
mariogripahoneybun: I have some exciting news :D I seems to have find the issue with rild (telephone) after lots of digging in logs.01:05
mariogrip error: /dev/smdcntl0, error [19:No such device]01:06
ahoneybunthat is big01:06
ahoneybunI guess that is the wrong device?01:07
mariogripqmuxd should use smdcntl0, so that is correct.01:07
ahoneybunso just BT and camera then video decode01:08
ahoneybunPLUS this is BIG news for sailfish as well01:08
ahoneybunsince they were stuck on that as well01:08
ahoneybunany builds tonight mariogrip?01:09
mariogripI need to find out how to fix the "No such device" first, i just found i 5 mins ago.01:09
ahoneybunoh ok01:10
ahoneybunstill lots of progress01:10
mariogripI don't expect it to be long until i release a new ota with rild working. but other issues might pop up01:11
ahoneybunof course01:11
ahoneybunI still just have Touch on my Nexus 4 and use the OnePlus One as my daily driver01:12
mariogripand i'm also working on this:I don't expect it to be long until i release a new ota with rild working.01:12
mariogripoh, copy paste error01:13
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cwayne_tedg, hiya, should url-dispatcher be able handle file://blah.html URIs?01:14
mariogrip*ignore my spelling errors* it's just a test site yet01:14
tedgcwayne_, Nope, not really. Content is a content hub problem.01:14
ahoneybunmariogrip: a request site?01:14
tedgcwayne_, I believe that kenvandine was adding a content URL for scopes that want to share content though.01:15
cwayne_tedg, it's not about sharing, i want it to launch browser to view the local html file..01:15
tedgcwayne_, Might only be for text right now (I don't remember)01:15
tedgcwayne_, The browser can't read your HTML file, as it's not in the browser's confinement.01:15
ahoneybunVote Devices, Progress Devices, Active Devices maybe mariogrip?01:16
mariogripahoneybun: Yes, where users can vote on what they want to get ported first + donate devices01:16
ahoneybundonate devices or money?01:16
mariogripahoneybun: Yeah, that sound good01:16
mariogripahoneybun: both, (money will be used to buy the device)01:17
ahoneybunonce you have the device the money will then pay for your time right?01:17
mariogripahoneybun: after devices and my 4 servers :)01:18
ahoneybunyea damn01:18
ahoneybunthose cost money01:18
ahoneybunVoting, Inprogress, Active01:19
mariogripYeah, web, ci, ota and personal build servers :D01:19
mariogripi also manage to break my bq today :( https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/HFzo5j8L/IMG_20150715_031514.jpg01:20
ahoneybunI guess that was your daily driver?01:20
mariogripyes. i loved it01:21
ahoneybunout of a phone now then?01:21
mariogripbut now the screen does not work at all01:21
mariogripwell, i have an old mako i can use01:21
ahoneybunoh ok01:21
mariogripor, my samsung s3, but i does not have ubuntu :P01:22
mariogripI edited the site01:24
ahoneybunVoting, Inprogress, Active mariogrip01:25
cwayne_tedg, isn't browser unconfined?01:25
mariogripahoneybun: Inprogress devices or just Inprogress?01:26
tedgcwayne_, I don't believe so.01:27
tedgIt sure shouldn't be :-)01:27
tedgI think we even confine Firefox on the desktop.01:27
cwayne_well, it's a .deb, so i think it is unconfined...01:27
ahoneybunmariogrip: Voting, Ongoing, Active maybe mariogrip01:28
tedgIt can still be confined as a deb01:28
ahoneybunActive would be similar to Ongoing01:28
mariogripyeah, Inprogress sounds better i guess01:28
ahoneybunI'm looking for beer terms to use mariogrip :)01:29
mariogripit's 03:30 AM here :P oh, well, it's summer.01:31
ahoneybunMash Tun = Inprogress01:31
ahoneybunKeg = Done01:32
ahoneybunVoting, Fermenting, Packaged01:32
mariogriphehehe, i can make a language that named Brewing01:33
nhainesI'm digging the core apps PPA today!01:34
nhainesThe only thing missing is Telegram.01:34
nhainesDekko's a fun thing to have on the desktop, though.01:34
ahoneybunsomething is up with the Music app though01:34
nhainesAww, I didn't get around to trying that one yet.01:35
ahoneybunmariogrip: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://archives.starbulletin.com/2008/06/29/special/microbrew_large.jpg&imgrefurl=http://archives.starbulletin.com/2008/06/29/special/story06.html&h=419&w=788&tbnid=uK9dIoM6_AybuM:&docid=1JZoUwujnD4qWM&ei=zrilVcfRGo_boAT86LKgDA&tbm=isch&client=ubuntu&ved=0CCsQMygOMA5qFQoTCMfwr7n_28YCFY8tiAodfLQMxA01:35
ahoneybunMilling, Fermenting, Packaged01:36
ahoneybunmariogrip: my status on the forums: waiting for the awesome @mariogrip to get Ubuntu Touch working on our awesome OPO.01:36
mariogripawesome ahoneybun01:38
ahoneybunits cool01:39
ahoneybunlooks cool01:40
mariogripwhat i need to add now is the vote function, donate function and a page for each device.01:41
ahoneybunhave a pretty paypal button :)01:41
mariogripand bitcoin :D01:41
* ahoneybun can't find his wallet01:43
ahoneybungot it01:44
ahoneybungo to sleep mariogrip01:47
mariogriphehehe, I'm running linux, i don't need sleep :=)01:48
mariogripi'm on my way, so cya :)01:48
