
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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dholbachgood morning07:00
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dubstar_04Is anyone able to have a look at this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11863268/ and let me know when the page disappears under the header when the keyboard pops out? I want the label to resize when the keyboard is out.11:23
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nnarolHi! I have made a small app in Python as a small present for someone, but I cannot figure out how to make it work on another computer.12:34
nnarolThe target machine has Ubuntu installed, my machine has an Ubuntu-based distro called Zorin OS 9 Core.12:34
nnarolI set the permissions for the file to be allowed to be executed as a program and I made a soft link to it.12:35
nnarolI put the whole thing into a folder and compressed it into a zip file.12:35
nnarolNow the person I sent this over to reported that it just won't start.12:36
nnarolOh yeah, first I compiled the .py file into a .pyc and made it into an executable with cx-freeze, *then* I did what I just described.12:37
nnarolAlso, it worked just fine on my machine.12:37
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nnarolGood bye!13:31
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karnialecu: hey buddy o/ Do you know where's the thumbnailer documented?14:18
karnialecu: I'd like to know if I can also pass the output path to the thumbnailer.get_thumbnail(video, size) call14:19
alecuhi karni! let me find it.14:19
karnialecu: just found this, looking at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/vivid/thumbnailer/vivid/files/head:/src/14:20
karnipath, size, policy :(14:20
alecukarni: why do you need the path?14:20
karnialecu: for start, I have no idea where it puts the thumbnail (from the docs, I know it returns the path). am I expected to take the path and copy the file? it would be so much easier to just pass it in.14:21
alecukarni: the thumbnailer returns a path to its cache14:22
alecukarni: you should not make a copy, just point your qml component to that14:22
karniI see, okay14:22
karnialecu: question still holds - do we have this documented anywhere?14:22
karniI think it would be nice, if we had such a useful component documented14:23
karniI wasn't able to find it (my search skills may have failed)14:23
alecukarni: ah, I see the problem.14:24
alecukarni: my team has been working on a rewrite for the thumbnailer, but since it was deferred from landing in ota-5, it seems that the docs have not been deployed either.14:25
karniI see14:25
karnialecu: also, to answer your question - I needed the path mostly to fit a thumbnailer call in an external library, who's signature is (QString video, QString output, QString ffmpegPath) (ignore the last argument)14:25
karnihence, the path is given where the thumb is expected14:26
alecukarni: I expect that you'll need a copy then :-(14:26
alecukarni: but please open a bug for that: https://launchpad.net/thumbnailer14:27
karnialecu: lucky me, the output is a non const reference, and from the source I see I can simply swap out the path from the inner method (which I would patch). cool14:27
karnialecu: for the docs, or for that path use case?14:28
alecukarni: for your use case of specifying the path14:28
alecukarni: hmmm... now that I'm watching the code, I recalled that the client api has not changed for the new thumbnailer, only the backend.14:30
alecukarni: so I expect that there would be no changes on the docs. Or the lack thereof14:30
karnialecu: I simply meant lack of thereof :(14:30
alecukarni: I'll open that bug14:30
alecukarni: thank you for pointing it out!14:31
karnialecu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thumbnailer/+bug/147402114:34
alecukarni: thanks! I've opened this for the missing docs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thumbnailer/+bug/147403515:19
karnithank you15:20
rickspencer3hey, I notice that after I run a dialog from a page, when the dialog closes, the header for the page is gone15:28
rickspencer3anyone see anything like this before?15:28
karnijhodapp: any idea what that might be? ** Media playback error:  215:31
jhodappkarni, take a look at the media-hub log, I print out the specific error to stderr15:32
* karni nods15:32
jhodappkarni, /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/media-hub.log15:32
ahoneybunare there any plans to add the option to change the icon row number? (ie current way is 3 icons across16:03
ogra_no, its four :P16:04
ahoneybunits 3 on mako16:05
ogra_4 on arale :)16:06
ogra_get a device with a biger screen then :)16:06
ahoneybunogra_: no options in the US16:06
ogra_works fine in the US16:06
ogra_(well, on HSPA+)16:07
