
rick_h_NOTICE: jujucharms.com and the charmstore are back up. The storage in IS is workingto rebalance/sync and might time out or be slow for a bit longer.00:14
kirklandlazyPower: hi02:23
lazyPowerkirkland: o/ i understand you want to compose some charms02:23
lazyPowerkirkland: whats the core fo what you would like to do? I have it on good authority you were planning on dockering in your charm02:24
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kirklandlazyPower: just one new charm, probably a subordinate charm02:25
kirklandlazyPower: I've already created and published a docker image02:26
kirklandlazyPower: it's a simple little cpu scavenging utility (like protein folding or seti), that search for huge prime numbers02:26
lazyPowerah so you're looking to squeeze in some CPU time on anything that's idle. gotchya02:26
lazyPowerthats a perfect candidate, and you can skip all the docker logic if you inheret from our current docker charm.02:27
lazyPowerall you'll need to do is set your config-changed hook logic to deliver the image and spin it up, as it will be called after the docker (or in this case, the base charm) hooks are executed02:27
kirklandlazyPower: hmm02:28
kirklandlazyPower: I would definitely like to skip any redundant docker logic02:28
kirklandlazyPower: so, should I clone an existing charm, or try this new juju-compose thingy02:28
lazyPowerthere's one caveat to the current docker charm that i'll state now since it looks like you're delivering something supremely light weight. We're using ansible in the current charm. so you'll be getting ansible in that payload02:29
lazyPoweris this acceptable?02:29
lazyPowerYou'll benefit from getting upgrades of docker, and the newest features we land every time we cut a release if you build on top of the current docker charm02:31
lazyPowersome of that is landing the new docker plugin support for libnetwork, as well as AUFS is scheduled to land sometime late next week02:31
lazyPoweronce you've written your extension, you'll only need to regenerate the logic that is important to you02:32
lazyPowerby proxy, your service will be able to connect to everything we've already charmed in the docker ecosystem - such as logspout (log shipping) and registrator (service discovery) to name a few02:32
lazyPowerIf you'd like a better view into what you've got exposed to you, https://github.com/juju-solutions/tupperware02:33
kirklandlazyPower: I don't care much one way or another about ansible02:41
kirklandlazyPower: I like the sound of all of that02:41
lazyPowerIts a perfect candidate then, we'll make sure the dependencies work, all you have to be concerned with is delivering your container from the hub, and running it properly :)02:41
kirklandlazyPower: it would be nice if I could just point to the docker image, and voila, i'm 99% done :-)02:41
kirklandlazyPower: okay, let's do it...02:42
lazyPowerkirkland: you're already there actually...02:42
lazyPowerthere's an action to launch images02:42
lazyPower1 moment, it just occured to me that you're delivering a subordinate to eat spare cpu cycles02:42
lazyPowerdocker is a primary charm, let me see if subordinate conversion is supported by composer02:43
kirklandlazyPower: right02:45
kirklandlazyPower: it could run as a primary or subordinate02:45
kirklandlazyPower: I'd think it's more interesting as a subordinate02:45
* lazyPower nods02:45
kirklandlazyPower: perhaps even if only to the ubuntu charm02:45
lazyPowerYou'd have more flexibility in where you can stuff it, say maybe that one machine on the fringe of your network that only handles log shipping02:46
jcastrosub is interesting the same way a boinc sub would be02:46
lazyPowerattach it there and let it search for primes02:46
jcastroif the unit is idle, use the CPU to do science02:46
jcastroif not, work for the primary service02:46
lazyPoweri'd rather not pigeon hole you into a primary. I'm fairly certain we can extend it. if not, we can always publish a "fork" of the docker charm as a subordinate and you simply switch which base your logic inherets from02:47
lazyPowerrun the generator and viola02:47