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Isotop7my arale often has problems with launching the keyboard when pointing into a text entry area. this problem occurs without pattern after different time of usage. Only a reboot helps arale to get it right. Any ideas or is a bug filed?06:00
sturmflut2Isotop7: IIRC there are several OSK-related bugs open06:22
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sturmflut2Good Morning!07:04
dholbachgood morning07:13
nhainesGood morning, dholbach.  Oh, and sturmflut2!  :)07:16
dholbachhey nhaines07:16
nhainesI'm trying to figure out how to run Unity 8 without breaking everything.  :)07:17
TonyBostonis there any reference for getting in touch with making apps for ubuntu touch?07:29
seb128TonyBoston, hey, what do you mean "getting in touch with making apps"?07:30
TonyBostonseb128 I mean I'd like to learn how to program apps/scopes for ubuntu touch07:30
seb128TonyBoston, you probably want to start with https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/07:31
TonyBostonthanks seb12807:49
seb128TonyBoston, yw!07:49
Matthias_hey guys i wanna know how the root system works in ubuntu touch08:24
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Gummi Worm Day! 😃08:33
Isotop7sturmflut2: okay...so i just keep calm...08:35
sturmflut2JamesTait: Now that's a day I can really relate too!08:35
JamesTaitsturmflut2, a lot of my favourite days seem to involve food.08:36
JamesTaitsturmflut2, in our team we have a weekly progress call, and everybody has to start their slot with "good news", followed by what they've worked on for the last week, any challenges and what's next. The good news there involves food a lot of the time, too.08:38
nhainesLike guacamole.08:39
sturmflut2I have Telegram Web, Twitter, G+ and a TitanPad open and Firefox is at 1.2 GB of RAM (PSS). Incredible.08:40
sturmflut2Like this it wouldn't even run on krillin/vegetahd, not enough memory08:41
JamesTaitI usually have that problem with Chromium. FF tends to cane the CPU instead.08:41
sturmflut2Yeah, and FireFox tends to spend the CPU time in routines that can't be explained, like e.g. hanging around in the VP9 decoder when you have never watched a video during the entire session08:42
nhainessturmflut2: better safe than sorry.08:44
sturmflut2nhaines: But what does it decode? Hidden cat videos?08:45
sturmflut2If it's cat videos, I at least want to see them08:45
JamesTaitYeah, not sharing just isn't right.08:45
sturmflut2If possible, I would like to change that hidden background video to the one where the Chinchilla teaches the Cat a lesson08:48
svijsturmflut2: cat videos? You mean panda videos!08:52
sturmflut2svij: Well, we all know that the ultimate overlord of earth's fauna is the Chinchilla.08:55
sturmflut2I would have built "Chinchilla Love", but a Chinchilla knows no love. Only mercilessness.08:56
jgdxhm, maybe I've watched that movie too many times08:57
JamesTaitI miss our chinnies. :(09:03
sturmflut2JamesTait: Mine are getting really old :(09:10
zubozroutHello, can anyone please confirm Music app not playing anything on today's release of devel-proposed? Also, Neverball stopped working for me whil Neverputt still works (Nexus 7) Thank you09:12
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seb128dbarth, mardy, hey, what would be the right component for bug #1474356?09:30
ubot5bug 1474356 in gallery-app "Facebook integration broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147435609:30
* mardy reads09:31
robjhHey. Is xmir working on the mx4 out of the box?09:31
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mardyseb128: I'd say webapps-core09:32
seb128mardy, thanks, do we have a wiki page or standard "how to get more info" for that component?09:33
seb128dbarth, mardy, seems indeed to not be working :-/09:36
mardyseb128: TBH I don't know much about this sharing implementation in the FB webapp09:37
seb128mardy, do you know who does? dbarth?09:39
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mardyseb128: alex-abreu, and maybe dbarth too09:53
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* tathhu will get E5 today ^___^ Finally!! :D:D11:14
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zubozroutHello, can anyone please confirm Music app not playing anything on today's release of devel-proposed? Also, Neverball stopped working for me whil Neverputt still works (Nexus 7) Thank you11:43
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jgdx!ask | zubozrout11:47
ubot5zubozrout: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:47
mariogrip /dev/smdcntl0, error [19:No such device] (qmuxd) ogra_ help me plz? :)12:20
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ogra_congrats !!12:54
tathhuaand now over 9000 ota updates ? :o12:58
Matthias_oh thats a lot :/  im also waiting for upuntuphne :) mx412:59
tathhuOk no idea how many12:59
tathhuInstalling ota 3 now12:59
tathhu:P ty13:00
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jei3for user questions, is this channel good or should I use askubuntu.com?13:03
ogra_jei3, this channel is fine ... if you cant get an answer, resort to the mailing-list or askubuntu13:04
