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duflugreyback__: I might be imagining things but my phones feel more laggy. Did we disable input resampling or something?08:32
greyback__duflu: nope08:32
dufluHmm, probably imagined08:32
greyback__dednick working on getting numbers for that, using mir's new perf work08:33
duflugreyback__: Now is a very good time. We have incremental improvements that reduce latency in both 0.14 and 0.1508:34
dufluAnd have more after that too. So it won't be sudden, but it is good solid progress08:37
dufluWhen the improvements actually make it into distro, then they will be announced. In the past we've announced things and then had to revert them before they entered distro08:39
alf_duflu: greyback__: FWIW, after installing silo 4 (mir 0.14) on mako, scrolling the apps scope feels more laggy than before the update08:51
duflualf_: Is only Mir upgraded or other things too?08:52
dufluBecause I've spent months verifying Mir is actually faster in 0.14 than 0.1308:52
alf_duflu: Here is the list of upgraded/installed packages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11881589/08:53
duflualf_: OK then. Way too early to pin the blame on Mir 0.14 :)08:54
duflualf_: Also, it's advisable to never use the dash for latency testing. Because the dash has never been fast enough to keep up with 60FPS it will skip frames, which is visually misleading.08:59
duflu... you can't see subtle changes if your granularity is 33ms between frames to start with09:00
anpok.. one possible purely speculative conclusion could be that we should look for things that cause problems and optimize those..09:04
alf_duflu: I don't use it for latency testing. In the end it's the final visual impression that counts, however, and for some reason we have regressed on this in silo 4.09:04
duflualf_: Sure, it's always possible to do worse. Just that if you're looking for very small improvements in future, don't use the dash for visual testing because its performance is too erratic and unreliable09:05
anpoki am really looking forward to see the perf test with the rest of the stack of the phone included09:05
anpokjust making tests with mir demos isnt really interesting09:05
dufluNot fun and interesting, but really important. Because if you upgrade the whole stack (ie. that silo) then you have no chance of finding out which package made it slower09:06
dufluAt least not easily09:07
anpokwell the silo does not contain substantial changes in any of the other packages09:07
dufluIf true, then that's intriguing09:09
anpoki mean .. take server changes.. qtmir plugs in new parts and has its own threading behavior and additional mutual exclusion (event vs render thread) .. so any measurements without that involved cannot be used to make statements about the new phone image09:12
* duflu is only going on what he knows. That is the latency improvement in Mir 0.14 works in isolation (if that's the _only_ thin you change on the phone). That was also months ago. Many things could have changed to affect the performance of the phone or Mir specifically.09:13
anpokwe replaced input dispatcher which.. should have no effect on qtmir because it has its own .. so it may effect usc..09:15
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kdubstreams having size and pixel formats makes little sense to me... buffers and surfaces have sizes, but streams are just a collection of buffers13:33
anpokcould it be that because of the double buffering branch the swap took longer..13:37
anpokhmm but still  it happened even without.. so nm.13:37
anpokkdub: what would be the size of a surface?13:38
anpokor how is it defined..13:38
kdubthe size of the surface is the size that the surface is :)13:38
kdubsurface size is the intended composition size13:39
kduband buffer size is the actual size of the buffer13:39
anpokkdub: so the primary size used to compose the buffers..13:43
kdubanpok, right, the surface size is the size that the compositor will have the surface appear on screen13:44
kduband the buffer size is the same; its the size of the buffer13:45
kduband if the two differ, thats what scaling is for13:45
kdubbut differing should only be a transient scenario for resize13:45
kduband an intentional one if there's a stubborn video decoder, perhaps13:45
anpokso if we report user input to the client... hmm13:47
anpokwhich buffer size do we use13:47
kdubsurface size13:47
anpokor surface size13:47
anpokthe size the client received as his last resize event..13:48
anpokor .. instead .. the last resize event sent out to the clien13:48
anpokthat could be different from the surface size13:48
kdubwell, no?13:49
anpokand also  different from the buffer size13:49
kdubsurface size is the important one... when that changes, we send out the resize event13:50
anpokright we do that instantly13:50
kdubright, and the input changes at that point too13:50
kduband in the NewBufferSemantics, the client will arrange the transition of buffersize to match the surfacesize13:50
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Guest16852Hi All, I am a newbie, building the mir on ubuntu x86, 64 bit.14:23
Guest16852But I am facing a problem, thanks in advance.14:23
Guest16852Building CXX object src/platforms/mesa/server/common/CMakeFiles/mirsharedmesaservercommon-static.dir/buffer_allocator.cpp.o14:24
Guest16852/home/rakesh/ubuntu_development/mir/src/platforms/mesa/server/common/buffer_allocator.cpp: In member function ‘std::unique_ptr<mir::graphics::Buffer> mir::graphics::mesa::BufferAllocator::reconstruct_from(MirBufferPackage*, MirPixelFormat)’:14:24
Guest16852/home/rakesh/ubuntu_development/mir/src/platforms/mesa/server/common/buffer_allocator.cpp:240:5: error: ‘gbm_import_fd_data’ was not declared in this scope14:24
Guest16852     gbm_import_fd_data data;14:24
Guest16852     ^14:24
Guest16852/home/rakesh/ubuntu_development/mir/src/platforms/mesa/server/common/buffer_allocator.cpp:241:5: error: ‘data’ was not declared in this scope14:24
