
barrybdmurray: yes, it will02:34
bdmurraybarry: okay, I did that then03:36
Unit193pitti: Howdy.04:59
pittiGood morning05:07
pittihey Unit193, how are you?05:07
Unit193I think I'm alive, but I'd have to check. :)05:08
Mirvdoko: no, those other Qt packages are not from qt.io upstream, so not part of Qt as such. but our stack has a lot of other Qt/QML modules too.05:18
pittiI'm stunned, what am I doing wrong?06:17
pitti-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 289 Jul 16 08:11 /etc/init/autopkgtest-worker.conf06:18
pitti$ sudo initctl status autopkgtest-worker NAME=106:18
pittiinitctl: Unknown job: autopkgtest-worker06:18
pittiI even tried initctl reload-configuration and rebooting06:18
pitti(that's on trusty)06:18
pittis/status/start/ of course (it fails with any command)06:18
sarnoldpitti: tru initctl --system06:19
sarnoldpitti: iirc trusty introduced the user session stuff, and automatically uses --user if the right environment variable is available06:20
pittisarnold: right, but no $UPSTART_SESSION and no user upstart instance running06:20
pittieither way, --system doesn't help, and I'm calling this through sudo06:20
pitti"initctl status ssh" works fine, it just doesn't seem to like my custom job06:22
pittithis is an "instance" job, but trusty has other jobs with "instance"06:23
pittiJul 16 08:25:04 autopkgtest kernel: [  768.186277] init: /etc/init/autopkgtest-worker.conf:12: Unknown stanza06:26
pittihere's to useful error messages06:26
sarnoldaha :)06:28
LocutusOfBorg1hi folks, how do you feel about syncing virtualbox from experimental?07:00
LocutusOfBorg1I uploaded yesterday 5.007:00
LocutusOfBorg1I don't see a way to sync from experimental with requestsync07:04
seb128LocutusOfBorg1, -d experimental?07:05
LocutusOfBorg1oops bad monday :) thanks07:06
LocutusOfBorg1that kind of monday that persists until saturday I mean07:06
seb128lol, I see07:06
LocutusOfBorg1usually with backportpackage -d means "destination"07:07
LocutusOfBorg1so I got confused ;)07:07
LocutusOfBorg1bugs filed, thanks07:07
dholbachgood morning07:13
seb128hey dholbach07:18
dholbachhey seb12807:18
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dokoLaney, seb128, Mirv: poppler ftbfs with the current qt5, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/11887104/11:00
dokotriggered by11:00
doko# enable all the hardening options11:00
dokoexport DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all11:00
dokothat's what adds the -fPIE11:01
Mirvright, Qt 5.4.2 bans now -fPIE usage11:03
Mirvmore info at http://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/commit/?id=36d6eb721e7d5997ade75e289d4088dc48678d0d + http://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/commit/?id=3eca75de67b3fd2c890715b30c7899cebc096fe911:03
dokoI'm now just uploading a poppler with that commented out to the silo 1611:04
Mirvwith GCC 511:04
Laneydoko: not "-pie"?11:09
dokono, -fPIE triggers the macro11:10
cjwatsonFYI, all newly-created amd64/i386 LP builds will now be dispatched to scalingstack (lcy01-*/lgw01-*), even if they're in non-virtualised archives such as the primary Ubuntu archive or ci-train silos11:17
cjwatsonRetries of builds created prior to this change will still go to the bare-metal build farm for now, until we're confident enough in things to do the more invasive database surgery11:18
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Laneydoko: Sorry, was checking - I mean hardening=+all,-pie11:41
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dokoLaney, sure, but's the default in Ubuntu anyway13:16
Laneywell we're not using that here, so needs fixing13:16
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pittiLaney: does that look correct? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11887745/13:36
pittikde4libs is blocking too much, and apparently there's no interest in fixing it13:36
pittiLaney: so far I modded results.history, but this should last a bit longer13:37
Laneypitti: looks right to me - do you have a hint entry in the britney config file?13:38
pittiLaney: no, I'm going to commit that next13:38
pittiLaney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11887766/13:38
pittiLaney: both committed; I'll check excuses13:41
BarbariandudeHello! I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of AMDGPU from the 4.2 kernel. If I were to compile and test it myself (for my R9 285 GPU), would I also need to compile and install the AMDGPU branch of Mesa as well?13:42
commander_ hello i am packing a Qt webkit based application am confused what should i put as dependencies my app executable ldd output is here in pastebin http://pastebin.com/mfgdrEtz13:59
commander_popey,  hello i am packing a Qt webkit based application am confused what should i put as dependencies my app executable ldd output is here in pastebin http://pastebin.com/mfgdrEtz13:59
ikoniatry ##ubuntu-app-devel ?14:03
ikoniaoops one #14:03
ikonianot two14:03
commander_ikonia, thanks i joined it14:04
commander_yeah i got it14:04
bdmurraybarry: python-apt has an autopkgtest regression, did something else need uploading first?14:45
barrybdmurray: it's unclear.  it builds right?  i wasn't able to do any dep-8 tests in the ppa, so my first order of business will be looking at clearing python3-defaults promotion issues14:46
bdmurraybarry: yes, it builds. here is the failure - https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-adt-python-apt/lastBuild/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/artifact/results/log/*view*/14:47
barrybdmurray: ah, PendingDeprecationWarning printed to stderr14:47