jei3ok. is there an official email application or do I need to download dekko?13:06
ogra_i supposed some day dekko might become the official app ... currently the "official" one is the gemail webapp i think13:06
jei3I suppose there is no way yet to use dekko with gnupg or s/mime?13:08
tathhuAh, ota 3 is latest13:08
ogra_jei3, not yet ... i think DanChapman would appreciate patches though (the code is public and opensource)13:09
DanChapmanpatches always welcome :-)13:11
jei3that's good to hear13:12
Matthias_DanChapman: true13:12
tathhuquick question before i even try, can i import contacts from .vcf?13:12
jei3is there any way to input japanese?13:12
ogra_tathhu, there is a way to do it via commandline, no UI yet afaik13:13
jei3do I need to run ubuntu to develop for ubuntu touch or would any gnu/linux distribution do?13:14
tathhuogra_: shieet13:14
* tathhu is lazy13:14
tathhu"Install Dekko email client on Ubuntu Phone, email the *.vcf file to your account, and open this file in Dekko. Import will start automatically."13:16
sturmflut2john-mcaleely: Regarding that "preserve files on /userdata across device resets" discussion, I completely agree with you. Critical system files should never be stored on an user-writeable partition.13:20
ogra_sturmflut2, well, system writeable ...13:20
ogra_(they are different subdirs in the same partition)13:20
ogra_we only have a single writable partition on the device13:21
john-mcaleelyI trust 'the system' less than ogra :-)13:22
ogra_sturmflut2, and while some of these files are not actually critical, it makes sense to keep them ... i.e. the dbus machine-id so the device is still recognized under the same device id13:23
rvrmvo_: ping13:23
ogra_and the whoopsie system-id too ... they are bnoth tied to the actual HW13:23
sturmflut2john-mcaleely: ogra IS 'the system". It's all Snappy Skynet in the end, and he lives inside of it.13:23
john-mcaleelyyeah. it's probably worth considering if those id's should be derived (perhaps one-way) from IMEI13:24
john-mcaleelyI stand by my comment sturmflut2 ;-)13:24
mvo_rvr: pong13:24
ogra_john-mcaleely, only if the reading parets can handle that format13:24
rvrmvo_: I'm testing silo 4513:24
john-mcaleelyogra_, I'd assume 'magic maths' would make the format the same as what's there now13:24
ogra_ah, yeah, then yes, indeed13:25
rvrmvo_: There, a dependency for framework "ubuntu-core-15.04" is removed. Is that harmless?13:25
mvo_rvr: I can check in some minutes, in a call right now13:26
cwayne_can webbrowser-app not open local html files at all?13:37
ogra_used to work with file:/// for me in the past13:37
cwayne_ogra_, with url-dispatcher by any chance?13:42
ogra_cwayne_, no, by typing it into the url bar13:42
ogra_i just learned something though13:43
ogra_echo .quit | sqlite3 -batch -csv -cmd "select urls.protocol, urls.domainsuffix, configfiles.name from urls, configfiles where urls.sourcefile = configfiles.rowid;" ~/.cache/url-dispatcher/urls-1.db13:43
ogra_perhaps if you register a "file" handler with it :)13:43
seb128boiko, hey, seems like the dialer-app template doesn't got updated when https://code.launchpad.net/~tiagosh/dialer-app/dialog-flight-mode/+merge/258274 landed, can you commit an update?13:44
boikoseb128: sure, just a sec13:48
seb128boiko, thanks13:48
boikoseb128: I forgot to do that, sorry13:48
seb128no worry13:48
seb128having to update those template manually is really suboptimal :-/13:49
Matthias_i love QT so now i LOVE ubuntu as well !!! does anyone know if arcrack-ng supports the wifi chip of meizu mx4 ?????13:52
Matthias_that would be so coool13:52
boikoseb128: yeah, I have brought the discussion before: updating in the MR itself is also bad, as we cannot land multiple MRs at once (there is always a conflict), there should be a way for it to get auto-updated13:58
jei3is it possible to synchronize contacts with carddav?13:59
seb128boiko, yeah, I know, in system-settings we changed to use the template from the ubuntu package which is updated at package build time, that works fine, unsure why we don't the same for other sources13:59
seb128we discussed it in the past with dpm, I don't recall the details now though13:59
boikoseb128: oh, didn't know that was possible, can you please point me to how it was done?14:00
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seb128boiko, basically we did https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/build-translations-template/+merge/240696 and have "X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes" in debian/control and I'm unsure if some launchpad project config change was needed14:04
seb128dpm might remember14:04
boikodpm: do you remember that?14:06
ogra_john-mcaleely, infinity just asked me in another channel ... we dont have any phones with pre-3.4 kernelas anymore, right ?14:19
john-mcaleelyI can only speak for the production ones. none of those have such a beast14:19
ogra_infinity, ^^^14:19
ogra_should be fine14:19
infinityjohn-mcaleely: Kay.  And I assume we don't care deeply about $random_community_member trying to port to some ancient device with an ancient kernel?14:20
