
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
pittiGood morning03:45
seb128good morning desktopers07:01
pittibonjour seb128 !07:03
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?07:04
pittiseb128: très bien, merci ! c'était un week-end calm07:05
willcookeMorning all07:20
larsuhi pitti seb128 and willcooke07:22
seb128hey willcooke07:22
seb128hey larsu :-)07:22
pittihey larsu, hey willcooke!07:24
seb128hey Sweet5hark, how are you?07:36
Sweet5harkseb128: looking good here, just moving to pack libreoffice 5.0~rc3 ...07:41
seb128hey Laney, how is u.k? had a fine w.e?08:06
Laneywas quite quiet but fine thanks!08:06
Laneydid some bike riding and some climbing08:06
seb128sporty w.e!08:07
seb128did you watch some wimbledon? ;-)08:07
Laneyabout 5 minutes but not really08:09
Laneyonly interested when there is a uk component :P08:09
Laneyhow was you weekend?08:09
seb128quite good08:10
seb128saturday was sunny, biking, thai market lunch, went to a bbq in the evening08:10
seb128yesterday was quiet, lunch with some friends and watched wimbledon08:10
seb128today is grey and cold and rainy :-/08:11
Laneywe had some great rain on saturday night08:12
larsuhi Laney!08:17
larsu"great rain"08:18
Laneyah man, it's a shame if you can't appreciate a glorious downpour08:23
Laneyprobably would have felt different if i was out in it08:23
larsuha, I agree, it was quite nice to feel the rain after that heat wave the other weekened08:23
seb128larsu, "e" are good, don't dismiss them like that08:26
larsuseb128: not if there's too many!08:28
seb128eeeeeuh, that's non-sense ;-)08:28
seb128I miss didrocks, he would understand :p08:29
pittihey Laney, how are you?08:32
pittididier est encore en vacances ?08:33
seb128pitti, oui, jusqu'à jeudi08:34
seb128oh, Laney is having friday off apparently08:34
pittimust be summer time!08:34
* pitti looks forward to his vacation next week08:35
Laneyhey pitti, doing good thanks08:35
Laneyyou? good weekend?08:35
Laneyyeah friday there's a family wedding08:35
pittiLaney: yeah, nice summer weather here, we did some table tennis, long walks, quick swim, and gardening again08:35
Laneyah, sounds pleasant08:38
Laneysession just weirdly locked09:53
Laneyduring a dist-upgrade09:53
Laneycan that happen or am I imagining it?09:53
jpdsLaney: If your disk IO is full?09:53
Laneynot locked *up*, locked09:54
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seb128Laney, I imagine that can happen11:33
seb128I just had the screen turning off and on like if it was probing for monitors or something during today's systemd upgrade11:33
Laneyprobably that then11:34
seb128though unsure what device changes could lead to a screen lock11:34
Laneydid yours lock?11:34
Laneyor come back unlocked11:34
ogra_dbus restart or some such fun ?11:35
seb128Laney, mine come back unlocked11:36
seb128ogra_, dbus restart would create more issues than that I think11:36
seb128unless things changed11:36
* Laney does the update on laptop11:36
Laneyah whoops, I'm running upstart there :P11:38
* Laney is doing that to check if suspend panics are related to this11:39
larsuargh, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=752131#c512:07
ubot5Gnome bug 752131 in .General "GtkButtonBox has spacing between buttons by default when set to EXPAND" [Normal,New]12:07
Laneylarsu: nice, seems you sorted it out13:17
larsuLaney: ya... I was just annoyed at that particular comment.13:20
mdeslaurLaney: fyi, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ca-certificates/20150426ubuntu116:52
Laneymdeslaur: ah, nice work!16:58
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willcookemorning robert_ancell19:53
robert_ancellwillcooke, hi19:53
willcookeg'night all20:30
robert_ancelltjaalton, do you know any reason not to sync xserver-xorg-video-qxl from Debian?22:13
robert_ancelltjaalton, if you know any reason please add a note on bug 147415423:12

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