
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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Isotop7how am i able to set static ip on my arale? i tried editing the network profile in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections but changes have not been applied....06:52
dholbachgood morning07:00
Isotop7how can i sign a static ip to my arale? i tried editing the network profile in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections but changes were not applied....07:29
ogra_you need to make network manager reload the config ... there is an nmcli command for that07:30
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abeatoLaney, morning, the packages in ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ww are not built for arm, is it possible to enable arm builds in that PPA?08:27
VincentInPChello, I just figured that my Market and Update no longer works, any idea?08:30
pragomercan I run ubuntu-touch on my "htc one x endeavoru" almost stable?08:31
Laneyhi abeato, I guess so08:35
pragomerok, I see... state of things..https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/endeavoru08:35
Laneybut you can test (at least the build) on i38608:35
pragomerso I think NO.. :-(08:35
abeatoLaney, well, I can build, but not test :)08:36
Laneyabeato: have you got it building yet? i.e. is this urgent?08:37
abeatoLaney, not yet, so not extremely urget08:38
abeatobut would be nice to get it built for arm too08:38
LaneyI'll file a question08:39
Laneyvs. pinging someone08:39
abeatoLaney, ok, thanks08:40
VincentInPCMy Ubuntu Market is empty, why?08:51
VincentInPCI can't find any solution )(08:51
davmor2VincentInPC: which device?08:57
VincentInPCAquaris E4.509:00
davmor2VincentInPC: are you connected to the web?  Open a browser  and navigate to ubuntu.com09:00
VincentInPCyes I can use any other app (twitter e.g)09:01
davmor2VincentInPC: have you modified the system at all, made it writeable etc?09:01
VincentInPCyes :) I've sync my calendar and address book09:02
VincentInPCso I used a command to mount /dev/loop009:02
davmor2VincentInPC: is that from own cloud or something?09:03
VincentInPCyes absolutly09:03
VincentInPCI've wrote a tutorial in french (but you should be able to read the comman lines) http://influence-pc.fr/03-07-2015-synchroniser-ses-contacts-et-calendrier-dubuntu-phone-via-owncloud-cosy-cloud09:03
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VincentInPCdavmor2: is it a known problem?09:08
davmor2VincentInPC: I don't think there is anything there that would entirely kill the store, you maybe best off having a word with dobey later today09:08
davmor2VincentInPC: he is in an american timezone so won't be on till this afternoon09:09
VincentInPCthank you davmor2 =)09:09
VincentInPCdavmor2: could you tell dobey to contact me through my contact form in case I'm away/disconnected? http://influence-pc.fr/contact09:10
VincentInPCI'm not familiar with IRC09:11
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Embrace Your Geekness Day! 😃09:13
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ollidbarth, mardy... seeing a weird issue on r58/arale12:09
olliwant to install an app, not logged into u1 account, going to accounts, adding the account, then being prompted for 2fa, added, account shows in list12:09
ollithen back to store, attempting to install, "not logged in to u1", and see.. the account disappeared12:10
ogra_someone else had issues above with the store today12:11
dbartholli: hi12:12
dbartholli: do you have somethign in syslog?12:12
dbartholli: or in, unity8/scopes logs that would look suspicious12:13
ollidbarth, mom, got issues getting onto the device12:15
olli.oO(where is the terminal app when you need it;)12:16
ogra_som eproject manager asked for its removal once :P12:16
olliwe need push install from the store12:17
ogra_heh, you just need to turn ssh on and have your key on the device12:18
ogra_(especially on arale with its awful USB )12:18
dbarthogra_: especially on arale12:18
olliogra_, that'd require to know your ip12:18
ollihm, I suppose it'd work if I am not on wifi though12:19
ogra_true ... now *that* should be shown in system-settings somewhere12:19
dbartholli: can you reproduce 100%?12:19
ollidbarth, I could12:19
ollibut... as you see ... flaky device12:19
dbarthi know12:19
ollilet me try to get on it and dig through logs12:19
davmor2olli: ip address on wifi is easy to find, enter system settings, wifi, tap on the arrow box of the connection, not sure about 3g though12:21
ollidavmor2 to the rescue12:22
mardyolli: in some cases, when the U1 libraries detect an error on the account, they just silently remove the account12:26
* ogra_ wonders if the new 2fa policy might actually break phone usage for all canonicalers 12:26
mardyolli: dobey should know better when this can happen, and how to debug it12:26
olliogra_, same suspicion here12:27
ollibeuno, ^12:27
dbarthhmm, then that should be reproducible on all phones12:28
ogra_perhaps only with new acocunts ?12:28