ogra_not pre-3.4 for sure14:20
infinityjohn-mcaleely: I'm looking to bump glibc MIN_KVER to 3.2.0, which would mean it would flat out refuse to run on older for >= wily.14:20
ogra_wily wont go onto phones ... so the earliest you actually would have to care would be the 16.04 cycle ...14:21
ogra_in which we hopefully wouldnt have any 3.2 or older kernels at all anymore :)14:21
infinityogra_: Well, sure, but this change for wily implies it would also be for 16.04. :)14:21
ogra_just saying ... you got 6 months anyway :)14:22
ogra_unril it bites anyone14:22
infinityogra_: 3.2 is my cutoff in non-phone distro-land because it's what ships with precise and wheezy.14:22
infinitySome people who insist on running Debian and Ubuntu chroots on ancient RHEL versions while whine, but they can run a real OS, I don't care.14:23
ogra_we require at least android 4.4 ... most of these trees should use a 3.4 kernel14:23
infinityogra_: So, wait, there's no plan to base a touch release on wily, just a massive 12-month jump from vivid to xenophobic?14:24
ogra_vivid+overlay PPA til then14:25
infinityI mean, I'd be happy if they were only based on LTSes, so no complaint here.14:25
ogra_and the big jump will also be a snappy one14:25
infinityBut vivid+overlay might either get a bit stale of have a huge overlay that looks a lot like wily. :P14:25
infinitys/of have/or have/14:26
ogra_yeah, kind of :)14:26
ogra_and wily is already falling apart :)14:26
john-mcaleelyrequiring 3.4+ seems fair enough to me14:29
t1mpI have a nexus4 with ubuntu that shows up in the launcher when I connect it to my laptop, but nothing actually gets mounted, and 'adb shell' tells me 'error: device not found'14:34
t1mpany ideas what may be wrong?14:34
t1mpdeveloper mode is enabled, and I tried rebooting the device as well14:34
ogra_wrong adb package on your host ?14:34
t1mp1.0.31 is wrong?14:35
ogra_(ours ships a udev rull to allow you access as non root to the adb device)14:35
ogra_(you can find it in the phablet-tools PPA)14:35
ogra_alternatively: adb kill-server; sudo adb devices14:35
ogra_that restarts adb on the PC with root rights14:36
ogra_and indeed, make sure the screen is unlocked, else it wont let you in14:36
ogra_(same is true for mtp)14:36
t1mpogra_: thanks. Turns out my adb was in a weird state. Couldn't even kill it. Rebooting host fixed it :s14:39
t1mpthat laptop some times has network problems after standby. Very annoying.14:39
dpmseb128, boiko, that and just a heads up to me or someone from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-translations-coordinators/+members#active to approve the template the first time, once the package containing the changes has been uploaded14:51
seb128dpm, thanks, do you think it's a good idea to use that scheme?14:52
GAM002is ubuntu available for android one?14:59
GAM002is there any version of ubuntu for android one phones?15:00
ogra_GAM002, i doubt that ...15:02
ubot5You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices15:02
ogra_GAM002, see that wiki page ^^^^15:02
GAM002ok thanks15:02
GAM002its not a idevice15:02
ogra_there is a porting guide15:02
GAM002its android15:02
ogra_(but thats rather an advanced thing, you need to know both systems well for this)15:03
GAM002well i think its the phone which is available in large quantity and all of them same spec ( probably same hardware tOo)15:04
cwayne_tedg, hey, can the domain-suffix bit of a url-dispatcher definition be used with wildcards?15:04
GAM002i checked that site it didnt mention android one15:04
tedgcwayne_, No, it is only a suffix.15:04
cwayne_for example, could i have protocol file, domain-suffix *.html as a url-dispatcher definition for webbrowser-app15:04
tedgcwayne_, And more to point, it's only the domain, so it doesn't look at the path.15:05
cwayne_ah, i see15:05
tedgFor content, it's a kenvandine problem :-)15:05
cwayne_well for context, in checkbox-touch, we run all these tests and at the end, generate an html report, and I want a button to launch that report in browser15:06
cwayne_is that a content-hub thing?15:07
kenvandineis checkbox-touch confined?15:08
kenvandineand does webbrowser-app handle file:/// urls?15:09
kenvandinenot handle... support15:09
cwayne_well, if you put it into the url bar it works15:10
cwayne_but you can't launch it from a url15:10
kenvandinewith url-dispatcher :)15:10
cwayne_i played around with adding a file protocol to webbrowser-app's url-dispatcher thingy, and it worked, but then it would try to launch *any* file:// url, which could be wrong15:10
kenvandinemaybe you could have a little wrapper in checkbox-touch15:10
kenvandinethat opens the browser with UAL with the url15:11
tedgOr just used the QML plugin for Oxide to display it.15:11
tedgNo reason it needs to be in the browser.15:11
kenvandineeven better :)15:11
cwayne_surely webbrowser-app should support launching local html files..15:11
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cwayne_we could do an webview sure, but i don't see why our browser shouldn't be able to launch local html files,15:12
