
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
ahoneybunis Ubuntu.DownloadManager not working for everyone?04:39
HearT^KilleRcan someone help me with installing an eggdrop04:51
akiva-thinkpadHearT^KilleR: eggdrop?04:56
akiva-thinkpadHearT^KilleR: is that the irc bot?04:57
akiva-thinkpadI have experience with supybot, brb05:00
HearT^KilleRErr http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy/main tcl-dev i386 8.5.0-2ubuntu505:02
HearT^KilleR  404  Not Found [IP: 2001:67c:1360:8c01::19 80]05:02
HearT^KilleRsome developments are not found05:02
HearT^KilleRi am trying to install  apt-get install tcl-dev05:02
dholbachgood morning07:13
akiva-thinkpaddholbach: morning07:23
sturmflut2nemo, mcphail_ : Ping07:24
dholbachhey akiva-thinkpad07:26
akiva-thinkpaddholbach: what you working on these days?07:26
dholbachakiva-thinkpad, lots of small things and some bits related to snappy and the developer site :)07:27
dholbachand you?07:27
akiva-thinkpaddholbach: sdk autopilot plugin, and the filemanager app. Waiting for jenkins to be updated though on that.07:28
dholbachwow, nice!07:28
dholbachballoons told me all about your great work!07:28
akiva-thinkpadI want to start creating desktop versions of the core apps, but I need to ask again what is the best booleon to determine when an app is in desktop mode07:28
akiva-thinkpaddholbach: thanks!07:28
akiva-thinkpadit was really good practice.07:29
dholbachI can imagine07:29
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ogra_what happened to url-dispatcher ... seems my apps cant open external links anymopre09:06
ogra_qml: Opening remote: http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-install-fest-innovathens-greece-2015/216809:06
ogra_** (process:5045): WARNING **: Unable to dispatch url 'http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-install-fest-innovathens-greece-2015/2168':GDBus.Error:com.canonical.URLDispatcher.BadURL: URL 'http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-install-fest-innovathens-greece-2015/2168' is not handleable by the URL Dispatcher09:06
ogra_do i need to use a different format ?09:06
DanChapmanogra_: Looks like a bug... I can't open your link above in dekko, but url-dispatcher is still working for me when clicking other links09:25
=== chriadam is now known as chriadam|away
ogra_DanChapman, thanks, i'll wait for kenvandine and ted to show up :)09:34
ogra_it is any URL btw ... not just that one above09:36
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Frantiquehello all11:18
Frantiquedoes anyone knows where asciigirl is? And why she doesn't make the reviews? :(11:20
nemo_sturmflut2: good morning11:36
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sturmflut2nemo_: Sorry, solved it by now. I wanted to know how to build SDL2_ttf for the phone.11:36
nemowell. that was 3AM my TZ ☺11:36
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=== DanChapman_ is now known as DanChapman
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=== Mirv_ is now known as Mirv
ogra_kenvandine, yo !13:03
kenvandineogra_, yo !13:09
ogra_kenvandine, so since a while all my apps dont open external links anymore13:10
ogra_with messages like:13:10
ogra_<ogra_> qml: Opening remote: http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-install-fest-innovathens-greece-2015/216813:10
ogra_<ogra_> ** (process:5045): WARNING **: Unable to dispatch url 'http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-install-fest-innovathens-greece-2015/2168':GDBus.Error:com.canonical.URLDispatcher.BadURL: URL 'http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-install-fest-innovathens-greece-2015/2168' is not handleable by the URL Dispatcher13:10
kenvandinethat would be url-dispatcher13:10
kenvandineneed to ask ted13:10
kenvandinei haven't noticed that13:10
ogra_well, thats for my own written apps13:11
ogra_like the G+ app in the store13:11
ogra_i'm only using Qt.openUrlExternally() though13:13
kenvandinethat should work fine13:13
ogra_well, that is what gets me the above13:14
kenvandinei just tried it from your g+ app on my arale13:14
kenvandineworked fine13:14
kenvandineopened a browser13:14
ogra_super weird13:14
kenvandinewily or vivid?13:14
kenvandinevivid for me13:14
ogra_i dont touch wily ... makes no sense :)13:14
kenvandinethought so :)13:15
kenvandinewell works here13:15
kenvandineso maybe the db is messed up13:15
ogra_so yeah, vivid ... arale latest image ... but thats going on since a while already13:15
kenvandinei don't know much about url-dispatcher, but i think there's some db used13:15
