
ahoneybunDownloadManager shows progress when I download something with it but I have no file01:52
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dholbachgood morning07:13
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Frantiquehi all09:36
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kenvandinerpadovani, InfiniteScollItem has been merged into trunk :)12:58
rpadovanithanks :-)12:59
kenvandinerpadovani, i'll try to update the package in wily today, and the bacon2d release PPA13:01
kenvandinethen if you add that PPA in your chroot, it'll bundle that plugin13:01
rpadovanikenvandine, great to hear! I have to work a lot on the game, so take your time - I hope in a couple of weekends to have a working beta13:05
pmcgowanpopey, did anyone implement dekko email notifications?13:31
pmcgowanI thought we had13:31
seb128pmcgowan, yes, but you need dekko to be in foreground13:32
seb128pmcgowan, https://plus.google.com/114760723716576457396/posts/AqugbaCVvwL13:34
pmcgowanseb128, so no :(13:35
DanChapmanpmcgowan: nope, it started but I think the folks working on it got assigned to something else.13:36
pmcgowanwe just need whatever that is doing to be a separate polld plugin13:36
pmcgowanDanChapman, ok thanks13:36
ogra_mzanetti, i tried tagger on the MX4 yesterday and couldnt convince it to ever take a pic ....13:47
ogra_>(same version on krillin worked fine then)13:47
mzanettihmm... odd...13:47
mzanettithis was broken, then it was fixed...13:47
mzanettiogra_, can you take screenshots and do they have content?13:48
DanChapmanpmcgowan: dekko currently has a seperate notification service it starts when the app is running in the background. It wouldn't be difficult to break that out into it's own binary and adjust it's behaviour, I would just need to know how it should be packaged etc to work with polld13:48
pmcgowanDanChapman, that sounds good, we certainly have examples for that13:49
ogra_mzanetti, screenshot of tagger open with blurry cam pic ?13:49
mzanettiogra_, no... I mean: can you take a screenshot on arale with vol+/vol-13:50
mzanettiand then if you look at that screenshot, does it have any content?13:50
ogra_i posted a shot on G+ this morning ... no issues13:50
commander_hello i am packing a Qt webkit based application am confused what should i put as dependencies my app executable ldd output is here in pastebin http://pastebin.com/mfgdrEtz14:04
mzanettiogra_, just tried tagger on arale... WFM14:12
mzanettiogra_, at least it works for the first 2 codes here: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR-Code14:13
ogra_mzanetti, well, it never focuses for me14:13
mzanetticlean the lens perhaps? :P14:14
ogra_aha, from the screen works14:14
ogra_i wonder why it doesnt work on real objects then14:14
mzanettihmm... just scanned the EAN code of that bottle next to me here14:15
mzanettiworks too14:15
ogra_scannying my tobacco pouch doesnt14:15
mzanettiit seems to struggle if you're too close14:15
ogra_works fine on krillin14:15
mzanettioh that youth protection :D14:16
mzanettino, just kidding... let me try some tobacco here :)14:16
ogra_worked on a RPi box ...14:16
mzanettiworks on my tobacco :D14:17
ogra_where the contrast is a lot higher than on the pouch14:17
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mzanettihmm... isn't it black on white?14:17
mzanettiso tagger does this:14:17
ogra_it is, but behind plastick wrap14:17
mzanettiit scans the image normally, if it can't find it, it inverts the colors14:17
mzanettiand tries again14:17
mzanettihmm... the plastic wrap might mess it up indeed14:19
mzanettireflections and or breaking the light, so that distances between bars don't match any more14:19
ogra_yeah, reflection and background lighting seem to have quite some influence14:20
ogra_in very bright light it actually works14:21
ogra_mzanetti, oh, btw, my shadows in the spread got a lot worse the last few days since i reported it14:23
mzanettistill couldn't intentionally reproduce14:24
ogra_i see it a lot during the day14:24
mzanettialthough I did see it twice so far14:24
ogra_i think it happens more if the browser is open in bg14:24
* mzanetti opens the browser and leaves it open14:24
ogra_i usually have n-tv, heise and golem.de open ... plus my G+ app14:26
ogra_(though not the store versions of the first three ... but they are all normal WebView's, nothing fancy)14:27
akiva-thinkpadhello all15:38
ahoneybunhey akiva-thinkpad15:57
akiva-thinkpadahoneybun: hey hows it going?15:57
ahoneybunnot bad15:57
akiva-thinkpadhow goes your apps?15:57
akiva-thinkpadI know youve made a few now, havn't you?15:58
ahoneybuna few webapps and 2 native15:58
ahoneybunI've been working on another one but stuck currently15:58
ahoneybunakiva-thinkpad: uBeginner is almost at 1500 downloads16:03
akiva-thinkpadahoneybun: you've started a craze; soon it will be uPod, and uPhone, and uMac16:04
ahoneybunakiva-thinkpad: I'm trying to make a Full Circle Mag app16:10
akiva-thinkpaddon't know what that is :P16:20
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas: o/16:21
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dubstar_04is it possible for an app to save a document locally e.g. here:  ".local/share/cadmium.marthamengineering/files/"18:55
dubstar_04The SDK docs: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/cookbook/ point to this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/4420/where-do-applications-typically-store-data19:34
dubstar_04and this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/42438/what-is-the-preferred-way-to-store-application-settings19:35
dubstar_04Can anyone recommend a tutorial or example of how to access / store app data and files?19:37
SturmFlutOh no, all the UbuContest secrets spilled ;) http://ubuntupodcast.org/2015/07/16/s08e19-the-creeping-terror/19:57
SturmFlutBut we are running a day late :(19:57
dubstar_04whats UbuContest?20:08
tathhuSturmFlut teasing us again :o20:15
SturmFlutdubstar_04: Listen to the Podcast ;)20:15
dubstar_04SturmFlut: I'm saving it for a friday treat20:17
SturmFlutdubstar_04: Good idea, we're running late anyways ;)20:18
DF__Hi guys, does some one get this error??20:29
DF__on the libubuntu_application_api_touch_mirclient.so.2.9.020:29
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