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tsdgeosoh my07:44
tsdgeossomeone fixed resubmit so neither description nor commit message are lost07:44
seb128tsdgeos, yeah, bug #676769, that was mentioned on http://blog.launchpad.net/general/launchpad-news-april-june-201507:53
ubot5bug 676769 in Launchpad itself "resubmitting a merge proposal should reuse the old commit message" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67676907:53
tsdgeosseb128: nice :)07:54
seb128tsdgeos, quite some improvement recently, that's good to see, like lp doesn't email full diff again for inline comment but just the relevant parts07:55
mzanettitsdgeos, yeah. noticed that too lately...08:19
mzanetticouldn't believe it :D08:20
tsdgeosShellWithPin::test_emergencyCall regressed08:33
tsdgeosor fails08:33
tsdgeoscan anyone confirm it fails for them too?08:33
tsdgeoscimi: anyone: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/make_test_page_header_more_stable/+merge/264679 ?08:36
cimitsdgeos, ok08:45
cimitsdgeos, shall we apply some movement to this headerContainer so if is not yet contentY = 0 it will be?08:47
tsdgeoscimi: ?08:47
tsdgeosit will be08:47
tsdgeoswe just need to wait before starting to type08:47
cimitsdgeos, k08:47
tsdgeosotherwise the keypresses get lost once in a blue moon08:48
cimitsdgeos, well, it's very simple/clean, let's wait CI to approve08:51
mvvvvHi ! I successfully built unity8 under vivid and it work with fake qml under x11. what is the most efficient way to test it with mir ? making my own LXC (doker) ? installing mir with vivid ?09:23
tsdgeosmvvvv: you can install unity8-desktop-session-mir this will of course run the packaged one, not the one you compiled09:34
tsdgeoscimi: and can you do https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/dash_activation_no_special_casing/+merge/264024 too?09:34
tsdgeospstolowski: do we have a silo with https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/dash_activation_no_special_casing/+merge/264024 and friends ?09:34
tsdgeoscimi: and more testing of https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/use_sdk_13/+merge/264392 didn't explode would be cool09:35
pstolowskitsdgeos, yes, silo 41, but will need to be rebuild09:35
mvvvvtsdgeos: package 'unity-shell-scopes=7' not found10:00
mvvvvI guess I'm missing a recent libunityapi-dev10:01
tsdgeosmvvvv: sorry, you tyring the branches i mentioned?10:06
tsdgeosthey werent for you10:06
mvvvvok my fault10:08
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anpok_greyback_: how can I enable DLOG statements in qtubuntu?11:48
greyback_anpok_: completely clean your build directory, then "qmake CONFIG+=debug"11:49
greyback_plus the other flags in the debian/rules file11:49
greyback_or else it won't build the bits you want11:49
anpok_this behaves weird..12:03
anpok_is anybody else experiencing issues with resize events on ubuntu-desktop-next?12:04
anpok_it looks as if we stop processing mirevents while redrawing, and keep redrawing untill I manage to reach the initial resize event size..12:06
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greyback_anpok_: dandrader did working improving that not so long ago, you are up to date I guess12:39
greyback_anpok_: one issue we have is that mir sends us a mir resize event, but it's only the size of the buffer we receive that we can actually trust12:40
anpok_greyback_: yes .. there might be a mir problem ..13:05
anpok_or something is blocking qtubuntu to no longer consume events..13:05
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greyback_anpok_: we do funny things in qtubuntu to try make thigns work. Guidance welcome13:09
anpok_i was able to bypass the problem just be debugging through it13:09
anpok_so I am not yet sure.. why the matching resize events do not arrive13:10
tsdgeosjhodapp: there?13:25
dandradermzanetti, seems lp:unity8 has extraneous tags13:26
tsdgeosdandrader: i killed them this morning afaik13:26
tsdgeosdandrader: but yes it got infected for some reason13:27
tsdgeosmake sure you clean your local copy13:27
tsdgeos$ ./strip-tags.py lp:unity813:27
tsdgeoslp:unity8: clean13:27
dandradertsdgeos, it seems to happens easily on releases. getting those rtm tags13:27
jhodapptsdgeos, here13:27
tsdgeosjhodapp: the crash i get is on wily, that ok or you prefer to get vivid+ppa backtraces?13:27
jhodapptsdgeos, wily is perfect13:27
tsdgeosdandrader: there was a manual pushing by people, this caused it, it seems13:28
