
nicomachusOerHeks: there's an Ubuntu Tweak and Unity Tweak00:00
nicomachusthey do different thigns00:00
OerHeksnicomachus, thanks, i have them both. but i use unity-tweak mostly00:01
ssimondvf2=ubuntu& not issue... but ubuntu studio is my system00:02
ssimonHow do I use system <ubuntu> when it works best even though dvf2 isn't available at all and ssl doesn't get the picture?00:05
=== erwin is now known as easyOnMe
ssimonI am a volunteer songwriter who needs ubuntu studio, not dvf200:07
easyOnMeare you online man00:07
easyOnMehisto: are you still online00:07
bluefox83just installed fresh 15.04 and gnome-shell...gnome wont start00:09
SchrodingersScat!ask | easyOnMe00:10
ubottueasyOnMe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:10
bluefox83it goes black then jumps back to the login screen00:10
nicomachusbluefox83: did you get grub?00:12
bluefox83gnome-shell refuses to start :(00:12
bluefox83nicomachus: huh?00:12
nicomachusbluefox83: you actually got to the login screen and were able to type in your password and everything?00:13
ssimonOnly solution I can think of is reinstall Debian and then run 0-AD00:13
bluefox83nicomachus: yeah..then it just jumps back to the login screen00:13
kobeit happens to me before00:14
nicomachusbluefox83: nvidia gpu?00:14
ssimonssimon- leaving, going to go play 0-AD00:14
django_good day al00:18
django_hey all how do i select: ubuntu *desktop* .iso00:20
=== nhodges is now known as nurihodges
SchrodingersScatdjango_: can you give more detail?00:22
django_should I download 62bit or 32 bit00:22
django_SchrodingersScat, trying to setup the USB universal installer00:23
SchrodingersScatif you can run 64bit then normally you'd go with that00:23
django_SchrodingersScat, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop in the dropdown should I go with the one that says recommended?00:23
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SchrodingersScatdjango_: worth a shot and up to you.  do you know which your machine is?00:24
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django_SchrodingersScat, i dont00:24
django_SchrodingersScat, http://pasteboard.co/1UMKH4Nk.png00:25
django_thats what i see00:25
=== guilherme is now known as Guest70055
TheGoose1212So I just got a domain name, and I have a lamp stack setup on my pc, but how to I get that working with my domain name?00:25
easyOnMethe command scp -v is for what00:25
TheGoose1212New to this stuff and just curious as to how I direct the wordpress, etc to the site00:26
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SchrodingersScatdjango_: I see the same thing.  If the 64-bit version doesn't work then you'll know you need the 32, and you'll have to reimage the usb.00:27
easyOnMeSchrodingersScat: the command scp -v is for what more specifically the -v does what?00:27
django_SchrodingersScat, well this laptop is 64bit00:27
SchrodingersScat!man | easyOnMe00:27
ubottueasyOnMe: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/00:27
SchrodingersScatdjango_: well, thar you go :)00:28
SchrodingersScateasyOnMe: -v is verbose in this case.  which is common00:28
django_SchrodingersScat, for this: http://assets.ubuntu.com/sites/ubuntu/1464/u/img/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows/image-createausbstickonwindows-3.jpg step #2 you just use the ubuntu installation right00:28
=== Enissay__ is now known as Enissay
django_SchrodingersScat, i also need to resize partition for w8 alongside ubuntu00:30
SchrodingersScatTheGoose1212: normally you set that up through your registrar, yeah?  Should be able to plug in your IP address into whatever webui they offer?00:30
SchrodingersScat!dualboot | django_00:30
ubottudjango_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:30
django_SchrodingersScat, ty00:30
SchrodingersScatwelcome, good luck00:31
Tumbtackoh god00:33
TumbtackIwata died today00:34
easyOnMelinux truly rocks00:35
easyOnMeyou people here are just awesome00:36
easyOnMeSchrodingersScat: does scp works like sftp that when some files fails to upload due to connection issues it will continue to upload the files that failed to upload when connection resumes00:42
LoshkieasyOnMe: The scp's I've used don't resume as you describe. To get that effect, I have to use rsync with the --partial flag set.00:46
easyOnMeLoshki: how do you do that00:46
LoshkieasyOnMe: some variant of rsync -av --partial --progress <src> <dest> will copy files from <src> to <dest> and if the connection drops, when you reissue the command, if will continue copying where it left off (more or less).00:50
easyOnMeLoshki: thanks I want more info about rsync do you know of an online resource I could read on00:52
LoshkieasyOnMe: Start here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rsync00:53
k1mmyyyhi guys00:53
k1mmyyyi used fixparts to fix my messed up hybrid uefi/mbr thing00:54
k1mmyyyand now i'm trying to install ubuntu, because it finally recognizes the unallocated space i created for it using window's disk management00:55
k1mmyyyok this is probably too complicated to get solved here00:56
Bashing-omk1mmyyy: Write up your issue in a text file and paste to our pastebin site.00:57
k1mmyyywell a lot of typing can be saved here, this is my thread on ubuntuforums00:59
k1mmyyyi used fixparts and it seems to have worked00:59
k1mmyyynow i'm in the liveusb, but here's the thing -- i can boot it up in either uefi or "legacy" (mbr i think) mode still00:59
k1mmyyyif i do it in uefi, when i get to the step where you choose where to install , i don't get the "install ubuntu alongside w8" option, but the unallocated space does appear in the "something else" gparted menu choice01:00
k1mmyyyif i do legacy instead, the "install ubuntu alongside w8" does appear01:00
k1mmyyyand if i select it, it warns me about what it's about to do, but i don't know if it'll mess up the boot partition or something01:01
Bashing-omk1mmyyy: Sounds like a EFI thing. EriC^^ Ya occupied ? Can you advise ?01:02
k1mmyyyBashing-om, one sec, gonna upload a pic that should explain current situation well01:06
Unknown-UserMy HDD temp fluctuates 43-48 C. The fans have been cleaned, and i have my laptop on a stand with ventilation underneath. Is there any software that could help me have more control over the fans so i can keep the whole unit a little cooler? Thank you.01:07
k1mmyyyBashing-om, here: http://i.imgur.com/6n0UDjA.jpg01:07
k1mmyyyso that's what happens if i click "something else" in legacy mode01:08
k1mmyyythat ~490gb free space is where i wanna put ubuntu01:08
Bashing-omk1mmyyy: K; look'n but be aware, I have no experience with UEFI .01:08
k1mmyyyi'll get a quick pic of what happens when i click "alongside w8"01:09
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k1mmyyyBashing-om, and here's what the "alongside w8" option gives me: http://i.imgur.com/KRhKkl2.jpg01:14
Bashing-omk1mmyyy: Look'n01:15
k1mmyyyso i guess my question is, will the "alongside w8" option work here, or mess things up01:16
k1mmyyybecause, correct me if i'm wrong, you want to let windows be first in the boot menu or something01:16
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knckOHello all01:19
Bashing-omk1mmyyy: I "think" will be doing wrong in this instance as free space has been created. Booting in EFI mode, what does the installer see in " something else" and pointing the installer to the unallocated space ?( I can see whare we might want to create the partitons for '/' and 'swap') .01:20
k1mmyyyBashing-om, i've gotta go now, but in efi mode, there is *only* "something else", no w8 option01:21
k1mmyyyand it sees the same partition table, iirc01:21
k1mmyyybut there's the issue of where to install the boot loader01:21
Bashing-omk1mmyyy: Boot loaded on a single drive system will always be 'sda' .. never to a partition. The installer will take care of the linkage to the /boot partition that Windows already has set up .01:23
k1mmyyyBashing-om, but see in the 1st pic i sent, how there's that drop down menu?01:25
k1mmyyydoes that man i wanna choose /dev/sda1 because that's the w8 loader?01:25
Bashing-omk1mmyyy: No, the highlighted option is the one you want here, /dev/sda - . Bios (or rather here, the firmware) will hand off to the boot code locted at this position, and the 2nd stage boot loader will hand off to the code located at /dev/sda1 .01:28
k1mmyyyBashing-om, hmm, so you think i should do "something else" (not "alongside"), then select the free space, and /dev/sda from the drop down menu?01:29
Bashing-omk1mmyyy: Ido, but near in mind, I have never done a URFI install .. just makes sense to me that with the unallocated space, -> "something else" and point the installed to this unallocated space, I can acccept that you may have to tell the installer how to set up the '/' partition and as well the 'swap' partition .01:31
wtmURFI install?01:32
wtmWhat is URFI01:32
Bashing-omk1mmyyy: Just make sure when you boot up for installing, that you are in EFI mode !01:33
Bashing-omwtm: Theanks UEFI *01:33
kryptofreakhow do i join different channels?01:34
k1mmyyyBashing-om, okay, thanks01:35
Bashing-omkryptofreak: type /join #<channel_name> .01:35
kryptofreakBashing-om: thank you01:35
Unknown-UserMy HDD temp fluctuates 43-48 C. The fans have been cleaned, and i have my laptop on a stand with ventilation underneath. Is there any Linux software that could help me have more control over the fans so i can keep the whole unit a little cooler? Thank you.01:36
Bashing-omk1mmyyy: oldfred on the forum knows his stuff, would not hurt at all to await his advise .01:36
=== root is now known as Guest85567
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.01:36
k1mmyyyBashing-om, yeah i've been talking to him01:37
k1mmyyyin that thread01:37
k1mmyyyi think this is a little out of his element though because this is a weird special case01:37
OerHeksUnknown-User, 43-48'C sounds not bad01:38
Bashing-omk1mmyyy: oldfred has been around a long time, not much he has not seen - and dealt with .01:39
WormtailHi all01:42
Unknown-UserOerHeks: It usually hangs around 46 and up. Anything in those temperatures is around 115-125 F. Fans keep kicking on, a lot of heat being pushed out, just the fans power down too quickly it seems.01:45
Unknown-UserSorry for slow reply, multi tasking.01:45
lazymonsterI'm having problem with background.01:45
lazymonsterCan't change background to desirable image.01:46
nmatrix9daftykins, I got the nvidia driver working on 3.19 and I resolved the issue of the missing mouse cursor in xubuntu!01:46
Unknown-Userubottu: Thank you, I'm looking into right now what you typed.01:46
ubottuUnknown-User: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:46
kryptofreakping nmatrix01:47
lazymonsterubottu: I've black background. I can't change desktop background to image.01:47
ubottulazymonster: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:47
easyOnMeLoshki: thanks01:47
nmatrix9kryptofreak, ?01:48
easyOnMeLoshki: do you know the command to undo this kind of command sudo ufw allow 2201:48
Unknown-UserRight click chat window, go to Preferences, select your image for the Background option.01:48
easyOnMeSchrodingersScat: do you know the command to undo this kind of command sudo ufw allow 2201:49
LoshkieasyOnMe: I'm guessing: sudo ufw deny 2201:50
easyOnMedoes anybody know the command to undo this kind of command sudo ufw allow 2201:50
lazymonstereasyOnMe: I guess sudo ufw deny 2201:52
lazymonsterbut you should try man ufw01:53
=== harrison is now known as Guest4978
easyOnMelazymonster: ok thanks01:54
easyOnMeyou're right I read it now in the ubuntu documentation01:55
easyOnMeat least someone confirm it01:55
lazymonsteryou're welcome..01:55
redmageI'm attempting to detect my wireless card so I can see if there are any proprietary drivers for it. When I do sudo lshw -C network all I get is PCI (sysfs).01:57
redmageIs there a better way to detect my wireless device?01:57
Unknown-UserAre you using a version of Linux with GUI?01:58
redmageMe? If me, yes.01:58
Unknown-UserGo to your Menu, type Driver in the search box.01:59
Unknown-UserIt should bring you to a password check, then show you all available proprietary drivers for the hardware you have.02:00
Unknown-UserOr Menu-Administration-Driver Manager for the long hand way.02:01
redmageUnknown-User, I've done that and all the menu says is "no additional drivers available."02:02
Unknown-Userredmage: You said this was a PCI Express WiFi you are trying to get to work, yes?02:03
lazymonsterredmage: try lspci . It should list all devices.02:03
royzhanghello everyone02:04
redmageThanks, lazymonster. That brought up the name of my wireless device.02:04
TechMongerhow to a ping another computer on my home network?02:13
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TechMongeri tried pinging the ip and computer name02:13
erkburgleshow to get reminders on desktop from evolution without opening the application?02:14
D33p@TechMonger what are you trying to do ?02:15
hero100TechMonger, ping computername.local02:15
TechMongerI am on a ubuntu pc02:15
D33pping is just a simple command followed by the IP of another computer or hostname02:15
TechMongeri want to ping another win pc02:15
erkburgles@hero100, he wants to a ping another computer on my home network02:15
TechMongeryea. my router picks up the computers02:16
TechMongerso i should be able to ping each of them right?02:16
erkburglesIs there anyone here that knows what Evolution is?02:17
D33pyes technically02:17
nicomachusTechMonger: do you know the ip of the other computers?02:17
hero100erkburgles, a mail client02:17
nicomachusthen type 'ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' with the computers local ip...02:17
erkburglesgreat, do you know how to get reminders on desktop from evolution without opening the application?02:17
TechMongernicomachus I have the list of all devices on my home network in my routers menue02:18
nicomachusok, find the one you want to ping. it should list a local ip for it.02:18
TechMongeri get Destination Host Unreachable02:18
nicomachuswhat ip did you ping?02:18
TechMongeror it just sits there02:18
D33p@TechMonger firewall?02:18
TechMongerwindows firewall would stop my ping?02:19
nicomachusD33p: not an issue on the local network, usually.02:19
TechMongerit worked now02:19
nicomachusis the machine that you're trying to ping turned on?02:19
erkburglesbottom of the stack02:20
TechMongerPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.02:20
TechMongerFrom icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable02:20
TechMongerFrom icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable02:20
TechMongerFrom icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable02:20
TechMongerit works then it stops02:20
nicomachuswifi or cabled?02:21
TechMongerall cabled02:21
hero100some people have report this, it's due to the firewall of windows02:21
D33pcan you ping router ip?02:21
nicomachusTechMonger: is dhcp set to auto, or do you have a reserved ip for the machine?02:22
TechMongeri can ping router02:22
TechMongernicomachus, auto02:22
Ionicit's not an "IP", it's an address you're all meaning...02:22
D33pthe computer you are pinging, can you ping from it to router?02:23
nicomachusIonic: ip is shorter to type and he knows what we mean02:23
erkburglesIonic: ???02:23
TechMongerthe computer im pinging is downstairs 0.o02:23
Ionicnicomachus: but it's nonesense.02:23
nicomachusIonic: it's still an ip. it's ipv4 format address02:23
TechMongerIonic, its shorthand02:23
Ionicnicomachus: it's an IPv4 address, not an "internet protocol"02:24
patero-ngThe othet day i ping someone in Chekoslovakia02:24
D33p@TechMonger I am trying to figure out if there is a physical connectivity issues between router and the computer you are pinging02:24
D33pthere could be many issues02:25
nicomachusit's dropping the connection for some reason.02:25
nicomachusthis is really ##networking territory at this point.02:25
D33pbad cable is one of them02:25
TechMongerall the computers conect to the internet02:25
D33pfirewall anothr02:25
TechMongerso they are connecting to the router fine02:25
D33pwell that rules out the physical connections then02:26
D33pgotta check firewalls then02:26
TechMongerit pings the first time02:26
D33pis that a windows machine firewalled?02:26
TechMongerthen it gives Destination Host Unreachable02:26
Ionicthe device could be getting unconfigured and reconfigured again randomly by network manager, too, though02:26
TechMongeryea prolly02:26
D33pturn off the firewall for a moment to check the pings02:27
TechMongerwell if i use the computer name it should resolve any ip changes right?02:27
D33pif everything is set to get IP from DHCP yes02:27
IonicTechMonger: depends on whether your DHCP server provides a search domain and has this name registered and whatnot02:27
IonicD33p: you wish.02:27
Ionicthe resolver must also provide this functionality, DHCP itself doesn't have (mostly) anything to do with DNS02:28
TechMongereverything is set to auto02:28
TechMongerno real set up has ever been done02:28
Ionicin any case, the lookup is only done once upon starting ping02:28
D33poh i gorget - windows restart will fix everything :P02:29
Ionicgiven it started pinging away, it didn't fail at that time, so that's not conclusive02:29
nicomachusyea there's really no reason it should drop it after pinging once successfully..02:29
nicomachusunless that windows machine just has a really unstable connection02:29
IonicD33p: this is not a feature of windows, but of the DCHP and DNS server (most likely an embedded device)02:29
Ionicnicomachus: reasons are plentiful for this behavior, ranging from physical connection problems to network manager screwing up big time and deconfiguring the network interface02:30
nicomachuson that note, TechMonger: have you restarted network manager?02:30
D33p@Ionic he said that host can connect to internets sucessfully02:31
nicomachusD33p: no need for @02:31
nicomachusand just because it can load a webpage doesn't mean it's a stable connection.02:32
IonicD33p: so?02:32
D33pso you can eliminate physical connectivity02:32
TechMongerwhat is network manager?02:32
D33pas a problem02:32
Ionicwhy? there are two sides involved. at best, you can rule out one side, but not just by randomly requesting a web page02:33
TechMongerif it was a unstable connection it would ping more than once02:33
Ionica radio stream (and minimal buffering if possible) would say a lot more02:33
TechMongerthe first time is all im getting02:33
nicomachusTechMonger: 'sudo service network-manager restart'02:33
nicomachusgoing to reset your connection though, fyi02:34
IonicTechMonger: who knows, maybe it's the firewall after all, although I remember windows not blocking ICMP within the local network (if it's set to a "home network"02:34
hero100Just replace the damn windows host and try again02:34
TechMongernicomachus, i restarted my net man but i dont think thats it02:35
D33phe means replace windows with ubuntu02:35
hero100by ubuntu02:35
TechMongernot my comp or i would02:35
IonicTechMonger: have you ever tried it the other way around?02:35
D33pi suggested02:35
TechMongerIonic, ping from host to local?02:35
Ionicthat's a very weird to put it02:36
TechMongeri know02:36
Ionicping your current box from the other one, yes02:36
TechMongerim thinking it might be a firewall issue02:36
nicomachusIonic: tried suggesting that once, he said "but it's downstairs"...02:36
TechMongerthats the only thing that sounds right02:36
nicomachusTechMonger: just go to the windows machine and try to ping your ubuntu machine02:37
TechMongerok brb02:37
Ionic"no route to host" doesn't sound like a firewall issue (unless the windows firewall actually replies with such an ICMP packet, which would be hilarious)02:38
Ionic(and a misuse)02:38
nicomachushi black-pc02:38
TechMongerworked fine02:39
patero-ngIs hilarious02:40
TechMongerso windows to ubuntu ping no problem but ubuntu to windows only gets first ping...02:40
nicomachusping it again from ubuntu and let it go for at least 10 rounds, the paste the output at paste.ubuntu.com and link the paste here.02:42
D33pI would try disabling the firewall on windows machine (if any) and try the ping again02:42
D33pyea paste the ping results02:42
TechMongerok... what is paste.ubuntu.com?02:42
chingaoI also concur with disabling Windows firewall to rule that out02:43
nicomachusa pastebin site. you copy/paste the ping output from your terminal then paste it in the box on the site, hit enter, and send us the link.02:43
TechMongerPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.02:43
TechMongerFrom icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable02:43
TechMongerFrom icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable02:43
TechMongerFrom icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable02:43
TechMongerFrom icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable02:43
TechMongerFrom icmp_seq=5 Destination Host Unreachable02:43
nicomachusaaaaand that's why I said use paste.ubuntu.com....02:43
D33pwhere is first reply ?02:44
nicomachusyea there was no success there.02:44
BuzzardBuzz100% blocked02:44
* D33p hates @TechMonger02:44
D33pjust j/king02:45
redmagepraise be to TechMonger02:45
BuzzardBuzzwindows fw will block ping by default unless you go in and set it to allow it02:46
D33pthere we go02:46
IonicBuzzardBuzz: but allowing the first packet and then dropping subsequent ones doesn't make sense02:46
nicomachuswhy does it say "from" when he's pinging 244...?02:46
BuzzardBuzzthere was no allowed packet in the posted stuff02:47
Ionicnicomachus: likely the local address02:47
nicomachusIonic: I haven't seen an allowed packet in anything he's pasted, which is why I asked for the pastebin of the full output. but he paste straight into the channel and got quieted02:47
Ionicah, maybe he misinterpreted the first line?02:48
Ionicas success?02:48
nicomachusIonic: If I ping .167 on my network, which is another machine, it still says "from .167"02:48
Ionicnicomachus: try pinging .10 instead02:48
TechMongerPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.02:49
Ionic(or any other address in the network02:49
TechMongerthis is not a successful ping?02:49
Ionicuse a pasting service ffs02:49
Ionicthat's just the preample, obviously02:49
TechMongerit says bytes?02:49
Ionicit tells you what address is being pinged with how many bytes of data02:49
nicomachusTechMonger: use paste.ubuntu.com for god sake02:49
BuzzardBuzzthere is a received bytes message for success with ping on windows02:50
BuzzardBuzzit will say the % success02:50
TechMongernicomachus, so i just link the url then?02:50
IonicTechMonger: yes02:51
IonicTechMonger: but probably no need, it's clear that no reply is being received at all02:51
Ionicnicomachus: have you tested it?02:51
nicomachusIonic: reverted to .402:51
TechMongeri can ping a win7 computer but i cant ping a vista computer02:52
Ionicnicomachus? reverted to .4? so?02:52
Ionicis .4 your own interface's address?02:52
BuzzardBuzzto open the windows firewall to ping advanced settings, inbound rules, file and printer sharing echo request echo request, allow02:53
TechMongeryou guys are going to hate me...02:53
TechMongeri think the computer is off02:53
VeryBewitchingHi folks.  How can I resize a btrfs partition to consume the rest of the disk?02:53
nicomachusdidn't you just use it?!?!02:54
TechMongerone of them02:54
IonicTechMonger: so, how did you try to ping the machine running ubuntu then?02:54
BuzzardBuzzyou pinged ubuntu with an off computer then02:54
VeryBewitchingAnd can it be done while the filesystem is mounted?02:54
IonicBuzzardBuzz: MAGIC!02:54
TechMongeri used the win7 one02:54
berryhi guys,tell us where you are02:54
TechMongerthere is a win7 and vista02:54
nicomachusVeryBewitching: no, it's can't be done while it's mounted. you can use gparted02:54
TechMongerthe win7 works02:54
TechMongeri just seen on my router that the vista is off02:54
IonicTechMonger: it's not unlikely that the firewall behaves different on windows 7 vs. vista, though02:55
BuzzardBuzzto open the windows firewall to ping advanced settings, inbound rules, file and printer sharing echo request, set to allow02:55
VeryBewitchingnicomachus: It's my / partition, but there's a partition after this one that I've just wiped out, how would I use gparted if I can't boot?02:55
Ionicwell, but if it's off, it's off02:55
nicomachusBuzzardBuzz: everyone saw the first time.02:55
nicomachusVeryBewitching: you need to use a live disk.02:55
Ionicwhich also explains the message and it's not a violation of the ICMP reason02:55
VeryBewitchingnicomachus: Ah, OK02:55
BuzzardBuzzi had a repeated part that i fixed02:55
VeryBewitchingnicomachus: Anything I should be concerned about before I do it?02:56
nicomachusVeryBewitching: ALWAYS back up before partitioning.02:56
VeryBewitchingnicomachus: I would have assumed that, I was wondering more if this is something that tends to be touch and go, want to know if I should put coffee on ;)02:57
=== Zachary_DuBois is now known as Tokyo
TechMongerit was hybernating...02:57
TechMongeri can ping it now02:58
TechMongerwhy does my router pick up disconnected devices when i reset my device list?02:58
TechMongeror how02:58
Ionicbecause the DHCP refresh interval hasn't passed yet?02:59
TechMongerso dhcp refresh is different than device list refresh?03:00
D33pwhat an enlightenment @TechMonger03:00
BuzzardBuzzdhcp refresh for all clients is needed when you change your subnet ip03:00
BuzzardBuzzif you want them to work together03:01
IonicBuzzardBuzz: uhm, no.03:02
chingaoTechMonger: nicomachus asked this way at the beginning: is the machine that you're trying to ping turned on?03:02
nicomachusVeryBewitching: if it's the last partition on the disk, it won't take long. if gparted has to copy data to move another partition too, it can take a couple hours.03:02
TechMongeryea i know03:02
berryhi,all the guys come from china?03:02
Ionicthe DHCP server has a refresh interval, so that unused addresses can be moved back into the pool03:02
somsip!ot | berry (ask your real support question)03:02
ubottuberry (ask your real support question): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:02
TechMongeri thought it was bc when i refreshed my device list. the devices poped up03:02
VeryBewitchingnicomachus: Well, I have /dev/sda1 as swap, /dev/sda2 as btrfs then unallocated space at the end.03:02
TechMongeri thought that would take off any unconnected devices03:03
nicomachusVeryBewitching: should be pretty quick then. 10 mins or less.03:03
VeryBewitchingnicomachus: It's how to back everything up now.. :D03:03
IonicTechMonger: what your router does or doesn't do when you click a weird button is totally unpredictable. it could just as well kill a kitten.03:03
TechMongerhow does my router see devices that are no longer connected... i dont get that03:04
Ionicmost likely though, it will show all devices that have an assigned address still03:04
nicomachusTechMonger: it remembers.03:04
Ionicthe address has been assigned to that device for a specific period of time03:04
Ionicthat can be up to a week, normally03:04
berryraspberry pi 2 so fu03:04
TechMongerthis router sucks03:04
D33pVeryBewitching: live partition extend is a the feature of file system you are using, I know ext3 and ext4 you can do it but I dont know about btrfs yet03:04
Ionicotherwise you'd get a new IP every time you turn a computer off and back on03:05
TechMongerok. i think i understand what was going on. i feel kinda stupid03:05
Ionicno, it doesn't suck, that's how most DHCP setups work03:05
VeryBewitchingD33p: btrfs filesystem resize; but it won't resize the partition, just the filesystem03:05
TechMongerIonic, yea i understand that03:05
TechMongerim just saying there is not refresh button for my dhcp03:05
TechMongeri would have to change the epiration time03:05
TechMongerir the dhcp lease as my router is calling it03:06
TechMongeri want a refresh button03:06
Ionicthe expiration time of the lease, yes03:06
TechMongermine is set for one day03:06
nicomachusTechMonger: 24 hours is pretty standard.03:07
TechMongeris drone a bot?03:07
TechMongerwell thanks to whoever unbooted me03:10
Ioniccrap, I cannot copy and paste from browser to the terminal anymore...03:10
nicomachusTechMonger: it's automatic. It was a 1 min boot because you tried to paste too much into the channel.03:10
TechMongersmart bot03:10
nicomachusIonic: it's in your profile preferences03:10
Ionicnicomachus: no, I had to restart my pasteboard service because it was acting up and also subsequently my browser. browser is using the new session, while my terminal emulator uses an old one and they cannot communicate. would need to restart my terminal emulator, but that would suck worse...03:11
IonicI'm not using Linux FWIW03:12
TechMongerif dhcp renews do you lose connection?03:12
IonicTechMonger: no, that's the whole point of renewals03:12
nicomachusTechMonger: these are really questions for ##networking03:12
Ionicrenewals are extending the lease time03:12
TechMongeroh ic03:13
IonicI believe DHCP servers can cache addresses for longer than the lease time, IIRC03:13
