
regedithow do i get my microphone to work?03:53
LewocoHow do I disable automatic updates?05:28
valorieLewoco: I think you set that up in Muon Updater05:34
valoriejust type that into krunner (alt + f2) and it will pop up05:34
Lewocovalorie, Got it, thanks.05:35
LewocoHow do I enable accessibility?05:41
LewocoFor example on Gnome I can use Orca to read the text on dialogs to me.05:44
LewocoI tried installing Orca on KDE but it doesn't do anything on most applications.05:44
valoriehmmm, yes it does05:44
valorieI was testing a11y for awhile05:44
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Accessibility Team can be found on the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility or by joining #ubuntu-accessibility05:44
Lewocovalorie, Can you try transmission-qt?05:45
valorietransmission isn't a KDE application05:45
Lewocovalorie, That's true. Is there some way to get a11y for Qt 5 applications?05:45
valoriehowever, joining the #kde-accessibility chan is a good idea05:45
valorieone of our KDE devels works for Qt05:46
valorieand works very hard for a11y in Qt05:46
valoriefor starters05:47
valoriejovie uses orca, I believe05:48
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Spacerat3Khi folks09:20
Spacerat3Kmy plasma shell is constantly crashing09:20
Spacerat3Ksyslog:Jul 13 11:05:36 <hostname> kernel: [ 9328.668524] [ 2150]  1000  2150  7814348  2619362   12688  3688705             0 plasmashell syslog:Jul 13 11:05:36 <hostname> kernel: [ 9328.668581] Out of memory: Kill process 2150 (plasmashell) score 783 or sacrifice child syslog:Jul 13 11:05:36 <hostname> kernel: [ 9328.668583] Killed process 2150 (plasmashell) total-vm:31257392kB, anon-rss:1047670809:21
Spacerat3Kwith some out of memory msg. any ideas how to debug09:21
lordievaderGood morning.10:12
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Spacerat3Kfinger Spacerat3K11:17
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varunwachaspatiHello I am using Ubuntu 15.04 along with KDE 5 Plasma, after recent system update I am not able to use my Wifi nor detect any wifi networks. Can anyone help?12:48
varunwachaspatiDo let me know if I am on the wrong channel...12:50
ovidiu-florinvarunwachaspati: hello12:54
ovidiu-florindo you mean that no WiFi network is detected?12:54
varunwachaspatiovidiu-florin: yes exactly13:04
ovidiu-florincan you connect via cable?13:07
ovidiu-florinor thetering?13:07
varunwachaspatiovidiu-florin: Yes13:09
ovidiu-florinplease do, and make sure you have all your updates installed (check for updates again)13:09
ovidiu-florinthen reboot13:09
ovidiu-florinthese are the simplest steps13:09
ovidiu-florinsimplest first steps*13:10
varunwachaspatiovidiu-florin: Did that no use...13:30
lordievadervarunwachaspati: What does "sudo iw <interface> scan|grep SSID" return?13:32
varunwachaspatilordievader: network is done(-100), command failed13:33
lordievadervarunwachaspati: What is the output of 'sudo rfkill list'?13:34
varunwachaspatilordievader: hardblocked: yes13:35
lordievadervarunwachaspati: Then there is some switch on your laptop set to disable the wifi.13:35
varunwachaspatilordievader: None13:36
lordievaderRfkill says otherwise.13:36
lordievaderIt can also be some fn + F<something> key.13:36
varunwachaspatilordievader: Thanks yeah that was it, fixed..13:37
ovidiu-florinlordievader: please talk to ahoneybun and write a wiki page with this issue, even a kubotu command for it13:39
ovidiu-florintalk to sitter about kubotu13:39
lordievaderovidiu-florin: ?13:39
lordievaderWhat issue?13:39
ovidiu-florinit's quite common13:39
ovidiu-florinthe wi-fi issue you just solved13:39
* ovidiu-florin out13:40
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* lordievader puts it somewhere on the list13:41
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: lordievader https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide#Troubleshooting_Steps14:27
lordievaderAh, well there we go. Less for me to do ;)14:28
ahoneybunand it is linked in the documentation14:29
lordievaderBut is there a way to let ubottu send that link?14:30
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mvowCiao Giulio16:36
mvowI thought you was looking for help, sorry!16:41
cofoWhich pdf reader are you using similar to Foxit reader or better?17:22
lordievadercofo: Okular, it is included with Kubuntu.17:24
cofolooks well17:26
