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* conyoo good morning o_O05:51
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Isotop7what do i have to in order to get my submitted bug reviewed...its staying at new/undecided for two weeks...07:15
conyooIsotop7, report a bug against launchpad :> triage/reviews takes too long (then post the bug rep here, so we can increase the bug heat)07:24
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jgdxIsotop7, what's the bug?08:37
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Yellow Pig Day! 😃08:38
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Saviqcyphermox, hey, I noticed recently that the GSM signal level as communicated to my car kit is always at 1 bar, even when the phone says 5 bars, is that know? if not, where should I file a bug?10:18
Saviqanyone can confirm / disprove bug #1475577 please?10:22
ubot5bug 1475577 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Music playing through speakers even though headset plugged in" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147557710:22
davmor2Saviq: it's not sent I think, mine is empty constantly, known issue10:27
Saviqdavmor2, ok, any idea if there's a bug yet?10:28
davmor2Saviq: probably10:28
Saviqbug #144776110:29
ubot5bug 1447761 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Car bluetooth shows no signal" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144776110:29
Saviqthat was easy10:29
davmor2Saviq: you beat me to it :)10:32
pete-woodsjgdx: pretty sure I've broken the codepath for enabling the hotspot when there's an existing connection10:40
pete-woods^ branch to look at10:40
pete-woodsjgdx: I don10:41
pete-woods't see a path to set enabled = true when you go that way10:41
pete-woodswe do destroy -> onRemoved10:41
pete-woodsbut then enabled is never set to true10:41
jgdxpete-woods, I am just going to grab something to eat and then take a look10:55
SturmFlutUbuContest is going live! Give us ten minutes to update all the websites :)10:56
pete-woodsjgdx: awesome, thanks10:58
pete-woodshave totally peppered the code with debug statements now10:58
pete-woodsjgdx: you can debug without the USS UI with the following, btw:10:58
pete-woods gdbus call -e -d com.ubuntu.connectivity1 -o /com/ubuntu/connectivity1/Private -m com.ubuntu.connectivity1.Private.SetHotspotEnabled true10:58
pete-woods / false10:58
pete-woodswhile tailing ~/.cache/upstart/indicator-network.log10:59
nhainesSturmFlut: congrats!  :)11:34
SturmFlutnhaines: \o/11:40
SturmFlutnhaines: Looks like there already are some people who want to register. Technically I would be allow to participate too, but I might win back my own phone ;)11:41
svijSturmFlut: your apps are crap anyway, no chance that I would give you my jury points ;)11:43
cwaynetoo bad you can't win by volume11:45
cwayneid just go on a scopes tear and write like 12 again11:46
SturmFlutsvij: Oh my, you're already drunk on your jury powers. Didn't expect it to happen so fast11:47
SturmFlutsvij: I mean, it was bound to happen, but after ten minutes?11:47
mah454I want to flash meizu mx4 to install ubuntu touch .11:49
mah454I read this document : https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/11:49
SturmFlutmah454: You most likely can't, you have to get the Ubuntu Edition.11:49
svijSturmFlut: :)11:49
mah454SturmFlut: so why can not do that ?11:49
mah454why can not ?11:50
SturmFlutmah454: You need the right version of the phone (unlocked bootloader), a special tool and the right files to flash it.11:51
mah454SturmFlut: Meizu MX4 is not unlocked bootloader ?11:51
SturmFlutmah454: Only the international version, and even there we're not sure11:52
k1lare there any known differences between android and ubuntu version of mx4?11:52
popeyours is unlocked for sure i believe11:52
SturmFlutk1l: Not hardware-wise, but Meizu flashes different bootloaders. Apparently somebody managed to flash a specific version of Flyme on his Ubuntu Edition device, but I've never really seen it the other way round.11:53
k1lso the ubuntu one got a open bootloader? and the android one not?11:53
mah454MX4 android use fastboot .11:54
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k1lmah454: that is not related to the bootloader beeing able to load other OS(kernels)11:55
