
=== zz_natorious is now known as natorious
=== natorious is now known as zz_natorious
Odd_Blokesmoser: I'm introducing an Azure change which starts using devices defined using udev rules for Azure; where in lp:cloud-init should these live?12:21
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz
smoserOdd_Bloke, hey.13:22
smoseryou're saying you'll have clooud-init install udev rules, right ?13:22
Odd_Blokesmoser: Yeah.13:27
Odd_Bloke(Packagers will have to take care of the actual installation, but we should provide them the rules to use)13:28
smoseri guess i'm not opposed to top level 'udev'13:28
=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb
=== hatchetation_ is now known as hatchetation
=== jaxxstorm_ is now known as jaxxstorm
=== zz_gondoi is now known as gondoi
=== harmw_ is now known as harmw
=== mgagne_ is now known as mgagne
=== zz_natorious is now known as natorious
=== natorious is now known as zz_natorious

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