
PiLlubuntu rocks02:39
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away
binaryhermitso, should I download 14.04 or 15.04?03:03
binaryhermitactually, strike that, I'll just go for the most obvious 64 bit torrent link on lubuntu.net03:07
binaryhermitsince that'd be the recommended version, probably (and fwiw it appears to be 15.04)03:10
=== Morshu is now known as SpammerKing
johndavepallanhello to all08:50
johndavepallanlubuntu works great on my acer laptop :d08:51
EllonSuddenly my sound is gone13:50
EllonAnybody home?13:56
bioterrorhave you tried: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting13:58
Ellonnop havent tried anything came straight here13:59
bioterrorgive it a shot for those aplay commands13:59
Ellonaplay: device_list:268: no soundcards found...14:01
Ellonit worked before restart14:02
bioterrordid you have kernel update or something like that?14:02
Elloni upgraded to 1514:03
Ellonbut it worked after upgrade.. i simply restarted notebook now and no sound :>14:04
bioterrorrestart again :D14:04
Ellonhmm im busy playing a game :D14:05
Ellonbut thansk14:05
EllonHow to burn windows ISO to DVD in lubuntu?17:37
holsteinEllon: not sure that "windows" allows that17:38
holsteinEllon: regardless, you can use *any* burning software to burn any iso image to whatever media17:38
Ellonhow to do it in lubuntu?17:38
holsteinhow i would do it is by simply opening brasero, since, i know how to use brasero.. but, xfburn, etcc.. they all do that17:39
holsteinyou'll make a copy, choosing the disc (dvd in this case) as the destination, and the image as the source17:39
holsteinbut, you may not be allowed to do that with a windows product.. they dont support that17:40
Ellonbut it's an ISO17:40
Ellonill try brasero17:42
holsteinyou can use *any* burning software. they *all* do it.. its the source, in your case, that will be the "wild card"17:42
Elloni have a lot of problems with lubuntu :/17:43
holsteinmicrosoft doenst promise you.. "obtain an image/iso from where ever you like, and burn it to DVD".. they sell that product, and dont easily provide ways to burn the iso's like that17:43
ianorlinask and you might receive answers17:43
EllonWell 1 issue is not fixable\17:43
holsteinEllon: feel free and ask, and a volunteer may be able to assist with an issue :)17:44
holsteinEllon: *everything* is fixable..17:44
EllonI have outdated graphics driver and it performs very laggy on lubuntu17:44
EllonOn windows it's supported :/17:44
holsteinright.. but, the creators of that hardware are welcome to support linux17:44
Elloni know it's not lubuntu fault17:44
holsteinthat would "fix" it.. but, if they dont.. then, you may have to deal with a compromise17:44
holsteinwell, its just not lubuntu/ubuntu/linux responsibility... thats all17:45
bioterrorquite easy17:45
EllonSecond issue is that sound got lost17:46
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:46
holstein^ thats where i start..17:46
EllonYeah i tried, it doesn't recognize sound card17:46
EllonBut the most annoyig thing is that graphics card lag17:47
EllonI just need to throw out this old pc17:47
holsteinEllon: if it "got lost", then, it *did* work? correct?17:48
Ellonholstein yes17:48
holsteinthe "best" thing i did, in my linux path was, purchase hardware with linux support in mind..17:48
Ellonworked at first... but im not in mood fixing it :)17:48
Ellonholstein yes if i purchase laptop in future i'll do that17:48
holsteinwell, nothing is "broken" to fix.. thats the trick17:49
EllonSimple as that. My laptop is too old17:49
ianorlinEllon: what graphics card is it?17:49
Ellon`128mb :)17:50
ianorlinand what are you trying to do with it?17:50
Elloni was thinking to install old lubuntu or ubuntu version where it support ati old legacy drivers :) But would it work?17:50
ianorlinI think that might be too old for proprietary17:51
Ellonianorlin just watching youtube gives problem17:51
ianorlinEllon: what are you using to watch it?17:51
Ellonmozilla, chrome17:51
ianorlinI have had some success copying and pasting the url into vlc17:52
ianorlinbut not sure if that would work better17:52
ianorlinor maybe even mpv17:52
holsteinyoutube/flash will not be a good test17:53
bioterroryou can pipe youtube-dl into vlc17:53
EllonI simply need to switch to windows 7 :).. just because of video driver17:53
holsteinwin7 wont likely support your older hardware "better"17:53
holsteinbut, you are welcome to try17:54
Ellonit's old pc :/17:54
Ellonno video graphics work much better.17:54
bioterrorx1200 is too old for playing hd stuff properly17:54
EllonIm sure on older lubuntu my old laptop would work very well17:54
bioterrorso I bet the computer uses CPU for playing videos17:55
EllonATI is to blame here :)17:55
bioterrormaybe you could use regular vesa drivers17:55
Ellonare there difference?17:56
holsteinthey never promised you "use whatever linux distro you want".. or, "enjoy support for the hardware under windows through the next 3 versions".. its not ATI's fault.. they did as promised17:56
ubottuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x17:56
holsteinvesa drivers are what i use on older hardware17:56
Ellonok ATI you got me17:57
holsteinwhen im coming to any hardware like that, i try and keep in mind that, a team of experts worked likely years to provide support for a completely different operating system, and, that when i do it,it may be problematic, or i mayy need to accept compromise18:00
holsteini'll simply load up quite a few live iso's and test as much as i can.. the audio, the video.. the suspend, if thats important18:01
holsteinwith some older machines with very problematic VGA support under linux, i may simply use those headless.. without x.. if thats appropriate18:01
holsteinat this time, i would be looking for 12.04 live versions of ubuntu, 14.04, and 15.04.. seeing what works well, and what doesnt18:02
Ellonit comes to this, everything has it's time to serve :)18:02
holsteini would also try one of the distros that is intended for older hardware.. maybe one of the ones based on debian stable..18:02
holsteinsomething with a kernel closer to that era.. with potentially "better" support18:03
Ellonbut how will debian help me?18:03
holsteinas i said, something that is closer to that era18:03
Ellondo you mean installing older debian>18:04
holsteinim not promising debian will help you..just that, i might personally try a debian stable based distro.. or, another one specifically for older hardware18:04
holsteinEllon: i mean, literally opening a web search, and looking for distros created for doing what you are trying to do18:04
Ellonbut would other apps work on older debian ?18:05
bioterrorwhat other?18:05
Ellonlike newest chrome18:05
bioterrorUbuntu loans lots of stuff from the Debian18:05
holsteinEllon: *thats* the compromises, you may have to deal with18:05
holsteinbut, i dont think latest chrome has any issues running on most distros.. you'll just have to decide18:06
holsteinbut, for me, as i stated above, thats the arc of testing.. testing *hardware*.. *then*, after i have the hardware setup, i move to a browser18:06
holsteintrying to just get flash support in chrome.. that may not be possible on that machine18:06
holsteinflash, youtube.. google.. they dont promise "get any old machine you like, and install linux on it, and enjoy our videos".. it may not be realistic to expect HD playback on unsupported hardware18:07
bioterrorEllon, can you give us some specs about the computer?18:14
bioterrorit was a laptop?18:14
Ellon1gb ram, ati x1200 128mb ram. AMD mobile Sempron proccessor18:14
EllonHP Compaq 6715s18:15
bioterrorit's not that bad18:15
bioterrorolder business model18:15
Ellonit came with windows vista18:18
bioterrorI would go with the SalixOS and try OpenBox version of it18:20

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