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* conyoo good morning o_O05:51
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=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
mardySaviq: hi! I see that you marked bug 1436203 as incomplete, but I don't remember if you asked me for more logs, and if so, which12:07
ubot5bug 1436203 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[Dash] unity8-dash crashed with ASSERT: "eglDestroyContext(mEglDisplay, mEglContext) == EGL_TRUE"" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143620312:07
Saviqmardy, it's rather because looking at the trace it seemed a crash in a lower level - hence the Mir task12:10
mardySaviq: oh, indeed12:10
mardydednick: do you know whom I should ping about this bug? ^12:11
Saviqgreyback, you can be the first PoC ↑12:11
greybackSaviq: sure12:12
greybackmardy: hey12:12
greybackmardy: hmm my suspicion is that dash is shutting down prematurely for some reason, and there's a bug in qtubuntu where it's trying to destroy a gl context which hasn't been created yet. But why isn't obvious to me12:20
greybackmardy: can you still reproduce this? On a vivid install? vivid+overlay? wily?12:20
mardygreyback: I tried about one week ago, on wily12:31
mardygreyback: right now I don't have that laptop with me, but I can try it next week12:31
greybackmardy: yeah when you have it in front of you, ping me and maybe we can figure it out12:32
mardygreyback: basically, the shell loads fine, but the dash (and all apps, and the system settings) don't start12:32
greybackthat scopeStyle error I don't see in my own logs12:32
mardygreyback: so I think that your guess of blaming qtubuntu sounds about right12:32
greybackmardy: well not quite, qtubuntu is crashing while destroying its gl context, which is something it usually only does on app shutdown12:33
greybackmardy: and yeah, it shouldn't do that. But there's some reason dash isn't fully starting up too12:34
mardygreyback: ok -- but since other apps are not starting either, I guess it's not a problem in the dash alone12:35
mardygreyback: but we'll see12:35
greybackmardy: ah you didn't mention that.12:36
greybackmardy: yeah, talk when you can debug with me12:36
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tsdgeosgreyback: ah you're here now12:58
tsdgeosgreyback: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/147552612:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1475526 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8-dash crashes during power tests" [Undecided,New]12:58
tsdgeosgreyback: we have asserts in libqpa-ubuntumirclient.so on startup of unity-dash12:58
tsdgeosgreyback: any idea what would cause them?12:59
greybacktsdgeos: you ave any console output from unity8-dash?12:59
tsdgeosgreyback: doesn't look like there's any, no13:00
greybacktsdgeos: lack of symbols for qtubuntu make it hard to know where it is crashing13:01
tsdgeosgreyback: the constructor13:01
greybackunable to find mir server is a likely candidate13:02
tsdgeosgreyback: well you only have one qFatal13:02
tsdgeosi would say "only" candidate13:02
greybacktsdgeos: you have a point13:03
greybacktsdgeos: then it means what the qFatal text is saying13:03
tsdgeosi know13:03
tsdgeosi commented that on the bug13:03
tsdgeosi'm just asking how that would happen13:03
tsdgeossince it's on phone boot13:03
tsdgeosand unity8 hasn't crahed13:04
greybackno other mir app should start until after unity8 has. upstart will only consider unity8 started after it has emitted a SIGSTOP13:04
tsdgeosit *must* be there, no?13:04
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greybacktsdgeos: it's a tricky one to figure out, I don't see anything obvious we might have broken. We even have AP test to ensure sigstop emitted at the right time. Perhaps the MIR_SOCKET variable isn't being set in time by upstart and there's a race (unlikely)13:14
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
greybacktsdgeos: I replied to that bug with what I know. I don't have any obvious idea tho, sorry13:25
tsdgeosoka, no worries13:25
dandradergreyback, any idea where's the mir socket of qml-demo-shell?13:45
dandradergreyback, don't see it in /tmp13:45
greybackdandrader: it's usually there, /tmp/mir_socket13:46
dandradergreyback, but it's not there :/13:47
greybackdandrader: did you run it as root?13:48
dandradergreyback, yes13:48
dandradergreyback, will try to find it with lsof...13:48
greybackdandrader: /run/mir_socket maybe?13:48
dandradergreyback, nope...13:48
greybackdandrader: well it must have it opened somewhere. Else can specify one yourself with MIR_SERVER_HOST_SOCKET=/tmp/mir_socket13:49
dandradergreyback, will try that env var, way easier than hunting for it13:49
dandradergreyback, "std::exception::what: Nested Mir Platform Connection Error: Failed to connect to server socket: No such file or directory"13:50
dandradergreyback, it's stand-alone, not nested. so it's probably a different env var?13:51
greybackoh sorry, that's to tell a nested serer where the server socket is13:51
greybackdandrader: MIR_SERVER_FILE13:51
greybackor maybe MIR_SOCKET itself13:51
greybacknever was clear which one was the right one13:51
dandraderso many combinations...13:52
greybackoh great, mir landed in wily, but not in vivid+overlay13:52
greybackso I can't even get silo7 to dual-build any more13:53
tsdgeosgreyback: ouch13:54
tsdgeosis that a "mistake" on their side or what is supposed to happen from now on?13:54
greybacktsdgeos: something went wrong on their side13:54
dandradergreyback, it's MIR_SERVER_FILE13:55
* dandrader writes it down13:55
greybackdandrader: cool. I also note it dwn13:55