kirklandlazyPower: sure02:51
kirklandlazyPower: honestly, I'm not really worried about it getting serious use, as it needs ~7 days to do anything useful02:51
kirklandlazyPower: it's more about the exercise of creating a docker container, and then very easily (I hope) creating a Juju charm and a Snappy snap :-)02:52
kirklandlazyPower: if it's not easy, then something is broken that we need to fix02:52
lazyPowerkirkland: i've got interesting work on that front underway as we speak02:52
lazyPoweri'm building a RPI2 cluster, mixed with 2 lxd nodes, 2 docker nodes02:52
kirklandlazyPower: fun02:53
lazyPowerlxd by default supports distributed containers, docker requires swarm - building services that work in concert02:53
kirklandlazyPower: okay -- so no what do I do?02:53
kirklandlazyPower: coolio02:53
kirklandlazyPower: my docker image is here: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/kirkland/mprime/02:53
lazyPowerkirkland: i'm assuming you have juju-compose pulled? our prototype for "inheriting" from an existing charm?02:54
lazyPowerYou'll also need a copy of the docker charm, obtainable via `charm get trusty/docker`02:55
kirklandlazyPower: juju-compose is not executing for me02:56
kirklandlazyPower: I cloned it, pip-installed it locally, but I'm hung up chasing dependencies02:56
lazyPowerok, so you just want to springboard that image - *snap* be done with it02:56
lazyPowergot it02:56
lazyPowerstart with juju deploy docker, i highly recommend you set latest=true, version=1.7.0  via `juju set docker latest=true version=1.7.0` once its registered via juju deploy02:57
kirklandlazyPower: are you going to be particular about what version of charm-tools you want me to use?02:58
lazyPowernot at all02:58
kirklandlazyPower: i just apt-got it from the 15.04 archive02:58
lazyPowereverything we will be doing is perfectly doable from vanilla juju02:58
lazyPowerlast question that i can think of - are you going to be trying this on the local provider?02:59
kirklandkirkland@x250:~/src/mprime/charmāŸ« charm get trusty/docker02:59
kirklandError: trusty/docker not found in charm store.02:59
kirklandlazyPower: I was probably going to use amazon by default, but I can do whatever02:59
lazyPowerno worries, we can skip fetching the local charm - you're not going to be doing layers with composer.03:00
kirklandlazyPower: why couldn't I get the docker charm like that?03:00
lazyPowerI'm not sure, but i've taken a note to investigate.03:00
lazyPowerjuju deploy cs:trusty/docker - will achieve the desired result.03:01
kirklandlazyPower: hmm, before I deploy the generic docker charm, I want to add my docker pull image, though, right?03:02
lazyPowerYou wont need to, no. the docker charm delivers the infrastructure required to run your container.03:03
lazyPowerwill your service have any relations to any other services in the topology?03:03
kirklandlazyPower: nope03:03
kirklandlazyPower: so is there a juju set config for my image?03:04
lazyPowerjuju run --unit docker/0 "docker run kirkland/mprime"03:04
kirklandlazyPower: oh, hmm, juju run?  that sounds slightly hacky03:05
lazyPowerOnce the latest MP lands, an action will be available to run, recycle, kill - running containers.03:05
kirklandlazyPower: I would have hoped something more like "juju set image=kirkland/mprime"03:05
lazyPoweri apologize this hasn't been pushed into the store yet, it received some negative feedback on the last review so it took some polishing and is awaiting another set of eyes.03:05
kirklandlazyPower: sure no worries, bud03:05
lazyPowerkirkland: the problem with juju set image= is you're not altering state of docker, you're altering state of something in docker03:06
marcoceppilazyPower: seems like this is better suited for anaction?03:06
lazyPowerand we want to model that differently.03:06
lazyPowermarcoceppi: correct!03:06
kirklandlazyPower: hmm, run/action doesn't feel right to me03:07
kirklanddoesn't feel like what I'm trying to accomplish03:07
lazyPowerkirkland: you can deliver your image with a subordinate in a few different methods. 1) via dockerfile (charm written) 2) via docker-compose (seems overkill for one service) 3) via a quick and dirty bash charm03:08
