
=== mkv is now known as m4v
=== Fuchs is now known as Fchs
=== Fchs is now known as Fuchs
dholbach<dpm> dholbach, do you remember if we ever set a redirect from #ubuntu-phone to #ubuntu-touch?11:59
dholbach^ does anyone know the answer to the above? :-)11:59
tewarddholbach: tested and confirmed there is a +f in place12:00
teward(I usually keep +Q - no redirection - on, so i took it off for the test)12:00
teward(so the channel #ubuntu-phone is +f, and forwards to -touch)12:00
dholbachgreat, thanks!12:01
Fuchsas a minor simplification sidenote, this can also just be checked by   /mode #channel    or   /mode #channel f      :)12:15
teward^ that12:17
teward(although, I prefer actual evidence and testing :) )12:18
Fuchssure, just wanted to mention, so people don't have to disable their no-forward, leave channels or whatnot :)12:19
MikaelaI thought +Q told you where channel wants to redirect you12:42
Mikaelabut apparently not as I just tested too12:43
tewardis Ubottu dead?14:19
tewardMikaela: usermode +Q kills the redirection14:20
tewardMikaela: [2015-07-13 10:20:15] * umode :         +Q     - Prevents you from being affected by channel forwarding.  <--14:20
k1l_seems like all bots are gone14:21
Mikaelateward: ubottu.com was making DDoS, see logs from what day it was.14:21
Mikaelateward: I thought that server buffer would still tell you that the channel tried to redirect you somewhere, but +Q blocked it.14:21
tewardMikaela: it doesn't say where the redir is, it just says Channel is Invite Only for +if chans14:21
teward[2015-07-13 10:21:40] * Cannot join #ubuntu-phone (Channel is invite only).  <--14:21
tewardno entry anywhere else in hexchat saying where it would forward to14:22
MikaelaI notiticed as I said14:22
tewardahh i missed that part of the chat xD14:22
PiciI'm going to bring up the ubottu process on the new server, but then I need to head out because my apartment is being painted.14:50
MikaelaI am wondering abut meetingology14:52
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu

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