ahoneybunwhat is that?16:07
ahoneybunI did not know the codename16:07
ahoneybunI have the OPO16:07
ogra_i think the opo ubuntu images even uses 5 icons per row (because they drive the resolution a bit to hih)16:08
ahoneybunit does not work fully yet to be a daily driver sadly16:08
ahoneybunmario is working very hard on it16:09
ahoneybunand once he gets it Sailfish will be much easier as well16:10
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ahayzenzsombi, thanks for looking at those listitem issues, we have another issue in music where because we have a dark bg when you drag the trailing actions to far you get a white background instead of the dark colour, note this doesn't happen on the leading actions as that is red from the action itself. Is there anyway i can specify this overflow colour for the trailing actions? or even better should it be transparent ?17:30
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pmcgowanbfiller, is there still no way to turn off or mute calendar events17:53
zsombiahayzen: in 1.3, you could use StyleHints to configure this, however this should be taken from the style. Yet, we don't have ListItemStyle for SuruDark, so I'd file a bug against toolkit so we can get that sorted out as well.17:54
bfillerpmcgowan: don’t think so17:55
ahayzenzsombi, i don't think we are using SuruDark per say ... but should the colour of the overflow not just be transparent ?17:55
ahayzenzsombi, instead of white, then it would solve the issue17:55
pmcgowanbfiller, do you know if design covers this?17:56
zsombiahayzen: the panel color was explicitly set to red/white, so... but if you're setting a dark color, doesn't that change the theme to SuruDark?17:56
bfillerpmcgowan: I have not seen any updated designs that cover it, but it’s possible they exist17:56
bfillerI know we’ve discussed it17:56
pmcgowanbfiller, ok might be worth a bug, its very annoying17:57
ahayzenzsombi, maybe if i write a small demo it will be clearer ;-) the actions themselves are the correct colour its when you pull too far17:58
pmcgowanbfiller, where would I file it17:58
zsombiahayzen: ok, pls do so, and eventually a screenshot attached would also be helpful!!17:58
bfillerpmcgowan: ubuntu-system-settings and ubuntu-ux projects17:58
ahayzenzsombi, cool i'll ping them across after dinner :-)17:59
zsombiahayzen: I'll be away in a minute, but I'll get the logs anyway, so just drop the link here, I'll check it tomorrow18:00
ahayzenzsombi, will do thanks18:00
snwhA new icon for Files: https://github.com/snwh/suru-icons/blob/master/Suru/512x512/apps/filemanager-app.png18:38
snwhthere’s a merge proposal for it :)18:40
akiva-thinkpadballoons: ping18:51
ahoneybunI like the new icon snwh18:51
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, hey!18:51
snwhthanks. the old one was incredible dated18:51
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, been some time. Lovely to hear from you!18:51
akiva-thinkpadballoons: Is Jenkins on Vivid yet? My tests for filemanager app are failing :P18:52
akiva-thinkpadballoons: heh, thanks~18:53
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, sadly it is not. Did popey explain things to you? Perhaps a mail letting everyone know what's happening might be useful18:54
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, in a nutshell, there's a bug with vivid and we can't move to it. CI is working on an alternative solution for us at the moment.18:55
akiva-thinkpadI gathered from popey that this was the issue18:55
akiva-thinkpadah okay18:55
akiva-thinkpadso just hold on for the time being?18:55
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, if this needs to land, we can test and land outside of jenkins if needde18:55
balloonsI don't want to hold things up18:55
akiva-thinkpadballoons: meh, not really; I just want to figure out what is wrong with my autopilot18:56
balloonssadly Alan is away; so I'm not sure what was decided for file manager. Clock for instance has tests off on jenkins in the interim18:56
akiva-thinkpadballoons: for example, the trunk in ubuntu-filemanager-app fails 10 tests, but passes on jenkins18:56
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, fails locally, but passes on jenkins?18:57
akiva-thinkpadballoons: yep.18:57
akiva-thinkpadballoons: anyways, I can wait. Being a bit free from the sdk project; is there any core apps that specifically need some polish? I was thinking maybe even contributing to unity8~18:58
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, did you have plans to do more to the autopilot plugin?19:11
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, I was hoping to discuss some ideas with you19:11
akiva-thinkpadballoons: honestly I wanted to do some work on the core apps to get a feel as to what would be most useful for improving the autopilot plugin19:11
