
OerHeksanomonus2015, then not.00:00
SchrodingersScatanomonus2015: that would also reset that variable xD00:00
anomonus2015how can the varible be reset. its my username !00:01
juan__spanish help00:03
SchrodingersScat!es | juan__00:03
ubottujuan__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:03
juan__Well, hello00:03
juan__I have a problem with mscorefonts installation00:04
juan__I install it but I cant see in Writer00:04
juan__I was looking for a solution in internet00:04
rictooyou're in the right place00:05
juan__I cant see the ms corefonts00:05
juan__Where is the trick00:05
rictooi'm sorry i can't help you with it, you should wait for someone else00:05
juan__And the worst is my english00:06
OerHeksjuan__, maybe you need to logout/login to let the fonts take effect?00:06
juan__but... I restart some times00:06
juan__I think its the same00:06
juan__I install and after that, I restart00:07
juan__No solution00:07
juan__Why is this problem now?00:07
rictoojuan__, wait for somenoe to answer you and dont spam the channel please :)00:08
OerHeksjuan__, open writer, and open the fonts dropdown menu, do you see comic sans MS ???00:08
juan__When I install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 3 years ago no problem, but I just install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and...00:09
OerHeksif so, they are there00:09
anomonus2015guys when i set unity to fade or slide from the desktop i find it is difficult  to get it too reappear. its like the cursor dosent trigger it correctly even though its at the left of the screen00:09
OerHeksanomonus2015, oh, i thought you were going to bed ...00:09
OerHekstroll exposed00:10
* anomonus2015 yawns00:10
* rictoo slaps anomonus2015 a bit around with a small trout00:10
juan__No comic sans MS, no Arial, no...00:10
OerHeksjuan__, oke, open terminal: sudo apt-get install -f  # to see if the installer needs a push00:11
rictooOerHeks, i like how you include the comment sign00:11
rictooincase it's pasted in :p00:11
rictooi'm guessing it skips everything aftet # ?00:12
OerHeksrictoo good thing to remember yes00:12
juan__Dont work00:13
OerHeksjuan__, if it did not show a seperate screen asking for install: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ttf-mscorefonts-installer00:14
juan__I wrote this order ten minutes ago.00:15
juan__No solve the problem00:15
OerHeksjuan__, then i am out of ideas00:16
juan__And me too :)00:16
* anomonus2015 tisarms icotoo of his small trout, considers cooking it and eating it but ultimately decides to stick it in rictoo's ear so he may better understand my language00:16
juan__Well. I stop here. Thank you for your help. Tomorrow... perhaps I burn the computer.00:18
juan__Bye and thanks for your time00:18
anomonus2015so guys the unity issue? why is it so difficult to get it too reappear ?00:20
ActionParsnipanomonus2015: could hit the Windows key...00:21
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anomonus2015the windows key also opens system so its not optimal. what does the sensitivty option actualld do . it dosent make unity appear any quicker as far as i can tell00:25
RemobothCan we boot Ubuntu from an external harddrive?00:30
RemobothOr is the size of the partition a limiting factor?00:30
KovicaI'm doing an unattended installation (preseeded) with Ubuntu 14.04. I want to install additional packages. I used "d-i pkgsel/include openssh-server", but this does not work. What will work?00:30
ActionParsnipRemoboth: the physical storage s00:31
RemobothActionParsnip - ?"00:31
ActionParsnipRemoboth: doesn't matter. As long as the BIOS can boot it then it's fine00:31
RemobothActionParsnip - So drivers from the external harddrive don't matter?00:31
ActionParsnipRemoboth: it makes no difference. It's just a file system. The connection is irrelevant. Linux is very flexible like that00:33
RemobothActionParsnip - O.k.00:33
RemobothGonna try.00:33
RemobothActionParsnip - Thanks.00:33
ActionParsnipRemoboth: it's why mount can mount ISO files. It's just a file system. Windows needs 3rd party applications for this00:34
RemobothSo that is more of a Windows-specific problem?00:34
anomonus2015guys why does unity reappear almost randomly when trying to mouse over it ?00:35
ryeintrying to install ms fonts and i get this error E: Failed to fetch http://downloads.sourceforge.net/corefonts/andale32.exe Hash Sum mismatch00:38
ryeinguessing source forge is messing with the file or its not there any more?00:38
anomonus2015sourceforge is down atm00:39
RemobothWhat is good external harddrive encryption app on Ubuntu?00:41
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory00:42
mojtabaDoes anybody know how can I print specific emails from command line? (and also check for new emails all the time?) basically I have a gmail account and I want to be able to print automatically all receiving emails with specific subject.00:43
anomonus2015guys hte icon bar on the left o the screeen what is that refered to as ? the unity launcher ?00:45
ActionParsnipmojtaba: which email client do you use?00:46
easyOnMe_anyhere who has use phpStorm00:46
easyOnMe_how do I configure phpStorm to save all my php files into utf-8 character encoding so that I do not have do so everytime I make a new file and save my code00:47
ActionParsnipanomonus2015: yes, it's the Unity launcher00:47
mojtabaActionParsnip: I am using thunderbird, but I want to check emails from command line00:47
ActionParsnipmojtaba: http://superuser.com/questions/273623/how-to-access-emails-managed-by-mozilla-thunderbird-in-console-mode seems to say Mutt can read the email files of Thunderbird. I don't use either, it's just what I found with searches00:49
anomonus2015ActionParsnip, is there a setting for reveal presure in unity settings ?00:49
mojtabaActionParsnip: I do not want to use thunderbird. I am looking for something lighter.00:50
anomonus2015guys what is meant when someone refers to the SUPER key . is that the same as the windows key ?00:54
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bazhanganomonus2015, yes00:56
NikeshI keep trying and trying to install Ubuntu (dual boot with Windows 8.1) but every time it fails at "Executing 'grub-install /dev/sda' failed." -- How can I debug this problem? There is no information given as to why it failed.00:56
wileeeNikesh, You looked up the uefi boot info, in sda is a bit unusual.00:57
wileee!uefi | Nikesh In case you need,00:58
ubottuNikesh In case you need,: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:58
Nikeshwileee: Do you mean it is unusual to have UEFI with sda?00:58
wileeeNikesh, Yes.00:58
wileeeNikesh, Others here are more up on uefi if that is your setup, just an info post.00:59
Nikeshwileee: My BIOS says 'Boot Mode: UEFI'00:59
Nikeshwileee: and 'Secure Boot: Disabled'01:00
wileeeNikesh, I'm not your best help.01:01
NikeshMaybe I should enable 'Legacy' while installing Ubuntu?01:01
wileeeNikesh, The general method is to have an unallocated space already and do a uefi install next to it.01:03
wileeenext to windows01:03
Nikeshwileee: Yeah, that's what I've tried many times and each time fails with the same error01:04
NikeshI've tried both making unallocated space within Windows and also shrinking the partition in the Ubuntu installer01:05
squarefanaticinstalling ubuntu alongside os x, is it still necessary to use refind, or refit, or can you just make room then boot from install usb?01:05
wileeeNikesh, is there an unallocated?01:05
Nikeshwileee: Sorry? There is before I install. After it fails and I go back into Windows it shows primary partitions01:06
wileeeNikesh, Can you pasteb bin sudo parted -l01:06
wileeedoh pastebin*01:06
Nikeshwileee: I imagine I do that in the live USB?01:08
wileeeNikesh, Yeah, you say primary, I believe all partitions in uefi are logical, any one correct this if wrong please.01:08
wileeeNikesh, From what I read some tools call theses primary in a gpt uefi, so I'm not correct.01:12
wileeeNikesh, Anyway, as I have now proven beyond a doubt, there are others way better in this area. ;)01:13
NikeshOK, thank you for your help01:14
wileeeNikesh, Heh, hate to make any harder than it already is, I have not gotten a uefi setup yet is all, I know grub in msdos.01:15
linux_unix-10Every time I plug in my flash drive, Ubuntu would automount it as read-only. How can I remount it as rw?01:18
i5ubuntuHOla, alguien con concimiento de placas de audio de producción musical en studio ubuntu?01:20
linux_unix-10Also, is there a way to remount a fat32 partition as read-writable?01:20
wileeelinux_unix-10, HOw did you format it it should be rw?01:21
wileee!es | i5ubuntu01:22
ubottui5ubuntu: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:22
linux_unix-10wileee: Yes, it should be rw. It was on my desktop, but not on my netbook (current). It was automounted as read-only on insertion.01:22
wileeelinux_unix-10, automated?01:23
OerHeksdid you do a clean removal ? unmounted first?01:24
wileeelinux_unix-10, Not sure I get you.01:24
linux_unix-10Well, it was inserted in my desktop when it shut down. I unplugged it when it shut off.01:25
easyOnMe_I am a newbie web admin01:25
easyOnMe_what is the best online resource that I can learn from to provide basic security to our company's web server01:25
linux_unix-10wileee: When I insert my USB flash drive into my netbook, it gets automounted as read-only.01:25
OerHekslinux_unix-10, worth at try to fsck >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting#dosfstools_-_FAT12.2C_FAT16_and_FAT32_.28vfat.29_filesystem01:26
OerHekseasyOnMe_, good start https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/security.html01:28
linux_unix-10OerHeks: Oh, it says there may be some corrupt data.01:28