mah454on this command : fastboot oem unlock  receive this message : FAILED (remote: unknown command)11:55
SturmFlutk1l: The Ubuntu one has an open one, yes, the Android one depends on if it's the chinese or international version, and we're not sure if every international version device is unlocked. Not enough people around with enough expertise to really tell us. And I refuse to check it, flashing Ubuntu to Android or Android to Ubuntu is just going to cause great amounts of pain.11:56
SturmFlutmah454: "fastboot oem unlock" only works on Google Nexus devices.11:56
k1lSturmFlut: ah, ok11:56
mah454SturmFlut: Opss ......11:56
mah454SturmFlut: So what can i do ?11:57
popeybuy an mx4 ubuntu edition? :)11:58
SturmFlutmah454: Basically nothing. Buy the Ubuntu Edition.11:58
mah454I think must have a way :)11:59
popeyyou are not the first to say that :)11:59
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ogra_k1l, the partitioning is different to the android versions on all devices but nexus ones12:01
mah454popey: We Iranians have a saying that says: If I am a camel driver know where I Shtrrv12:01
mah454I found a way ....12:02
mah454bye ...12:02
k1lseems like all chinese mx4 android(flyme) are locked. the international seem to be random. but there isnt even a mx4 subforum on xda so it seems there is not that much hope to get anything working on the android mx412:04
popeyi am fine with this12:04
ogra_well, and you need the vendor flash tool to re-partition before you can even install ubuntu12:05
k1lbq did offer that to flash ubuntu onto the android-shipped ones, iirc12:05
ogra_yep, meizu doesnt (yet ?) though12:06
jgdxpete-woods, did silo 46 build ok?12:07
pete-woodsjgdx: I think so12:12
pete-woodsI think I have a fix for the wily build in there, now12:12
pete-woodsjgdx: yeah, looks like it worked12:12
jgdxpete-woods, thanks12:15
jgdxpete-woods, I'm still looking, but if that code becomes problematic, one solution is not to destroy it and re-create it, but instead ask NM to re-activate it.12:22
pete-woodsjgdx: well the bit that worries me, is that the actual variable m_enabled doesn't seem toget set12:22
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jgdxpete-woods, the handler onNewConnection does set it12:24
pete-woodsjgdx: ah! that makes more sense now :)12:25
jgdxbut only if the new connection in NM is the hotspot path12:25
pete-woodsyeah, understand what I'm looking at now12:25
jgdxgreat, sorry for the lag12:25
pete-woodsI'm going to wolverhampton now12:25
pete-woodsto return davmor2's laptop I borrowed12:26
pete-woodsso will continue this possibly tonight / monday12:26
pete-woodsjgdx: thanks for any effort you put into this12:26
jgdxthanks+quit is murder for polite people12:27
SturmFlutDoes anybody know which future OTA is supposed to make the switch to Mir >= 0.13?12:35
SturmFlutA couple of third-party things I wanted to compile yesterday already require it12:35
nhainesSturmFlut: apt-cache policy libmirclient8 on an OTA-5ish image returns "Installed: 0.13.3+.04.2150617-0ubuntu1"12:41
SturmFlutnhaines: Hmmm, that brings me to the question: At which point will the 15.04 chroot pull this in? Never? When enough people have updated to OTA-5?12:44
nhainesSturmFlut: we live in a world of mystery. :)12:45
SturmFlutBy the way, Canonical employees cannot submit apps or scopes for UbuContest, but you can nominate community members for prizes...12:51
nhainesCertainly sounds like a good idea.12:51
nhainesDoesn't affect me though!12:51
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ElleoSturmFlut: is there a limit on the number of people you can nominate?12:58
SturmFlutElleo: The form is anonymous and we don't set cookies or track IP addresses... ;)12:58
ElleoSturmFlut: okay12:59
nhainesClearly a missed opportunity for Ubuntu phone ads.13:00
ElleoSturmFlut: the achievements field is a bit limiting, any chance of a longer input limit? Can't list all the things the guy I want to nominate has done :P13:03
SturmFlutElleo: Oh, how long is it?13:04
SturmFlutHm, 128 characters I see13:04
SturmFlutsvij: Any chance to increase that?13:04
svijSturmFlut: let me check13:06
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svijSturmFlut: Elleo: it's a textarea (instead of a textfield) now13:08
Elleosvij: great, thanks :)13:09