kirklandI mean, it's great as the quickest way to run a specific docker image03:08
lazyPowerbut, if you scale the docker service, it inherently runs across *all* docker hosts you juju add-unit to03:08
lazyPowerif thats side effecty behavior is troublesome for this service, its better suited as an action in todays model.03:08
kirklandlazyPower: so as I scale out the docker charm, that specified action will get run everywhere?03:09
lazyPowernegative, if you run the action, it stays isolated to the target unit you executed it against03:09
thumperlazyPower: I suppose I should get around to submitting my celery worker branch for django since I'll be putting it in production soon03:10
kirklandlazyPower: okay, definitely not what I want03:10
lazyPowerthe "scale everywhere" is in relation to subordinate based delivery of docker images, against a cluster that comprises a service.03:10
lazyPowerin this case, the docker charm.03:10
kirklandlazyPower: okay, right, so how can we get this over to the subordinate charm case?03:10
lazyPowerwhats your preferred method to write a charm? Are you a prototype in bash kinda guy?03:11
lazyPowercharm create -t bash mprime03:12
kirklandlazyPower: I'm a "cp -a transcode" and the sed from there :-)03:12
lazyPowerkirkland: ok, a few changes then in the metadata should get you started03:12
kirklandlazyPower: but yes, this is a bash charm, not python or otherwise03:13
lazyPowerin metadata, you'll need to change03:13
lazyPowersubordinate: true03:13
kirklandlazyPower: charm-create: error: unrecognized arguments: -t03:13
lazyPowermarcoceppi: we have something strange going on in 15.04 with charm-tools03:13
lazyPowercannot fetch charms, generators aren't recognizing templates03:13
lazyPoweri'll file a bug in a moment03:14
kirklandii  charm-tools                1.0.0-0ubuntu2     all                Tools for maintaining Juju charms03:14
lazyPowerthat explains it.03:14
lazyPower1.5.1 is latest, and available from the PPA03:14
marcoceppiget from ppa03:15
kirklanddude, you guys haven't uploaded a new charm-tools in Ubuntu in 4 releases, 2+ years03:15
kirklandthis is one thing I continue to despise about all things juju -- everything has to be done from a ppa, doesn't play nice with the Ubuntu archive :-/ :-/ :-/03:16
marcoceppikirkland: you're the snappy guy ;)03:16
marcoceppiwe tried to last release03:17
marcoceppibut it didn't make it in time03:17
marcoceppiI'll resubmit it for wily03:17
kirkland<kirkland> lazyPower: are you going to be particular about what version of charm-tools you want me to use?03:17
kirkland<lazyPower> not at all03:17
* kirkland reminds lazyPower of that exchange ^03:17
kirklandmarcoceppi: goto https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/charm-tools03:17
lazyPowerkirkland: my mistake.03:17
kirklandmarcoceppi: the last time charm-tools was uploaded to the ubuntu archive was 2013-10-1803:17
marcoceppikirkland: I know03:18
marcoceppias the maintainer, I'm aware03:18
marcoceppiwe tried to get a more recent version uploaded last cycle03:18
marcoceppiit didn't make it03:18
kirklandso now...03:18
kirklandwhich ppa do I use?03:18
* marcoceppi eod03:18
kirklandlazyPower: okay, I have a new charm template03:21
kirklandlazyPower: let me fill that out03:21
lazyPowerkirkland: first thing you'll need to do is edit the metadata03:21
lazyPowerremember, with subordinates you need to require a host relationship, this is special03:21
kirklandlazyPower: quick docker question...do I need to do something to create the latest tag?03:22
kirkland2015/07/15 03:20:02 Tag latest not found in repository kirkland/mprime03:22
lazyPowerthe current model we have all across teh subordinates in our ecosystem to date are like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11880797/03:22
lazyPoweryou gave your containers specific version tags03:22
lazyPowerif you want a latest tag, you either omit, or implicitly give it the latest tag03:23
kirklandlazyPower: what's the requirements on icon.svg?03:26
lazyPowerkirkland: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/authors-charm-icon03:26
