
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (thewench)04:40
ubottuthewench called the ops in #ubuntu (cfhowlett)04:40
ubottuthewench called the ops in #ubuntu (cfhowlett person trying to sell sex in channel)04:41
phunyguythat was mildly annoying04:43
phunyguy@mark azamrod wanting support in spanish in english channel.04:47
ubottuThe operation succeeded.04:47
phunyguy@mark #ubuntu azamrod wanting support in spanish in english channel.04:47
ubottuThe operation succeeded.04:47
bapoumbaHello :)10:00
bapoumbaPing someone who can deal with ubuntu cloak please :)10:00
Unit193Hello bapoumba, those things are generally delt with in #ubuntu-irc, but you already have a cloak.10:01
bapoumbaOK thanks Unit193, was not for me, I’ll go there :)10:02
bapoumbawe have that ubuntuforums mod who needs one to access our restricted channel10:02
bapoumbawill direct him to #ubuntu-irc, sorry for the confusion10:03
Unit193Sure thing.10:03

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