mzanettidandrader, yeah... sil2100 pushed manually to trunk yesterday :)13:28
tsdgeosdandrader: i have a orientedshell qmltest failing in trunk, can you reproduce?13:28
sil2100o/ Sorry about that, I messed up something through the train and had to --overwrite13:28
mzanettino problem sil2100, really. Was just explaining the tags :)13:29
greyback_dandrader: huh sorry, I did it locally with conflicts. Maybe dirty trunk13:32
greyback_thanks anyway13:32
greyback_dednick: does my memory deceive me, or did you chat with appArmor guys some time ago for an API to query what a client can or cannot do?13:45
dednickgreyback_: i thnk your memory may indeed be deceiving you. or mine is...13:48
greyback_I swear someone had that conversation a year ago or more13:48
dednickgreyback_: by "what it can do"?13:48
greyback_as in, could the app act like a system settings app and reconfigure the displays13:48
greyback_or take screenshot of the whole screen13:49
dednickgreyback_: i c. i think i only had discussions with them re prompt sessions.13:49
dednickbut not that much detail13:49
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
tsdgeosdandrader: i have a orientedshell qmltest failing in trunk, can you reproduce?14:22
dandradertsdgeos, oh, right. forgot about it. let me see14:23
dandradertsdgeos, "Totals: 30 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted"14:26
dandradertsdgeos, that with "make testOrientedShell"14:26
tsdgeosdandrader: xvfb?14:26
dandradertsdgeos, also passes14:33
dandradertsdgeos, could leave it running in a loop if you want to14:33
tsdgeosdandrader: yeah same here, weird14:34
tsdgeosdandrader: because i'm stupid and it's not OrientedShell :D14:37
tsdgeosdandrader: ShellWithPin::test_emergencyCall is the one that fails14:37
tsdgeosdandrader: this14:40
tsdgeosFAIL!  : qmltestrunner::ShellWithPin::test_emergencyCall() property spreadEnabled14:40
tsdgeos   Actual   (): false14:40
tsdgeos   Expected (): true14:40
tsdgeos   Loc: [/home/tsdgeos_work/phablet/unity8/unity8/tests/qmltests/tst_ShellWithPin.qml(316)]14:40
dandradertsdgeos, yeah, I get the same failure14:42
dandradertsdgeos, could be related to my bugfix. I forgot about the existence of this test14:43
tsdgeosdandrader: yeah reverting yesterdays commit from your side fixes the test14:43
tsdgeosdandrader: can you have a look?14:43
dandradertsdgeos, yeah, fix should be a one-liner14:44
tsdgeosawesome :)14:44
dandradertsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/updateTestShellWithPin/+merge/26472114:49
tsdgeosthat's ncie :)14:50
* tsdgeos claims14:50
MacSlowmzanetti, addressed all MP-comments of the launcher-icon-wobble branch and now updating related qmltests14:53
mzanettithat was quick14:53
mzanettiis it still working?14:53
MacSlowmzanetti, sofar14:54
MacSlowmzanetti, but I'll still do some further verification tests14:54
MacSlowmzanetti, also almost done with resurrecting my bq for more coverage14:55
tsdgeosjhodapp: anything i'm missing https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/inline-dash-videos/+merge/260251/comments/663849 ?15:13
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MacSlowmzanetti, launcher-icon-wobble verified on mako... krillin still to be done15:32
jhodapptsdgeos, that looks good, seems to be the same of very similar problem that morphis is chasing right now15:39
tsdgeosjhodapp: :=15:39
tsdgeos:) i mean15:39
tsdgeosstill not double nose here15:39
morphistsdgeos: yeah have the same here ..15:40
conyoo^^ hehe15:45
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josharensonelopio: I'm taking a look at https://trello.com/c/1uw3r2ZN/111-qa-supplied-helpers-integrated-into-upstream-unity8-along-with-tests-to-indicate-break-item1-shell and was wondering if you knew where the code (https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-sanity-tests/trunk/view/head:/ubuntu_sanity_tests/helpers/unity8/shell.py) went?17:40
elopiojosharenson: they renamed ubuntu-sanity-tests to ubuntu-system-tests. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-system-tests/trunk/view/head:/ubuntu_system_tests/helpers/unity8/shell.py17:42
josharensonelopio: cool, thanks.17:42
elopiojosharenson: I'm  no longer working on UI automation, so for this time zone, cachio on #ubuntu-quality is a good ally.17:44
josharensonelopio: noted, thanks17:44
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veebersmzanetti: are you still around perchance?22:22

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