dbarthand that could be that infamous problem with the SF integration at the end of the signup process12:28
ogra_i could imagine as long as the device token is valid you wont run into issues ...12:29
dbarthi just removed my u1 account; wish me luck12:29
ogra_only when re-authing the account or newly creating one on the phone12:29
ogra_(but i'm only speculating wildly )12:29
dbarthhmm, no; i was already with 2fa for a long time12:30
olliallowing to uninstall an app while not being logged into U1 also seems like an interesting approach12:30
dbarthwell, at least i can re-create an u1 account on mako/r24912:31
davmor2dbarth: olli dobey reproduced on my ota4 dogfood phone that has lots of apps installed from before the change but now I get kicked each time I try and install something new, the only change is the 2fa12:33
ollidavmor2, kicked as in not being able to add a u1 account?12:34
beunoolli, ogra_, why would it break?  the phone supports 2fa12:35
ogra_beuno, with a fixed device token, right ?12:35
davmor2olli: as in I tap on install, I'm told my account is bad, tap on sign in, go back to install the app and the app is takes me back to there is a problem with your account12:35
beunoogra_, what's a fixed device token?12:35
ogra_beuno, because all of SSO was changed to alway require 2fa for canonicalers ...12:36
ollibeuno, fact is it doesn't work for me and davmor212:36
ogra_beuno, i thought there is a token on the device that doesnt change for a while12:36
ollibeuno, trying to figure out why12:36
beunoolli, as in, it stopped working?12:36
beunothe token might have gotten invalidated today as part of the password resets12:36
davmor2beuno: as in I can't install anything it keeps removing my account12:36
beunothe device should cope with invalid oauth tokens, I filed a bug a year ago and it's marked as fixed12:37
ollibeuno, I deleted an app, added a U1 account (saw it pop up on list), then trying to reinstall app, store tells me there is no u1 accoutn, and la voila, accounts doesn't show the account anymore12:37
ogra_just install the deb12:37
* ogra_ hides12:37
* olli snaps at ogra12:38
davmor2beuno: yes it tells me there is a problem with my account, removes the old one and asks me to sign in again, hence the loop12:38
beunodavmor2, so we need someone to debug that on the client, let us know what the error is12:38
beunonothing I can think of in our changes should cause this12:38
ollidavmor2, aren't you on vacation (warning, favor to file bug is coming along)12:38
ollibeuno, it'd have shown in your testing right ;)12:39
davmor2olli: no I'm in but lunch is called I can deal with it after that12:39
beunoolli, well, 2fa has been on for a week now12:39
* olli can't even grasp how to test such a roll out12:39
ollidavmor2, thx12:39
beunoolli, we make the changes, point phones against staging first12:39
davmor2olli: but only if you spell favour correctly for ever more :P12:39
ollidavmor2, I can't get onot the device, otherwise I'd file myself12:39
beunoperform basic operations12:39
beunodeploy to prod12:39
ogra_olli, are you sure your account still works at all ?12:39
* olli checks employment status12:40
ogra_might have fallen under the new password policy12:40
davmor2beuno: I'll give you a ping after lunch to see what you need12:40
olliogra_, logging out & into one.u.c works just fine12:41
beunomaybe the new password length is being enforced and the client can't deal with it12:41
beunothere goes that12:41
dbarthsounds plausible12:41
ollibut, considering that I can log in in the browser just fine I don't think that's the issue, is it?12:42
ogra_if it was a pw lenght issue or some such the browser would have asked you to re-new it12:42
seb128just as a piece of info, my u1 account auth was invalidated (which the updates panel doesn't deal with btw) but trying to install something from the store prompted me for email/password/2fa and that worked, I managed to install mastermind and update some clicks12:43
beunoolli, ogra_, we are seeing tracebacks from prod due to slow network12:43
beunothat might be the issue as well12:43
ollibeuno, in general or on my account?12:44
beunoolli, in general12:44
olliseb128, that is good to know!12:44
ogra_i obviously dont have any issues with my existing account on either of my phones12:44
ollialrighty, /me calls in davmor2's favour to add some more color to the issue12:45
* ogra_ just installed something, worked just fine12:45
beunois the RT12:45
beunodbarth, it'd be good to see some client logs12:47
beunoso we can understand what the client sees12:47
beunowhy it's in a loop12:47
jgdxseb128, hey, I have a flickable mr [1]. Currently running tests, but wanna take a look? [1] https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/lp1470782/+merge/26455112:48
seb128jgdx, hey, sure12:48
dbartholli: i'm still not on r53, but you can enable some debug logs for OA so we can see what goes wrong12:49
ollibeuno, ironically ... https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg14106.html12:49
jgdxseb128, quite a lot of pages were missing flickables, which will just spawn more of these bugs. :) Let me know if you know of more affected pages.12:49