Ionicso that you don't clutter up your pool03:13
Ionic(see also security on why it's generally a bad idea to omit)03:14
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Unknown-UserHello everyone03:17
lazy_monsterI can't change my desktop background. I am stuck with black background.03:17
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Unknown-UserTry updating your video driver in Driver Manager.03:18
nicomachusor reinstalling unity.03:18
Unknown-Userhehe, Unity.03:19
lazy_monsterI just upgraded everything.03:20
lazy_monsterfrom 14.10 to 15.0403:20
Unknown-UserReboot, and see if the problem persists.03:20
lazy_monsterRebooting didn't help.03:21
lazy_monsterWhen I logout/lock I can see that wallpaper.03:21
lazy_monsterAny idea? What can be wrong?03:22
TechMongerwhat is the highest supported silverlight replacement for linux?03:23
Unknown-UserMust be an Ubuntu thing... I use Mint, cleaner and faster IMO. I'm not too sure why your wallpaper still isn't coming up.03:23
Unknown-UserOnly things i can suggest are updating everything, rebooting, and see if the picture you want as your wallpaper actually shows up.03:23
lazy_monsterThanx.. :(03:24
Unknown-UserLazy_Monster: Sorry, I'm still trying to look into it. I'll let you know in a min or two if i find anything.03:24
lazy_monsterDon't be sorry man. Thank you very much. ;)03:25
Unknown-UserLazy_Monster: Try this,  Hit Alt-F2 and enter gconf-editor. Once it opens, navigate to desktop > gnome > background and make sure 'draw_background' is enabled.03:26
nicomachusTechMonger: there isn't really one. trying to use netflix on firefox?03:26
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Unknown-UserChrome (not chromium) can run Netflix videos.03:27
Unknown-UserTechmonger: I watch netflix with Chrome all the time.03:27
TechMongertrying to watch that vid03:27
TechMongerim going to try this pipelight plugin03:28
Unknown-UserTechMonger: Looking for a fix, one moment.03:29
Ionicsilverlight, microsoft's even crappier answer to adobe's flash03:29
Unknown-UserTechMonger: Maybe use youtube and just pull up the same video there? :P03:29
TechMongerim going to try this pipelight plugin03:30
Unknown-UserAnything that's Silverlight specific will be hard to view in Linux, being that's it's a pure microsoft app.03:30
Unknown-UserLazy_Monster: Did any of that work for you?03:31
fizyplanktonHow can i make aptitude ignore irrelevant errors and install packages? A long time ago, any and all updates stopped working. I just figured oh well. But now everytime I go to install packages, or update even one package, if i use apt-get, i get no error, but nothing happens either. If i use the GUI update manager, it wants me to update my distro (I'm currently running 10.04 Lucid Lynx (I know how out of date it is. I03:32
Unknown-Userfizyplankton: It being out of date might be part of the problem. I don't know off hand how to go any deeper than that. Easier just to keep everything up to date or use a lighter weight desktop GUI if running on a low end PC.03:34
Ionicfizyplankton: it may well be that 10.04 isn't in the repos anymore03:35
Ionici.e., moved to an archive or somesuch03:35
Ionicdebian does that, don't know about ubuntu03:35
Ionicdebian typically keeps stable, oldstable, testing and unstable on the main FTP server03:35
fizyplanktonUnknown-User: actually, I don't mean to sound pretentious, but i think its too high end. Ive got 4 monitors, all with different resilutions and connections, running on two unrelated cards. None of the newerones support it.03:36
Ionicubuntu is different, in part due to LTS releases, but I would assume they are doing something like this, too03:36
fizyplanktonIonic: Thats what I'm thinking. but can i remove the Lucid stuff and install my package directly? specifically, I'm trying to update a program called pithos. Its a front end for pandora03:37
Unknown-Userfizyplankton: Try Linux Mint Cinnamon, i had a similar problem until i installed that. Fix most of my problems right away. Personal experience.03:37
lazy_monsterUnknown-User: I'm trying it right now..03:37
fizyplanktonUnknown-User: what do you mean exactly?03:37
Ionicfizyplankton: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change archives.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com to old-releases.ubuntu.com03:38
Ionicthen sudo apt-get update and you should be able to install packages again03:38
Ionic(minus errors that may come up because you screwed your system)03:38
fizyplanktonIonic: do you mean old-releases.archives.ubuntu.com? or directly to old-releases.ubuntu.com? and If this doesn;t work, I can always change them back, right?03:40
Unknown-Userfizzyplankton: With the setup you described having, i have a very similar setup to that and use Linux Mint 17, fixed a lot of those issues i had in Ubuntu. Without the need of having to do much in the terminal to do what you're trying to do.03:40
Ionicfizyplankton: I mean old-releases.ubuntu.com03:40
Unknown-Userfizyplankton: It will recognize a lot of hardware you otherwise wouldn't have had much access to. Is what I'm saying.03:41
Ionicfizyplankton: it's a bad idea not to update, though, the software on your system is more than 5 years old...03:41
fizyplanktonIonic: what about us.archive.ubuntu.com?03:41
Ionicit only takes a script kiddy to gain root access03:42
fizyplanktonUnknown-User: But thats a whole new OS, right?03:42
Ionicfizyplankton: old-releases.ubuntu.com03:42
Ionicfizyplankton: mint is somewhat of an ubuntu or debian fork, yes03:42
Unknown-Userfizyplankton: It is based off of Ubuntu and Debian, so most of what works with Ubuntu, will work fine in Mint. Most of Mint's software and coding comes from Ubuntu, as well.03:42
Ionicbut you won't be able to update 10.04 to 15.04 in one go anyway03:42
fizyplanktonIonic: is it.....strightforward to install, and widely software supported?03:43
Ionicfizyplankton: probably, it's targetting... lesser knowing people03:43
Unknown-UserFizyplankton: The only "real" difference, is Mint looks a little like windows, which can be customized not to. While Ubuntu has more of a Mac OS feel.03:43
IonicI'll stick to my OS X :)03:43
fizyplanktonUnknown-User: i hate to sound petty, but thats one thing i SEVERLY dislike about ubuntu. especially the new releases (i just made a vm running 14.04 to test if the update to my program works, and ewwww. It looks horrendous)\03:44
Ionicand the gentoo partition next to it (although I tend to not maintain that very well due to mostly being on OS X)03:44
Ionicfizyplankton: it's just looks. you'll get older, too.03:45
Ionic(and hopefully wiser)03:45
Unknown-Userfizyplankton: Ubuntu is great for certain things, no doubt about it. But for what i do, and seemingly you do as well, Linux Mint is more suited and better prepared for the job.03:45
fizyplanktonpersonally, I value productivity way the heck over looks. I'm even using a text based IRC client right now03:46
Ionicso am I, and I'm even using the real™ OS X!03:46
fizyplanktonwhat client? I'm on irssi03:46
Unknown-UserSo am i XP Just different OS03:46
Ionicyes, IRSSI here, too03:47
fizyplanktonwell shit. Its actually lightning pretty badly, and the lights are flickering. Not gonna be able to test it out tonight. I best shut er down03:48
IonicI switched to OS X 6 years ago because apple had arguably the best hardware around at that time and I was also sick and tired of non-working suspend and resume support due to this p*** o*** s*** nvidia blob03:48
Unknown-Userfizyplankton: Alright, you take it easy. Try a dual boot with Mint if you want to test it out, one of my favorite Linux Distros for a reason.03:49
IonicUnknown-User: TOO SLOW!03:49
Unknown-UserIonic: I saw when i glanced down haha03:49
IonicUnknown-User: but you can send him a memo03:49
Unknown-UserIonic: Yes sir ;)03:50
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gbear14275I have to replace an OS drive and was wondering if I could use RAID 1 temporarily to do so... Is there anything wrong with this approach?03:55
Unknown-Usergbear14275: Did you cover it with peanut butter and jelly?03:55
gbear14275lol, no 7 year old SSD that's got a bad controller03:56
gbear14275looks like it wore out03:56
Unknown-Userhmmm, I don't see it being a problem. But i would like another person's opinion on it. If anyone is reading.03:57
gbear14275my alternative plan was to try and setup the new drive with LVM and then try to DD the boot disk to the new drive partitions...  I wish I was more comfortable doing that... but I doubt my skills03:58
Unknown-Usergbear14275: Try your first method of approach, the faulty controller shouldn't give you any real problems. All else fails, fall to plan B.03:59
gbear14275hmm... just thought of a hybrid... I wonder if I could setup the new drive with LVM then use one of the partitions in a RAID 1... hmm... I like that04:00
gbear14275software raid can do that can't it?04:00
gbear14275RAID 1 with partitions...04:00
Ionicgbear14275: I'd just dd the hell out of it and run sha512sum over both devices to make sure they match04:01
Ionicfrom another media, of course04:01
Ioniclike, a live distribution targeted to data recovery and administration like grml04:02
Ioniccreating a RAID 1 doesn't make a lot of sense04:02
Ionicand you can't just do it anyway04:02
Ionicyou'd be changing your parition table and data on it, which means you'd essentially be losing all data anyway04:02
gbear14275ah, so you can't just specify a partition as part of a RAID 1 array and duplicate it like that?04:03
Ionicwhere would the superblock go?04:04
Ionicright, overwriting already existing data04:04
Ionicmost likely killing your first file system04:04
canonprinterI'm unable to open the terminal04:04
gbear14275Ionic... not even sure what a superblock is so glad I came to ask04:05
Ionicsame with LVM04:05
canonprinterI click on it on the taskbar-thing (the thing on the left side of the screen) and its background just flashes like it normally does before it opens, but then eventually the loading cursor just goes to a normal cursor04:05
canonprinterbut nothing happens04:05
Ionicgbear14275: it's what defines a RAID. the type, version, UUID, whatnot04:05
canonprinterand it stops flashing04:05
canonprinterSame with System Monitor04:05
Ionicand naturally also its size04:05
Ionicand offset04:05
Ionic(although strictly speaking, I guess the offset can be deduced from the superblock's position)04:06
canonprinterdoes anyone know why?04:06
Ionicgbear14275: anyway, bad idea, forget RAID and LVM.04:06
canonprinterThis happened earlier and I just restarted the computer04:06
gbear14275Ionic, got it... yeah if that's not there04:06
canonprinterBut I don't want to restart every 30 misn04:06
Unknown-UserCannonprinter: You might have to reboot, especially if you just updated anything. Which you should try doing again before your next reboot. Then see if that doesn't clear it up.04:06
Ionicgbear14275: just copy the data over with dd and run sha512sum on both the new device and old device after it's done - PROVIDED BOTH DEVICES HAVE THE SAME SIZE04:07
Ionic(otherwise, there's no chance for matching checksums)04:07
gbear14275Ionic, well... original is 30GB and the new one is 60GB04:07
Ionicbut you could work around that problem by only checksumming the first x bytes04:07
Ionicso basically another dd if=/dev/newdevice bs=... count=... | sha512sum - run04:07
Ionic(with bs and count appropriately calculcated)04:08
Unknown-Usercannonprinter: If you have to keep restarting, than it may be a driver issue. Have you tried updating your drivers in Driver Manager?04:08
Ionicunless you don't care about data integrity04:08
Ionicin which case the checksumming is redundant04:08
Ionic(just to point out, it's a bad idea not to care about integrity)04:09
gbear14275Ionic, I suspected that one ;)04:09
Unknown-Usercannonprinter: Also update any software that is available in the Update Manager, than reboot one last time. See if any of that helps, if not, we'll be here ;)04:09
gbear14275Ionic, so last question... is there a better or recommended method for replacing OS drives?04:10
Ionicgbear14275: no idea about "recommended", but there's a way naturally requiring less work (potentially): just install the OS anew on the new drive and migrate data manually, only the really interesting one. should be mostly your home directory, if you fiddled within the system you've already been doing it somewhat wrong04:12
Ionicsoftware can be reinstalled from packages and getting the old package list is easy04:12
Ionicbut, again, I have no idea how you used your system and whether you meddled in system directories or not04:13
Ionicgbear14275: the "dd" option goes like this: dd from old device to new device, checksumming, resizing partitions iff checksumming was successful04:14
Ionicyou'll have to decide what makes most sense04:14
TechMongerhow do you have your program detect what dir its in?04:16
TechMongerwrong chan04:16
IonicTechMonger: how is babby formed?04:16
Ionicglad it was the wrong channel, because "program" is a bit too unspecific...04:17
fullstackwhen a man and a woman decide to git init .04:18
TechMongerC++ program for win04:18
canonprinterUnknown-User: Oh sorry I didn't see your messages, you said cannonprinter but I'm canonprinter :P so no ping04:18
ekemwhat is cwd for 10004:18
canonprintercanonprinter: Wait so update my drivers?04:18
canonprinterand update anything in the update manager?04:18
canonprinterUnknown-User: well I'm not gonna be able to update my drivers :P can't open anything04:19
canonprinterI'll reboot first.. brb04:19
IonicTechMonger: man 3 getcwd04:19
Ionicwhy am I procrastinating...04:22
gbear14275Ionic,  What if I have a RAID 5 Array mapped to store files.  This is my home media server so it's got Deluge and Plex installed04:23
Ionicgbear14275: what's your aim?04:24
gbear14275Just replacing a bad OS drive04:24
Ionicyes, but how does a storage help?04:24
canonprinterUnknown-User: How might I update my drivers04:25
canonprinteror see if they need to be updated?04:25
gbear14275oh the server is actually a 5 disk NAS with an SSD OS boot drive.  The SSD has a bad controller (getting weird messages and TRIM stopped working), so need to replace it.  I'd like to leave all the data (about 2TB in place)04:25
gbear14275I'm just hoping I don't dork up all the data on the data partition (RAID parition)04:26
Ionicif you only migrate the old SSD data to a new SSD, how would you dork up a completely different machine/data storage?04:28
Ionicmaybe if it's in the same machine, but then the only thing you need to be careful with is not touching the HDDs or whatever that 2TB pool may be04:28
gbear14275different partition...  all one system. SDA = Boot drive, SDB = RAID 5 Data parition (LVM)04:28
gbear14275Ionic, btw, I appreciate the time, I might be making this harder than it is04:29
gbear14275Ionic, Thank you!04:29
bytetrialhi, hows it going04:31
gbear14275Ionic, So I'm thinking perhaps maybe I just reinstall fresh on the new OS drive, then remap the data partition and then reinstall the programs...  like you said as long as I don't touch the other parition it should be fine04:31
Ionicgbear14275: I hope you don't have a RAID 5 with only one partition04:32
Ionicerr, with only one drive04:32
gbear14275no, 4 drive array04:32
gbear14275it's technically four 1 TB disks, 3 TB usable but the lvm parition is only taking up 2TB so .7 free space right now04:33
Ionicgbear14275: make sure the installer doesn't touch it. you should be fine. about getting it setup back: /etc/mdadm.conf and /etc/fstab on the old drive can just be copied over to the new one04:33
gbear14275*taking notes*04:33
Ionicbut I really, really have to go to bed now, OR ELSE04:34
gbear14275Ionic, Thank you for your time.  I really appreciate it04:34
Ionicso, night04:34
fullstackno don't leave04:35
fullstackstay. see if his installer works. please.04:35
cr45hlet the man sleep :D04:35
Ionicyes, I'll make like a tree now and leaf04:35
fullstackyou guys want to see something funny04:36
mladouxwatching john oliver, got it covered04:36
fullstackthat will boot up archlinux in your browser04:36
fullstackthen... you can run "sh net.sh" and it will get an ip address (from where .. I have no idea)04:37
fullstackand you can ping
fullstackit runs at about 1Mhz so typing "ls" takes like a minute04:37
gbear14275Wow... that's cool!04:37
gbear14275it yours?04:38
fullstackbut I am selling $5 vps. Just go to that URL and send me $504:38
fullstackKeep your browser open so your server doesn't go down04:39
bishopsplease help! I get this weird message when I try to update my software package and install updates about not having public key, and having unstrusted packages etc. http://paste.ubuntu.com/11870854/04:42
bishopsnot sure when it started happening04:42
cr45hbishops, do this:04:43
cr45hsudo apt-get clean04:43
cr45hsudo mv /var/lib/apt/lists /tmp04:43
cr45hsudo mkdir -p /var/lib/apt/lists/partial04:43
cr45hsudo apt-get clean04:43
cr45hsudo apt-get update04:43
redmagebased Drone`04:43
xangua!gpgerr | bishops04:43
ubottubishops: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »04:43
D33pmore info here - http://askubuntu.com/questions/127326/how-to-fix-missing-gpg-keys04:44
bishopscr45h: I've done what you advised, now after the update it doesn't find any public key!04:46
bishopscr45h: before there was only one missing now there are 6!04:46
bishopsubottu: i'm trying what you suggest but I'm not sure where to plug the information in the command line04:49
ubottubishops: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:49
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mladouxbishops, on a new cursor line, enter the information given by ubottu, there is no wrong place, provided you have the appropriate permissions to use sudo.05:11
mladouxif you click the ubuntu logo in the dash, and type terminal, the appropriate application to get a command line will show, if that's the part you are confused about05:11
mladouxI hope this helps.05:11
=== Guest44127 is now known as jarkinox
wbluffy1hello all05:14
mladouxhello wbluffy105:16
wbluffy1hello mladoux05:16
wbluffy1alors mark05:17
MichaelHabibDXhi, want to ask, how to build a PC that focuses on running many applications at once rather then "more raw pwoer" ... the reason I ask is I have an I7 prociessor with 16 GB ram & SSD.. I stipped it down to minimum hardware but still crashes when I run too many applications.05:17
mladouxMichaelHabibDX, that really depends on the type of applications you wish to run.05:17
mladouxVideo editing applications work better on different hardware than say video games.05:18
mladouxor even office software ( which is low resource so runs well on anything really )05:18
MichaelHabibDXmladoux: I run Web Browser, Java based Applications like Netbeans & XMind, and VMware workstation to run my Dev Box and WIndows7 for graphic design05:19
MichaelHabibDXmladoux: the thing is I use Virtual Desktops for each project .. and I want to keep my PC on for like 1 week without having to restart05:20
mladouxMichaelHabibDX, well, since you're looking at virtualization, I would focus more on server style hardware, such as a Xeon, and ECC RAM. The rest of your software that you listed will run equally well on a Xeon or an i7. That said, if you have budget constraints, you may have to make do with less then optimum hardware05:20
mladouxI wouldn't worry too much about the graphics card for such an environment, something from intel will be highly compatible, and work just fine. No need to spring for an NVIDIA or ATI card.05:21
mladouxhow many simultaneous VM's are we talking here?05:22
MichaelHabibDXmladoux: I was doing some research and read that for what I need to work, I should find processors that can handle more threads to handle the workload / number of open apps.... so I guess servers are made for such a task05:23
MichaelHabibDXmladoux: 2 VMs for .. I wont need more anytime soon05:23
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mladouxnext question, what kind of loads will you be putting on these VM's?05:24
mladouxare these for webserver test beds, or are they doing heavy compilation tasks?05:25
mladouxor something completely different?05:25
mladouxwill they be used for production, or testing only?05:25
mladoux( I'm thinking other people having to access them )05:25
MichaelHabibDXmladoux: one of the VMS is a basic Test Ubuntu + Apache server05:26
mladouxokay, well that one won't require much then, what about the other one?05:26
MichaelHabibDXthe other is a Windows 7 VM used for graphic design (Illustrator & Maybe minot Photoshop work)05:27
mladouxokay, that one is going to be the real b****05:27
MichaelHabibDXI could offload the GD work to my current PC once I get a new one .. so lets forget the 2nd VM for now05:28
mladouxMichaelHabibDX, well, for adobe products, and vmware as well, stay away from virtual cores, they actually hinder productivity because of the way those apps handle SMP. So ideally a Xeon, I recommend at least 8 GB of RAM for the VM's with 6 to the win7, and 2 to the apache, and another 4GB of ram to your main system. no more than 32 GB of ram for those work loads, after that your really just stroking your ego. as for graphics, what is05:30
mladouxthe host system?05:30
mladouxwindows, linux, bsd, or mac?05:30
MichaelHabibDXhost is Ubuntu + KDE (Kubuntu)05:30
mladouxI would personally go with an NVIDIA gfx card of the 600 series or newer, but you could do it on intel or ati, that's really a matter of preference, although ATI has been known to have issues with new releases of X1105:31
mladouxI would recommend getting a NVIDA 770, not too expensive as it's a bit older, but still more than powerful enough for that task load.05:32
mladouxplease understand these answers are based on my own experience. I recommend you get other opinions as well and do a little research on benchmarks to give you a more fully fledged idea.05:33
mladouxalso, if you already have the i7, it should still work reasonably well, actually pretty well, I just don't prefer it for that particular task load.05:34
mladouxthe xeon works better for that kind of work, as far as I have experienced.05:34
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DeaDSouLwhy this doesn't work: tty | basename05:34
mladouxif you do go with an NVIDIA card, definitely take the tim;e to install the proprietary drivers so that you can make use of the graphics acelleration in the VM ( although I don't know if the Linux version of VMWARE supports that, check the specs. If it doesn't just get Intel graphics, because it's pretty much moot if you can't use it )05:35
mladouxyou might also want to look into qemu + KVM as a possible alternative. I've had good results with linux vm's under that, but haven't tried it for a windows VM.05:37
mladouxI would also like to point out that that particular payload will not benefit from crossfire or sli, so you needn't bother with multiple gfx card setup. If you were running the Adobe products on the host system instead of inside a VM, you could benefit from multiple GFX cards, but I still wouldn't recommend using SLI or crossfire for those setups either.05:39
mladouxhowever, you can benefit from multiple graphics cards if you plan on having multiple monitors ( more than 2 )05:40
mladouxI hope that helps. Do your research, you may come to a different conclusion, and I may have not considered all the aspects of your workload.05:41
hsn6I have bought a wifi adapter . it is disconnecting after a while .05:42
mladouxhsn6, do you have make/model information for that adapter?05:42
hsn6it is a USB2 wifi adapter05:42
hsn6TRX CE 88005:43
mladouxI can't locate that, who makes it?05:44
hsn6mladoux: men/whomen from china :)))05:45
mladouxwhat company05:45
mladouxnetgear, buffalo, realtek, broadcom, etc05:45
hsn6I don't know, maybe TRX05:46
altenusHi guys. I have an Acer Aspire One ( Intel Atom N2600 1.6 GHz and 2 G RAM). This netbook came with Windows 7 32 bits, but the processor is 64. So, should I install Ubuntu 32 or 64-bits?05:46
hsn6by lsusb it shows a Ralink RT537005:47
mladouxthat's better05:47
mladouxso, ralink makes it, and they repackage it.05:47
MichaelhabibDXmladoux: (I had to refresh, did you get my post from 30sec ago?)05:48
MichaelhabibDXmladoux: one more question, is there a way to track & log the reason for the computer crash .. I know I open too may programs at once (10-15 programs + 2-3 Firefox Profiles with 10-100 tabs each!)  .. but if I can find which app or at which point the PC is freezing & crashing maybe I could find a computer that better fixes that specific problem05:48
mladouxhsn6, what version of Ubuntu are you running?05:48
hsn614.04.2 minimal05:49
mladouxit's probably the Firefox MichaelhabibDX, with that tab load.05:49
mladouxdid you install the latest binary drivers hsn605:50
MichaelhabibDXmladoux: could loading the FF profiles into ram fix the problem using my existing hardware, or we still hit some Proccessor limit for the number of open processes ?05:50
DeaDSouLhow to execute a command in the pts/19  from pts/17 ? and show all the outputs there? ex: CMD > /dev/pts/19 ...... how to redirect everything to pts/1905:51
hsn6mladoux: where are they ?05:51
mladouxMichaelhabibDX, hard to say, probably won't fix it, the issue is likely runaway javascripts in the background.05:51
mladouxhsn6, try this article <altenus> Hi guys. I have an Acer Aspire One (05:53
mladouxsorry about that05:53
hsn6mladoux: when I connect it , randomaly shown in lsusb but randomaly disconnecting after around 5s or after a long time05:54
mladouxtry a different USB port?05:54
mladouxalso, it might be a chinese knock-off and just be a shit wifi dongle.05:54
mladouxyou know, using bootleg chips.05:55
mladouxI generally don't trust networking equipment that I have trouble googling.05:55
hsn6no result about trying different USB port05:56
mladouxhsn6, how much did you pay for it?05:57
mladouxalso, do you have another machine to test it on?05:57
agent_whiteEvenin' folks05:58
mladouxit could be something as simple as a hardware/driver conflict as well.05:58
mladouxthough it looks like either the power management is not being handled correctly or the device is failing.05:59
mladouxjust based on your lsusb results.05:59
mladouxcould, though I highly doubt it, just be the USB ports on your machine.05:59
mladouxanyway, try the article, it may fix your issue hsn6, other than that, I really just don't know.06:00
mladouxMichaelHabibDX, yay, you made it back06:00
MichaelHabibDXmladoux: yeh .. got DC again .. not sure if it's my network erro !06:00
mladouxMichaelHabibDX, most likely your issue isn't so much with the browser, but rather poorly written javascripts on the pages you're running causing the slowdown. That's the usual culprit, and not much you can do about that.06:01
MichaelHabibDXmladoux: so does that mean upgrading to a server will NOT solve this ?06:02
mladouxI really couldn't say with any certainity without a detailed analasys.06:02
Patero-ngI want to install ubuntu on a usb drive like I would to a HD meaning it has to save previously saved updated files and programs what is the best way to do it? I found a how to geek article but is old from 200906:02
mladouxMichaelHabibDX, probably not.06:02
Ben64!persistence | Patero-ng06:02
ubottuPatero-ng: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence06:02
mladouxat least not the browser side of things.06:02
Ben64Patero-ng: you should do that instead of install06:02
hero100It seems that many guys don't recognize we are in different time zones, so good morning, good afternoon, and good evening.06:02
MichaelHabibDXPatero-ng: I have my OS on an External SSD , runs on every PC I connected to ..06:03
mladouxhonestly the workload your pushing isn't all that resource intensive, so upgrading to a server will help, but you could run it on just about any halfway decently specced system. I was just making recommendations for what I would do for the best experience, not necessarily the cheapest.06:03
Patero-ngBen64 I don't want persistance that makes ubuntu slow to load programs and it doesn't save programs only files I think06:04
MichaelHabibDXmladoux: thanks for pointing out the JS problem ... I may turn off JS in my browser and only load them on pages where I "need JS" .. most of the time I open tabs for info / referance so I dont need the fance JS messing up my PC :)06:05
mladouxMichaelHabibDX, anyway, good luck. I've commented all that I can with any reasonable amount of certainty for your particular situation. There are just a lot of variables.06:05
Ben64Patero-ng: running a full install on a flash drive will be much slower06:05
mladouxas far as good analysis tools, I really don't know any off the top of my head. I usually just check process and memory consumption to get a general idea. That's about the extent of my involvment there.06:06
growzdownzBen64: only because it's usb06:07
MichaelHabibDXmladoux: I do that too, and I see I still have 20-30 % free ram + no more then 40% combined CPU usage !06:07
