
hyper_chweird... now KDE doesn't autostart anymore but I have to run systemctl default09:17
lordievaderGood afternoon.10:12
hyper_chit is afternoon10:17
hyper_chgot some issues10:17
lordievaderWhich are?10:17
hyper_chweird... now KDE doesn't autostart anymore but I have to run systemctl default10:30
hyper_chand it doesn't power off anymore10:30
hyper_chand if I don't have the lan cable attached, it won't start kde at all10:30
lordievaderHeh, how did you accomplish that?10:33
hyper_chI just dist-upgraded10:42
hyper_chbtw, can you check your /etc/network/interfaces10:42
hyper_chis there you snXpY or something ethernet device on auto?10:43
lordievaderJust a second, have to boot up my Wily box first.10:43
hyper_chwhat do you mean you need to boot it up first? oO10:46
lordievader(K)Ubuntu ain't my main OS.10:47
lordievaderAnyhow only lo is configured.10:47
hyper_chwhat is it then?10:47
lordievaderAh ip link finally shows predictable names \o/10:48
lordievaderhyper_ch: Gentoo.10:48
hyper_chlordievader: that might be it... I had added the smXpY thingy manually because after server install I had not inet connection10:48
hyper_chso I might disable that now... that could be the root of all problems10:48
* hyper_ch heard only hardcore linuxer use Gentoo10:48
lordievaderSeems HP has changed the NIC location over the years.10:49
hyper_chwell, I'll deactivate it now from the interfaces file and I'll see next reboot how it goes10:49
hyper_chI only noticed this morning when I tried to boot it up10:49
hyper_chI'm almost ready to jump ship to Nixos :)10:52
lordievaderNever heard of that one.10:55
hyper_chlordievader: haven't you been here when I and BluesKaj discussed it like 2 weeks ago?10:56
lordievaderPerhaps, perhaps I've forgotten.10:56
hyper_chnixos has two nice things10:56
lordievader"all packages are kept in /nix/store instead" how is that a good thing?10:57
hyper_ch1) atomicity - meaning each upgrade is a seperate "profile" that you can boot in... so if an update goes awry, you can reboot into an earlier profile10:57
hyper_ch2) you setup the system by configuring one file to your need10:57
hyper_ch[3) in multi-users setup you can allow to have users install their own stuff]10:58
hyper_chlordievader: e.g. my current config file:   https://github.com/sjau/nixos/blob/master/configuration.nix11:00
hyper_chstill needs tweaking and stuff... need to harden ssh etc....11:00
hyper_chand will also give KDE5 a testdrive11:01
hyper_chalso need to add the virtualbox usb plugin11:01
lordievaderIn Gentoo you do the same thing, but then with the actual config files.11:02
hyper_chgentoo is way too complicated for simple minded users like me11:03
lordievaderIt's not. There is great documentation, besides you actually learn to configure a Linux system properly.11:04
* hyper_ch heard that in #gentoo they like to rip off and eat the heads of noobx11:05
lordievaderThey do if you ask question that are in the handbook. Like allmost all channels here on freenode you should search google first.11:06
lordievaderShow you put effort in solving your problem.11:06
hyper_chI usually post: "help, it doesn't work"11:06
lordievaderI know... the same counts for you.11:07
hyper_chso, giving nixos a try? ;)11:22
hyper_chsmartcard reader and signing app are still issues11:23
lordievaderNo, it looks like a very bad idea of an operating system.11:24
hyper_chhow so?11:27
lordievaderBecause you can just as well configure a system properly.11:29
hyper_chthis is configure properly :)11:32
lordievaderNo it aint.11:32
hyper_chwhy not?11:32
lordievaderIt is a poor excuse not to do it.11:32
lordievaderBecause there is an abstraction layer between you and the configuration of the programs/the operating system.11:33
hyper_chnot sure what you mean11:39
lordievaderLook at the paste you just gave. Is that a configuration of one program?11:39
hyper_chthat's the configuration for the whole system11:40
lordievaderAn apache config has no place in there.11:41
lordievaderA grub config has no place in there.11:41
hyper_chit's not a config11:41
hyper_chit's what shall be altered from default config11:42
lordievaderIt looks very much like a config.11:42
hyper_chif you just want apache do:    services.httpd.enable = true ;11:42
hyper_chthat will just install with default configs11:43
lordievaderIt's clear it ain't an OS for me ;)11:43
hyper_chand for grub you just tell it to install grub v2 onto /dev/sda11:43
hyper_chhow does gentoo do it then?11:44
lordievaderLet's take Apache as an example. You look at the use flags, to see what you want/need. You compile it, you configure it, you run it.11:45
hyper_chand that's what nixos does11:48
hyper_cheach one his own :)11:50
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