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dholbachgood morning07:00
fgimenezgood morning07:05
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mvoogra_: Hi, I looked into not using the py3 from the snappy-core image this morning by providing something better in snapcraft. but it seems like this is not trivial as there is no offical binary build for python . what did you do for py-snapper here?09:06
ogra_mvo, nothinng, since snapcraft is now supposed to grow that we decided to drop py-snapper09:07
mvoogra_: ok - I was wondering if you had investigated if there are semi-official py3 builds we could use09:07
ogra_mvo, but else i would just have re-used the nodejs install bits from node-snapper (without the npm parts)09:07
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Embrace Your Geekness Day! 😃09:13
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sergiusensgood morning10:45
sergiusensmvo: the lack of a python binary is complicated, can't we debuild a custom one and use that with snapcraft?10:46
ogra_why cant you use the one from the archive ?10:55
sergiusensogra_: it was hard to relocate without a lot of work from what I saw11:00
mvosergiusens: yeah, its tricky, it seems building a custom one is indeed the best option, its actually not that terrible, took ~2min only on my box (which is relatively fast but not super fast)11:06
ogra_mvo, and now build it for armhf :P11:07
mvoogra_: *cough*11:07
ogra_also, isnt there a way to do a static build of the interpreter ?11:08
ogra_we should perhaps just have a python3-static package in the archive that we can consume11:09
tbrso, is it possible to build aargh64 images yet?11:12
* tbr started playing with his dragonboard11:13
ogra_there are still packages missing i thinnk11:13
tbrthe linaro ubuntu desktop image is a bit 'special needs'11:13
Chipacasergiusens: ogra_: static micropython ftw11:15
Chipacasergiusens: ogra_: https://micropython.org/11:16
Chipacaor, well, https://github.com/micropython/micropython11:16
ogra_is it fully py3 compatible ?11:16
Chipacamostly around things that don't make sense on a PIC11:17
Chipacabut the unix port is zippy :)11:17
Chipacaalso i somewhat trust contributor #511:17
Chipacaanyway, that was in jest11:18
Chipacai need help with mir :(11:18
ogra_you trust him ? really ?11:18
Chipacawell, somewhat, as i say11:19
sergiusensChipaca: he looks a lot like you! Might have stolen your identity ;)11:20
Chipacasergiusens: probably not me; i'm a lot greener and paler right now11:21
ogra_is that a mir sideefect ?11:22
Chipacaogra_: yes11:27
Chipacaogra_: hazardous work environment11:27
Chipacaogra_: i should sue11:27
ogra_did kgunn have that working already ?11:27
Chipacaogra_: allegedly yes11:31
Chipacabut only the deb2snap way11:33
Chipacathat is, the failing is mine11:33
ogra_tbr, btw:11:34
ogra_The following packages have unmet dependencies:11:34
ogra_ ubuntu-snappy : Depends: ubuntu-core-security-utils but it is not installable11:34
ogra_E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.11:34
tbrogra_: ok, so I won't bother for now :)11:34
mvoogra_: this http://paste.ubuntu.com/11872034/ is mostly working for cross-build, but make install fails with some obscure ensurepip error, I'm not sure its worth debugging, its seems like a less than ideal path forward11:37
ogra_mvo, well, why not have a statically built version in the archive so you could just consume the binary from there11:39
* ogra_ isnt a fan of building on-demand if we can have archive binaries11:40
mvoogra_: indeed, the archive is probably the best option11:48
Chipacakgunn: hiya12:20
Chipacakgunn: does mir always load xkb?12:20
kgunnChipaca: for that, might wanna ping anpok or alf in #ubuntu-mir12:23
* Chipaca goes with alf, because anpok isn't there afaict12:24
elopiogood morning.12:48
jdstrandogra_: oh, re ubuntu-core-security-utils, I just need to update it-- seccomp in wily now supports arm6413:41
* jdstrand does quick upload13:41
ogra_whee !13:41
ogra_not getting the image build failure mails every day would be so awesome :)13:41
mvojdstrand: \o/13:41
sergiusens\o/ on no failure emails13:44