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cofoi have ubuntu live18:50
cofocan i also install kubuntu in usb and choose which to run?18:50
cofo=D please!! i wanna see kubuntu18:50
cofoanway, is there os with kubuntu/ubuntu with g++ /18:51
cofoTL;DR multiple os in usb18:52
lordievaderSure, multi iso usbs exist.18:55
lordievaderA friend of mine had 5 iso's on a stick.18:55
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cofobut running or just the iso lol19:19
geniiThere's a bit of trickery involved but it's possible to run as many livecd iso images off of a USB stick as you have room for on it. Basically chainbooting GRUB19:21
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Guest18340after current kernel upgrade (3.19.0-22) KDE hangs right after splashscreen.19:29
Guest18340which logs should I check to find out whats going wrong ?19:30
cofoi install xfce in ubuntu but nothing changed, why?19:31
ikoniayou've not confiured ubuntu to use xfce ?19:32
ikoniacofo: please don't cross-post questions in #kubuntu and #ubuntu19:32
Kali_YugaHelp I ask now in 3 different support channels19:33
Kali_Yugathey sendet me here19:33
Kali_YugaI need a program to record Videos from webcam any suggestions using (kubuntu)19:33
cofoikonia: can you tell me what is confiuered?19:34
ikoniacofo: pardon ?19:34
cofo you've not confiured ubuntu to use xfce ?19:34
cofoWhat is confiured?19:34
ikoniacofo: are you using a livecd yes/no19:34
Kali_Yugahe ment configured propably19:34
ikoniacofo: then you can't do it19:34
Kali_Yugaany webcam tools Pls?19:35
cofomm i check this:19:35
Guest18340Kali_Yuga: you can try using VLC    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14373219:35
Kali_Yugalet me look19:35
cofoikonia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW-ZoKTef_I19:35
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ikoniacofo: why are you posting that ?19:35
cofohe asked19:36
ikoniacofo: so why are you posting it to me ?19:36
cofoi didn't know i'msorry19:36
cofoi'm sorry*...19:36
ikoniano problem19:36
Kali_Yugaor does somebody know a website were I can do that real quick? record video?19:38
coforecord video?19:38
ikoniayou want to use a web site to record a vide?19:38
cofoBe more specific, elaborate. What for?19:38
ikoniavideo ?19:38
Kali_Yugayes from webcam19:38
Kali_Yugalike cheese but cheese does not work on 14.04 too buggggy19:39
ikoniaI suggest you record a video, then upload it19:39
ikoniacheese does work on 14.0419:39
cofoTry with wine?19:39
Kali_Yugak let me try again I tell you what it says19:39
ikoniado not try with wine19:39
ikoniathat will cause problems19:40
cofoHe say it will cause problem19:40
cofoi'm sorry man19:40
Kali_YugaI try cheese maybe you guys know what the problem is with that19:40
cofoWhat is the problem?19:40
Kali_Yugawait I take screen as soon it's intstalled19:41
Kali_Yugait says: "" There was an error playing video from the webcam ""19:42
Kali_Yugamy webcam works on skype tho19:42
cofodid you do the answer below?19:48
Kali_Yugawell it seems like an permission problem here19:48
Kali_Yugacan GTK UVC Video Viewer replace cheese?19:49
Kali_Yugaok this works already better19:52
Kali_Yugaso to all folks here use GUVC Video when having this issue or try to get the permissions into cheese19:52
Kali_YugaOk works figured it out thx to all that helped19:56
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citizen_Ok. I am having a weird problem with Konqueror. Specifically, it seems to be ignoring my enter key in the address bar and refuses to load web pages. Ideas?21:25
valoriecitizen_: one thing you can do is launch from the commandline21:28
valorieand watch the output21:28
citizen_Well that is maddeningly unhelpful...21:28
valorieI would be sure first that it is a Konq problem21:28
valorieI just launched konq and went to google.com with no problem21:29
valoriecitizen_: what version of lubuntu are you using?21:30
valoriekubuntu, gosh21:30
citizen_And I am not entirely sure it is an innate konq problem, it's possible I accidentally tweaked a setting or something. But it's a severe problem.21:31
valoriefor sure, I hear you21:31
valorieenter key seems to be working for you in IRC21:31
citizen_Yes. It is not the key itself.21:31
valorieso it isn't a global problem21:31
valoriecitizen_: does konq exhibit this behavior only for webbrowsing?21:32
