guides.11:50
easyOnMehisto: man they do not have one11:50
cfhowlettexplain like I'm a noob: sudo vs. pkexec11:50
histoeasyOnMe: it should not be, but I have no idea what they have configured.11:50
easyOnMeall they have are scattered tutorials11:50
easyOnMethat is why earlier this user named androidhacker advised me to use vultr instead11:51
histocfhowlett: Without checking man I believe it probably has to do with the environment the command is run in.11:51
histoas the other user.11:51
the0__Modules are normally packaged as *.zip files; they contain a configuration file plus a number of data files. Installation of such a module is done by cd'ing to your personal Sword (not Xiphos) configuration directory, ~/.sword, and unzipping the file there. The configuration file will be left in "mods.d", and the module's data files will go into a subdirectory of "modules". Alternatively, if you have write access to the system Sword directory11:51
the0__, typically /usr/share/sword, you may cd there instead before unzipping.11:51
the0__i already unzipped the files in the downloads dir, is there a fast command to get things where they need to go ?11:52
cfhowletthisto, hmm.  pkexec immediately requests the root user password, whereas sudo requires you BE the root user ...11:52
easyOnMehisto: are you a web server admin11:52
histothe0__: cp -a source_directory destination_directory/11:52
histoeasyOnMe: I administer a web server that I own. So I guess yes.11:53
easyOnMehisto: woah11:53
histonot my profession though.11:53
easyOnMeso your web server does what11:53
histoeasyOnMe: hosts a web page.11:53
easyOnMehisto: for?11:54
the0__there are two different directors though  mods.d and modules which both have their own places to go11:54
histothe0__: their own place to go where?11:54
easyOnMehisto: what is your website about?11:54
histothe0__: you could do something like cp -a * somedestination/ if they are going int he same place11:54
histoeasyOnMe: it's just a page about my company.11:55
easyOnMewhat is your profession then if you do not mind me asking?11:55
easyOnMehisto: what's the name of your site?11:55
histoeasyOnMe: I'd rather not say11:55
easyOnMehisto: you mean your website or your profession?11:55
histoeasyOnMe: both11:56
easyOnMehisto: hahaha11:56
easyOnMealright no problem11:56
easyOnMethanks for all the help man11:56
histoNo problem.11:56
the0__i unzip the file i get two folders one named mods.d and another named something else what i need to do with them is listed above11:56
histothe0__: you can copy multiple sources to a destination11:57
easyOnMehisto: man feeling lazy11:57
easyOnMeis it possible to open a file from a vps and continue coding11:57
easyOnMeright from the web root of the vps11:57
the0__well yeah but they both have their own destinations and i have unzipped 50+ folders11:58
histothe0__: why not just navigate tot he sword directory and unzip there11:59
the0__because i already trashed the .zips , is there a way to retrieve them ?11:59
histothe0__: pull them out of the trash11:59
histothe0__: restore via gui or .Trash12:00
the0__stupid question lol here i go12:00
histothe0__: or leave them there and unzip from .Trash12:00
ChauffeRdo /G megah12:00
the0__if i give you the filepath destination can you help me with the command ? lol12:00
histothe0__: or if you don't want to cd just unzip somefile.zip -d somedestination12:01
histothe0__: sure12:01
histoeasyOnMe: huh?12:02
easyOnMehisto: I was just toying the idea whether I can open the file I uploaded in filezilla12:02
easyOnMecontinue coding and then save12:02
histoeasyOnMe: you mean edit via command line?  There are multiple editors available like nano or vi / vim12:02
easyOnMeand see the result real time12:02
easyOnMeoh ok12:02
histoeasyOnMe: what OS are you running filezilla from?12:03
easyOnMethey are actually very handy12:03
easyOnMeubuntu 14.0112:03
histoeasyOnMe: you could mount the html directory locally and edit the files there.12:03
easyOnMehisto: are you also into software development12:03
easyOnMehisto: how12:03
histoeasyOnMe: with ssh12:03
easyOnMeso what I think is possible12:03
histoeasyOnMe: ofcourse12:04
easyOnMenow I am connected by ssh12:04
easyOnMehow do I mount the html directory12:04
histothe0__: unzip somefile.zip -d /usr/share/sword12:04
the0__i want to do them all at once and they are still in the trash12:04
histoeasyOnMe: on your local machine mkdir somedirectory  then use something like sshfs.  so sshfs user1@ip.of.vps.box somedirectory12:05
histothe0__: Are there other zip files in the trash?12:05
histothe0__: that aren't related12:06
easyOnMehisto: ok if I do this how exactly is this going to work12:06
histothe0__: assuming you have a backup of sword  then just unzip * -d /usr/share/sword12:06
the0__gather your thoughts easyonme12:06
easyOnMedoes it work like as if I am opening the html directory from a local directory so that when I hit save it saves it directly to the vps server too12:06
histoeasyOnMe: sshfs user1@ip.of.vps.box:/var/www/html somedirectory   will mount /var/www/html to your local somedirectory via ssh.12:07
histoeasyOnMe: yes12:07
the0__unzip:  cannot find or open AB, AB.zip or AB.ZIP.12:08
histoeasyOnMe: You'll probably have to install sshfs on your local machine.12:08
histothe0__: sorry *.zip12:08
the0__how do i navigate to the trash first ?12:09
histothe0__: unzip ~/.Trash/*.zip -d /usr/share/sword12:10
histothe0__: ~ is just a shortcut for /home/yourusername12:10
the0__cannot find or open /home/the0/.Trash/*.zip, /home/the0/.Trash/*.zip.zip or /home/the0/.Trash/*.zip.ZIP.12:10
histothe0__: Are there .zip files in /home/the0/.Trash   ?12:12
the0__well idk about the first two dir12:12
the0__but definitely .zip in trash12:13
histothe0__: pastebin the command you are running and all the output12:13
histo!paste | the0__12:13
ubottuthe0__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:13
tonyyarussothe0__: Are you just asking how to move multiple directories?  (The ones you got after unzipping stuff before)12:15
histotonyyarusso: I tried that route. He says no, although I think that's what he really wants.12:15
histothe0__: I already told you how to move multiple directories12:15
the0__i think i misunderstood before12:16
EriC^^the0__: do you mean ~/.local/share/Trash/files ?12:16
tonyyarussoThe mv, cp, and rsync commands all accept multiple source arguments, as well as wildcards.12:16
EriC^^the files that go into the trash from the filemanager?12:16
histoEriC^^: That's the issue12:17
histothe0__: unzip ~/.local/share/Trash/*.zip -d /usr/share/sword12:17
EriC^^^ add a files after ../Trash/12:17
the0__well this time it said no zipfiles found lol12:17
histothe0__: sorry typo add files12:17
the0__add files ?12:18
histothe0__: unzip ~/.local/share/Trash/files/*.zip -d /usr/share/sword12:18
* histo is not familiar with GUI trash12:19
the0__caution: filename not matched:  /home/the0/.local/share/Trash/files/TCR.zip12:19
the0__caution: filename not matched:  /home/the0/.local/share/Trash/files/TDavid.zip12:19
the0__caution: filename not matched:  /home/the0/.local/share/Trash/files/TFG.zip12:19
the0__caution: filename not matched:  /home/the0/.local/share/Trash/files/Torrey.zip12:19
the0__caution: filename not matched:  /home/the0/.local/share/Trash/files/TS1998.zip12:19
histothe0__: you can't paste output in this channel that's why you were given the link for paste.ubuntu.com12:20
easyOnMehisto: ok how do I install sshfs12:20
histoeasyOnMe: sudo apt-get install sshfs12:20
easyOnMehisto: cool12:20
histoeasyOnMe: On YOUR machine not the vps12:20
easyOnMehisto: yup12:20
histoeasyOnMe: K, just making sure you didn't get confused. All those sshfs commands are for YOUR machine.12:21
easyOnMeso when I have sshfs on my local machine I can do what you mentioned - mount html from vps and the code from there straight12:21
easyOnMehisto: yup12:21
histoeasyOnMe: yeap12:21
easyOnMehisto: cool12:21
easyOnMebulls eye12:21
ExecSlimIs there a way to find out when I installed certain packages in ubuntu?12:22
the0__so what did all those filename not matched mean ?12:22
ioriath20__ try with    unzip    '*.zip'12:23
histoeasyOnMe: if you reboot your machine you'll have to redo the mount.12:23
EriC^^ExecSlim: software center > history12:23
histoeasyOnMe: It doesn't sound like your ready to setup on demand mounting of that share. Also make sure you create backups of your files.12:23
easyOnMehisto: sudo sshfs user1@ /var/www/html/application12:23
easyOnMeis that the correct command12:23
ioriathe0__ try with    unzip    '*.zip' , i mean with ' '12:23
the0__im confused ioria12:24
ExecSlimEriC^^ thanks!12:24
histoeasyOnMe: no sudo needed.  just sshfs user1@ip.of.vps.box:/var/www/html/application some_local_directory      notice the :  after ip12:24
easyOnMehisto: so like this sshfs user1@ /home/bob/html12:25
histoeasyOnMe: yes12:25
ren0v0hi, ubuntu just shows N/A for "bitrate" for FLAC files, is there a utility to calculate the actual bitrate?12:26
histoeasyOnMe: You could also use your URL in place of your IP if you have that setup to point at your VPS.12:26
the0__h3h vop;hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhf12:26
* the0__ shoots hisself in head12:26
easyOnMehisto: ok note with thanks12:26
easyOnMebut the thing is that everytime I switch my laptop i have to mount again12:27
the0__still havent moved the files12:27
the0__and not answering :(12:27
ioriathe0__   unzip ~/.local/share/Trash/files/'*.zip' -d /usr/share/sword ?12:27
histoeasyOnMe: yes. Unless you setup on-demand mounting or mounting on boot.12:27
cfhowlettren0v0, open a terminal: file filename.flac12:27
ren0v0cfhowlett, doesn't show bitrate12:29
valentinmuhello everyone. i encountered live usb(dvd) 14.04 hanging during boot process, while 12.04 boots ok. when i removed "quiet splash" from boot options i saw that it hangs on "Configuring system"12:29
valentinmui tried both 32/64 versions12:29
valentinmu15.04 works the same12:29
histo!nomodeset | valentinmu Give this a try12:30
ubottuvalentinmu Give this a try: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:30
cfhowlettren0v0, it should.  I'll see if I can find a .flac to test.  see this .mp312:30
ren0v0cfhowlett, try it with FLAC, doesn't work12:30
the0__107 archives were successfully processed.12:31
the0__ thank you ioria12:31
ren0v0i found a nice ulitility though "medainfo"  this works and shows it12:31
easyOnMehisto: how to do mounting on boot12:31
ioriathe0__   np12:31
cfhowlettren0v0, 16bit unless I'm reading the output wrong12:33
ren0v0not the same thing as bitrate cfhowlett12:33
the0_worked like a charm you da best12:34
* the0_ shoots easyonme12:34
the0__ioria can you explain why yours worked and his didn't ?12:35
histoeasyOnMe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS#Command-line_Usage12:35
histoeasyOnMe: read the whole section12:36
easyOnMehisto: thanks12:36
the0__ unzip ~/.local/share/Trash/files/'*.zip' -d /usr/share/sword ?12:36
the0__im too noob12:36
histothe0__: the way bash expanded the *.zip was no beuno12:36
ioriathe0__   "the shell expands out wildcard characters automatically, but  doesn’t mean that programs can’t as well"12:37
the0__so it was the ' ' that made the difference12:37
ioriathe0__   https://chrisjean.com/unzip-multiple-files-from-linux-command-line/12:38