kenvandinecwayne_, no... because the browser isn't confined15:12
kenvandineand it could end up opening a file that could be evil15:12
ahoneybunmariogrip: what is your time?15:14
rvrmvo_: re-ping15:15
mvo_rvr: meh, different meeting(s)15:15
rvrmvo_: Silo approval is waiting for your feedback :)15:16
mvo_rvr: removal of 15.04-core is harmless, yes, sorry for the delay15:17
mvo_rvr: any bugreport or other thing I should respond in addition to irc?15:17
rvrmvo_: Nope15:20
rvrmvo_: Just wanted to confirm that, thanks15:20
mvo_and sorry for the delay15:20
seb128jhodapp, hey, are you the one looking a media-player issues? I've a few videos on my phone coming from the camera-app that seem to create issue (gallery fails to thumbnail them, media-player to read them (they have a black screen and act like playing never starts, also length is 0)15:22
jhodappseb128, no, bfiller's team is in charge of that15:23
seb128bfiller, ^ :-)15:23
jhodappseb128, oh, that's not mediaplayer-app's fault15:23
jhodappseb128, that'd be media-hub/qtubuntu-media15:23
jhodappqtubuntu-camera...yes that's me15:23
jhodappseb128, can you share the videos with me, I can try to play them locally quickly to get a quick idea of what's going on15:25
tedgjdstrand, As a curiosity, why isn't the webbrowser confined? Seems it should be, no?15:30
jdstrandtedg: there is an open bug on it15:30
dednickjhodapp: ping15:31
jhodappdednick, pong15:31
jdstrandtedg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/135651615:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1356516 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu RTM) "consider shipping apparmor profile for webbrowser-app" [Critical,Confirmed]15:31
dednickjhodapp: hey. just started testing the video player again. seems like the media-hub is still crashing when i have multiple videos in dash and swiping & playing between them15:32
dednickjhodapp: all camera vids15:32
jhodappdednick, you're probably getting the crash that tsdgeos was getting the other day15:32
dednickjhodapp: and camera is working again thanks :)15:32
jhodappdednick, good :)15:32
jhodappdednick, can you get a bt on media-hub for me just so we can confirm it's the same as the one tsdgeos is seeing?15:33
dednickjhodapp: it's nothing usefull, although i didnt have the dbgsyms installed.15:33
dednick?? () from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.615:33
dednickraise () from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.615:33
dednickabort () from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.615:33
dednick?? ()15:33
jhodappdednick, yeah, please install debug symbols15:33
kenvandinejgdx, libqofono is building for wily in silo 2215:33
kenvandinewe have to land in wily first, then sync to vivid overlay15:34
kenvandinecitrain doesn't support dual landings for regular packages15:34
dednickjhodapp: which symbols should i get?15:34
jhodappdednick, media-hub and libc6-dbg15:34
tedgjdstrand, Cool, ship it! :-)15:35
seb128jhodapp, seems like it's not as easy, playing them from mediaplayer on a command line works :-/15:35
jhodappseb128, weird...seems like possibly a confinement issue then15:36
seb128jhodapp, yeah, or a random issue not happening all the time (worked now from gallery after a retry), the thumbnail are still missing though but I guess that's because those are not retried15:39
dednickjhodapp: mmm. still not usefull. one thing i do notice, is that the second video that plays doesnt render correctly. it's as if one pixel of the video is stretched over the video output area15:54
dednickseemed to go in glib now.15:55
jhodappdednick, the crash is in glib?15:55
dednickjhodapp: i think so. getting symbols15:56
dednickalthough it's probably just the raise15:56
dednickand dash is still crashing too.. :/15:56
dednickprobably because the media-hub did though15:57
jhodappdednick, if you see a g_hook_free() or something then it's the same or similar to tsdgeos' crash15:58
dednickjhodapp: yeah, that was it15:58
dednick#0  0xffffffff in  ()15:59
dednick#1  0xffffffff in g_hook_free (hook_list=0xa1805b10, hook=0xf10390) at /build/glib2.0-w3DiQY/glib2.0-2.45.3/./glib/ghook.c:30215:59
dednick        __FUNCTION__ = "g_hook_free"15:59
dednick#2  0xffffffff in g_hook_next_valid (hook_list=0xa1805b10, hook=0xaa002c50, may_be_in_call=<optimized out>) at /build/glib2.0-w3DiQY/glib2.0-2.45.3/./glib/ghook.c:75115:59
dednick        ohook = 0xf1039015:59
dednick#3  0xffffffff in g_hook_list_marshal (hook_list=0xa1805b10, may_recurse=1, marshaller=0xb6e5a371, data=0xab1fe68c) at /build/glib2.0-w3DiQY/glib2.0-2.45.3/./glib/ghook.c:615:59
dednick        was_in_call = <optimized out>15:59
dednick        hook = 0xf1039015:59
dednick        __FUNCTION__ = "g_hook_list_marshal"15:59
jhodappdednick, yep, we're working on that one...that's a difficult one to track down as it's a thread context issue15:59
dednick#4  0xffffffff in  () at /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgstreamer-1.0.so.016:00
dednickjhodapp: ^ sorry, pastebin not working16:00