kirklandlazyPower: hmm, tag suggestion?03:33
lazyPowermisc - as it dont see it applying to any of the other approved categories.03:33
kirklandlazyPower: ack03:34
kirklandlazyPower: maybe analytics03:34
kirklandlazyPower: or (anti)social03:34
kirklandor performance :-)03:34
kirklandlazyPower: okay, help me with the relations...03:35
lazyPowerkirkland: the only relation you will need to implement starting, is the host relationship.03:36
lazyPowerit goes under requires03:36
lazyPowerand use the pastebin link above as your guide ^03:36
kirklandlazyPower: so no provides/requires/peers, right?03:36
lazyPowerunless it needs to exchange data among each unit as it scales, no peering03:36
lazyPowerdoes it provide anything? Can it relate to anything other than the host it is attaching to?03:36
kirklandlazyPower: none -- they all phone home to mersenne.org03:36
kirklandlazyPower: nope03:37
lazyPowerthen no other relations required. just the one to the host that makes it a subordinate.03:37
kirklandlazyPower: help me with that pastebin, then03:37
kirklandlazyPower: is it literally copy-n-paste?03:37
lazyPowercopy and paste it under requires.03:37
kirklandlazyPower: i'm missing something here03:39
kirklandlazyPower: no peers, I agree with that.03:39
kirklandlazyPower: do I have a provides?03:39
lazyPowerYou're not exposing anything to any other charms03:39
lazyPowerfrom what has been described to me, it is only a consumer of resources.03:40
kirklandlazyPower: right, okay03:40
lazyPowerso it has a single relationship, which is the host relationship.03:40
kirklandlazyPower: but, I do put:03:40
kirkland  docker-host:03:40
kirkland    interface: juju-info03:40
kirkland    scope: container03:40
lazyPowerthats it.03:41
lazyPowerkirkland: you may want to take a moment to review the subordinate docs - https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/authors-subordinate-services03:41
lazyPowerthis will help you understand the scope of that relationship you just implemented.03:42
lazyPowerkirkland: its nearing midnight local time. I'm going to be checking out in about 5 minutes.03:44
lazyPowerdo you have any last minute questions i can help with before i check out?03:44
kirklandlazyPower: ack, thanks03:44
kirklandlazyPower: nah, I'll figure out the rest03:44
kirklandlazyPower:  you can review tomorrow03:44
kirklandlazyPower: thanks.03:44
lazyPowerkirkland: just to be clear, charms are reviewed on a first come first serve basis - and you can find the current working queue http://review.juju.solutions, my review time is sloted on fridays unless you have an emergent fix/patch release.03:45
kirklandlazyPower: sure, that's fine03:45
lazyPowerbest of luck on your adventure o/ if you run into any problems feel free to ping tomorrow or hit up the mailing list juju@lists.ubuntu.com03:46
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caribouHi, (on Wily) do I need to do anything special to have "$ juju charm create" add the charm-helpers ?08:18
telegrapherHello everyone!! I have an easy question that I can't find in the docs :)08:43
telegrapherI'm trying to use juju with a local Openstack cluster without swift or nova-objectstore08:44
telegrapherI found this answer https://askubuntu.com/questions/173342/is-swift-object-storage-a-requirement , but since juju 1.21 it seems that those requirements are not needed anymore08:45
telegrapherI'm trying with 1.24, but it doesn't seem to work, maybe the openstack provider still needs the object store?08:46
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caribouIs config.yaml mandatory in a charm ?09:10
marcoceppicaribou: what version of charm-helpers do you have11:47
marcoceppicaribou: also config.yaml is not mandatory. The only mandatory file is the metadata.yaml file11:48
cariboumarcoceppi: lemme check11:48
cariboumarcoceppi: well, the charm-tools I have is 1.5.111:49
cariboumarcoceppi: I ended up fixing it in my charm's makefile11:49
cariboumarcoceppi: but "charm create" doesn't add the ./hooks/charmhelpers directory11:49
marcoceppicaribou: cool, that's the latest version11:49