the0__would it be good practice to always use ' ' with wild cards or no ?12:38
BluesKajHowdy all12:38
ioriathe0__   well, i think it's command related12:38
the0__ah ok12:38
histounzip should be able to handle file(s)  though .12:39
the0__so maybe its because of where it was located then ?12:44
the0__also where did you guys learn this stuff ?12:44
ioriathe0__ try man unzip12:45
paul_Would someone please know how to import "themes" like these ones (http://tmtheme-editor.herokuapp.com) in the gnome terminal ?12:45
the0__what ?12:45
the0__oh and how do i get the !pastebinit to work ?12:46
cfhowlettthe0_, install it first, the configure the .pastebinit.xml file to point to your preferred paste provider, i.e. ubuntu.paste.com12:47
cfhowletterrr. paste.ubuntu.com12:47
the0__so sudo apt-get pastebin ?12:47
cfhowlettsudo apt-get INSTALL pastebinit12:47
cfhowlett!paste | the0_12:47
ubottuthe0_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:47
the0__ok it paused at setting up pastebinit12:49
the0__how do i configure the pastebinit.xml12:52
anttalizabera> adding more challenge to my mysql question, i want to every line to my sql output array to be variable to script12:55
anttal1 by 112:55
anttalis there ez way or just use loop?12:55
cfhowlettthe0_, open it in gedit and edit away12:55
the0_i dont see anything that says .xml in the pastebin dir ?12:55
cfhowlettthe0_, look in your /home directory for .pastebinit.xml12:56
anttalwrong chat windows12:56
cfhowlettthe0_, actually, if you've not yet fired up pastebinit, it might not be created yet. do a test run in your terminal: free | pastebinit12:56
cfhowlettthe0_, nice.  you happy with it?12:57
the0_i didnt find any .xml file but as long as yall can see it , i guess it don't matter12:58
easyOnMeok thanks people12:58
easyOnMehisto thanks so much12:58
carreraGreetings!  :-)13:07
carreraI just installed Ubuntu Mate 15.04 and I have no sound.  I installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras to no avail13:09
cfhowlett!audio | carrera13:10
ubottucarrera: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:10
carreracfhowlett, thanks  :)13:11
cfhowlettcarrera, happy2help!13:11
carreracfhowlett, the funny thing is that I had sound this AM when I was watching an mp4 video on VLC13:11
cfhowlettcarrera, well, VLC is a bit different from other media players.  self contained with its own codecs.13:12
carreracfhowlett, at some point, I installed audacious.  I wonder if that could have done it13:13
cfhowlettkind of the Swiss army knife of players13:13
cfhowlettcarrera, are you saying vlc no longer works?  also, NO sound or just no media sounds?  How about system indicator sounds.13:13
carreracfhowlett, ah, okay but I don't even have sound when I play a clip on VLC13:13
cfhowlettcarrera, I'd guess that you disabled your speakers.  try this: headphones.13:14
carreracfhowlett, nothing. not even the test sounds13:14
cfhowlettand phones?13:14
carreracfhowlett, I first noticed that I didn't have sound when my speakers were connected13:15
moobasedoes anyone know what calculator that is?13:16
EriC^^moobase: standard ubuntu calc13:17
carreracfhowlett, Under Sound Preferences -> Hardware tab: Built-in Audio is selected.  When I plugged in my speakers, Analog Stereo Duplex was automatically selected.  The speaker test for both left and right speakers work.  I unplugged the external speakers and the test worked with the built-in speakers too.13:32
carreracfhowlett, but I still can NOT play any sound through neither Audacious nor VLC13:33
cfhowlettcarrera, too weird for me, I'm afraid.  No idea.  sorry.13:33
carreracfhowlett, thanks anyway13:34
EriC^^carrera: try pavucontrol13:34
EriC^^and alsamixer]13:34
carreraEriC^^, thanks, will do13:35
carreraEriC^^, do I have to run alsamixer as root?13:35
RonWhoCaresHow can I find out what "version" of yuicompressor I have installed?  I am in the section "Creating a FileWatcher" Step # 3 @ https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/help/minifying-css.html13:36
rootwarei say   HI13:42
cfhowlettrootware, ask your ubuntu questions.  chitchat/socializing in other channels13:44
g105bI have a laptop with multitouch trackpad, how do I trigger a keyboard combination when I swipe in a direction with three fingers?13:45
rainbowwarriorhello I am using Ubuntu 15.04 and it thinks my hard drive is full when it ain't how can I fix this please ?13:46
EriC^rainbowwarrior: why do you say that?13:46
cfhowlettrainbowwarrior, do this terminal command : df -H13:46
rainbowwarriorEriC^ , because it keeps saying low hd space13:47
rainbowwarriorcfhowlett :- http://pastebin.com/ZXvDduW013:47
EriC^rainbowwarrior: your root filesystem is full13:48
cfhowlettrainbowwarrior, eh.  can't see that one in China.  I'd suspect you haven't cleaned out your kernels in some time and that partition is full.  it happens frequently13:48
EriC^cfhowlett: /dev/sda6        41G   38G  365M 100% /13:49
cfhowlettEriC^, yep.13:49
cfhowlettsudo apt-get autoremove MIGHT clean things up, but more likely not13:49
rainbowwarriorok thank you EriC^ and cfhowlett13:49
rainbowwarriorcfhowlett, thank you13:50
cfhowlettrainbowwarrior, happy2help!13:50
rainbowwarriorcfhowlett what one should i delete please ? :- http://pastebin.com/cEPZTr6C13:52
cfhowlettrainbowwarrior, pastebin.com blocked in China. if you gedit your /home/pastebinit.xml    you can select a different paste: ubuntu.paste.com for example.  if you've old kernels, save the most recent TWO13:53
rainbowwarriorcfhowlett : http://paste.ubuntu.com/11866766/13:55
rainbowwarriorand thank you13:55
cfhowlettrainbowwarrior, run df -h | pastebinit13:56
rainbowwarriorcfhowlett :- http://paste.ubuntu.com/11866776/13:57
rainbowwarriori think its the generic one I need to delete13:57
cfhowlettrainbowwarrior, I'm guessing that /dev/sda6 is your /home and data?  if so = full.  time for housecleaning.  your problem is not old kernels.13:58
rainbowwarriorcfhowlett hmm but there is hardly anything on my hd as its a new laptop hp 455 G2 , it was suppose to be a 1TB hard drive, but looks like its only 40GB as I have no other o/s etc on this laptop13:59
EriC^rainbowwarrior: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999914:00
carreracfhowlett, EriC^ , Solved.   I just turned off my  High Def Audio Controller.  The funny thing is that when I turned it back on, I still have sound from Audacious.14:00
carreracfhowlett, EriC^,  thanks for your help.   :-)14:00
cfhowlettcarrera, doh!  right, I should have thought of that!14:00
rainbowwarriorcfhowlett :- http://termbin.com/5rkm14:00
rainbowwarriorEriC^ i meant sorry cfhowlett :- http://termbin.com/5rkm14:01
EriC^rainbowwarrior: sda5 isn't being used!14:01
carreracfhowlett, but I changed eh settings from off to a few different HDMI ouputs and I still get sound!14:01
EriC^rainbowwarrior: it's 946gb14:02
rainbowwarriorEriC^ oh hmm14:02
EriC^type cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999914:02
EriC^you can use it as a /home partition14:02
rainbowwarriorEriC^, :- http://termbin.com/q13l14:03
EriC^rainbowwarrior: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt14:03
rainbowwarriorEriC^, ok done14:04
EriC^ok, type ls -a /mnt , is it empty?14:04
rainbowwarriorit has lost+found and wolfheart14:05
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EriC^type ls -a /mnt/wolfheart , i think that was your home dir before14:05
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rainbowwarriorEriC^, done14:06
rainbowwarriorEriC^, :- http://termbin.com/owtz14:07
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EriC^rainbowwarrior: ok, does it have anything you need?14:07
rainbowwarriorEriC^, no14:07
EriC^are you sure?14:07
EriC^there's alot of stuff in it..14:07
EriC^anyways you can keep it no problem, what's your current users names?14:08
EriC^rainbowwarrior: type ls /home14:08
rainbowwarriorEriC^, just wolfheart14:08
rainbowwarriorEriC^, it hase eom and wolfheart14:09
EriC^rainbowwarrior: ok, type sudo mv /mnt/wolfheart /mnt/wolfheart.old14:09
rainbowwarriorEriC^, done14:09
EriC^ok, type rsync -av /home/ /mnt   ( use the slash after home )14:09
EriC^rainbowwarrior: sorry sudo rsync -av ...14:10
rainbowwarriorEriC^, thank you I notice there is quite a lot , iv only had this laptop since thursday so wonder how it got so much stuff already14:12
DanielCEdHey guys14:12
DanielCEdhow do i change the server timedate14:12
EriC^rainbowwarrior: :)14:12
rainbowwarriorEriC^, looks like its going take a little time lol , and I have learnt new commands today so thank you :)14:14
EriC^rainbowwarrior: no problem :) let me know when it's done14:15
rainbowwarriorEriC^, will do and thank you for your help , very much appreciated !14:17
ArefHi, How do i convert an AVI file to MP4 in terminal?14:17
cfhowlettAref, avconv -i filename.avi filename.mp414:18
cfhowlettAref, of course, you need libav-tools for that14:18
ArefOK, Thanks cfhowlett. I will try it.14:19
bodhi_zazenAref, there are more options for avconv , I suggest you read a tutorial or the man page14:22
Arefbodhi_zazen , Of course, Thanks.14:23
mindbender1How can I view properties of apps in the launcher?14:26
rainbowwarriorEriC^, done14:28
EriC^rainbowwarrior: great14:28
EriC^rainbowwarrior: type sudo mv /home /home.old14:28
rainbowwarriorEriC^, done14:29
EriC^rainbowwarrior: ok, type sudo blkid /dev/sda514:29
rainbowwarriorEriC^, done14:30
EriC^rainbowwarrior: then type sudo nano /etc/fstab and add an entry for /home14:30
EriC^copy and paste the UUID from blkid14:30
Rust3dCor3Guys. Is it a normal situation if I have over 2400 packages installed? Should I trim that fat?14:30
EriC^^rainbowwarrior: sorry i got dc14:32
EriC^^add this line UUID=<uuid here>   /home    ext4          defaults       0       214:33
rainbowwarriorEriC^^, done14:34
EriC^^ok, type sudo mkdir /home14:34
EriC^^type mount -a14:35
EriC^^might need sudo14:35
rainbowwarrioryeah it did14:35
EriC^^ok, type ls /home14:35
EriC^^is your username there and the files?14:37
rainbowwarriorEriC^^, wb and it said " sudo mount -a14:37
rainbowwarriormount: mount point ext4" does not exist14:37
rainbowwarrior "14:37
EriC^^type sudo nano /etc/fstab14:37
EriC^^make sure after the uuid there's /home14:37
rainbowwarriordone was my fault missed out /home done now14:38
EriC^^ok, try sudo mount -a14:38
rainbowwarrioryes my username etc is there14:38
cfhowlettrainbowwarrior, but think of all you've learned now!14:39
EriC^^ok, cool14:39
rainbowwarriorcfhowlett, indeed and I am sure it will come in handy :)14:39
EriC^^rainbowwarrior: when you're sure it's all ok, you can delete /home.old14:39
EriC^^sudo rm -r /home.old14:40
rainbowwarriorok done that ty , that is better I now have 737.2 GB free now thank you very much :)14:41
rainbowwarriorit is very much appreciated!14:42
EriC^^great :) no problem :)14:42
michihay kann mir jemand bei der grafikarte helfen14:43
cfhowlett!de | michi14:43
ubottumichi: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:43
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Guest74291hay kann mir jemand bei der grafikarte helfen14:43
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Fauxhttps://paste.debian.net/281598/ ext4 has segfaulted for /boot during an update-grub, and now update-grub can't succeed.  Can't kill the thing holding /boot open.  Is there anything I can do or do I have to reboot, manually boot and then fix it?14:49