MichaelHabibDXPatero-ng: from Exp, I can recomend this :  1- Get USB3 Flash drive wirh 12+GB  2- Use the USB3 port on the computer you want to load the OS on 3- use a lightwieght DE 4- make sure you dont move the flashdrive while the OS is on ! :)06:08
Patero-nghow come Ben64 it should be the same as running it live epcept is instaleld right?06:08
mladouxMichaelHabibDX, yeah, I'm not sure then. I don't even know what websites your accessing, and I'm not taking the time to visit them all to find the culprit. Can you really blame me? And that still might not even be the issue. So yeah, experiment, find what works. Look out for your budget though, that can get out of hand very quickly.06:08
growzdownz40% cpu. That's a lot.06:09
growzdownzUsb is to slow MichaelHabibDX06:09
Ben64Patero-ng: live is compressed, easier to read on slow devices, like usb or cd06:09
=== ks_ is now known as ks
Patero-ngBen64 I don't believe you06:10
ksunable to open /var/lib/sudo/ks/0: Read-only file system06:10
Ben64Patero-ng: its a fact, look at install size vs iso size06:10
MichaelHabibDXgrowzdownz: true it is slow, but again it depends on what he needs .. he might just need Linux puppy , lkoads to ram and do what ever you want :)06:10
Ben64ks: explain06:11
ksEXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_journal_start_sb:327: Detected aborted journal06:11
Ben64looks like filesystem errors06:11
Ben64without any context i don't know what you want06:11
ksjust yesterday life seemed to be fine06:11
mladouxalright kiddies, I'm out, I gotta get some shut eye, my vacation ends now, and I gotta be back at work tomorrow06:12
MichaelHabibDXmladoux: work .. what is that :)06:12
ksBen64: here's a bit more http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871038/06:12
mladouxMichaelDiederich, it's how I pay for my fiber, lol06:12
MichaelHabibDXmladoux:  lolz ... nice .. btw, i'm starting my business at www.designerx.com.au .. Web design, development & graphic design .. PM or email if you need anything06:13
MichaelHabibDXthanks for your help today mladoux06:13
mladouxMichaelHabibDX, anything?06:13
mladouxhahaha, it was just an opinion06:14
MichaelHabibDX* T & C apply :p06:14
mladouxdamn, no million dollar donations then.06:14
=== MichaelDiederich is now known as da_didi
MichaelHabibDXnot "yet"06:14
ksBen64: could it be a faulty HDD?06:16
mladouxMichaelHabibDX, I would recommend updating your site a bit before sharing it around. It's buggy ( links in the banner don't work ) and has no pictures of your work, also, a bit stock looking.06:16
Ben64ks: it is possible, check dmesg and run fsck on it from a live cd06:16
Ben64and maybe check smartctl06:17
mladouxthough I'm pretty sure you're still working on it, I'd really like to see something that shows examples of your work, rather than just lists what you've worked on.06:17
mladouxand has no links, so I have to google.06:17
ksBen64:  that's remote server at colo's06:17
mladouxjust some critizism.06:17
MichaelHabibDX mladoux true, I'm working on the design now .. just updaing my code to use Twig template engine .. a better example of my work would be www.wtwac.com.au & www.getaskipbin.com.au  :)06:17
Ben64mladoux, MichaelHabibDX: venturing into offtopic land, maybe bring it to #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to continue?06:18
MichaelHabibDXBen64: My websites are developed & hosted on an Ubuntu based servers :) .. you got a point , back on topic now06:19
murchacron -l shows all the jobs in cron list but cron -e doesn't show some of the jobs for editing. any idea?06:20
Ben64do you mean crontab -l06:21
dolhi guys. I took the image of my disk using dd and the disk size is 2GB. Now I need to restore it to 4GB of disk. Can I still use dd? What will happen to rest of 2GB? Can it still boot?06:24
Patero-ngthis is kind of confusing06:24
Patero-ngI read to install ubunta I have to have ext4 on the usb drive but on other articles it says it has to be in a format windows can understand if doing it under windows for windows to see it so I can select the partition to install ubunto there06:25
cfhowlettPatero-ng, you're installing to USB or to HDD?06:26
Ben64you install it like normal06:26
murchaBen64: yes crontab -l shows all the jobs. but when i wanna edit jobs crontab -e does not show some of the jobs?06:26
Patero-ngI want a full install on the usb06:26
Ben641. boot the livecd or whatever, choose install, etc etc06:26
Wadduphi guys, i have a problem with my installation in ubuntu server 14.0406:26
Ben64murcha: can you pastebin it all06:26
Patero-ngI tried that before but then it will show some initfmsrt error and will not load ubunto06:27
Patero-ngBen64 :s06:27
Waddupafter installation i had run apt-get update. it was able to get most of the package but had errors at the bottom. my internet is working fine and configured properly06:27
Ben64Patero-ng: doesn't sound like an ubuntu error06:27
cfhowlettWaddup, try a different software source mirror06:27
Patero-ngcould have been eufi?06:27
Ben64maybe, try it and report back with an actual error if there is one06:28
Waddupcfhowlett how do i know which mirror to use?06:29
Waddupis it the one from /atc/apt/sources.list?06:29
cfhowlettWaddup, use the system > software updater > settings > ubuntu software > Download from > Other > select best mirror06:31
Waddupi dont have gui06:32
Waddupim using ubuntu server 14.0406:32
murchaBen64: i found out the solution. if i use sudo crontab -e then it does not show some jobs.06:33
agent_whiteWaddup: http://askubuntu.com/questions/37753/how-can-i-get-apt-to-use-a-mirror-close-to-me-or-choose-a-faster-mirror06:33
agent_whiteWaddup: After adding the lines to your sources.list, run `apt-get update` to apply them.06:33
agent_whitePay close attention to release name in that answer (it says "price" as during July 2013 the release of Ubuntu was 'Precise Penguin' -- Update that name to fit your releases' name)06:35
Waddupthanks agent_white ill check it out06:35
Gathisagent_white - looks interesting, ty too.06:36
agent_white`lsb_release -a`  -- Under "codename" check to see what the name is, instead of "precise".06:37
Gathistho, i'm not sure about selection on geographical proximity, it's hard to correctly determine automatically, and often not best anyway06:38
Waddupso for example instead typing " deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt precise main restricted universe multiverse" ill type "deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt trusty main restricted universe multiverse" ?06:38
agent_whiteGathis: Hard-coding the closest is not the best.06:38
Gathisi'd never expect it to be06:39
Gathisjust reading that page you linked to is all06:39
agent_whiteThis way, it at least attempts to determine it when you are interacting with the package manager... so, you are right, geographically, it may not be best, but in terms of actual speed, it is.06:39
Gathisok :)06:40
agent_whiteWaddup: Correct. Try it and see.06:40
Waddupalright will do thanks06:40
Waddupagent_white updating now i think its gonna get thru. thanks for the help06:45
agent_whiteWaddup: Good to hear :)06:45
agent_whiteAnd your welcome.06:45
Waddupi wonder what happened tho its my third time installing this and im still using the same installer.06:46
Waddupit never happened to the first 206:46
agent_whiteWaddup: Your question is unclear, "it never happened..." meaning what?06:50
Waddupi mean this is the third time ive installed it06:50
Waddupubuntu 14.04 server06:50
Waddupand i never had that kind of error06:51
agent_whiteWaddup: Did you read what Ben64 said?06:51
agent_white"That kind of error... I had errors..."06:51
Waddupno i was disconnected06:51
agent_whiteYou're telling us "It hurts."  -- We want to know "What, where, when, why, how?06:51
agent_whiteProvide us information.06:51
agent_whiteOtherwise, we don't know what you're even talking about.06:52
Waddupahh yeah06:52
Waddupwell i installed ubuntu server 14.04, done setup network connection, and now im trying to do update, Im able to do an apt-get update, but at the end im having error.06:54
Wadduperror is w:failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-security/inrelease06:54
Waddupup unitl after i added the mirror list u told me earlier06:54
agent_white!pastie | Waddup06:54
Waddupi still have it now06:54
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:55
agent_whiteWaddup: What error06:55
Waddupfailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com06:55
agent_whiteWaddup: Copy and paste, the entire commands and responses you received, into a paste.ubuntu.com, and then give us that.06:55
Waddupi only get error on files from security.ubuntu06:55
agent_white"failed to fetch" does not tell me what you entered as the command... or the FULL error.06:56
Waddupoh eh, how do i do that?06:56
agent_whiteOr what even "I only get error on files" means.06:56
agent_whiteWaddup: Visit paste.ubuntu.com. Go from there.06:56
Waddupsorry im new to this06:56
Waddupok thanks06:56
agent_whiteThat's fine. Just remember, if you tell your doctor "it hurts"... he'll ask you "what does? when did it happen? what did you do? how long has it happened? why does it -- what normally happens?"06:57
Waddupagent_white - here http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871156/06:58
agent_whiteWaddup: "Failed to fetch..." so.. what did you do?  Open Firefox and it said that? Turn on your computer? Eat a donut?06:59
agent_whiteI have no idea what you did to receive that response.06:59
agent_whiteDon't give me 3 lines. Give me ALL OF IT.06:59
Waddupi do not know how to copy the files from the server im using but ill try to type it all07:00
agent_whiteNot to mention the second line is a URL that doesn't even exist.07:00
agent_whiteWaddup: One second.07:00
agent_whitehama: Heya :)07:01
agent_whiteWaddup: ix.io07:06
agent_whiteSo you don't have to write out each line.07:06
gouthamHey while installing any packages on my ubuntu machine i get unable to locate package what do i do ?07:07
bubbasauresgoutham, What release is this?07:08
agent_whiteWaddup: http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html07:08
gouthambubbasaures:  14.0407:08
agent_whiteMore importantly, that link is what you need to view to ask relevant questions and provide relevant information to help us help you.07:08
bubbasauresgoutham, pastebin sudo apt-get update07:08
Waddupi dont really get it but im trying to install ssh now so i can copy paste07:09
gouthambubbasaures: http://pastebin.com/r6Jg5wYi07:10
prasathi have an issue with my Flexlm License manager07:10
agent_white!ask | prasath07:10
ubottuprasath: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:10
agent_whiteWaddup: No need to install ssh.07:10
agent_whiteWaddup: Save your error to a text file.07:11
agent_whiteUpload the text to paste.ubuntu.com07:11
prasathmy host configured with PCI GBE nic07:11
bubbasauresgoutham, Go the gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and tick off all the saucy links.07:11
prasathbut my license manager Flexlm says that host name and host id is not available07:12
bubbasauresgoutham, You have trusty and saucy in that repo call, be sure your 14.04.07:13
Waddupdoes this help? agent_white http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871200/07:15
agent_whiteWaddup: That's what I'm looking for :)07:16
gouthambubbasaures: http://pastebin.com/WpjwEK0m update pastebin after commenting sausy07:16
agent_whiteWaddup: Now, put your /etc/apt/sources.list in a paste.ubuntu.com.07:16
Waddupused ssh for that lol07:17
agent_whiteThat way, we know your sources list, as well as the command you used and output (from your paste you just provided).07:17
Waddupagent_white : here ya go http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871214/07:18
bubbasauresgoutham, Note the duplicates in your last post is all.07:19
agent_whiteWaddup: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-security/07:20
agent_whiteWaddup: There is no "InRelease" directory or file in there.07:20
gouthambubbasaures: I still cant install packages :(07:20
agent_whiteIt is simply called "Release" and "Release.gpg"07:20
Waddupi dont even know how i got that tho.07:20
bubbasauresgoutham, Get rid of the duplicates, and are these packages in the reps?07:21
Wadduphow bout the release.gpg?07:21
gouthambubbasaures: How do i get rid of duplicates?07:21
bubbasauresgoutham, you last past showed what were duplicates, you can go to software & sources and you will see them 2nd tab.07:23
bubbasauresgoutham, Than pastebin sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:23
agent_whiteWaddup: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/configuration.html07:24
agent_whiteWaddup: Looks like you're missing the lines containing "...trusty-security"07:24
agent_whiteMaybe... add those lines in the last paragraph at the bottom of the page into your sources.list?07:24
Waddupok lemme check thanks07:24
Waddupi thought this was default lol07:24
bubbasauresgoutham, Sorry that is software & updates a gui in unity and gnome anyway07:25
agent_whiteWaddup: If it was in your sources.list without you adding them, then yes, it would be default.07:25
agent_whiteOtherwise, no.07:25
gouthambubbasaures: I ticked off07:25
bubbasauresgoutham, Cool run an update than the apt-get dist-upgrade and pastebin it07:25
Waddupok ill try to do another update07:26
gouthambubbasaures: sure07:26
Waddupwhat about the InRelease? i dont know where that came from and i dont know how i'd delete it lol07:26
=== Blaster is now known as Guest67760
agent_whiteWhite_Light: You only pasted07:27
=== WaddupYo is now known as Waddup
agent_whiteWaddup: You only pasted 41 lines of 67.07:27
agent_whiteLine 41: "/etc/apt/sources.list" 67L, 3699C" -- there's more.07:28
pragomerhello. I cannot get wine to install. I remaster an Ubuntu 14.04 and 15.04. In both I get this error-Message:  http://pastebin.com/c94ShVRj07:28
pragomersomeone an idea?07:29
OnkelTemHi all07:30
Waddupermm here i go agent_white : http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871236/07:30
OnkelTemAny ideas how to install latest apache2 on Ubuntu 14.04 apart from getting it from official repo (with lacking LUA support) and from apache-helpdesk PPA which is not working?07:31
agent_whiteWaddup: Did you leave the channel?07:31
agent_whiteWaddup: I said that you only pasted 41 lines of the 67 total.07:31
OnkelTemOr (maybe better) how to update DPKG to 1.17.14?07:31
Waddupyeah i send another one here http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871236/07:31
agent_whiteWaddup: Alright.  And you saw https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/configuration.html  ?07:32
Waddupyeah im reading it now07:33
OnkelTemYeah, the better option would be: how to update dpkg?07:34
agent_whiteWaddup: Hm.07:34
agent_whiteWaddup: Maybe...07:34
agent_whiteWaddup: `sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list`07:35
agent_whiteWaddup: Then `sudo apt-get update`07:35
agent_whiteYour sources.list is inconsistent.07:35
gouthambubbasaures: it is installing whole lot of things :o07:36
OnkelTemOr... Folks, how to 1) get a package 2) unpack 3) fix errors in installation scripts 4) edit depends and 5) build dep?07:36
OnkelTemEasy way07:36
OnkelTembuild deb*07:36
bubbasauresgoutham, should be good you had no repos errors other than the duplicates, be sure what you install is there is all.07:37
Waddupagent_white : this happened http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871256/07:37
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pateroIs ubuntu satanic? I ask this because there is a goat as its symbol07:38
Waddupsources became blank07:38
=== mkv is now known as m4v
ekemis patero satanic07:39
ekembecause patero means goat in moron07:39
=== CumehameHa is now known as GitGod
pateroI believe un saving tres si no07:39
=== sysop is now known as Guest39088
gouthambubbasaures: cool07:39
agent_whiteWaddup: `cat /etc/apt/sources.list`07:39
bubbasauresgoutham, Was this an upgrade?07:39
=== Guest39088 is now known as sysop2
rj__hello ubuntu community, i have ventured from the abyss of windows, struggling to gaze upon the light of linux. i search for photoshop in the ubuntu desert. i've found a gimp but the layers are not seen only the devil being .psd layer. the wind pushes me across the 16bit channel to the island of Krita in hopes of success only to receive the same message07:40
gouthambubbasaures:  still running dist-packages07:40
Waddupcat: /etc/apt/sources.list: No such file or directory07:40
gouthambubbasaures:  ya it is upgrDING07:41
rj__am in the right market? http://i.imgur.com/iEEpiWi.png07:41
sysop2I have setup an ubuntu router with two nics and it works fine except I cant do any dns on the router itself. I need to install more packages but I cant because it wont resolve anything.  I tried adding a forward for lo but that didnt do anything. what am I doing wrong?07:41
sysop2just using iptables.07:41
agent_whiteWaddup: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/07:42
agent_whiteWaddup: Check all the boxes.07:43
Waddupohh this is a sweet gen07:43
agent_whiteGenerate the list, then save it to /etc/apt/sources.list07:43
agent_white(you need to be root)07:43
Waddupcheck all?07:44
Waddupis this gonna install all this files ?07:44
Waddupor just a list in case in needed07:44
gouthambubbasaures:  it downloaded unpacking and processing now07:47
gnjurachi how to downalod libbgz207:47
agent_whiteWaddup: It will make ALL those repos available, so if you need a package from any of them you can download them.07:48
altenus Hi guys. I have an Acer Aspire One ( Intel Atom N2600 1.6 GHz and 2 G RAM). This netbook came with Windows 7 32 bits, but the processor is 64. So, should I install Ubuntu 32 or 64-bits?07:49
lotuspsychjealtenus: if cpu is 64bit, install 64bit07:49
Waddupagent_white: no links on security.ubuntu tho from the generated list07:49
bubbasauresgoutham, Hey I gotta crash, if you need more help, you should have no problem. ;)07:50
rj__any gimp users out here?07:51
lotuspsychjerj__: join #gimp07:51
altenuslotuspsychje: thanks07:52
agent_whiteWaddup: ?07:52
Waddupi mean the original list file had security.ubuntu.com links in it right?07:52
agent_whiteWaddup: Are you sure? There should be TWO lines -- "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security main restricted universe multiverse "  and  "07:53
agent_whitedeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security main restricted universe multiverse07:53
Waddupi see07:53
agent_white... or whatever country relevant you chose (I chose United States here)07:53
agent_whiteThus... the "us.archive.ubuntu..."07:53
agent_whitecurl http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/txt/sources_c4aa56bd26c0f54f391d8fae3e687ef5f6e97c26.txt | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list07:53
Waddupyeah i found it i was looking for a link like security.ubuntu but i guess that will do07:54
Waddupi get failed to connect network unreachable doing that so id probably just copy paste it07:55
Waddupwhen i do sudo apt-get update would it install al thos extra files like dropbox, gimp. etc?07:56
rj__hi i partioned two disks to be windows 8 and ubutnu 14, i had an error with updating packages so i ran sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf sudo apt-get update, now im getting a  0xc000021a error , when i try system restore error 0x800700005, temporarily disable antivirus program08:06
Waddupagent_white im still getting errors updating, is it because of my internet connection?08:09
choZSUP GUYS08:09
rj__is there a chat for dualbooting?08:09
agent_whiteWaddup: Network unreachable?08:09
agent_whiteWaddup: Can you ping www.google.com?08:09
Waddupno still failed to fetch lemme send u a paste08:09
agent_whiteWaddup: No need for a paste.08:10
agent_whiteWaddup: Can it ping google?08:10
Waddupagent_white http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871338/08:10
Waddupmost errors are at the bottom08:10
Waddupand yes it can ping08:10
agent_whiteWaddup: Where in the...08:11
agent_whiteWaddup: Why is it hitting deb.paissad?08:11
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Waddupi dont really know08:11
agent_whitePaste your sources.list again.08:11
Waddupone sec08:12
AnthaasHi guys, I have a new Ubuntu 14.04 install on my local spare desktop.08:12
AnthaasIt keeps crashing.08:12
AnthaasLike, I am using nano to edit a file, and suddenly nothing works. I can move the mouse but clicking on anything does nothing.08:12
agent_whiteAnthaas: http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html08:14
agent_whiteAnthaas: What do you mean crash?  Have you exited nano?08:14
AnthaasI mentioned that nothing works08:14
AnthaasI cannot do anything08:14
AnthaasSo how would I have exited nano?08:14
agent_whiteNothing works is very vague.08:14
AnthaasPerhaps, but it is the most accurate description.08:15
AnthaasIt is not responsive in any way08:15
agent_whiteCrashing is not "nothing works". Two completely different things.08:15
AnthaasOk. My machine is in a state where it is completely unresponsive08:15
agent_whiteSo, is it only when you open nano?08:15
agent_whiteIs it all the time?08:15
agent_whiteIs it... when, where, how... ?08:15
AnthaasNo and Yes08:15
AnthaasI can be doing anything, browsing the internet, using terminal (both inside and outside of nano)08:16
vltHello. Is there a way to disable "adobe-flashplugin" without completely deinstalling it?08:16
agent_whiteAnthaas: And then... "the desktop is unresponsive to clicks from the mouse or keyboard input"08:16
agent_whiteSuddendly. (?)08:16
agent_whiteSo nano has nothing to do with it.08:17
AnthaasIt does not slow down to this point, it just happens.08:17
AnthaasNo, but I was explaining the situation is occured recently.08:17
agent_whiteYou need to make that clear. It's not nano, it is just simply "randomly become irrisponsive"08:17
agent_whiteOtherwise, we think it's nano. :)08:17
AnthaasOk, my bad.08:18
AnthaasIt has happened several times, >1008:18
AnthaasI have been browsing the internet, using nano, using mysql, using settings, all sorts.08:18
choZanyone knwos how to use nmap?08:18
coraxxvlt: if you are using Firefox, you can go to the "Add-ons" -manager and set Shockwave Flash to "Never Active"08:19
coraxxchoZ: yes ...what do you need to scan ?08:19
vltcoraxx: I have a multi-user setup, so that'08:19
vlts not possible for everyone.08:19
Waddupagent_white http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871365/08:19
choZcoraxx: i was thinking to scan other ip address thats active in my LAN... is it possible?08:21
coraxxvlt: then what I would do is to rm the "flash link" (the symbolic link that chains the plugin-name to the plugin-file) in the filesystem.  That would disable it for everybody, without actually removing flash.08:21
vltcoraxx: Ok, good idea.08:21
agent_whiteWaddup: The errors are occurring with unofficial ubuntu repos.08:22
coraxxchoZ: yes ... if you are using a regular ubuntu desktop, you can install zenmap ... its a GUI for nmap and can help you with all the parameters sent to nmap.08:22
agent_whiteThose, you need to resolve with those individual programs, and the repos you have enabled for them.08:22
agent_whiteI cannot help you with that.08:22
agent_whiteStarting with line 643... coreix.08:22
Waddupso nothing wrong with my server right?08:23
vltHow can I make sure that after uninstalling "adobe-flashplugin" nobody can use flash anymore?  On a test machine I still get "You have version 11,2,202,481 installed" from http://www.adobe.com/de/software/flash/about/.08:23
agent_whiteWaddup: Nope. Server is fine.08:23
AnthaasCould anybody help me figure out why, and then help me fix, my machine keeps not crashing? It is completely unresponsive. I can move the mouse, but I cannot do anything else. It happens often, and when I am doing any number of tasks.08:23
coraxxvlt: after you removed the link also ?08:23
agent_whiteWaddup: In this error, you need to ask the keyserver for the key needed... http://askubuntu.com/questions/127326/how-to-fix-missing-gpg-keys08:23
Waddupagent_white what i was doing is im trying to build up a samba server using raid 10 with separated os drive08:24
gouthamHi I am unable to install any pacakges08:24
gouthamcan someone help me08:24
Waddupagent_white oh yeah i need to edit gpg keys too right?08:24
agent_whiteNot edit. Remove pre-existing.08:24
agent_whiteThan re-populate.08:24
agent_whiteFollow the second response in the link I sent.08:24
Waddupi remember the generator included gpt_key commands08:24
gouthamhere mypastebin: http://pastebin.com/pX6a5MrP08:24
Waddupok ill check it out08:24
vltcoraxx: No, on the test machine I removed the package using aptitude.  Btw., I got "11,2,..." in Firefox but get "You have version 18,0,0,194 installed" in chromium-browser on that test machine.08:25
coraxxvlt: did you remove the plugin ...or just the plugin-installer from the repository ?08:26
jpentlandDoes anyone know why firefox keeps freezing now after the last update?08:27
gouthamWaddup: any update08:27
Waddupmy gpg_keys.txt is empty so ill add the gpg keys from the generator08:28
agent_whiteWaddup: I only aimed to solve your issue with updating your mirror list to contain the fastest mirrors.08:28
agent_whiteI cannot help you with sambda/RAID/etc...08:28
coraxxgoutham: need more info ... how much disk-space is left ?  (you need to figure out why the initramfs script failed)08:28
crackernice to meet you08:28
agent_whiteyou need to look into that on your own.08:28
AnthaasCould anybody help me figure out why, and then help me fix, my 14.04 machine keeps not crashing? It is completely unresponsive. I cannot do anything on it. It happens often, and when I am doing any number of tasks.08:28
Waddupagent_white yup thanks for the help. i just thought id let u know what im aiming to accomplish08:29
vltcoraxx: I removed the package "adobe-flashplugin". What else do I need to do?08:29
agent_whiteWaddup: Aye.  It would have been a better idea to post that in the first place. As it seems "fastest mirrors" is the least important of tasks.08:29
agent_whiteBut I appreciate you learning how to correctly paste error input.08:30
agent_whiteDo that from now on, and you will receive help.08:30
Waddupi see.08:30
Waddupthanks for the help08:30
coraxxvlt: is the package "flashplugin-installer" also installed ?08:30
gouthamcoraxx: how do i check disk space left?08:31
coraxxgoutham: use the command "df" and pastebin it here.08:31
vltcoraxx: No08:32
vltcoraxx: `aptitude search flash` return only packages that are NOT installed.08:32
gouthamcoraxx: df psbin  http://pastebin.com/V6kj4N9q08:33
PateruxI have a question with ubuntu I installed it as a regular instalation with a second usb drive that had a live install, I used sdc not sdc3 as the boot loader install location was I right? if not how do I changed it to sdc? the problem is the ubuntu wont' load, my pc will restart08:33
EriC^^Paterux: hi08:33
EriC^^Paterux: you installed ubuntu to a usb?08:34
coraxxvlt: ok then ...then manually check if this file exists "/usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so" ...if so...delete it.08:34
PateruxEriC^^:  yes why not08:34
MichaelHabibDXPaterux: try using root=UUID=XXX  so you dont have to worry about the partition numbers/names08:34
Anthaasactually, agent_white now you mention it it seems to happen more when I am deleting text, i.e. using backspace.08:34
vltcoraxx: It doesn't.08:34
vltcoraxx: When I start a fresh Firefox and Chromium process Flash seems to be NOT available.08:35
EriC^^Paterux: that's fine, just to know what's what08:35
coraxxvlt: and of course check other locations for libflashplayer.so08:35
EriC^^Paterux: you have windows installed on the hdd?08:35
PateruxMichaelHabibDX: where I put that code in?08:35
choZcoraxx: thx.. sorry for just replying.. ill go with ur advice08:35
PateruxEriC^^: on a HD in thepcI want to load itfrom yes win7 but that doesn't matter does it08:36
coraxxgoutham: good ok... A classic initramfs fail is when you've run out of disk-space...but you haven't. Then you will have to fix the broken packages by...08:36
EriC^^Paterux: ok, so you get grub right now?08:36
gouthamcoraxx: how>08:36
vltcoraxx: The running FF and Chromium processes still show working flash.08:37
vltCan I prevent this?08:37
PateruxEriC^^: I have the terminal open on a live ubuntu install readyto apply changes to the 2nd usb also connected08:37
Pateruxit's the sdc308:37
coraxxgoutham: ... using "sudo apt-get install -f" or ...08:37
EriC^^Paterux: ok, so when the usb is plugged in, do you get grub? and without it windows boots normally?08:37
gouthamcoraxx: I still get same error08:38
PateruxEriC^^: no I get a msg from the led screen saying no video signal and restart08:38
EriC^^Paterux: ok, type sudo apt-get install pastebinit08:39
Pateruxwindows boots normally, my goal is not load ubanto from HD but from any pc with usb08:39
EriC^^then sudo parted -l | pastebinit08:39
coraxxgoutham: ... use dkpkg  (don't remember the paramter, but you can google it)08:39
Pateruxk I'm crossing myfingers08:39
coraxxgoutham: yes... you proberly have to remove (unselect) the package that is failing to install.08:40