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svijElleo: ping me if you submitted your nomination, I just want to make sure, that everything works fine with real data ;)13:17
Elleosvij: just submitted13:23
svijElleo: arrived, thanks. Seems thats everything working fine. :)13:24
Elleosvij: great13:24
apol_Is policykit supposed to work on ubuntu touch?13:25
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jgdxkenvandine, silo51 on vivid? Or were you seeing those failures on wily?13:48
kenvandinewily only13:48
jgdxaah ok13:48
kenvandinejgdx, pete's indicator-network branch isn't linked to bug 145804613:49
ubot5bug 1458046 in Canonical System Image "[touch] NetworkManager needs to inhibit sleep if hotspot is active" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145804613:49
kenvandinehe's not online, when you talk to him again can you ask him to tag that?13:49
seb128tedg, is the backend side for https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/ubuntu-system-settings/welcome-messages-setting/+merge/236608 landed/working?13:50
tedgseb128, I believe so, but I haven't tested recently.13:50
seb128tedg, easiest way to test is to enable the ui and use that I guess :-)13:50
* seb128 does that13:50
tedgseb128, The last test case here tells how to generate a push message to test with: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/indicator-messages13:52
seb128tedg, thanks13:52
peat-psuwitDoes system-image-cli currently pick up custom archive-master keyring?13:52
jgdxkenvandine, sure thang14:00
seb128tedg, ok, I doesn't work :-(14:00
seb128tedg, the indicator menu still list the messaging including title/content14:00
seb128tedg, do we have code in the indicator to respect that setting?14:01
tedgseb128, I'm pretty sure we did, I wonder if it's not using the greeter menu or something.14:02
tedgseb128, We export both menus, one on the greeter path and one on the desktop path.14:02
tedgseb128, I think that setting might have been no replies though.14:03
seb128no replies?14:03
tedgseb128, You can see the message in the greeter, but you can't reply to it without unlocking.14:04
tedgseb128, No, it should hide the body: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-messages/trunk.15.10/view/head:/src/im-phone-menu.c#L19414:05
seb128tedg, seems it doesn't work then :-/14:07
* tathhu wonders why even a simple timer isn't integrated in to clock-app14:11
tedgseb128, A quick look through the code makes it look OK. If you want to debug, my guess would be that the greeter isn't using the greeter profile from the indicator. You can see if the greeter profile has the body in it.14:14
seb128tedg, do you have the command handy to dump the menus structures?14:15
tedgseb128, gdbus call --session --dest com.canonical.indicator.messages --object-path /com/canonical/indicator/messages/phone_greeter --method org.gtk.Menus.Start "[0,1,2]"14:16
tedgdbus-send is a little easier to read, but it doesn't tab complete :-)14:16
seb128tedg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11892981/14:17
seb128so it seems the phone_greeter profile doesn't have the "hello"14:18
seb128so unity8 is not loading the right profile14:19
tedgYeah, that'd be my guess. I thought that dednick fixed that a while back though.14:19
tedgWonder if that branch never landed.14:19
seb128tedg, the settings branch points to https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/greeter-profiles/+merge/237155 which is marked as merged14:22
seb128tedg, though https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/greeter-profiles/+merge/237155/comments/61647614:23
seb128mterry, hey, what happened to ^? also is there an easy way to change the behaviour for testing?14:27
mterryseb128, can I help?14:27
seb128mterry, yes ;-)14:27
seb128see ^14:27
mterryseb128, right now unity8 never uses the 'greeter' profile14:28
seb128mterry, phone_greeter?14:28
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mterryseb128, right.  At least, I don't think it does.  :)  Last I checked14:29
seb128mterry, right, on that mp/bug you wrote "I'm waiting on the design for System Settings before flipping the switch inside to start using it."14:29
mterryseb128, yeah.  Sorry, what's the question then ?  :)14:29
seb128mterry, well first14:29
seb128- did you ever hear back from design?14:30
seb128or I guess "do you know if it's still being tracked and where/by who"14:30
seb128I guess that's also a "dunno/nobody"14:30