peat-psuwitWhere is make.ext4fs program in android tree? It seems like it's not in final recovery image.16:00
jhodappdednick, just keep going as best as you can and probably abeato will be taking a look at this soon (morphis is on holiday now)16:01
peat-psuwitExcuse me, where is make.ext4fs program in android tree? It seems like it's not in final recovery image.16:16
peat-psuwitExcuse me, where is make.ext4fs program in android tree? It seems like it's not in final recovery image.16:36
SturmFlutpeat-psuwit: Arent's the ext4 filesystems created via Fastboot? Or something like that16:38
peat-psuwitSturmFlut: Fastboot may be able to do that too, but it must can be done from recovery as well.16:40
peat-psuwitSturmFlut: make.ext4fs is referenced by system-image-upgrader16:40
SturmFlutLet's see16:42
SturmFlutpeat-psuwit: Hm, the recovery image initrd only seems to contain /sbin/mkfs.ext216:47
peat-psuwitSturmFlut: That's strange. There's /sbin/mke2fs, though.16:48
peat-psuwitSturmFlut: Then, why system-image-upgrader use make.ext4fs?16:48
SturmFlutpeat-psuwit: Ah! I'm an idiot, I looked for "mkfs" and not "make"16:48
SturmFlutThere actually is an /sbin/make.ext4fs16:48
peat-psuwitSturmFlut: Which device's recovery? I can't find one in my built from source one.16:50
SturmFlutpeat-psuwit: I took one of the device tarballs for arale rc-proposed16:52
peat-psuwitSturmFlut: Do you have any idea where's it's device repo?16:55
SturmFlutpeat-psuwit: No, sorry.16:56
peat-psuwitSturmFlut: Could you examine recovery for e.g. mako please?17:01
SturmFlutpeat-psuwit: I'll show you how to do it :)17:04
SturmFlutpeat-psuwit: If you look at http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu/mako/index.json , the last entry at the bottom that has the string "device" in its name is /pool/device-62e6cb43ab375213838c613fa66c73224920700ff1b2887b617a0c2b53ce00f2.tar.xz17:05
SturmFlutpeat-psuwit: That means you can directly download it from http://system-image.ubuntu.com/pool/device-62e6cb43ab375213838c613fa66c73224920700ff1b2887b617a0c2b53ce00f2.tar.xz17:06
SturmFlutpeat-psuwit: Unpack it, it contains a file "partitions/recovery.img" that you can extract with "abootimg -x partitions/recovery.img"17:08
SturmFlutpeat-psuwit: Which results in three files, among them "initrd.img"17:08
SturmFlutpeat-psuwit: and that one can finally be unpacked with "cat initrd.img | gunzip | cpio -i"17:09
SturmFlutHm, it has a /sbin/make_ext4fs , note the underscore17:10
peat-psuwitSturmFlut: Thanks about instruction.17:11
SturmFlutTeach a man to how to fish etc. ;)17:11
peat-psuwitSturmFlut: So, there isn't make.ext4fs in this one. It's only in official device?17:12
SturmFlutpeat-psuwit: I can't say. Would have to look at more devices, e.g. krillin17:12
peat-psuwitSturmFlut: I can't extract initrd.img from krillin and vegetahd, saying not a gzip file.17:21
peat-psuwitExamining manta's recovery, there's no make.ext4fs.17:24
SturmFlutpeat-psuwit: The MediaTek recovery images have a 512 byte header at the beginning, don't know why. You can extract them with "dd if=/initrd.img bs=512 skip=1 | gunzip | cpio -i"17:29
peat-psuwitSturmFlut: Ok, krillin's recovery has make.ext4fs, while manta's doesn't have one.17:33
peat-psuwitSturmFlut: krillin's doesn't have make_ext4fs.17:34
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SturmFlutUh oh, looks like I created a project that reliably segfaults ubuntu-sdk on two different machines18:01
SturmFlutWhen I press on "Run"18:01
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tathhu... eh, good night18:26
tathhuE5 is indeed nice handset.t :D18:28
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mah454please view this paste : http://pastebin.com/5SDudi0c18:54
mah454I want to install ubuntu touch on meizu MX4 , but can not found image from channels ....18:55
ahoneybunwhat language do you need mah454?18:55
ahoneybunubuntu-device-flash query --device=meizu --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu.en --show-image18:56
mah454receive this output :18:57
mah454Device meizu not found on server https://system-image.ubuntu.com channel ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu.en18:57
mah454for example this command work : $ ubuntu-device-flash query --device=krillin --channel=ubuntu-touch/rc/bq-aquaris.en --show-image18:58
ahoneybunubuntu-device-flash query --device=arale --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu.en --show-image18:58
ahoneybunuse the codename arale18:58
OerHeksmah454 --device=mx4 <> --device=meizu18:58
ahoneybungoes by codenames18:59
ahoneybunmako = Nexus 518:59
ahoneybunkrillin = BQ E4.518:59
ahoneybunarale = Meizu MX418:59
OerHeksahh noted, thnx.19:00
mah454okey , view this : http://pastebin.com/6St5iCSt19:00
mah454can use ?19:00
ahoneybunyep good old stable19:01
mah454ahoneybun: old stable ???19:01
kenvandineawe_, cyphermox: is there a known problem with network-manager and mobile data in wily?19:01
kenvandineJul 15 14:58:27 ubuntu-phablet NetworkManager[2018]: <info> (ril_0): device state change: prepare -> failed (reason 'modem-busy') [40 120 23]19:01