dbartholli:  echo "LoggingLevel=2" > ~/.config/signond.conf and reboot12:49
seb128jgdx, right12:49
dbarththen send us your syslog12:49
dbarth(on canonical's pastebin, since it may have some sensitive data in it)12:50
ollidbarth, thx, I'll lean on davmor2 humor to add more color to the favour I asked and in all honor.. I think davmor2 will get the right infourmation into a bug12:50
jgdxolli, dbarth, seems a non-Canonical user is affected? From reading the mailing list12:55
dbarthuh :/12:57
dbarthlet me check12:57
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jgdxElleo, hi :) How can I resolve this [1] error when running system settings on the desktop? I remember the MR, just not the details. :) [1] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11872317/13:01
davmor2olli: you favour right it's a step in the right direction :D13:04
davmor2you got even13:04
kenvandineseb128, good morning13:08
davmor2beuno, dobey, dbarth: I guess you guys are the ones I need to ping for testing and logs etc to grab right,  what do you need from my ota 4 device, I can also check on the ota5 image too for you in 1 moment13:08
kenvandineseb128, did you get a chance to look at those new packages?13:08
beunodavmor2, can you try again now?13:09
beunothere were some... changes13:09
davmor2beuno: sure one second13:09
seb128kenvandine, hey, yeah they look fine13:10
kenvandineseb128, the last 2 are in a silo ppa13:10
davmor2beuno: yes installing now13:10
beunodavmor2, so, works?13:10
kenvandineseb128, please check out buteo-sync-plugins-contacts and buteo-syncfw-qml13:11
seb128kenvandine, looking13:11
kenvandineseb128, thx :)13:11
davmor2beuno: just checking on the account13:11
dbarthdavmor2: do the:  echo "LoggingLevel=2" > ~/.config/signond.conf and reboot13:11
davmor2beuno: yes account is still in place \o/  let me try another app now to be sure it doesn't get removed and wind up in the loop again13:12
davmor2beuno: second application installed no issues \o/ oh happy day, oh happy day13:13
davmor2olli: ^13:13
davmor2dbarth: ^13:14
dbarthdavmor2: then things go into syslog (watch out, it will /spam/ your syslog; so better rm that conf file afterwards)13:14
seb128kenvandine, buteo-syncfw-qml debian/control line 11 has trailing spaces that would be nice to clean out13:14
davmor2dbarth: the changes beuno made fixed it by the look of it13:14
seb128kenvandine, also why do you have "X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes", seems there is no i18n or po dir13:15
beunowell, there was a service down (not SSO) that I was unaware13:15
beunothat seemed to break things somewhere in the auth chain from phonws13:15
kenvandine13 as well13:15
seb128kenvandine, yes13:15
davmor2VincentInPC: try and login to the store now it might be fixed for you too13:16
seb128kenvandine, "buteo" is not really an expressive/nice name btw, but I guess that's not going to change? ;-)13:17
kenvandineseb128, no...13:17
seb128though so :-)13:17
kenvandinewe didn't name it :)13:17
seb128kenvandine, buteo-syncfw-qml seems fine to me13:18
davmor2beuno: so has it been added to check that it is up on releases?13:18
davmor2beuno: so we don't have this again? :)13:18
kenvandineseb128, thx, i'm proposing a branch fixing those issues13:19
seb128kenvandine, shouldn't buteo-syncfw be in that ppa as well?13:19
kenvandineit is now13:19
seb128kenvandine, buteo-sync-plugins-contacts is depwaiting13:19
davmor2seb128: esperanto for hawk,  I guess the hawk-eyed will find something to sync no matter what or where ;)13:19
kenvandineit isn't from bzr, so i didn't want to upload it until we knew it was good13:19
kenvandinedidn't want to do the ubuntu revision dance :)13:20
beunodavmor2, what what?13:20
beunodavmor2, a live service went down13:20
beunowhat do you want us to check?13:20
beunothere were nagios alerts, etc when it was down (during a deployment)13:21
davmor2beuno: ah I thought it was something that was torn down as part of the roll out and not brought back up, me misreading :)13:21
beunoI just didn't know about it when we started the conversation13:21
beunowe might find a way for the error to be more obvious next time though13:22
dobeysso died?13:22
seb128kenvandine, buteo-sync-plugins-contacts ... COPYING is GPL-2 but sources are LGPL, also why making debian/ GPL and not using the same license as the source?13:23
kenvandinerenatu, i proposed a branch with some final packaging tweaks, https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/buteo-syncfw-qml/packaging_fixes/+merge/26455913:23
jgdxseb128, updated mr and test pass locally.13:23
seb128jgdx, thanks13:23
kenvandinerenatu, i added that to the landing already13:23
davmor2beuno: no worries I thought it was something just missed off the check list for the bring up, in which case I was checking it was added, but being as it was a live service not a lot to do about that really :(13:23
seb128kenvandine, that mr has a depends->recommends change/rename which is not mentioned in the commit msg13:23