EriC^^Faux: lsof | grep /boot maybe?14:50
EriC^^what's holding it open?14:50
FauxA zombie grubenv from the last thing (scroll down the paste).14:50
FauxLooks like it didn't manage to damage /boot anyway!  Woo remount-ro saves the day.14:58
carreracfhowlett, in the process of fixing my sound, I installed ubuntu-restricted-extras.  Do you normally install that package?14:59
cfhowlettcarrera, always15:00
carreracfhowlett, anything else I should install?15:00
cfhowlettcarrera, I enable the firewall.  YMMV15:00
EriC^^your mileage may vary15:01
carrerathanks EriC^^15:01
cfhowlett!ymmv | carrera15:01
ubottucarrera: ymmv is short for "Your mileage may vary". It means that someone else's experience with compatibility, performance etc. may not necessarily match yours. Also see !wfm15:01
* EriC^^ dont wanna be that guy.. but15:02
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/15:02
carrerahow about zeitgeist.  I did a "ps -ef | grep zeit" but didn't see anything.  I thought it ran on Ubuntu15:02
OerHekscarrera, go into systemsettings > security & privacy, there you will find the options for zeitgeist15:04
carreraI'm running Ubuntu Mate 15.0415:05
OerHeksoh, not sure zeitgeist is running there.15:05
carreraOerHeks, when I was running Xubuntu 15.04, I looked at the package ubuntu-mate-desktop and at the end of the list of packages to be installed was non other than zeitgeist-common!15:09
carreraOerHeks, but not I don't see any zeitgeist procs running on my system15:10
OerHekscarrera, good to know, but i have no experience with mate-desktop, sorry15:10
carreraOerHeks, thanks anyway15:11
carreraOerHeks, does "ps -ef | grep zeit" show any zeitgeist procs running on regular Ubuntu systems?15:11
OerHekscarrera, yes15:12
carreraOerHeks, then chances are it's not running on my system15:12
ethangguys, I need help fixing my java installation.  Any ideas15:14
cfhowlett!java | ethang15:14
ubottuethang: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.15:14
ethang!java | ethang15:15
ubottuethang, please see my private message15:15
ethanghow do I do that, #ubotto15:17
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java ethang read the link15:17
OerHeksOpenJDK should be fine.15:18
cofoIs there anyone here?15:33
cofoI have permission denied because I tried to execute a file and i'm running live cd ubuntu15:33
OerHekshi cofo, what file?15:34
cofoa.out by program i wrote in c15:34
ubuntuserThe live CD is mainly only for testing Ubuntu before installing it. And most likely, your CD is read only, so it is impossible to write your change to it15:34
cofoI just want to execute hello world15:35
AnthaasHi guys, I am looking to set up my computer on Ubuntu Desktop, but use it as a multi-tool server. Is this feasible and easy?15:35
EriC^^cofo: you ran gcc yourprogram.c15:35
EriC^^cofo: type ./a.out to run it15:35
cofoIt gave me permission denied15:35
EriC^^type ls -l a.out15:36
Anthaasi.e. I'd like to run it as a web server, an XBMC server, a dev server (java, python, etc)15:36
ubuntuserDo chmod +x15:36
cofoi did15:36
EriC^^cofo: ls -l a.out15:36
OerHeksAnthaas, sure, lots of IDE's to install, XBMC is now Kodi.15:36
cofo-rw------- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 8756 Jul 12 18:21 a.out15:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 8756 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "g-s-t can't detect if ntp server is installed" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/875615:36
EriC^^cofo: it's not +x15:37
EriC^^cofo: type chmod +x a.out15:37
cofoi did15:37
cofoi wrote that15:38
EriC^^just now?15:38
cofoeven in codeblocks it no works15:38
EriC^^type it again, chmod +x a.out && ls -l a.out15:38
cofo-rw------- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 8756 Jul 12 18:38 a.out15:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 8756 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "g-s-t can't detect if ntp server is installed" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/875615:39
cofoi removed the file and then compile with gcc15:39
EriC^^cofo: when you type chmod +x a.out nothing happens?15:39
EriC^^it's odd you can't change the permissions15:40
EriC^^is it 64bit?15:40
OerHekscofo,  where is that file, on an USB device/fat32/ntfs ?15:40
cofoit's on windows8 hdd15:40
OerHeksohhh  that is not posix, copy it into your live environment15:40
EriC^^copy it to .. yeh ^15:41
EriC^^ntfs doesn't hold permissions15:41
EriC^^cause the filesystem wasn't made to hold them15:41
cofoI still don't understand why?15:41
EriC^^cause windows doesn't need them15:41
cofoanyway my program not work =D15:42
EriC^^cofo: you need to copy it to your ubuntu's live session or you can mount the ntfs with the permissions you want15:42
cofoThat's why I couldn't download steam games on that?15:42
EriC^^cofo: type mount | nc termbin.com 999915:42
AnthaasOerHeks: Sorry, got disconnected, I would quite like to do most of the stuff through command line, but have a GUI when I want.15:43
cofocould it make any bad to my hdd?15:43
AnthaasThe machine will be in a remote location too15:43
EriC^^cofo: no15:43
EriC^^cofo: it will mount it with fake permissions, they'll disappear the next time you mount15:43
EriC^^cofo: it's a pastebin site15:43
cofoi see15:43
cofoI will pas15:44
OerHeksAnthaas, i would test it out with a server next to me, easier to fix when you lock yourself out.15:44
cofoThank you15:44
AnthaasOerHeks: Yeah, I am at the server right now - at my parents' house - but I am a Uni student, so spend most of the year away.15:44
OerHeksAnthaas, good start https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/15:47
AnthaasOerHeks: Oooh, should I install Ubuntu server, not Ubuntu Desktop?15:48
OerHeksAnthaas, no, you can turn any desktop in a machine that gives a 'service'15:48
OerHeksstill,  the guide is valid for you15:49
EriC^^cofo: the fake permission won't be on it, just in the kernel15:49
AnthaasAhhh thats great then15:49
AnthaasAll those are valid for Ubuntu Desktop? OerHeks15:49
cofoI see15:49
EriC^^cofo: just copy the file to your /home/ubuntu dir and do chmod +x on it there if you want15:49
OerHeksAnthaas, jups15:49
cofoBut anyway I don't wanna do that now I will be do the copy...15:49
cofothe black job15:49
netcrashHello, in gnome how can I make right click + drag resize the window?15:51
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EriC^^netcrash: why right click? O.o15:52
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xarhow to download podcasts?16:01
nopfwget url_of_podcast ?16:02
=== Mitchell92 is now known as Mitchell92[A]
adektohey i just installed ubuntu and its not finding any drivers for my gpu16:10
OerHeksadekto, for what GPU exactly? terminal: lspci | grep VGA16:11
adektonvidea gtx97016:11
bekksadekto: And which Ubuntu exactly?16:12
adektothe one from the site16:12
OerHeksgt 970 is supporte by the nvidia 343.22 and up16:12
bekksadekto: Whats the outcome of "cat /etc/issue"?16:12
adektoUbuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l16:13
zaggynlI added the xorg-edgers ppa for nvidia driver16:14
adektowhat do i do? i tryed to do it by force befor in terminal but that broke the hole system so i had to re install the os16:15
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foobar12anyone know what actually checks for ~/.ecryptfs/auto-mount and ~/.ecryptfs/auto-unmount and reads ~/.ecryptfs/Private.mnt for automatically mounting/unmounting the encrypted home folder? trying to set up an additional encrypted folder on a separate drive for a user, and I've got everything but the automatic mount/unmount on login/logout working (which I'd prefer to work through the same process as the home folder)16:16
zaggynladekto: sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-current16:16
adektoyea that coused my keybourd and mouse to not work on login16:17
adektobut il try it again16:17
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zaggynlwhat if you use the proprietary driver in ubuntu?16:17
adektowhat driver?16:18
OerHeksi am not sure this works for 14.04 : sudo ubuntu-drivers devices16:19
adektoits not showing any16:19
schockleytrying to get samba on 14.04 to share a printer. total fail. I've tried everything: testparm, smbtree does not list the printer. I've tried all the usual links. Totally stumped16:19
zaggynlthe keyboard/mouse thing is a known issue apparently16:19
schockleyI copied a smb.conf from a 14.04 that successfully shares the same printers. Still no go16:20
schockleyno firewall. ufw is disabled16:20
zaggynladekto: do you have a bluetooth connected keyboard/mouse?16:20
thatkid_Hello, I want to manage contacts and remove duplicates from a vcf file, Is there any tool available for that?16:28
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knockOutyo guys16:30
pateroMy name is fernando16:31
schockleyseasoned ubuntu user for over 10 years. Computer Science degree. Master's in engineering. 2 hours trying to share a network printer. Why do I use linux? Goodnight16:34
paopaocan anyone tell me how to chat with a person, i'm using andchat, what's the command. thanks!16:44
tr00ppaopao: /query name16:44
tr00pit'll open a query16:44
paopaothank you so much16:44
tr00por /msg name16:45
tr00pwon't open query, but will send a message to person16:45
paopaogot it, thanks. i'll give it a try.16:46
paopaoit worked.16:48
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thatkid_Hello, can anybody help me to split a vcf file into multiple one?16:57
OerHeks!info vcftools17:00
ubottuvcftools (source: vcftools): Collection of tools to work with VCF files. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.12+dfsg-1 (vivid), package size 367 kB, installed size 1326 kB17:00
pateroI wish17:00
samphippenwhere would I look in a server's logs to determine when it was last powered off and powered on?17:01
alexus1212uhey, im trying to move from one SSD to another SSD, but im stuck. i think its because i use cryptsetup, ecryptfs and moved from btrfs to ext4. i have grub running, but its not booting, i get an mdadm error (but i dont use raid, maybe because of lvm)? any ideads appreciated17:01
OerHekssamphippen, " last reboot | head -1 "17:04
OerHeksthatkid_, i found vcftools, but no example to split, just merge17:05
gl_а че тут делаете?17:06
gl_где здесь арена17:06
OerHeksalexus1212u, moving to an other ssd is one thing, changing to btrfs is unusual.17:06
OerHekswith encryption*17:06
gl_join #arena17:07
alexus1212uOerHeks: i went from btrfs to ext4. i thought if i use a tar of the OS i can simply do that (changed mtag to ext4)17:07
gl_!join #arena17:07
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alexus1212u*fstab, sorry been sitting too long on this17:07
OerHeksalexus1212u, cannot help you there :-(17:08
alexus1212uno worries, thanks for trying :)17:08
Whitelionyo anyone knows a IRC channel for RoseGarden?17:10
xangua!alis | Whitelion17:11
ubottuWhitelion: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:11
tekkuhi guys17:12
tekkumy drive needs a manual fsck, and at boot grub is asking for the system password or Ctrl+D to continue17:12
tekkuthe thing is17:12