ahoneybunI'm saying that is is good stable19:01
ahoneybunit is old against rc-proposed or devel-proposed19:01
kenvandineawe_, cyphermox: that's mako19:02
mah454ahoneybun: this is last stable version ?19:02
ahoneybunbut always use stable unlsess you develop19:02
ahoneybunits a new device19:02
awe_kenvandine, yes, only on mako19:02
ahoneybunso it just got 2 OTA's so far19:02
awe_kenvandine, see the recent thread on the mailing list19:02
kenvandineok, thx19:03
awe_the USB renaming change broke rild19:03
kenvandinei was just silo testing and noticed it19:03
kenvandinenot my daily driver anymore19:03
mah454ahoneybun: How can download only images ?19:04
ahoneybundon't want to flash it?19:04
kenvandineawe_, oh, the fix for it is in a silo?19:04
mah454yes yes , I want to download and use on another device .19:04
mah454How can do that ?19:04
cyphermoxawe_: is there a fix for that in the stuff I need to review?19:05
ahoneybunubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu --download-only19:06
awe_cyphermox, no19:06
ahoneybunubuntu-device-flash touch --device=aralen --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu.en --download-only19:06
ahoneybunshould work mah454^19:07
awe_we merely quirked (well disabled) the USB naming change for rmnet_usb* devices19:07
mah454ahoneybun: receive this : unknown flag `download-only'19:07
kenvandineah, lxc-android-config19:07
ahoneybunubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu --download-only mah45419:07
mah454not work :unknown flag `download-only'19:08
mah454why  ???? !!!!!19:08
ahoneybunnot sure tbh19:10
mah454Okey I think this command : ubuntu-device-flash --download-only touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu.en19:13
mah454I have a another question :19:13
davmor2mah454: ubuntu-device-flash --download-only touch --device arale --channel ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu.en19:14
davmor2the download only bit is a command option so needs to be first19:14
mah454at this time : my device (Meizu MX4) run with android . I use this command for create backup : "adb backup -apk -shared -all" , so How can create backup image from installed android on device ?19:15
mah454I mean create system backup image ...19:16
davmor2mah454: there is no guarantee that you can unlock the bootloader on an android MX419:16
davmor2mah454: that would prevent you putting ubuntu on it anyway19:17
mah454and ?19:17
davmor2mah454: why are you downloading an image you might not be able to flash in the first place?  As for android backup look up android back up in the play store there are plenty of options19:19
mah454wait ...19:19
dobeydavmor2: also the device has to be partitioned differently for ubuntu, no?19:26
davmor2dobey: I wasn't even getting that low down the tech stack lets see if it is flashable before we tinker any further :)19:27
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DanockAre there any ssh or enc clients available for ubuntu phone?19:43
Danockplus does anyone know when potshots on Ubuntu phone. Will be implemented19:45
davmor2Danock: there is SSH no vnc as they are all X based and Unity8 uses mir, no idea what potshots is so at a guess when the developer ports it19:50
Jordy_Just tried to install the unbuntu SDK on Kubuntu 15. Created Kits, created Emulators but the Emulators don't do anything. Just a black screen. Anone an idea what to try?19:55
Jordy_Just tried to install the unbuntu SDK on Kubuntu 15. Created Kits, created Emulators but the Emulators don't do anything. Just a black screen. Anyone an idea what to try?19:55
dobeyrenato___: eh? how are you receiving updates for scopes that aren't on the phone?20:25
davmor2Jordy_: emulator is currently broken, people are looking into it should be fixed sometime soon hopefully20:31
kenvandinedavmor2, have a bug number handy for that?20:32
davmor2kenvandine: there are several one second20:32
davmor2kenvandine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1458694 I think this is the favourite iirc20:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1458694 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "[vivid-overlay] unity8 fails to start on the emulator" [Critical,Triaged]20:32
kenvandinedavmor2, thx20:33
tathhuDanChapman: dekko doesn't load any messags when using fastmail :/20:35
dobeytathhu: there is a #dekko too where others might be able to help. ;)20:37
davmor2tathhu: report a bug, make sure you include the dekko log from .cache/upstart20:37
tathhudobey: oh, thanks. :D didn't knew about that20:38
tathhudavmor2: will do when I get to proper pc :o20:38
renato___dobey, I am not sure if they are not in the phone. Because they appear on my update list20:45
renato___I have the euronews on my list right now20:46
renato___dobey, I believe scopes are packages like any other app20:46
dobeyrenato___: not all scopes are on the phone. euronews wasn't one in the OP's list20:48
dobeyrenato___: things packaged in clicks can generally be removed. i don't know of anything that has the removable flag set to false at the moment. you do have to find scopes in the store and uninstall them from there though. there's no way to uninstall a scope from within the manage scopes view20:49