Guest16852     data.fd = package->fd[0];14:24
Guest16852     ^14:24
Guest16852/home/rakesh/ubuntu_development/mir/src/platforms/mesa/server/common/buffer_allocator.cpp:248:31: error: ‘GBM_BO_IMPORT_FD’ was not declared in this scope14:24
Guest16852         gbm_bo_import(device, GBM_BO_IMPORT_FD, &data, package->flags),14:24
Guest16852Can any one please help me, where to find out the definition for function gbm_import_fd_data and GBM_BO_IMPORT_FD14:25
Guest16852Even I have successfuly installed the mesa library on my machine14:25
anpokGuest16852: do you have gbm.h?14:25
Guest16852let me check14:25
anpokoh you are on ubuntu..14:26
Guest16852[00:24 rakesh@param build]  :  locate gbm.h14:26
Guest16852yeh it seems14:26
anpokgo to your mir source dir and type 'dpkg-checkbuilddeps'14:26
Guest16852[00:27 rakesh@param mir]  :  'dpkg-checkbuilddeps'14:27
Guest16852dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: android-headers (>= 4.4.2) umockdev (>= 0.8.7)14:27
anpokcould you check the mesa version or actually the libgbm-dev version installed14:29
anpokmaybe we need to ensure that the gbm headers are new enough14:29
anpokas in the version shown in 'apt show libgbm-dev'14:29
greyback_anyone give me some hints on debugging this: [1436970458.912329] <ERROR> mircommon: Caught exception at Mir/EGL driver boundary (in queueBuffer): /build/mir-UAyS26/mir-0.13.4+15.04.20150709.2/src/client/rpc/stream_socket_transport.cpp(168): Throw in function virtual void mir::client::rpc::StreamSocketTransport::send_message(const std::vector<unsigned char>&, const std::vector<mir::Fd>&)14:30
greyback_Dynamic exception type: N5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorIN3mir25socket_disconnected_errorEEEEE14:30
greyback_std::exception::what: Failed to send message to server: Broken pipe14:30
greyback_32, "Broken pipe"14:30
greyback_happens sometimes when I have multimonitor setup and I unplug the second screen14:30
Guest16852@anpok, this is my gbmlib version installed14:31
Guest16852Version: 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.414:31
anpokso thats trusty..14:34
anpokbut it should have those structs defined14:34
Guest16852Yup, I am using 14.0414:35
anpokoh that was added in 10.214:36
Guest16852@anpok, so do I need to upgrade the libgbm-dev ????14:37
anpokyes.. mir can only build with mesa newer than 10.214:37
Guest16852Thanks mate.14:38
Guest16852let me try14:38
Guest16852is there any apt-get install package?14:38
Guest16852or do I need to build the source code again?14:38
anpokoh you could try picking a newer mesa release, but that might require you to also install a newer libdrm .. and might run into further troubles..14:39
anpokinstall as in .. trying to build it locally..14:40
anpokit might be simpler to just go to utopic or even vivid14:40
Guest16852Thanks mate, I will install the 15.04 then14:41
Guest16852that is the easiest way I reckon.14:41
rakesh__Thanks anpok14:44
anpokwelcome - happy hacking.14:45
rakesh__Yoo too14:45
greyback_unping - it's a symptom of the server dying14:54
anpokoh which server? .. i mean nested or host?14:54
greyback_anpok: host14:55
kdubgreyback_, did the server die?14:58
greyback_kdub: yeah14:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1474891 in mir (Ubuntu) "USC crash on multimonitor unplug" [Undecided,New]14:59
kdubseems like a mir bug, can probably look this afternoon15:00
kdubor a hwc bug maybe :)15:00
greyback_kdub: any info I can supply that might help?15:00
greyback_while I've things set up15:00
kdubgreyback_, maybe how often it occurs15:00
greyback_kdub: it's not guaranteed, maybe 30% of the time15:01
kdubgreyback_, alright, will let you know what I see15:02
greyback_kdub: cool, thanks15:02
greyback_kdub: I think it's easier to repro on the N415:03
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greyback_C++ advice please: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11883287/15:52
greyback_that fails to compile, as DisplayConfigurationOutputType is an enum, not a class15:53
greyback_anyone know any trick to avoid having to put :: qualifiers in from of the enum names in that switch?15:53
greyback_i.e. I can do "typedef mg::DisplayConfigurationOutputType out" and then use out::lvds15:54
greyback_but if I can avoid that, it would be nice15:54
anpokusing out = DisplayConfigurationOutputType;15:54
anpokusing out = mg::DisplayConfigurationOutputType;15:54
greyback_anpok: I'll still need to do out::lvds then yeah?15:55
greyback_ok, I guess that'll do15:55
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kgunnChipaca: just checking in, i believe you got mir launching ok....and were just having issues with the qml part...is that right ?18:41
kgunnjust in case you still needed some help18:41
kgunnChipaca: also, did you end up having to have some sort of patched drm or mesa driver ? curious what that was, if any18:51
Chipacakgunn: no, we patched libxkbcommon, but that's all for now18:52
Chipacakgunn: however18:52
Chipacakgunn: anything other than the demo clients that ship with mir can't connect18:52
Chipacakgunn: so rather puzzled by that18:53
kgunnweird... Chipaca so you couldn't build the qtclock snap like i did in the doc ?18:53
kgunn...or well, build, instlal and run18:53
Chipacakgunn: i don't know the doc you mean :-/18:53
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kgunnChipaca: this one...18:54
kgunnqt clock reference app (towards the bottom)18:54
Chipacano, i haven't tried that, i will do so now18:55
Chipacakgunn: are you around for a bit more?18:55
kgunnyes Chipaca, will be interesting18:55
kgunnChipaca: the patch to  libxkbcommon, is in wily itself already ? or something separate ?19:03
Chipacakgunn: not in wily, no; it's http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11882626/19:03
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