gouthamcoraxx: how?08:40
PateruxEriC^^: ok here is the url http://paste.ubuntu.com/1187142008:41
gouthamcoraxx: url for libyajl deb file ?08:41
EriC^^Paterux: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sdc3 /mnt08:41
coraxxgoutham: I currently having bad luck finding the answer on google.  But you use "dpkg" for reparing repository and for unselecting packages ... if you write --help after the command, you will get more specific information.08:42
PateruxEriC^^:  then08:43
coraxxgoutham: the libyajl package doesn't seem to fail ..in fact its already installed ... its the kernel installation that is failing.08:43
EriC^^Paterux: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done08:44
EriC^^Paterux: type the above whole line08:44
Pateruxfor i also?08:44
lamppidHello how i can see dns cache on ubuntu ?08:44
EriC^^Paterux: yes08:44
pezushey. anyone here with good knowledge about apache?08:45
coraxxgoutham: ( sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq package_name )08:45
pezus i have a problem with apache2 (2.2) serving files. i moved files to a directory which apache can see but i can't access them08:45
pezusother files are available08:45
coraxxdoes anyone know which /dev/??? -file is referiing to the network-printer (HP Laserjet) ?08:46
PateruxEriC^^: ok is done08:47
EriC^^Paterux: ok, type sudo chroot /mnt08:47
PateruxEriC^^: ok is done08:48
EriC^^Paterux: ok, type grub-install --recheck /dev/sdc08:48
PateruxEriC^^: no sudo?08:48
EriC^^not needed08:49
EriC^^cause you're root right now08:49
PateruxEriC^^: it gave me an error08:49
EriC^^Paterux: i just noticed something, window is installed in uefi mode08:49
ntwarihow do i create a separate /tmp after installation, from cli?08:50
EriC^^i didn't look at it much cause win7 is rarely installed in uefi mode08:50
PateruxEriC^^: is ok I want to use this usb in another pc08:50
PateruxEriC^^: why does that matter08:50
EriC^^Paterux: ok, type ls -ld /sys/firmware/efi08:50
EriC^^Paterux: different booting methods, uefi uses efi files legacy/bios uses mbr of the disk08:51
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EriC^^Paterux: does /sys/firmware/efi exist?08:51
PateruxEriC^^: it says can not access it no such file08:51
EriC^^ok, good, that means you're booted in legacy mode08:52
EriC^^Paterux: what's the error you got after grub-install ?08:52
PateruxEriC^^: this computer has a format os partition I tried installing windows 7 but failed08:52
Pateruxgrub-install: error: /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/modinfo.sh doesn't exist. Please specify --target or --directory.08:53
EriC^^Paterux: try apt-get install --reinstall grub-pc grub2-common08:54
PateruxEriC^^: no sude?08:54
PateruxEriC^^: ok there is a gui showed up08:56
EriC^^what does it say?08:56
Pateruxmy grub-pc package is being upgraded08:56
Pateruxthis pkg allows me to select which devices id like grub o auto run for08:57
EriC^^what do you mean?08:58
swebi have dell Inspiron 15R 5520 ... with factory 8GB memory 1600MHz... with this command linux tell me i can use 16GB ...08:58
PateruxEriC^^: I'm repeating what the text says is a gui menu with this text08:58
EriC^^Paterux: ok, does it give you a list of devices?08:58
PateruxEriC^^: it also says is recommended to install grub to all devices If I was unsure which device sh0uld be designated08:59
EriC^^Paterux: choose /dev/sdc only08:59
PateruxEriC^^: yes08:59
PateruxEriC^^: ok08:59
coraxxdoes anyone know which /dev/??? -file is referiing to the network-printer (HP Laserjet) ?09:00
PateruxEriC^^: it says I choosed not to install grub to any device continue? I selected sdc I swear09:00
EriC^^Paterux: no problem continue09:00
PateruxEriC^^: ok the program is done and back to command prompt09:01
EriC^^Paterux: ok, type grub-install --recheck /dev/sdc09:01
PateruxEriC^^: it says no errors reported09:01
EriC^^ok, type update-grub09:02
PateruxEriC^^: ok done09:02
EriC^^ok, type dpkg -l | grep grub | pastebinit09:02
EriC^^i want to make sure you have all the grub packages installed09:03
EriC^^Paterux: sorry, type dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 999909:04
PateruxEriC^^: weird it says the program pastebinit it not installed09:04
PateruxEriC^^: l09:04
EriC^^yeah, it's only installed in the live session09:04
EriC^^Paterux: ok, i thought something was odd, you had the efi grub installed that's why it didn't work at first09:06
DeaDSouLi want to check whether I can execute the given command or not.. I came up with this: http://pastebin.com/0Fi8s18u ... it works fine but, is it enough or am I missing something ?09:06
EriC^^Paterux: type cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999909:06
EriC^^Paterux: ok, you need to type nano /etc/fstab and remove the line that says /boot/efi in it09:09
EriC^^Paterux: i'll brb09:09
EriC^^ctrl+o to save ctrl+x to exit09:09
PateruxEriC^^: the whole line or just that part? :)09:11
EriC^^Paterux: i'm back09:12
PateruxEriC^^: I wrote you one line09:13
EriC^^can you paste it? i didn't get it09:13
Pateruxif I remove the whole line with that text or just that text from the line09:13
EriC^^Paterux: remove this whole line UUID=2E69-9A17  /boot/efi       vfat    defaults        0       109:13
PateruxEriC^^: l09:14
PateruxEriC^^: ok saved and gone09:14
EriC^^Paterux: ok, type apt-get purge grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd6409:15
EriC^^so that it doesn't try to update the package and reinstall it in the future09:15
PateruxEriC^^: ok is install something09:16
Pateruxit removed 2 things09:17
EriC^^ok, good09:17
EriC^^type rm -r /boot/efi09:17
EriC^^ok, type exit then reboot09:18
Pateruxwill it boot after reboot?09:18
Pateruxro I have tocome back here09:18
Pateruxok here I go09:18
Pateruxhello is EriC^^ here09:25
PateruxEriC^^: hi it loaded into a thing like terminal called initramfs09:25
PateruxI was able to select ubutun from a list though09:26
EriC^^Paterux: you put it on a pc that has legacy mode enabled?09:26
PateruxEriC^^: it's on another pc09:26
PateruxEriC^^: let me see if it has legacy usb3 on09:26
ubuntuser1Oh, you mean having the BIOS treat USB mice and keyboard as old PS/2 devices?09:27
EriC^^Paterux: ok, type sudo apt-get install pastebinit09:27
PateruxEriC^^: yes it says legacy usb3.0 support is enabled09:27
EriC^^and sudo parted -l | pastebinit09:27
EriC^^Paterux: no, i mean legacy as the bios/uefi mode09:27
EriC^^Paterux: nevermind though09:28
ubuntuser1What computer do you have?09:28
EriC^^if it's on another pc nevermind09:29
ubuntuser1Yeah, I think your PC is too new to support legacy BIOS09:29
EriC^^Paterux: install pastebinit then run sudo parted -l | pastebinit09:29
PateruxEriC^^: I reboot the pc and not it won't see the usb drive09:30
PateruxEriC^^: I'm trying to get it to recognize it again09:30
EriC^^Paterux: make sure it's first in the boot order in the bios09:31
EriC^^or try a different usb port09:31
ubuntuser1That's what I was about to say :)09:31
chxanetrying to do this now http://askubuntu.com/questions/395879/how-to-create-uefi-only-bootable-usb-live-media09:31
chxanehope it works :)09:31
ubuntuser1Hopefully your flash drive is not outdated by now09:31
EriC^^chxane: why do you want a uefi only bootable?09:32
ubuntuser1In technology that is09:32
ubuntuser1What will change in Ubuntu 15.10?09:32
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PateruxEriC^^: ok I'm back atthe initramfs prompt09:33
chxaneEriC^^, was getting an error when I tried to install (a message with just a bunch of question marks) and someone suggested to do uefi only boot09:33
EriC^^Paterux: ok, what's the error msg?09:33
EriC^^chxane: did you checksum the iso?09:34
PateruxEriC^^: getting like bugger io error on device sde09:34
chxaneEriC^^, yes it is correct09:34
chxanewas this type of error http://i.imgur.com/RWhC5xH.jpg09:35
PateruxEriC^^: also dev/disk/by-uuid/etc does not exist dropping into a shell09:35
EriC^^Paterux: ok, install pastebinit then run sudo parted -l | pastebinit09:35
chxaneexcept not at that screen more before I had to partition the driver for the install09:35
chxanethe drive*09:35
ubuntuser1Never seen that before, but sounds like your CD-ROM drive may be faulty, depends on what /dev/sde is in this case09:35
chxaneI have a laptop with no cd-rom so it was for a usb boot09:36
ubuntuser1Then maybe your flash drive is faulty, or you need to format it09:37
PateruxEriC^^: it says /bin/sh sudo: not found09:37
PateruxEriC^^: after trying to install pastebinit09:37
EriC^^Paterux: boot the live session, we can't try to fix it from the initramfs09:37
chxaneubuntuser1, tried that and didn't help but going to try this other method09:38
ubuntuser1Then I suggest you wipe your flash drive, and start all over. Sounds like your Live USB is most certainly corrupted09:38
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PateruxEriC^^: ok the usb is connected to the live version09:39
EriC^^Paterux: ok, install pastebinit09:40
bytetrialhi, hows it going09:40
PateruxEriC^^: done09:40
EriC^^Paterux: type sudo parted -l | pastebinit09:40
PateruxEriC^^: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871598/09:41
amaroqharo peeps09:41
amaroqI love de ubuntus09:41
EriC^^Paterux: are you sure the usb with the installation is connected?09:42
PateruxEriC^^: I ejected it from the computer menu I think09:42
PateruxI'll reconnect it09:42
PateruxEriC^^: this one mentions it09:43
EriC^^Paterux: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sdc3 /mnt09:44
PateruxEriC^^: ok09:44
EriC^^Paterux: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done09:44
mannioCan someone help me , i did sudo apt-upgrade , but closed it before it finished,now i got  The package linux-image-3.19.0-22-generic needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.09:45
EriC^^mannio: what do you mean you can't find an archive for it?09:45
EriC^^mannio: which ubuntu are you using?09:45
PateruxEriC^^: done09:45
EriC^^Paterux: type sudo chroot /mnt09:46
PateruxEriC^^: ok09:46
EriC^^Paterux: update-initramfs -u -k all09:46
manniothat's the error im getting i am using 15.0409:46
PateruxEriC^^: done09:47
EriC^^Paterux: update-grub09:47
PateruxEriC^^: done09:48
EriC^^Paterux: cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999909:48
mannioi am using ubuntu 15.04 tried to upgrade, closed the terminal during the process now i try to do it again and get this in terminal:The package linux-image-3.19.0-22-generic needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it09:48
EriC^^mannio: try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install09:48
EriC^^Paterux: type exit09:49
PateruxEriC^^: ok09:50
mannioeric just tried it,gave me the same error shortly after finishing09:50
EriC^^Paterux: sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdc | pastebinit09:50
EriC^^mannio: type uname -r09:50
EriC^^!info linux-image-generic vivid09:50
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 27 kB09:51
EriC^^mannio: try sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.19.0-22-generic09:51
manniohmm i was sure that would work, but i got the same error09:52
EriC^^try sudo dpkg --configure -a09:53
PateruxEriC^^: what about postfix?09:53
EriC^^Paterux: what do you mean?09:53
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manniosudo dpkg --configure -a give's me no output i tried that before i got in here09:53
PateruxEriC^^: is what it showed up the menu says postfix configuration09:53
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PateruxEriC^^: mail server stuff09:53
EriC^^Paterux: did you type dpkg --configure -a?09:54
PateruxEriC^^: let me see09:54
EriC^^Paterux: that was for mannio09:54
crackeranybody hacker?09:56
PateruxEriC^^: I typed sudo apt-get install smartmotools && smartctl -a /dev/sdc | pastebinit and poxfix showed up in betweeen09:56
EriC^^mannio: when you say you were upgrading, you mean to a new ubuntu version??09:56
EriC^^or just sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?09:57
mannioyeah with sudo apt-upgrade but i closed it before it finished09:57
EriC^^mannio: you mean sudo do-release-upgrade ?09:57
EriC^^mannio: were you updating from 14.10 to 15.04 i mean?09:57
mannionope ,it may have been dist upgrade09:57
manniono i was already 15.0409:58
EriC^^mannio: ok, type sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq linux-image-3.19.0-22-generic09:59
mannioit worked!09:59
PateruxEriC^^: I'm still puzzled why I got postfix configurator10:00
EriC^^Paterux: ok, choose the default configuration10:00
EriC^^Paterux: me too10:00
manniothank you eric!!!110:00
EriC^^Paterux: anyways, it's just on the live session10:00
EriC^^mannio: type sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic10:00
PateruxEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871690/10:00
EriC^^Paterux: ok, i dont know much about smartctl to be honest..10:01
EriC^^it's to check if the usb is damaged or not, i don't know much about it though10:02
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PateruxEriC^^: me either10:02
PateruxEriC^^: oh10:02
EriC^^Paterux: anyways type pastebinit /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg10:02
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mannioReinstallation of linux-image-generic is not possible, it cannot be downloaded. but it's fine :P10:02
EriC^^Paterux: also, sudo blkid | pastebinit10:02
EriC^^mannio: that's odd10:03
EriC^^mannio: type cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999910:03
PateruxEriC^^: I pasted that one is for grub.cfg10:03
PateruxEriC^^: this one is for bulkid http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871704/10:04
EriC^^Paterux: i think i see the problem, not sure10:04
EriC^^but the kernels are still the .efi kernels10:05
EriC^^Paterux: type sudo chroot /mnt10:05
PateruxEriC^^: ok so I guess when I do a full ubuntu install how do I avoid the efi mode10:05
PateruxEriC^^: ok command typed10:06
EriC^^Paterux: make sure the bios is set to csm legacy mode, and when you boot it if you get a boot options menu make sure to select usb legacy or just usb and not usb uefi10:07
PateruxEriC^^: k10:07
EriC^^Paterux: you can also check which mode you're booted in by typing ls -ld /sys/firmware/efi , if it doesn't exist then you're booted in legacy mode10:07
PateruxEriC^^: cool10:08
PateruxEriC^^: so is done? can i check10:08
EriC^^Paterux: dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 999910:08
EriC^^mannio: for some reason the sources have old-releases.ubuntu before them10:09
EriC^^mannio: you have to modify the old-releases.ubuntu to archive.ubuntu10:10
EriC^^mannio: type sudo apt edit-sources10:10
PateruxEriC^^: I pasted it the link above10:12
mannio 1. /bin/ed   2. /bin/nano        <---- easiest   3. /usr/bin/vim.tiny  Choose 1-3 [2]:10:12
EriC^^mannio: choose 210:13
EriC^^Paterux: ok, type sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.16.0-30-generic linux-image-3.16.0-43-generic10:14
EriC^^Paterux: without the sudo10:14
azrael__hey there10:15
EriC^^mannio: ok, see all the green lines with old-releases in them?10:16
EriC^^mannio: you need to change old-releases to archive10:16
PateruxEriC^^: I did it with the sudo and then after it was done I rereun it without the sudo and it was like it was already done10:17
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EriC^^Paterux: ok no problem10:17
manniothink if i try to upgrade now that will change it to archive?10:17
EriC^^Paterux: type apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic10:17
EriC^^mannio: no, you need to manually edit that10:17
EriC^^mannio: if you're lazy you can type a command to do it for you10:18
* EriC^^ is pretty lazy10:18
mannioim kinda newbie i dont even know where to to start lol10:18
chloehello! i too have a question concerning kernel updates10:18
EriC^^mannio: type sudo sed -i 's/old-releases/archive/' /etc/apt/sources.list10:19
PateruxEriC^^: ok it should be 5minutes10:19
azrael__shoot @ chloe10:19
EriC^^mannio: first, exit the editor10:19
chloe@azrael__ i run uname -r it says 3.13.0-57-generic10:20
EriC^^before typing the other command10:20
EriC^^mannio: press ctrl+x to exit10:20
mannioyea i did already,pasted it in no output tho, im guessing it worked?10:20
EriC^^mannio: type cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999910:20
chloe@ azrael__ but there are dependency problems10:21
EriC^^mannio: ok, looks good, type sudo apt-get update10:22
azrael__what did you try to install?10:22
chloesimple automatic ubuntu base update10:23
azrael__try apt-get dist-upgrade10:23
chloedid that10:23
chloeit said there is low disk space10:24
azrael__cat out your /ect/apt/sources-list10:24
mannioi got another problem eric not sure if you could help, but power outage seemed to mess up my  audo jack, i have to use a usb headset,i get these error's when i update, see one has to do with jack detection http://gyazo.com/c41c9b87c6a0588d3c80fa5b5b68f06910:24
azrael__cat /etc/apt/sources-list @ chloe10:25
chloethere is sources.list.d. what should i cat it with?10:26
EriC^^mannio: those look like ppa's that aren't there anymore10:26
chloeaargh dammit10:26
EriC^^mannio: that was the output of sudo apt-get update?10:26
azrael__hang on a second10:27
EriC^^mannio: did you fresh install 15.04 or upgrade to it?10:27
azrael__cat /etc/apt/sources.list @ chloe (my bad)10:28
mannioit was a fresh install10:28
chloenow what?10:29
azrael__send me the output10:29
chloewait i'll reconnect with xchat10:29
bekkschloe: First of all, you need to free up some space.10:29
chloedf-h shows no directory used up >90 %, boot is at 56 %10:30
bekkschloe: that analysis is pointless :)10:30
PateruxEriC^^: I am done10:30
bekkschloe: PAstebin the output of "df -h" and "df -i" please.10:31
bekkschloe: And...?10:32
mannioany idea eric10:33
bekkschloe: You dont have free inodes in /usr anymore. You need to free up space in there.10:33
chloei see10:34
bekkschloe: You can remove old kernel headers, e.g.10:34
chloei tried to but there are dependency errors10:34
PateruxEriC^^: is done installing the new image10:34
bekkschloe: What did you try and what was the output of which exact command?10:34
chloeapt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-35-generic10:35
bekksThats not a kernel header package.10:35
chloe(running apparently)10:35
bekksThats a kernel image.10:35
chloei see10:35
chloethank you10:35
azrael__apt-get remove --purge linux-headers-$(uname -r) @ chloe10:36
bekksDONT do it.10:36
chloeit will delete the current one does it?10:36
bekksazrael__: Because removing the headers of the CURRENT kernel is a BAD idea.10:36
azrael__i see10:36
bekksSo do not run that command.10:36
azrael__thx bekks10:36
chloei found this: linux-headers-3.13.0-35 is this right?10:38
bekkschloe: Whats the output of "uname -a" and "dpkg -l | grep linux-headers"?10:39
azrael__apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)10:39
bekksazrael__: Stop that please.10:39
bekksazrael__: Random commands are not helpful.10:39
shahar23hi geju10:39
chloeLinux bw-System-Product-Name 3.13.0-57-generic #95-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 19 09:27:48 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux10:40
k1l_chloe: install the package "linux-generic", that will install the kernel and the headers if they are not installed10:40
EriC^^Paterux: type exit10:41
EriC^^Paterux: sorry10:41
EriC^^first type update-grub10:41
bekksk1l_: He cannot install anything, no free inodes in /usr10:41
PateruxEriC^^: should I go back to chroom mnt10:41
Pateruxcause I exited10:41
EriC^^Paterux: yes, type sudo chroot /mnt10:42
chloedpkg -l showed linux-headers-3.13.0-35 as the oldest10:42
bekkschloe: Pastebin the entire output as requested.10:42
chloecan't be purged10:42
PateruxEriC^^: ok10:42
EriC^^Paterux: did update-grub pick up the kernel?10:42
PateruxEriC^^: it found 3 things10:43
Pateruxit said adding boo menu entry for efi firmware configuration10:44
EriC^^Paterux: ok, type exit10:44
bekkschloe: Whats the outcome of "sudp apt-get purge linux-headers-3.13.0-35 linux-headers-3.13.0-35-generic" ?10:44
EriC^^then pastebinit /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg10:44
chloehas unmet dependencies10:44
EriC^^Paterux: also sudo blkid | pastebinit and then try rebooting10:45
bekkschloe: Pastebin the entire output.10:45
chloeok. How do i whisper in webchat?10:45
lotuspsychjemangaka: how can we help you?10:45
azrael__try dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update && reboot10:45
bekkschloe: I dont want a query about that.10:45
bekkschloe: Use a pastebin and provide the URL, in here.10:46
PateruxEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871881/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871882/10:46
EriC^^Paterux: ok, try to reboot10:46
k1l_azrael__: stop that10:46
azrael__apt-get -f install @ chloe10:48
chloeno disk space10:48
bekksazrael__: stop pasting random commands.10:48
azrael__not random10:49
bekksazrael__: Thats not helpful, for no one.10:49
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bekkschloe: Pastebin "ls -lha /usr/src" please.10:50
iasonI am worried that my ubuntu laptop (intel graphics HD, x64) is missing some graphics' card drivers. What do I do?10:51
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chloeok sources.list btw is here http://pastebin.com/AcXSYm6F10:51
k1l_iason: the intel video driver is in the kernel already. no driver neede10:51
k1l_iason: *needed10:51
iasonk1l_, ok, nice. Thanks.10:52
chloei tried to install sailfish os for vbox too the day it got broken10:52
bekkschloe: So remove the directories linux-headers-3.13.0-35 and linux-headers-3.13.0-35-generic, the run apt-get -f install, the remove the packages linux-headers-3.13.0-35 and linux-headers-3.13.0-35-generic10:53
azrael__bekks you are a linux ninja :)10:54
bekksazrael__: No, I am just trying to be helpful, you dont.10:55
azrael__bekks i am a newbie trying to help10:56
azrael__no harm intended10:56
k1l_azrael__: if you dont know what the command really does, than dont suggest it to other users.10:57
azrael__k1l never had any probelms with command i ran10:57
cfhowlett!behelpful | azrael__10:57
ubottuazrael__: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.10:57
bekksazrael__: Well, non of your commands would have worked for chloe. Thats why I asked you to stop, multiple times.10:58
k1l_azrael__: that doesnt mean it will not make issues on other users systems in different situations. so stop giving commands, that you have no clue what they do.10:58
chloei would like to better understand the distribution system better10:58
chloeah nvm10:59
azrael__bekks & k1l alright i will just be reading10:59
chloethank you all it worked well10:59
manniough got disconnected for like 15 min's,did get your take on the ppa10:59
bekkschloe: What is the outcome of the instructions above?10:59
manniocan someone else help, i cannot get any audio or detected headphone's speaker's and i get these error's when i try to update http://gyazo.com/c41c9b87c6a0588d3c80fa5b5b68f06911:01
chloeit worked11:01
chloeyesss automatic updates work too again11:01
azrael__good job bekks :)11:02
bekkschloe: So remove all old kernels and all old headers now :)11:02
chloeuntil what version?11:02
azrael__sudo apt-get autoremove11:03
bekksazrael__: STOP IT.11:03
bekksazrael__: How often do we have to tell you?11:03
chloewhy not?11:03
azrael__yes why not?11:03
manniocan someone help me, my audio jack not detecting anthing, i have tweaked with alsa mixer,but i get these errors  when i try to update http://gyazo.com/c41c9b87c6a0588d3c80fa5b5b68f06911:03
bekkschloe: Thats not helpful in your current situation?11:03
bekkschloe: And it isnt answering your last question.11:03
bekkschloe: Remove all version excluding your currently running and excluding all newer versions.11:04
Ben64mannio: check with the ppa maintainer, we don't support ppas here11:04
bekkschloe: AFTER that, it fine to run "sudo apt-get autoremove" for removing unneeded packages.11:05
manniowhat's a ppa maintainer?11:05
bekksmannio: The one who maintains a PPA? :)11:05
Ben64mannio: the person who made that PPA repository11:05
azrael__Thanks bekks11:05
Ben64marcos__: please don't do whatever it is you're doing, and don't bring bots in here11:06
manniohmm no one can help here? i presume it's easy those ppa's are default that come with installing ubuntu for some reason there not on my computer11:06
Ben64mannio: ppas are not on by default11:07
chloeok one more question - can vbox be a reason for this?11:07
bekkschloe: No.11:07
bekkschloe: The only reason for this were all the old kernels and headers and your /usr being to small.11:07
=== Fchs is now known as Fuchs
chloeso images use /boot and headers use /usr or how?11:08
azrael__but bekks, pastebin said 15 GB free of space11:08
bekkschloe: Correct.11:08
azrael__in / directory11:09
bekksazrael__: But df -i said no inodes available.11:09
bekksazrael__: Do you know what inodes are?11:09
azrael__learning so much here11:09
azrael__yes , sir11:09
bekksSomehoe, I doubt that, strongly.11:09
azrael__i know waht it is11:10
EriC^^mannio: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic11:10
azrael__I am a debian guy11:10
azrael__word´ s are the same11:10
mannioim installing updates via software updater11:11
azrael__kinda new to linux but as i said eager to learn11:11
k1l_chloe: is there a reason you made seperate /usr and /var partitions?11:12
chloeyou mean extra partitions?11:12
k1l_chloe: yes11:12
chloebecause before i installed ubuntu 14.04 i had the disk space problem too11:13
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bekkschloe: And you did not solve it by using separate partitions :)11:14
chloeand i wanted to learn more about the FHS in ubuntu so i read a bit about it and made extra partitions11:14
chloeit was sort of a different problem now11:15
chloetrying to figure stuff out11:15
azrael__what´ s the advantage in having more partitions?11:15
azrael__is it more save?11:15
azrael__i juset go with "use entire disk"11:16
k1l_if you dont know how to use them or have a wrong setup it just causing more trouble than giving any advantage. the regular user is fine with going with entire disk and maybe a seperate /home partition.11:17
chloeyes i thought i could learn something that way11:18
azrael__rhx k1l11:18
chloewould that inode-problem not have occured if i used the entire disk?11:18
bekkschloe: Most likely, it wouldnt have occured. Or at least much later :)11:19
k1l_chloe: it would have had a lot more inodes to use because of the bigger size of the partition then11:19
chloeok... well thank you for helping anyhow11:20
azrael__I once used the /var /home seperate option and i could not even get the system to boot.Today i know i have to manually set grub /dev/sda :)11:20
bekkschloe: you're welcome :)11:20
bekksazrael__: separate partitions and the grub installation target are totally unrelated.11:20
azrael__it was multiboot11:21
azrael__have had windows 711:21
chunkymejust did new of ubuntu 14.04 and used software center to install restricted extras. It got 60% of the way through and stalled on grey screen. Can this be fixed.11:21
chloeisn't grub obsolete in the near future?11:22
bekkschloe: Why would it?11:22
bekkschloe: We're not going back to lilo :D11:22
chloei thought i read something about it11:22
azrael__grub is most popular i like it aswel11:23
manniogotta restart computer after updating11:23
azrael__hah lilo :D11:24
azrael__old obsolete friend :D11:24
DodoStormhi for DEVELOPER OR SECURITY RESEACHER COME TO CHANNEL ##dev.os and ##storm11:24
azrael__I love linux because it is verbose and one can learn a lot11:25
FuchsDodoStorm: would you mind stopping to spam your channel over various places on this network, please?11:27
lanoxxI have a problem with remmina and rdp clients under Ubuntu 14.04 I cannot get the rdp plugin to work, remmina is unable to load the shared object file, can someone help me to fix this?11:27
DodoStormdidn't ubuntu ceo already said11:27
DodoStormubuntu is closed11:27
DodoStormnah is a new channel11:27
DodoStormjust to promote it11:27
bekksDodoStorm: Stop your nonsense please.11:27
chloeone more thing: what would be the exact cmd line to purge all kernels except the running?11:29
DodoStormWwell friend11:29
DodoStormtake alook at what ubuntu ceo said11:29
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bekkschloe: You have to do that manually.11:30
mannioalright all done sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic and updated and rebooted11:30
=== john__ is now known as daft
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: thanks for the help yesterday11:31
mgolischtheres purge-old-kernels in the bikeshed package, but i think it leaves the current plus one11:32
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: I got a question, if you use scp when the connection gets broken and you do another scp of the same files will it overwrite files of the same name11:32
easyOnMeon the destination computer folder11:33
bekkseasyOnMe: Yes.11:33
mgolischdont think scp can resume11:33
easyOnMebekks: thanks bekks11:33