seb128tsdgeos, hey, sorry you were away yesterday before I ponged13:56
tsdgeosseb128: hi there, i forgot what i was asking about :D13:56
tsdgeosseb128: some icons?13:57
seb128tsdgeos, I was the one asking about/discussing bugs and dednick pointd to you about fixing similar issues13:57
tsdgeosseb128: ok, i'm here if you need help13:58
seb128tsdgeos, basically http://paste.ubuntu.com/11892893/13:58
seb128tsdgeos, the image doesn't fill the shape13:58
seb128tsdgeos, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/screenshot20150716_100355457.png is the result13:58
dednickseb128: what does the original image look like?14:02
tsdgeosseb128: any special reason you're using Icon and not Image?14:03
dednickseb128: have you tried: PreserveAspectFit?14:04
dednickoh right. crop should work :/14:04
seb128dednick, yes, I did, no difference14:05
dednickseb128: it's probably because the shadereffect is doing the rendering.14:05
seb128tsdgeos, yes, because that shape can contain icons and they need to be colored which image doesn't support14:05
dednickseb128: can't change icon.preserveaspectcrop can we?14:06
seb128dednick, not that I know no...14:06
dednickseb128: maybe try change it in the sdk to test. Icon10 uses Image: { fillmode: Image.PreserveAspectFit }14:07
dednickseb128: just as a sanity test14:07
dednickseb128: although it sounds like a bug in UbuntuShape.14:08
seb128dednick, what do you suggest changing in the sdk to test?14:09
dednickseb128: change the Icon image to use Image.PreserveAspectCrop, rather than Image.PreserveAspectFit14:10
seb128dednick, the original image is http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/img.png14:10
dednickseb128: give me a minute. i can try14:10
dednickhandsome man.14:10
seb128dednick, that change Icon10 solves it14:10
tsdgeosseb128: so that's what you want? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11892961/14:10
dednickseb128: hm. thought it might14:10
seb128tsdgeos, that indeed works, thanks :-)14:11
seb128dednick, ^14:12
dednickhm. why does removing the fill work?14:13
dednickseb128: hm. thought it might14:13
tsdgeosdednick: because if you're making it big enough to start with14:13
tsdgeosthe shared can't stretch it to really fill14:13
tsdgeosshared -> shared14:14
dednicktsdgeos: i c. :/14:14
dednicktsdgeos: so what if the image was a lot smaller?14:15
dednickhm. doesnt seem to matter14:15
dednicki guess we're forcing it's size for using a fill or something :/14:17
dednickwhatever works!14:17
seb128dednick, enjoy14:20
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greybackMacSlow: a nice clean bug with a hopefully helpful summary of the task https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/147567814:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1475678 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Unity8 not informing clients that they are not visible and thus can stop rendering" [Undecided,New]14:31
MacSlowgreyback, ah thanks... will link any branches to that then14:31
greybackmzanetti: you were doing the right thing, stopping animations by listening for the Qt.application.active property. But not everything will do that. We can at least stop the renderer if it's not needed14:43
mzanettigreyback, maybe... a bit worried we'll mess up things tho14:44
greybackmzanetti: how?14:44
greybackit does nothing to your QML scene. Just stops rendering useless frames14:44
mzanettiwell, just discarding paint calls from the app will probably cause arifacts etc14:44
mzanettibut I'm not an expert in that stuff14:44
MacSlowmzanetti, I added the related bugs to the notes for reference14:45
greybackmzanetti: you're right, I anticipate glitches if we are not careful14:45
greybackmzanetti: as we'll first see an old frame, before we get a newly painted frame14:45
tsdgeosjosharenson: i meant this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~josharenson/unity8/location_page_test/+merge/259801 is this the one you say you were making changes to?14:45
josharensontsdgeos: oh no, sorry14:46
tsdgeosthen i'll have a look :)14:46
josharensontsdgeos: did you get the here maps version working?14:46
tsdgeoshaven't tried yet14:46
tsdgeosthat was my friday afternoon easy task :D14:46
seb128dednick, hum, for some reason it doesn't work correctly in the u-s-c/unity8 context :-/15:28
dednickseb128: can you pastebin the usc diff?15:29
seb128dednick, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11893244/15:31
seb128the image is hidden15:31
seb128changing the hideSource makes it being displayed15:32
seb128but it was bigger than the shape when I tried that15:32
dednickseb128: use UbuntuShape.source rather than UbuntuShape.image15:53
seb128dednick, I think I had tried that, but not today, so I need to try again15:54
seb128did you try it/does it work for you?15:54
dednickseb128: ya15:54
dednickseb128: works15:54
seb128want to mp the version that works for you if you have one ready?15:55
seb128otherwise I can try that and submit a bit later15:55
seb128or likely on monday now15:55
dednickseb128: can do15:55
seb128thanks, so I can test/confirm if it works here :-)15:56
dednickseb128: is there a bug assigned?15:59
seb128dednick, bug #145022916:00
ubot5bug 1450229 in ubuntu-settings-components (Ubuntu) "avatar in notification has wrong aspect ratio" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145022916:00
dednickseb128: ta16:00
seb128dednick, yw!16:00
dednickseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/ubuntu-settings-components/icon-aspect-ratio-crop/+merge/26514616:10
seb128dednick, thanks16:15
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