
jacekowskidrathir: zimbra?09:21
jacekowskidrathir: ale jest jeszcze kilka innych09:21
jacekowskidrathir: ale ja uzywam zimbry09:21
drathirjacekowski: dzeki wielkie tak to to...09:36
drathirjacekowski: wlasnie zapamietalem jak opowiadales, dlatego bezpospednio zapytalem, jeszcze raz wielkie dzieki...09:37
jacekowskidrathir: a co chcesz zrobic?09:43
drathirjacekowski: osoba szukala alternatywy dla serverow mailowych to pomyslalem, ze polece, bo mi sie skojarzyly dobre opinie na jego temat...09:50
jacekowskizimbra to wielki soft ktory jako minimum potrzebuje 2-3GB wolnego ramu zeby dzialac10:15
jacekowskii darmowa wersja nie ma activesync10:16
jacekowskia to byl powod dla ktorego uzywam zimbry10:16
jacekowskibo chcialem miec push emaile na iphone kilka lat temu10:16
jacekowskii synchronizacje i inne bajery10:16
jacekowskia wtedy to byla praktycznie jedyna alternatywa10:16
jacekowskitroche hakowania i mam pelna wersje komercyjna za darmo10:17
jacekowskiz licencja na 1000 lat na 10000 kont10:17
gjmbagiety już jado10:19
=== Dread is now known as Dreadlish
=== Dreadlish is now known as Dread
kristian_on_linuis there a room for general chat ... I have some touristy questions :)20:03
firemarkbut why on ubuntu-pl?20:04
kristian_on_linubecause I'm going to Poland :)20:06
firemarkok :-)20:07
kristian_on_linuand I don't know other Polish chans ...20:07
Ashirenhow may we help you20:10
kristian_on_linuokay, so thinking of going to Gdansk20:23
Ashirengood choice20:27
Dreadnice city20:27
kristian_on_linuit seems lovely, and I can get there cheaply20:28
firemarkkristian_on_linu: where are you from?20:28
Dreaddo you plan to go in deeper poland?20:28
firemarkach, dk domain…20:28
kristian_on_linuI'd love to, but this will only be for a few days20:28
Dreadwould be problematic20:28
kristian_on_linuI was in Krakow a few years back20:28
Dreadgdansk is nice city20:28
kristian_on_linualso great20:28
Dreadgreat architecture20:28
kristian_on_linuyes, Poland has a lot of nice old buildings20:29
kristian_on_linuI have a very specific question ... http://www.domharcerza.pl/index.php?lang=2&main=1&sub=220:29
firemarkdont ask to ask20:30
kristian_on_linuso, this says "single room" ... am I right in assuming that I will get a room for myself? There is not some weird language thing going on?20:30
firemarki guess, single room mean one bed20:31
firemarkbut yes, you will get room for yourself20:32
kristian_on_linuI need to make up my mind ... either a slightly less cheap hotel outside of town, or this20:37
kristian_on_linudo any of you live in Gdansk?20:44
kristian_on_linuthis is the hotel I'm considering: http://villa.gdansk.pl/en_/20:45
drathirkristian_on_linu: trivago if good remember go to check...20:49
kristian_on_linuwait a minute, drathir ... I know your name?20:53
kristian_on_linuyou're on anapnea!20:53
kristian_on_linuthanks for the trivago idea, some other options there21:01
kristian_on_linuthanks for the input, people ... take care!21:19

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