citizen_When I load up konq it brings up the default 'web browsing' view mode with a kubuntu home page. I can refresh that page all I want. However, if I clear the text and enter any other address...it's like it disabled the enter key.21:32
valorieor also in file browsing21:32
citizen_I don't use Konq for file browsing...so i dunno. Gimme a sec.21:33
valoriethat said, I don't know whether all browsing uses the web engine or not21:33
citizen_Well...apparently if I change the text in the address bar -AT ALL- the symptom is repeated.21:34
valorievery odd21:34
valorieand I don't think konq is being actively developed anymore, sadly21:35
citizen_And it is -ONLY- the address bar. I can load my bookmarks by clicking on them, I can browse the local files with the mouse...I -JUST- can't use the enter key in the address bar. :\21:35
valorieit used to be my default21:35
citizen_...or the 'go' button. (Just discovered that.)21:35
valoriemy first suggestion was an honest one21:36
valorielaunch from a konsole and watch what happens when you hit enter21:36
valorieor click go21:36
citizen_Maybe, but I wouldn't know half of what I'm looking at, and frankly, if it's not as simple as "Oops, you forgot to uncheck this box", then my fix is going to be switching browsers.21:37
valorieto launch from a konsole you just type `konqueror`21:37
valorieor `konqueror &`21:37
valoriesure, I'm with you there21:37
valoriebut it does help if you want to file a bug21:37
valorieas it is, you can file a bug simply from the konsole by typing `ubuntu-bug konqueror`21:38
valoriewhich will fill in much of the information automatically in launchpad21:38
valoriewe do rely on bug reports from users to fix problems21:39
citizen_Too many bug reports 100% ignored. I've got one up from 3 years ago that hasn't even had it's status changed...Seriously, I was just hoping for a "Oh, that's this setting, change this and you're good." If it's beyond that, I'm not interested. But thanks for the assist.21:39
citizen_At least I didn't sit around for 3 hours waiting for a response this time. :) I actually appreciate that.21:39
valoriewell, I've never heard of this situation before21:40
valorieif I knew of a setting change, i would tell ya21:40
citizen_No worries.21:40
citizen_Left an address in the bar for a few minutes while we chatted. Switched over, tested again and I could load it normally. But then we're back to the same symptom once that page loads.21:42
* citizen_ is now completely confused.21:42
valorievery odd indeed21:42
citizen_...And, if I switch from the webkit renderer to khtml and back...I can load -ONE- page before we return to the symptom...so methinks it might have something to do with the rendering engines.21:44
citizen_Deus ex machina...21:44
valoriethat was my thought, but is it better in one than the other?21:45
valorieif it happens in both, then I dunno21:45
citizen_It does happen in both...and apparently the 'workaround' is hit or miss...didn't work the other two times I tested. lol21:45
citizen_Ok, well, I guess it's just time to give up on konq. lol. Adieu and thanks again for the assistance.21:46
cknitejust wondering, is Kubuntu now officially dead sicne the SJW's got whats-his-name fired or is Kubuntu just never planning on releasing KDE Applications 15.04.3 and Plasma 5.3.2 even though their "LTS" release of 15.04 is so crash happy as to be completely unuseable?22:52
Haudegencknite: 15.04 is not an LTS release.  14.04 was.22:53
Haudegencknite: s/was/is22:54
cknitewell, that's good22:58
cknite15.04 simply won't work on this box with nvidia's latest binary driver with either OpenGL 3.2 or 2.0 for the compositer. Plasma crashes several times a day and chews the cpu22:59
valoriecknite: many devels are using Wily already23:27
valoriewith Plasma 5.3.223:27
valoriebackports to 15.04 aren't done yet; some snags were hit and not ironed out yet23:27
valorieKubuntu is alive and we're working on 15.10 now23:28
valorienot sure about Applications whether they will be backported23:28
valoriewe need more packagers: help is always welcome23:28
valoriejust join #kubuntu-devel and offer to help23:31
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cknitevalorie: i might just do that. love kubuntu. just frustrated with plasma + nvidia right now... :-(23:48
valoriecknite: cool23:54
valorieI assume you have seen23:54
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto23:54

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