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ogra_well, they kind of were an reliable notifier that the build has run :)13:48
elopiofgimenez_: after doing ifup, I'm able to ssh into rolling edge. But how are you running the tests?13:56
ogra_elopio, whats the content of /etc/network/interfaces.d ? is there more than one file ?13:59
elopioogra_: only one, ens3.14:00
sergiusensogra_: I think we established that that file needs to be created way earlier in the boot process14:00
ogra_udevadm trigger --sysname-match=ens3 ...14:01
ogra_sergiusens, thats what pitti said on friday ... we could add it somewhere in the boot process14:01
ogra_sergiusens, i fear we wont catch the actual uevent since that will likely happen inside the initrd where we cant yet bring up the interface14:02
ogra_so i guess having the udev trigger added to some systemd unit is best here14:03
ogra_oh !14:03
ogra_shouldnt that have an "auto ens3" line ?14:04
ogra_elopio, could you add such a line and check if it comes up after reboot ?14:04
elopioI can. Lets see...14:05
fgimenez_elopio, once the instance is reachable i execute them with the -ip flag, even for localhost14:05
pittiyes, don't try to create config files earlier than the kernel detects devices, that's doomed to fail14:07
pittijust re-trigger them14:07
sergiusensoh, missing auto...14:07
sergiusenspitti: that file is created after reading /proc/net/dev so I guess the kernel has seen it14:08
sergiusensfrom reading*14:08
elopioogra: added the auto line, rebooted and it's up.14:11
ogra_ha !14:11
ogra_sergiusens, where do we add it ?14:12
ogra_is that ubuntu-core-config ?14:12
sergiusensogra_: firstboot14:14
sergiusensogra_: we still have a potential race, or do we not anymore?14:14
ogra_and where is the code for that ?14:14
ogra_not sure we have a race .... we should try with auto added in advance14:15
sergiusensogra_: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy/snappy/view/head:/snappy/firstboot.go#L13414:15
sergiusensogra_: well that is surely a bug we need to fix :-)14:15
ogra_i'm not sure there is a race14:15
sergiusensogra_: just edit the "data := ..." line14:15
elopiomterry: why are you using camel case in snapcraft ?14:18
mterryelopio, is that considered bad?  (I thought both it and underscores were valid python strategies)14:20
ogra_sergiusens, https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/snappy/fix-interfaces-file/+merge/26457814:20
elopiomterry: well, bad is relative. But it doesn't follow pep8, so yes, it's bad :)14:21
mterryelopio, I see that link, but the pep8 command doesn't warn about it... huh  (we run that with our tests)14:23
mterryelopio, also I have this giant escape clause: "mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where that's already the prevailing style (e.g. threading.py), to retain backwards compatibility."14:23
mterryelopio, it's already the prevailing style in snapcraft!  ;)14:23
mterryelopio, well I can switch if we want to14:23
sergiusensogra_: you should probably remove that changelog line, we are building them on release14:25
elopiomterry: yeah, it's all relative to which snapcraft you are talking about... :) But if the idea was to use python because more developers will find it familiar, those developers will find the use of camelCase unfamiliar.14:26
mterrysergiusens, "On subsequent uploads I think it only reads 'name' and 'version'." -- are you saying that if I have a snap at version A that depends on mir and ships a foo binary, when I update it to version B, which no longer depends on mir and ships a bar binary instead, those notices aren't picked up by the store?  That can't be right.14:27
ogra_sergiusens, bah ... ok14:28
mterryelopio, noted, I can put it on my TODO.  My poor pinky finger...14:28
ogra_sergiusens, done14:29
elopiowriting pretty python is painful, I know :)14:29
elopioI can help with this. I'm also not convinced about allowing the long lines either :p14:30
elopiomterry: when I run the tests I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11872692/14:30
elopioam I missing something?14:30