mterryseb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1358340/comments/32 is the last word I have14:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1358340 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[Indicators] Complete greeter profiles" [High,In progress]14:31
mterryseb128, I thought it would be tracked in that bug, but I see that ubuntu-ux task is fix released, and there's a lot of other junk there too, proably better for a new bug14:31
seb128right, what is the request about exactly? what do they need to review?14:32
mterryseb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1358340/comments/30 was the last proposal from olga14:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1358340 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[Indicators] Complete greeter profiles" [High,In progress]14:32
seb128mterry, thanks14:32
mterryseb128, but needed more work/agreement in design14:33
mterryseb128, that bug in general has the history of this issue (plus some other junk)14:33
seb128k, need to read that14:33
seb128mterry, other question for you "can I hack some qml to active the feature"?14:33
mterryseb128, yeah...?  let me see14:33
seb128you didn't put an obvious #TODO: change to true to activate" in that code change :p14:34
seb128mterry, thanks14:34
mterryseb128, no I didn't  :)14:34
mterryseb128, the code is self-documenting!   :)  It's obvious where to toggle it14:34
* mterry hunts for toggle, swearing under breath14:34
tedgTODO: Add TODO for toggle14:35
mterryseb128, in qml/Shell.qml, search for 'profile' (around line 561)14:35
mterryseb128, I bet you can make that line:14:36
mterry                    profile: shell.usageScenario === "desktop" ? "desktop" : (greeter.locked ? "phone_greeter" : "phone")14:36
seb128mterry, thanks14:36
mterryseb128, did not try that at all :)14:36
peat-psuwitDoes system-image-cli currently pick up custom archive-master keyring?14:37
jgdxhow do I disable windowed mode on wily? Just flashed and everything is windowed.. :s14:38
seb128mterry, that works, thanks14:39
seb128jgdx, don't connect a pointing device14:39
mterryseb128, nice!  glad it's not bit-rotten   :)14:39
jgdxseb128, that didn't disable it14:39
seb128mterry, thanks for the help, I'm done annoying you for today ;-)14:40
* mterry settles back, opens beer14:40
seb128jgdx, unsure then, check with #ubuntu-unity14:40
seb128mterry, heh, it's beer'o'clock somewhere ... especially with that weather (at least in Europe, unsure how it is for you)14:40
greybackjgdx: "gsettings set com.canonical.Unity8 usage-mode Staged" maybe14:42
mterryseb128, it's nice and warm here14:43
jgdxgreyback, thanks, trying14:43
jgdxgreyback, worked. I wonder what triggered the desktop mode14:46
greybackjgdx: I've no idea. Someting set that setting14:47
jgdxit was 'Automatic'14:47
seb128jgdx, automatic depends on the input connected, you don't have any bt device?14:52
seb128could be autopilot adding a device as well14:52
jgdxno to the former, and the second sounds plausible.14:53
jgdxkeyboard something keyboard14:53
TonyBostonanyone using ownCloud with Contacts and Calendar sync?15:15
peat-psuwitDoes system-image-cli currently pick up custom archive-master keyring?15:24
BOHverkillTonyBoston: not owncloud but baikal (which is the same)15:28
TonyBostonBOHverkill right, a colleague just said that15:30
tathhuAand E5 froze again, any logs I should get? (if they even be there afte rreboot)15:31
BOHverkillTonyBoston: if your searching for a tutorial -> http://mitchellreese.id.au/owncloud-sync-on-ubuntu-touch/15:31
TonyBostonBOHverkill I'd better try out Baikal I guess since I do not really need file sync15:33
TonyBostonso CardDav and CalDav would be just fine15:33
BOHverkillthelionroars: k :)15:35
BOHverkillso srry15:35
peat-psuwitDoes system-image-cli currently pick up custom archive-master keyring?15:51
xmoxHey Guys, I have a MeizuMX4, is there a Ubuntu-Touch Image for testing purposes? :)15:53
brunch875ever since this morning's update, telegram displays completely blank on the rc-proposed channel for BQ15:54
brunch875clearing cache doesn't work15:54
peat-psuwitDoes system-image-cli currently pick up custom archive-master keyring?17:12
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mariogripahoneybun: looking good now don't it? https://ubports-devices.herokuapp.com18:29