easyOnMeso you are online11:33
Deepafter successfull installation of ubuntu 14.04 i am not able to see the boot menu. It is directly taking me to windows 8 boot11:33
bekkseasyOnMe: If you want to continue copying, use rsync --partial11:33
easyOnMebekks: oh ok11:33
malade_mentalHi, I got the following error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/11872024/ when I try to telnet on the 3001 port from the internet11:33
malade_mentaltelnet localhost 3001 works well11:34
easyOnMeso rsync --partial will know which files have been missed11:34
malade_mentalI hav apache listening on 3001 port and iptable has an accept11:34
malade_mentalrule, it's ubuntu 14.0411:34
Deepafter successfull installation of ubuntu 14.04 i am not able to see the boot menu. It is directly taking me to windows 8 boot11:34
malade_mentalDeep, does your computer has uefi?11:34
bekks!patience | Deep11:34
ubottuDeep: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:34
mgolischDeep: uefi?11:34
malade_mentalhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI Deep11:35
Deepafter successfull installation of ubuntu 14.04 i am not able to see the boot menu. It is directly taking me to windows 8 boot. my laptop is HP Total care11:35
Jazzy_Jmalade_mental, did you disable "secure boot" in the bios?11:37
bekksmalade_mental: And did you disable fast boot in Windows?11:38
malade_mentalI don't the problem, it's Deep11:38
manniocan someone help me my audio jack sense was some how removed from Pc now none of my headphones are detected11:38
Jazzy_Jmalade_mental, sorry.11:38
malade_mentalnoprob m8 ;)11:39
Jazzy_Jonly one sip of coffee so far.11:39
EriC^^mannio: type cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | nc termbin.com 999911:39
chloe@bekks another question11:42
chloepurging the images won't free the /usr/src directory11:42
bekkschloe: Correct.11:42
bekkschloe: As you stated above, correctly, the images do not use /usr/src/11:43
chloeis it wise to use rm -r the directories in /usr/src?11:43
Deepin HP Total care laptop not able to see boot menu with ubuntu 14.0411:43
bekkschloe: No.11:44
Deepin HP Total care laptop not able to see boot menu with ubuntu 14.0411:44
bekkschloe: Purge the header packages.11:44
Deepin HP Total care laptop not able to see boot menu with ubuntu 14.04 help11:44
Deepin HP Total care laptop not able to see boot menu with ubuntu 14.0411:44
Deepin HP Total care laptop not able to see boot menu with ubuntu 14.0411:44
bekksDeep: Please stop repeating every 15 seconds.11:44
Jazzy_JDeep, Have you disabled Fast Boot within Windows 8 and changed secure boot in the BIOS?11:46
DeepJazzy, yes i did11:48
bq_how to add my user as sudo user?11:48
baizonbq_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/7477/how-can-i-add-a-new-user-as-sudoer-using-the-command-line11:49
Jazzy_JDeep, when I set up a multi-boot with Win 8.1, it seems that I used a utility that ran in Windows that fixed the boot sequence.11:49
Deepjazzy, what utility is that ?11:51
Jazzy_JFollow this:  http://tinyurl.com/qam9wzj  It is for 15.04, but boot-repair is what I used.  It's a *nix tool run from with ubuntu.  you have to add the ppa to get the tool.11:55
TechMongeris there any information gathering command in windows like facter?11:56
Ben64TechMonger: might want to ask ##windows about that11:57
TechMongerwaiting on response11:58
Jazzy_JTechMonger, are you looking for a FOSS solution?11:59
Jazzy_JFor an enterprise-level soloution we are using LANDesk Management Suite.12:01
TechMongerwhat is foss12:01
Jazzy_JFree and Open-source Software - *nix is FOSS, LibreOffice is FOSS.  Microsoft and Apple products are not.12:02
Ben64windows software isn't on topic here12:03
EriC^^mannio: the ppa's were being used with utopic and now with vivid12:04
EriC^^mannio: vivid might not be supported12:05
larryoneHi All, I'm looking at 15.04 AMIs in Amazon12:05
larryonethey're labeled as 15.04 DEVEL12:06
larryoneis that just a matter of a field not being updated?12:06
coraxxSo, does anyone know the command "inoticoming" ... I'm having problem with file exclusion ...can't seem to get the --regexp parameter to work ...can anyone help please ?12:06
larryoneor are those images ok for production systems?12:06
EriC^^mannio: they12:06
EriC^^they're pretty old, maybe there are new ppa's you can use with vivid?12:07
mannio:o doing some googling right now12:08
EriC^^mannio: you should probably comment them out so you don't get errors on sudo apt-get update12:08
EriC^^mannio: type sudo sed -i 's/^deb/# deb/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*12:09
mannioniiice no errors now12:10
EriC^^mannio: there's one that isn't version-specific, type sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list12:15
EriC^^and remove the comment ( # ) before deb, so you can use it again so it updates chrome12:15
convictAnyone ever have part of their screen freeze because of libnotify?12:16
mannioalright removed how do i save and exit12:16
EriC^^mannio: press ctrl+o then hit enter, then ctrl+x to exit12:17
mannioalright done12:17
bq_when I install docker, i got this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11872170/12:18
donofrio__maybe I need more coffee but why is my chown failing - http://paste.debian.net/281900/12:26
tewarddonofrio__: sudo/superuser to change to a group/owner not of the user, perhaps?12:27
donofrio__I'm a member of that group12:27
tewarddonofrio__: your chown is changing the owner user12:27
tewardnot the group or such12:27
tewardlikely your standard user can't assign to it - i see the same issue from time to time in my environments12:28
donofrio__right want to change to appinfuser from donofrio (who I'm logged in as)12:28
donofrio__so how to assign?  if no sudo12:28
donofrio__I figured if I owned them I could reassign them12:29
Guest99726no. only root might do that.12:29
donofrio__more coffee....can't wrap head around that12:30
donofrio__if I own I shoudl be able to reassign (you'd think)12:30
tewarddonofrio__: only superuser powers can reassign the owner user12:30
teward(fwiw, Windows is the same way - you can't change the owner user without administrator privileges)12:30
Guest99726donofrio__: no, otherwise a malicious program could change the owner on all files and lock you out12:31
Guest99726(on all files in your home directory, most likely, that is)12:32
donofrio__no it's a file/directory off the root called app12:33
donofrio__ok well I'll request root for a day but was thinkin - thanks12:34
Guest99726well, whereever a file is doesn't make a difference. typically almost all files in a user's home directory are owned by that user, though12:34
=== nic is now known as Guest18102
Guest18102guys, does anyone know how does linux cp command work internally??12:37
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Guest18102is anyone there?12:38
EriC^^Guest18102: why?12:38
Guest18102how does linux cp command work internally??12:39
EriC^^why do you ask?12:39
ioriaGuest18102, i think opening a read stream and a write stream12:39
Guest18102i'm implementing a mini linux shell,12:39
Guest18102@ioria can you be precise??12:40
ioriaGuest18102, system calls12:40
nnarolHi! What do I have to do to make a self-written application that is in executable form execute on another machine?12:41
ioriaGuest18102, int fd=0; open, read and write ... in C you find FILE *fd, fopen, fwrite etc. etc12:41
EriC^^nnarol: make sure it has the same architecture on the other machine, and all the necessary libraries12:41
ioriaGuest18102, if you google linux system calls, you find tons12:42
Guest18102@ioria, thanks12:43
nnarolEric: it is a very simple app made in python. Could it be that it requires other things than the libraries for accessed through the modules that have been imported?12:43
ioriaGuest18102, you're welcome12:43
nnarolEriC: If no, it has all it needs on the target machine.12:43
EriC^^nnarol: honestly i don't know12:46
EriC^^Guest18102: if you use strace you can probably see what cp actually does12:46
EriC^^Guest18102: strace cp <source> <dest>12:46
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Guest18102guys one question> i have a program which implements linux commands, how do i make this program to execute when i click on actual linux termianl.12:47
Guest62410i have been trying to install irrlicht engine for the entire day now and none of google is helping me12:47
rtreleavennnarol try to run the program and see where it dumps out12:47
Guest62410im at a loss of what to do12:47
nnarolrtreleaven: As I mentioned, on my machine it works perfectly.12:48
rtreleaventry on the target machine12:48
rtreleavennnarol ^12:48
nnarolrteleaven: And the target machine is around 600 miles away from me.12:48
rtreleavenssh is your friend12:49
nnarolrtreleaven: Unfortunatelz, I cannot use it, because I am not a programmer.12:49
rtreleavenbut you wrote the python script?12:49
nnarolrtreleaven: If I would be, I would just bundle it into a package.12:49
nnarolrtreleaven: I did, but it's just a ca. 270 line app, which I made as a hobby.12:50
EriC^^nnarol: what does trying it using ssh have to do with programming?12:51
rtreleaveneither you shell into the target system to see what is causing the script to fail or have someone at that end run it and tell you what is failing12:51
EriC^^nnarol: does the target pc have a ssh server running?12:51
nnarolEriC: I don't know.12:52
ManicPaniccan i install Ubuntu from a Mobile phone's SD CARD via USB drive ?12:52
EriC^^nnarol: try ssh <user>@<host>12:52
dingus778hi every one , i have a quick question12:52
nnarolrteleaven: Thanks, I think I thought of something else: I also have a Debian virtual machine.12:52
dingus778what is the main command to install a file from a zip/tar file12:53
EriC^^dingus778: tar -xvf <file> should untar and decompress it12:54
rtreleavennnarol just because you can get your script running in your vm does not mean it will run on the target12:55
nnarolEriC: Thanks for the help anyway. Could you enlighten me on some aspects of file permissions?12:56
Guest18102guys one question> i have a program which implements linux commands, how do i make this program to run when i click on actual linux termianl?12:56
nnarolrtreleaven: I know, but it might help me make the program completely self-sufficient.12:57
zyncGuest18102: what kind of program?13:01
grantdGuest18102, chmod +x script and can make one link " link /usr/local/bin/script Name" i think its work13:01
moobaseis it dangerous to cancel ftrim? I'll make a ftrim cron which could get cancelled when I shut down mah computah13:01
Guest18102@grantd, are you sure it will work??13:03
grantdGuest18102, for make it executable yes13:05
Guest18102@grantd, i din't get you?13:05
grantdGuest18102, yeahs im sure it wil work13:06
rtreleavennnarol it is a python program so it will at least depend on the interpreter13:06
nnarolrteeleaven: the target machine has an appropriate python version installed.13:07
nnarolrteeleaven: also, I would think that making an executable with cxfreeze should circumvent any problems stemming from dependencies.13:08
nnarolrteeleaven: Though granted, I don't know.13:08
moobasewhy not just not trim your ssd? Performance is barely affected. You lose 10% performance tops.13:09
easyOnMebekks: what shall I do to prevent this from happening: http://imgur.com/JIKBPpc13:10
easyOnMewhat i mean is I want to change that to something else whenever 404 error shows up13:10
easyOnMeI want to create my own page to render when a 404 error shows up13:10
Guest18102@grantd, should i write " link /usr/local/bin/script Name" on the terminal13:11
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SkyriderAny support here for (future) ubuntu raspberry users?13:12
easyOnMehisto: what shall I do to prevent this from happening: http://imgur.com/JIKBPpc13:13
easyOnMeI want to create my own page to render when a 404 error shows up13:13
easyOnMeinstead of the default page shown in the image13:13
Skyridermmhh, apache..13:14
Guest18102@grantd are you there??13:14
Guest18102its not working!!13:14
SkyridereasyOnMe familiar with the root path?13:14
SkyriderEdit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and look for the root path (eg: /var/www)13:15
Guest18102guys anyone, how to run custom terminal instead of gnome terminal??13:15
Skyrideror in your case, /home/kindergartenone"13:15
easyOnMeSkyrider: not that much13:16
easyOnMeSkyrider: can you help me please13:16
SkyriderIt's apache, I'm very limited in that area.13:16
nnarolrtreleaven: btw the result of the compilation this mentioned cx-freeze application did is several files including around 14 .so files in a folder together with the executable, which makes me think that it should contain all it needs.13:16
SkyriderI'm more of a nginx person13:17
easyOnMeI am really struggling with routes man13:17
SkyriderI'll PM you and 'try' to help.13:17
easyOnMeSkyrider: ok thanks13:17
nnarolrtreleaven: there are also a lot of .enc files for encoding protocols and what-not.13:17
rtreleavennnarol good luck13:18
grantdGuest18102, that command its for create one link only13:18
Guest18102but its not working..13:19
grantdGuest18102, im there but on work, sometimes i dont see so fast keep calm :)13:19
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nnarolrtrleaven, EriC: Thanks for the help, I'll look to see of there are cxfreeze channels on Freenode.13:19
nnarolrtrleaven, EriC: Or maybe pythonistas...13:21
pbxi'm looking for a launcher similar to osx's launchbar or quicksliver. i've been using kupfer for a year but it's abandoned. gnome do was ok but not great (and i want to contribute but don't speak c#). synapse?  any other good ones?13:24
=== Wiched is now known as Guest99420
iasonBack. I asked earlier, being worried that my drivers are not working properly, if intel HD graphics drivers come on default with Ubuntu. k1l_ told me that they do. However, trying to run a game on steam (using OpenGL), I get too many crashes and extreme lag. What should I do?13:30
phpNoob_anyone had problems with vagrant trying to access phpmyadmin and getting to download a file called "download" with php code?13:34
hobbet1pbx i dont know of an alternative but maybe this website might help you find one http://alternativeto.net/13:35
rami_i need some help13:35
rami_can anyone help me13:36
EriC^^with what?13:36
rami_see i downloaded cinnamon13:36
linuxi can't help you13:36
rami_but its telling me that it just crashed it gives me an option to restart but it crash then too13:37
rami_i dont have access to any command line either13:37
MatthiasM2hello, I'm installing SW updates on Ubuntu 15.04 and the progress stopped at "setting up grub-pc (2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.3) ..." and the update window has turned a dark grey shade13:37
MatthiasM2rami_: have you tried one of the Linux consoles (ctrl-alt-F1) ?13:38
mannyHello can someone help me,after power outage im getting no sound just static13:38
EriC^^rami_: you're using mint?13:39
EriC^^ubuntu or mint?13:40
pbxhobbet1, thanks, no new leads there.  synapse it is.13:40
EriC^^ok, you're logging into it from lightdm?13:40
rami_idk really i just got it XD i clicked on the ubuntu sign in the ubuntu log in and pressed cinnamon and now all i does is crash13:41
larryoneis ubottu.com down?13:41
mannyHello can someone help me,after power outage im getting no sound just static13:41
rami_CTRL + ALT + T doesnt work to open terminal window13:41
EriC^^rami_: do you have another de you can login to?13:42
phpNoob_sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /var/www is giving me Protocol error13:42
phpNoob_Why protocol error13:42
EriC^^press the right corner on the login screen to change the de ram13:42
rami_i mean i can shut the pc down and log onto my regular ubuntu13:42
EriC^^ok, do that13:42
rami_what do i do then because i dont have Xchat on there :/13:43
EriC^^how are you talking right now?13:43
EriC^^you should have xchat there too, it's system-wide13:43
rami_i found it on cinnamon i can try to find it on my ubuntu i havent really gotten used o it cx13:44
moobaseA script that tar some_dir --> backup-noX ... do people do that anymore? :P13:44
rami_heey okay on my ubuntu now13:47
EriC^^rami_: ok, type cat /vat/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 999913:48
rami_in files?13:49
rami_found it13:50
EriC^^rami_: open a terminal and type it13:50
EriC^^and it should give you a link13:51
rami_tells me "/vat/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 999913:52
rami_bash: /vat/log/syslog: No such file or directory"13:52
EriC^^rami_: add cat13:52
EriC^^cat /var/log ...13:52
moobaseworth reformatting my secondary hd to GPT (is MBR), do you do that? why even care? Don't need GPT the features, but I've read that its format makes the file tree safer and easier to recover13:53
rami_same thing13:53
EriC^^rami_: paste exactly what it said13:53
rami_usage: nc [-46bCDdhjklnrStUuvZz] [-I length] [-i interval] [-O length]13:53
rami_  [-P proxy_username] [-p source_port] [-q seconds] [-s source]13:53
rami_  [-T toskeyword] [-V rtable] [-w timeout] [-X proxy_protocol]13:53
rami_  [-x proxy_address[:port]] [destination] [port]13:53
rami_Use netcat.13:53
EriC^^rami_: type sudo apt-get install pastebinit13:55
SkyriderAny users familiar here with ubuntu with raspberry?13:56
rami_okay done13:57
rami_EriC^^: installed it13:59
EriC^^rami_: ok, type pastebinit /var/log/syslog14:00
rami_premission denied14:00
moobasewhy would I want anything else than rsync to backup a few things to my secondary harddrive?14:02
rami_eric its not giving me premission even as root14:02
rami_okay opened it14:03
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Firefly67Hi, I cannot install chrome. It can't install libappindicator1 and libindicator714:07
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iasonis there some command that will return my ubuntu to day 1? like the way they were once they were installed, and remove all the files I added, packets and configurations.14:10
iasonor should I just re-install them?14:10
EriC^^rami_: pastebinit /var/log/syslog isn't working?14:11
tr00piason: mkfs.ext4 <your root partition> :p14:11
EllonHi what OS you recommend for 1gb ram, 128mb video laptop?14:13
iasonCould not stat sda2 --- No such file or directory and The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly? tr00p that's what was returned14:13
iasoni will just re-install. no big deal. thanks anyway14:14
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=== ferro is now known as doneir
Ellonanyone recommend lightweight OS?14:17
k1l_!lubuntu | Ellon14:18
k1l_oh, bot is gone. Ellon Lubuntu is the lightweight version of ubuntu14:18
hobbet1looks like k1l_ will have to do the work of the bot and explain lol14:19
EriC^^rami_: it looks as if it's trying to use mir? are you using mir? how did you install cinnamon?14:20
easyOnMeI am using ssh on the terminal14:20
easyOnMewhy does it keeps hanging up if you are not able to use it for say 2 mins14:21
easyOnMeis there anything I can do to stop the terminal from not responding if unused for 2 mins14:21
nicomachuswhat, ubottu is gone?14:23
Firefly67Hi can someone help me install chrome?14:23
Firefly67software center says "Requires installation of untrusted packages"14:23
nicomachusFirefly67: did you download Chrome from here? https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/14:28
Firefly67I tried that, through the software center, and the apt-get route14:29
Firefly67seems to have issues with libappindicator1 and libindicator714:29
nicomachusok. download the .deb package from that website, and save it in your Home folder. then go to a terminal and type 'sudo dpkg -i filename.deb'14:29
nicomachusreplacing 'filename.deb' with the actual filename, of course.14:31
Firefly67nicomachus, I get this message: "Errors were encountered while processing: google-chrome-stable"14:32
nicomachuscan you paste the full output at paste.ubuntu.com and then link that here please?14:35
nicomachusok, run 'sudo apt-get -f install'14:37
nicomachusare you on a 32 bit machine?14:37
Firefly67no, 6414:40
Firefly67E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?14:40
Firefly67I tried both and neither worked14:40
_Man_Panic_can i upgrade Ubuntu 12.04 to Ubuntu 14.04 without reinstalling it on DVD ?14:40
nicomachusyou ran apt-get update and what happened?14:41
nicomachusAnd also, Firefly67, you downloaded the 32-bit package of chrome. might wanna go back and download the 64-bit. it will end in amd64 instead of i38614:41
nicomachus_Man_Panic_: yes you can. its recommended to backup first.14:42
Firefly67nicomachus, ok, trying that14:42
_Man_Panic_ nicomachus: so when i press Upgrade button. Will it download the 14.04  version and install it in the old 12.04 partition ? Or will windows be damaged too ?14:44
RaMcHiPGood morning all!14:44
nicomachusIt shouldn't damage Windows.14:44
_Man_Panic_ nicomachus: i dont want to backup. Just install newer version of Ubuntu. So it can remove everything in Ubuntu partition14:46
RaMcHiPHow is everyone doing?  Been awhile since I could hang in here :/.  Shop came really close to getting flooded last week so been cleaning up damages.14:46
RaMcHiPBRB reboot14:46
nicomachus_Man_Panic_: if you aren't concerned about losing your data, then go ahead and update.14:48
nicomachusit will take awhile, fyi.14:48
_Man_Panic_ nicomachus: the laptop only have 1GB RAM. I actually want Xubuntu for it. But i have to install Ubuntu 14.04 first so Xubuntu 14.04 can work14:49
nicomachusnever heard that before, but I have 0 experience with xubuntu.14:50
_Man_Panic_ nicomachus: okay thanks14:50
baizon_Man_Panic_: why have you to install ubuntu first?14:51
_Man_Panic_baizon: i think maybe Xubuntu 14.04 need Ubuntu 14.04 runtime to work. I guessing only14:52
baizonnope, doesnt need ubuntu14:52
baizonxubuntu doesnt depend on ubuntu14:53
_Man_Panic_baizon: so can i download Xubuntu 14.04 from Ubuntu 12.04 and then install Xubuntu 14.04 that way ?14:54
nicomachus_Man_Panic_: if you're trying to install Xubuntu OVERTOP of ubuntu 12.04, you will need a live cd.14:54
baizon_Man_Panic_: im always doing it that way. I just don't format /home14:54
tonytfresh install is always the best14:55
_Man_Panic_nicomachus: CD drive on laptop not working. Xubuntu 12.04 is on login menu too.14:56
_Man_Panic_baizon: i dont understand how you do it14:56
_Man_Panic_So i need full Ubuntu 14.04 runtime first i guess. So will Upgrade it from update manager.14:57
_Man_Panic_then install Xubuntu 14.04 after that14:58
* gnomed is back to ubuntu after couple of years on Mint14:58
nicomachus_Man_Panic_: can you use a USB?15:01
AbbyAI'm trying to reproduce a customer's bug in an Ubuntu 12.04 VM15:02
AbbyAI'm trying to get the same kernel version as them, but my system seems to be running on 3.13.0-57-generic and the package says
AbbyAAre the Linux generic package versions the same as the Linux kernel versions?15:03
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AbbyAThe Linux version I want to be running is 3.13.0-52-generic #86~precise1-Ubuntu SMP. How do I accomplish this?15:03
_Man_Panic_nicomachus: yes i run ethernet from usb15:04
nicomachus_Man_Panic_: if you have a spare USB drive around, create a live USB on it with Xubuntu 14.04 and then use that Live USB to install Xubuntu on your PC15:06
_Man_Panic_nicomachus: i dont have that.15:07
nicomachusdon't have what?15:08
_Man_Panic_nicomachus: can i use my phone as a drive via usb ?15:08
_Man_Panic_a USB drive15:09
nicomachus_Man_Panic_: if your phone is rooted, you can use an app called DriveDroid. that's the only option I know of.15:09
nicomachusand I've never used it myself.15:09
nicomachusFirefly67: did you get Chrome installed?15:10
_Man_Panic_nicomachus: oh ok. I dont think that will work with the Android runtime on Blackberry 10.15:10
nicomachusheh, nope.15:13
_Man_Panic_nicomachus: but what is the Downside of pressing the "Upgrade" button. When upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 ? WIll the 1GB RAM be the bottleneck ?15:13
nicomachusyou have ubuntu 12.04 currently, right?15:14
nicomachusthen it's just going to install 14.04. 1GB RAM is a bit low.15:15
nicomachusbut it should work.15:16
_Man_Panic_nicomachus: yes it is. But i will install Xubuntu 14.04 immediatly there after15:17
apb1963Today's random tip is a double.  Krusader is an awesome file manager.  I installed it today and suddenly I like using a file manager again.  Looks a lot like the old Norton tool for Windows.  It's in universe.  Also, mega.co.nz provides 50GB free storage space.  I found them today, and signed up today.  Read their "About Us".  I have no affiliation with either of these things, just trying to help you guys out with what in my opinion are awesome15:18
apb1963products - and yet free!15:18
* nomic uses nautilus15:19
* gnomed too15:19
* nicomachus too15:21
trelane`post Bacon, who's the Community Manager at Ubuntu/Canonicle?15:27
EllonPraise the Lord15:27
trelane`Ellon: if you do that too much you'll end up more fired than the Mozilla CEO :-p15:28
bishopsPlease someone help. I have an annoying signal that says "no public key" everytime I try to update my repositories. I have tried everything suggested in forums to fix it and it still isn't fixed15:28
Ellontrelane` what's the story about Mozilla CEO?15:28
apb1963the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed.15:28
EllonHow you can fire CEO? :)15:29
trelane`Ellon: fired last year for donating to a "pro traditional marriage" charity that was working on Prop 8 in California15:29
Ellontrelane` so why they fired him15:29
trelane`bishops: apt-key will save you! :)15:29
trelane`Ellon, I'm not mozilla15:29
EllonAnd who can fire CEO of company?15:29
bishopstrelane`: what is the command line? I think I have tried this one..15:29
apb1963Ellon: Its Board of Directors.15:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:30
trelane`bishops, it's self documenting iirc, or 'man apt-key' :)15:30
Ellontrelane` isn't that ridicilous15:30
Ellontrelane` smells like conspiracy15:30
bishopstrelane`: I already tried this actually..15:31
trelane`bishops, conceptually you're going to need to check and see what keys are in your apt keyring, and figure out which key apt doesn't have.  Then use apt-key to retrieve it :)15:31
bishopstrelane`: using apt-key I tried to request the particular keys missing by copy pasting them. it says it retrieved them but then when I update I still get the same output!15:31
EllonMozilla CEO did right thing... America need more pro traditional marriage support15:31
trelane`bishops, have you used apt-key to confirm they're in the keyring?  Perhaps used it to delete the key in the ring, and re-install it?15:32
nicomachus!ot | Ellon15:32
ubottuEllon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:32
bishopstrelane`: can you tell me how without me having to read the whole thing?15:32
trelane`bishops: I don't have a running ubuntu in front of me or I would.  I'm actually trying to track down their Community Manager.15:33
Firefly67nicomachus, sorry I went afk for a bit, but same problems with 64-bit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11872955/15:33
ioriabishops, wha't in your /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d  ?15:34
bishopstrelane`: one question: could it have to do with some ppa blocking the process?15:34
trelane`bishops, without seeing the output I can't answer that :)15:34
Picitrelane`: #ubuntu-community-team would be the best place to ask15:34
nicomachusOk, Firefly67, you're making progress. :) Now 'sudo apt-get install libappindicator1'15:34
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bishopstrelane`: should I paste bin it?15:34
trelane`bishops, that or mail me your computer :-p15:35
trelane`pastebin is faster15:35
trelane`Pici, thanks!15:36
Firefly67nicomachus, The following packages have unmet dependencies:15:36
Firefly67 libappindicator1 : Depends: libindicator7 (>= 0.4.90) but it is not going to be installed15:36
Firefly67E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).15:36
ioriaseems a bug  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/126354015:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1263540 in apt (Ubuntu) "Apt-get reports NO_PUBKEY gpg error for keys that are present in trusted.gpg." [Undecided,Fix released]15:36
Firefly67so I did apt-get -f install15:36
bishopstrelane`: haha ok here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11872975/15:36
nicomachusFirefly67: Ok, then 'sudo apt-get -f install' again15:36
Firefly67E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?15:36
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nicomachusFirefly67: make sure you're doing the -f install as sudo.15:37
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Firefly67nicomachus, yes doing everythin as sudo. Now doing sudo apt-get update again15:37
trelane`bishops: check the apt-key keyring for 3B4FE6ACC0B21F3215:37
trelane`I think this one is probably straightforward.15:38
nicomachusok Firefly67. Also try 'sudo apt-get clean'15:38
Saphyelhello I have one questions about the 1h interview meeting on london15:38