mterryelopio, run on wily or add ppa:hardware-certification/public to your system14:31
mterryelopio, long lines I am more comfortable defending14:31
mterry80 chars was already limiting a decade ago14:32
mvoogra_: the goal is to have something like git-dch auto-build our changelogs for us :)14:32
elopiomterry: yes, I'm not going to discuss about that. It's ok, I guess... I'll just have to control the freak-pep8-follower in me.14:32
ogra_whatever that is :P14:32
elopiomterry: and last pita comment, there's no README.14:32
mvoogra_: its pretty nice, it takes the git history and builds a debian/changelog file from it, once you get used to it, you never want to go back :)14:33
* ogra_ doesnt mind to use debian/changelog :) ... similar to how we use it in livecd-rootfs (thats actually my favorite way of managing a package)14:33
mterryelopio, a good place to add a comment about the ppa for sure  :)14:33
ogra_mvo, well, it involves git ... i still cant imagine that i "never want to go back" from git any time :)14:34
sergiusensmvo: I love the git changelog magic, do things once and automate from there14:35
mvosergiusens: yeah, exactly14:35
mvoogra_: its not tied to git as such, a bzr-dch would be equally possible, just noone bothered writing one14:36
ogra_yeah, nobody bothers to write anything for bzr anymore :)14:36
sergiusensogra_: you need to fix the tests as well ;-)15:01
ogra_pffft ... tests ... who does them anyway :P15:02
seb128did we resolve the /boot enospace issue?15:15
ogra_well, sergiusens prepared an MP that would ive /boot 512M15:15
ogra_which is a bit much on a 4G image i suppose :)15:15
seb128also that doesn't resolve the existing systems upgrade right?15:22
seb128what do we do for those?15:22
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jdstrandseb128: hey, is this the right place to ask about ubuntu-personal? are there docs for generating ubuntu-personal images?15:28
sergiusensjdstrand: ubuntu-device-flash personal rolling --channel edge --output personal.img15:30
sergiusensjdstrand: if not on wily you need the ppa:snappy-dev/tools-proposed15:30
jdstrandsergiusens: yeah, I tried that and got:15:31
jdstrandfailed to find user uid/gid15:31
jdstrandgeneric-amd64 failed to install: unpack /tmp/generic-amd64709922737 to /tmp/diskimage222895386/system/oem/generic-amd64/1.4 failed with exit status 115:31
* jdstrand -> steps into a meeting15:31
ogra_jdstrand, you need u-d-f 0.2615:31
jdstrand$ apt-cache policy ubuntu-device-flash15:32
ogra_hmm, works here15:32
* jdstrand really goes to meeting15:32
ogra_(well, used to on friday )15:32
seb128jdstrand, what sergiusens said15:33
seb128I didn't try udf today, let me do that15:33
seb128jdstrand, what ubuntu-snappy version do you have?15:37
stgraberis there some documentation on how to make a compiled snap available for both x86 and arm?15:56
ogra_stgraber, there are some example packages ...15:57
ogra_iirc something like the xkcd webserver15:57
ogra_it boils down to "have a wrapper script that calls uname to set your vars to the right arch dirs)15:57
rsalvetiogra_: let us know when you're able to promote the image to alpha16:05
ogra_rsalveti, after landing meeting (30min)16:05
rsalvetiogra_: thanks!16:12
elopiostgraber: are you planning to add lxc templates for snappy?16:14
ogra_sergiusens, do i need to do anything to trigger a new tarmac run on my MP ?16:17
sergiusensogra_: reapproval16:17
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/snappy/fix-interfaces-file/+merge/264578 | Approve: 1 (less than a day old)16:18
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~fgimenez/snappy/enable-all-for-remote-testbeds/+merge/264523 | No reviews (less than a day old)16:18
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy/rollYourOwnCorePersonal/+merge/264405 | Needs Information: 1 (2 days old)16:18
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-review-tools-reenable/+merge/264301 | No reviews (3 days old)16:18
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~fgimenez/snappy/failover-with-fake-update/+merge/264251 | No reviews (3 days old)16:18
ogra_do we usually do that ourselves if there was an initial approval already ?16:18