peat-psuwitDoes system-image-cli currently pick up custom archive-master keyring?19:16
Z3Hi ! It's going to be possible to customize Ubuntu phone to look like Android so you have a "classic" desktop ?19:45
Z3In ubuntu desktop you can install gnome classic desktop if don't like Unity, but what about the phone?19:45
OerHeksandroid skin on ubuntu phone, blasfemie!19:49
tathhuLxde on phone, yes"19:49
ahoneybunmariogrip: got rid of the beer talk?19:49
Z3whatever, but a classic desktop please19:49
Z3some people like me doesn't like modern desktops like Unity19:50
Z3just a classic desktop19:50
tathhuOn a 5 inch phone?19:50
Z3is what we want19:50
Z3tathhu just like Android do19:50
Z3the idea is very simple19:50
Z3and its already working19:50
Z3some people are not going to switch to the ubuntu phone just for that reason19:52
tathhuI woulnd't go with "classic desktop" after using Sailfish and Ubuntu :P19:52
Z3I use Ubuntu as my only operating system from years ago19:52
tathhuOn a phone, desktop is different thing19:52
Z3I don't understand why a desktop like Android is not possible19:53
tathhuIt is, on Android19:53
Z3and why not in Ubuntu?19:53
Z3just buttons and desktops, it's already invented19:53
Z3and a bar on top and/or bottom, like Android19:54
tathhuPress x to do something, argh19:54
Z3I like press, not swipe19:54
Z3and lot of users too19:54
tathhuI hate my Nexus 7 after I've used 1+ years Sailfish and now Ubuntu19:54
Z3if we couldnt install a classic desktop in Ubuntu desktop, lot of users would have left ubuntu time ago19:55
Z3if we don't have a way in the phone ...19:55
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Isotop7is there a channel for app developers?19:56
ahoneybunIsotop7: #ubuntu-app-devel19:57
Z3Isotop7 #ubuntu-app-devel19:57
Isotop7thanks :)19:57
ahoneybunnp :)19:57
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mariogripahoneybun: Working on it atm, I might need some help from rsalveti20:22
ahoneybunmariogrip: I just thought your dropped the naming system20:22
* ahoneybun sets up a VM for some Ubuntu Touch developing20:23
mariogripahoneybun: ?20:23
mariogripahoneybun: ah, yeah, the brewing naming system20:23
ahoneybuni could think of another if you like20:23
mariogripi did read you message correcly xP when you said rid my brain assumed rild lol xP20:25
mariogripssooo, what i answered on was "got rild working after the beer talk?"20:26
ahoneybuntoo much rild talk20:26
ahoneybunneed some real beer20:26
mariogripyeah lol :P20:26
mariogripso, rsalveti: Unable to open port id /dev/smdcntl0, error [19:No such device]20:28
mariogripany ides?20:28
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Guest23951sera a tutti21:01
Guest23951ho un problema durante l'installazione, qualcuno può aiutarmi?21:01
Dragonkeepernew ubuntu desktop 15.10 enviroment sucks .. hope thats not what ubuntu phone is planning to have when they get hdmi working fully21:55
ahoneybunDragonkeeper: are you talking about Unity 8?21:56
Dragonkeeperi dont know .. what ever the ubuntu-desktop-next   is21:56
ahoneybunthe next Desktop is Unity 8 which is running on the Phone and Tablet21:56
tathhuAnd it's IMO alpha or something on desktop21:57
tathhuHAven't tried but I've watched videos :D21:57
Dragonkeeperyeah its great for phone  but on desktop or big screen with no touch support it sucks ///21:58
tathhuI think it should be like unity 7 when it's done but better :o21:58
Dragonkeeperdidnt realise it was standard on the iso21:58
tathhuIs it :o21:59
Dragonkeeperit is on 15.10  dev iso21:59
tathhuhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ isn't this with 7?21:59
tathhuAnd desktop next with 821:59
Dragonkeeperthe iso i grabbed was called  wily-desktop-amd64.iso  from one of the main sites..  cant remember which i downloaded it on phone this morning intended for chromebook wipe22:01
Dragonkeeperhad emmc problems regardless of ubuntu version tho so had to opt to do a gentoo build and see what i can do with this thing22:01
Dragonkeeper(would now be getting way off topic to continue the train of thought)22:02
mariogripahoneybun: I just found out that my mako does not boot xP do you have an mako? so you can provide some logs to me :D22:11
ahoneybunI do have a mako mariogrip22:11
ahoneybunit is22:12
mariogrip logcat logs22:12
mariogrip /system/bin/logcat22:13