ogra_more than a week at least, i only bothered today to take a look at the logs13:15
* kenvandine wonders where tedg is when we need him 13:16
ogra_he'll show up soon, i'm sure13:16
ogra_these 'mericans always sleep into the late afternoon :P13:16
* kenvandine has been up for hours already :)13:16
* ogra_ grins13:17
kenvandineanyway, before whacking anything there13:17
kenvandinelets check with tedg13:17
kenvandinemight want some debug info13:17
ogra_yeah, no hurry13:17
kenvandinebut i'm pretty sure it's something out of whack on your device13:17
kenvandinei open urls daily from your g+ app, never seen an issue13:17
ogra_well, then i'm happy ... as long as it isnt the app13:17
ogra_i just dont want it broken for users13:17
kenvandinei think it's cool :)13:18
* ogra_ notices that ted hides from here ... he is talking in snappy channels :P13:25
kenvandineah ha!13:26
ogra_ha !13:27
* tedg makes ogra_ happy13:27
ogra_<ogra_> <ogra_> qml: Opening remote: http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-install-fest-innovathens-greece-2015/216813:27
ogra_<ogra_> <ogra_> ** (process:5045): WARNING **: Unable to dispatch url 'http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-install-fest-innovathens-greece-2015/2168':GDBus.Error:com.canonical.URLDispatcher.BadURL: URL 'http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-install-fest-innovathens-greece-2015/2168' is not handleable by the URL Dispatcher13:27
ogra_tedg, any idea why my app cant open external links anymore ?13:27
ogra_seems my url-dispatcher is screwed13:27
tedgHmm, no idea.13:27
kenvandinejey tedg!13:27
tedgogra_, Are you by chance on wily?13:27
kenvandinetedg, i've confirmed it works for me from his app, vivid13:28
ogra_started a while ago ... when i looked today i found such errors13:28
kenvandinemust be his device13:28
ogra_tedg, no, i wouldnt touch wily13:28
tedgogra_, Run this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/url-dispatcher/trunk.15.10/view/head:/tools/url-dispatcher-dump13:29
tedgkenvandine, I was talking with cwayne last night about exporting an HTML doc to the browser, figured that was your cup of tea.13:29
tedgkenvandine, Not sure a way to do that.13:29
ogra_tedg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11882609/13:29
tedgogra_, Huh, that looks like what I'd expect13:31
tedgogra_, Anything in the URL dispatcher log?13:31
* ogra_ checks13:31
tedgkenvandine, He has a local HTML file that he'd like to view. Guessing help or something.13:31
kenvandineso just rendering a local html file?13:32
ogra_** (process:1656): CRITICAL **: url_db_find_url: assertion 'db != NULL' failed13:32
ogra_** (process:1656): CRITICAL **: url_db_find_url: assertion 'db != NULL' failed13:32
ogra_tedg, lost of that ^^^13:32
kenvandinethe problem with that is it might reference other content, like images13:32
kenvandineso transferring the html file might not be enough13:33
ogra_tedg, and i can add such a line with a click in the G+ app13:33
ogra_each tap gets me a new one13:33
tedgogra_, It seems to not have a DB... which is odd as you just queried it.13:33
tedgogra_, Delete the log and restart to see if it gives an error at startup.13:34
tedgkenvandine, Sure, I call those "content hub problems" and I assume someone else will solve them ;-)13:34
ogra_nope, just the same line13:34
ogra_(and an empty one above)13:34
kenvandinetedg, thought so :)13:34
tedgogra_, Hmm, if you delete the url-dispatcher cache and reboot it should rebuild it. But not sure how it get fubar'd13:36
kenvandinetedg, a while back mine was fubar'd and had to delete the cache too13:36
kenvandinea while being ages ago...13:37
ogra_tedg, delete everything ? including the click-urls subdir ?13:37
kenvandinejust worry we don't have a good way for the user to recover from this13:37
ogra_oir just the sqlite file ?13:37
tedgogra_, You can delete everything, click will recreate the symbolic links.13:37
* ogra_ mv's it out of the way13:37
tedgHeh, wimp ;-)13:38
ogra_heh, thats the german in me ... always a safety net ;)13:38
ogra_tedg, works fine now13:39
ogra_i guess thats something to keep an eye open for13:40
kenvandinetedg, would be cool if it could handle an error like that and rebuild the cache13:40
ogra_what i notice in the regenerated db is that webbrowser-app now has its entries at the very top being the first http handler13:40
tedgYeah, I'm not sure what the error really *is*13:41
tedgHard to handle "randomness"13:41
ogra_http://paste.ubuntu.com/11882662/ db output after re-gen13:42