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sergiusensogra_: depends on the change, I did it just now fwiw16:18
stgraberelopio: not until apparmor supports profile stacking16:26
stgraberelopio: for now what I'm working on is getting LXD into the snappy app store16:26
elopiostgraber: I saw that, it's great.16:31
ogra_rsalveti, elopio, have fun with 15.04/alpha image 4 for armhf and amd64 :)16:31
elopioogra_: thanks!16:32
beunoso, if I want to install rolling on my bbb, is it 15.04 edge?17:23
elopiobeuno: it's rolling edge.17:39
elopiosudo ubuntu-device-flash core rolling --channel edge --oem beagleblack --install=webdm --enable-ssh --output ubuntu-rolling-snappy-armhf-bbb.img17:40
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beunoelopio, thanks17:43
beunoI looked everywhere online and in cdimage17:43
beunoand couldn't find it17:44
elopiobeuno: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/channels/18:02
elopioif that is not clear, please file a bug.18:02
beunoelopio, right. I guess my confusion is that I was looking for an image to download18:03
beunoinstead of running a command18:04
elopiobeuno: yes, I think that's bad. Sometimes we use wget and sometimes ubuntu-device-flash.18:04
sergiusensbeuno: we don't do releases for rolling18:04
beunosergiusens, I understand releases. Why no images?18:05
sergiusensbeuno: we have images for 15.0418:05
beunosergiusens, sorry, it seems you're answering a different question?  :)18:05
sergiusensbeuno: 'Why no images?' needs some extra words for a more specific answer18:06
beunosergiusens, why are we not creating images for rolling on a certain cadence?18:07
sergiusensbeuno: to avoid support questions for something that can break easily18:07
sergiusensbeuno: and the fact that we have no where to do that automatically ;-)18:08
elopioIMO, the docs should only document u-d-f. Not cdimage.ubuntu.com.18:08
beunosergiusens, it's documented already, as elopio pointed out18:09
beunothe latter I can understand18:09
beunoI'm hoping to provide a service for that once all the parts are snaps18:09
elopiohrm, I can't rollback on bbb from alpha 4 to alpha 3.18:35
rsalvetielopio: hm, what is the issue?18:37
rsalvetidid it work with kvm?18:37
elopiorsalveti: it worked with kvm. I'm collecting the serial log to see what it says.18:37
elopioI flashed #3, upgraded to #4, rebooted. Then rollback, and reboot.18:43
elopiothat paste is the serial console after I rebooted.18:43
elopiorsalveti: ^18:43
elopiospl_load_image_fat_os: error reading image args, err - -118:43
rsalvetielopio: it seems that might be a red herring18:49
rsalvetielopio: and after the last reboot, which image are you running as host?18:49
rsalvetiit's system-b18:50
rsalvetiso would imagine image 418:50
rsalvetiStarting kernel ...18:50
rsalvetiU-Boot SPL 2014.04-00015-gb4422bd (Apr 22 2014 - 13:24:29)18:50
elopiorsalveti: yup. http://paste.ubuntu.com/11873784/18:50
rsalvetiso it tried booting the kernel, but it seems it just rebooted18:50
rsalvetino kernel message at all18:50
rsalvetielopio: what happens if you try to rollback again?18:51
rsalvetilet me get by bbb18:51
rsalvetimaybe sergiusens can give us a hand as well ^18:51
elopiorsalveti: same thing. I tried three or four times. I end up in #4 every time.18:52
rsalvetihm, that sucks18:52
elopioit's weird that it shows no message saying why it didn't like kernel #3.18:56
rsalvetiyeah, it's like it rebooted while booting the kernel18:58
elopiohere's my test log, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11873826/18:58
rsalvetiadding earlyprintk to the kernel cmdline arguments might help18:58
rsalvetiyeah, setting up my beagle now to see18:58
sergiusensrsalveti: elopio k19:06
sergiusensrsalveti: alpha, right?19:07
elopiosergiusens: right. flash alpha -1, update and rollback.19:08
rsalvetiupdating still19:25
rsalvetisergiusens: elopio: worked fine here19:45
* sergiusens is still dd'ing19:45
rsalvetielopio: either your kernel is corrupted or something similar19:45
elopioI'll retry.19:46
rsalvetitry changing /boot/uboot/snappy-system.txt, append 'earlyprintk' after fixrtc19:46