OerHekslinux_unix-10, that was what i expected, normally fat32 mounts fine01:29
linux_unix-10Says that it's mostly harmless. MOSTLY.01:30
NikeshWhat's a good size for / partition? I don't want to be too conservative01:30
easyOnMe_OerHeks: thanks01:30
linux_unix-10OerHeks: How can I format it?01:31
OerHekslinux_unix-10, unmount it, and use gparted01:31
OerHeksNikesh, see the wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes01:31
OerHeksNikesh, i would let ubuntu take care of partitioning01:32
NikeshOerHeks: OK. The guide I am following (UEFI dual boot) recommends the 'Something else' option, so I am defining them myself01:33
NikeshThis guide suggests 2x the amount of RAM for SWAP. I have 8GB, 16GB for SWAP seems like a lot!01:33
linux_unix-10OerHeks: gparted says that /dev/sdb is read-only, can't write to it01:33
OerHekslinux_unix-10, still having errors ?01:34
linux_unix-10Ignore makes it go away, but no actual changes happened.01:35
OerHeksunplug it, plug it back in and try to format again?01:35
OerHeksor the usb is broken now ... can happen01:35
Bashing-omNikesh: If I may, for a 1st time install . 10 Gigs for '/' , 30 Gigs for /home and 4 Gigs for /swap . With 16 gigs of ram /swap will rarely be used .01:35
OerHeksanother wiki about filesystems and use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DiskSpace01:36
linux_unix-10OerHeks: Curious thing though, it was read-writable on a Windows computer I used to transfer documents before plugging it into my netbook.01:37
fishcookerwhen i used vpn i cant browse the internet .. only my office network accessible.. is there any setting should i config manually?01:37
NikeshBashing-om: Thanks! If I have 8GB RAM, is 4GB still sufficient?01:37
linux_unix-10OerHeks: Maybe there's a way to force read-write?01:38
OerHeksNikesh, with 4 gb you cannot sleep/hybernate.01:39
OerHekslinux_unix-10, not that i know of .. and wonder why gparted would not let you01:39
NikeshOerHeks: Are you sure? I have 4GB SWAP on this machine and I frequently close the lid and leave it overnight and come back01:39
NikeshOerHeks: In fact I just tested clicking 'Suspend' and it worked01:40
Bashing-omNikesh: OerHeks Yes, slipped my mind on the ability to hibernate, we boot so fast now-a-days I do not use hibernation myself .01:40
NikeshBashing-om: Yeah, SSDs are great in that way01:41
OerHeksyeah, never see that bootsplash anymore ... too fast01:42
Bashing-omNikesh: As OerHeks advises, If you are going to hibernate, /swap must be a tad bit larger than the amount of ram installed .01:42
linux_unix-10Guys, is there a way to force-mount read-write on a partition?01:42
NikeshBashing-om: OK. I'm a bit reluctant as I want as much space as I can get :P01:43
linux_unix-10Maybe there are other channels where I can ask this?01:44
NikeshX crashed01:45
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Bashing-omNikesh: Only as a reference, This box " Mem:       4048652    1211648    2837004 ; Swap:         7996          0       7996 " . A very small /swap partiton with 4 gigs of ram .01:46
Nikesh= 8MB?01:47
OerHeksSwap:      total 6215676        used  0  free  6215676  # on 6gb01:48
NikeshOerHeks: = 6GB swap?01:48
OerHeksNikesh, that is what ubuntu chooses default with 6 gb mem01:48
Bashing-omNikesh: Affirmed. 8 MB . I am not doing any heavy duty stuff. I rarely touch /swap running 4 gigs of ram .01:49
NikeshHow do I check how much swap I have?01:49
Bashing-omNikesh: Terminal command ' free ' .01:50
Nikesh/dev/dm-2 partition   4G   9M   -101:50
NikeshThat's for this machine I am on now, but I'm installing onto another machine beside this one01:51
Nikesh"Executing 'grub-install /dev/sda' failed"01:56
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NikeshIs there any way to see why?01:57
OmkARthere's always a way . ..  after reading 4 hours of guides01:58
Guest7762How do I update to version 15 in ubuntu? I'm 14.0401:58
wileeeGuest7762, by going through 14.10 which is at least days from eol02:00
wileee14.04 has 5 years support none of 15 does02:00
NikeshOmkAR: :/ Yeah, maybe I'm almost there..02:00
Guest7762wileee: But I like 15 :c02:00
Guest7762oh well02:01
wileeehardly any difference02:01
wileeea few updated packages and apps02:01
mojtabaDoes anybody know how can I print specific emails from command line? (and also check for new emails all the time?) basically I have a gmail account and I want to be able to print automatically all receiving emails with specific subject.02:03
jeffrey_fB43 wireless on desktop, connected to wireless but can't communicate, even on LAN02:06
wileeejeffrey_f, You've looked at the broadcom wiki?02:07
jeffrey_fThis was working, but I wiped installed ubuntu and installed the fwcutter, etc.  Wireless connects, but it doesn't like to talk.  wileee, I haven't02:08
wileee!broadcom might help02:09
ubottuwileee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:09
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:09
jeffrey_fwileee: The driver is installed.  I have a connection to my wireless.  I can not, however, access anything LAN or internet.02:11
easyOnMeI am using nano on my terminal02:13
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, whats wrong now02:13
easyOnMewhat is the command to select all text from the top to the bottom of the file02:13
wileeejeffrey_f, Not abroadcom user ever here but people use this wiki probably 50 times a day , more or less to get theirs running.02:13
AndroidHackerdid u not read the man pages?02:13
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: what man pages?02:14
AndroidHackerthe manual02:14
easyOnMeoh ok02:14
easyOnMeone sec02:14
OmkARu should never irc as rooot02:14
chimmychanga!help Wifi doesnt work after computer sleeps on 15.04 unity02:15
ubottuchimmychanga: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:15
root_____its in docker02:16
root_____so its alright02:16
root_____just messing around02:16
jeffrey_fwileee: All those instructions were followed.  The wireless *IS CONNECTED*.  I can't ping or get web.02:19
atlasravencan you ping your loopback address (
wileeejeffrey_f, Cool, that is all you had to say, not an area I'm more than a wiki pusher.02:20
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: tried looking for it there but there is no such command as select all similar to ctrl a in windows02:20
easyOnMethe manual only discusses those options that are very basic02:21
AndroidHackeryea i dont know if it can be done easily02:21
jeffrey_fatlasraven: Yes02:21
jeffrey_fI hear ya wileee02:21
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: thanks for teaching me how to use scp in ubuntu02:21
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: do you know that there is also scp for windows02:21
easyOnMecalled winscp02:21
Finetundrawhat is rtkit?02:21
wileeeFinetundra, RealtimeKit is a D-Bus system service that changes the02:23
wileeescheduling policy of user processes/threads to SCHED_RR02:23
wileee(i.e. realtime scheduling mode) on request. It is intended to be used as a secure mechanism to allow real-time scheduling to be used by normal user processes.02:23
Finetundraok, thanks02:23
wileeeI quote02:23
Finetundrawhy would it be a user?02:23
Finetundraat least htop lists it as one02:23
AndroidHackereasyOnMe, no problem02:25
AndroidHackerand yea i knew ive heard of it02:26
AndroidHackerbut never used it02:26
AndroidHackeri gave up on windows a while ago02:26
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: oh ok02:26
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: I was trying to use the command find phpstorm02:27
easyOnMeit gives me an error02:27
easyOnMewhat is wrong with the command I used02:27
easyOnMeif in windows programs is the directory where installed applications are found what is its equivalent in ubuntu02:28
squarefanatichi all! when i try to install ubuntu 15.04 alongside os x i don't get the option to do so. the installer advises it doesnt detect other os's. i tried from the live boot and also just normal install. any hints?02:30
jeffrey_fwileee: atlasraven:  /etc/network/interfaces eth0 was my primary interface.  Commented that out and everything is ok with the world again.02:30
AndroidHackerfind . -name phpstorm easyOnMe02:30
AndroidHackeri think02:30
AndroidHackeri use phpstorm too02:31
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: how to uninstall it02:32
easyOnMein ubuntu02:32
AndroidHackerdelete the folder02:33
AndroidHackeri downloaded mine as a tar.gz from jetbrains02:33
AndroidHackerand extracted it02:33
AndroidHackerso youve been using linux for about a year and you dont know "sudo reboot"?02:34
lotuspsychjenever too old to learn AndroidHacker02:35
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AndroidHackerno i agree its just very odd to not know a very basic command like that02:35
lotuspsychjeAndroidHacker: not everyone is used to command line02:36
AndroidHackeri know02:36
AndroidHackerme included :|02:36
wileeejeffrey_f, Good job!!!!02:43
easyOnMehow come I cannot find phpstorm in software center02:44
easyOnMeI thought all installed applications can be found in software center02:44
lotuspsychje!info phpstorm02:44
ubottuPackage phpstorm does not exist in vivid02:44
moseswhat is classified as a non-directory file?02:44
easyOnMelotuspsychje: I want to uninstall phpstorm02:45
easyOnMehow shall I do it02:45
lotuspsychjeeasyOnMe: did you add a ppa or something?02:45
easyOnMelotuspsychje: no02:45
easyOnMeno my colleague installed it for me on my laptop02:46
lotuspsychjeeasyOnMe: wherefrom did he get that package?02:46
easyOnMeit was downloaded from jetbrains website02:46
lotuspsychjeeasyOnMe: purge it02:47
easyOnMelotuspsychje: how02:47
lotuspsychje!purge | easyOnMe02:47
ubottueasyOnMe: To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | sudo xargs dpkg -P02:47