ahoneybunok a bin22:13
mariogripI just gonna compare it with the oneplus since they both have qcom modems22:14
ahoneybunso /system/bin/logcat logs22:15
ahoneybunwhat do you need me to do? call with it?22:15
mariogrip just do adb shell, then sudo /system/bin/logcat22:16
mariogripand copy the output to pastebin or something22:16
ahoneybunphablet-shell works the same right?22:16
ahoneybunthat just keeps running22:17
ahoneybunnever neds22:17
mariogripcrtl + c22:18
ahoneybunworking on it22:20
ahoneybunthe laptop I use for dev is slow as heck22:20
SturmFlutawe_: Ping22:20
awe_SturmFlut, hey22:20
ahoneybunhow do I get the file from the phone22:20
ahoneybunI put it in a txt file mariogrip22:21
mariogripjust copy paste the output22:21
ahoneybunsoooo much though22:21
mariogripand copy it to paste.ubuntu.com or something22:21
SturmFlutawe_: Regarding the last comment on bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/1449990 , National Data Roaming22:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1449990 in ofono (Ubuntu) "National Data Roaming" [Wishlist,Confirmed]22:22
mariogripor you can /system/bin/logcat > log.txt22:22
awe_SturmFlut, yes?22:22
ahoneybunI did that but it is on  phonethe22:22
mariogripadb pull log.txt22:23
SturmFlutawe_: The operator could only fix this if he sends all users a new Dual-IMSI-Card, which to my knowledge not a single operator in Germany does. People who have called O2 because their device does not automatically handle National Data Roaming are apparently being told to just enable Data Roaming.22:23
ahoneybunmariogrip: I hope this works: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11895251/22:23
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SturmFlutawe_: So asking for a new SIM will not change anything, and this most likely also applies to other markets with National Roaming.22:24
awe_SturmFlut, I was under the impression that there such roaming arrangements an be dealt with via special SIM files22:24
awe_I don't think it needs to be a dual-ISMI card22:24
mariogripahoneybun: Thanks,22:25
ahoneybunof course mariogrip :)22:25
awe_SturmFlut, I'll review with abeato next week, but I know we've dealt with other similar situations.  Maybe it's not possible ( or O2 doesn't want to do more work )22:25
mariogripawe_: I found the issue with ofono having "radio not available", it was in the android hal, the mux (qmuxd) has some errors...   Unable to open port id /dev/smdcntl0, error [19:No such device]22:26
ahoneybunmariogrip: though I only see refer to the msm_sdcc which I think is the board22:26
awe_That said, if you haven't, please raise the issue with BQ; and as I mentioned I'll make sur this gets reviewed by the product team22:26
awe_mariogrip, ugh22:26
SturmFlutawe_: Both networks in the National Roaming zone still broadcast their original MCC and MNC, and a normal SIM card has only one IMSI, which contains the MCC and MNC of the "home" network. So AFAIK you can't be at home in both networks at the same time without a Dual-IMSI-card.22:27
awe_mariogrip, are you basing your port on 15.04 or 15.10?22:27
awe_SturmFlut, sure, but there are special files that can be used when carries have roaming arrangements22:27
awe_they basically say, treat any operators in this list the same as home22:28
mariogripboth, i have a system server that have both rc and devel so.22:28
awe_now again, maybe this isn't possible... but I'm pretty sure it is.  That said, if O2 doesn't want to program the cards, it's a moot point22:28
ahoneybunmariogrip: I think I might need to put a SIM in and call then check the log22:31
mariogripahoneybun: maybe, reboot, because what i want is at boot22:31
ahoneybunso reboot, then run logcat?22:32
ahoneybunok give me a min22:33
ahoneybunI cracked the back of my mako today mariogrip :(22:35
SturmFlutawe_: The roaming agreements are not stored on the card, they are fully handled by the base stations, and your device will never accept a base station that broadcasts a different MCC/MNC combination that the one encoded in the IMSI as a "home" network. Because this situation was not expected in the standards. O2 could solve it by either issuing Dual-ISMI cards to all customers, which is not practicable, or switch over all base22:35