rsalvetielopio: check the free disk space at your boot partition19:48
rsalvetibut it worked fine here19:48
rsalvetiI did get one FSCK0000.REC at my vfat partition19:49
rsalvetiSyncing boot files is taking ages =\19:52
elopio53% used in /boot19:52
rsalvetithat's fine19:53
rsalvetiusing 61% here19:53
sergiusensrsalveti: rollback should not take ages though19:53
rsalvetiwonder why it's not the same19:53
rsalvetisergiusens: no, that was an update for an image that was already there19:53
rsalvetiwas trying to get back to image 4 with snappy update19:53
rsalvetihm, one problem19:54
rsalvetidid an update to 4 after finishing the rollback (and booting into it), and now the kernel used at image 4 is the same from image 319:55
rsalvetiWelcome to emergency mode! After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view19:55
rsalvetisystem logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systroot@localhost:~# [   28.475311] libphy: PHY 4a101000.mdio:01 not found19:55
rsalvetiyay :-)19:55
rsalveti[   19.017145] FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): IO charset iso8859-1 not found19:55
rsalveti[FAILED] Failed to mount /boot/uboot.19:55
rsalvetisince the kernel was the wrong one, it couldn't find the modules19:56
rsalvetiand exploded19:56
rsalvetiomg, cloud-init is so slow19:57
rsalvetiand now it's trying to automatically reboot again :-)20:01
rsalvetisnappy autopilot triggered a reboot to boot into an up to date system-- temprorarily disable the reboot by running 'sudo shutdown -c'20:01
rsalvetiThe system is going down for reboot at Mon 2015-07-13 20:10:48 UTC!20:01
elopioearlyprintk doesn't add anything to the logs.20:01
rsalvetiand yeah, kernel a and b are the same here20:02
rsalvetilet me see if I can reproduce this issue again20:02
elopioI'm going to reflash #3.20:02
rsalvetielopio: so still unable to boot?20:02
balloonsrsalveti, why the automatic reboot? I didn't realize snappy would do that. Is there something to switch that off?20:02
sergiusensrsalveti: we usually see the iso8859-1 issue when we have filesystem corruption20:02
rsalvetisergiusens: that is because it couldn't find a matching module20:03
rsalvetibecause the kernel is wrong20:03
rsalvetiit booted image 4 with the kernel from image 320:03
rsalvetiballoons: I didn't know we had an automatic reboot either :-)20:03
sergiusensrsalveti: hmmm, did we backport anything wrt that?20:03
balloonsrsalveti, LOL.. I found that during the open house and was surprised to see it20:04
rsalvetisergiusens: backport what exactly, the feature?20:04
rsalvetior possible bug fixes around it20:04
* rsalveti reflashing image 3 again20:05
sergiusensrsalveti: anything related to lp:snappy//partitions20:05
* sergiusens uses double / to avoid confusion with the series notation20:05
sergiusensrsalveti: I bet this is just an untested path20:06
rsalvetisergiusens: not sure20:06
rsalvetisergiusens: right :-)20:06
rsalvetiit should be easy to reproduce, trying again20:06
rsalvetiflash 3 -> update -> rollback -> update -> boom20:06
rsalvetisergiusens: how it finds out the kernel that needs to be copied over when doing the 'Syncing boot files'?20:07
rsalvetithat is the process that ended up copying the wrong kernel20:07
sergiusensrsalveti: I bet that is the issue20:07
sergiusensrsalveti: does that run on rollback?20:07
sergiusensrsalveti: if so, that is wrong20:07
rsalvetisergiusens: no, that was after I did the rollback, booted and called update20:07
rsalvetiso, updating from 3->4 again20:08
sergiusensrsalveti: oh, bummer20:08
ogra_rsalveti, the kernel messages are quiet because they go to the wrong console ...20:09
rsalvetithey are not always quiet20:09
ogra_(we set two console= options pointing to different console devices)20:09
rsalveti[    0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyO0,115200n8 root=/dev/disk/by-label/system-a init=/lib/systemd/systemd ro panic=-1 fixrtc rootfstype=ext4 rootwait20:09
rsalvetinot on bbb20:09
sergiusensrsalveti: I see the bug20:15
sergiusensin the code that is20:15
* ogra_ votes for including vfat byy default in the core kernel 20:15