OerHekseasyOnMe, it is not free software, phpstorm. ( in case you wonder why we do not host it)02:47
easyOnMeOerHeks: yup I know02:48
easyOnMeI was just trying my luck02:48
easyOnMehere if anyone here is using phpstorm who could advise me02:48
easyOnMethanks though02:48
OerHekseasyOnMe, well, if you build the install from that sourcecode, you should have build deinstall script too02:49
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: so you just have to delete the extracted folder and that is it02:49
easyOnMephpstorm is deleted02:49
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: yup I only know sudo reboot command when you told me that it exist02:50
easyOnMesuch a newbie of me02:50
AndroidHackernah its cool man02:50
AndroidHackeryea just delete the folder02:51
ryanwHi. I'm trying to use Chrome, but when resizing the window it takes like 2 seconds for it to redraw. Is there a fix for this?02:51
noellehey dalek02:54
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Noellehi pupeno02:55
Noellehi toytoy02:55
Noellehey shine_02:55
owen1how to keep the windows 8 recovery partition? during the install process i chose 'something else' and i see /dev/sda that have /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2. any tips?03:07
OerHeksowen1, find out what partition it should be, maybe ask in #windows ?03:09
Bashing-omowen1: (?) Windows8 generally is UEFI with GPT partitioning, GPT allows 128 partitions. What is the problem ?03:09
OerHeksmost of the time it is at the end of the disc03:09
owen1Bashing-om: i want to wipe the windows completely but keep the recovery in case i'll sell it.03:10
owen1how do i do that?03:10
ryeinhey can you add GPU to glances?03:11
OerHeksowen1, with a legal windows 8, you can download a dvd iso from microsoft legally03:11
owen1OerHeks: oh. but don't i need the windows licence number? it's not written on the back of the laptop03:11
Bashing-omWell, You can delete the Windows partitions ( I do recommned from Windows) .. but why ? ubuntu is happy to install as a dual boot with Windows .03:12
owen1Bashing-om: i don't want dual boot03:12
owen1i never use the windows03:12
OerHeksowen1, not sure about licenses, that would be a Q for #windows.03:12
owen1OerHeks: i'll ask there. thanks03:12
chingaoowen1: can you create recovery disks? My Lenovo laptop had a recovery partition and it allowed me to create recovery disks.03:13
owen1chingao: wow. how do i do that?03:13
chingaoI googled it03:13
owen1chingao: oh. i'll try that03:14
chingaoand I'm on Windows 7. Hopefully the same ability was ported to Windows 8.03:14
owen1chingao: on a usb, right?03:15
chingaoI also googled for some software that gives you the Windows key.03:17
chingaoI'm sure that will work. I actually created DVDs.03:18
OerHeksthat .. would totally be offtopic, here. ( and on #freenode)03:19
cfhowlett!piracy | chingao03:19
ubottuchingao: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o03:19
chingaoI'm not talking about piracy at all, but I do understand getting into Windows intricacies is offtopic for this channel03:20
owen1chingao: if i have the recovery drive on a usb stick, do i still need to find the windows key?03:20
owen1chingao: also, can i move the contents of the recovery usb to an external storage or does it have to stay on the usb?03:22
chingaoowen1: all this Windows talk is off topic for this channel. I definitely recommend you have your Windows license key just in case you need it.03:27
owen1chingao: ok. thank yo03:28
Aremis117_hi I have a dual monitor display setup with MATE as my DE.  One display is DVI and the other is DisplayPort.  For the life of me I cannot make the display port monitor my main monitor.  I'm not sure what to do.03:40
lotuspsychje!xrandr | Aremis117_03:42
ubottuAremis117_: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1203:42
Aremis117_oh god I don't want to run Xrandr03:43
Aremis117_oh well03:43
Aremis117_I had a feeling that's the answer I was going to get03:43
djjeff_# route -net add ...... no longer works?03:46
djjeff_# apt-file search `which route`03:48
djjeff_net-tools: /sbin/route03:48
djjeff_I did not even see net-tools get updated03:48
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easyOnMeis this a correct command to verify a checksum04:00
cfhowlett!md5sum | easyOnMe04:00
ubottueasyOnMe: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:00
djjeff_md5sum <file>04:00
djjeff_sha1sum <file>04:00
djjeff_sha256sum <file>04:01
Patero-ngcan someone help me04:01
Patero-ngI need to test a webserver04:01
easyOnMesha1sum /Downloads/PhpStorm-9.0.tar.gz04:01
easyOnMedjjeff_: what is wrong with my command04:02
easyOnMesha1sum /Downloads/PhpStorm-9.0.tar.gz04:02
Finetundraanyone know of a good wine vs windows article?04:02
easyOnMedjjeff_: it keeps on saying file or directory not found04:02
Finetundraor is this the wrong place to ask?04:02
easyOnMeFinetundra: google them04:02
easyOnMePatero-ng: what do you need to do?04:03
ynixHow exactly do I find out more information about a package through apt? For example, how can I see version information about the 'eclipse' package (or any other)?04:03
easyOnMePatero-ng: what ubuntu server are you using04:04
Patero-ngI want to test how much cpu my webserver uses when someone is downloading a big file off my pc improvesed web server04:05
Patero-ngit used to be 90% of cpu 5 years ago I want to test how is it doing now04:05
cfhowlett!server | Patero-ng04:05
ubottuPatero-ng: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server04:05
easyOnMedjjeff_: I got it04:06
Patero-ngthis is the url
Patero-ngplease click me and download the file where it says tunning04:06
Patero-ngI want to check cpu usage04:07
djjeff_you mean
soulissonHi, is fixing a vulnerability in php enough for this vulnerability to be fixed in mod_php as well?04:08
Patero-ngdid you download part of it04:08
djjeff_I streamed it in VLC media player04:10
Patero-ngoh well same thing I guess04:11
Patero-ngit used 25% of my cpu on just that uload04:12
Patero-ngand I have 3.4ghz 4cores04:12
Patero-ngso is a bit excessive in my opinion for http04:12
djjeff_cool you can PM ubottu is there a page listing all the bots commands?04:13
wileee#ubuntu-bots  talk personally ;)04:14
easyOnMePatero-ng: yeah04:14
easyOnMewhat do you need04:14
Patero-ngI want to know how to increase my performance04:14
wileeedjjeff_, I used to have a web page that lists them, out there somewhere.04:14
easyOnMeoh I have not done optimization before sorry04:15
wileeePatero-ng, More cowbell.04:15
=== djjeff_ is now known as djjeff
easyOnMeI thought you just want to set up it for the first time04:15
Patero-ngcause that'll be really good to go wide scale04:15
Patero-ngmy web site is simple it only has 1 page lol04:15
Patero-ngwell there are other pages there just not linked04:15
djjeffand poorly done web site too04:16
Patero-nglol don't joke me I'm learning html I did it manually04:16
=== test is now known as Guest80117
DinisI change font size but only some text changes, some text always remains small.04:34
tsimonq2I am proving a point. What are the chances that an update can break your computer? A stable update for Ubuntu LTS.04:36
cfhowletttsimonq2, unlikely but possible as is the case with *all* OS's04:36
wileeetsimonq2, this gonna be qualitative ore quantitative data?04:37
IlIllI^|7f`_|-}[How do I use a linux debugger in an easy-to-use interface like NuMegaSoftICE or SYSER04:37
tsimonq2but quantitative works too04:37
wileeeno bias?04:38
=== IlIllI^|7f`_|-}[ is now known as thewench
tsimonq2No bias04:38
aqdDinis, which applications have small text?04:38
tsimonq2No bias04:39
thewench!   d   f   p   n   *   o   Q    %         t   X   G           U   z   f   D   *   G   b   !    m   x   C   F   U   H   !   ?    >   +   S   E   r   a   F   Q    R   r   .   :   j   504:40
ubottuthewench: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:40
thewenchK   s    r   h   a   ~   H   y   C   U04:40
thewenchy   }   P   V   L   Q   o   s    +   ?   6   0   /   o   s   #    $   S   [   ,   N   S      )    }   l   }   G   N   d   $   I    l   ^   W   #   R   t   x   n    n      &   Z   `04:40
cfhowlettthewench, stop that.04:40
thewench  &   m   ~    $   ^   x   =   D   :   %   g04:40
thewench'   .   f   W   \   A   M   ^    O   ~   ]   F   )   X   ]   G    |   i         r      <   r    P   t   R   <   R   d   T   j    %   w   \   %   T   n   M   R    a   E   n   _   <04:40
thewench>   o   ^    }   "   W   x   ?   D   ]   {04:40
cfhowlett!ops | thewench04:40
ubottuthewench: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang04:40
thewenchH   F   E   `   V      \   :    3   y   B   e   F   ~   G   x    )   S   E   O   1   <   b   a    )   U   -   I   )   <   %   d    G   q   T   l          F   ;    $   ?      r   !04:40
thewench!ops | cfhowlett04:40
ubottucfhowlett: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang04:40
thewench  r   ?   I    e   X   R   [      %   _   504:40
thewenchk   A   "   '   Y      J        O   b   l   j   $   l   .   ?    Z   u   +   x   e   Q   R   ?    J   j   E   8   C   N   y   J    4   N   j   H   j   }      ;    @   j   {   J   A04:40
thewench\       }    .   I   f   Q   N   u   )   a04:40
thewench8   V         j   S   G   M    0      K   ~      A   *   ,    ;   -   i       n   U   N   S    m   v   2   =   '   '   u   H    v   K   a   +   z   k   q   e    ?   m   b   E   q   $04:41
thewench  T       U       G   x   f   6   '   )04:41
thewench!ops | cfhowlett person trying to sell sex in channel04:41
ubottucfhowlett person trying to sell sex in channel: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang04:41
DinisAll have small text, only windows menus are large.04:44
azamrodi  am support in spanish04:44