barryshouldn't be hard to fix14:47
barrybdmurray: i'll take that one first14:48
bdmurraybarry: okay, thanks!14:48
pittiinfinity, Laney, slangasek: FYI: "run-autopkgtest --help" on snakefruit if you want to (re-)run an autopkgtest; e. g. "run-autopkgtest -s wily -a i386 libpng" (if you skip -a it'll run on all arches)14:48
pittiinfinity, Laney, slangasek: ^ in the cloud, that is14:48
pittiinfinity, Laney, slangasek: it's very simple-minded right now, and we'll probably extend it to do stuff like "re-run all failed/tmpfail tests" or something such, we'll learn the use cases over time14:49
pittibut that should be good enough for next week while I'm away14:49
pittiinfinity: yay, the ddeb-retriever run from hell finally finished14:56
Laneypitti: cool, thanks - I guess the eventual goal is to provide something for uploaders in general to retry stuff?15:00
pittiLaney: if we can somehow hook u1 auth to that, sure15:02
pittisso, I mean15:03
pittiLaney: then again, we've never had this anyway, so it's not a regression15:04
Laneyno, but it's been an annoying wart of the current setup that only (~canonical ∩ (~ubuntu-core-dev ∪ ~ubuntu-release)) or so can retry things15:06
pittiLaney: well, I'm not sure whether we want so many people hit retry buttons all the time, given our limited resources15:06
pittibut in practice we actually have the opposite problem, not enough people watching excuses.html15:07
pittibut then again, cleaning up requires lots of overrides, which is ~u-release15:07
pittiI spent an hour yesterday to flush out tons of stuff that got stuck15:07
Laneynot pretending that retrying can fix everything, does help sometimes though15:10
pittiyes, especially with uninstallables15:10
pittiLaney: anyway, it's a question of "how to get SSO there", not "I want to keep my toys for myself"15:11
* Laney nods15:11
Laneyfor me it's "I don't want to have to do button clicking for people" and "I don't like requiring membership of ~canonical for Ubuntu dev tasks". :)15:12
LaneyWTF, 16:12 and I haven't had lunch15:12
* Laney brb15:12
jamespagemterry, hey - thanks for all the MIR reviews - much appreciated15:14
mterryjamespage, yw, good break from other work for me  :)15:14
jamespageand if there are any archive-admins around, we have a hole load of main promotions that can be done for wily to unblock dep-waits for numerous openstack bits and pieces15:15
slangasekpitti: will there be a way for developers to rerun a test from the web ui, like exists today for jenkins?15:29
pittislangasek: lots of work and doesn't seem like a blocker, so not at the top of my list right now15:32
pittiif we can get it behind SSO, sure15:32
slangasekpitti: right, no need for it to be at the top of the list, I just don't like the idea of retries having to be managed by a small set of people with ssh access to the right server15:35
pittislangasek: extending this to "everyone in canonical" is reasonably easy, but as it requires VPN extending it beyond that is lots more work15:35
pittierr, not actually VPN, we just need to open the firewall; but again, need to find a way to put SSO in front of rabbitmq15:36
slangasekright, so having that in the web interface would be nice :)15:36
* Laney likes that the same discussion just happened twice :P16:07
bdmurraymvo: regarding apt-clone if o.origin is empty and archive is not now, is it fair to say the package was installed from a .deb file?16:08
mvobdmurray: most likely in this case the Release file has nothing/not much set in its headers. there is no distinction right now for "from-some-archive" or "from-dpkg-directly"16:18
bdmurraymvo: got it16:20
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barrywhere is codespeak-lib 1.4.30-1?  this failure makes no sense: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/211833349/upload_7660667_log.txt18:59
hjdbarry: Hm... If you search for the binaries, you can find that they do indeed exist http://packages.ubuntu.com/wily/python3-py, but seem to have come from a completely different package https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-py19:07
barryhjd: ah from that changelog it looks like maybe codespeak-lib source package should be removed from the archive?19:08
hjdLooks like it. Just found https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=79210919:09
ubottuDebian bug 792109 in ftp.debian.org "RM: codespeak-lib -- ROM; renamed to python-py" [Normal,Open]19:09
barryhjd: looks like i should remove-package -s it from ubuntu too19:10
* barry something else since apparently -s doesn't mean "source" any more19:11
barryslangasek, infinity perhaps has permission for ^^ ?19:19
bdmurraypitti: Do you have any plans for an apport upload before your holiday? I'm thinking about bug 1470572.20:09
ubottubug 1470572 in apport (Ubuntu Vivid) "native-origins.d information causes apport to strip origin information from Package" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147057220:09
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bdmurrayslangasek: in MIR bug 1315313 oxide-developers ended up being subscribed to the package which isn't a team in the package to team mapping. Do you think the MIR process should include a list of team names?22:44
ubottubug 1315313 in ninja-build (Ubuntu) "[MIR] ninja-build" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131531322:44
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slangasekbdmurray: as long as there's a process for adding other teams to the list also23:05
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