rsalvetisergiusens: what is the issue?20:15
sergiusensrsalveti: elopio https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/bummer?authuser=120:15
ogra_(regardless of the issue i mean)20:16
rsalvetielopio: if you can join ^20:16
elopiotrying to join.20:17
sergiusensballoons: rsalveti http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy/snappy/view/head:/docs/autopilot.md20:25
elopiothis "updating boot files" should have a progress thingy.20:33
rsalvetisergiusens: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/147412520:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1474125 in Snappy 15.04 "Image got in a broken state after update -> rollback -> update (wrong kernel)" [Critical,In progress]20:36
rsalvetielopio: yeah, open a bug for it20:39
elopioI got the same error as the first time.20:39
rsalvetinow why the hell it can't rollback20:39
rsalvetikeeps trying to load the kernel and aborts eventually20:39
sergiusensrsalveti: I can fix that easily but not without breaking the channel switching hack for upgrade testing20:40
rsalvetiit's like the kernel got corrupted or something, but nothing really changed20:40
sergiusensrsalveti: fix the bug we just talked about20:41
rsalvetiright, maybe we can update the channel switch hack?20:41
rsalvetielopio: ^?20:41
sergiusensrsalveti: I need to think about all the test cases this breaks20:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1474126 in Snappy "failed to rollback from 15.04 alpha #4 to #3" [Undecided,New]20:43
elopiosergiusens, rsalveti : what is the channel switch hack? Not sure what you are talking about.20:44
rsalvetisergiusens: why are we mounting partition a (when booted with b) as writable?20:44
rsalveti/dev/mmcblk0p2 on /writable/cache/system type ext4 (ro,relatime,data=ordered)20:44
ogra_shouldnt that be a disk/by-label/ path for the device ?20:45
ogra_why is there a /dev/mmcblk* at all20:45
rsalvetimight be mounted via label I guess?20:46
ogra_well, it should also use the by-lable path in fstab20:46
sergiusenselopio: rsalveti the mount something mvo wanted to be able to run snappy list --updates as non root20:46
rsalvetiactually it's not rw, just ro20:46
rsalvetigot it20:47
sergiusensrsalveti: the 'as writable' you mean /writable/cache/system right?20:47
rsalvetisergiusens: yeah, but it's not writable, mounted as ro :-)20:47
rsalvetijust the path that is confusing20:48
sergiusensrsalveti: no arguments there ;-)20:48
elopioI didn't know about snappy list --updates.20:50
elopiosounds handy.20:50
elopiofor our current testing, it doesn't matter that sudo is required, as we can call sudo anytime.20:50
elopioI suppose mvo had a reason for wanting that without sudo.20:51
sergiusensrsalveti: elopio I have mapped a workable solution in my head that is minimally invasive (6 lines of code sans tests) which I will work on tonight20:51
rsalvetisergiusens: cool20:53
rsalvetielopio: yeah, something is quite broken with the rollback, failed again =\20:53
elopioI'm starving, so I'll go and have lunch.20:53
rsalvetichecking the md5 and such now to see what happened20:54
elopioping me on telegram if you need me and I'll get back.20:54
rsalvetisure, enjoy20:54
ogra_sounds like no release today either then ...20:55
rsalvetinops, need to get these bugs fixed first20:55
rsalveti$ sudo snappy update21:00
rsalvetianother snappy is running, try again later21:00
rsalvetihahah, what a weird message21:00
rsalvetithere is a snappy running around here21:00
ogra_hide !21:01
balloonssergiusens, ty for the doc.. However, if it's disabled by default then we have a bug in the image, as I certainly didn't enable it. So the docs or the implementation aren't quite right21:15
rsalvetielopio: sergiusens: updated bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/147412621:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1474126 in Snappy "failed to rollback from 15.04 alpha #4 to #3" [Critical,Confirmed]21:46
rsalvetibut basically the kernel/initrd got corrupted during the update process21:46
rsalvetiwhich explains why it works sometimes21:47
rsalvetibbl, dinner21:47

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