bishopstrelane`: one sec, check this first: paste.ubuntu.com/11872986/15:38
sailorsHi, what'd be a decent way to go about using a newer version of OpenSSL than the one in the repository?15:38
nicomachusFirefly67: after apt-get update and apt-get clean, try -f install again.15:38
sailorsI'm guessing just building it and plopping the files in the system path folders would be a great way to break everything15:39
Firefly67nicomachus, same error: E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?15:39
Saphyelwhen will I know if I should go or not?15:40
trelane`bishops: those "resource limits" messages are bit concerning.  I've never seen those before.15:40
beta_cuckholdShould I learn Lisp, C or Haskell?15:40
nicomachusSaphyel: This channel is for Ubuntu support. Try #ubuntu-offtopic15:40
beta_cuckholdI'm on Ubuntu.15:40
nicomachusbeta_cuckhold: try ##programming15:40
nicomachussailors: you can try the experimental builds at https://www.openssl.org/source/15:41
Saphyelnicomachus: my question is about Ubuntu...15:41
beta_cuckholdWill learning C help me use Ubuntu more efficiently?15:41
nicomachusSaphyel: it's about a conference, not ubuntu technical support.15:41
bishopstrelane`: how concerning?15:42
l3s7r0z<beta_cuckhold> If you want to program for Ubuntu and also C++, if you want to build apps for Ubuntu15:43
nicomachusFirefly67: what was the output of apt-get update?15:43
nicomachusfull output, on a pastebin please.15:43
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
trelane`bishops, I've been using gpg and apt for more than 15 years and I've never seen that :)15:44
trelane`beta_cuckhold, do you know Python?15:44
bishopstrelane`: I'm special what can i say :)15:44
trelane`bishops, yeah it's always fun being special! :)15:44
trelane`bishops, It looks like you may have some keys for custom repos in your apt-key ring?  I'd specifically delete those three, and the ubuntu FTP key, then re-import the ubuntu FTP key15:45
bishopstrelane`: yes! no but seriously I wish i can resolve this. maybe I erase all my ppas and start all over?15:45
trelane`I'd erase the keys first before you start touching the package manager15:46
bishopstrelane`: the problem is that I don't understand how are keys linked to files, etc. theoretically i mean , i still don't understand this system15:46
trelane`bishops: when a package maintainer releases a package, they sign it with a cryptographic key to prove that they are the one that produced the package.15:46
trelane`which prevents an unsavory person (like me!) from releasing a package as them and including a rootkit or other badness.15:46
beta_cuckholdtrelane`: I know a little something about Python.15:46
trelane`beta_cuckhold, Python is just hugely useful, as is BASH.  Once you have those, I'd do C++ given that it seems that Canonical likes it15:47
bishopstrelane`: alright but say I erase all my ppa list and then add them back, will they import different keys again?15:47
beta_cuckholdtrelane`: What about Lisp?15:47
trelane`bishops, I don't know as I haven't tried it.  In theory you want to make the smallest change possible, then test, which is deleting the key that's throwing the error.15:48
bishopstrelane`: alright i see15:48
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=== nic is now known as Guest30397
bishopstrelane`: i have tried with this program Y-ppa manager, yet still doesn't work. arrghh15:50
nicomachusFirefly64: looks like apt-get isn't finding the ubuntu server...15:50
Guest30397hello guys, does anyone one know how to run files from /bin directory.15:50
Guest30397Files in /bin are stored in executable format.15:50
trelane`bishops, but that's not what I recommended.  I recommmended using apt-key to remove those keys, and re-install the main ubuntu key15:50
trelane`your problem isn't ppas15:50
trelane`its that the keyring is broken15:50
nicomachusFirefly67: are you connected to the internet?15:50
tewardGuest30397: run the full path?  i.e. /bin/somefile.  Or, make sure that /bin/ is in your $PATH environment variable15:51
Firefly67yes, nicomachus15:51
bishopstrelane`: how do you remove the keys?15:51
Firefly67otherwise how could I talk here?15:51
trelane`bishops, with apt-key :)15:51
nicomachusFirefly67: good point. lol. Are you in SA?15:51
bishopstrelane`: ah right ok, well off to work then..15:52
bishopstrelane`: just one question, should I just delete the keys that are mentioned in the pastebinit I sent you?15:53
trelane`bishops, yes, those and the key you are trying to import and cant.  Then re-import the ubuntu ftp key15:54
trelane`try running apt-get update after that and lets see what you get15:54
bishopstrelane`: deleted them with apt-key del 'key number'. then ran sudo apt-get update, got some result15:56
vvassilevHi I have multi isp setup and I keep getting 'dhclient.c:2322: Failed to send 300 byte long packet over fallback interface.' the fixed ip one.15:56
vvassilevDo I need to make some special settings to dhclient.conf?15:57
bishopstrelane`: oh check this out: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11873061/15:57
trelane`you removed hte yorba/zedtux keys?15:57
bishopstrelane`: not sure but I have removed the yorba ppa altogether so i don't understand why it is still bugging me!15:58
trelane`bishops: that's not the same as removing the GPG key from the keyring15:58
trelane`bishops: repeat after me: this has nothing to do with PPAs...15:58
trelane`this issue is only related to your apt GPG keyring15:59
bishopstrelane`: hahaha ok i understand, but I used apt-key del "keyid" to remove keys that were listed in the update15:59
bishopstrelane`: so now what?15:59
k1mmyyyhi, can anyone confirm before i pull the trigger, that this last post (and what it's in response to) is accurate? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2284662&page=3&p=13320099#post1332009916:00
schovi think i must have a virus or something. comuter reguarly stalls and im forced to reboot. also the processor seems to be on overdrive - any advice?16:00
trelane`bishops: now use apt-key to confirm they're gone by listing hte keys :)16:00
helowhen i configure my xorg screens with the standard utility, where does it save those settings?16:01
bishopstrelane`: they are not gone because as soon as I sudo apt-get update I get teh same shit gqg error!16:01
EriC^^helo: /etc/X11/xorg.conf i believe16:01
heloi'm trying to create a non-desktop machine that runs X using those setting, but don't know where to copy them from16:01
trelane`bishops: why aren't they gone? :)16:01
cr45hschov: what's your cpu temp?16:02
heloEriC^^: nope, xorg.conf doesn't exist :/16:02
bishopstrelane`: because I'm doomed (part of being special)16:02
heloby "the standard utility", i mean the desktop gui config tool16:02
trelane`bishops, what happens when you use apt-key to try to remove them?16:02
EriC^^helo: in ubuntu? settings > display ?16:02
bishopstrelane: it says "OK"16:02
bishopstrelane`: then I run sudo apt-key update, and I get same error16:03
schovhow do i check cr45h ?16:03
trelane`bishops, then don't do that, look at the apt-key manual, and find out how to manually delete those keys.  Then manually add the ftp key.16:03
bishopstrelane`: because yorba and his associate zedtux are blocking things16:03
trelane`you'er not doing what I'm telling you to do and then complaining it doesn't work :)16:03
bishopstrelane`: i am! I used apt-key delete etc. what's the difference between this and "manually" removing keys?16:04
schovcr45h, my fan seems to be constantly on16:05
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trelane`bishops: did you confirm after doing apt-key delete that the keys are deleteD?16:05
bishopstrelane`: as I said it just says "OK" in the terminal16:05
cr45hschov: sudo apt-get install lm-sensors; sudo sensors-detect; sudo service kmod start; sensors16:05
trelane`bishops, then if you list the keys are the keys that you tried to delete still there?16:05
bishopstrelane`: yes16:06
bishopstrelane`: listen i know you're telling me not but seriously now it is clear that those blocking everything are yorba-ppa.gpg and zedtux-rhythmbox-folderview.gpg, why can't i just delete them?16:06
trelane`bishops: go for it, that's safe16:07
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bishopstrelane`: but should just delete the actual file as in rm /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/yorba-ppa.gpg ?16:07
trelane`I'd mv it to foo.bak16:08
BlitzerHoundI need someone to help me with something that I fear is really simple but I can't understand how to do it. I'm new to linux.16:08
trelane`never delete when you can move16:08
bishopstrelane`: where is foo.bak?16:08
schovcr45h, ive done what you suggested. temp1 says +72 C16:08
trelane`foo is variable 1 so foo.bak is /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/yorba-ppa.gpg.bak16:08
schovI also have ISA adapter temps16:08
schovcr45h, fan is constantly on16:09
cr45hhmm, that's not too hot16:09
=== NotANick_ is now known as NotANick
BlitzerHoundIs there anyone that might be able to help? I just need to install a program.16:10
schovany guess why ubuntu is reguarly crashing? virus? It's driving my head in?16:10
tgm4883BlitzerHound: ask your question16:10
tgm4883BlitzerHound: what program16:10
cr45hit's not a virus16:10
cr45hschov: does this happen at random? Can you control+alt+f1 to get to a tty when it freezes?16:11
BlitzerHoundI've looked over and over again on how to do it online, but for some reason I can't understand the tutorials or videos. I always get stuck at the directory step. How do I know what to type into terminal to install everything?16:11
bishopstrelane`: it worked!16:11
schovit appears to happen randomly. I can't control+alt+f116:11
trelane`bishops, excellent.16:11
ArtooDetooBlitzerHound: what have you already done? what tutorial did you use?16:12
AbbyAWhen does 12.04 go out of support?16:13
cr45hsounds like a hardware issue to me16:13
nicomachusAbbyA: LTS if for 5 years.16:14
BlitzerHoundI was using the first tutorial on youtube, not really sure what it is.  Basically I have extracted the pack to a directory under my home tab called secondlife. I then went to terminal and typed sudo apt-get install lib32z1 and I have no clue at all what that did, but it seemed to do something right.16:14
compdocApril 201716:14
AbbyAnicomachus: Yeah, just Googled it16:14
AbbyAAnyone familiar with an issue which would cause the +x bit not to be set on packages instaleld from pip?16:14
AbbyAOnly on 12.04, not 14.04.16:14
BlitzerHoundIt gave me a bunch of info, then I typed, "sudo ./install.sh" and it asks me to choose a directory16:14
BlitzerHoundI don't know what to do at this point.16:15
OnkelTemHow to update bash on ubuntu 14.04?16:15
OnkelTemCurrently it is running 4.3.11 which is buggy16:15
OnkelTemI want a new version, stable16:16
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120416:16
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ArtooDetooBlitzerHound: you can choose a directory, for example /home/username/secondlife, just make sure to insert your user name in the middle16:17
BlitzerHoundSo then I've done everything else correctly?16:17
ArtooDetooOnkelTem: 'apt-get update && apt-get install bash' should give you the latest version available in your sources ... what bug are you talking about anyway?16:19
BlitzerHoundOkay so I entered the directory as home/adrian/secondlife and I think something went wrong16:19
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ArtooDetooBlitzerHound: '/home'. not 'home'16:19
OnkelTemf() { eval "declare -A vars="${1#*=}; declare -p vars; }; declare -A arr=([foo]="bar" [baz]="qux"); f "$(declare -p arr)"16:19
OnkelTemArtooDetoo: this shouldn't print error message16:19
OnkelTemit must output array definition16:20
plytrothis affects your usage of bash?16:20
BlitzerHoundThat didn't help. :c16:20
OnkelTemArtooDetoo: I have the latest system, updated just today16:20
plytroevery version of bash has at least a bug16:20
BlitzerHoundadrian@FoxBox:~/secondlife$ sudo ./install.sh16:20
BlitzerHoundEnter the desired installation directory [/opt/secondlife-install]: /home/adrian/secondlife16:20
BlitzerHound - Backing up previous installation to /home/adrian/secondlife.backup-2015-07-1316:20
BlitzerHound - Installing to /home/adrian/secondlife16:20
BlitzerHoundcp: cannot stat ‘/home/adrian/secondlife/*’: No such file or directory16:20
OnkelTemplytro: severely, my scripts stopped working!16:21
plytroyou could downgrade :)16:21
OnkelTemplytro: I have to find a way to workaround that or update bash16:21
DiegoLiedoIs anyone in Denver available for the configuration of 5 raspberries pi ip's addresses and a bash script?16:21
plytrodo "apt-cache policy bash"16:22
plytromove back to the old version16:22
bekksDiegoLiedo: Thats not tied to being in Denver :)16:22
ArtooDetooBlitzerHound: you can also just press return when it asks for the directory. It will install in the default location /opt/secondlife-install16:22
OnkelTempresently, I found no workaround. I just don't get why that eval thingy doesn't create the array16:22
OnkelTemplytro: never did that, let me try16:22
OnkelTemplytro: ok, there is one more version available. How to select it?16:23
DiegoLiedobekks: in this case it is, yesterday the sd cards were stolen, I'm in México and there is no remote access16:23
BlitzerHoundHow do I know if it worked?16:24
ArtooDetoowhat did it say?16:24
OnkelTemMaybe there is a PPA for bash?16:24
BlitzerHoundI don't think it worked. I got an error popup thing.16:25
ArtooDetoobe a little bit more precise16:25
plytroOnkelTem: http://blog.andrewbeacock.com/2007/03/how-to-install-specific-version-of.html16:25
BlitzerHoundTrying to, I was reading to see what it said. Just says "Sorry, ubuntu has experienced an internal error"16:26
BlitzerHoundThen gives a bunch of info in a window, details and stuff. I don't know what to pick out of that to tell you though16:26
BlitzerHoundBut it said this when I typed that into command prompt16:27
BlitzerHoundadrian@FoxBox:~/secondlife$ sudo ./install.sh16:27
BlitzerHoundEnter the desired installation directory [/opt/secondlife-install]:16:27
BlitzerHound - Backing up previous installation to /opt/secondlife-install.backup-2015-07-1316:27
BlitzerHound - Installing to /opt/secondlife-install16:27
BlitzerHound - Installing menu entries in /usr/local/share/applications16:27
nicomachus!paste | BlitzerHound16:27
ubottuBlitzerHound: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:27
k1mmyyycan anyone take a quick look at the last couple posts of this thread and tell me if it's a good idea to go forward? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2284662&page=3&p=13320099#post1332009916:27
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OnkelTemplytro: thanks, so easy, just package=version16:28
g105bGot a little server in my office running ubuntu-server headless and I need to make sure it will get allocated an IP automatically by a DHCP running on a different network ... I think it is set up to have a static IP at the moment (on the device, not on the router), can anyone list where I can look to check this? (I have checked /etc/network/interfaces so far, don't know where else to look).16:28
OnkelTemplytro: installed, and tried already. Same crap :(16:28
plytroOnkelTem: did you downgrade?16:28
plytroor move up a version?16:28
ArtooDetooOnkelTem: on bash 4.3-12 i get the output: declare -A vars='([baz]="qux" [foo]="bar" )'16:29
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy16:29
plytroI get that on 4.3.30 also16:29
bekksg105b: Did you install a graphical desktop environment?16:29
OnkelTemArtooDetoo: that is what should be!16:30
BlitzerHoundSo, that's what's going on.16:30
OnkelTemArtooDetoo: I guess it is not Ubuntu, huh?16:30
ppfnot specifically ubuntu, but: how can i use an extra mouse button in a vim command mapping?16:30
ArtooDetooOnkelTem: no, it's debian stretch16:30
OnkelTemArtooDetoo: yep16:30
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ArtooDetooBlitzerHound: maybe the installation still worked, are there any files in /opt/secondlife-install ?16:31
BlitzerHoundLemme check16:31
plytroOnkelTem: and you're getting -bash: declare: vars: not found16:31
k1mmyyyhi guys dumb question but can anyone see what im saying or do i have to register?16:31
OnkelTemplytro: exactly16:31
plytrodid you open a new shell and check the bash version after your install?16:31
Skyrideranyone alive? :p16:32
plytrootherwise you're in the same old version16:32
OnkelTemI've already asked folks on #bash, but the channel seems to be idling right now16:32
OnkelTemplytro: of course!16:32
k1mmyyycan anyone take a quick look at the last couple posts of this thread and tell me if it's a good idea to go forward? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2284662&page=3&p=13320099#post1332009916:32
BlitzerHoundSo this is the opt folder thing.16:32
plytrowhat is your new version after install?16:32
OnkelTemplytro: 4.3.816:32
OnkelTemsame effect - vars not defined16:32
ArtooDetooBlitzerHound: that's the same link as before16:33
BlitzerHoundOh woops16:33
SkyriderIf anyone is familiar with raspberry pi 2 ubuntu (Ubuntu MATE) highlight my name, thanks :)16:34
ArtooDetoowhat is the content of the first directory?16:34
g105bbekks: no it's headless16:36
bekksg105b: Which doesnt mean there is no desktop environment installed :)16:36
BlitzerHoundIf the installation DID work, how would I run it? I don't see any program anywhere.16:37
bekksBlitzerHound: So where did you look? :)16:37
ArtooDetooso the directory is empty? if it did work there should be an excutable file somewhere. maybe the installer also added a link to your menu16:37
BlitzerHoundSo then would I go to terminal? I don't see anything in the programs list or anything, but I really am very new to this so maybe I just don't know where to check.16:38
rypervencheBlitzerHound: It should have created a menu entry. If not, you can run it from the command line from /opt/secondlife-install/secondlife . You should read the README-linux.txt file in /opt/secondlife-install16:38
plytroOnkelTem: ok16:38
plytroI have a solution16:38
rypervencheBlitzerHound: And you probably should have installed this as a user, not to opt. No reason it needs root privileges.16:39
BlitzerHoundI'll do that then. Thanks again for being so patient with me, I know I must seem ridiculous.16:39
plytrolet me just double check16:39
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=== hugbiot is now known as swordsmanz
rypervencheBlitzerHound: So no need for sudo in front of the install.sh script. :)16:41
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BlitzerHoundSo then should I redo it without doing the sudo thing?16:41
Guest99706can someone help me please.ive got no sound just static on my speaker's after power outage16:41
BlitzerHoundAlso, it seems with every failed attempt it creates these folders that I can't delete. Is that normal?16:41
ArtooDetooyou can delete them in a terminal by running "sudo rm -R /path/to/directory"16:42
rypervencheBlitzerHound: You can from the command line. Run "sudo rm -rf /opt/secondlife*" Be very very careful to copy and paste that command as I typed it, without the quotes around it.16:42
not_starkBlitzerHound, you should be able to use "sudo nautilus" in the terminal to open a file manager window from which you can delete them16:43
geniinot_stark: Please do not recommend using sudo to run graphicall applications16:43
rypervencheBlitzerHound: I would not recommend running nautilus with root permissions.16:43
Guest99706can someone help me please.ive got no sound just static on my speaker's after power outage16:43
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:43
not_starkgenii, gksudo, then. My bad.16:43
BlitzerHoundOkay so then I typed that thing in, it doesn't look like it did anything.16:44
rypervencheBlitzerHound: It deleted the installed directories. Now you may run the install.sh script as your user, without sudo in front of it.16:45
SKY_Line_hey. Do i just put the .iso file in the USB drive and click it , to install the OS ?16:45
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bekksSKY_Line_: No. :)16:45
BlitzerHoundOkay, but I have a few folders I still can't delete from trying it before I was being helped.16:45
bekks!usb | SKY_Line_16:45
ubottuSKY_Line_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:45
BlitzerHoundthey have a little lock and when I try to delete, it says permission denied. How do I get more permission than admin?16:45
geniiBlitzerHound: The default behaviour is to return to a command prompt. If you get some sort of message, the message would be an error of some kind. When commands complete successfully, you don't get a message or such saying "Yes, command completed well", it just goes back to command prompt16:45
BlitzerHoundgenii: Oh, okay. This is my first time using the command prompt thing.16:46
SKY_Line_bekks: i dont want to boot from the USB drive. Just install the OS from it16:46
Guest99706can someone help me please.ive got no sound just static on my speaker's after power outage16:46
ArtooDetooBlitzerHound: as genii said, type "gksudo nautilus" in a terminal and you can delete the directories with that16:46
rypervencheBlitzerHound: If you ran the command I gave you, it deleted them already.16:46
mkk0101can someone help me understand how i install an iwlwifi driver for my lenovo flex 14? I'm on ubuntu 14.04 and i've got an Intel 7260 wireless16:46
bekksSKY_Line_: And you need to boot the install iso to do so...16:47
bekksSKY_Line_: So please read the first link given by ubottu.16:47
=== hugbot is now known as swordsmanz
plytrofor reference mkdir fff && cd fff && wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash/4.3-11ubuntu2/+build/6517893/+files/bash-builtins_4.3-11ubuntu2_amd64.deb https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash/4.3-11ubuntu2/+build/6517893/+files/bash-static_4.3-11ubuntu2_amd64.deb https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash/4.3-11ubuntu2/+build/6517893/+files/bash_4.3-11ubuntu2_amd64.deb https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash/4.3-11ubuntu2/+build/16:47
SKY_Line_bekks: ok16:48
nicomachusmkk0101: sudo apt-get install iwlwifi16:48
SKY_Line_bekks: will that install the whole OS on the USB drive ?16:48
mkk0101nicomachus will that do it all? that seems too easy16:49
bekksSKY_Line_: No. You need to create a bootable USB stick - which can be read when following the link given.16:49
nicomachusmkk0101: the driver should be pre-installed on the kernel, but if it's not then that will do it.16:49
mkk0101it says unable to locate package iwlwifi16:49
nicomachusotherwise try 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up'16:49
SKY_Line_bekks: ok, so its just for showing the menu for installing the OS16:50
Guest99706can someone help me please.ive got no sound just static on my speaker's after power outage16:50
mkk0101just to make sure i'm talking about the right thing, i'm trying to install the iwlwifi driver cuz my wireless currently doesn't support injection or monitor mode16:51
SKY_Line_bekks: so 1.8GB USB drive is enough then16:51
mkk0101and ubuntu is unable to locate package iwlwifi16:52
Guest99706can someone help me please.ive got no sound just static on my speaker's after power outage16:52
Guest99706ive tried lots of stuff16:52
geniimkk0101: The iwlwifi driver is part of the linux-image-extra-<kernelversion-here>-generic package16:53
mkk0101so do i need to add a repo or something?16:53
geniimkk0101: So the package name depends on the kernel you are running16:53
mkk0101so what should i type in terminal to get it?16:54
mkk0101sorry for being a noob16:54
Guest99706can someone help me please.ive got no sound just static on my speaker's after power outage16:56
nicomachus!patience | Guest9970616:56
ubottuGuest99706: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:56
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nicomachusGuest99706: this is likely a hardware problem unrelated to ubuntu.16:57
MatthiasM2I installed Ubuntu 15.04 again on a btrfs raid1 - and while booting I only get the dark olive ubuntu color and nothing else16:57
mkk0101genii, nicomachus?16:57
MatthiasM2the first install with 14.04.02 was booting fine - after an update to 14.10 it didn't boot either, so now I tried to reinstall 15.0416:57
nicomachusmkk0101: type in 'sudo lshw -class network' and paste the output at paste.ubuntu.com, then link the paste here.16:58
mkk0101ok hang on16:58
geniimkk0101: Apologies on lag, work required me. Issuing: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-image-$(uname -r)    ...should install the correct package16:59
geniimkk0101: ( assuming you have a wired connection there currently)16:59
nicomachusgenii: what are the chances that the driver isn't installed already? it's a standard package.16:59
mkk0101genii: it's wireless17:00
geniinicomachus: The -extra package is not installed by default17:00
nicomachusbut his wireless card is working already. it has SOME driver.17:00
iorials /lib/firmware17:01
nicomachusthat's why I asked for lshw -c network to see what driver it's using.17:01
geniinicomachus: Ah, I see now on backscroll.17:01
mkk0101yep almost got it17:01
blzHello, I've ssh-ed into a box and I'd like to run cp and then end my SSH session.  How can I start the cp job such that it continues after I disconnect?17:01
mkk0101here is the link pastebin.com/xMj6qkYK17:02
plytrobackground it17:02
geniimkk0101: If wlan0 already appears then it must be using some driver as nicomachus indicates. The lshw command they gave should tell in the output which driver it is currently using17:02
plytroblz: background it with &17:02
rypervencheblz: Either background it or run it in a tmux session, so you can get back to it afterward.17:02
* plytro types too slow for rypervenche 17:02
mkk0101i dont think im actually on intel 726017:03
blzrypervenche, plytro if I background it, is there a way to check if it has completed?17:03
plytrousing tmux/screen yeah17:03
rypervencheblz: That is why you would use tmux :) Yes, you can.17:03
nicomachusyep, mkk0101: "driver=iwlwifi"17:03
nicomachusit's already installed.17:03
blzrypervenche, tmux it is :)17:03
geniimkk0101: It indicates Intel 3160, already using the iwlwifi driver17:03
rypervencheblz: Type "tmux" to start a tmux session. Run your command, then type ctrl+b then d to detach. To get back to the session, type "tmux a" to attach.17:03
mkk0101i thought that iwlwifi driver has injection support?17:03
blzrypervenche, thanks, I'll give it a whirl! :)17:04
mkk0101but when i run sudo aireplay-ng -9 wlan017:04
mkk0101it says sysfs injection was not found either17:04
blzrypervenche, well that was easy... +1 internets to you, my friend!17:05
rypervencheblz: No problem :) *eats the internets*17:05
blzrypervenche, noooo!!!! what have you done!!!???17:05
mkk0101so there's no way to get injection support for my laptop?17:08
nicomachusmkk0101: some older wireless cards just don't have the support for it, regardless of driver.17:08
nicomachusyou can buy a cheap wi-fi dongle with a chipset that does support it. usually less than $1017:09
mkk0101maybe not the best laptop for a compsci student17:09
mkk0101or future compsci17:09
mkk0101ok thanks nicomachus17:09
mkk0101should've really considered that when i bought it though >.>17:09
nicomachushey, usb dongles are cheap. :)17:10
mkk0101yeh i suppose so17:10
mkk0101weird how a $10 usb dongle can do it but the internal wireless unit cant17:10
mkk0101oh well17:12
nicomachusmkk0101: this one will do it: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0067NFSE2?ref_=pe_623860_7066869017:12
mkk0101it would be easier to buy it locally17:13
CatKillerHi there! Something silly has happened with apt: https://bpaste.net/show/8e964a77d28017:13
mkk0101what spec should i look at when buying one?17:13
CatKillerbasically apt tells me that a package is installed17:13
CatKillerhowever it doesn't seem to be17:13
CatKillerI "apt-get remove"d and "apt-get purge"d it and tried to install again but no luck17:14
nicomachusmkk0101: just make sure the chipset supports what you need. that can be hard to find sometimes. if you have a microcenter nearby, they usually know their stuff.17:14
mkk0101idk what that is but i'm sure i can get what i need17:14
mkk0101where i live there's a massive shopping centre which is just a techie's dream17:14
nicomachusthey'll have one, then. if you can find one with 'Ralink RT5370' chipset, it will work. (That's just an example of one chipset I know that works on monitor mode, not sure about injection)17:16
mkk0101ok thanks17:16
cofoWhich pdf reader are you using similar to Foxit reader or better?17:22
droid909cofo: foxit is ok17:23
cofothere is only exe17:23
cofoi can't run exe on ubuntu17:23
plytroI can run exe on ubuntu17:24
cofonice idc17:26
nicomachuscofo: you can run an exe through Wine.17:26
cofoi can;t17:29
cofonot working17:29
nicomachuscofo: winehq gave it a platinum rating... https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3149717:30