tekkuthe system password contains # (hash/pound symbol)17:13
tekkuwhich i can't seem to find on the keyboard layout that grub is expecting17:13
tekkuso my question is17:13
tekku1. where is it17:13
tekku2. the grub documentation refers to setting a keyboard layout, but gives no examples or accepted inputs17:13
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tekkuor laternatively17:15
tekkuis there a kernel option that allows me to bypass the forced fsck17:15
tekkuso i can boot system, login, change root pass, reboot, fsck17:15
tekkufastboot is enough?17:16
alexus1212uSHIFT 217:17
alexus1212uSHOFT 317:17
tekkuhmm, fastboot no longer works17:17
tekkushift 3 has no output at all17:17
tekkuand alt 317:17
tekkui think tried shift 317:17
tekkuhash/pound outputs a 3 oddly17:17
tekkui use a UK keyboard17:17
OerHekstekku, easy on the enter please17:17
tekkuok, well will KEYBOARDTYPE=gb  make things anymore optimistic? I don't know what keyboard type grub is defaulting to? just "pc" ?17:18
mojtabaHi, Is there anyway of listing directories that contain e.g. just pictures?17:20
mojtabaOr have pictures17:21
tekkumojtaba, you could glob on known extensions17:21
tekkuls */*.png17:21
tekkuor ls */* and pipe to grep o do the same17:21
mojtabatekku: I just wnat to list directory names.17:21
alexus1212ufind / -iname *.jpg17:24
tekkufast boot did the trick in the end17:28
habananyhey fellows, i have a question, i noticed that "paste.ubuntu.com" is labeled as "pastebin" does that mean i can use pastebin.org in this irc or "ubuntu pastebin" is the only acpeted, bear with my poor grammar and thanks for your attention17:29
MonkeyDusthabanany  you can use any pastebin you want17:29
OerHekshabanany, you are free to use pastebin.com, but be aware! not all countries allow pastebin.com, paste.ubuntu.com is allowed everywhere AFAIK17:30
SeyleriusUbuntu live discs come with lspci and lsusb, right?17:30
OerHeksSeylerius, yes17:30
OerHekslspci lsusb lscpu lshw17:30
vasHey Guys - I keep having a random system crash. I am running Ubuntu 14 and Gnome 3, but my monitors.xml file keepts getting deleted (randomly, when I'm away from my computer, so I think it may be a hibernation issue) and I have to reset my monitors config, and then move all my windows back to the right desktops.. very annoying because I develop so I have a billion windows always open.... I tossed my crash logs on my server vkaloidis.com/mo17:30
habananythanks for the info dear fellows17:31
TheCubeLordHello fellow ubuntu users :)17:31
lotuspsychjeTheCubeLord: welcome, what can we do for you?17:32
vasAnd thanks in advance :-)17:32
CerealkillerHello,i have some trouble with my apache17:38
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CerealkillerUntil last night, localhost worked great,but now localhost redirects me to localhost/index.html (a non existent file,so i get a 404) i want it to show the root (/var/www/html) where i have my folders with different sites17:39
rtreleavenCerealkiller what is the matter with your apache17:39
rtreleavenso what changed last night?17:39
Cerealkiller127.0.0.1 works,and does just that17:40
CerealkillerLast night i think what might have created this is that i changed ownership of a file i belive17:40
rtreleavenwhat file17:40
Cerealkilleri tried fixing a problem that i got a 403 in my console when adding a favicon17:40
CerealkillerI don't actually seem to remember17:40
CerealkillerI tried re-installing apache but with no luck17:41
rtreleavenuse the history command to see if that reminds you17:41
Guest70804did you remove apache first or reinstall on top of it?17:41
Cerealkillerpurged apache then re-installed17:41
rtreleavenif works and localhost does not then I have to wonder what localhost resolves to17:42
Guest70804what kind of files were you working on permissions?17:42
CerealkillerLet me check the history17:42
habananyhelp please http://paste.ubuntu.com/11867926/17:43
CerealkillerDoesn't really give me any clue17:43
CerealkillerSo probably ownership of a file didn't do that17:43
Cerealkilleralso, i remember accidentaly creating a folder calling it "index.html" in the /var/www/html17:43
Guest70804and you removed it?17:44
MeerkatHello. I wanna add a PGP key to a server but seahorse wont let me add "pgp.mit.edu". The OK button is grey.17:44
Cerealkilleradding it doesn't help either,since i still get a 40317:45
Cerealkilleri mean,adding a file called index.html17:45
rtreleavenCerealkiller what does localhost resolve to?17:45
Cerealkillerrtreleaven, I don't understand that question17:45
Guest70804still get a 403 with file index.html present?17:45
rtreleavennslookup localhost17:45
Cerealkillerrtreleaven, Name:localhost17:46
rtreleaventhen both should work.17:46
CerealkillerIt's really odd17:46
rtreleavenIs your browser doing something unexpected17:47
CerealkillerNot really17:47
ioriaCerealkiller, what's in the index.html ?17:47
rtreleaventry another browser17:47
Cerealkillerlet me try another browser17:47
Cerealkillerioria, There is no index.html file17:47
Guest70804did you change owner of the folder?17:47
CerealkillerOk,seems like chrome is the problem17:47
Cerealkillerlocalhost is working in mozilla17:47
Cerealkilleroh god,i've been struggling with this thing since last night17:48
Cerealkillernow ,could you guys help me even if it is not a problem with my apache?17:49
rtreleavenwhat kind of help would you like?17:49
CerealkillerI don't recall doing anything wrong last night17:49
CerealkillerTo get localhost working on chrome lol17:49
Cerealkillershould i delete the cache?17:49
Cerealkillerjust a sec17:50
CerealkillerThanks for your help guys,i narrowed it to chrome,deleted the cache and sure enough,it's working!17:52
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rtreleavenI narrowed it to chrome17:54
Cerealkillerrtreleaven, Yes,you did,thanks17:54
rtreleavenyour welcome17:54
Whitelion hi there anyone knows why afther using rosegarden my audio is deactivated?17:55
lotuspsychjeWhitelion: any errors when you start rosegarden from terminal?17:56
chmodihi, i cannot do cd to my home What can i do?17:59
chmodii did sudo chmod 700 /home/user but nothing happens17:59
OerHekschmodi, why did you do that for?18:00
kdzar700 hey18:00
chmodiin orther to login18:01
symbiosisDoes anyone happen to have a good link for info on how to ensure the wpa_supplicant rules are run on every boot?  What connects the /etc/network/interfaces file to to wpa_supplicant rules in other words?18:01
chmodiI tried to keep my /home from a fedora installations but i got .ICEauthority thing18:02
chmodi home/user is 700 but i cannot do cd or ls18:04
ioriachmodi   ls -al .ICEauthority  ?18:04
lotuspsychjesymbiosis: can this help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo18:06
chmodii have to run that in # because in $ i get Permission denied18:06
symbiosislotuspsychje: read my mind...reading it now.  Thank you much.18:06
chmodi-rwx------. 1 user user 46176 jul 12 19:46 /home/rosa/.ICEauthority18:07
chmodi-rwx------. 1 user user 46176 jul 12 19:46 /home/rser/.ICEauthority18:07
chmodisorry, -rwx------. 1 user user 46176 jul 12 19:46 /home/user/.ICEauthority18:07
ioriachmodi   and ls -al .Xauthority    ?18:08
rtreleavenwhat is rosegarden?18:08
ioriamidi, i think18:09
lotuspsychje!info rosegarden | rtreleaven18:09
ubotturtreleaven: rosegarden (source: rosegarden): music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:14.02-2 (vivid), package size 7857 kB, installed size 14784 kB18:09
rtreleavenWhitelion is it pausing pulse audio so that it can use alsa?18:09
=== simran is now known as Guest9206
chmodi-bash: cd /home/user: Permission denied18:13
lotuspsychje!enter | chmodi18:13
simran_test chat18:14
lotuspsychje!test | simran_18:14
ubottusimran_: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )18:14
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MonkeyDustthat was an elaborate way to say: "it works, we can see you"18:17
nmatrix9I finally got my nvidia drivers working and I managed to resolve the missing cursor issue!18:17
nmatrix9I think it's time we celebrate18:17
lotuspsychjenmatrix9: share us how18:18
nmatrix9lotuspsychje, 3 steps actually, 1. I had to upgrade my kernel to 3.19 2. I ran the command "gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active false" in a terminal for the missing cursor issue in Xubuntu and then 3. YOU MUST REMOVE bumblebee from your repository if not you will fsck yourself over a gazillion times!  Then install the xorg-edge repository and then install your nvidia driver nvidia-34618:21
TheCubeLordi am using kiwiirc :)18:22
lotuspsychjenmatrix9: bumblebee is outdated, do you have an optimus card?18:22
nmatrix9lotuspsychje, for step number 2. I did a full reboot18:22
lotuspsychje!test | TheCubeLord18:23
ubottuTheCubeLord: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )18:23
nmatrix9lotuspsychje, I have Geforce GTX 550 Ti18:23
TheCubeLordHow to bots18:23
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ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )18:24
lotuspsychjeTheCubeLord: this is an ubuntu support channel, please only type here when you have a question18:24
lotuspsychjenmatrix9: ok tnx for feedback18:25
=== Enissay__ is now known as Enissay
nmatrix9lotuspsychje, mind you I did all this from 14.0418:26
symbiosisDoes anyone know the significance of the numbers in the symbolic links in the rcS.d directory?  The files are all of the form Sxx-somename.18:27
lotuspsychjesymbiosis: can you tell us what your trying to do?18:28
chmodicd /home permission denied18:29
symbiosisI am trying to get the WPA supplicant rule to run at boot time.  An example in the link above was to create a link to a wpa launch script in /etc/init.d.18:29
MonkeyDustsymbiosis  methinks the S means Symbolic link18:29
symbiosislotuspsychje: at the end of the day, I am just trying to get my wireless network to connect when the system boots.18:29
lotuspsychjesymbiosis: wireless network should boot automaticly?18:30
symbiosisMonkeyDust: Per the README file in the rcS.d directory, it indicates that the file is to be executed at system boot18:30
symbiosislotuspsychje: My wired ethernet does, but not my wireless.  I have to manually run the wpa_supplicant rules to get it to connect.  Works fine, but just trying to have it done automatically.18:31
lotuspsychjesymbiosis: ubuntu version?18:31
MonkeyDustsymbiosis  yes, there's also rc1, rc2 etc18:31
symbiosislotuspsychje: 14.04, but for the sake of full disclosure, this is a Kodi system18:31
symbiosislotuspsychje: this is Kodi 15.018:32
MonkeyDustsymbiosis  the README explains what it is18:32
ioriachmodi   can you paste the output of ls -l /  ?18:33
chmodiioria: on home line drwxrw-rw-. 5 root root 4096 jul 12 20:33 home18:38
chmodiioria: lib folder drwxr-xr-x18:38
ioriachmodi   can you please paste the line here ?18:38
chmodiioria: it's on another computer, so i have to type it here18:39
ioriachmodi   home should be drwxr-xr-x18:40
ioriachmodi  and ls -l /home ?18:41
chmodithats it18:41
chmodiioria: i got cannot access /home/user Permission denied cannot access /home/lost+found Permission denied18:42
ioriachmodi  and with sudo ?18:43
chmodiioria: now i set chmod 755 /home and seems it's solved :selffacepalm:18:44
ioriachmodi  ok18:44
chmodithanks ioria :)18:44