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:44
azamrodplease support in spanish in is channel04:45
cfhowlett!es | asam04:45
ubottuasam: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:45
phunyguyazamrod: please use the correct channel.04:45
wileeeDinis, Tell the channel how your changing font sizes.04:46
Dinisin the settings in the start menu04:48
zzo38How to recover files from a NTFS and FAT32 IDE hard drives that are connected using the USB adapter with Ubuntu?04:49
wileeezzo38, Define what recover means here?04:50
xanguaDinis: what settings, what start menu¿ can you be more precise please?04:50
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)04:50
=== anthony is now known as Guest70968
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | zzo3804:50
ubottuzzo38: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-3build2 (vivid), package size 343 kB, installed size 1382 kB04:50
newUbuntuhello everyone, is it possible to increase the resolution of my screen without nVidia graphic driver?04:50
lotuspsychjezzo38: sudo photorec after04:50
DinisI press the windows key to show the start menu04:51
zzo38OK thanks04:51
Dinisthen select settings04:51
Guest70968can someone give me , in laymans terms, how to in stall non linux software04:51
phunyguyDinis: preferrably in one line...04:51
xanguaGuest70968: what non linux software¿ why¿04:51
Dinisthen select the appearance04:52
zzo38I knew how to operate UNIX even before I have ever touched a computer, actually.04:52
Guest70968damn minecraft for my son04:52
zzo38Guest70968: What kind of non-Linux software? You may be able to compile it from source, or run it in some emulator04:52
Guest70968where do linux virgins go to ask dumb questions04:54
FinetundraGuest70968: what software do you need to run?04:55
DinisI press the windows key to show the start menu, then select settings and then select the appearance.04:55
newUbuntuUnable to install Nvidia graphics drivers in ubuntu 14.04. Need help please04:55
xangua!language | Guest7096804:55
ubottuGuest70968: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList04:55
FinetundraDinis: do you have a question?04:55
=== Komputer1 is now known as KomputerKid
wileeeGuest70968, minecraft is easily run in linux just foo the web, start with ubuntu minecraft I'm not a gamer.04:56
phunyguyFinetundra: they asked the question.  scroll up.04:56
Finetundraoh, guess I missed that04:57
FinetundraI'm a tired man04:57
Guest70968ANYDAMN thing thats not in that linux store, im not computer illiterate but this damn linux has me wondering wtf have i been doing, this is officially hour 204:57
FinetundraGuest70968: stop cussing04:57
Guest70968of umbuntu04:57
phunyguyGuest70968: so.... just ask your real question now.04:57
DinisYes, I can only change some text font size.04:57
FinetundraGuest70968: what exactly do you need. we will help but you can't be that vague04:58
Finetundrawe need something more to go on04:58
xanguaDinis: There are No setting to configure your fonts in a default Ubuntu Unity install, it This is what you want you can install unity tweak: sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool04:59
newUbuntuSystem specification: intel core2duo, GPU=nvidia GeForce8200M, whenever I select the propreity drivers in additional driver and click "apply changes" it jumps back to nouveau drivers. Help please!!05:00
phunyguynewUbuntu: which card05:01
newUbuntuphunyguy, Nvidia Geforce 8200G m05:02
newUbuntumy screen resolution is currently set to 800*600, it's exteremly difficult to get anything done05:03
phunyguynewdid you attempt an install outside of the official repos?05:03
phunyguynewUbuntu: did you attempt an install outside of the official repos?05:04
newUbuntuphunyguy, I don't know much about ubuntu, i read some answers and tried terminal emulator commands and the additional driver window to install drivers.  But to no avail05:05
phunyguythat is where there may be problems.05:06
phunyguyit's tough to tell what commands have already been tried.05:06
newUbuntuphunyguy, what else can I do any ideas?05:06
pearsis there ubuntu mirror still alive ?05:07
phunyguypears: we are still alive and well...?05:07
pearsphunyguy: ... I mean the old version05:08
Dinishow can unity change my fonts?05:08
pearsphunyguy: like 10.10 or 13.0405:08
xangua!eol | pears05:08
ubottupears: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:08
phunyguypears: oldreleases.ubuntu.com05:08
xanguaDinis: I just told you how...05:08
xanguayou didn't reply back if this was your actual issue, or explained what the problem is previously05:09
=== yourname is now known as thei0173
pearsphunyguy: is there still source ?05:11
phunyguypears: yes the source packages should still exist.05:12
=== aaron is now known as Guest18544
pearsphunyguy: could you give me a address ?05:12
xanguapears: did you read the !eol ¿ And it is very advisable you use a current supported release05:13
xanguaeol factoid*05:13
pearsxangua: I know, but I'm afraid upgrade will broke my system05:14
phunyguypears: old-releases.ubuntu.com/05:14
xanguaso you'll just continue to use an unsupported with no security updates release pears¿ I hope this is not your main machine.05:15
phunyguypears: anything else regarding old installs is beyond the scope of this channel.05:15
=== wook is now known as Guest61646
pearsxangua: phunyguy ,ok, actually I installed a os based ubuntu, and it have a beautiful desktop, but it's just 13.04, and I like its window manager configure, but I don't know how to make it in the current version of ubuntu05:22
xanguaa clean install would be faster05:23
wileeepears, If you get to a longterm, you will have 5 years support from it's release date.05:24
xanguaa clean install of ubuntu 14.04 LongTermRelease, since you seem to have a little trouble keeping with the latest release (13.04 has been unsupported since Jan 2014)05:24
pearsxangua: do you know is there some window manager can split menu toolbar from the window of program ,and make it on the top like mac os x ?05:24
xanguaUnity, the default desktop in Ubuntu since 12.1005:25
pearsmenu-bar can be splited from program window and put it on the top ,and the program window focus on middle05:26
pearsunity can do that ?05:26
pearsbut I find it use gdm and gnome-wm05:26
pearsin the /etc/init.d/05:27
xanguayes, Unity runs in top of Gnome05:27
pearsxangua: wolud you give a address ? thanks05:29
=== sayan_ is now known as sayan
xJeremyHello! Can anyone help me?05:33
=== sayan is now known as Guest91746
xanguaAnd I correct myseld, the initial inclusion of Unity as default desktop was in Ubuntu 11.04  http://is.gd/zcrlU505:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:35
phunyguyxJeremy: ^05:35
krankohow to check if my laptop has VGA/hdmi input  from terminal ?05:37
xJeremyphunyguy: I downloaded a ISO image, but the sha1 checksum failed. I don't want to redownload it again since my internet is slow. Here is my plan05:38
wileee!patience | kranko05:38
ubottukranko: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:38
krankohow to check if my laptop has VGA/hdmi input  from terminal ?05:38
phunyguykranko: stop that.  We got it the first time.05:39
=== wtm_iphone is now known as Wazzup
phunyguyxJeremy: if the checksum failed.... sorry for the slow download speed....  but you should probably redownload.05:39
xJeremyphunyguy: I have a better plan. I am writing it05:40
=== Wazzup is now known as wtm_iphone
phunyguythis should be good.05:40
* wileee waits with one eye open05:41
xJeremyI have a VPS. I will download the ISO image in that vps(debian). I will then extract the ISO and do a sha1sum for all the files. i want to store the checksums with their file names in a text file05:41
xJeremynext, download the text file, then run a bash script or something to compare. If the checksum of a file doesn't match, I will redownlaod that file05:43
phunyguycould probably work.05:43
xJeremy(I have a nginx server running)05:43
xJeremythe problem is, I don't know how to write the script05:43
OerHekskranko, old dirty method: Type arecord -l in terminal, it'll show you the available capture devices, audio and video.05:44
mladouxhello peoples05:44
=== Freeza is now known as Guest71341
=== dearn_ is now known as dearn
kranko_OerHeks> ; sorry I got disconnected , I got http://paste.ubuntu.com/11896842/ , what does my laptop support ?? and thanks .05:50
Guest71341Why "sudo dpkg-reconfigure" command removes the associated files of the given purpose of the command?05:50
=== Guest71341 is now known as Picoloko
moseshow do you print the current directory?05:51
mosesthe full05:51
OerHekskranko_, you can record sound, line in/mic05:51
OerHeksmoses: ls -al05:52
PicolokoLike I made a local installation of mscorefonts05:52
owen1hat's the keycode of my up and down volume keys? 'xev' show me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11896856 Any idea how to use that data?05:52
PicolokoThen after performing sudo dpkg-reconfigure command the fonts I downloaded was gone?05:52
owen1What's the keycode of my up and down volume keys? 'xev' show me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11896856 Any idea how to use that data?05:52
owen1sorry for pasting twice05:52
DilloYodahas anyone had any experience connecting to U-Verse?05:52
DilloYodaATT apparently doesn't like Linux05:53
kranko_ <OerHeks> and no video ?05:53
OerHekskranko_, nope05:53
DilloYodaI have U-Verse fine through ethernet, but apparently the wi-fi has issues05:54
OerHeksnot that many laptops have a tv capture card05:54
=== Blaster is now known as Guest18810
=== kalen_not-here is now known as kalen
kranko_ <OerHeks ; but I  have VGA port I can use it to connect to tv and display ?05:55