nicomachusyou might want to ask the guys at #winehq for some help if you can't the program running under WINE17:30
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nicomachuswow, this is the most dead I've ever seen this channel. lol17:52
evgaHi, trying to load puseaudio's module "module-bluethooth-discover" and it says "not found" but /usr/lib/pulse-6.0/modules/ contains it!!17:55
jhutchinscofo: xpdf, evince (gnome), kpdf(kde), gv, MuPDF, zathura, qpdfview, chrome, foxit, okular.  Okular is probably the most advanced, but does pull in a lot of KDE.17:56
jhutchinscofo: That list is by no means complete.17:57
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chloewhy can't i join #archlinux?17:58
OerHeks!register | chloe17:59
ubottuchloe: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:59
OerHekssome channels need registering17:59
Guest32033chloe: intermittent errors in the earth's magnetic field17:59
evgacan I get some help please?18:01
chloe@Guest32033 but why?18:01
OerHeksevga just ask, wait and see18:02
evgaI did ask18:02
Dart_Veiderесть кто из россии?18:02
tgm4883OerHeks: he did, he just needs patience18:02
tgm4883!patience | evga18:02
ubottuevga: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:02
evgaThanks but I've already spent 2 hours searching around, this is why I'm here18:04
OerHeksevga, i just read this bugreport, does it load with ' pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover  '?? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/127461318:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1274613 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "module-bluetooth-discover does not load on login" [High,Triaged]18:05
evgaNope, it wont load using the pactl command, it says "shared object not found"18:06
funktHi there has anyone tried chronos on chromebook I cannot seem to get into the terminal and have no network access I have an arm processor18:06
funktDoes anyone here know if there is a chronos or ubuntu version for an arm processor?18:07
evga[pulseaudio] ltdl-bind-now.c: Apertura del modulo module-bluethooth-discover.so non riuscita: module-bluethooth-discover.so: impossibile aprire il file oggetto condiviso: File o directory non esistente -- Jul 13 19:56:19 HP pulseaudio[1594]: [pulseaudio] module.c: Failed to open module "module-bluethooth-discover"18:07
evgasudo apt-get install pulseaudio-module-bluetooth => Already installed18:08
evgaI don't know what to do :\18:09
evgait seems like dlopen() fails to find the module... but why ?18:09
OerHeksevga, are you using blueman?18:10
OerHeksBlueman seems to deliberately unloads module-bluetooth-discover on startup https://github.com/blueman-project/blueman/issues/6418:13
FinetundraIt's possible to install unity after installing kubuntu, yes18:19
SchrodingersScat!info ubuntu-desktop | Finetundra18:20
ubottuFinetundra: ubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.334 (vivid), package size 3 kB, installed size 60 kB18:20
Finetundravery good. Now my question is, is it a bad to have multiple DE's at the same time?18:21
owen1i am trying to install ubuntu (apt-get install mongodb-server mongodb-server) and get Could not connect to us-west-2.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out [IP: 80]18:21
owen1any ideas?18:21
owen1sorry. i am trying to install mongo on ubuntu18:21
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SchrodingersScatFinetundra: wouldn't say bad, there's the space it will take up.18:23
BBLLCCon xchat, can I ignore an user by typing "user*@*"?18:23
funkt  Hi there has anyone tried chronos on chromebook I cannot seem to get into the terminal and have no network access I have an arm processor18:23
funktany ideas how i can get into chronos terminal or get a network connection|||||||||18:28
FinetundraSchrodingersScat: , good point. how big do you estimat e unity to be?18:28
OerHeksfunch,  chronos on chromebook ? ubuntu uses cron18:30
statusfailedWhat's the best way to allow non-root/wheel users to install or upgrade software?18:30
statusfailedis there like an "official" way ?18:30
SchrodingersScatFinetundra: you can try 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' and just don't hit enter/return afterwards, on my machine going from xubuntu -> ubuntu would add: After this operation, 952 MB of additional disk space will be used.18:31
OerHeksfunkt, do you have ubuntu on that chromebook?18:31
funktyes i do18:32
funktits an arm processor though so i have no network or software availabilty and no terminal18:32
funktthe version is 12.0418:32
funktim just wondering if anyone else here has maanged to get an ubuntu version working18:33
evgaOerHeks, I have 15.0418:34
tonyyarussostatusfailed: Just set up your sudoers to give access to the particular commands you want?18:34
Finetundraerm, can someone tell me how to delete a file without moving it to the trash?18:37
not_starkFinetundra, doesn't Shift-Delete work?18:37
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statusfailedtonyyarusso: is there any official guidance on whether that is a good idea security-wise?18:37
Finetundrahey, it worked, thanks not_stark18:38
tonyyarussostatusfailed: That depends on your environment and users :)  Note that it would also allow them to upgrade and remove software, which could be a problem if any of them are idiots and/or malicious.18:38
statusfailedtonyyarusso: speaking a user, yes to both :p18:39
not_starkstatusfailed, you could write a program/script to wrap apt-get and set the suid bit on it18:41
BlitzerHoundIs the nautilus thing something I should have by default?18:42
not_starkbut that's not something I'd recommend unless you know what you're doing18:42
BlitzerHoundI need to delete some files but I don't have the authority. :c Can someone help me with doing that?18:43
not_starkBlitzerHound, are you on Ubuntu or some other variant? Nautilus is the default file manager18:44
statusfailednot_stark: true!18:45
TechMonger2one of my ubuntu computers is not connecting to the network...18:45
TechMonger2i can not ping out or ping in18:46
not_starkBlitzerHound, just hit alt-f2 (I assume that combination still works), run "gksudo nautilus" and delete your files18:46
TechMonger2if i run a knopix live cd i get network connection18:46
TechMonger2i dont understand why ubuntu wont connect18:47
BlitzerHoundIt says I gksudo is not currently installed18:48
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not_starkBlitzerHound, try with gksu. If that doesn't work, open up Software Center and install gksudo. That should do it.18:48
ioria!info gksu18:49
ubottugksu (source: gksu): graphical front-end to su and sudo. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-9ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 50 kB, installed size 456 kB18:49
genii..or gksu18:49
not_starkBlitzerHound, well, no, install gksu. Apparently gksudo doesn't exist anymore.18:50
BlitzerHoundNow it's saying I am not entering the password correctly... Is it different from my login?18:50
BlitzerHoundOkay I got it.18:52
pbxis there a way to switch between workspaces numerically?18:53
BlitzerHoundSo, if I'm installing secondlife like I was trying to do earlier, I would make a directory for it, then extract the contents of the zip file into the directory right?18:53
pbxalso re workspaces -- super-shift-w shows me all windows across workspaces, but when i click on one in a different workspace it doesn't take me there. wha?18:53
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funktHi there has anyone installed ubuntu on chromebook with an arm processor?18:58
funktI seem to have installed unity but it has no terminal or network18:59
rcdHello tout le monde, j'apprends à utilisez emacs et je voudrais particulièrement paramétrer des options définitivement, des idées ?18:59
ikoniafunkt: how did you install ubunu ?18:59
BlitzerHoundSo I ran the installation but I don't see anything happening. Can someone help me please?18:59
funktikonia I have installed chronos unity18:59
ikoniathat's not ubuntu19:00
funktwell i can see unity 12.04 ikonia19:00
ikoniawell, it's not ubuntu19:00
funktOk sure its not ubuntu any ideas how i can get a network connection? in chronos19:01
ikoniatalk to the people who support/maintain it19:01
ikoniait's nothing to do with this channels support19:01
ikoniathey can tell you the problem19:01
funktof course not19:01
funkti dont expect it to be either i just need some help19:02
BlitzerHoundIt says unable to lock the administrative directory, what does that mean? :c19:02
funktikonia have you had any experience of network probs with chronos?19:03
ikoniafunkt: not with chronos - and it's not for this channel19:03
ubottuliceoprova: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:03
funktok but might be somone here who can help me the information is pretty much zero on the net19:04
ghotiI need to add a NIC to a router.  Should I prefer 82580 (igb) over 82571 (e1000)?  I don't know how to read/compare Intel chipset numbers.  Where can I grow my knowledge about these?19:04
ikoniafunkt: no, sorry19:04
BlitzerHoundAnyone? :c19:04
ikoniaghoti: a router ? what do you mean ?19:04
ghotiikonia: linux box running quagga, handling bgp with multiple peers.  Some connections are gige, some are faste.19:06
BlitzerHoundReally need help if anyone is available.19:06
ikoniaghoti: how are you having faster than gig ethernet on ubuntu ?19:06
ghotiikonia: I'm not.  Where did you get that idea?19:06
ikonia Some connections are gige, some are faste. ahh "fast e" as in fast ethernet, sorry19:07
ikoniaI thought you meant some are a gig, some are faster19:07
ghotiah. :)19:07
ghotiGigE vs FastE.19:07
ikoniaghoti: what's the actual question, not quite sure I got it all19:08
ghotiikonia: the question was ... how can I determine what the best hardware is for a NIC for a router?  Or, short version, should I prefer an Intel 82580-based NIC over an 82571-based one?19:09
ikoniaso you need to research the differences in the card, and compare that against the support within the ubuntu kernel you're running19:09
BlitzerHoundIf I need to wait can someone just acknowledge me? :\19:09
ikoniaalso look at what modes/features the cards support in linux - as you may need some of these functions for router use19:09
ghotiikonia: exactly.  Asking knowledgeable people in IRC is part of that research. :)19:09
ikoniaghoti: but you're not really asking something I can see ?19:10
ikoniayou're asking how do you know whats better - you research which is best for your needs and support19:10
geniighoti: I would prefer the 82571 which uses the established and well understood e1000 driver19:10
BlitzerHoundCan anyone actually read my text? I've been asking for help for quite a while now.19:11
plytroBlitzerHound: I acknowledge you19:11
ghotigenii: thanks, that's exactly the kind of advice I was looking for.19:11
BlitzerHoundOh okay19:11
ghotiBlitzerHound: pong19:11
plytroBlitzerHound: I validate your existance as a human19:11
ghotiplytro: he might be a bot...19:11
BlitzerHoundplytro: I appreciate that. :319:11
plytroBlitzerHound: I validate your existance as a member of this channel19:11
ghotimuch better. ;-)19:12
BlitzerHoundI just need help with something small I think. :c I am very very new to linux (Like a few hours experience)19:12
SchrodingersScat!ask | BlitzerHound I see it may be secondlife involved, which means it may not necessarily be a ubuntu question, but go ahead and ask your question :)19:12
ubottuBlitzerHound I see it may be secondlife involved, which means it may not necessarily be a ubuntu question, but go ahead and ask your question :): Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:12
plytrowget https://d378iqxsyg0s3u.cloudfront.net/Viewer_3/Second_Life_3_8_0_302622_i686.tar.bz219:13
plytromkdir sl19:13
plytrocd sl19:13
plytrotar jxfv ../Second_Life_3_8_0_302622_i686.tar.bz219:14
ghotiikonia: that said, to answer your initial question, I gather ubuntu's `ifenslave` would be the starting point for setting up 802.3ad.19:14
ikoniaplytro: stop please19:14
ghotiSecond Life still exists?19:14
ikoniaghoti: thats one way of doing it, you do'nt have to use it19:14
janyanyone here?19:15
janyIm new Ubuntu Studio user :)19:15
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone19:15
BlitzerHoundSo I'm installing secondlife, and it when I run the secondlife file, it says "Bad Shutdown Error" and I think it has to do with not having 32 bit compatibility packs (whatever those are). I tried to do "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs" and it tells me "Unable to lock the administration directory" and that something else may be using it, which I assume is the nautilus that I have running on gksu which I'm not sure how to fix.19:16
not_starkBlitzerHound: nautilus wouldn’t interfere with that19:17
SchrodingersScatBlitzerHound: if you have anything else that accesses the packages open, then that could be it?  Like if you have a running apt-get command, synaptic or software center open, etc.19:17
BlitzerHoundOh wait, I'm updating, could that be it? Just realized I need to reboot19:17
SchrodingersScatBlitzerHound: yep, that would likely be one reason.  Go ahead and let that finish, then you can re-attempt what you were doing.19:18
BlitzerHoundOkay! Thanks.19:18
ioria!info ia32-libs19:18
ubottuPackage ia32-libs does not exist in vivid19:18
treeprogramHi, when I follow these instructions: http://askubuntu.com/questions/544646/how-to-install-google-drive-on-ubuntu-14-04 I get this error: E: Unable to locate package grive-tools .. Any suggestions?19:19
SchrodingersScatI forget what the alternative for that is...19:19
Kali_YugaI am looking for a tool where I can record Videos with from webcam using ubuntu19:20
SchrodingersScat!info grive | treeprogram, what version are you in? I think grive has been included recently, although I also heard something about it not working anymore,19:20
ubottutreeprogram, what version are you in? I think grive has been included recently, although I also heard something about it not working anymore,: grive (source: grive): Google Drive client for GNU/Linux. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2.0-1.1build2 (vivid), package size 158 kB, installed size 623 kB19:20
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ikoniamuted the channel for a few moments19:21
ikoniaplease be pateient for a few minutes19:21
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ikoniasorry about that, back to normal now,19:21
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treeprogramSchrodingersScat: I also tried grive, but it didn't work (it installed, but couldn't backup the file to a gmail drive). By version, do you mean the Ubuntu version?19:22
Kali_YugaI need a program to record Videos from webcam any suggestions using (kubuntu)19:22
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Ionicikonia: kids playing again?19:23
Kali_YugaI ask in offtopic19:24
ikoniasorry about the noises all19:24
pbxhow do i use the super-shift-W command to switch to a window outside my current workspace?19:24
SchrodingersScattreeprogram: right, I meant ubuntu version, older LTS versions /may/ not have it in repos.  what do you mean couldn't backup the file?19:25
treeprogramSchrodingersScat: I got a 404 error from Google19:25
SchrodingersScattreeprogram: during which stage?19:25
SchrodingersScattreeprogram: ie, have you already authenticated with the google?19:26
treeprogramSchrodingersScat: I'm running 12.0419:26
in_deep_thoughttrying to re-install ubuntu 12.04 on my machine. i have a usb stick, used sudo dd if=/path/to.iso of=/destination, which worked. Now I have it plugged into my comptuer and pressed F12 on startup to get the boot loader menu19:27
in_deep_thoughtI want to boot to usb19:27
in_deep_thoughtwhat sounds right? Lecacy boot, UEFI boot, or other options19:27
in_deep_thoughtbios setup19:27
Ben64in_deep_thought: legacy probably, but why not install 14.0419:27
Bashing-omtreeprogram: SchrodingersScat :: sysop@1404mini:~$ apt-cache show grive >> Filename: pool/universe/g/grive/grive_0.2.0-1.1_amd64.deb . Is available in 14.04 repo .19:27
in_deep_thoughtBen64: trying to test software that runs on 12.0419:28
in_deep_thoughtyeah I wish19:28
treeprogramSchrodingersScat: how does one authenticate with Google?19:28
in_deep_thoughtso under lecacy, would it be cd/dvd/cd-rw drive? onboard nic or bus04 dev 00 pci raid adapter19:28
in_deep_thoughtnone of them sound like the usb drive tbh19:28
Ben64depends on your computer, you might need to look harder in the bios19:29
TJ-in_deep_thought: "CD/DVD .." - in other words, optical device which will boot with ISO9660/El Torito protocol19:29
in_deep_thoughtselected boot device failed. press any key to reboot the system19:30
in_deep_thoughtdoes that mean perhaps the iso is corrupt?19:30
treeprogramActually, I want to install this: https://github.com/odeke-em/drive19:30
Ben64more likely you just tried to boot a non existent cd19:30
treeprogrambut there doesn't appear to be any easy way to install it19:30
TJ-in_deep_thought: That may mean the BIOS boot-manager only tries to boot from optical devices, not the USB.19:30
TJ-in_deep_thought: Maybe the BIOS setup has a separate option to enable USB boot devices?19:31
cofoi install xfce in ubuntu but nothing changed, why?19:31
TJ-in_deep_thought: hang on - early you listed "bus04" - could that possible have been "usb04" ?19:31
ioriacofo did you select the sesson at logn ?19:32
SchrodingersScattreeprogram: the manual for grive says you run grive -a first, which gives you a google oauth2 link to confirm with google.  Not sure with that other program.19:32
in_deep_thoughtit says (Bus 04 Dev 00) PCI RAID Adapter19:32
cofoim on live test ioria19:32
Kali_YugaI need a program to record Videos from webcam any suggestions using (kubuntu)19:32
cofoKali_Yuga: join #kubuntu19:32
Kali_Yugaoh there is actually a kubuntu channel19:33
Kali_Yugalol ok thx19:33
TJ-in_deep_thought: Ahhh OK, then it isn't the USB. I'd expect if the boot-manager is that specific to see it mention "USB" - check if the BIOS Setup has a separate option to enable USB devices on the boot meny19:33
cofobut its not allow to cross platform question19:33
in_deep_thoughtthe bios looks weird to me. its a GUI where I can click on stuff19:33
in_deep_thoughti thought it was supposed to be a blue/black screen with white text19:33
in_deep_thoughtdoes that mean its not the bios?19:33
Ben64in_deep_thought: its efi19:34
ioriacofo i don't know if you can do that on live.... never tried... because you have to logout and login19:35
in_deep_thoughtok cool. where might the option to enable usb devices on the boot menu be?19:35
TJ-in_deep_thought: Some BIOS/UEFI setups are mouse-driven; it depends on the motherboard manufacturer19:36
in_deep_thoughtgeneral, system confic, video, security, performance, post behavior, virtualization support, maintenance, system logs19:36
in_deep_thoughtnone sound like usb boot config19:36
TJ-in_deep_thought: Look around for anything mentioning "boot' to begin with19:36
in_deep_thoughtboot sequence, where I can choose between lecacy and uefi19:36
TJ-in_deep_thought: Often there is an option to set the order of boot devices and within that you can select/deselect booting from various devices19:37
in_deep_thoughtor add boot option19:37
geniimn3monic: There you go19:37
Ben64in_deep_thought: it shouldn't be too hard to figure out, we can't see whats going on, you have the advantage here19:37
ioriain_deep_thought   mind that could be an icon19:37
compdocI always set the bios options to legacy. I havent found an advantage to using uefi19:37
in_deep_thoughtwanna hop on a screenshare19:37
in_deep_thoughtlol jk jk19:37
in_deep_thoughtit was in legacy19:38
mn3monicHi, I'm in troubles and I need help, wasted an hour figuring out what's happening, unsuccessful. After my previous normal shutdown, xfce refused to start, showing a system error. The only WM I was able to run is Fluxbox. Neither Gnome works. This is my log: http://pastebin.com/eTgkLJMw . Any help is very appreciated.19:39
mn3monicThank you.19:39
compdocif your pc doesnt see the usb stick, its possible its not bootable. there are many ways to create a bootable usb stick, but only a couple that actually work19:39
in_deep_thoughthmm now when I put the usb stick on the top of the boot order, it just boots to a flashing _19:41
bubbasauresmn3monic, These things generally don't just happen, tell the channel the leading up to info that is pertinent.19:41
in_deep_thoughtthat stays there ......19:41
in_deep_thoughtmaybe it was a corrupt iso?19:42
mn3monicno, they system worked for more than a month19:42
bubbasauresin_deep_thought, Check the sum don't just comment here please, and lay off the enter.19:42
mn3monicbubbasaures, this is the list of packages I have installed today, unrelated to X, afaik: couchdb, couchapp,  libicu-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libtool erlang-dev erlang, erlang-dev erlang-manpages erlang-base-hipe erlang-eunit erlang-nox erlang-xmerl erlang-inets, memcached19:43
bubbasauresmn3monic, So what your saying is you don't have a cause for these effects?19:43
in_deep_thoughtidk what check the sum means? am I talking too much?19:43
bubbasaures!sum | in_deep_thought19:44
lessbiusHow can I grep for the Location header in the response output by curl? I'm trying this without any luck: curl -vs google.com 2>&1 | grep -Poe "Location.*"19:44
Ben64!checksum | bubbasaures & in_deep_thought19:44
ubottububbasaures & in_deep_thought: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:44
bubbasauresthanks Ben4219:44
bubbasaureser 64*19:44
Ben64same guy, no problem :)19:44
bubbasauresin_deep_thought, If you just comment and comment, all that info is hard to follow after awhile is all, concise and in whole posts will server you best here is all. ;)19:46
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treeprogramSchrodingersScat: I think I installed the old version of grive before, and that's why it didn't work. I just installed grive2 (the actively maintained version), and it successfully synced with my Gdrive19:52
SchrodingersScattreeprogram: neat19:55
treeprogramSchrodingersScat: would you like $2 in BTC for your troubles?19:59
treeprogramYou can buy a coffee with it using the Starbucks Fold App19:59
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SchrodingersScattreeprogram: I probably shouldn't :P enjoy20:00
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treeprogramok, adios!20:02
in_deep_thoughthmm the checksum is fine. so that means that my iso is non-corrupt. what does an indefintely flashing _ mean usually on ubuntu/linux?20:06
in_deep_thoughtis it like a loading thing, or an error message?20:07
nicomachusthat... was a lot of nick changes.20:15
nicomachusin_deep_thought: after selecting the OS from grub?20:16
nicomachusthat usually means it's not finding a bootable OS/kernel20:16
in_deep_thoughtnicomachus: I changed the boot order to lecacy and I told it to select the USB device first20:16
in_deep_thoughtso maybe the USB isn’t bootable20:16
in_deep_thoughtthough I ran checksum on the iso file and its a valid one20:16
funchwill it matter anyhow.. if i dd image with one blocksize and dd it back with another blocksize?20:18
ShalokShalomhi there, use the current implementation of gfx boot in live mode still automatical popup of the language (F2) menu ?20:19
squintyin_deep_thought,   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting    item 7.   maybe try adding "nomodeset" to the kernel entry line20:20
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Bashing-omin_deep_thought: +1 to nomodeset, there is also "check disk for defects" option in the boot options menu of the liveUSB .20:35
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bubbasauresshahar23, czech?20:56
shahar23not at all, y?20:57
bubbasauresshahar23, If you need help let us know.20:58
=== Vovvy_afk is now known as Vovvy
TheCerberusI am having trouble doing an update the error I am receiving is "w:mdadm: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf defines no arrays"  I have tried googleing this and found that I have no configuration for my RAID, however I am still able to access files on my array and do not want to loose them by doing something wrong.  Can anyone help?21:11
OerHeksTheCerberus, can you post the full update & error in paste.ubuntu.com please?21:16
jon30hey guys, I have Ubuntu Desktop Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS Release: 14.04 Codename: trusty. For some reason I can't access the apache server. I know apache is running and listening on port 80 but it's not accessible for some reason. $service apache2 status gives me: * apache2 is running and $netstat -l | grep http gives me: tcp        0      0 server.internal.pi:http *:*                     LISTEN21:17
bekksjon30: Whats the output of "grep server.internal.pi /etc/hosts"?21:18
jhutchinsjon30: How are you trying to "access" it?21:18
MACscrWhy would i be getting "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: warning: disk does not exist, so falling back to partition device /dev/xvda1." when i run update-grub? the uuid is definitely right21:19
TheCerberusOerHeks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11874472/21:19
OerHeksutopic support ends this month, btw21:19
jon30jhutchins, you're right, it's bound to this weird hostname... anyway, i added "" into hosts file, now that i try to access server.internal.pi it just "loading" forever...21:20
bekksjon30: Why did you do that? :)21:20
jhutchinsjon30: How are you trying to "access" it?21:20
OerHeksTheCerberus, i don't see the error you got21:20
jon30bekks, jhutchins : chrome browser and curl -I21:20
jon30it's just "Waiting..."21:21
jhutchinsjon30: From the same system?21:21
jon30I am trying to make it work locally. Don't care about external connections21:21
jhutchinsjon30: What if you try
jon30jhutchins, same result21:21
TheCerberusOerHeks, the error at the bottom asks me to run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and that is where the mdadm error comes.  I have pastebin the results here http://paste.ubuntu.com/11874484/21:21
jon30"Waiting for"21:21
jhutchinsjon30: /var/log/apache/error_log /var/log/apache/accesslog21:21
jhutchinstelnet localhost 8021:22
jon30Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'.21:22
OerHeksTheCerberus, oke, is /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf empty? or does it look the same as /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf ??21:23
jon30jhutchins, tail -n100 /var/log/apache2/error.log21:23
jon30[Sun Jul 12 07:49:33.102093 2015] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1485] AH00163: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.11 configured -- resuming normal operations21:23
jon30[Sun Jul 12 07:49:33.102117 2015] [core:notice] [pid 1485] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'21:23
jon30sorry for spam.21:23
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:23
jon30jhutchins, and access.log is empty21:24
jhutchinsjon30: after the telnet, send get.21:24
funchhi, will it matter anyhow.. if i dd image with one blocksize and dd it back with another blocksize?21:24
jhutchinsfunch: Performance might be different.  It writes the same data.21:25
TheCerberusOerHeks, mdadm.conf is empty other than autogenerated comments21:25
jhutchinsfunch: Final block size should be the same as the original device.21:25
OerHeksTheCerberus, oke, known issue: backup /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf to /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf.old and copy /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf to /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf and update the INITRAMFS >> update-initramfs -u  and reboot   ( found @ http://serverfault.com/questions/363543/apt-get-update-mdadm-scary-warnings last post )21:26
jhutchinsfunch: The blocksize you specify to dd is how big a chunk it sends at a time.21:27
jon30jhutchins, is something wrong with the config? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11874526/21:27
jon30jhutchins, the path does exist and it has index.html in it21:27
jhutchinsjon30: Can user www-data access it?21:28
jhutchinsjon30: Remember they need execute permissions on the folder.21:28
jhutchinsjon30: (That should show up in the error log though.)21:28
jhutchinsjon30: I'd revert to the original configuration that points to /var/www/html and see if it works.21:29
jhutchinsI'm headed out for now, I might be on later.21:29
jon30jhutchins, i gave ownership of public_html to www-data and then added my user to www-data group21:30
jon30still nothing21:30
TheCerberusOerHeks, I renamed, copied and tried to update initramfs but received same error "W: mdadm: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf defines no arrays21:31
ManicPanicWhat is the recommended partition format for making a USB bootable drive? FAT16, FAT32 or exFAT?21:32
OerHeksManicPanic, fat3221:32
ManicPanicOerHeks: nice thanks21:33
OerHeksTheCerberus, strange, can you post both, the conf.old and /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf ?21:36