tedgYeah, the ordering is effectively random. It's basically the sqlite hashing that determines it.13:43
tedgOn a rebuild it should be processing order, and we do system then usr, but over time it'll just be interleaved.13:43
ogra_anyway, all fine now ... if we hear from others about it we at least know it happened before :)13:44
tedgI think what I've come to realize is that we're getting a fair number of URLs, which is cool.13:44
tedgI'm kinda surprised more people didn't use intent though.13:45
ohmyhello, Is there anyway to dump all QML object tree into XML (or other) format please ?13:56
kalikianaohmy: you can do JSON.stringify(object)14:07
DF__hey guys14:48
DF__i have a question, witch is the latest Ubuntu.Components ou there, because i get error on 1.114:48
faenilkarni: hey :)15:18
karnifaenil: yo15:18
faenilkarni: how is it going with the new telegram backend?15:18
ahoneybunDF__: 1.215:22
DF__ok ty15:26
ahoneybunmhall119: http://qmlbook.github.io/16:20
DF__How can i show console.log in the app16:25
ahoneybunin the app DF__?16:40
ahoneybunyou can show it in the SDK from what I know16:40
ahoneybunconsole.log("pushed some button or something")16:42
DF__i want to show it in the app16:47
DF__it's data from a web-service16:47
DF__but i want to show it in the app16:47
ahoneybuntext: i18n.tr("Status: 'current status'")17:00
DF__i'll try out if i can print the function in there17:02
ahoneybunI'm writing a example17:02
DF__ok ty17:02
DF__btw it didnt work17:03
DF__because my function has several consoles.log17:03
ahoneybunI would not think it would be hard to do17:04
ahoneybunconsole.log == statusLog.text or something17:04
ahoneybunjust thinking from experience17:04
ahoneybunthen this would not work: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11883623/17:06
DF__ok i'll try it out17:10
DF__see my code here17:17
* ahoneybun opens it17:22
ahoneybundoes that work?17:23
DF__only one thing17:24
DF__it only shows the data on the console17:24
ahoneybunI would think you can add: console.log("Status: " + ajax.status + ", Status Text: " + ajax.statusText);17:24
DF__i want to show it on the app17:24
ahoneybunto a label17:24
ahoneybunwith text: i18n.tr()17:24
DF__but does that call that fucntion??17:25
ahoneybunone way to find out, I'm not to knowledgeable about use that17:25
DF__ok, i'll try it17:26
ahoneybunjust trying to brainstorm here :)17:26
DF__ok :)17:26
ahoneybunwhy does the onClicked have text: ?17:27
ahoneybunthe text would be outside of the onClicked and inside the Button17:27
ahoneybunI would think17:27
DF__i vtried it17:28
DF__to put there17:28
DF__but it doesnt anything17:28
ahoneybunmaybe onTriggered would be better for that then onClicked17:29
DF__humm i'll try it out17:30
ahoneybuncan you paste your whole code?17:30
ahoneybunthanks I'll try it out as well17:32
ahoneybunwon't work much since you have it hitting a localhost but still17:33
ahoneybunputs out a status that I can use17:33
DF__you can use twitter api to17:33
ahoneybunI've never used a API tbh17:34
DF__btw me to17:37
DF__i'm still a noob developer in ubuntu17:37
ahoneybunoh cool17:37
DF__but want to learn it fast17:37
ahoneybunat least you have some knowledge of APIs17:37
DF__i have an mx4 to test my software17:37
ahoneybunmore then I do lol17:37
ahoneybunI have the good old Nexus 417:38
DF__i have that to but battery died :(17:38
DF__and the 4 is good very good actualy17:38
ahoneybunmine did too but I replaced it17:38
DF__i was pllaning that but lg's suplier where lieres and said to me that they had send the things but they lied17:39
DF__so i canceld the order17:40
ahoneybunthat they have no new batteries?17:40
DF__no that they had already send me the shipment17:41
DF__i was hopping 1 week17:41
DF__first they told me that they had already shipped the things then afert a day or 2 they told me that they didnt do it17:47
ahoneybunthat sucks17:47
DF__then i told them "if the order hasnt ship yet then cancel my order and give me my money back" so they gived my money back17:48
ahoneybunoh wow17:49
DF__thats what you call lying to a client17:50
ahoneybunfor sure17:51
ahoneybunI'm a bit lost to say DF__18:05
DF__so what did you see??18:20
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balloonsdoes anyone know offhand where the alarms are stored on the desktop? I'd like to delete them all sanely20:03
balloonswelp it's seemingly under .local/share/evolution20:17
dubstar_04has Ubuntu.Components.ToolbarItems been depreciated?20:39
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