
Kali_Yugawhats the terminal based text editor again??01:26
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valoriewow, slow day in #kubuntu04:38
valorieout for some hours, now I need to restart the new computer (need to name it!)04:39
ahoneybunscary that it is slow in here?04:39
Kali_YugaI have a nice Idea to those Neon-colours you have in KDE they have to change like a rainbow that would be freakin nice :D04:50
valorieahoneybun: usually I come back to loads to read05:02
valoriealso strange -- if I ask (apt-cache policy) about kubuntu-desktop, it's not installed05:03
valoriebut everything seems to work as usual05:03
valorieso bizarre, but I guess I can't complain!05:04
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TNVolFanHey, how would I go about copying an entire conversation in http://www.pinger.com/tfw  ...  It looks like the messages are housed in an adobe flash container.  I remember doing it a few months back, but for the life of me I can't remember how to do it05:31
TNVolFanI tried using the developer options in firefox to isolate the iframe housing the adobe flash object but no dice.  It is an online SMS texting application.05:31
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jordan4ibanezSo I have nvidia 346.59, whenever I fullscreen a window it turns black05:41
jordan4ibanezAny workarounds for this?05:41
jordan4ibanezPlease, anyone, this is a very prominent issue right now, this operating system is unusable for me05:43
TNVolFanvalorie, any ideas on that05:46
jordan4ibaneztrying a downgrade to 340.76, if I don't come back, it's all better, on a gtx650 1gb  just in case05:52
valorieTNVolFan: ewww, flash05:54
valorieare you sure pinger doesn't build in a way to do that?05:55
jordan4ibanezWelp that didn't work at all06:00
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jordan4ibanezBut I did install the microcode driver, which is nice06:01
jordan4ibanezNow it's time to try the open source driver06:01
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jordan4ibanezThe microcode driver seems to have boosted my performance significantly, very nice06:05
jordan4ibanezAnd brb..possibly06:05
jordan4ibanezIt got better? I think http://i.imgur.com/KtURzNW.png06:09
jordan4ibanezThat's with nouveau06:09
ovidiu-florinI'm so sick of all this Nvidia c**p06:13
ovidiu-florinI do apologise to our users on behalf of Kubuntu for this, but it's mostly out of our hands. We do our best06:13
ovidiu-florinwith what we can/have06:14
valoriedrivers have always been a problem in linux06:19
valoriedamn companies that don't believe in free software06:19
jordan4ibanezI fixed it :D06:24
jordan4ibanez346.59 working a okay06:24
jordan4ibanezbye now06:24
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lordievaderGood morning.09:16
BluesKajHey folks10:33
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guggenheim9000is it possible to export tasks from kontact / korganizer?10:56
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bshah!info plasma4-mediacenter12:15
ubottuPackage plasma4-mediacenter does not exist in vivid12:15
bshah!info plasma-mediacenter12:16
ubottuPackage plasma-mediacenter does not exist in vivid12:16
bshahwhatever ubottu12:16
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sattybluetooth is not working14:56
sattyhow to enable bluetooth in kubuntu 15.0414:56
patrikHi, I need help with my wlan card BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [14e4:43a0] (rev 03)15:29
BluesKajpa ok , what's the issue?15:31
patrikHi, the card is not detected anymore.15:32
patrikinstalling bcmwl-kernel-source fails with: DKMS: install completed.15:33
patrikmodprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'wl': Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)15:33
patrikmy kernel: 3.13.0-55-generic #94-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 18 00:27:10 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:33
patrikThe issue came the first time when upgrading from  3.13.0-55-generic to  3.13.0-57-generic15:37
BluesKajhave you run sudo modprobe braodcom-sta-common15:38
BluesKajerr broadcom15:38
patrikbraodcom-sta-common is not installed15:38
BluesKajso you're using the source code withy dkms version15:39
patrikI guess so15:39
BluesKaji misspelled broadcom in my origianl post15:40
patrikapt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source worked so far!15:40
BluesKajtry the common15:42
patrikapt-get install broadcom-sta-common, but no wlan interface15:48
BluesKajpatrik, sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid15:57
patrikwlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning.15:57