kenvandineoh... forgot to prereq the other branch13:24
dbarthdavmor2, beuno: ok, all good; back to normal13:24
beunodavmor2, more live, less death!13:24
davmor2olli: can you confirm you can login now too please :)13:24
dbarththanks for testing / reporting the issue13:24
dobeyoh i guess updown maybe if not sso13:25
davmor2beuno: :D13:25
ollidavmor2, otp, 5min13:25
VincentInPCre davmor2 :)13:25
VincentInPChello dobey13:26
kenvandinerenatu, seb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/buteo-syncfw-qml/packaging_fixes/+merge/26456013:26
davmor2VincentInPC: there was an issue with a service that has now been fixed you should be able to get update but you may have to log into ubuntuone again first13:26
seb128kenvandine, better ;-)13:26
renatukenvandine, nice thanks13:26
VincentInPC...okay ! Do you plan to warn all ubuntu touch users in any way ?13:27
VincentInPC'cause I think this issue will create a big problem in the community :o13:27
kenvandineseb128, looking at the license13:27
VincentInPCdavmor2: do you know how I can logoff ?13:28
davmor2VincentInPC: it should just be fixed and we will ping the thread on the mailing list13:28
kenvandineseb128, i'll fix the COPYING file, but i still don't like LGPL for packaging13:28
VincentInPCbut it's a global problem to all users or just those how hack their phones with sync and/or mounting their /dev/loop0 ?13:29
jgdxdavmor2, I was affected as well, arale #61. Fixed for me.13:29
seb128kenvandine, why? we usually just use the same license as the project, easier13:29
kenvandinei know...13:29
ollidavmor2, did you need me to just retry or do anything in prep upfront?13:29
kenvandinewe still need a separate section for debian/* in the copyright13:29
davmor2olli: just re-try13:29
kenvandineso not really easier13:30
dobeyVincentInPC: it's not a global problem, because it's confined to people who tried to install something from the store or install updates, within a short time frame13:30
davmor2olli: live service died which stopped login on phones13:30
dobeyVincentInPC: anyone whom did not already encounter the problem, will not now encounter it, as it's been fixed already13:30
VincentInPCdobey: I think I have this problem since last week13:30
VincentInPCokai :)13:30
davmor2VincentInPC: in that case your issue might be different talk with dobey and he might get you to file a bug for it13:31
davmor2VincentInPC: can you see the store at all?13:32
dobeywhat problem?13:32
ollibeuno, davmor2... working13:32
* olli is installing telegram13:32
davmor2olli: \o/13:32
beunoolli, thanks. We13:33
beunowe're following up with an incident report13:33
ollibeuno, so the cause was a dead service?13:33
seb128kenvandine, buteo-sync-plugins-contacts looks ok otherwise13:33
beunoolli, yeah, a deployment broken mid-deploy and had some knock-on effects13:34
davmor2olli: I think that is politically incorrect they call them funerals nowadays ;)13:34
dobeyVincentInPC: if you are unable to view the store contents at all, then it is a separate issue likely limited to your own device or something. i can see the store just fine on my device13:34
dobeydavmor2: groan13:35
VincentInPCdobey: davmor2 I'm trying to login again to the Ubuntu One account I deleted on my phone, but I get a "Network error - please retry"13:35
davmor2dobey: VincentInPC http://influence-pc.fr/03-07-2015-synchroniser-ses-contacts-et-calendrier-dubuntu-phone-via-owncloud-cosy-cloud did this to get owncloud sync in place I don't know if the crt's might have an adverse effect but I wouldn't of thought so right ;)13:35
kenvandinerenatu, seb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/buteo-sync-plugins-contacts/license_fix/+merge/26456813:35
VincentInPCdobey: i had same problem before deleting the account on my phone, while trying to update13:35
davmor2VincentInPC: that sounds like you have no route13:35
seb128kenvandine, +113:36
davmor2dobey: oh come on it was good for a quick fire pun :)13:36
dobeyVincentInPC: so it seems like there is a network connectivity issue13:36
VincentInPCbut I can browse the great internet without any problem is Web App or in twitter13:36
ollidavmor2, lol @ funeral13:36
kenvandinerenatu, i also added that to the landing13:36
kenvandineand reconfigured13:36
VincentInPCI can read the message ;) It's not a network issue13:36
VincentInPCI can garantee that13:36
kenvandinerenatu, don't rebuild the silo yet though13:36
ollibeuno, good, glad it's nothing more severe13:37
kenvandinerenatu, i'm getting all the depends built in the silo first13:37
VincentInPCdobey: any track I can follow ?13:41
dobeymardy: what was the command to get the online accounts UI to run in a console to get the debug messages?13:43
dobeydavmor2: well, those instructions are wrong, but i don't see anything there which would directly break the store13:44
dobeyVincentInPC: can you see the contents of the store at all? (you don't need to be logged in to see what's available, only to purchase/install things)13:45
VincentInPCdobey: no, it's blank13:45
dobeyVincentInPC: you can check the "13:46
