
=== _salem is now known as salem_
infinitysmoser: So... What are you doing on first boot to change the filesystem?01:56
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pittiGood morning04:10
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cyphermoxpitti: morning04:41
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smbpitti, Morning. I hate to be the anal guy, but... any thoughts about the ifup@.service changes I was looking at? bug 146679007:01
ubottubug 1466790 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "dhclient does not remain running on boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146679007:01
dholbachgood morning07:12
pittismb: still on my TODO, haven't forgotten07:20
smbpitti, Ok, thanks. It might be helpful in other ways than the specific bug I reported. At least I think it might. But that slightly different handling of sub-processes of processes started with ExecStart compared to ExecStart(Pre|Post) feels like it could cause weird things07:23
pittismb: I have some other bug reports in Debian about ifup@; I need to take some time to analyze them all, probably they are related07:24
smbpitti, I can imagine. It seems like anything triggered by an ifup call in ExecStartPost will be suffering. That includes dhclient but also ntpdate07:25
pittismb: right, ExecStart{Pre,Post} must not start anything long-running07:31
pittismb: so I suppose I need to put both ifup's into ExecStart07:31
smbpitti, Right, that was my proposal (actually put all 3 calls into ExecStart and explicitly mark the service as type=oneshot)07:32
pittismb: we used to have oneshot, but that's not correct either as it blocks the boot if ifup hangs (slow DHCP, missing cable, etc.)07:33
smbpitti, Hm but at least from the man page multiple ExecStart are only allowed for oneshot07:34
pittismb: right, but that's not a serious limitation07:34
pittismb: ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'if ifquery; ... ifup auto; ifup allow-hotplug;'07:35
smbpitti, The other option might be to move back to the Vivid style maybe (and have one ExecStart with a shell command executing the 3 commands...07:35
smbOh yes, that. :)07:35
pittiright, I'll probably do that, and check history why I changed it07:35
pittibut I want to take some time to properly understand and test this in different scenarios07:35
smbOk, sure. Just had the feeling that maybe other instances too may have missed the implications of "must not start long running"07:37
smbSomehow to me that means the command should not take long to run, not that it is not allowed to start something in the background07:39
infinitypitti: Can we sort out how to make "test logs" linked to by debci have proper content encoding headers so my web browser unzips them instead of forcing me to download them and unzip them manually?07:48
pittiinfinity: incidentally, the remaining TODO on https://git.launchpad.net/~pitti/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/tree/TODO :)07:49
pittiinfinity: that's not debci, it's swift; I'll look into that07:50
infinitypitti: Right, hence why I said "linked to from", not "served by". :)07:50
pittianyway, IKWYM07:50
infinitypitti: Though, some httpd implementations will serve the right mime-type if you just fudge the filename as foo.txt.gz07:50
infinitypitti: Which, if it would, could avoid arguing with the server itself.07:51
SpamapScjwatson: thanks! I'll explore adding a /boot capability to my image builder instead. :)08:02
dokosiretart, aspectc++ ping08:05
pittiwow, at first I thought I had a bug in autopkgtesting, but https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/ruby-rails-assets-markdown-it--markdown-it-for-inline actually exists08:19
LocutusOfBorg1ginggs, congrats for the AM approved :)08:59
Unit193LocutusOfBorg1: How's vbox 5.0 looking to you then? ;P09:00
pittiinfinity: filed as bug 1474271 FYI09:10
ubottubug 1474271 in Auto Package Testing "fix MIME type of log.gz" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147427109:10
LocutusOfBorg1Unit193, ready to upload, we are discussing if unstable or experimental09:26
LocutusOfBorg1for sure I'll ask for an Ubuntu sync, if it lands in experimental :)09:26
seb128hum, language-pack-touch-zh-hans is blocked in wily-proposed because of a Boottest regression which seems to be flackyness again, could somebody retry it?09:30
Laneyseb128: AFAIK you should have the permission to do that09:38
Laneybut it looks like infinity already got there09:39
seb128k, going to try next time09:39
seb128I was on the public jenkins, I guess I need the private one to retry?09:39
LaneyIf you go to http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Wily/view/BootTest/job/wily-boottest-language-pack-touch-zh-hans/ and log in you should see a "Build Now" which does it09:40
Laneypitti: sort of related, does your new autopkgtest infrastructure let anyone retry tests? :)09:41
Laneyhopefully not *anyone*, YKWIM09:41
pittiLaney: not right now; you need the AMQP credentials for that and be in the data center09:42
pittiLaney: I'll create some convenience script on snakefruit, or ubuntu-archive-tools or something09:43
pittiLaney: btw, as I'll be on holidays next week, would you have half an hour or so for me to give you a quick tour about it?09:44