balloonsI also filed some bugs as you some :-)19:12
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, ahh, that makes sense too19:12
akiva-thinkpadballoons: sec, let me double check19:12
akiva-thinkpadI remember some of your bugs were from an older version that was obsolete.19:12
akiva-thinkpadah I see19:13
akiva-thinkpadfor the phone... planned feature, once I actually get a phone :P19:13
akiva-thinkpaddefinitely on the fence whether I should just grab a nexus 419:14
akiva-thinkpadballoons: oh and the other bug was fixed!19:15
akiva-thinkpadI just coincidently changed the dimensions to 400x60019:15
ahoneybunin the US then akiva-thinkpad?19:20
akiva-thinkpadahoneybun: Canada19:20
ahoneybunoh ok19:20
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, did you really change the resolution?19:24
akiva-thinkpadballoons: yep; i'll grab the diff for you19:25
balloonsahh.. the other part of that bug can't be solved just yet, unless we incorporate the script ourselves19:26
balloonsthat is, using a window manager during test runs. Without it, clock tests will fail19:26
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, also, it's been noted proprietary drivers don't like Xephyr. Have you noticed this?19:26
balloonsI need to file a bug about it, but we should fallback to Xfvb in those cases I think19:27
akiva-thinkpadI can't say. Not enough experience with this yet.19:27
akiva-thinkpadballoons: https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/qtcreator-plugin-autopilot/fix-segfault-fix-winsize/+merge/26361619:28
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, ok, let me file the bug based on the driver issue19:29
balloonsdo you think you could change your call to a custom script instead of autopilot3-sandbox-run?19:29
akiva-thinkpadballoons: actually one question on dimensions; I was wondering whether any of those tests will actually require greater dimensions than 320x600? If yes, I was thinking of adding some options in the runconfiguration19:30
akiva-thinkpadballoons: yessish? For the locator, it will be a bit tougher.19:30
balloons400x600 actually. And it's a reasonable default, but an option would be nice if for some reason someone wanted to run at tablet resolution for instance19:30
akiva-thinkpadballoons: yeah okay fair enough.19:30
balloonsif you could do a custom script, we could add the window management now. It's been stuck waiting on the autopilot release19:32
balloonsif it's work though, it's probably not worth it.. we'll get it soon enough19:32
balloonsthe Xephyr / xfvb issue with non-free drivers is a bigger concern19:32
akiva-thinkpadbrb, battery issues19:33
akiva-thinkpadballoons: sorry back19:39
balloonsno worries akiva-thinkpad19:40
akiva-thinkpadSo I added the abilities to change the dimensions to the wishlist. You want the ability to change the default script added? Anything else?19:40
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, I'm thinking making a custom script instead of the ap-sandbox-run call is overkill and needless19:41
balloonsI'll just be more patient and push that team to update it on their end :-)19:41
akiva-thinkpadokay will do then19:41
akiva-thinkpadballoons: I'm thinking of also placing failed autopilot tests into the issues pane, and getting them to direct to the code in question19:42
akiva-thinkpadwhat do you think?19:42
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, mmm.. even if you output in std format, you'd also have to parse the python traceback19:44
balloonsmight also be a bit overkill atm19:44
akiva-thinkpadballoons: I was thinking of just grepping for the string in the python file.19:44
akiva-thinkpadballoons: one thing I do want though is a easier way to parse and identify failed tests.19:44
balloonsthat's fair enough. I'm also curious if you had any ideas about selecting which tests to run19:45
akiva-thinkpadI don't like the way the logs currently output the failure.19:45
balloonsare you happy with the run config now?19:45
akiva-thinkpadballoons: It needs memory, and some intelligence as to which ones failed19:46
akiva-thinkpadballoons: what about you?19:46
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, what do you mean memory?19:57
akiva-thinkpadballoons: uncheck a bunch of boxes, change active projects, and return19:58
balloonsbug 147410819:58
akiva-thinkpadall the boxes will be checked again.19:58
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, ahh.. yes, that makes sense19:59
balloonsdoes select all / unselect all option make sense?19:59
akiva-thinkpadballoons: yeah, should put it in there20:00
akiva-thinkpadgood idea20:00
balloonsalso this is what I was talking about: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-autopilot/+bug/1474108. So my thought is to run autopilot-sandbox-run without the -X in those cases20:01