VincentInPCdobey: the small horizontal and orange bar go from left to right (and right to left) during some seconds and nothing appear13:46
davmor2dobey: that's what I assumed when I read through it but I pointed you out as being the guy to talk to for this issue as it seemed way more than a small issue.  But I asked all the questions I could think of including did you modify your system so that was the obvious start place then :)13:46
dobeyVincentInPC: you can check the ~/.cache/upstart/scope-registry.log file for logged errors when trying to brows the store13:46
VincentInPCdobey: I got this :13:47
VincentInPC2015-07-13 15:47:15,944 - WARNING - WARNING: QApplication was not created in the main() thread.13:47
VincentInPC2015-07-13 15:47:16,260 - WARNING - Signing reuested but no credentials found. Using unsigned URL.13:47
VincentInPC2015-07-13 15:47:16,582 - WARNING - Network error: "SSL handshake failed (6)"13:47
VincentInPC ""13:47
VincentInPC2015-07-13 15:47:16,583 - WARNING - Network error getting purchases.13:47
VincentInPC2015-07-13 15:47:18,277 - WARNING - Network error: "SSL handshake failed (6)"13:47
VincentInPC ""13:47
VincentInPC2015-07-13 15:47:18,278 - WARNING - departments call failed due to network error13:47
VincentInPC2015-07-13 15:47:18,280 - WARNING - bootstrap request failed13:47
dobeyVincentInPC: are you behind a transparent proxy or something?13:48
dobeyapparently it is breaking ssl13:48
VincentInPCnot at all13:48
seb128VincentInPC, http://paste.ubuntu.com is a new website, you should use it ;-)13:48
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dobeyseb128: s/new// :)13:48
seb128sorry ;-)13:48
VincentInPCdobey:  I just added my self signed certificate to /usr/share/ca-certificates and call sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates13:49
VincentInPCseb128: ok13:49
dobeyVincentInPC: can you open https://login.ubuntu.com/ in the browser app?13:50
dobeyVincentInPC: if you view the cert info by tapping the lock, what does it say? can you take a screenshot and share it?13:51
VincentInPCI'm sorry but the interface doesn't let me tap the lock13:52
VincentInPCit always fire the "earth" on its left or the url bar13:52
VincentInPCthe lock is grey13:53
dobeydoes it not pop up a thing saying "you are connected to: ..." when you tap on the lock?13:55
dobeythat is the pop-up for the lock. what does it say you are connected to?13:56
VincentInPCas it13:56
dobeyhmm, it shows a globe and not the u1 logo? can you take a screenshot please?13:58
VincentInPCseb128:  I can't paste my screenshot to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ :)14:00
dobeyyou can paste it on any image sharing site, or twitter, or whatever14:00
VincentInPCdobey: here is my french "whatever" :P  http://dl.free.fr/o0pkM7L5a14:01
mardydobey: OAU_LOGGING_LEVEL=2 OAU_DAEMON_TIMEOUT=9999 online-accounts-service14:02
dobeyah thanks mardy14:03
dobeyVincentInPC: how are you connected to the internet right now?14:07
VincentInPCthrough wifi14:07
dobeyVincentInPC: do you see the favicon for any web sites connected on https in the browser?14:09
VincentInPC=o =o =o14:10
VincentInPCdobey: no!14:10
dobeyVincentInPC: so it seems very much like there is a transparent proxy between your device and the internet, and it is breaking ssl :)14:11
VincentInPCit seems that yes on wikipedia14:11
VincentInPCI'm at home, I'm pretty sure to don't have any proxy14:11
VincentInPCI've the favicon on https/wikipedia14:11
dobeyVincentInPC: your router could have a transparent proxy without your knowledge, or your isp could be using one.14:12
dobeywell on login.ubuntu.com you should see the orange U1 logo icon in the bar14:13
VincentInPCperhaps I had no problem on wikipedia 'cause it's a frequently visited website14:15
VincentInPCon Amazon i haven't the favicon on https14:15
VincentInPCand I can see it on my laptop14:15
VincentInPCidem for https://login.ubuntu.com/14:16
VincentInPCit's not the connexion it's the phone :p14:16
dobeyVincentInPC: can you disable wifi, reboot, and try to access the store on 3g?14:23
VincentInPCalready done, same problem =/14:23
VincentInPC(I'm retrying)14:24
VincentInPCdobey: yes same problem14:27
VincentInPCdobey: OK I've a good news: it works again14:34
VincentInPCI think the solution will interest you14:34
VincentInPCdavmor2: dobey: when i ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates it only ticked the first item, my self signed certificate, and no one of the others14:36
VincentInPCI guessed it was normal, 'cause it would be sooo looong to check all the other boxes. But that's the point: i had to check again ALL certificates (more than one hundred)14:37
dobeyah ok14:40
VincentInPCI'll suggest to sync with the certificate in parameter to syncevolution commands instead14:41
dobeyi'd suggest doing the owncloud stuff in a chroot/container instead14:43
VincentInPCit's too much just to sync a phone!14:46
ogra_it will come neatly packed in a snap package one day :)14:47
dobeynot really. you're adding a complex configuration that uses a cron job, by modifying the read-only partition14:47