SturmFlutstations to their own MCC/MNC, which would cut half of their customers off and also doesn't seem possible because the equipment is from different manufacturers. So they rely on Android and iOS doing the right thing, automatically enable National Roaming when the MCC is the same as the one of the home network, and all edge cases are resolved by manually enabling Data Roaming.22:35
SturmFlutawe_: Android kinda sets the "standard" for this, so they can be lazy...22:36
mariogripI need more SSDs I have probably 200 gb just for different AOSP trees22:37
SturmFlutmariogrip: Haha22:37
SturmFlutThe whole Roaming story is only getting much worse when the EU finally abolishes Roaming fees22:38
SturmFlutAnd because bq sells Dual-SIM phones22:38
awe_SturmFlut, listen I don't want to argue the point with you.  If you'd like to discuss in more depth when abeato is around next week, please do so22:38
awe_the best I can do right now is get this on our product release team's radar22:39
awe_but again, have you contacted BQ directly about this???22:39
awe_SturmFlut, fyi... this is what abeato was referring to: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11895335/22:41
awe_in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/1449990/comments/622:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1449990 in ofono (Ubuntu) "National Data Roaming" [Wishlist,Confirmed]22:41
awe_again, feel free to comment in the bug, and let's discuss more in-depth next week22:41
ahoneybunmariogrip: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11895340/22:42
mariogripahoneybun: Thanks, I got what i needed now22:44
ahoneybunI wish I knew what you did need lol22:46
SturmFlutawe_: Ack. I didn't want to argue, I just misinterpreted your role in this case. Sorry.22:46
awe_I can certainly influence this, but can't just start working in implementing national roaming without some consensus22:47
mariogripawe_: linux_qmi_qmux_io.c: Unable to open port id /dev/smdcntl0, error [19:No such device] any ideas?22:47
awe_and again, I think we need to follow-up on abeato's comment before we do so as well22:47
awe_mariogrip, does the device exist?22:48
SturmFlutawe_: I wasn't expecting you to :)22:48
mariogripand it has the correct permissions22:48
awe_mariogrip, is that code part of rild on the phone?  Where are you seeing that error messages again?22:49
awe_radio log?22:50
awe_( -b radio )22:50
awe_have you tried looking at the radio buffer?22:50
awe_as well22:50
awe_it sounds like qmuxd isn't able to access the device from within the container22:51
mariogripbut, the rild cannot communicate with the radio without mux right?22:51
awe_that's device dependent22:51
awe_rild is really treated as a black box22:51
awe_( which sucks, but is what it is )22:51
mariogriptried to remove qmuxd from android and i got the same "radio_unavailable" message from the radio buffer22:52
awe_I haven't done any poking around in the container for a long time now...  but it sounds like somethings configured wrong on the android side22:52
mariogrip(in android)22:52
awe_well, if it's required by rild, removing it's probably not a good idea22:53
mariogripremove/disable just to test22:53
mariogripalso, in android (not in lxc)22:53
mariogripdoes not mako use qmuxd?22:54
awe_right, have you take a look at the android init scripts in the container?22:54
awe_mariogrip, it might... but again, that's really invisible to us22:54
ahoneybundamn the VM does not see the mako22:55
awe_it sounds to me like something's broken in your lxc container22:55
awe_unfortunately, I'm not the right person to help with that.  I'd see if you can get some cycles from ogra22:55
mariogripi tried, but he had no idea22:56
mariogripbut, i does access the file, but it is something wrong with smdcntl022:57
awe_I know there are tools in which you can run commands inside the container22:57
awe_but again, I haven't done this in a long time22:57
mariogriplike lxc-console -nandroid22:57
mariogripand lxc-attach22:57
mariogripI have used them alot22:57
awe_if qmuxd is running in the container, you need to debug why it can't open that device22:57
* awe_ pokes at his mako22:58
mariogripawe_:  yeah, Thanks!23:01
mariogripI will see what i can find23:01
tathhuCool, E5 froze again :/23:01
mariogripawe_: btw, who is creating the devices?23:02
mariogripexample the smdcntl023:02
tathhuSo annoying23:02
mariogripis it in the init? in ramdisk?23:03