ioriachmodi  you're welcome18:45
sync0pateanyone know if there's a way to make the "rename" command create new dirs?19:22
bekkssync0pate: you can rename a directory, too.19:23
sync0patebekks, I want to create new dirs19:23
bekkssync0pate: Then use mkdir19:23
sync0pateno but with the rename command19:23
sync0pateI have a ton of files, for example march.doc, march.xls, march.txt19:24
bekksThe ranme command renames existing objects.19:24
sync0pateand I want them all to be march/abc.doc, march/abc.xls, march/abc.txt19:24
bekksThe mkdir command creates new directories. One job, one tool.19:24
sync0patethis is what I have: rename s/'^(.+)\.'/'$1\/$1\.'/ *19:25
sync0patebut doesn't work, because the dirs need creating19:25
sync0pateI think19:25
bekkssync0pate: So create them using mkdir.19:26
sync0patemanually? there's loads..19:26
sync0pateI was wondering if there was a way to do it more easily.19:26
bekksScript it.19:27
sync0patenot a clue where to start with bash scripting19:27
bekksmkdir $1 ? :)19:27
bekksYou already used variables, for the rename command.19:27
sync0pateI know regex..19:27
sync0pateI know programming19:28
sync0pateI don't know shell scripting19:28
alexus1212uOerHeks: i finally made it, but got rif off cryptsetup, only ecryptfs left19:28
m82labsAnyone in here able to suggest to best method to encrypt a directory on my mail server? I want to encrypt the directory where my mail resides. My initial though was an encrypted loopback filesystem. Any reason that is a bad idea?19:31
apocalips.dns www.google.it19:32
jumble_e_whoppernew install of lubuntu 14.04, tried to run POL/Wine game now resolution is stuck at 800x600 and additional drivers window has 'continue using a manually installed driver' option selected and can't change it. any help please?19:33
Lee_I've just upgraded to 15.04 and my filesystem has become read only, taking my website and VPN down with it! Anyone know why this has happened and how I could fix it? I think the UUID may be wrong19:35
bubbasauresLee_, You did this without making images off any of this?19:36
mumersiddhi every one19:36
=== ManikM_ is now known as ManikM
swahiliI'm getting this error npm ERR! nospc and is related to insufficient space on your system.19:41
swahiliBut I still have available space19:41
swahiliWhat partition should I look for available space ? Any tips please ? Thanks!19:41
bubbasauresLee_, Looks like your waiting for some service from D Ocean, are we like jumping the gun here?19:42
bubbasauresswaagie, You terminal only, any gui?19:43
bubbasauresswaagie, Sorry, bad type19:43
bubbasauresswahili, You terminal only, any gui?19:44
swahilibubbasaures: thanks for looking. I can use the gui or terminal19:44
bubbasauresswaagie, A screenshot of gparted would be great.19:44
Lee_@bubbasaures they've taken out the recover disk, I've booted back into the normal OS and its still read only. Will likely need to boot back into recovery so I can write changez19:44
bubbasauresLee_, Cool, you do have a uuid issue as the info I'm assuming is accurate shows, how that happened is a mystery for sure. The ramification in this context I'm not sure.19:46
bubbasauresLee_, You might try #ubuntu-server if you think appropriate.19:47
swahilibubbasaures: a screenshot http://oi61.tinypic.com/2uokqo4.jpg19:50
Lee_@bubbasaures I think it must be, but I honestly have no idea19:50
Lee_@bubbasaures OK, I'll try there19:50
nicomachusLee_: you don't need an @ on irc19:50
Lee_Oh haha19:51
nicomachusjust type the name. you can actually just type the first few letters and then hit TAB to autocomplete, even.19:51
Lee_Don't use it often, thanks haha19:51
swahiliI don't know in which partition my system files are being saved otherwise I'd use the available space19:51
Lee_I'm on my phone at the moment, saw this link in the sidebar on reddit :)19:51
gawdAhoy !!19:52
Lee_bubbasaures do you think I could just change a UUID and fix it?19:53
bubbasauresswahili, YOu have 3 primary partition and an extened with logicals, that is the max primaries you can have. All you can do as is is move sda4 and extend the sda3 the extanded and add logicals. However you have partitions out of order left to right, this as is can cause issues.19:53
bubbasauresLee_, No Idea really, none of that I've done, I'm working from knowing general info.19:54
Lee_Okay haha, thanks anyway! :)19:55
foobar12anyone know if there are plans to update wiki.ubuntu.com to use a non-broken version of tls anytime soon? I've got broken/weak ciphers and protocols disabled in my primary browser, and having to switch browsers is annoying19:55
swahilibubbasaures: not sure I understood.  need to extend sda3 and add logicals ? Also don't know what to do about moving the sd4, what do you mean move ?19:55
bubbasauresswahili, You can see from gparted though how full the partitions are.19:55
swahilibubbasaures: yeah, I've installed ubuntu 3 years ago I think and just followed a tutorial19:56
dodo__I wanted clone a git repo with ssh, but ssh says "Host key verification failed." Why it doesn't work?19:56
bubbasauresswahili, Read the very first sentence, you are at the max amount of primary partitions. HD's have limitations is all.19:56
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bubbasauresswahili, In order to use that unallocated space you will have to move and resize other partitions to add another partition, the unallocated is dead space unless you exspand the partition bext to it.19:58
swahiliCan I just expand a partition with the unallocated space ?19:58
swahiliideally I just wanted to expand the partition where my sistem files go. in this case where NPM is installing stuff19:59
bubbasauresswahili, Yes, sda4. I also would like you to understand your predicament, that is really messy is all and I feel your not sure why. ;)19:59
MikroFaunehi everybody20:00
swahilibubbasaures: I don't. Just followed a beginners tutorial to install ubuntu back then.20:00
swahiliI'll just expand sda4 then20:00
MikroFaunequelqu'un parle français sur le canal?20:00
bubbasauresswahili, Cool, I just wanna see you succeed.20:01
bubbasaures!fr | MikroFaune20:01
ubottuMikroFaune: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:01
swahilibubbasaures: oh cool it's working now. thanks a lot dude!20:02
swahiliI'm planning to, format everything and install ubuntu again.20:02
bubbasauresswahili, Great, no prob.20:02
swahilibut this time I'll just follow the defaults20:02
MikroFauneok its not a problem, just my english is not perfect sorry20:02
swahilifrom the disk install20:02
MikroFaunei need help tell me when you can help me ;)20:03
bubbasauresMikroFaune, Just let the channel know what the issue is, that's the way it works here. ;)20:04
MikroFauneok, i installed ubuntu studio and every time i want to see a YT video it go freeze; i tried with chromium and ubuntu, i tried many plugins like flashplayer or flashpepper nothing can fix my problem... any ideas?20:06
MonkeyDustMikroFaune  enable html5, scroll down   https://www.youtube.com/html520:08
OerHeksMikroFaune, i use chrome for flash tings, for a long time now20:09
MikroFaunei tried html5 too, restarted browsers and system, but it dont works :/20:09
MikroFaunei will try uninstall/reinstall firefox and chromium maybe it can fix it?20:10
bubbasauresMikroFaune, That is a kinda a busy desktop is the hardware up for it, the ram.....etc20:10
OerHeksMikroFaune, did you look for better gpu drivers?20:10
MikroFaunehow can i do that?20:10
xeperhello. how can I open the terminal of XChat?20:10
MikroFaunein setting>non-open drivers?20:10
bubbasauresxeper, terminal?20:10
MonkeyDustMikroFaune  maybe it has to do with hardware accelleration...20:11
bubbasauresxeper, There are irc term apps20:11
mjbrancatoMikroFaune, what type of video card do you have?20:11
nicomachusxeper: irssi is an irc terminal app20:11
xeperI mean. Seems I need to execute a command is a Termnal of the IRC client :/20:11
bekksxeper: Which command?20:12
bubbasauresxeper, where you type now20:12
mjbrancatoxeper, type xchat in terminal20:12
MikroFaunemonkeydust> i think it can be what you say, how can i disable hardware/graphic accelleration please?20:13
xeperOk. I am trying to install Lita Chatbot.  I already finished all the steps but I don't get this one: Make sure you're connected to IRC using your IRC client of choice or a web client, and that you're in the channel that you want Lita to join. Then, start your bot. lita start20:13
MitsuruOh no :P no bots plz20:13
OerHeksMikroFaune, i wouldn't disable it, as it takes the load of your cpu, which might be your issue20:14
xeperStep 320:14
mjbrancatoI have a question, how do I get my IRC servers/channels to autoconnect on start in Xchat?20:15
xepercan someone help?20:16
nicomachusmjbrancato: right click on the channel and select "autojoin"20:16
bubbasauresmjbrancato, first gui when you load it hit edit and put in pass etc, I would delay it's finish is all.20:16
MitsuruI dunno xeper, newbie on irc too :(20:16
xeperok :/20:17
xeperthanks anyway20:17
patero-ngIm new to aow20:17
MitsuruBut why would you even like to bot a IRC channel? :D20:17
foobar12are there any arguments that get passed to the script specified for lightdm's session-cleanup-script setting, such as the user whose session is to be cleaned up?20:18
nicomachusMitsuru: bots in IRC are very helpful. but this is off topic, and better for #ubuntu-offtopic20:18
nicomachusfor instance, ubottu is very helpful here:20:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:19
doudouhave lastest debian distrib a pcspkr module by default?20:19
doudouhave lastest ubuntu distrib a pcspkr module by default?20:19
nicomachus!info pcspkr20:19
ubottuPackage pcspkr does not exist in vivid20:19
kostkonxeper, just running it from a terminal would do, but you can use exec <command> if you want to start the bot from inside xchat (in this case /exec lita start?), without opening a terminal, if you think it's faster that way. No real difference though.20:20
bekksThats not a single package.20:20
=== Allu is now known as Guest7363
bekks!find pcspkr20:20
ubottuFile pcspkr found in linux-headers-3.19.0-15-generic, linux-headers-3.19.0-15-lowlatency, linux-headers-3.19.0-16-generic, linux-headers-3.19.0-16-lowlatency, linux-headers-3.19.0-18-generic, linux-headers-3.19.0-18-lowlatency, linux-headers-3.19.0-20-generic, linux-headers-3.19.0-20-lowlatency, linux-headers-3.19.0-21-generic, linux-headers-3.19.0-21-lowlatency (and 15 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=pcspkr&mode=&suite20:20
doudouit is a module you spee with lsmod and that beep when to mistake in terminals20:20
nicomachusdoudou: looks like a yes.20:20
bekksdoudou: So investigate the URL given by ubottu :)20:20
OerHeksdoudou yes, pcspkr & snd_pcsp20:21
doudouso when this module strated to be installed? I dont remmember it in old distrib?20:21
nicomachusbekks: that url gives an error. :/20:21
xeperI tried on the terminal and nothing happens. if i do it here nothing happens either :/20:23
MitsuruDoes this count for xubuntu-related Q's as well?20:24
james21prolly xeper20:25
nicomachusMitsuru: just ask the question20:27
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
andybrinedoes anyone know if there is a wordpress IRC?20:46
EriC^^andybrine: /msg alis list *wordpress*20:46