K1773R# click unregister20:53
tathhu Omg this file manager20:53
davmor2tathhu: what's wrong with it?20:54
renato___dobey, yes I was able to remove euronews using your trick. But there is a few others that are not useful in my location that and I can not remove20:55
dobeyrenato___: amazon, ebay, 7d?20:55
dobeyrenato___: if you can't remove them, they are either debs (only core system aggregators and the click scope are), or they are remote scopes on the server and do not exist on the device at all20:56
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renato___dobey, yes, i imagine that.20:57
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jei3is there any way to input japanese? I can't write with my friends :p21:44
tathhudavmor2: nothing, everything is new after sailfish :P22:06
mariogripahoneybun: cest (+2)22:31
ahoneybunnot much use to me mariogrip lol22:31
ahoneybunits 6:30pm here22:31
mariogrip12:30 am22:32
ahoneybunso 6 hours ahead of me22:32
ahoneybunhows the brewing mariogrip?22:33
mariogriphttp://localhost:3000/#/bacon i got some nice pages (still under development)22:34
mariogripwait, localhost is not working for u lol22:34
ahoneybunyea lol22:34
ahoneybunmariogrip: https://ubports-devices.herokuapp.com/brewing22:35
ahoneybun :)22:35
mariogriphttps://ubports-devices.herokuapp.com/#/bacon here22:35
mariogriphaven't applied brewing lang yet :P22:35
ahoneybunstill cool22:35
mariogripthis page give you an idea on what i want this pages to be22:36
ahoneybun"The device is not yet bought, so no deveopment cannot be done." = "The device is not yet bought, so no deveopment can be done."22:36
mariogripYeah, just rushed down some text, i will edit them now22:37
ahoneybunoh of course22:37
mariogripim working on the back-end, the service that will handle votes, ranking and payment22:39
mariogripdid you see the device name i set for OnePlus two? https://ubports-devices.herokuapp.com/#/22:42
ahoneybunegg lol22:48
mariogripand, the oneplus one name is?22:54
cwayne_mariogrip, how's the rild stuff comin?  i just broke my mx4, so I need a new ubuntu phone :D23:14
mariogripcwayne_: going nicely, i have fount the issue (might pop up others). the issue is with the mux (qmuxd).23:16
mariogripUnable to open port id /dev/smdcntl0, error [19:No such device]23:16
cwayne_ah, progress is cool :D23:21
k1lEmexican: ubuntu touch is using MIR.23:26
EmexicanThanks k1l. Do you know if MIR on the desktop supports displaylink devices?23:27
k1lon the desktop?23:28
EmexicanThat is correct23:28
k1li dont know how much support for that sort of stuff is there. i know there is some android hardware layer on the smartphones to use the android drivers for the hardware.23:29
EmexicanI am asking because I want to try and get the displaylink USB monitor that I have to work on the Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition phone I just received. I have also been running into trouble when searching for any sort of information on the Meizu.23:30
EmexicanI have been able to find some verification that Ubuntu Touch devices can output a video signal to HDMI from a MHL to HDMI dongle.23:31
ahoneybunmhall119: said he did that with the Nexus 4 if I remember right23:32
EmexicanI have had luck with a keyboard and flash drive connected to the Meizu through a powered USB 3 hub/USB OTG adapter.23:34
mhall119ahoneybun: I used a slimport adapter on my Nexus 4, I don't know if displayport is supported or not23:40
ahoneybunoh ok23:40
ahoneybunthanks mhall11923:40
mhall119Emexican: so it's basically possible, and it almost kind of works on the Nexus 4 with a slimport adapter, but I have no idea if the MX4 can do the same or what adapters it needs23:41
k1lEmexican: seems like you on the first front to test all that :)23:41
EmexicanIt seems so. I have had a heck of a time trying to find anything out for the MX4. I have barely found BQ support, and it is lacking comparatively.23:42
EmexicanOh that reminds me! How do I add more details to the APN? When I try to edit the APN through the GUI, all I get is a Username and Password field.23:44
mhall119Emexican: you have to manually edit a file, AFAIK23:44
* mhall119 can't remember where it's located though23:44
ahoneybunmhall119: /usr/share/ofono/scripts?23:45
EmexicanXD This is my first run through with UT if you can't tell. I never had a device that could run it.23:45
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mhall119ahoneybun: sounds promising :)23:50
mhall119I remember tweaking something in there anyway23:51
EmexicanI dont see any APN sounding names in /usr/share/ofono/scripts. The closest thing I see is test-network-registration and it does what it sounds like.23:51
mhall119Emexican: I think you need to edit /var/lib/ofono/<something>/gprs23:54
mhall119but you need to stop ofono first, IIRC23:54
ahoneybunsounds right23:54
ahoneybunwhat the heck23:56
ahoneybuncd command not found just when I'm trying to go into that dir23:56

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