pittiLaney: i. e. some minimal worker admin in case this stuff hits a bug09:44
LaneyAh right - hopefully the goal is to let all uploaders do that09:45
Laneypitti: 'kay, in an hour or so?09:45
pittiLaney: sounds good09:45
pittiLaney: just in case I need to sort out stuff with IS, can you ssh wendigo.canonical.com?09:45
Laneypitti: yeah, and I seem to have access to prod-ues-proposed-migration09:48
pittiLaney: alright, then you are all set09:48
pittiLaney: sent a cal appointment with a hangout, please feel free to move it around as you see fit09:49
Laneyack, just want to not lose my brain state09:50
pittiinfinity: meh, I give up on bug 1474271 for now :/10:46
ubottubug 1474271 in Auto Package Testing "fix MIME type of log.gz" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147427110:46
pragomerI am remastering Ubuntu with package wireshark. On the live cd I get permission error /usr/bin/dumpcap. I found this solution when I execute it on the live system: http://pastebin.com/JttCCLKD   But when remastering usermod says, in the chroot, MYUSERNAME does not exist. How else can I solve this?10:50
cjwatsonYou'd need to put it in a casper-bottom script in the initramfs - the live user is created at boot time10:53
pragomerah ok. this was also the direction of my thoughts cjwatson.. doing it in the the init script.. so casper-bottom is a stage where the user is already built?10:54
cjwatsonpragomer: it's created in 25adduser there, so anything after 25 should be fine10:56
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argespitti: not sure who I should be talking to, but for the autopkgtests run by ubuntuci. Who should I ask to unblock ddebs.ubuntu.com ?12:13
argesIt causes my crash autopkgtest to fail.12:13
MirvFYI some more Qt packaging moved to Debian git, so now moved are: qtbase, qtdeclarative, qt3d, qtlocation (+ all that are synced as is). I keep http://is.gd/Q5huYG doc up to date (linked to also from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/QtTesting)12:15
pragomercjwatson: thank you very much12:16
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pittiarges: sorry, WDYM by "unblock"?12:53
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argespitti: i know there was discussion about the ubuntu tests only having internet access to the archive. I wonder if ddebs.ubuntu.com access is blocked (as it seems from looking at the log)13:12
smoserinfinity, nothing is happening on first boot. the script there shows everyything, entirely automated failure.13:14
smosers/nothing/nothing of particular interest/13:14
smosernot even apt-get upgrade or anything.13:14
pittiarges: ooh! you mean the source package "crash"?13:15
pittiarges: I had some trouble parsing that sentence, now it makes much more sense :)13:15
argespitti: yes13:15
argespitti: : )13:15
pittiarges: I see it in the logs of http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/c/crash/wily/amd64/ too, I'll have a look13:15
pittiapparently we can't exclude *.ubuntu.com in $no_proxy, this one does need a proxy13:16
infinitysmoser: Well, something must be happening to it, or the second boot would be the same as the first...13:23
smoseragreed. i can give you access to diamond if you'd like.13:24
infinitysmoser: I'm assuming either the PReP partition or the partition table in general is being broken.  Hard to say which.  Unless qemu itself is breaking your image for you, which seems unlikely.13:31
smoseri'm suspecting growpart right now. checking that.13:31
infinityDaviey: Go on, say [A again.  I dare  you.13:33
infinityOh.  Well done, then.13:34
smoserit would seem to be growpart related . :-(.13:34
* smoser tries to imagine what emotion that is.13:36
DavieySorry all, having odd locale problems.. generating odd control characters on pg/up.13:38
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seb128does anyone know who handles http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs ?15:30
seb128that gives a permission error15:30
tewardseb128: perhaps poke -irc, but i think they've had issues with the bots lately?15:32
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seb128teward, did that (as you noticed on the other channel, thanks ;-)15:37
ScottKIt should be possible to get qscintilla2 and a stack of other packages to migrate with a few no change uploads, FYI.16:53
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infinityslangasek: Do you know what the ddebs.u.c lag is, compared to archive.u.c?17:27
infinityslangasek: (ie: how long after publishing a deb should I expect to wait for a ddeb?)17:27
slangasekinfinity: afraid not, no.  bdmurray, do you know?17:28
bdmurrayinfinity, slangasek: I do not know.17:31
infinityI could try to divine from the code, but I'm not that impatient to know the answer.17:31
roaksoax/w/win 917:54
mwenninghi guys is there an irc channel for lxd?18:20
stgrabermwenning: #lxcontainers18:22
stgraber(same as lxc, cgmanager, lxcfs, ...)18:22
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cjwatson$ ssh -t germanium sudo -iu ddebs crontab -l | grep 'ddeb-retriever --quiet today'18:47
cjwatson40 */2 * * * ~/ddeb-retriever/ddeb-retriever --quiet today18:47
cjwatsoninfinity: ^-18:47
