
Kilosmorning all05:54
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 06:27
Kiloshi mazal 07:22
mazalGaanit oom07:22
Kilosgoed dankie en self07:22
mazalOk dankie , raasie baie nie07:24
pieter2627morning all07:33
Kilosmorning pieter2627 07:34
mazalMorning pieter262707:34
* mazal hears a pin drop07:39
mazalTwas the day before Tuesday , not a creature was stirring07:41
KilosMaaz  coffee on07:58
* Maaz washes some mugs07:58
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!08:02
KilosMaaz  dankie man08:03
MaazGroot plesier my vriend08:03
=== rusbus is now known as Russ_|Away
=== Russ_|Away is now known as rusbus
Kiloshi georgelappies rusbus 08:08
georgelappieshi Kilos08:08
Kiloshi kerbero 09:05
kerberoHi oom Kilos09:05
Kiloshere you are/were in belgium09:05
kerberoYes i was last week09:05
kerberoI guess smile told you09:06
Kilossee  i got eyes everywhere09:06
kerberoWent to visit him one aternoon09:06
Kilosany luck with a varsity?09:06
kerberostill looking around09:07
kerberothere are possibilities, but nothing concrete yet09:07
Kilosgood luck man09:09
Kilosw000t debs is on my telegram09:10
TinuvaMacheh mybroadband.co.za is offline for a change10:04
ThatGraemeGuyrefresh, should work10:13
TinuvaMacah looks better10:13
TinuvaMacfor some funny reason africainx would route it via london10:13
TinuvaMacbut its fine now10:13
Kiloslo inetpro 10:50
* mazal eyes the cookies11:09
mazalmaaz what's for lunch11:09
Maazmazal: How about some soup?11:09
=== MaNL is now known as Guest43464
=== Guest43464 is now known as MaNI
* Kilos sees danfowler gave up lurking here13:39
Kilosdid i say hi captine today?13:40
Kiloshows little fella13:40
Kiloshi Squirm 14:10
SquirmHome time :)15:14
=== Webtricity is now known as Guest93422
georgelappieshi kilos15:53
georgelappieshi all15:53
Kiloshi georgelappies 15:53
Kilosbeen very quiet here today15:54
rusbusKilos soonish I might go back to a 'regular' desk type job16:35
rusbusthen we can kakpraat moar16:35
Kiloscaptine  you here17:05
Kiloshi Tonberry 17:09
Kiloshi mazal 18:29
Kiloshi inetpro 18:29
inetprooh hi oom Kilos18:30
inetproand hi everyone else18:30
* Kilos tired18:42
ThatGraemeGuyhi peeps18:46
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 18:47
ThatGraemeGuymy htpc is starting to enter middle age :-/18:47
ThatGraemeGuyjust starting to see things with fancy new codec that it cannot cope with :'(18:47
Kiloshappens to everything sooner or later18:47
ThatGraemeGuybefore long it'll be the new normal and i'll have to get something new18:47
mazalThe drawback of technology18:47
ThatGraemeGuygot a new series that uses H.26518:48
ThatGraemeGuyi can only decode H.264 in hardware, and it has an atom cpu that just can't keep up for software decoding18:48
superflyhi ThatGraemeGuy, Kilos, inetpro18:49
Kilosohi superfly hows things there?18:50
mazalhi superfly 18:50
ThatGraemeGuy'lo fly18:50
Kilosi need someone to help me work on a project18:51
Kilosrevenge on pro project18:51
Kilosi have to make him pay for the suffering he has caused me18:52
mazalNight everyone , sleep well , God bless18:56
Kilosnight mazal 18:57
Kilosty you too18:57
Kiloshmm... didnt even get a reaction from him19:02
Kilosshame peeps be poegaai19:26
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:26
superflynight all20:04
melodienight superfly 20:32

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