k1l!alis | andybrine20:46
ubottuandybrine: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*20:46
andybrinethanks eric20:46
rp2hello all ... I'm looking for a MIDI player that allows me to change tempo and rewind to any moment in the song20:47
rp2timidity -ig gets close but doesn't allow me to back up to an arbitrary place20:48
rp2any suggestions?20:48
knockouthi guys20:50
knockoutPostfix configuration was not changed.  If you need to make changes, edit20:50
knockout/etc/postfix/main.cf (and others) as needed.  To view Postfix configuration20:50
knockoutvalues, see postconf(1).20:50
knockoutAfter modifying main.cf, be sure to run '/etc/init.d/postfix reload'.20:50
knockoutRunning newaliases20:50
knockoutanyone here to help in pvt20:52
rp2knockout: what are you doing to cause these messages?20:52
OerHeksknockout use paste.ubuntu.com for the output, you were cut off20:53
knockoutsorry bro i was copyng here a error i get20:53
knockoutneed a helpsorry for flood20:53
peromaxHello, I am trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS alongside Windows 8 on Lenovo G580, could anyone help me with the procedure?20:54
dammehey guys, Ive tried a couple of times to run kernel 4+ (4.1) on my laptop, and I just cant get nvidia graphics driver to work, is this a known issue or am I doing it wrong? 3100m20:56
bobafettwhich laptop is best for ubuntu?21:04
rp2which country is best for driving?21:05
rp2bobafett: that is kind of a vague question. what do you want to do with it?21:05
MonkeyDust!requirements | bobafett is this useful21:09
bobafettheres an interesting read on driving in Germany on the Autobahn http://imgur.com/gallery/VtgEy21:09
ubottubobafett is this useful: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu21:09
bobafettim trying to decide which is best for ubuntu, dell xps13, lenovo x1 carbon etc21:11
alexus1212ui run xubuntu on an i7, i like it more21:11
alexus1212uim running it on a x1c :)21:11
beepiebobafett, system76 as they work directly with canonical employees21:11
alexus1212ubobafett everything is detected on my x1c. back in 12.x the 3g modem wasnt working, afaik, but you only had to blacklist a module21:12
bobafettcurrently use a lenovo x201 tablet, touch screens not great with all apps and I was wanting 16gb ram for vms21:12
beepiebobafett, https://system76.com/21:13
IonicVMS is still around? good lord21:14
bobafettvms short for virtual machines21:15
alexus1212ubobafett which version of the x1c you plan to buy?21:16
beepiealexus1212u, i think he said he wanted a system76 machine21:16
alexus1212uhe said x1c or xps1321:16
beepiealexus1212u, he also said "etc" which means etcetera etcetera etcetera21:16
* beepie beeps21:17
Ionicbobafett: see, that's why you should use VM's in this case21:17
=== ariel is now known as gt8ost4l
gt8ost4li need help how come the wirless networks are not showing up21:26
cr45htype ifconfig in a terminal21:28
cr45hdo you see your wireless interface?21:28
cr45hshould be something like "wlan0"21:28
gt8ost4lno its not there21:29
gt8ost4lall i see is lo and ath021:29
cr45hif you type "lspci" do you see you wireless card listed?21:29
rypervenchegt8ost4l: lspci -nn | grep Network21:30
gt8ost4lyes its there21:30
nicomachusgt8ost4l: what's the output of 'sudo lshw -class network'21:32
nmatrix9nicomachus, I got my nvidia drivers installed on 3.19.0-2221:32
nmatrix9nicomachus, latest version too!21:33
nicomachusno more overscan?21:33
nmatrix9nicomachus, nope21:33
gt8ost4lsudo: lshw-class: command not found21:33
nicomachusthere's a space there, gt8ost4l21:33
nmatrix9nicomachus, 3.19 also solves the issue of the disappearing mouse in Xubuntu21:33
gt8ost4loh sorry21:33
nicomachusand gt8ost4l: paste the output on paste.ubuntu.com and then paste that link here.21:34
roninwhat was the efficient cmd line program for editing images21:35
bobafetton the side of the laptop is there a on/off switch for the wifi, or with keyboard combination fn and f5(or the one with the wifi icon)21:35
cr45hedit images in what aspect?21:36
roninresize etc21:36
nicomachusbobafett: I'm curious to see if it's disabled for some reason. waiting on the lshw output to see.21:36
gt8ost4lnicomachus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11869200/21:37
cr45himagemagick is what you want to use but Im not sure about rotating21:37
nicomachusyea, see? Unclaimed.21:37
MonkeyDustronin  cr45h was faster, just found this http://www.upubuntu.com/2011/04/edit-images-on-ubuntu-via-command-line.html21:37
nicomachusgt8ost4l: you're going to need the driver for it.21:37
cr45hgt8ost4l: same wireless card as me so it definitely is compatible21:38
gt8ost4lnicomachus where do i get this driver?21:39
nicomachusgt8ost4l: I'm checking, one sec21:39
=== fusion is now known as Guest91636
cr45hgt8ost4l: type:21:40
cr45hsudo modprobe -rfv ath9k21:40
cr45hsudo modprobe -v ath9k nohwcrypt=121:40
cr45hif that works then do the following command to save that change:21:42
cr45hecho "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf21:42
ash_mis puphpet supposed to be used in lieu of vagrant boxes (not Vagrant, but specifically boxes)?21:43
beepieash_m, try muppet21:43
* beepie says it's time to put on makeup21:44
ash_mbeepie: I noticed that vagrant has a puppet command; that is not the same as https://puphpet.com/ right?21:44
beepiedidnt know about puphpet21:44
roninMonkeyDust, yes, with imagegick: for file in *.jpg; do convert -rotate -90 "$file" "test/$file";done21:44
beepiei just use bash+kvm21:44
gt8ost4lcr45h nop still nothing21:44
beepieI don't use any front-ends21:44
cr45hgt8ost4l: still no wlan0 or wireless interface showing up in ifconfig?21:45
nicomachusgt8ost4l: wget https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/backports/stable/v3.9-rc4/compat-drivers-3.9-rc4-2-s.tar.bz221:45
nicomachusthat will download the driver21:45
ash_mbeepie: a lot of people promote puphpet with Vagrant, but I really don't understand the purpose, exactly21:46
beepieash_m, does that actually work good?21:46
nicomachusthen unzip it and run the make file21:46
ash_mbeepie: supposedly; many people have approved of this21:46
beepieash_m, looks like vagrant is the vm machine template you use21:46
georgentQuick question... : what is the best method in order to encrypt a file ? gpg or something else?21:47
ash_mbeepie: yeah, puphpet uses vagrant21:47
gt8ost4lnicomachus how do i do that21:47
nicomachusgt8ost4l: do what? unzip it and run the make file?21:47
beepieash_m, so it could just be a front-end to vagrant21:47
beepieash_m, i guess21:47
gt8ost4lrun the make file21:48
beepieash_m, probably similar to libvirt front-ends for the command kvm/qemu21:48
ash_mbeepie: :P21:48
nicomachusgt8ost4l: the wget command above will download it. then you can just find the find the file and double clip to open it, then click "extract"21:48
beepieash_m, it wouldn't "replace" the back-ends, so they're not different editions21:48
ash_mbeepie: not sure I follow; I think puphpet just stores a vagrant configuration you (and your team) can download21:49
ash_mbeepie: _I think_21:49
beepieash_m, check it's documentation21:49
nicomachusonce that is done, go to a terminal and type in 'cd' and then the location of the download. it's probably just going to be 'compat-drivers-3.9-rc4-2-s.tar.bz2'21:49
ash_mbeepie: I'm looking at it, but I don't think I'm getting smarter :P21:49
nicomachusso gt8ost4l just type in 'cd compat-drivers-3.9-rc4-2-s.tar.bz2/'21:50
beepieash_m, "This is a gui configurator for the Vagrant automation tool. It uses Puppet as the provisioning backend."21:50
beepieash_m, https://puphpet.com/#about21:50
nicomachusthen type './scripts/driver-select ath9k', then 'sudo make', then 'sudo make install'21:51
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ash_mbeepie: how is that different from what I said?21:51
beepieash_m, I didn't read that until after I told you likely what it is21:52
ash_mbeepie: lol, but more importantly21:52
beepieash_m, join their #irc/ml for more help21:52
beepieash_m, i don't use it21:52
ash_mbeepie: does that mean puphpet is not very helpful if you're just going to use a box with Vagrant?21:52
beepieash_m, I don't use it, so I can't say.21:53
beepieash_m, you can use qemu , vbox, etc with the command-line only, it's personal preference.21:53
ash_mbeepie: thanks anyway! sometimes I miss stuff. I appreciate you helping me :_21:54
beepieash_m, it's like saying on #vbox, what's the point of the "gui" interface21:54
beepieash_m, up to you21:54
stonederso the xfwm4 compositor has screen tearing issues.. I tried to get compton to work but when I try to boot it with startup (command line compton -b) the windows and the panel stop functioning21:54
stonederhow can I get compton to work with xfwm4?21:54
ash_mbeepie: yeah; but if that's the distinction; that's what I'd like to know ;) I think the only other service it provides ...21:55
ash_mbeepie: like Vagrant, users on your team can download the same environment configuration21:55
ash_mbeepie: of course, Vagrant is setup to do that too, but you use your own VCS21:56
ash_mbeepie: that's the impression I got anyway21:56
ash_mbeepie: thanks again :)21:56
a__Hey, guys. I am currently trying to install xubuntu on my laptop and I am running through some issues. So, some weeks ago I installed Fedora 22 and now I decided that it isn't for me (big story). I installed it creating 4 partitions; 1 for EFI, 1 for root, 1 for home and 1 for swap. I tried to install xubuntu earlier and after rebooting, I got the Fedora booting EFI menu or whatever, so it seems that it KEPT fedora's partitions. Whenever I click 'in21:56
a__stall' using the default setting, it appears to be keeping the old partitions and just 'formating them'. But they need to be removed. When I manually try to create my  partitions, the installer crashes. I used gparted and removed them, rebooted and although they appear removed, I get the same issue. What to do? I checked it and my disc is fine.21:56
a__By same issue, I mean that they get formated and not removed21:58
bagsbagera__: what are you formating21:58
beepiea, maybe your setup issued dosmbr partitions and overwrote the protective gpt entry21:58
beepiea, try gdisk in a rescue shell (bash boot installer cd), and use "x", "z"  zap both dosmbr and gpt tables21:59
bagsbagera__: what are you formating21:59
a__bagsbager, i am trying to format nothing. I just click 'Erase disk and install Xubuntu' and it tells me that my fedora partitions get formated, but it still keeps them and there's no space21:59
a__in the end, that's the result after 'installing' xubuntu and rebooting22:00
nicomachusa__: did you try using gparted from a live disk and repartitioning the entire HDD as a single ext4 partition, then running the installer after a reboot?22:00
TJ-a__: That sounds like the ubuntu installer started in Legacy BIOS mode, not UEFI mode22:00
bagsbagera__: fedora by default uses virtual partitions22:00
TJ-bagsbager: what is a 'virtual' partition?!22:01
a__nicomachus, yeah, that's the last thing i tried22:01
a__TJ-, ok, let's try that, first, before trying what bagsbager suggested. What do i do?22:02
beepiebagsbager, beep!22:02
beepiebagsbager, beep!22:02
beepiebagsbager, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaa!22:02
