
cmaloneyGood morning. :)13:47
ColonelPanic001cmaloney: you familiar with Amiensus on bandcamp?14:17
ColonelPanic001they released their second album not long ago, it's pretty damn good. I hear a little ahead of time they posted, and was kinda on the fence, but it turned out a lot better than I thought.14:17
ColonelPanic001https://amiensus.bandcamp.com/album/ascension fwiw14:18
cmaloneyColonelPanic001: Checking it out.14:48
cmaloneyNeeds more Creative Commons. :)14:49
ColonelPanic001it would be nice, but they didn't ask me :(14:55
greg-gmy god. sitting and working on a laptop for only 2 hours, after just 7 days of camping and playing out doors, is hard as hell16:38
greg-gI triaged my email backlog mostly already, which is nice I guess16:38
cmaloneymutt to the rescue16:51
greg-gcmaloney: +1017:34
cmaloneyEvening and all that23:22

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