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dobeyso as it is now, you will lose some of that at some point during a system image upgrade14:48
VincentInPC'cause there is no GUI to do the things already available with a Google Account, it's not designed to be a definitive solution =]14:48
VincentInPCI'll figure out how to handle this at next upgrade, thanks for warning :)14:49
dobeywell, if you do it within a container then the container will be preserved, you can install lots of other standard ubuntu tools within the container very easily, and it won't totally break the host system if you do certain things in it (like trying to add a self signed cert to ca-certificates)14:50
VincentInPCwell it's the only tricky thing I've done, and I'm reverting it14:51
kenvandinejgdx, https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-system-settings/lp1472505/+merge/26429915:02
kenvandinejgdx, when you have a chance15:02
jgdxkenvandine, looking15:02
jgdxkenvandine, workes well and all icons reflect what's in nm-applet. Thanks!15:10
ahoneybunmariogrip: thanks again for the work :) and execellent communication on the forums.15:10
seb128kenvandine, jgdx, are you lining up some new landings with the approved reviews?15:11
peat-psuwitCould anyone have a look at this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-touch-meta/+bug/146075215:12
kenvandineseb128, yeah, silo 3415:12
jgdxseb128, as soon as the gates open15:12
seb128kenvandine, jgdx: thanks15:12
kenvandineseb128, oh... right15:12
kenvandinei was thinking the buteo stuff :)15:13
seb128gates should be open today, and have them close doesn't prevent lining up landings15:13
seb128they should be open by the time we build/test things15:13
ogra_seb128, seems they dont open yet since there is an issue with auto-locking the screen15:13
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seb128ogra_, right, which is why I wrote "today" and not "already" ;-)15:14
kenvandinerenatu, http://blog.didrocks.fr/post/Announcing-session-migration-now-in-ubuntu15:19
kenvandinerenatu, bfiller: so it doesn't run at package update time but at the next session start15:20
renatukenvandine, this will be enough for a update from OTA5 to OTA6 :D15:20
popeyElleo: has the kb changed in recent rc proposed?15:21
popeygetting lots of spurious chars inserted15:21
kenvandinerenatu, yeah, should be good15:22
VincentInPCdobey: just for information, I had to tick again all the boxes in the conf, 'cause giving the cert to syncevolution in a parameter doesn't work15:23
VincentInPCit's the way to go15:23
VincentInPCI hope no problem will happen in the future15:23
dobeyVincentInPC: i'm not sure what syncevolution is expecting exactly, but it might be enough to just put the cert in /etc/ssl/certs/15:23
VincentInPCI can't see what a chroot or LXC container could bring to this situation15:24
dobeywell, you breaking the ssl cert storage in the container won't affect the host15:24
dobeyand it won't be destroyed on certain image upgrades15:24
dobeyand you don't have to modify the read-only part of the system to use it15:25
VincentInPCbut the goal is to make it available in the syncevolution app15:25
dobeyyou can bind mount the home directory within the container, and then run syncevolution within the container15:25
dobeyand it will result in the data being synced within the host15:26
dobeythat's what containers are for15:26
VincentInPCwithout never had to mount the system in write mode ?15:26
VincentInPCcomplicated for me :/15:26
dobeyVincentInPC: https://askubuntu.com/questions/620740/recommended-way-to-install-regularcli-deb-packages-on-ubuntu-phone/623311#62331115:26
VincentInPCthank you dobey I add this in my tutorial ;)15:28
peat-psuwitCould anyone have a look at this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-touch-meta/+bug/146075215:30
JJXHi everybody, im Using 15.10 on my Aquaris 4.5 but like to flash to a more stable channel. Could anyone tell me the right channel?15:34
tathhuubuntu-touch/stable/bq-aquaris.en ?15:36
tathhu(i guess it's the rtm channel)15:36
conyoohm.. net split.. wb15:37
JJXok thanks im gonna try that one15:37
peat-psuwitIs this bug fully fixed or not? https://bugs.launchpad.net/dialer-app/+bug/144296215:43
peat-psuwitMy phone seems to still have it's symptom.15:44
ogra_the milestone says it landed in ota415:48
JJXthats the bug why Im going back to stable15:49
JJXit is not fixed in 15.10 / 14015:49
seb128it should, if you still have the issue report a new bug15:50
JJXi consider that15:51
peat-psuwitogra_: I forget to mention that I use devel-proposed channel already.15:51
peat-psuwitogra_: image revision 25315:52
ogra_well, thats broken anyway regarding mobile i think15:53
peat-psuwitogra_: I don't understand.15:54
ogra_wily is broken15:54
ogra_(wily = devel-proposed)15:54
peat-psuwitogra_: How?15:54
ogra_afaik there ie more broken in the mobile stack in wily15:54
ogra_and since the focus is on vivid it might take a bit til it gets fully fixed there15:55