beepiethere is no such thing as a virtual partition22:02
moonchildneed help coz mozilla frozen often under linux22:02
nicomachusoh, TJ-, btw: those .old-dkms initrd are freaking *persistent*. I can't get rid of em22:02
satmanduDoes anybody here configure wifi from the command line? Trying to figure out how to keep wpa_supplicant from running twice on vivid22:03
bagsbagera__: is your  set to boot uefi mode.22:03
bagsbagera__: is your  System set to boot uefi mode.22:04
moonchildneed help!!!mozilla frozen under xubuntu22:05
nicomachus!patience | moonchild22:05
ubottumoonchild: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:05
* beepie -_-22:05
beepiebagsbager, you're being reported22:05
hggdhbeepie: please stop. You were muted for spamming the channel, and you have already been told that22:06
nicomachusTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11869363/22:06
a__bagsbager, how do i find out?22:06
moonchildk ubottu,thx22:06
TJ-nicomachus: You mean they reappear?22:06
nicomachusno I mean they just don't go away. see the paste.22:06
beepiehggdh, I was called a "faggot" and a "coon" in pm.22:07
nicomachusreboot didn't do anything either.22:07
beepiehggdh, by bagsbager, reporting this on #ubuntu-ops22:07
bagsbagerbeepie: it's called logical volumes22:07
satmanduMy guess is that I'm starting wpa_supplicant from /etc/network/interfaces and also dbus is starting it. Is there a way to add ssids & passwords to configure wifi from the command line using just dbus?22:07
TJ-a__: Are you running the installer now? Did you start it in "Try ..." mode ?22:07
a__TJ-, yes22:07
bagsbagera__: do you know how to enter bios setup.22:08
OerHeksmoonchild, remove .cache/mozilla/firefox + .mozilla and start firefox again? you loose your extentions, which can be an issue.22:08
a__bagsbager, yeah22:08
TJ-a__: the simple way to check for UEFI mode is to open a terminal and do "ls /sys/firmware/efi/vars/"  - if that lists anything the system started in UEFI mode22:08
a__bagsbager, but i've not seen anything about BIOS or UEFI22:08
moonchildoerheck,no extentions,but my processor have no sse222:08
OerHeksmoonchild, what has sse2 to do with it?22:09
a__TJ-, it listed a ton of things22:09
bagsbagera__: it may be labeled LEGACY MODE. That should be disabled to enable UEFI boot.22:09
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI22:10
cihhanhi all! i have a ubuntu based router with multiple eth ports and each eth port has a subnet assigned for them such as 10.1.x.x, 10.2.x.x, etc. Since they are different subnets, they cant communicate normally. Is there a way that they can communicate with each other?22:10
moonchildoerhecks,i dont know...22:10
TJ-a__: Good; then the system booted in UEFI mode, and will install in that mode too22:10
nicomachuscr45h: stop22:10
moonchildand my videocard is too hot22:10
cr45hnicomachus: :(22:11
nicomachuscr45h: you can PM ubottu to try commands out all you want, but keep the channel on topic.22:11
bagsbagerOerHeks: it can fall back to MBR hiding the GPT partitions if he's not booting in uefi mode22:12
a__TJ-, wait a sec, if possible, i will show you a screenshot22:12
beepiea__, i gave you a solution like 15 minutes ago22:12
OerHeksbagsbager, i was thinking about mbr/gpt issue, gparted cannot handle gpt22:12
beepieOerHeks, yes it can22:13
OerHeksparted can, or gdisk22:13
bobafett@cihhan can you add entry in the routing table?22:13
OerHeksbeepie, no, you are wrong.22:13
bagsbagera__: or called CSM. Some disable secure mode but it will can still boot in UEFI.22:13
TJ-nicomachus: You'll have to manually delete those files with "sudo rm /boot/initrd*.old-dkms"22:13
cihhanbobafett: yeah i have root access22:13
beepieOerHeks, i suggest you try gparted live iso in virtualbox and see for yourself22:13
cihhanbobafett: i tried but i think it wasnt correct entry22:14
a__TJ-, i.imgur.com/A2IytTA.png22:14
TJ-a__: that looks good22:15
a__it basically installs in in my ex home directory and keeps the EFIboot oone22:15
a__bagsbager, secure mode is enabled, maybe i should try it with it disabled?22:16
bagsbagera__: manually format. 100mb for EFI. 4gb swap. Rest of space formatted ext4 mounted as /.22:16
nicomachusah, TJ-, guess that works.22:17
TJ-nicomachus: I'll investigate it this coming week, post a bug report if there isn't one, and propose a fix22:17
bobafett@cihhan https://wiki.ubuntu.com/vlan22:17
bagsbagera__: select something else in that screen and set up partitions yourself.22:18
beepiea__, don't you feel the "ubuntu" lol22:18
cihhanbobafett: let me read it, thanks a lot22:18
satmanduSummarized my wifi issue here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=110105&p=787985#p787985 if anybody has any ideas on how I should resolve this wifi configuration issue.22:19
cihhanbobafett: btw, i was thinking if something like route entry or iptables entry would have for this problem22:19
bagsbagera__: ubuntu usually works secure boot. You wouldn't of got to that screen if it needed to be disabled.22:21
bagsbager( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)22:22
a__bagsbager, i tried doing it manually, as you suggested, and it did not crash this time (why? idk). *crosses fingers* i got my new partitions formatting message this time, let's see..22:22
a__i didn't choose any swap memory, though. 2 gigs is enough of ram for me22:23
Ben64a__: kind of low for no swap22:24
Ben64you can make a swap file somewhere though, doesn't need to be a partition22:24
bagsbagera__: swap is used for hibernate sometimes standby mode. They recommend ram memory size. Maximum 4 gb22:24
a__bagsbager, hmm, makes sense. maybe i will resize my / partition at some point and get some swap22:26
bagsbagera__: it could get complicated to set it up later.22:26
Ben64easy to make a swap file anytime though22:27
bagsbagera__: you ever edit FSTAB files22:27
a__bagsbager, never tried22:28
Ben64a__: just pop back in here if you want to add swap file or swap partition and someone can help you out22:29
bagsbagera__: you'll learn if you want to add swap later.22:29
a__ok, guys. thank you all. i am optimistic it will get installed successfully this time :)22:29
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bobafett@cihhan according to ubuntu unleased book a router or switch can be used (but we know that), so assuming you need to enable a routing protocol, I found this on google, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193530322:36
TJ-cihhan: If each Ethernet port has a static ip address assigned an associated route for that sub-net should be added to the main routing table automatically: "ip route show"22:37
rhalffhow do I properly mount and umount lvm partitions? I've added them to /etc/fstab, which boots fine, but a new boot will constantly do a file check, I assume the partitions are not cleanly unmounted during reboot.22:41
bubbasauresrhalff, Show the channel your fstab in a pastebin22:42
nicomachusrhaliff: https://evilshit.wordpress.com/2012/10/29/how-to-mount-luks-encrypted-partitions-manually/22:43
nicomachusrhaliff: another, clearer explanation here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/63594/mount-encrypted-volumes-from-command-line22:44
rhalffnicomachus, I use no encrypted, keeps my internet stable :p22:44
* nicomachus went straight to lvm2 and assumed crypt_luks... whoops22:45
rhalffbubbasaures, http://pastebin.com/rFiYJeGD22:47
cihhanTJ-, Hi! This is what I have right now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11869550/22:47
TJ-rhalff: You need to correct the fstab; for all entries except the root file-system on /, the last two numbers should be "0 2" not "0 1"22:48
cihhanTJ-: So, what I really want to do is that 10.1.x.x and 10.3.x.x and so on should be able to communicate with each other22:48
rhalffTJ-, ok... :)22:48
a__bagsbager, it booted normally :)22:49
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TJ-cihhan: I see no problem there *provided* that the hosts on the other end of those brX links have 10.X.0.1 set as their gateway for 10.Y.0.0/1622:49
cihhanTJ-: Please correct me if I understand correctly. Currently, for the systems connected to 10.1.x.x shows as their gateway22:51
* rhalff *reboots*22:51
TJ-cihhan: if they have as their default gateway then all their traffic will be routed to
arsenythere is a problem with using usb some linux live frequently in my laptop?22:52
cihhanTJ-: So if i am pinging from, as an example, what should I do for them to be able to work?22:53
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TJ-cihhan: On there must be a route that covers via ... and on there must be a route that covers via
TJ-cihhan: that is, the outbound and return routes22:55
cihhanTJ-: hmmm. I see your point. I was wondering if this can be done from the router side. Actually, it was originally configured this way. But it seems that after the reboot of the system the configuraiton is lost. So I m trying to figure it out how to do it from the router side :(22:56
TJ-cihhan: The router can't do anything if the hosts don't know to route packets to it22:57
TJ-cihhan: Are all the hosts configured statically, or by DHCP? If the router is doing DHCP then you can configure it to hand out the correct gateway to the hosts22:58
cihhanTJ-: It has DHCP server but also static IP is used too22:58
TJ-cihhan: You could use  DHCP static leases (keyed to MACs) to make sure the correct gateway/routes are supplied to the clients23:00
cihhanTJ-: Thanks TJ-, let me check that one too.23:01
codepython777what laptop do ubuntu developers use for working / developing ubuntu - does anyone here know?23:06
k1lthat differs a lot.23:07
tewardcodepython777: an extremely wide variety, as I understand it23:09
tewardcodepython777: there's no one laptop/hardware config23:09
codepython777teward: I'm not sure it makes sense to use OSX to develop ubuntu software :) - at least not to me.23:10
codepython777teward: where do the devs hang out?23:10
tewardcodepython777: you asked about the laptop - not about the OS :P  But even that varies widely (some may use latest Ubuntu, some may be on older releases, some may be on the LTS)23:11
OerHekscodepython777, i know lots of canonical guys use macbooks :-D23:11
tewardcodepython777: different places, but your question doesn't fit the general support category of questions - why exactly do you ask what laptops developers use/etc?23:11
tewardcodepython777: and i know a few people who use MacBook Pro's as their devel systems.  I use a mix of four or five systems depending on the task/goal23:11
teward(some virtual)23:12
tewardcodepython777: so your question is far too broad, and can't really be answered within an answerable scope23:12
codepython777teward: 'm looking for a new laptop. Mostly work with Ubuntu.23:12
tewardcodepython777: pretty much all laptops work.  Dells tend to be 'Ubuntu Ready' in a sense, provided you pull the broadcom wifi drivers down from the repos via wired connectivity23:13
teward!crosspost > codepython77723:13
ubottucodepython777, please see my private message23:13
codepython777teward: what do you use?23:13
rainbowwarriorhi , i am running Ubuntu 15.04 and when i try and install anything via the ubuntu software centre it keeps saying bad package and does not matter what I choose, I am trying to install teamviewer and skype, can someone help please ?23:13