balloonsthat will stop the window from spawning and should work on non-free systems20:01
balloonsdo we want to detect this automagically, or simply offer it as an option or ?20:01
balloonsI don't want to get too many options !20:01
akiva-thinkpadballoons: automatically may be an issue if you update tests...20:02
balloonswhat do you mean update tests?20:03
akiva-thinkpadballoons: there is a refresh button that allows you to update your list of tests when you make changes to your autopilot tests in the python file.20:04
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, yes, right. So why would detecting if you have non-free drivers be an issue?20:04
akiva-thinkpadoh nvm, i thought we were speaking of something else20:05
akiva-thinkpadballoons: a bit tired atm, so apologies, but from what I understand, this issue only affects nvidia users?20:06
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, affects me with an amd card; if I use non-free drivers20:08
balloonsso it's fair to say it's all non-free drivers20:08
balloonshas to do with how Xephyr works20:08
akiva-thinkpadokay so we just need a bool to check if non free drivers are activated, and then change the command to... what?20:09
akiva-thinkpadballoons: ^20:09
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, the difference in runs is with -X and without it. autopilot3-sandbox-run -X runs under Xephyr. autopilot3-sandbox-run runs under Xfvb20:10
akiva-thinkpadballoons: so then if you have those drivers, you will just have to suffer from not being able to do anything else while the tests run?20:11
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, no, it will run in the background. No windows will spawn at all20:11
balloonsit will be truly nested20:11
balloonsyou could run it on a server :-)20:11
akiva-thinkpadballoons: oh okay20:11
balloonsright.. so the experience only suffers in that you can't visually see the test runs20:12
akiva-thinkpadballoons: so do you want automagically then, or just a checkbox on the run config ?20:12
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, I think automagically would more or less be best. But I'm curious about how to convey that to the user20:12
akiva-thinkpadballoons: well trouble is; if they fix this, will we remember to take the patch out?20:13
akiva-thinkpadballoons: oh to convey it, we can just put it in the issues pane20:13
akiva-thinkpadWell okay then. If you file a bug for it, I'll make sure it gets in there. I'll leave it to your discretion as you would know better than I if the drivers will be fixed eventually.20:19
ahayzenballoons, o/ did anything happen about the idea of a common appdev highlight? https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg13474.html as both me and nik both thought it was a good idea as well ?20:28
ahayzenzsombi, for when your back, this is the code http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11874253/ and the screenshot https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMWXM2MlJZM0pNQkE even a workaround just for the 1.2 period would be nice until we get proper theming for 1.3. Otherwise if we land these listitems it does look quite odd having this white area in the generally dark music-app20:35
ahayzenzsombi, ..can it not take the colour of the last trailing action and just continue that ?20:35
balloonsahayzen, basically we simply need to update the title to reflect the highlight. The implementation is up to everyone to implement21:16
balloonsI think it's a great idea.21:16
balloonslet me see if I can change the title :-p21:16
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, yea, the bug won't be fixed in the drivers21:16
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, so it's totally safe for us to do. It's been that way for some time now21:17
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, the bug is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-autopilot/+bug/1474108. I'll add a comment on how to fix21:17
ahayzenballoons, hehe what highlight are you thinking? coreappdevs? appdevs ?21:32
balloonsahayzen, appdevs probably. So long as it's uniform it's fine21:33
ahayzeni'd agree21:33
balloonsyea, no op powers here21:33
balloonsprobably should revive the thread and Alan can make the official switch when he's back21:33
ahayzeni'll poke him when he is back from his holiday/beer drinking21:34
balloonsahayzen, good plan :-)21:48
ahayzenmeanwhile time to remember how to write AP tests/mocking :-)21:48
ahayzenballoons, so the old weather app replaces the database to 'mock' theweatherchannel, is it best todo that rather than trying to mock a Http requests ?21:57
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