ogra_(wily is not supposed to land on any phones)15:55
ogra_i wouldnt recommend it if you actually regulary use the phone15:56
peat-psuwitogra_: I do a port on LG L90 Dual. So, I probably can't use any other channel.15:56
ogra_why not ?15:56
peat-psuwitogra_: I actually have my custom patch for droid module in Pulseaudio bundled in device tarball. That's built to a specific version of Pulseaudio.15:59
ogra_peat-psuwit, well, that will need fixing anyway :)16:09
ogra_device and rootfs tarballs should work distinct from each other ... (except for libhybris)16:10
* tathhu 's bq is now on denmark :o finland is next? :D16:10
ogra_tathhu, zimbabwe, then finnland :P16:11
tathhuogra_: okay.jpg :(16:11
tathhuogra_: still, in finland by tomorrow? :P16:12
* tathhu hopes so #cantwait16:12
ogra_sssuuuure :)16:12
peat-psuwitogra_: BTW, what's wrong with wily mobile stack?16:13
ogra_peat-psuwit, no idea, i just see people complain ...16:13
ogra_peat-psuwit, generally wily can break at any time and might only get fixed on slow pace thouh16:14
ogra_as i said, wily is not supposed to ever land on any product16:14
tathhuwhy :(16:14
ogra_becaue all development happens on vivid currently16:15
ogra_wily will switch the underlying plumbing layer to snappy at some point16:15
ogra_(which might cause total havoc on system-image based phones)16:16
peat-psuwitogra_: Seems like I have to change the way to build device tarball in the future?16:18
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ogra_peat-psuwit, not til 16.04 starts as long as you use vivid16:18
peat-psuwitogra_: Ok. Seems like I have to tell people using my port to switch channel.16:20
peat-psuwitrsalveti: ping16:21
ogra_yeah, if you want some stability, you shuld use rc-proposed16:21
ogra_(or rc)16:21
peat-psuwitrsalveti: ping16:29
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Isotop7sturmflut: i testet 4g on my arale...only get hspa whereas galaxy s6 connects with 4g at the exact same place...17:42
Isotop7sturmflut: *tested17:42
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dobeyIsotop77: what country?18:30
Isotop77dobey: provider is vodafone18:31
dobeyah ok18:32
dobeyok yeah18:40
dobeythe click review tools does fail the sherlock package18:40
dobeyso definitely not critical since nobody can actually upload such a broken package to the store18:41
dobeywell, they can upload, but it will fail automated review18:41
Isotop77i remember that there was a spreadsheet for the progress of implementing system functions...is this still available? furthermore: do i need to do something to take a look at my submitted bug? filed it last week but it wasn reviewed till now nor did it change at all...18:42
taiebotQuestion for unity8 team ? are we ever going to see this land? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/141379118:51
greyback_taiebot: it will, it is part of silo 48, is in a queue to be landed18:57
taiebotgreyback_ cool thanks I suppose it will land in OTA-618:58
greyback_taiebot: that's the goal, yes18:58
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Robert_ZenzSince the latest update the recent messages are not displayed anymore in the Today scope on my bq Aquaris 4.5.Is somebody seeing the same?19:13
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pmcgowanRobert_Zenz, working fine here, vivid or wily?19:40
Robert_Zenzpmcgowan, Vivid/15.04.19:43
pmcgowanRobert_Zenz, do you see the section but no data? and if so can you refresh the scope?19:44
Robert_Zenzpmcgowan, the section is completely missing, refreshing does nothing.19:45
Robert_Zenzpmcgowan, but now that you say it, if I disable the recent messages in the settings, the whole scope stops working, as in doesn't display anything. :/19:46
pmcgowanRobert_Zenz, can you do click list | grep dashboard to get the version it should be 1.8.719:48
pmcgowanRobert_Zenz, sorry are you on stable or proposed19:48
pmcgowankyleN, maybe you can advise us19:48
taieboti confirm Robert_zenz behaviour i do not see any messages19:48
Robert_Zenzpmcgowan, gives me
pmcgowanRobert_Zenz, I am testing proposed so maybe there was an issue in the last update19:49
Robert_Zenzpmcgowan, could be, could be.19:50
Robert_Zenzpmcgowan, taiebot, in that case I'll simply file a bug.19:51
pmcgowanRobert_Zenz, that part of the scope got rewritten so I am pretty sure it will be fine this next update19:53
* kyleN back19:54
Robert_Zenzpmcgowan, oh, well, what timespan are we talking, roughly speaking?19:54
pmcgowansoon, this week I hope19:54
pmcgowankyleN, was there a bug with recent messages that got fixed?19:55
pmcgowanin today scope19:55
kyleNrecent message handling did change, but no bug19:55
kyleNpreviously calls had a category, messages had category19:55
kyleNin which you saw a recent call/message19:56
kyleNand telegram had a category19:56
kyleNnow,there is a "Recent" cateegory that includes one of calls, messages, telegram19:56
kyleNfor that to work you need the latest today  scope AND the latest child scopes: calls, messages. and telegram19:57
kyleNwhich were included in the custom tarball I believe19:57