codepython777teward: btw, the macbook pro has tons of ubuntu problems - its some work to install ubuntu on them. I had to move to 15.0423:14
tewardcodepython777: a mix of systems, as i siad, depends on my needs at the time.  my primary's a dell inspiron 15r, but was a "special edition" model23:14
tewardcodepython777: i never said it didn't have problems - i just said it could be used23:14
tewardcodepython777: lets not drag into other topics of conversation for now thanks23:14
codepython777teward: thanks for the information. I'll probably get a dell.23:15
tewardcodepython777: i also have a netbook running Ubuntu (old HP), a RPi with Ubuntu, and multiple virtual desktops on a VM server.23:15
codepython777teward: I'm running it in VMs and a macbook pro. Need a bare metal ubuntu laptop. Probably try the dell xps series.23:16
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TheHodgehey folks, anyone got any experience with vnstat, I've got it installed and the damon running but the stats don't seem to be updating and it's been half an hour?23:20
khalilhello, i'm kind of new to IRC, does anybody know how to cloak/hide their hostnames?23:21
nicomachuskhalil: you might have better luck in #freenode23:21
k1lkhalil: make an account on freenode and ask the staff to get a cloak23:21
khaliloh, alright, thank you for the help23:22
Bashing-omrainbowwarrior: Do you have the "partner" repository enabled in Software Sources ?23:22
rainbowwarriorBashing-om, let me check23:24
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rainbowwarriorBashing-om, they were off, just turned them on23:27
Bashing-omrainbowwarrior: 'sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' and try and install now .23:28
rainbowwarriorBashing-om, it still says they bad packages :(23:31
OerHeksrainbowwarrior, sure about 'bad packages' ? if i install teamviewer, softwarecenter complains about not able to verify, and if i trust the package...23:32
rainbowwarriorOerHeks, yes23:33
OerHeksit is just a warning, as it does not come from our repos23:33
Bashing-omrainbowwarrior: Show in a pastbin the results : 'sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt install skype ' see if I can spot the problem .23:33
ssimonIn synoptic: says cach open-report23:33
ssimonasks to run 'dpkg-config-a'23:34
ssimonand nothing happened23:35
OerHeksif dpkg does not give an error, it is oke23:35
skinuxAnyone know of a top panel applet that will show me memory usages for disk, RAM, SWAP, etc.?23:36
rainbowwarriorBashing-om :- http://paste.ubuntu.com/11869785/23:36
a__trying to run steam and getting this message http://i.imgur.com/qum5z5e.png23:37
droid909guys where to get free ssl cert for testing https23:37
droid909not self signed23:37
ssimonAnyone know about synoptics messages here?23:38
tewarddroid909: self-signed.  or startssl free tier if you own a TLD23:38
tewarddroid909: self-signed is usually the way to go though, ignoring any of the self-signed errors23:38
tewardat least for testing23:38
a__never mind, i sudo apt-got the files23:39
droid909teward: i need to test with facebook api, it requires standart sll cert23:39
tewarddroid909: i assume you didn't read my second sentence on my first message.23:40
OerHeks!info indicator-multiload23:40
ubottuindicator-multiload (source: indicator-multiload): Graphical system load indicator for CPU, ram, etc.. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.4-0ubuntu3 (vivid), package size 91 kB, installed size 461 kB23:40
tewarddroid909: Top Level Domain.  I.E. something.net or such23:40
OerHeksskinux, ^^23:40
tewarddroid909: since the cert is issued with the domain and the subdomain (domain.com and sub.domain.com) you need to control whatever domain.com becomes (even if it too is sub.domain.com and your cert is being sub.sub.domain.com)23:40
droid909teward: i do have TLD but it wasn't bought from startssl23:41
tewarddroid909: doesn't matter23:41
tewarddroid909: you only need to verify site ownership23:41
droid909teward: thanks, will try23:41
tewarddroid909: it explains that.23:41
codepython777is there a tool to keep multiple ubuntu servers synced and updated remotely? I currently use ssh and apt-get update/upgrade manually23:41
tewardcodepython777: usually that's landscape or puppet or something23:42
OerHekscodepython777, landscape23:42
tewardOerHeks: do you know if the free personal-run landscape can work with remote offsite servers?23:42
TJ-codepython777: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates23:42
tewardOerHeks: or does that need the Ubuntu Advantage stuff23:42
OerHeksteward, no, not free, you can try out for 1 month for free23:42
tewardOerHeks: i meant the standalone one23:42
tewardOerHeks: NOT the trial23:43
teward(i.e. NOT the cloud one run by Canonical)23:43
OerHeksteward, good question, not sure about that23:43
codepython777TJ-: Thanks23:43
codepython777landscape can run without the cloud?23:44
tewardOerHeks: indeed, I have 6 VPSes i'd like to manage via Standalone (Personal Install) Landscape, stuff can get past the firewall, but then says 'can't connect'.  *shrugs*23:44
OerHeks"Landscape Dedicated Server." It is free for up to 10 physical machines and 10 more virtual machines for a total of 2023:44
teward^ that23:44
tewardOerHeks: is that 'supported' by anyone so i can field a question or two, or is that just here, -server, and standard support mediums23:45
ssimonI need to show a 0-AD to use my Debian packages23:45
OerHeksteward, found @ http://askubuntu.com/questions/549809/how-do-i-install-landscape-for-personal-use23:45
OerHeksssimon, wrong channel, join #debian .. this is ubuntu support.23:46
tewardOerHeks: not what i was looking for but htanks23:46
SJrHere is a weird question, anyone ever heard of lspci causing a system lock up/23:46
SJrIt seems that after I run lspci 3 or 4 seconds afterwards it locks up.23:46
ssimonIt's  a dvf <Debian bug> issue23:46
tewardOerHeks: i'm having an issue getting things to reg inside the Landscape Dedicated Server, hence is that question.23:47
tewardOerHeks: but i guess i'll just keep beating it with a stick in the interim23:47
SJrssimon is that for me?23:47
tewardSJr: there's multiple chats going on at once - you should likely only be concerned about messages that have your name tagged at the beginning, like this one23:47
tewardssimon: I assume you were pointing that at OerHeks23:47
OerHeksteward, i guess you know about https://help.landscape.canonical.com/?action=show&redirect=LDS23:48
codepython777OerHeks: https://landscape.canonical.com - so this only allows 10 machines, and not 10+10 ?23:48
droid909teward: do you also have  an error trying to access https://auth.startssl.com/23:48
tewardOerHeks: now I do, thanks.23:48
OerHekscodepython777, not sure how they count that, i read 10 dedicated and 10 virtual.23:48
ssimonIt's synoptics -says cach open:report23:49
droid909guys  do you also have  an error trying to access https://auth.startssl.com/23:49
codepython777OerHeks: whats the price for moving from 10 to 25 physical machines?23:49
droid909am i need to install some sort of cert in my browser?23:49
OerHeksto be sure, join #ubuntu-solutions23:50
SJrdroid909, no but what browser are you using droid90923:50
TJ-droid909: I see "ssl_error_handshake_failure_alert"23:50
tewardSJr: i know what he's talking about23:50
droid909SJr: i tried chrome and firefox23:50
tewarddroid909: you have to sign up first23:51
droid909teward: i did23:51
tewarddroid909: they then give you an SSL cert to ID you23:51
tewarddroid909: that you then import into your browser to gain access23:51
OerHekscodepython777, pricing @ http://www.ubuntu.com/management/ubuntu-advantage23:51
tewardif you messed up that step then you'll have to reach out to StartSSL - there's nothing we can really do from our side to fix that23:51
ssimonubuntu studio is my work computer-I am a musician, I write Christian songs23:51
redmageI have Windows 7 installed on this computer alongside Ubuntu. The Windows 10 upgrade is coming out soon and I am wondering how upgrading Windows and GRUB is going to work. Am I going to have to reinstall GRUB after the Windows 10 upgrade?23:51
skinuxWhere is the file to tell the system to use more SWAP?23:51
droid909teward: this is the first time i see such authorisation :D23:52
droid909teward: on a web site23:52
OerHeksredmage, i think so yes, windows10 will ruin your mbr, but is easy to fox after install, see !grub23:52
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:52
tewarddroid909: it's not uncommon actually.  for most end users it's not really a big deal.  for SSL certs, power users, developer users, network security sensitive sites, etc. it's more and more common23:52
codepython777OerHeks: dont see landscape pricing there23:53
tewardcodepython777: it's included in the Ubuntu Advantage23:53
teward$610.86 for a 5-pack for Standard Desktop Ubuntu Advantage - so you'd need five of those23:53
tewardcodepython777: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?currency=USD&products_id=66723:53
redmageThank you, OerHeks.23:53
TJ-droid909: I think it is because the startssl server is offering TLSv1/SSLv3 and they are not supported by recent browsers due to bugs23:53
OerHekscodepython777, press 'buy now' and then 'advantage server"23:53
tewardcodepython777: also see http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=41 <--23:54
ssimonubuntu seems, in my case, Linox, a code name for dvf 2   ssl link problem?23:54
tewardoh right, desktop vs. server xD23:54
tewardcodepython777: $320 per server per year.  Or $816 per server per 3 years (so you'd need 25 licenses).  http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=65723:54
codepython777teward: sounds a bit steep after the 10 for free version :)23:55
ssimondvf1 verses dvf2 maybe<ssl style...     suggestions?23:55
tewardcodepython777: well, you should likely contact Canonical.  The licenses there in Ubuntu Advantage will take you onto their cloud landscape, iirc.23:56
OerHekscodepython777, to be sure about pricing, contact them, or try #ubuntu-solutions ?23:56
tewardcodepython777: you should contact them, or try #ubuntu-solutions, the channel OerHeks suggested23:56
redmageOh, is there anyway to make the launcher in Ubuntu 14.04 minimize? I don't have much screen real estate so it would be handy if I could shrink that somehow.23:56
tewardredmage: under the display options23:57
ssimonhaving tons of trouble -#ubuntu-solutions, thanks23:57
tewardredmage: assuming you mean the bar on the left.23:57
tewardssimon: we weren't talking to you23:57
redmageteward, I do.23:57
tewardssimon: you need patience23:57
tewardredmage: System Settings > Behavior > AUtohide the Launcher23:57
OerHeks!info unity-tweak23:58
ubottuPackage unity-tweak does not exist in vivid23:58
OerHeksuhhh it does23:58
redmageteward, I'm in System Settings but I don't see Behavior.23:58
tewardredmage: oop my bad, i forgot - appearance23:58
tewardredmage: System Settings > Appearance > Behavior Tab > ...23:58
redmageYeah, that worked! Thanks teward!23:58
tewardOerHeks: might be a different name23:59
teward!find unity-tweak23:59
ubottuFound: unity-tweak-tool23:59
OerHeksi forget tool23:59

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