OerHekskranko_, that is vga/hdmi OUTPUT, not your question about input05:56
kranko_kranko ; yes just to check05:56
PicolokoI guess I'll just post my question to the forum,05:57
ryeinhey can you add GPU to glances?05:57
DilloYodaforums are probably better05:58
DilloYodaspecific topics05:59
easyOnMemy filezilla hang up06:03
easyOnMeI do not know how to shut it down06:03
easyOnMewhat command shall I issue on the terminal06:03
easyOnMeI tried top I cannot find its pid06:03
easyOnMeOerHeks: please help06:04
easyOnMeOerHeks: my filezilla hang up I do not know how to shut it down what command shall I issue on the terminal I tried top I cannot find its pid06:05
SuperBawlzAnyone know how to solve this, when I VNC into my Ubuntu box, if I press the [L] key it will lock the screen. I acts like a stuck key but I can't seem to clear it.06:06
thei0173easyOnMe: pkill -9f filezilla06:07
easyOnMethei0173: thnaks06:07
easyOnMeeasyOnMe: thanks06:07
=== kalen_not-here is now known as kalen
Patero-ngI need 2 volunteers06:14
Patero-ngto connect to my website and attempt to download for 20 seconds a video file06:14
easyOnMethei0173: do you know how to set the editor to phpstorm in filezilla06:16
easyOnMeearlier I manage to set it to phpstorm but now it went back to its default gedit06:16
easyOnMethei0173: how do i configure filezilla to open php files in phpstorm06:17
arunpyasiHi guys, how to enable SSL in IRCD-Hybrid ?06:20
oggomay I ask a question?06:21
auronandaceoggo: you just did06:21
oggoI would like to know - I use Vivid. And I connect to a WiFi enabled cdma rev b dongle to access the net. All my connections are through a separate wifi router that is bridged with the mobile data line. None of these devices offer a way to filter the net and set an inaccessible password in the process. i want some software that will have extremely strict filtering, even blocking utube and sites06:25
oggowith videos and images that are left by ordinasry filters06:25
oggoand set an encrypted passkey that even the owner can't acceess06:25
oggoI would like to check out if the filter works to my liking, and when done, i would want an inaccessible passkey06:26
auronandaceoggo: it is quite odd that the router doesn't offer some form of filter06:26
oggoit does have some sort of filter, but not one with inaccessible password, etc that i want06:27
auronandaceoggo: not sure what you mean by inaccessible password, surely you (as the admin) would want to be able to change the password06:28
oggono that's the point, I would like to lock out cmpletely after I'm satisfid with how the filter works.06:29
auronandaceoggo: and if at a laterdate your filtering requirements change?06:30
oggothen I would replace the device or the operating system, whichever I install the security software on06:30
oggoI would like that there be no way to easuly bypass the filter06:31
auronandaceoggo: sounds like you want an internet kiosk that only lets you visit certain sites set up in a whitelist06:31
oggono not really. I would like to be able to visit most of what is available, but with a very vry strict filtering of adult material ordinary filters leave many images and videos like utub untouched06:32
auronandaceoggo: the problem with a blacklist based system is that it would need to be updated regularly06:33
oggoso I don't mind if it updates as long as it is extremely reliable and strict. that would work too06:34
oggothere must be a cloud blacklist thats very reliable and strict06:35
auronandaceoggo: a blacklist will always have potential holes due to the nature of the internet06:36
oggobut if the software uses multiple sources, then that might not be so much a problem.?06:37
auronandaceoggo: another issue you may come across if you want a really strict blacklist is the possibility of false positives06:37
oggoi can live with false positives..06:38
auronandaceoggo: until it blocks something you really want...06:39
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: php  Home/Downloads/PhpStorm-141.1912/phpstorm.sh06:39
oggothere must be a way to disable all proxy networking on the ubuntu system too06:39
easyOnMeI tried using that as a filetype associations and I got this error message from the terminal06:39
easyOnMeno from filezilla I mean06:39
easyOnMeAssociated program not found:06:39
easyOnMeso stupid of me06:40
easyOnMeAndroidHacker: still I did not get it06:41
easyOnMeI thought I did06:41
bekksoggo: Setup squid, setup dansguardian, apply filters to your need, configure the proxy usage for your user(s), and apply iptables/ufw to prohibit direct internet access.06:45
oggothanks! I will look into those06:46
=== storm is now known as pawpawstorm
ryeinhow can i view GPU temp with open source driver?06:49
baizonryein: http://askubuntu.com/questions/244577/temperature-and-other-statistics-from-radeon-open-source-drivers06:52
ryeinbaizon: cool thanks bro06:54
=== sins-_b is now known as sins-
en1gmai have my I7 (cpu-gpu) set for pcie dedicated (9600 gt) in bios. i had to downgrade to ubuntu 12.08 desktop amd64. i have everything set up and running pretty good. (nvidia binary 304) driver and cuda and pyrit run fine.06:58
en1gmaif someone has a little time i would like to fix a couple things that i cant seem to get right on google searches06:59
lomiguten tag06:59
en1gmanvcc (nvidia-settings) resolutions do change when i hit apply button but i can change resolutions from the "display" icon in settings06:59
en1gmai need to add more resolutions but xandr didnt seem to help me get there07:00
lomiрусскоговорящие ?07:00
en1gma1920x1080 going out through dvi to vga and imonly getting a few resolutions and also my screen is going off and on like it not syncing or something07:01
en1gmathe dvi port of vcard going to vga of tv probably stops it from getting any edid info07:01
verb5what does  xrandr say ?07:03
minas114Good morning07:04
minas114or whatever it's there :)07:04
minas114my wallpaper is not being displayed on the log in screen07:04
en1gma1 sec and ill pastebin xandr07:04
Maxxihi, how do i remove /usr/bin/qmake? can i even safely do it?07:05
minas114the file has permissions -rw-r--r--07:05
bekksMaxxi: Uninstall the package that provides it - but whats wrong with that file?07:05
en1gmaverb5 http://pastebin.com/FFgAYHqQ07:06
Maxxibekks: i dont know what package provides it07:06
Maxxihow do i find that out?07:06
bekks!info /usr/bin/qmake07:06
ubottuPackage usrbinqmake does not exist in vivid07:06
bekks!file /usr/bin/qmake07:06
bekksMaxxi: whats wrong with that file?07:06
Maxxii want to install qmake from src07:07
Maxxii dont need the pkg anymore07:07
bekksMaxxi: According to packages.ubuntu.com, the package is named qtchooser - if you are using 14.0407:08
Maxxiok this is too complicated07:08
bekksMaxxi: Whats too complicated? :)07:08
Maxxii dont know if i should remove it, maybe a program i have depends on it??07:09
bekksMaxxi: Whats the actual issue behind all that?07:09
Maxxii told you, i want to use my own qmake and the /usr/bin/qmake keeps being used when im on the cmdline07:10
bekksMaxxi: You told me that you want to compile it from source, but you did not tell whats the issue that makes you wanting that.07:11
paolochiodiis it possible to connect to a server with ssh and shared key and have encrypted home auto mounted?07:11
Maxxibekks: i told you now, because the old qmake is on the PATH07:12
bekksMaxxi: No, you did not tell me WHY you want to compile it own your own.07:13
bekkspaolochiodi: yes, see caveats #2 here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome07:13
paolochiodibekks: I’ve followed that, but when I log in with public key the home is not mounted07:15
bekkspaolochiodi: http://askubuntu.com/questions/153807/ecryptfs-and-ssh-pubkey-login-how-automount-and-other-stuff :)07:16
paolochiodibekks: thanks, my google-foo seems lacking today. anyway not a viable option for my specific case as I’d like to use automated deploy tools that will automatically login to the server07:18
paolochiodibekks: do you think encrypting the whole fs is a viable option?07:18
bekkspaolochiodi: Using automated tools thats perfectly viable, because you can deploy a customized .profile upon installation.07:19
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Guest15800im  3hr old noob to linux i got some dumbass questions07:32
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wileeeGuest15800, you've drank the koolaid, welcome to the channel.07:35
=== nooppaw is now known as pawpawstorm
habbasiHello. I have a USB flash drive with an X GB partition and the rest is Unallocated space. Is there some way I can make a dd image so it's restorable to a X GB USB?07:37
habbasi(Assuming it's big enough)07:37
habbasi(But smaller than the size of the original)07:37
Ben64you can resize it using gparted07:37
habbasiBen42: No, I want to make a dd image that's smaller than the original UFD. And restorable to a smaller UFD.07:38
habbasiBen42: Does GParted do that?07:38
auronandacehabbasi: dd is a raw copy, it will be the size of what you copy07:39
habbasiBen42: (I already know how to make a partition smaller)07:39
Ben64well your question doesn't make a lot of sense then07:39
habbasiauronandace: Suppose I have a 32 GB UFD and a lone 8 GB partition on it. Can I use dd to just copy the first 8.1 GB and have it usable on  a 16 GB drive?07:40
auronandacehabbasi: yes, you can dd that particular partition07:42
habbasiauronandace: I would just dd the partition itself... But I need the boot sector too.07:42
Ben64might erase everything on the 16GB drive07:42
habbasiBen42: But would it restore fine?07:46
habbasiBen42: Good enough for me. :D07:47
anomonus2015hey guys. the ubuntu menu bar at the top of the screen, the one with the network,time power etc, can it be hidden ?07:48