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, I know.18:48
infinitycjwatson: You'll note I logged in well before you did. ;)18:48
cjwatsonI didn't note that, note the lack of interactive shell above :)18:49
infinitycjwatson: NOTE HARDER.18:49
infinitycjwatson: The more interesting thing I'm confused by now is that the latest ddeb-retriever run appears to have decided that wily has no kernels.18:50
infinityNot sure what to make of that.18:50
cjwatsonMaybe only on some arches?18:51
infinitycjwatson: I'd like to think we have kernels on all arches.18:52
cjwatsonYeah :)18:52
cjwatsonAnyway, late meeting tonight, so I was doing some of that not working thing.18:52
infinityI approve of this message.18:52
infinitycjwatson: Huh.  You're right.  Only on some arches.  Curious.  Maybe it needs a 'yesterday' run to unconfuse itself.18:54
* infinity tries forcing the issue.18:54
infinitycjwatson: Oh, crap.  Wait.  That timestamp windowing you and pitti worked out for only grabbing builds from X to Y.  Is that build completion date or build accept date?18:56
infinitycjwatson: Cause I'm now thinking that leaving an amd64 build in UNAPPROVED for more than a day might have fooled ddeb-retriever's tiny brain.18:56
infinityIn fact, I'm sure that's what happened...18:57
cjwatsonBPPH creation date.18:57
cjwatsonWhich you'd think would be accept date.18:58
cjwatsonBut you can manually stuff a different timestamp in and it'll try again.18:58
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, I'll do that.18:59
infinitycjwatson: But out of curiosity, what's the BPPH creation date for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/4.0.0-4.7/+build/7636518 ?18:59
infinityFInished building on the 9th, but I only accepted it yesterday.18:59
infinityGuessing the date is the 9th.18:59
cjwatsoninfinity: 2015-07-14 17:05:58.537532+00:0019:04
infinitycjwatson: Okay, very confused.  I guess I need to read this code. :/19:04
cjwatsoninfinity: You sure another today run wouldn't have sorted it out?  I'm thinking maybe there's a race with BPPHs that have been dominated or something19:07
cjwatsonPretty difficult to tell without logging, though.19:07
infinitycjwatson: I've done a few more today runs with no luck.  But, there's a threshold file that makes it skip ahead.19:07
infinitycjwatson: So, it might have raced a bit, then skipped ahead.19:08
cjwatsonThere's a one-hour grace period on that threshold, which ought to be enough.19:08
infinityINFO: Retrieving Launchpad publications since 2015-07-14 17:53:13+00:0019:08
infinityClearly too late.19:09
* infinity knocks it back two hours and tries again.19:10
cjwatsonRight, but a previous run ought to have covered it at least once.  Weird.19:10
infinitycjwatson: Huh.  And now I'm stumped.  Even that didn't download the amd64 kernel ddebs.19:13
infinitycjwatson: Even weirder (and this doesn't seem possible), one armhf ddeb is there, but not both...19:16
infinityslangasek: Remember when you offered to look at this? :P19:17
infinityslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11879214/19:18
infinityslangasek: The missing amd64 ddebs make "sense", in that a whole build is gone, though I can't figure out how to force ddeb-retriever to find it.19:19
infinityslangasek: But the armhf thing is even weirder.  generic-lpae is there, but generic is missing.  How does half a build go missing?19:19
cjwatsonIs it maybe failing to associate them with the deb partners?19:20
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cjwatsonThere's some fairly baroque code for that IIRC19:20
infinitycjwatson: But only for this one version?19:21
cjwatsonYeah, that's odd.  Crank up logging and trawl through the output?19:21
infinityThat was a lot more verbose than I'd expected...19:23
infinitycjwatson: No mention of the missing kernels in a verbose log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11879283/19:33
infinityOh, but my time hack got reverted.19:34
* infinity undoes that and tries harder.19:34
slangasekoh man, you have time hacks?!19:39
slangasekI want time hacks19:39
infinityslangasek: It's not nearly as cool as the movies make it sound.19:42
carlgeorgeRackspace is looking for a Linux Engineer with experience building Ubuntu and/or Debian packages.  http://rackspace.jobs/san-antonio-tx/ubuntu-linux-engineer/2532116AFB2B4E7093C154362DFB5F5B/job/19:55
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slangasekmdeslaur: is there any chance you could help with bug #1474541?20:22
ubottubug 1474541 in sbsigntool (Ubuntu) "sbsigntool broken by update to openssl 1.0.2c" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147454120:22
mdeslaurslangasek: hrm, I'll take a look at it tomorrow20:26
slangasekmdeslaur: thanks :)20:28
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xnoxslangasek: i hope you are not jealous =)21:15
xnoxslangasek: http://spi-inc.org/corporate/votes/2015-board-election/21:16
Unit193xnox: "Congrats"? :)21:18
xnoxUnit193: thanks.21:22
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slangasekxnox: I was just celebrating here that you got the position so I didn't have to21:29
xnoxslangasek: ;-) if you have any requests or insight, i'm all ears.21:31

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