mariogriptathhu: what channel are you running?23:03
awe_mariogrip, not something I can answer off the top-of-my-head23:03
mariogripawe_: ok23:03
tathhumariogrip: whatever it's out of the box, stable?23:03
mariogripThanks, Anyway23:03
mariogriptathhu: Ah, okay. OTA5 comes on monday, that might fix your issues :D23:04
tathhumight :-(23:05
mariogripI run rc-proposed it has not froze yet.23:06
mariogripon my E4.523:07
tathhuIt just happens randomly, no spesific reason :/23:07
mariogriphumm, if you want, really you can try rc-proposed and maybe switch back when ota5 is out (or just stay)23:09
ahoneybunrc has all the things that OTA-5 will have23:11
mariogripubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en23:13
mariogriptathhu: ^23:13
awe_mariogrip, qmuxd is started by init.mako.rc; I would check the init script for your device, and ensure that the qmuxd is started with the right user/group ( radio, radio )23:13
tathhuDo i still need to flash that recovery/whatever it was to support idf?23:13
awe_also have you checke the kernel log?23:13
ahoneybunI'm sorry rc-proposed23:13
awe_mariogrip, don't really have much else to offer...  if you want to catch me early next week, when ogra_ is around, we can try some continued brainstorming23:14
awe_but I need to drop now...  dinner ( and the weekend ) calls23:14
mariogripawe_: Yeah, that sound good23:14
mariogriptathhu: idf?23:15
* tathhu read something at tha internets23:16
mariogripnope, i shoud include it since this is an ubuntu device23:16
mariogripor it does include it, that's how it update, it uses the same method23:17
mariogripbut, you need to enable developer mode btw23:18
mariogripsettings -> about device -> developer mode23:18
mariogriptathhu: ^23:19
mariogripahoneybun: Awww, I'm daydreaming about the OnePlus Two running ubuntu and convergence <323:21
mariogripThat would be sooooo coool!23:21
mariogripAnd i can be like, now is a phone *puts in doc* and now it's a desktop :D23:22
mariogripor the OnePlus one for that matter, it's pretty powerful that too23:24
tathhumariogrip: thanks23:24
tathhunow it's doing.. something :D23:24
mariogrip:D downloading right?23:25
tathhunot dd'ing it :D23:26
mariogripahoneybun: Why did you need an VM for connection to your phone?23:26
mariogripbtw https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/H346aB0R/Screenshot%20from%202015-06-07%2001%3A52%3A35.png23:27
ahoneybunmariogrip: development23:27
mariogripah, okay, but there is how you can connect it in a vm23:28
ahoneybunmariogrip: might be beause I have VB 5.023:28
ahoneybunand I know how to do it23:28
mariogripand, you need be in the correct group (try to start VB with sudo)23:29
ahoneybunand then I have no VMs23:30
tathhumissing guest additions?23:31
tathhuif running on vbox23:31
mariogripoh yeah, the it uses the root folder23:31
mariogripsudo usermod -a -G vboxusers23:31
mariogripsudo usermod -a -G vboxusers [user]23:32
mariogripthe log off and in23:32
tathhu2015/07/18 02:32:50 Rebooting into recovery to flash23:33
mariogriptathhu: awesome :D23:33
tathhuUh, gummia whatever case sucks with e5, just wondering if that another one woulv'ce beena ny better..23:34
mariogriptathhu: the next progress is gonna take a while, so don't force reboot it...23:34
mariogripthe scipt is gonna exit, and the phone is gonna keep working,23:35
mariogrip(script on the pc also)23:35
tathhu2015/07/18 02:32:50 Rebooting into recovery to flash23:35
tathhuFailed to enter Recovery23:35
mariogripdid your device reboot?23:35
tathhuand still taht ubuntu-circle and progress animation is going on23:35
mariogripyeah, then it's working.23:36
mariogripjust leave it for a little while, and it should reboot by it self23:36
mariogripthat was fast23:37
tathhuthat "powered by ubuntu" feels so amazing :D23:37
mariogripwell, 5mins i guess23:37
mariogripyeah :D23:37
mariogripare you running rc now?23:39
tathhuomg these new icons on notification bar23:39
mariogripYeah, they are awesome looking :D23:39
ahoneybunthey are super cool23:41
tathhuold "notification icon" was better :/23:43
mariogripeveryone have different taste23:44
ahoneybunI like the new one23:49
mariogripme too23:49
ahoneybunmariogrip: any luck getting rild off your mind? lol23:50
mariogripnope, rild is stuck to my mind i guess xP23:52

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