cariboumarcoceppi: regarding the config.yaml, I may have uncovered a bug11:50
marcoceppicaribou: did you specify the python-basic template? charm create -t python-basic11:50
marcoceppicaribou: oh?11:50
cariboumarcoceppi: doing a final verification, but if the config.yaml file is missing, my unit_tests never return unless I do a <Ctrl>-C11:50
cariboumarcoceppi: I didn't specify any template11:50
marcoceppicaribou: so by default you get the services framework template, which should just attempt to install charmhelpers with pip iirc11:52
marcoceppiinstead of embedding charm helpers11:53
cariboumarcoceppi: that's what I get after $juju charm create : http://paste.ubuntu.com/11882195/11:54
cariboumarcoceppi: trusty with ppa:juju/stable11:54
marcoceppicaribou: right, so if you look at the install hook, it calls a method in setup.py which will pip install charmhelpers when you deploy the charm11:54
cariboumarcoceppi: ah ok, didn't know that11:55
marcoceppicaribou: unless you have a restrive network, we've been trying to move charms away from embedding charm helpers. I'm about to kick off a discussion this week which will highlight how we hope to acheive this so that people with restrictive networks and those who don't have that requirement can work still have working charms11:56
cariboumarcoceppi: but that's only good for a deployed charm.11:56
marcoceppicaribou: well, that's what charms typically do11:57
cariboumarcoceppi: when writing unit_tests, you would expect to have them around11:57
marcoceppicaribou: when writing the unit tests, you should mock those methods11:57
cariboumarcoceppi: yes, that's what I did11:57
marcoceppicharm-tools have their own unit tests. It's a python library, you typically don't have those installed in your projects tree either11:57
cariboumarcoceppi: I also have a sync: anchor in my Makefile to do that if needed11:57
cariboumarcoceppi: well, I made the mistake of starting my charm off an existing one, carring over old helpers11:58
cariboumarcoceppi: that's all fixed now.11:58
marcoceppicaribou: ah, I see11:58
cariboumarcoceppi: btw, I'll open the bug about the missing config.yaml. I'm able to reproduce it at will11:59
marcoceppicaribou: yeah, I think that's just an issue with that unit test template12:03
cariboumarcoceppi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-helpers/+bug/147482412:06
mupBug #1474824: Charm's unit_test never returns if config.yaml is missing <Charm Helpers:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1474824>12:06
cariboumarcoceppi: not sure, as I did not use the template12:06
marcoceppicaribou: interesting, well make test isn't directly tied to charm-tools, it's whatever the unit_testsare for that charm12:07
marcoceppii'll take a look though12:07
cariboumarcoceppi: for my charm, test = amulet, unit_test = python unittest12:08
marcoceppicaribou: I'm guessing I have to install nosetest and coverage?12:09
cariboumarcoceppi: coverage is not needed12:09
cariboumarcoceppi: hence the error in the report12:09
marcoceppicaribou: this isn't a bug with charm-tools, it's just something that in the test utilities in your unit_tests directory12:15
marcoceppicheck line 13 of unit_tests/test_utils.py12:15
marcoceppiCharmTestCase instantiates it on line 5412:17
marcoceppiif you comment that out, it should work without a config.yaml file12:17
cariboumarcoceppi: that's what happens when one blindly yank code out of other people's project :-/12:19
cariboumarcoceppi: sorry for the noise12:19
marcoceppicaribou: no worries! Most all charms have a config.yaml which is why that test_util, not sure who wrote it, but I've seen it from time to time, just assumes it'll be there12:20
marcoceppifrom a charm perspective, everything is optional except for the metadata.yaml file12:20
cariboumarcoceppi: well, my charm will eventually needs it, so having a placeholder for the time being is fine12:20
cariboumarcoceppi: I'll document & close the bug12:20
cariboumarcoceppi: thanks for your help!12:22
marcoceppicaribou: cheers, no problem at all!12:23
tvansteenburghcory_fu: you around?12:24
