
lifelessbeuno: parallel ftw :)01:15
blrwgrant: better to add a new property for branch/repo view permission on the views, or just check in the method?01:24
wgrantblr: Check in the method, or guard in the template using the "required" TALES namespace.01:24
blrah actually we already have user_branch_visible in the branch case01:24
wgrantHm, I wonder why.01:25
blrbut only on productseries01:25
blrthat seems a little odd01:25
blralthough maybe it is unreasonable to expect too much symmetry between product and productseries.01:26
wgrantFeel free to increase symmetry where it makes sense.01:30
blrwgrant: is the best way to restrict a branch by setting information_type=InformationType.USERDATA?02:56
blrthat appears to be what the tests in test_branchvisibility use, but it doesn't seem particularly clear.02:57
wgrantblr: PRIVATESECURITY is technically the common case, but USERDATA probably works.03:36
blrthanks, I think that's slightly more obvious03:38
=== G_ is now known as G
blrwgrant: buildbot is busy, but need to head out - will land that fix when I get back.05:09
blrand yay for non-wonky comment mail.05:10
wgrantblr: You can land it now.05:11
wgrantIt'll fail spuriously in a few minutes, though.05:12
blrwgrant: oh I see, incoming failure :P05:12
cjwatsonAh, reproduced the launchpad-buildd 131 crash.10:43
cjwatsondscpath misunderstanding10:43
beunolifeless, indeed!   o/11:38
cjwatson(launchpad-buildd 132 working its way through the system)11:39
cjwatsonwgrant: Do you know of a reason why BaseMailer specifically avoids producing a decent OOPS, and instead just does an ugly logger.warning thing?11:45
cjwatsonIt has a comment saying "Don't want an entire stack trace, just some details", but no rationale for why that should be.11:45
cjwatsonI'm tempted to fix that when consolidating with bugs.11:46
stubcjwatson: Quite possibly to avoid mail spam infinite loops, from when OOPSes were mailed out directly (or am I misremembering?)11:48
cjwatsonCould be.  At the moment, logger.warning turns into an OOPS in scripts (but in this case probably a rubbish one).11:50
wgrantcjwatson: logger.warning only started doing that recently.11:50
cjwatsonself.logger.warning("send failed for %s, %s" % (email, e)) - right, let's substitute the entire message text of an e-mail into a clause11:50
wgrantOOPSes were never mailed out directly, AFAIK.11:51
wgrantBut they were stored in the librarian.11:51
cjwatsonAh, yes, where "recently" -> 5ya.  But more recent than the BaseMailer change.11:52
wgrantRelatively recent in Launchpad history :)11:52
cjwatsonSo I think OOPS with the message as an attachment, logger.info(request.oopsid)11:52
cjwatsonNot entirely sure how to get a suitable request though - we send mail from both the webapp and scripts12:14
cjwatsonOptional request passed to the BaseMailer constructor, maybe12:21
rpadovaniI was thinking... since in my branch I added a new property in the BranchMergeCandidateView class, maybe test should go in TestBranchMergeCandidateView instead of TestBranchMergeProposalMergedViewMixin?16:19
rpadovani(wrt https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/launchpad/link-revision-merged-mp/+merge/264654)16:19
cjwatsonYou could justify putting a test in the former, though I'd still keep the latter test as well since you're changing the template too.16:20
cjwatsonYour link_to_branch_target_commit implementation is broken for git, BTW16:21
cjwatsonAnd indeed the current tests are broken too - missing getCodebrowseUrl in various places16:22
rpadovanicjwatson, indeed, and how could I fix the test? I'm not able to understand how I can retrieve the git url... Also the bzr one is broken, cause it returnes the address of the repo without http://bazaar.launchpad.net at start....16:28
rpadovaniI tried some of the strategies you suggested me, but I'm not able to access to context, so I can't take git_repository or other usefuls properties16:30
cjwatsonI don't understand your comment about the context16:30
cjwatsonIn the test, bmp is the merge proposal, which is the context for the view under test16:31
cjwatsonSo bmp in the test is equivalent to self.context in the view16:31
cjwatsonLet me go write a bunch of inline comments :)16:32
rpadovanithanks, I'm quite lost :-)16:32
rpadovaniif we will never meet, I will offer a couple of beers ;-)16:33
cjwatsonrpadovani: does that help now?16:51
rpadovanicjwatson, definitely, I'll take care of them asap, thank you very much :-)16:52
cjwatsonNo problem.16:52
* cjwatson decides he isn't likely to make much more progress on refactoring bug notifications today. EOD time.17:05

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