BluesKajsudo ifconfig wlan0 up16:00
jubo2I need to set a redirect.. currently http://develop.consumerium.org makes you wait for 3 seconds with nearly no useful info and then forwards you to http://develop.consumerium.org/wiki/ ... what is the best type of redirect I should use?16:16
jubo2I mean I can set it in HTML and at my registrar16:17
jubo2and there are many types of redirects available from my registrar16:17
jubo2so I'm wondering which is best to use16:17
geniiPermanently moved16:18
jubo2so I could do it in HTML, apache or at the registrars16:18
geniijubo2: With Apache: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_alias.html#redirectpermanent16:22
jubo2genii: tnx16:22
jubo2genii: and I put that in the VirtualHost declaration, right?16:25
jubo2genii: can it be affecting that it don't work that #1 I have Apache2.4 or that #2 I have mod_rewrite enabled ?16:30
patrikBluesKaj, I think you don't get the point...16:39
BluesKajok patrik , what is your point ?16:40
patrikThe card is not supported by the module/kernel - there's no interface present which I could configure16:41
abhiplease help? having problems in kubuntu 15.04 fresh install17:24
PrimeCl0verAsk your question.17:26
abhiMy taskbar has gone hidden and right-click, left click, etc aren't working...17:29
abhihidden -> disappeared17:29
abhimouse cursor is visible and moving fine... no right-click...17:30
PrimeCl0verRight click on your desktop -> + Add Panel ->17:31
abhiyeah... but right-click doesn't bring up the menu... :\17:31
PrimeCl0verSo when you right click on the naked desktop nothing happens?17:33
abhiyeah... nothing...17:33
PrimeCl0verSo you say this is a fresh install? What was the last thing you did before noticing this?17:34
abhifresh install, install required apps, upgrade stock apps, reboot...17:35
PrimeCl0verOn reboot you realized that your taskbar had dissapeared?17:35
abhiactually, no...17:35
abhion reboot, when i logged in, i was welcomed by black screen...17:36
PrimeCl0veron the top left of your screen do you have a square with three lines in it?17:36
abhii googled, a solution was to delete some files in ~/.cache/17:36
PrimeCl0veryeah, that was my next suggestion. Just delete it all and start fresh17:37
abhii moved them to ~/.cache/cache.old/17:37
abhithen reboot made taskbar disappear17:37
PrimeCl0verso top left corner you have that squar?17:37
abhibut click doesn't respond17:38
abhiit's like the gui has hung up...17:38
PrimeCl0veryeah try rebooting again17:38
abhidid quite a lot of times17:38
PrimeCl0verdo this17:39
abhii had installed it yesterday... nearly 26 hours ago...17:39
PrimeCl0vermv ~/.kde4 ~/.kde4.old17:39
PrimeCl0verlogin and see if that set your desktop back to default17:39
abhiok, lemme try...17:40
abhibe back in some time...17:40
PrimeCl0verk, good luck17:40
abhihey, PrimeCl0ver17:50
abhiit didn't work...17:50
abhithere wasn't any .kde4 but there was .kde17:50
abhii did the same with it... didn't work...17:50
BluesKajpatrik,, sudo systemctl enable network-manager17:56
abhiBluesKaj: are you suggesting something to me?17:57
BluesKajabhi, not the above command , but you try dropping to a VT/TTY and updaing and upgrading and making sure plasma-desktop is installed18:00
BluesKajcould try18:00
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abhiBluesKaj: i had configured kdewallet and it used to prompt everytime before connecting my wireless network...18:35
abhithe prompt isn't appearing since the taskbar has disappeared...18:35
abhino wallet auth => no wireless connection => no update...18:36
abhii need to go now, please PM me if someone has some solution... i'll check back later... thanks in advance...18:37
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akasichi all, in utube, when i am in a video and click to another, it just stays in the same page, however, it opens the sound of the cliked video, any help? thnx20:44
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ubernoobthis isnt sarcasm sadly.. how do i change my desktop background in 15.04 :(20:46
bpromptakasic:    sounds like the "click" opened the clicked video on a "background" tab or window20:46
akasicright click ubernoob20:49
akasiclet me see bprompt20:49
akasicno it doesnt open it in a tab either a new window20:50
bpromptanyhow, on most browser a ctrl-click does that, opens in a background tab/window20:50
akasicit just plays the sound over the video20:50
akasic''hi all, in utube, when i am in a video and click to another''20:50
bpromptakasic:    are you getting both sounds, the video you had and the one you clcked on?20:51
akasicthe video still opened, and the sound over20:51