Chaos_ZeroSo I had replaced the icon files for google chrome launcher not all that long ago and then when it updated the icon was lost. Is there somewhere I can put icons that will stick through updates?21:37
TheCerberusOerHeks, mdadm.conf.old is posted here http://paste.ubuntu.com/11874583/ and mdadm.conf is pasted here http://paste.ubuntu.com/11874588/21:38
Reeperhi guys21:41
Reeperim totaly new in xchat...some useful tips?21:41
k1ldont use xchat-gnome but the real xchat. or use the fork hexchat.21:42
Reeperno ive installed the real one in terminal ;)21:42
Reeperbut thanks21:43
k1lReeper: then adjust the settings to your needs :)21:44
ardian__qqlin parle fr21:44
k1l!fr | ardian__21:44
ubottuardian__: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:44
OerHeksTheCerberus, do you use grub or lilo boot?21:45
OerHeksi cannot find something usefull to solve this21:45
TheCerberusOerHeks, i use grub21:45
=== Blaster is now known as Guest28704
in_deep_thoughtsorry if this is a dumb question, but for nomodeset, do I need to create the usb using startupdiskcreator? It seems that I set nomodeset on liveUSB, and for that, I need to use ubuntu’s startupdiskcreator21:50
bekksin_deep_thought: No, you just boot your existing installation with the nomodeset parameter.21:50
bekks!nomodeset | in_deep_thought21:50
ubottuin_deep_thought: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:50
in_deep_thoughtmy existing installation works fine. its the one of the usb device thats having trouble21:51
bekksin_deep_thought: So just boot it with the nomodeset parameter.21:51
GerowenIf I wanted to slap together a quick application that would just embed a website in a window with no web controls, what would be the easiest way for me to do that?  Kind of like the little shortcuts to Facebook that Firefox makes.21:52
Bashing-omin_deep_thought: No, boot the liveUSB, as soon as you see ubuntu's splaash image, depress any key -> language screen. escape key to accept the default, -> boot options screen -> F6 key to select additional boot parameters.21:52
k1lin_deep_thought: iirc unetbootin changes the grub or other bootloader settings so its better to use the ubuntu standard for the live system to be bale to change to nomodeset on that live system21:52
in_deep_thoughtwhat? too many peiece of advice. ok so boot the ubuntu already on my machine or the usb stick I just made?21:53
poseidonI'm in 15.04 server edition.  What's the best way to change the nameservers my server uses to resolve dns?21:54
OerHeksTheCerberus,i hope this works:  scan the array:  sudo mdadm --detail --scan  # and put the output in mdadm.conf like this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1846484&p=11265279#post1126527921:54
NewyorkadamHi, I have a question about Upstart21:54
Newyorkadamfor some reason, my script won’t start: http://i.imgur.com/s6mDtH3.png21:55
in_deep_thoughtalso, the E to edit, does not seem to work from the boot loader. This is the screen from which I pick the desired boot device21:55
in_deep_thoughti really feel like I am in the grub menu when doing this, but perhaps not? it doesn’t say “GRUB menu” but it has all of the boot options21:55
k1lin_deep_thought: what do you want to use with nomodeset? if its about the usb live system, then you need to boot the usb and get into the grub/bootloader of that system21:56
TheCerberusOerHeks, I got a weird output with sudo mdadm --detail --scan i posted http://paste.ubuntu.com/11874650/21:56
in_deep_thoughtk1l: ok well yeah the usb is the one having trouble (flashing _) so I think thats the one I should boot with nomodeset21:56
k1lin_deep_thought: see the answer here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/135515/set-nomodeset-in-usb-installation-efi-loader-with-iso21:57
in_deep_thoughtim trying to figure out how to boot that with nomodeset21:57
OerHeksTheCerberus, ouch, now we both need help :-( glad i told you to backup the conf21:58
in_deep_thoughtbut that screen never shows up. the one with the logo on it. It really is just a blank black screen with a flashing _ at the top21:58
tnVikingHey,I get this error when I do apt-get update, http://pastebin.com/LVmRQDff , and this is my sources.list http://pastebin.com/injq8W5a21:58
silvahi, i've got a really old pc that i wanted to use as a server; I reformatted the disk and installed ubuntu 15.04 on it successfully, but it freezes into a black screen every time i try to boot it up. any ideas?21:59
ManicPanicOerHeks: So its safe to format a FAT16 USB drive to FAT32 then?21:59
k1ltnViking: "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d/" gives what?21:59
OerHeksManicPanic, sure, no problem21:59
tnVikingk1l:: http://pastebin.com/6datVwtD22:00
natheshHow do you create 10 folders named 1-10?22:00
natheshin the terminal?22:00
ManicPanicOerHeks: the USB drive is 1.8GB22:00
natheshor rather using the terminal*22:00
TheCerberusOerHeks, yea... it is strange though because it does not seem like my system even uses mdadm when I run sudo fdisk -l it lists my raid 5 as one disk.  My raid is actually setup in its own bios prior to grub or ubuntu booting.  All I remember doing during first installation was downloading and configuring the driver22:01
in_deep_thoughtmkdir 1 && mkdir2 && mkdir 3 .. ( and so on)22:01
k1ltnViking: now lets see what is inside the PPA entries: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/deb-multimedia.list"22:01
natheshin_deep_thought: that is hardd22:01
natheshlike I mean is a there a simple way use a for loop?22:02
tnVikingk1l:: http://pastebin.com/KKN0xEcN22:02
ManicPanicOerHeks: ok thanks22:02
silvanatesh: you could make a shell script22:02
in_deep_thoughtfor i in range(10): mkdir i22:02
natheshI guess I can bash it22:02
in_deep_thoughtjk if only it was that easy22:02
k1ltnViking: ok, remove the one line from that file.22:03
natheshhaha I wish it was python :P22:04
natheshthat would so simple yeah I will bash script it22:04
OerHeksTheCerberus, didn't notice you have HW raid.22:04
natheshthanks though22:04
TheCerberusOerHeks, yea RocketRaid 230022:07
noobsieWhat is the recommended way to have environment variables set at startup for a webserver (Python/Django project)?22:07
TheCerberusOerHeks, so can I remove mdadm or at least disable it so the update bipasses it?22:07
tnVikingk1l:: Now I've only got this http://pastebin.com/gCeV5srQ22:08
tnVikingwhen I run apt-get update22:08
designbybeck_iTunes in Ubuntu??22:09
PateruxEriC^^: hi are you here22:09
xanguadesignbybeck_: no22:09
noobsieWould it be a good idea to store username/password to database and salt values (for password hashing) in /etc/environment?22:09
PateruxEriC^^: it loaded further into ubuntu but the initrmsf prompt still showed up at the end22:09
designbybeck_i'll take that answer xangua ;) I had a friend asking about linux but they have an iphone and use itunes for their music and work22:09
microhaxoI am having trouble mounting 1 particular windows shared folder. All the others i can access but this one is an external HDD and every time ti try to access it, i get "Failed to mount Windows share: invalid argument"  I do this from the Network folder22:10
microhaxoAnyone have any ideas on how to get past this?22:10
in_deep_thoughtis there a way to re-pave my entire installation and start again from scratch via the command line? I can see things like putting the new install on a separate partition, but im wondering if there is an easier way. like on os x you can just press command + shift+ R and it lets you re-pave your system22:12
in_deep_thoughtanything like that for ubuntu?22:12
bekksin_deep_thought: No, there isnt.22:12
tnVikingk1l:: I've fixed it now, thanks for the help22:13
in_deep_thoughthmm. ok. should the process of installing from live USB vary from computer to computer. A lot of the advice Im finding doesn’t work for me, and I wonder if its because of the model of computer I am trying to do this on22:14
bekksin_deep_thought: The process is the same, basically.22:14
in_deep_thoughtso why doesn’t E or e or tab work on my grub menu for instance?22:14
natheshin_deep_thought: you can do for i in {1..10}; do mkdir $i; done22:15
bekksin_deep_thought: Why should it?22:15
bekksin_deep_thought: Did it ever work? Did you change something on grub?22:15
in_deep_thoughtno im reading that link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 how to temporarily set kernel boot options on an installed OS22:16
in_deep_thoughtselect the default ubuntu kernel (usually the top one) and rather than pressing enter, press E to edit22:16
bekksin_deep_thought: Do you press e or E? :)22:16
in_deep_thoughttried both22:17
bekksin_deep_thought: and what exactly happens then? do other keys work fine?22:17
=== harrison is now known as Guest49497
glew_hey, so I'm trying to install ubuntu on a macbook pro, and I sort of messed up by trying to install modified drivers to try and get the keyboard/trackpad to work correctly. Is there a way to reinstall the default drivers?22:18
glew_I installed these two things: https://github.com/SicVolo/hid-apple-3.19  https://github.com/SicVolo/bcm5974-3.1922:18
in_deep_thoughtbekks: yeah the other keys work (up + down). trying to get  a screen shot to show so that I can make sure im in the right place22:19
glew_it looks like in the makefile, they use the "install" command with the --backup flag which I think saved the originals, but I'm not sure where the backups would go22:19
=== harrison_ is now known as hcavalle
in_deep_thoughtthis is the right grub menu screen right? http://imgur.com/0gI08PG22:21
bekksin_deep_thought: No. thats not a grub menu at all :)22:22
bekksin_deep_thought: thats your UEFI menu.22:22
EriC^^Paterux: what was the error?22:22
in_deep_thoughtok well thats step 1 i guess22:22
in_deep_thoughthow can I get to my grub menu?22:23
TheCerberusOerHeks, so can I remove mdadm or at least disable it so the update bipasses it?22:23
bekksin_deep_thought: As the article describes. Press esc or shift when your computer passed the BIOS/UEFI boot stuff.22:24
TJ-bekks: I don't think in_deep_thought is getting to GRUB; earlier the problem was that the boot-manager wasn't listing the USB device as a boot option, and that photo seems to show that is still the case22:25
TJ-in_deep_thought: what make/model is the PC/motherboard?22:25
bekksTJ-: Ah ok.22:25
in_deep_thoughtyeah it says if you boot ubuntu from a livecd (or USB stick), right after the bios splash screen you will get a purple screen with a keyboard logo at the bottom:22:25
david_Hello, whats happening?22:25
in_deep_thoughtim not getting to the purple screen with the keyboard logo at the bottom22:25
in_deep_thoughtTJ-: its a dell precision t560022:26
TJ-in_deep_thought: Let me try to find the manual22:26
david_What is the point of this channel?22:27
in_deep_thoughtmodel D01T, type D01T00122:27
geniidavid_: Please read the channel topic to be enlightened22:28
TJ-in_deep_thought: see pages 40-41 and tell me if they match what you see: http://downloads.dell.com/Manuals/all-products/esuprt_desktop/esuprt_dell_precision_workstation/precision-t5600_Owner%27s%20Manual_en-us.pdf22:29
TJ-in_deep_thought: In particular, the "USB Controller" => Enable USB Controller22:29
glew_so does anyone know if there is there a way to revert all drivers to their default state?22:30
TJ-in_deep_thought: and in addition (end of page 41) the "USB Configuration" => "Enable Boot Support/Front USB Ports/Rear USB Ports/USB3 Ports"22:30
glew_all googling brings up is reverting video drivers which is not what I need22:30
TJ-glew_: Any kernel module options are set via files in "/etc/modeprobe.d/" or on the kernel command-line via "/etc/default/grub"22:31
TJ-glew_: typeo :p "/etc/modprobe.d/"22:31
=== Zakamariachi is now known as Zakamiro
glew_TJ-: I modified the files in /lib/modules/<version>/kernel/drivers22:33
glew_I don't think it was just a kernel module22:33
TJ-glew_: That's where the binary kernel modules are; what modifications have you been making?22:33
in_deep_thoughtTJ-: yeah ok i see those22:34
in_deep_thoughtall 5 are checked. enable boot support, enable front usb ports, enable usb3 ports, enable internal usb ports, enable rear usb ports22:34
TJ-in_deep_thought: They sound like the options that are going to affect your boot experience, so figure out the correct combination to work for you22:34
smoking-peanutsI am using ubuntu 14.04 .  I had an issue with my nvidia drivers with compiz which means unity got stuck.  So I got interested in using nouveau drivers.  The only way that I could get this to work was to boot linux with the nomodeset option.  All seems to work but now the resolution is limited only 640X480.  If I can get this resolution changed then I would be content22:34
glew_TJ-: It was a patched driver to fix keyboard/mouse issues with ubuntu on a macbook pro 201522:35
in_deep_thoughtwell it seems like having them all checked is the way to go right? just to be sure22:35
TJ-in_deep_thought: On page 40 the Boot Sequence suggests there sohuld be "USB Storage Device" too22:35
glew_believe it or not, randomly patching the drivers didn't work22:35
smoking-peanutsanyone have any ideas on what I might need to do or if I am going about it the wrong way?22:35
TJ-in_deep_thought: I'd suggest moving USB to the top of the list if that is possible22:35
in_deep_thoughtit is22:36
in_deep_thoughtits booting into the USB I think, because it works fine before I do that. Its when I boot into the USB that it does the flashing underscore22:36
glew_I think I may just reinstall ubuntu again. All my config and stuff is backed up, it's just a pain to do22:36
TJ-glew_: Those files are installed from the kernel packages; so a reinstall of the appropriate "linux-image-<version>-generic" and possibly "linuc-image-extra-<version>-generic" should do it22:37
in_deep_thoughtlike just the USB itself is whats having those issues22:37
glew_TJ-: alright, I can do that. Would apt-get install --reinstall do the trick?22:37
in_deep_thoughtthats why I wanted to try setting nomodeset on it. but i can’t figure out how to get to the grub menu screen so that I can use the E option to set that config22:38
TJ-in_deep_thought: OK ... the flashing cursor top-left with a legacy BIOS boot means that the boot device does *not* have valid boot-strap code in the first sector of the device. That suggests some error writing the ISO image to the USB device22:38
TJ-glew_: precisely :)22:38
TJ-in_deep_thought: GRUB isn't getting loaded from what you've told me, so holding down Shift isn't going to work until GRUB is loaded22:39
in_deep_thoughtok so I need grub to get loaded22:39
TJ-in_deep_thought: You're on another Linux-based PC right now?22:39
in_deep_thoughtno, osx22:39
glew_TJ-: Thanks! I'll give it a shot22:39
TJ-in_deep_thought: Do you know how to use the terminal to read a raw USB device?22:40
in_deep_thoughti know diskutil gives me the list of drives22:40
in_deep_thoughtand I know its /dev/disk322:40
TJ-glew_to check what the exact names of the packages are needing to be reinstalled do "dpkg -S '<name-of-driver>.ko' and then reinstall the correct package version22:41
igno818hello ops. Quick question. md5 is default hashing on ubuntu if I update to sha512 will it break anything such as asterisk? there is only one user on the os and I would prefer just to update that user to re-hash the passwd to 51222:42
TJ-in_deep_thought: I'd like to see what the first sector contains... if you can pulg the USB into that PC and try this (you'll need admin privileges I guess): "dd if=/dev/disk3 bs=512 count=1 | hexdump -C" .... if that works and you see a hexadecimal dump of the bytes then pastebin it for me22:42
igno818I am just wondering if this would break anything22:42
TJ-in_deep_thought: I don't know of OSX has the "hexdump" too though - I think it does has "dd"22:43
igno818hello ops is there consequences to updating from md5 to sha512 ?22:45
PateruxEriC^^: Sorry I'm back again22:46
Pateruxthe error I don't rememeber I'll try it now22:47
PateruxEriC^^: I'll load the usb brb22:47
igno818no consequences?22:47
TJ-in_deep_thought: OK, that looks correct. To clear up some confusion though, the hybrid ISO images use isolinux to boot and that boot-strap code is clearly isolinux, so it seems as if the way the PC is booting is causing some form of conflict. I'd suggest trying a UEFI boot from USB if at all possible since the images contain an EFI System Partition22:48
PateruxEriC^^: ok it showed therror again22:49
PateruxEriC^^: Iloaded it non eufi just usb22:50
PateruxEriC^^: and once on grub selected gnu linux22:50
=== anao2 is now known as anao
PateruxEriC^^: the error it kinda says is alert /dev/disk/by-uuidofedd etc does not exist dropping to shell22:51
in_deep_thoughtok, with UEFI, I know I need to add a boot option. How do I know what the file system list and file name will be?22:51
in_deep_thoughtis it just the name of the iso file?22:51
poseidonOn ubuntu 15.04, how should I go about using google's dns to resolve hostnames?22:54
TJ-in_deep_thought: With a UEFI boot, the boot-manager menu appears and is generated by GRUB (not isolinux). You can then press 'e' over a highlighted boot menu entry to edit it, and then navigate to the line beginning "linux ..." and then add to it "nomodeset" and press F10 or Ctrl+X to boot with that amendment22:54
nicomachusPaterux: sounds like your missing initrd22:55
in_deep_thoughtTJ-: well so I am changing so that it boots from UEFI. then the only option is ubuntu. Do choose that, then restart, then press some button to get into the UEFI boot menu?22:55
in_deep_thoughtthen edit it to use nomodeset22:56
Pateruxnicomachus: how come? is not windows22:56
nicomachusPaterux: each kernel comes with an initrd file as well that assists in the boot process. Fixing it is as simple as loading up a live usb/disk, checking to make it's present, and either loading it or refreshing it as needed.22:57
nicomachuschecking to make sure it's present*22:57
TJ-in_deep_thought: If I remember correctly, you can edit that "Ubuntu" entry in the menu by highlighting it and pressing "e"22:57
EriC^^TJ-: Paterux had installed ubuntu to his usb in uefi mode, it had a msdos partition table, and he wants to use it on another pc that has legacy, we removed /boot/efi from fstab and installed grub-pc etc. and ran grub-install and update-grub and removed the .efi kernels and reinstalled the normal ones, he gets an error after grub22:58
EriC^^alert /dev/disk/by-uuidofedd etc does not exist dropping to shell22:58
nicomachusEriC^^: initrd?22:59
EriC^^we tried update-initramfs -u -k all22:59
nicomachusah ok22:59
in_deep_thoughtTJ- ok so I used the system configuration menu to set it to UEFI. then I reboot and press F12 to enter the boot options menu. now I am in the UEFI menu. Are you saying that I should be able to edit the ubuntu entry in here by pressing e while highlighted on it?22:59
EriC^^let me get a paste of grub.cfg and blkid22:59
=== sysop is now known as Guest92124
TJ-EriC^^: Are you able to check whether the missing UUID belongs to the root file-system? Are there any pastebins gathered earlier on this?23:00
EriC^^grub.cfg http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871881/23:00
PateruxEriC^^: you want me to type that?23:00
EriC^^blkid http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871882/23:01
EriC^^Paterux: no23:01
TJ-in_deep_thought: No ... at that point you're still in the PC's own firmware boot-device selector. If the USB device isn't appearing in the list then there's nothing we can do - its a problem with either the PC, the USB device, or them falling out with each other23:01
in_deep_thoughtok cool23:02
in_deep_thoughttime to try another usb deviec23:02
in_deep_thoughtthanks for all your help with this TJ-23:02
TJ-EriC^^: Is that an Ubuntu install? "GNU/Linux" ? Ubuntu writes that as "Ubuntu, with ..."23:04
EriC^^TJ-: yeah, it's an ubuntu install23:05
EriC^^he had the lts-utopic kernel installed, we removed it and installed the linux-image-generic package23:05
TJ-EriC^^: Well, the failure sounds to be coming from the initrd, so the grub config is working if its getting that far23:06
EriC^^TJ-: i remember he had an error earlier about i/o on the usb23:07
EriC^^smartctl said http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871690/23:08
TJ-EriC^^: I wonder if the initrd is missing USB mass-storage modules ?23:09
EriC^^how can we check?23:09
TJ-I'm trying to recall if initrd has lspci/lsusb available, so we can compare device IDs with available drivers23:10
moonlanderanyone know where i could find a torrent for the 15.10 alpha isos?23:15
k1lmoonlander: dont know if there are torrents for alphas23:16
TJ-EriC^^: Paterux At the "(initramfs)" Busybox prompt, type "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/"23:16
bubbasauresno torrent till release I believe23:16
geniimoonlander: Before release usually just iso files at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-desktop-next/daily-live/current/23:16
moonlanderi was hoping someone had hosted them heh23:16
PateruxTJ-: me?23:16
moonlanderyeah i'm grabbing them from there but slow d/l speeds atm23:16
TJ-Paterux: Yes. if its your system having the USB boot problem23:17
PateruxTJ-: ok I typed that23:18
TJ-Paterux: EriC^^ If you don't see the UUID of the Linux root file-system that tends to confirm the USB device is missing drivers23:18
geniimoonlander: Yes, the first time downloading it can be a pain. You might want to also ask in #ubuntu+1 , someone there might have an unofficial torrent someplace23:18
TJ-Paterux: According to the GRUB configuration the UUID is "0fedd493-3116-43e6-bddd-4ef544694daf"23:18
moonlanderalright, thanks genii23:18
jrHow do I access mangle? I want to play with it. (I know this isn't a good idea)23:20
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PateruxTJ-: yea it mentions it but is pointing to to ../../sdf3 and on the pc I installed it on it was labeled as sdc so I don't know if that matter but is showing it23:21
TJ-Paterux: Well, that's progress if it sees it as /dev/sdf3 !23:21
PateruxTJ-: shouln'd it autoadjust23:22
TJ-Paterux: Type "mount" and confirm there is an entry "tmpfs on /run ..."23:23
DawgmatixAny pointers on how to change the size of the toolbar on top of the screen? I have multiple monitors and for some reason the toolbar on one screen has lesser height23:23
DawgmatixI had changed text scaling factor earlier, but I have reset that to 1.023:23
Dawgmatixtwo of my monitors now have a larger toolbar and 1 monitor has a toolbar that has lesser height23:24
PateruxTJ-: one sec23:24
TJ-Dawgmatix: Those sizes are calculated from each monitor's physical dimensions and pixel resolution, as reported by the monitor's EDID23:24
PateruxTJ-: yes there is23:25
DawgmatixTJ - will xrandr be a good way to examine what the monitor is reporting?23:26
TJ-Dawgmatix: yes23:26
TJ-Paterux: OK, lets see if we can manually mount the file-system to check it is at least visible. Do "mkdir /run/mnt"23:27
TJ-Paterux: Then do "mount /dev/sdf3 /run/mnt"     and if that does't report errors, try listing the files with "ls -al /run/mnt/"23:27
TJ-Paterux: You should see what looks like the root-directory of an installed file system, with directories like "bin boot dev etc home lib root sbin usr var" and others23:28
PateruxTJ-: it says mount failed no such file or direcoty23:30
TJ-Paterux: OK, that looks like sdf may not exist after all. Try "cat /proc/partitions" - do you see any mention of 'sdf' or 'sdf3' ?23:31
PateruxTJ-: there is listing from sda to sde not but sdf23:32
TJ-EriC^^: Paterux I think this needs a Live ISO "Try Ubuntu" boot (in Legacy BIOS mode) and then building a chroot to mount the USB at. There aren't sufficient tools in the initrd to work on it23:32
EriC^^TJ-: ok23:33
nicomachusI was almost on to something!23:33
PateruxTJ-: I'm on live iso right now next to the pc with the usb drive23:33
TJ-Paterux: EriC^^  The fact you have a static /dev/disk/by-uuid/0fedd493-3116-43e6-bddd-4ef544694daf   entry is worrying, since there shouldn't be any reference to that file-system if the kernel can't see it. That is probably why this is failing, but I'm not usre how that entry couyld get there23:33
EriC^^Paterux: can you boot a live usb session on the same pc you want to use the usb on?23:34
TJ-Paterux: don't do anything yet!!!! I have a brainwave23:34
TJ-EriC^^: discussion time again!23:34
TJ-EriC^^: I'm wondering if we can re-write that /dev/disk/by-uuid/ entry sufficiently to make this boot. If we can find the correct partition from /proc/partitions23:35
TJ-Paterux: EriC^^ Do you see in the output of "cat /proc/partitions" an "sde3" ?23:35
PateruxTJ-: no only up to sde123:36
TJ-Paterux: Is there *any* device listed that has a number 3 on the end?23:37
PateruxTJ-: no23:37
TJ-Paterux: Does "blkid" list the UUID of the root file-system "0fedd493-3116-43e6-bddd-4ef544694daf"  ?23:39
cofowhen i'm trying to do sudo apt-get install XYZ i'm receive: Bus error (core dumped)23:39
DawgmatixI installed xfce and it changed the lightdm theme23:40
Dawgmatixhow do i change it back to the behavior of using my desktop wallpaper23:40
PateruxTJ-: no only my 4 hds and 1 sd card none has that number either23:40
carlfIs there any way to track what called upstart to kill a process? We see docker getting SIGTERM from PID 1 but have no idea what is triggering it.23:40
TJ-Paterux: Then I think it is as I originally theorised - the initrd.img is missing key USB drivers required to read that device23:41
PateruxTJ-: yea23:42
EriC^^TJ-: he installed the kernels and updated the initramfs on another pc that he is using23:42
TJ-Paterux: You'll have to boot the PC from a Live ISO (in legacy BIOS mode), use the "Try Ubuntu" option, then build a chroot. You'll need to identify the motherboard's USB drivers in use (lsmod) and ensure all those required are listed in the target's "/etc/initramfs-tools/modules" and then rebuild the initrd image23:43
cofoEriC^^: Do you know why?23:43
EriC^^maybe it didn't update the initramfs with the stuff required for the other pc to use the usb?23:43
TJ- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that23:43
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TJ-I have to head off now but hopefully I've given you a recipe to recover it23:43
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PateruxTJ-: ok so I first build and mount chroot that is with sudo chroot /mnt correct?23:46
PateruxTJ-: ok you're leaving23:46
EriC^^Paterux: can you boot the live usb session on the same pc you want to use the usb on?23:46
cofowhen i'm trying to do sudo apt-get install XYZ i'm receive: Bus error (core dumped)23:47
PateruxEriC^^: so I have to do this with every pc or different usb drivers that I connect the usb drive to? or will it boot universally23:47
PateruxEriC^^: right on23:47
TJ-Paterux: It's past my bedtime :)   ... if you want USB universal boot ability you'll need to ensure all the USB specific mass storage drivers are added to the initrd23:48
EriC^^TJ-: is there a list of all the usb drivers somewhere?23:50
TJ-EriC^^: By default the initrd will have "MODULES=most" set in "/etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf" so it should only need a few extra modules to satisfy the requirement23:50
EriC^^TJ-: ok23:51
PateruEriC^^: right here23:52
TJ-EriC^^: might be best to check Paterux does have that setting already. I *think* the update-initramfs run on the chroot target will figure out which drivers are required for its current root file-system mount, so "update-initramfs" may be sufficient - use the "-v" option and log to a file to check all the modules included. e.g. "update-initramfs -vu -k <version> |& tee /tmp/initrd.log"23:52
EriC^^TJ-: ok, thanks23:53
EriC^^Pateru: type sudo apt-get install pastebinit23:54
PateruEriC^^: ok23:54
sloantotheboneMy gnome lock screen is pure blue, I think its caused by installing gnome panel23:55
sloantotheboneHow do I fix this?23:55
EriC^^Pateru: type sudo parted -l | pastebinit23:56
pedroHi, I need some help, is there ?anybody from Brazil here23:56
EriC^^!br | pedro23:56
ubottupedro: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.23:56
PateruEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11875059/23:56
EriC^^Pateru: oh wow, it doesn't see the usb O.o23:57
EriC^^Pateru: is it connected?23:57
PateruEriC^^: is that good23:57
mach20xComputer will boot in recovery mode and print image to HDMI, but does not do so when starting normally.23:57
PateruEriC^^: let me confirm23:57
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PateruEriC^^: well is connected to the pc but I can reconnected to try again23:59
EriC^^Pateru: ok, try unplugging and plugging back in23:59
PateruEriC^^: ok it seems it now, I think this pc has a problem with that port23:59
mach20xI just replaced my motherboard. the new motherboard does not have an ide connector for the ribbon cable. Is there some way that I am supposed to upgrade to make full use of this AMD board?23:59

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