bekksanomonus2015: No.07:48
anomonus2015meh. thats a shame. bekks you still up or just out of your bed ?07:49
PicolokoAnyone here uses Teamviewer ?07:52
bekksPicoloko: What if?07:54
bujjirm: cannot remove ‘Year Wise Finance Data.lnk’: Read-only file system07:55
anomonus2015that wa wierd. i just crashed. was like i logged out. had to restart  hxchat and firefox07:55
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bujjirm: cannot remove ‘Year Wise Finance Data.lnk’: Read-only file system08:04
anomonus2015guys in linux what do you call an open application ? how do you describe each panel ? or 'window' ?08:05
auronandaceanomonus2015: the panel you use to launch applications is normally called a dock08:08
anomonus2015auronandace, ok thats the same as unity launcher right ? but then after you have launched an application you get a window ! what are windows described as in linux ? its just a conformation of the correct terminoligy im wanting !08:17
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wagtagHas anyone had any luck getting Debian 8 Live USB to boot on a Baytrail device with 32bit EFI?08:30
OerHeks32 bit efi ...08:31
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Pauloanyone from portugal here?09:10
RatelDevEu falo português09:11
arun__Hi guys, how to enable SSL in IRCD-Hybrid ?09:11
Pauloola ratel, de onde és?09:12
Paulocostuma usar este bate-papo?09:12
DJones!pt | Paulo09:13
ubottuPaulo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.09:13
DJonesPaulo: You need to put "/join #ubuntu-br"09:16
aaj_6d61Guys , you think still using flash is a good idea ? with all those 0days ?09:16
Tumbtackwho's using flash?09:16
Tumbtackflash needs to die09:16
Tumbtackright now09:16
aaj_6d61Sure, but still sometimes you have to activate it09:17
Pauloold school09:17
Tumbtack<aaj_6d61> Sure, but still sometimes you have to activate it09:17
Tumbtackgive example09:17
aaj_6d61watching a movie09:17
Tumbtackwhat movie are you watching that requires flash09:17
aaj_6d61you want the title dude ?09:18
TumbtackI can only think of weird sketchy pirate movie sites that would require flash and if that's the case I assure you there's better ways to pirate movies, not that I'm going to discuss them here09:18
aaj_6d61i just gave an example09:19
RatelDevSome web player's require flash, I think on Firefox most sites require09:19
TumbtackYouTube uses HTML5, NetFlix uses silverlight...09:20
Tumbtackwhat else is there?09:21
TumbtackThe new HBO service uses html5 I believe09:21
aaj_6d61learning websites09:21
Tumbtacknever heard of udacity, will check it out09:21
Tumbtacklearning websites? What's wrong with books d:09:22
aaj_6d61so what you are saying is09:22
aaj_6d61only use youtube and netflix and read books ?09:23
Tumbtackaaj_6d61, no but I can't recall needing flash in the near past09:24
aaj_6d61Tumbtack , i see that , and if i could i would not use it09:25
aaj_6d61but sometimes its required09:25
Tumbtackwell the newest chrome uses flash that's sandboxed really well so use that if you need it09:25
Tumbtackor chromium if you want freedom09:25
mircx1i need please help09:26
mircx1i have problem with something i run09:26
aaj_6d61Yeah i'm looking into it http://www.howtogeek.com/208908/how-to-protect-yourself-from-all-these-flash-0-day-security-holes/09:26
cfhowlett!help | mircx109:26
ubottumircx1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:26
Tumbtackdon't ask for help, just state your question09:26
mircx1and i get error GeoIP.lib09:26
mircx1how i install geoip.lib in ubuntu14?09:26
Tumbtackyou'll have to install some library09:27
Tumbtackmircx1, are you using a 32 bit or 64 bit OS09:27
OerHeks!find geoip09:27
ubottuFound: geoclue-ubuntu-geoip, geoip-bin, geoip-database, geoip-dbg, libgeoip-dev, libgeoip1, python-geoip, geoip-database-contrib, geoip-database-extra, golang-libgeoip-dev (and 10 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=geoip&searchon=names&suite=vivid&section=all09:27
OerHeksgeoip.bin i guess > https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/%2Bsource/geoip09:29
ioriamircx1, do you have libgeoip-dev installed ?09:30
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mircx1i install in ubuntu14 for geoip but i get error from install09:35
Tumbtackmircx1, are you on a 64 bit system09:35
OerHeksmircx1, what do you want to install exactly?09:35
Ben64pastebin the full command and error09:35
mircx1how i check this?09:35
OerHekserror from.. is so wide09:35
Tumbtackmircx1, go to settings and open "Details"09:36
Tumbtackon that screen it09:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:36
mircx1this a error09:37
Ben64thats not an error09:38
mircx1then how i fix it09:38
Ben64you can't fix a not error09:38
OerHeksnot even a clue about what you try to run09:38
mircx1i run inspircd09:39
mircx1and i need install there09:39
mircx1i make everything and this what i a get09:39
Ben64we can't help you with compiled stuff, if you want to use the ubuntu packages, we can help09:40
Ben64sudo apt-get install geoip-bin geoip-database-contrib09:40
mircx1this what i get09:42
mircx1Reading state information... Done09:42
mircx1Package geoip-database-contrib is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:42
mircx1This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:42
mircx1is only available from another source09:42
mircx1E: Package 'geoip-database-contrib' has no installation candidate09:42
Ben64you know how to paste....09:42
cfhowlettmircx1, paste.   PASTE!09:42
mircx1ok sorry09:43
anomonus2015hey guys any of you recommend CCSM ?09:45
anomonus2015why ?09:45
OhYashNot if you're on ubuntu09:45
ioriamircx1, apt-cache policy geoip-database-contrib09:45
OhYashEverything eye candy has been removed from CCSM09:46
anomonus2015im looking for  way to edit orchane the reveal presure for unity launcher09:46
mircx1i see none09:46
anomonus2015curently to get unitu launcher to unhide i have to push against the side of the desktop and keeep pushing09:46
OhYashMaybe UnityTweak or maybe setting for that is in the CCSM, maybe09:47
anomonus2015it is in ccsm09:47
ioriamircx1,  are you ubuntu ? if yes , which one ?09:47
OhYashHide Unity launcher and install n use Plank09:47
anomonus2015its linked to a fix tutorial09:47
OerHeksmircx1, on what linux are you on ? surely not ubuntu ..09:47
anomonus2015plank ?09:47
OhYashYou dont have to push much for plank09:47
OhYashIts a dox09:47
mircx1ubuntu 1409:47
anomonus2015what is plank ?09:47
OhYashPlank dock09:48
ioriamircx1,  uname -r09:48
anomonus2015meh i dont want to install another dock. it will have its own issues to sort09:48
mircx1i from ssh09:48
anomonus2015linux has a lot of duplication of programs09:48
OhYashCCSM you can go for it, its harmless not that canonical has removed everything09:49
ioriamircx1,  if you run sudo apt-get update , it's all ok ?09:49
anomonus2015sudo apt-get ccsm ?09:50
OerHeksanomonus2015, install unity-tweak-tool, to set sensitivity and more09:50
OhYashIts in software centre09:50
mircx1one sec09:51
ioriamircx1, apt-cache policy libgeoip-dev09:52
anomonus2015OerHeks, i have but sensitivity dosnt really change the amount you have to push to get the launcher to unhide09:53
ioriamircx1, why did you add mirrors.digitalocean.com ? that was available from repo09:54
mircx1this a not good?09:55
tofaHi all. Trying to install ubuntu 15.04 on an old laptop and having a lot of problems with it not identifying the sound card.09:55
ioriamircx1, no, no good :-)09:55
anomonus2015ohh thats sweet. ccsm did the trick09:56
mircx1ohh now how i fix it?09:56
anomonus2015no i have fluid access to launcer and it hides lovely whan i dont need it09:56
ioriamircx1, i think you mixed things; as far as i know inspircd  and all geoip libraries are available in the ubu repos09:57
mircx1then this mean09:57
mircx1i need install ubuntu a new?09:57
ioriamircx1, no,  i'm asking why did you add other repos ?09:57
mircx1i dont know this what in insircd say09:58
OerHeksioria, maybe he is on a VPS, likely09:58
ioriaOerHeks, yep10:00
ioria!info insircd10:00
ubottuPackage insircd does not exist in vivid10:00
ioria!info inspircd10:01
ubottuinspircd (source: inspircd): Modular IRCd written in C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.17-2 (vivid), package size 1453 kB, installed size 7653 kB10:01
gagaliciousError: No information about packages! (Maybe no deb entries?)10:01
gagaliciousdpkg: error processing package apt-show-versions (--configure):10:01
gagalicioushow do i reso;ve?10:01
OerHeksgagalicious, what command did you use?10:02
mircx1i think10:03
mircx1the system he broken10:03
gagaliciousapt-get install [a lot of things]10:04
AristideHello :)10:05
anomonus2015guys unity launcher has an animation when it unhides. the icons expands and some move off the screen. i think this is a default state if its not set to hide ! when your done with the launcher the icons recompress before the launcher then hides again. this is distracting and not necessary IMO and i would like to prevent the launcher from doing this. I still want it to hide though as i need the screen real estate as10:05
anomonus2015im on a laptop. any suggestions ?10:05
OerHeksgagalicious, run update first, then try again?10:05
gagalicioushttp://pastebin.com/Rgz57A7p <-- my pastebin10:05
AristideI have a problem on Kubuntu Backport : SDDM give « 0% of battery charge » and session don't start10:05
gagaliciousi will run update first and try again10:05
gagalicioushang on10:05
mircx1ioria i need fix something in my system or is have more options?10:07
gagaliciouswhen i ran apt-get update, i get this... Error: No information about packages! (Maybe no deb entries?)10:07
gagaliciousE: Problem executing scripts APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success 'test -x /usr/bin/apt-show-versions || exit 0 ; apt-show-versions -i'10:07