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jamespagegnuoy, hey - could you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/charm-helpers/drop-ensure-packages14:09
jamespageright now the legacy mode flag on nova-compute does not work that well because of that14:09
gnuoysure, I'll take a look14:10
gnuoyjamespage, isn't this going to break cases where nova-compute has been deployed without the neutron-ovs subordinate?14:21
jamespagegnuoy, there is an associated change to nova-compute14:21
gnuoyjamespage, kk, approved14:22
jamespagegnuoy, https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/charms/trusty/nova-compute/neutron-plugin-sub-config/+merge/26485414:22
jamespagethats the mp for that bit14:22
coreycbjamespage, gnuoy: could one of you review this?  https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/charm-helpers/install-warning/+merge/26434014:40
jamespagecoreycb, got it14:41
gnuoycoreycb, I'm sorry that hasn't been done, it looks good to me. let me land14:41
gnuoyoh, ok14:41
coreycbjamespage, gnuoy: appreciate it thanks!14:41
beisnerhi jamespage, gnuoy - we had talked a while back about moving to pxc instead of mysql in the next/default test bundles, as it's generally what is actually consumed.  shall i make that switch in o-c-t and mojo specs?14:42
jamespagebeisner, +114:42
gnuoyI think so, +114:42
gnuoy(and thanks)14:42
beisnerok thanks & yw!14:43
thedacjamespage: when you have time, it would be good to get some more direction on the workload status work:14:53
thedacI have another branch I am working on now that is a bit more destructive to get the missing context data available to set_context_status() but that may be getting too far into the weeds for our first go round.14:53
thedacAlso do we like 'blocked' or 'waiting' as a status for incomplete contexts?14:57
marcoceppithedac: blocked is the user needs to take action, waiting is the charm waiting for something to happen which may be queued but no additional itneraction fromthe user may be required16:19
thedacmarcoceppi: excellent description. in this case waiting then16:19
* marcoceppi will draft a status page for the docs16:20
thedacthat would be great16:20
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pmatulismarcoceppi: not already here? https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/reference-status16:48
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thedacpmatulis: that is handy17:03
marcoceppipmatulis thedac: that's just the output of `juju help-tool status-set`17:04
marcoceppiwhich doesn't quite describe the states17:04
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marcoceppihey stub let me know when you're up and working, I've got a few cassandra charm questions19:24
stubmarcoceppi: Last chance before bed time19:37
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marcoceppistub: it's going to be a long, long, long time19:57
marcoceppibut tldr, cassandra's java startup is core dumping on GCE19:58
marcoceppiand we don't knwo why19:58
stubmarcoceppi: The only thing I'm aware of that we aren't doing that we should be doing is installing this JNA thing.20:05
stubmarcoceppi: Oracle JRE or OpenJDK? Both? But I'm no expert, and would need to turn to one to debug something like that.20:06
marcoceppistub: it's just OpenJDK atm20:08
marcoceppishould we try Oracle JRE?20:08
marcoceppifor whatever reason it works for local, amazon, and I'm about to test azure20:08
stubmarcoceppi: I would try Oracle JRE, yes. And if things still fail, try to manually install that JNA thingy (which is a suspect for a core dump if my understanding of what it is is correct)20:09
marcoceppistub: I realize it's late (early?!) you're time, so we'll try those and circle back the next time you're around20:10
stubmarcoceppi: Yup. Good luck. Writing that charm did not improve my opinion of Java much, so I doubt I could be much real help :)20:11
cory_fustub: Can you explain http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charm-helpers/charm-helpers/devel/revision/158.2.37 to me?  Specifically, why are we using old (precise) library versions instead of the newest from pypi that will work?20:19
