=== mkv is now known as m4v [15:30] * AlanBell wonders if Pici is around [15:40] Pici: if we can get pip installed on the new ubottu server that would be great [15:41] and there should probably be some other people with sudo access (but probably not the bot users) [15:42] Mikaela is helping get this set up, so if I am not around feel free to work it through with Mikaela [15:43] 2015-07-17 02:04:21+0300 < Mikaela> Pici, could you install python-pip and python-wheel thrn? [15:43] 2015-07-17 02:04:28+0300 < Mikaela> *then [15:43] and I think I solved it, Limnoria isn't installed or is installed somewhere unstandard which Python doesn't like, but pip and wheel would still be very helpful [15:44] Pici: and if you could install git too, that would be nice. I have no idea which version there is and updating isn't possible as I cannot use "git tag" :) [15:46] 2015-07-17 18:45:49+0300 -- notify: meetingology (~meetingol@gateway/shell/ubottu/session) has connected [15:46] it runs, but why it's not identified? [16:26] meetingology is alive, I think. Could someone ping me when python-pip and python-wheel and git get installed so I can check the optional depedencies and see if there were any more recent releases?