ioriamircx1, how did you install inspircd ?10:07
OerHeksgagalicious, a lot of packages are NOT in ubuntu, webmin usermin and such ..10:09
mircx1i download from there and install with explain10:09
mircx1but i see problem with geoip10:09
gagaliciousso how do i...?10:10
gagaliciousOerHeks: what's the remedy?10:10
OerHeksAnd i wonder what guide you follow, as webmin is depreciated, even in Debian10:10
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.10:10
OerHeksgagalicious, i don't know. not even what you try to accomplish, as you are sparse on info.10:11
anomonus2015guys unity launcher has an animation when it unhides. the icons expands and some move off the screen. i think this is a default state if its not set to hide ! when your done with the launcher the icons recompress before the launcher then hides again. this is distracting and not necessary IMO and i would like to prevent the launcher from doing this. I still want it to hide though as i need the screen real estate as10:11
anomonus2015im on a laptop. any suggestions ?10:11
OerHeksnot even trying to tell what you install ...10:11
gagaliciouswebmin and usermin .t hat's alk i wanted to install10:11
cfhowlettgagalicious, webmin: you're on your own since, as repeatedly noted, it is specifically advised NOT to use webmin.10:12
=== Sewerrat_ is now known as sewerrat
gagaliciouscfhowlett: why not use webmin may i ask?10:12
gagaliciousubottu: ok. i get it10:12
ubottugagalicious: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:12
cfhowlett!webmin | gagalicious10:12
ubottugagalicious: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.10:12
gagaliciousit used to work though10:13
cfhowlettgagalicious, "used to ...".  things change.10:13
gagaliciouseven with the latest 14.04 i managed to installed it before...10:13
anomonus2015good reason to keep os images10:13
cfhowlettgagalicious, it's been deprecated for years10:14
gagaliciousok thanks for notifying10:14
anomonus2015anyway. how about launcher ?10:14
gagaliciousso other than webmin, what kind of open source cpanel is out there which is compat with ubuntu 14.04?10:14
anomonus2015guys unity launcher has an animation when it unhides. the icons expands and some move off the screen. i think this is a default state if its not set to hide ! when your done with the launcher the icons recompress before the launcher then hides again. this is distracting and not necessary IMO and i would like to prevent the launcher from doing this. I still want it to hide though as i need the screen real estate as10:14
anomonus2015im on a laptop. any suggestions ?10:14
anomonus2015i wouls also like to scrol up and down the launcher with the mouse wheel10:15
anomonus2015is this possiable ?10:15
OerHeks!info ebox10:18
ubottuPackage ebox does not exist in vivid10:18
OerHeksmost alternatives are here http://alternativeto.net/software/webmin/ besides zpanel10:19
OerHeksgagalicious, you might want to reask in #ubuntu-server too.10:21
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gagaliciousno wonder i cant install my system... sourceforge is down10:23
gagaliciousi wonder when it will be ready10:23
OerHeksmaybe never :-D10:25
gagaliciousthey have multiple downtime... storage infra... i wonder what that means...10:26
gagaliciousmakes me wonder what's the best and most resilient cluster high availability storage out there available10:27
gagaliciousanyone knows10:27
gagaliciousceph... glusterfs... or... cassandra?10:27
gagaliciousi wish there's somehting standardize... like nfs or pnfs (in future)10:27
neo_hi :)10:33
neo_nobody cares ? :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))10:34
Mason64hi neo169110:36
Mason64neo_* even10:36
anomonus2015guys any of you re enabled scroling in the launcher ?10:36
majornodei need some help using cat , is anyone free to help me?10:37
majornodei would like to know how i can display numbers in cat, however only on each paragraph ...10:37
anomonus2015i think canonacal disabled it a while back to implement a feature where you can scrol between multiple instances of the same app. is is it possiable to revert this to scroling the icons in the launcher ?10:38
AfroticWith Unity 8, Ubuntu will switched from GTK to Qt?10:40
mircx1thanks about your help10:40
roracleHey guys, if I'm working on my webserver, what is the easiest way to transfer files from my home user directory to /var/www while keeping proper perms for new visitors of the site?10:41
roraclersync or copy?10:41
anomonus2015guys anyone got a minute to explain the launcher to me10:49
anomonus2015im trying to figure out how the animations work10:49
bekksLook at them? :)10:49
BluesKajHiyas all10:50
anomonus2015when you unhide or hide the launcher the icons expand and compress before and after toggling the launcher10:50
anomonus2015you know what i mean bekks ?10:50
bekksanomonus2015: No.10:50
anomonus2015the  icons at the bottom of your screen on the launcher are pushed together like cards but the ones at the top are flat and facing you10:51
anomonus2015understand ?10:51
OerHeksanomonus2015, if you have so much launchers, yes.10:51
bekksanomonus2015: Yes. And whats the issue at that point?10:52
anomonus2015ok well i have a lot of icons on my launcher as i want an emprty desktop. well the isue is that i want this compression animaton to stop10:52
bekksanomonus2015: Then remove some launchers.10:52
anomonus2015my launcher is set to hide , again so i can have an empty desktop environment10:52
OerHeksanomonus2015, no option for that in unity-tweak10:53
DJRWolfwhen I start my 12.04 x64 it no longer goes to X11, it goes strait to a CLI log in and when I log in and tell it to start X11 it reports "Fatal server error: no screens found"10:53
bekksanomonus2015: Which is unrelated to removing launchers so they dont get compressed anymore.10:53
anomonus2015so when i togle the launcher it unhides then the icons uncompress. but if i move the cursor to the bottom to reach icons that are below my esktop area, as i cant simply scroll down , but manage to move the cursor of the launcher, it then recompresses the icons and attempts to hide again. no mattter how fast i am i los my position and its a hinderance to fast navigation of my launcher icons10:54
anomonus2015i really wish i could still scroll through the icons with the mouse wheel like you used to be able to do . this way i wouldnt loose my mouse cursor position and the launcher would not recompress and hide !10:56
bekksanomonus2015: So remove some launchers.10:57
anomonus2015is htere any way to controll the speed that the launcher icons croll when you move mouse cursor to bottom of launcher ?10:57
anomonus2015bekks do you mean icons when you say launchers ?10:57
bekksanomonus2015: Yes.10:58
bekksanomonus2015: Because those "icons" represent launchers.10:58
DJRWolfanyone know the command to reinstall X11?10:59
bekksDJRWolf: Reinstalling X will not fix your issue.10:59
anomonus2015ok i may have to remove some icons/ launchers but this is not so fluid for me :/ . however can i change the speed at which the main launcer panel scrolls the icon launchers when im scrolling down10:59
bekksDJRWolf: This aint Windows ;)10:59
anomonus2015currently it is a little fast for me !10:59
bekksDJRWolf: What have you done prior this error occured? "Nothing" is an invalid answer. :)11:00
DJRWolfit broke after I did a normal round of updates11:00
Auctusmy laptop brightness (fn+f9/f10) keys work on the boot menu (ubuntu/win7/etc), but not once im in ubuntu (14.04lts on my hp 6910p laptop)11:03
Auctusi have been googling and trying stuff for an hour but cant figure it out11:04
AfroticAuctus: create a shortcut?11:04
AuctusAfrotic: how?11:04
Afroticwith xbacklight11:04
Auctusi have xbacklight and that works but the keys dont11:05
AfroticOn the settings shortcut your keys to xbacklight11:05
AfroticFn+f9 = xbacklight -5 and Fn+f10 = xbacklight +5 for example11:06
Afroticnot the better solution but will works11:06
Auctushmm, definitely better than nothing, will try if i cant make anything else work, thanks11:06
DJRWolfbekks it broke after I did a normal round of updates11:07
bekksDJRWolf: So which kernel version, which GPU and which graphics driver do you use?11:07
DJRWolfcommand to look that up?11:08
DJRWolfGTS 440 card I know11:08
AuctusAfrotic: i dont think my fn key works, nothing happens in xev, hmm11:09
bekksDJRWolf: so take a look at lspci -k11:09
bekksDJRWolf: It will show you which driver is in use for your GPU.11:09
AfroticAuctus: ok, the others fn+shortcut don't work?11:10
AfroticPerhaps you have choose a wrong keyboard layout11:11
anomonus2015guys whats a good mp3 player that can play from a NAS ?11:12
ficko2192Hello dear people i'm asking for a little help. I recently find out that i can use both integrated and dedicated GPU. So i connected 2 VGA displays But i have problem setting it up in Lubuntu. On win7 everything work out of box but i really dont wanna use it. Please help me :)11:12
MonkeyDustanomonus2015  audacious11:12
anomonus2015thx MonkeyDust11:12
OhYashFicko2192 try arandr11:13
DJRWolfbekks nvidia_30411:13
OhYashI've never used Lubuntu.11:13
OhYashYou have a good system why use Lubuntu11:13
ficko2192Good system?11:14
bekksDJRWolf: Do you have a GTX440, GTS440 or a GeForce 440?11:14
OhYashIt can run win711:15
OhYashLubuntu is for system that cant run anything from Windows Vista11:15
bekksOhYash: Thats not true.11:16
bekksOhYash: Lubuntu is a leightweight desktop environment which can be run on almost every computer.11:16
ficko2192i like minimalis of lubuntu, but i am also frustrated alot cos i cannot configure dual-monitors :(11:16
DJRWolfbekks GTS44011:17
OhYashTried arandr?11:17