stubcharm-helpers needs to run on precise boxes, with precise dependencies installed. We need to ensure charm-helpers works with these old dependencies.20:20
stubIf we didn't do this, people would write code using the newest APIs and charms on precise would start failing.20:22
stub(which actually happened, as there were a heap of features missing in precise's six module that meant charm-helpers could not even be imported)20:24
cory_fuUnless, of course, the Python dependencies were install from pypi.  But I guess we can't assume that.20:27
stubNot that I care, since I'm only dealing with trusty20:27
cory_fuHrm.  It just seems backwards to be locked into really old library versions like that.20:27
stubcory_fu: Right. egress rules and all that.20:27
stubcory_fu: Yes. It is a pain in the bum.20:28
stubcory_fu: But if it is a problem, it doesn't have to be all or nothing. It might mean some code paths stop working under precise unless you install more modern dependencies, but people can deal with that.20:29
marcoceppiwell, hopefully with the new method of dpeloying charm-helpers, and dropping a lot of the contrib code20:32
marcoceppiwe can get ride of most of the dependencies20:32
stubWe probably want to drop precise entirely when Wiley is released. That many years of skew, we could hit the opposite problem.20:32
stubIts not like people patching precise charms actually want the latest charm-helpers installed.20:33
beisnerkeep in mind that those pesky openstack charms ;-)  have a single charm which is expected to support all currently-supported ubuntu releases.  ie.  the trusty/keystone charm is expected to work for precise through vivid at the moment, with dev focus on wily.20:36
beisnerand in so doing, certain precise-icehouse charm fixes trickle back through charmhelpers20:37
marcoceppibeisner: yes, but hopefully the openstack charm-helpers are underway of being removed from contrib20:38
marcoceppiso they can do whatever they want/need, and the new slimmer charm-helpers will have little to no external dependencies20:38
* marcoceppi looks longingly into the distance20:38
marcoceppione day20:38
stubdoctor, doctor, it hurts whenever I do this...20:38
beisnermarcoceppi, i know it's been discussed, i'm not sure it's underway ;-)20:38
* beisner completes interjection. as you were as you were.20:39
* stub wanders bedwards20:40
kirklandlazyPower: howdy20:44
kirklandlazyPower: so I got my charm deployed and working last night, a little after midnight20:44
kirklandlazyPower: I went a slightly different direction, so I hope that's still kosher20:44
lazyPowerkirkland: Thats the power of juju, there's more than one way to do something, and as long as it fits your objectives - you've always got your namespace to warehouse any artifacts for sharing.20:46
lazyPowerglad to hear you found success in your mprime charm however. thats awesome20:46
kirklandlazyPower: curious, I finally got the code to your docker charm20:47
kirklandlazyPower: and I'm trying to figure out when/where/how you install docker itself20:47
kirklandlazyPower: are you pulling it from the archive?  a ppa?  or, god help us, piping a shell script to sh as root?20:47
lazyPowerkirkland: playbooks/latest-docker  or playbooks/universe-docker20:47
lazyPowerit d efaults to installing from archive, when you set latest=true and specify the version, it pulls from the docker ppa20:47
lazyPowerthat's covered in the charm docsite20:48
kirklandlazyPower: oh, hmm, wow, this newfangled way of writing charms has my head spinning20:48
lazyPowerkirkland: its an Ansible based charm. Juju has a hard requirement of hook files, so we take the concept of a hook, and use python glue code to call an ansible playbook - the tags in the playbook are what scope the actions to the context of the hook thats running.20:51
kirklandlazyPower: okay, so point me to the docs on how to submit this charm for review now20:53
lazyPowerkirkland: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/authors-charm-store#submitting20:53
kirklandlazyPower: ta20:54

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