
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
mapps100% humidity03:24
mappssays google03:24
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
foobarryneed global warming more than ever!07:43
philipls -l07:50
foobarry. .. donkey_pr0n/ Documents/07:58
nigelbGood Morning popey :)08:00
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:05
brobostigonmorning bashrc08:07
davmor2Morning all08:21
davmor2diddledan: morning head songs updated with saturday sunday and this mornings :)08:21
brobostigonmorning davmor208:35
davmor2morning brobostigon08:58
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Embrace Your Geekness Day! 😃09:13
zmoylan-piif i were to embrace my geekness more i'd need copper pants to generate electricity when i walked with artifical hip :-)09:16
foobarrypowerline connectivity improved after removing the special pc powerdown adapter in between09:21
foobarrynot sure why that never manifested before now09:21
MooDoohello all10:22
brobostigonhello MooDoo10:29
davmor2MooDoo: I've updated my morning head song playlist :)10:35
zmoylan-pii hope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NemkBVSnUt0 is on it :-p10:36
davmor2zmoylan-pi: not yet but I know that song and "I've Never Met a Nice South African"10:39
davmor2popey: you're banned you are on holiday10:39
davmor2popey: begone and do holidayeee things10:39
davmor2zmoylan-pi: I also know Blobby mr blobby so I'm sure that will creep in at somepoint10:41
davmor2zmoylan-pi: I'm actually adding them each day, I setup an initial list of common/recent songs so there was something of a playlist and now I am adding the song I wake up with daily if it isn't in the list :)10:44
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:53
davmor2bigcalm: morning dude10:54
bigcalmdavmor2: all well?10:54
popeydavmor2: i am sat with feet in thr pool :)11:02
davmor2popey: oh nice11:03
bigcalmRelease the electric eels!11:03
davmor2bigcalm: laser firing sharks11:06
* zmoylan-pi wonders how you load the sharks into the laser...11:11
davmor2zmoylan-pi: very small sharks that fit in light beam I'd of though that was obvious tut11:14
awilkinsPhotonic Shark Launcher11:14
brobostigonhi knightwise13:15
bigcalmWho upset the script kiddies?15:37
zmoylan-piwho who15:37
davmor2bigcalm: It's the Doctor or the who, never just who ;)15:40
zmoylan-piwhom whom? :-p15:42
brobostigonthe human doctor?15:42
davmor2bigcalm: take you pick, yesterday it was the Illinois nazi's but the elwood made them jump off the bridge so today it could be you me, but I would blame JamesTait :)15:44
JamesTaitClassic diversion, davmor2. 😉15:45
* brobostigon does the borg warcry in a dalek voice.15:46
davmor2JamesTait: well it wasn't going to be them ;)15:47
* JamesTait points at davmor2, whistles nonchalently.15:47
davmor2JamesTait: I suppose it could of been everybody, everybody, everybody....but that would of included them again and they wouldn't like that :)15:49
diddledaninteresting: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/12/apple_snuggles_closer_to_ipv6/15:52
* zmoylan-pi doesn't remember a commandment saying thou shalt not abstract... http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jul/13/man-arrested-charging-iphone-london-overground-train16:13
diddledanzmoylan-pi: I abstract as part of my job. abstraction of interfaces is an important design consideration16:21
diddledanzmoylan-1i: (resend) I abstract as part of my job. abstraction of interfaces is an important design consideration16:23
zmoylan-1ibut do you abstract electricity?16:24
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
diddledanunless. I abstract electricity from my own sockets16:25
zmoylan-pibuy the biggest powerbank you can carry and charge it every day at work... :-)16:26
diddledanI could carry a UPS?16:26
zmoylan-pino need for something that big.  just a powerbank size of a paper back for charging smart phones would do the trick16:27
knightwisehey peepes16:43
diddledanello knight16:50
diddledanello knightwise16:50
diddledansilly tabcomplete fial16:51
knightwisehey diddledan17:03
* knightwise is fighting with his bash.rc file17:04
knightwisedownloaded a script (todo.sh) it's a command line todo manager.17:04
knightwisei want to point my path towards it so i can make an alias17:04
zmoylan-pi400 quatloos on the newcomer ::cue trek fighting music::17:04
knightwiseanyone know what is wrong with this line ?17:05
knightwisethe todo.sh script is in that folder. path code is correct , right ?17:05
zmoylan-pithe # makes it a remark?17:05
knightwisei remove that17:05
* zmoylan-pi goes to look at my bashrc17:06
knightwisebut for the rest it points to the right place doesnt it ?17:06
zmoylan-piexport PATH=$PATH...17:07
knightwiseso just jam 'export" in there17:08
zmoylan-pithat's what i have in my bashrc to add 1-2 locations to the path17:08
davmor2knightwise: you don't need the quotes17:08
knightwisedo i need a space between the :/home..17:09
knightwiseor : /home ...17:09
davmor2knightwise: PATH=$PATH:/home/knightwise/Dropbox/todo/17:09
diddledanknightwise: davmor2: I would put quotes around the whole thing: PATH="$PATH:/my/addition"17:09
diddledanspecifically because you can't guarantee that $PATH hasn't got spaces in it17:10
zmoylan-pimine says 'export PATH=$PATH:~/directoryinhome/' without '17:10
davmor2diddledan: yeah it's either all or nothing with bash17:10
knightwiseloggin out to check17:10
knightwisenope ,17:13
knightwisehmm.. perhaps i should not park that script in the dropbox file ?17:13
diddledanknightwise: run `echo $PATH | pastebinit` to show us what your path looks like17:14
diddledanthat looks fine17:15
diddledantype `todo` and press tab17:15
diddledandoes it complete to the full name?17:15
knightwisethen its just the alias ?17:15
knightwisealias t='./todo.sh -d /home/knightwise/Dropbox/todo/todo.cfg'17:16
diddledanyou don't want that bit17:16
knightwiseok , getting rid of that17:16
diddledan./ means run it from the current folder17:16
diddledanso typing t will try to run a todo.sh from whatever folder you're in without using the $PAT~H17:17
knightwiseYEP :)17:17
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
diddledanquiet tonight21:48
diddledanI just posted another windows-store feedback. This one being somewhat cosmetic - they've got jupiter ascending the movie listed as directed by Larry Wachowski (in addition to Andy Wachowski) which should obviously be Lana Wachowski.21:54
mappsurgh so humdit22:14
mappsTuesday 00:0022:14
mappsMostly Cloudy22:14
mappsMostly Cloudy22:14
mapps22°C | °F22:14
mappsPrecipitation: 0%22:14
mappsHumidity: 100%22:14
mappsWind: 7 mph22:14

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