kyleNthese changes originated in design/product mgmt I beleive19:58
pmcgowankyleN, are the updated scopes all in the store now?19:58
pmcgowankyleN, both of these folks are seeing a bug in ota 419:58
kyleNpenk owns pushing to store. I am not 100% sure19:59
pmcgowanbut it does seem fine here in ota 519:59
pmcgowanI cna check that19:59
kyleNall I said is ota 519:59
Robert_Zenzpmcgowan, if there is an update about to be pushed, then it doesn't make sense to file a bug.20:02
Robert_Zenzpmcgowan, I'll keep the eye open what the next update brings, thank you very much.20:03
pmcgowanRobert_Zenz, np thank you20:03
ogra_hmm, the german translation in the new today scope is a little weird ...20:03
* ogra_ hasnt actually noticed before 20:04
ogra_seems there is something chopped off from the "Last Messages" caption ...20:04
ogra_just says "Letzt" in german ... (where it likely should say "Letzte Nachrichten" or some such)20:05
ogra_sil2100, ^^ was "today" one of the manually merged translations ?20:07
dobeyogra_: today scope is a click package so should have the translations in its packaging afaik20:20
pmcgowankyleN, ^^20:21
kyleNyes, translations are in click pkg20:21
dobeyogra_: is the untranslated string there just "Recent" btw? might be mistranslated due to that?20:21
kyleNtranslations are done publicly here: https://translations.launchpad.net/today-scope/20:22
ogra_dobey, it would be "Recen" in that case then20:22
ogra_yeah, so the actual translation is "Letzt" there ...20:23
dobeyogra_: well it should probably have the context added still, but yeah  "last" is specially weird by itself20:23
ogra_*all* suggestions underneath the string are better than that :)20:23
ogra_it suggests "Kürzlich" ... that sounds best and is generic enough20:24
ogra_(and has an umlaut, yay :) )20:24
tathhuÄyh, finnish translations..20:26
SturmFlutbschaefer: Ping21:32
bschaeferSturmFlut, pong21:36
SturmFlutbschaefer: I finally sat down and got my SDL2 template working, but am running into problems with rotation on OTA-5. Apparently the window always starts in portrait mode and is then eventually rotated to landscape, but looks like SDL never gets that information. SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode always returns the size of the window in portrait and I never get an SDL_WINDOWEVENT regarding the size change.21:38
bschaeferSturmFlut, hmm im not sure if i hook up to those events21:41
bschaeferas they werent really around when i was doing the port :)21:41
bschaeferi think the only events i really get are mouse/keyboard/touch events21:41
SturmFlutbschaefer: I suspected that :)21:42
bschaeferSturmFlut, sooo ideally, in the main SDL_mirevents.c21:42
bschaefertheres a main function21:43
bschaeferthat accepts ALL events from the buffer/surface21:43
bschaeferi only do things on the keyboard/mouse/touch, soo if you want other events i need to expand that21:43
bschaeferSturmFlut, which i can soon! Mir is under a pretty heavy ABI change atm and im waiting for that dust to settle21:43
bschaeferso i can go back and create a new branch for that (with the new mir 2.0 event system)21:44
SturmFlutbschaefer: Yeah, this also has to be fixed in Unity8 and QtMir. Will open a couple of bugs tomorrow, just wanted to make sure I get the SDL2 details right21:45
bschaeferSturmFlut, awesome thanks!21:49
pixelgreyback__: it worked!!! :d22:28
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Guest86882DISPLAY=:2 gsettings bla bla22:29
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conyoobug #123123122:30
greyback__conyoo: glad to hear it. Note the DISPLAY env var isn't a good thing to rely on, you should try to fetch and set the value of DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS that unity8 has22:31
conyoogreyback__: thanks :D22:33
conyoogreyback__: hm.. the keyrepeat rate seems to be 022:35
greyback__conyoo: yep, known issue22:35
conyooomg.. how do i take a screenshot?22:35
conyoohm.. i can use mirscreencast and take a frame and then covert?22:36
conyoothat would be silly22:36
conyoolol i have volume keys on the keyboard.. let's see22:36
ahayzenconyoo, if you have $ phablet-screenshot installed have a look at what that files does i guess? there is a screenshot_mir() function in it22:38
greyback__yeah that should work. That's a feature we need to add22:39
greyback__easy screenshotting the desktop22:39
conyoo:> it does exactly that :P runs mirscreencast bla bla -n1 (saves a frame) and then convert22:40
conyoolet's see if i can copy paste from the terminal in chrome (Xmir)22:41
ahayzengreyback__, surely the Prt Sc button should be mapped to screenshot instead of Vol up+down ? ;-)22:42
greyback__ahayzen: sure22:42
greyback__but there are those without Prt Sc buttons...22:43
greyback__poor unfortunate mac users22:43
greyback__so it'll need to be a configurable global keyboard shortcut22:43
ahayzenwe'll need a keyboard shortcuts thing in u-s-s i guess, like unity722:44
conyoogreyback__: status confirmed22:47
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