akasictwo sounds20:51
bpromptand playing?20:51
akasiconly the one i want to left behind20:51
bpromptthat sounds like the other is also playing, just in a background tab/window20:51
bpromptso, you'd really have both playing at the same time, just that the active window/tab didn't change20:52
akasiclook, i can use it normally, but in a couple or three videos, it starts20:52
ubernoobakasic: tried that, nothing says anything about the background -_-20:52
akasicis not a desktop settings in there ubernoob20:52
ubernoobok its in folder settings.. odd, but found it lol. now if i can just figure out how to change the kickoff launcher..20:53
akasicis not a key shortcut config issue, i think its a flash one20:53
akasicwhat folder manager are u using?20:54
akasicare u using kde20:54
ubernoobyes kubuntu20:55
akasicthen try in system settings20:56
akasicare u using dolphin? because through that u cant cnage the background20:56
akasictype screen in kickoff and configuration20:57
ubernooboh i found the background change thing, it was in right click, but under folder settings20:57
akasicwhat u want to change of the kickoff exactly20:58
ubernoobthe icon20:58
akasicright click it20:58
akasicno sorry, im wrong20:58
akasicu must drop a kick off plasmoid in the desktop21:00
akasicand then right click21:00
akasicthen, put it in ur bar21:00
akasicwell, i seems hat the default one it doesnt have that option21:02
ubernoobactually having quite a bit of difficulty lol21:03
ubernoobback sorry. but yeah, i cannot figure out how to change the application launcher icon xD21:15
dustanI'm unable to connect to a wireless network. it's supposed to be wpa2 security, but the network manager only ever gets as far as setting network address21:38
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valoriehi folks, dunno if anyone is around, but this is my latest "new computer" situation: https://goo.gl/Fyqg3F23:28
valoriein spite of all the errors, things seem to work; in other words, filelight was installed, etc.23:29
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ahoneybunyay valorie23:31
valoriewould be nice to have no errors, though23:32
ahoneybunvalorie: there is a command for --configure23:32
ahoneybunan option from dpkg23:32
valorieit's weird to have those things working while I get those errors that they are all unconfigured23:33
valoriethere is --force23:33
valoriebut that sounds scary23:33
valorieunless someone who knows way more than me is saying OK23:33
valoriethis will be my main computer for two weeks and I don't want to screw it up!23:34
ahoneybunvalorie: http://askubuntu.com/questions/163200/e-dpkg-was-interrupted-run-sudo-dpkg-configure-a23:34
ahoneybunsudo dpkg --configure -a23:34
valorieahoneybun: I did that23:34
valoriescroll to the end23:34
ahoneybungot ya23:36
ahoneybunwell all the errors are from not being configured23:37
ahoneybunand they are not configure because of dependency problems23:37
valorieI'll let Scarlett mess with it in Spain23:38
ahoneybunit looks like the core problem is that breeze-cursor-theme is not configured23:38
ahoneybunso if that gets configured23:38
valoriebecause if it is caused by packaging errors, and I think it is, she'll be able to fix that at the source23:39
valoriewell, i could try just configuring that I suppose23:39
valoriebut this was a damn new install23:39
ahoneybunprehaps "sudo dpkg --configure breeze-cursor-theme" ?23:40
valorieI think that can't hurt23:40
ahoneybunvalorie: I'll bring 2 usbs with 15.04 and 14.10 if need be23:41
ahoneybunI think we are getting down to it23:44
ahoneybunof course that was in the other paste too23:45
ahoneybunI'll give you that .theme file over drive23:45
valorieanyway, that seems to me to be a packaging problem23:45
ahoneybunit does23:46
valorieanyway, I need to fix dinner etc.23:46
ahoneybunoh I just got the file up23:46
valoriemy time for fix00ring the lil laptop is done for now.....23:47
valorietoo much other stuff to do23:47
ahoneybunvalorie: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6zAAODZFwQ2UHFtaVpnT0pObzA/view?usp=sharing23:47
ahoneybunfor later if you have time23:47
valoriebut what do I do with that, ahoneybun?23:47
ahoneybunor want to23:47
ahoneybunsudo cp -r it into /etc/X11/cursors23:47
valorieI'm downloading it23:47
ahoneybun /etc/X11/cursors/breeze_cursors.theme doesn't exist23:48
valorieok, so just navigate to ~/Downloads and then cp?23:48
valorieI can do that23:48
valoriebut later23:48
valoriethank you23:48
ahoneybunthen run "sudo dpkg --configure breeze-cursor-theme" again and see the result valorie, I'll let you go23:49

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