
OhYashIs this channel dead?09:29
OhYashI think yes09:29
svijindeed, everybody dead here. :D09:51
aG-pestgood morning m8s10:41
aG-pestcan i ask something about coding a webapp?10:48
hasani have an issue...11:25
hasani receive my ubuntu phone next days but it was not connected to the internet that receive older OTA updates before OTA-5. older OTA updates should be installed? and how to install before OTA-5?11:27
conyooyou can update the phone any time11:31
conyoogo to the settings11:31
hasanso old OTA updates will be received with OTA-5 on my phone?11:32
tathhumariogrip: oh, silly me. Was on IRC all night and still forgot telegram doesn't work (yet..) :D11:52
rachelfishHi #ubuntu-touch !13:38
rachelfishWhen can I get one in the US?13:38
tathhuNow? Get a Nexus 4/5 and flash Ubuntu on it, or wait. (AFAIK)13:58
ahoneybuntathhu: rachelfish the BQ and Meizu devices work on some carriers in the US but you'll be stuck to 2G/3G I think so the Nexus4/5 is  best14:08
rachelfishahoneybun: So if I buy a nexus I can install ubuntu touch on it?14:34
rachelfishWith my existing cell provider?14:34
ahoneybunrachelfish: Nexus 4 or 514:34
ahoneybunwho is your carrier?14:34
ahoneybunwell the Nexus 4 and 5 do not work on Verizon14:35
tathhuMeh, back to stable16:28
tathhuI need telegram xD16:28
popeyyeah, frustrating that it broke :(16:34
popeytathhu: you could go back a couple of images, and stay on rc proposed16:35
popeyjust update once it's fixed16:35
tathhuudf --channel=blaa --revision= xy?16:37
tathhuwhat if.. i'd just try it .:D16:37
* tathhu rtfm's16:42
ahoneybunpopey: your back I see16:50
tathhuunknown flag :-(16:52
popeyahoneybun: Ya!17:18
popeytathhu: ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=foo --revision=NN17:19
tathhupopey: unknown flag :/17:27
peat-psuwitWhen camera-app wake from suspend, why CameraClient is destroyed and re-created?17:39
lionrougeubuntu touch looks promising. I'm even thinking about getting Aquaris E5 with it. But Firefox OS looked promising too. And it was an epic fail. What is different between these two platforms that will prevent Ubuntu touch from failing?18:08
lionrougei'm afraid QT/QML is not fast enough (at work i sit just behind a guy who's now making a GUI app on QT5. It's shit i should say)18:10
lionrougei myself tried to make a simple calculator on Qt5 and it was laggy as hell on a machine with Atom N-series. Written in HTML+JS and run in FF it worked pretty smoothly18:11
lionrougethe other thing that makes me doubt is this belief that relying on "web" is enough. "Web" is not a magic. Noone will create apps for Ubuntu phone as much as for Android and iOS. Using mobile versions of sites? Or even complete ones? On 5'' displays? Firefox OS guys were web-hoping too - look at them now. The market is full of crap18:14
tathhu"gnome 2 -phone would be awesome" ok reddit, I'm out.18:24
tathhuPhone without a gui would be better awesome ":D"18:24
K1773Rtathhu: but not the regression ;)18:26
=== kevin is now known as Guest46374
tathhuthat was fast18:57
brobostigonyep, some people have no petience.19:24
Ciccios\nick ^Ciccios^19:33
carif_i updated a nexus 10/manta device to r257 using ubuntu-device-flash. now the device keeps trying to restart in a continuous cycle, all I see is the "Google" splash screen.20:12
carif_How do I fix this?20:12
barney_hello all20:12
carif_I've tried 'ubuntu-device-flash --verbose touch --serial=<serial> --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu --bootstrap' after wiping the device using the ubuntu recovery but that doesn't help20:15
carif_nice spinning logo however20:16
carif_I can revert back to r2 on manta, are any more recent images working?21:18

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