ficko2192ill try it now :)11:17
anomonus2015MonkeyDust, hw do i find my network via audacious ?11:17
OhYashYou might also like ZorinOS11:17
bekksDJRWolf: You could try using a more recent driver from the ubuntu repos.11:18
MonkeyDustanomonus2015  try File > Open URL11:19
ficko2192man, you are the best11:20
ficko2192thank you!11:20
DJRWolfbekks I am still very inexperienced with the linux command prompt11:20
ficko2192arandr works like a charm11:21
OhYashGlad I could help :311:21
ficko2192zorinOs looks nastty11:22
ficko2192but i like stability of lubuntu11:22
baizon<3 arandr11:22
JokeArti want to ask11:23
OhYashAsk straight11:23
cfhowlett!help | JokeArt,11:23
ubottuJokeArt,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:23
JokeArti have laptop with dual graphic11:23
JokeArtamd & intel11:23
JokeArtwhen i'm install fglrx or fglrx update, it's run on low level graphic setting11:24
JokeArtwhat's wrong with my laptop?11:24
JokeArti want to set amd cc11:24
OhYashSudo amdcccle11:25
JokeArtwhen i'm install fglrx, then restart my laptop it's cannot startx, it's start command line interface11:26
OhYashWeird, did you let the fglrx complete without errors?11:27
JokeArtno error11:27
OhYashLogin in cmd line, try installing it manually `sudo apt-get install fglrx`11:28
DJRWolfbekks I ran the "startx" command again and saw that "...NVIDIA kernal modal has version 304.88 but this NVIDIA driver component has version 304.108."11:28
JokeArtnow i'm using xserver-xorg-driver-ati11:29
JokeArt xserver-xorg-video-ati11:29
JokeArti have HD 6400m/7400m seymour11:30
OhYashHmm, when I installed fglrx-updates it didnt give me any error but didnt install I had to click on fglrx-updates again to install it11:30
JokeArtfglrx or fglrx-updates should i use?11:32
JokeArti'll try11:32
OhYashFglrx is the version that was present in repos when that version of Ubuntu is releaaed11:32
OhYashFglrx-updates is the latest version in repos11:33
plutonowlooking at the logs, how do I get the system log to show date in readable format11:33
JokeArtusing apt-get or aptitude?11:33
OhYashIf you can boot into desktop, use 'additional driverS'11:34
JokeArti tries, nothing happened11:35
JokeArtin additional drivers11:35
bekksDJRWolf: Why dont you use gdm or lightdm? And apparently your driver versions arent matching.11:35
OhYashMake sure after installation, the selected choice is fglrx-updates and not back to xorg-video-ati11:35
plutonowgot it -T11:35
JokeArtslow internet connection here11:36
OhYashLol same here. i was wishing it doesnt stop in between. Turns out it does but if you click on it, it continues from there11:38
JokeArti'm install using aptitude11:38
OhYashNo prob11:39
Auctusi mapped it to super+f9/10 for brightness, would take a week to figure out why the fn key doesnt work, annoying11:42
Flaggmannneed some help pls; I swapped linux boot hard drives between two multi boot OS boxes; change /etc/hostname in both after swap but having trouble with xtightvncviewer on both not working and when I try to ssh to them by hostname the log into their own ssh connections when I use ip addresses instead of hostnames connections work OK. hostnames were OK to other boxes though from either of these. can anyone help point out something I m11:48
lotuspsychje!hostname | Flaggmann11:49
ubottuFlaggmann: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.11:49
DJRWolfbekks still in the shallow end of Linux, how?11:52
Flaggmannthe "/etc/hostname" files are correct on both boxes and resrved IP addresses are correct11:52
bekksDJRWolf: How what? :)11:52
Flaggmannxtightvncviewer refuses to connect both directions11:53
OerHeksFlaggmann, /etc/hosts too?11:53
Flaggmannboth directions same error refuse to connect11:53
bekksFlaggmann: Do both computer have the correct ip addresses and correct hostnames? Did you change the /etc/hosts as well?11:54
lotuspsychjeFlaggmann: be carefull with vnc, its a security flaw to use11:54
BluesKajFlaggmann,  don't forget /etc/hosts as well11:54
Flaggmannssh userid1@remotehostname2 actually connects to it's own userid1@remotehostname111:55
Flaggmannyes "/etc/hosts" is correct in both boxes11:55
lotuspsychjeFlaggmann: firewall/ router block perhaps?11:56
Flaggmannnope firewall states all ok11:56
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bekksFlaggmann: Check ip addresses and running states of vnc using sudo lsof -i11:57
Flaggmannseems like dns resolution not working but only on these two boxes when trying to access one from the other11:57
lotuspsychjeFlaggmann: can you nmap your own ip's for open ports perhaps11:57
OerHeksif you made SSH keys, vnc over ssh, those keys are invalid now too, as it checks your hostname11:57
OerHeksso what error did you get exactly?11:58
Flaggmannoh maybe that is where I missed something then  as works ok if I use direct ip addresses instead of hostnames11:58
DJRWolfbekks what is gdm and lightdm?11:58
DJRWolfbekks and how do I use them from the command line11:59
bekksDJRWolf: display managers.11:59
OerHeksDJRWolf, forget gdm, lightdm is the current displaymanager11:59
Flaggmannxtightvncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused Unable to connect to VNC server11:59
MonkeyDustDJRWolf  the login screen, if you like11:59
bekksOerHeks: For Ubuntu GNOME, gdm is default.11:59
Flaggmannxtightvncviewer xxx.yyy.0.??:0  works tho12:01
Flaggmannsame with ssh if I use IP addy instead of hostname12:02
OerHeksFlaggmann, did you logout/login to let the hostname take effect?12:04
Flaggmannmaybe uninstall x11vnc, ssh, and xtightvncviewer and re-install them to recreate new certs???? yes I restarted both boxes12:04
OerHeksFlaggmann, ssh .. do you use sshkeys with vnc ??12:05
jenoroh noo.  spotify stopped working (ubuntu 15.04)12:05
Flaggmannre-install might work to correct problem but doesn't help explain or learn anything12:05
james392I'm searching for a reasonable laptop that use linux for surfing and light games12:06
Flaggmannjust use default on install all inside pvt lan12:06
lotuspsychjejames392: most laptops can run ubuntu fine12:06
jenorjames.  dell xps1312:06
jenorproject sputnik12:07
DJRWolfbekks I am starting to think it is the nvidia restricted driver, can I change back to a more generic driver from the command prompt?12:07
james392what is the best web browser?12:09
Flaggmann"/etc/ssh/ssh_config " contains what looks like hashed password lines that may now be incorrect with new hostname and ip addresses12:09
jenorjames, internet explorer12:09
james392jenor: you're kidding!12:09
jenori would say chrom12:09
MonkeyDustjames392  "best" depends on what you prefer most12:10
dbuggerHello guys. I did "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js" but whenever I do a "apt-get update", I get a 404 on those repos. What is happening??12:10
OerHeksdbugger, on what ubuntu version ?12:10
bazhangdbugger, contact the maintainer12:10
lotuspsychje!ppa | dbugger12:11
ubottudbugger: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge12:11
dbuggerOerHeks, 15.0412:11
DJRWolfwell, Microsoft is finally taking IE out back behind the shed and giving it the Ol Yeller, about time I say12:12
bazhangDJRWolf, stay on topic here please12:12
OerHeksdbugger, oh, that ppa is gone, https://launchpad.net/~chris-lea/+archive/ubuntu/node.js-legacy has no 15.04 candidates, and https://launchpad.net/~chris-lea/+archive/ubuntu/node.js-devel also lacks 15.04 candidates12:13
DJRWolfbut Firefox is much better, it lets me auto-sync bookmarks between Linux and Windows, can't do that with IE or Edge12:13
anomonus2015guys is rythmbox an inferiour music player compared to audacious ?12:13
bazhanganomonus2015, its much heavier in terms of ram usage12:14
dbuggerOerHeks, so what should I do then to install nodejs?12:14
OerHekshttps://launchpad.net/~chris-lea/+archive/ubuntu/node.js is also up to utopic12:14
OerHeksdbugger, dunno, maybe ask in #ubuntu-server too ?12:15
anomonus2015bazhang, you mean rythmbox uses more ram ? does it do anything better ?12:15
dbuggerOk, thnaks12:15
bazhanganomonus2015, syncs iDevices12:15
anomonus2015it cant access my NAS12:15
anomonus2015so its getting uninstalled12:15
MonkeyDustanomonus2015  in audacious, there's no direct link to a nas, i tried it too... workaround: open /run/user/1000/gvfs/...12:16
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jenorspotify working again :)  turns out I needed this ibgcrypt11_1.5.0-5+deb7u3_amd64.deb12:26
anomonus2015MonkeyDust in audicious it playes the music file if i right click and open with audacious but it dosent work with rythembox12:30
MonkeyDustanomonus2015  then use what works... also, in audacious, you can/have to create a playlist12:31
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anomonus2015however i have a new question now. i installed Beneatha steel sky text adventure the other week and it must have installed Scummvm adventre interperator with it. I dont know where its installed and dont know how to run it. i checked the software center and it gave me option to check addiditionl options like the amazon queen adventre so i did and it downloaded that adventure too . but i dont know how to launch it :/12:32
anomonus2015can someone help ?12:33
anomonus2015ok maybe i can rephrase that. how do i launch software in genreal if its not on the launcher ?12:35
st34lthfor the love of me, I can't find my bookmark for sreen shortcuts translated to normal keyboard?12:36
MonkeyDustanomonus2015  click on the dash ico, up left12:36
anomonus2015dash ?12:37
st34lthbind-key -r or -n I can't seem to figure out what they mean12:37
anomonus2015MonkeyDust, i dont hav a dash icon ! wel i dont htink i do . whats it look like ?12:37
MonkeyDustanomonus2015  are yoi in unity?12:38
anomonus2015ubunty 14.04 i have a unity launcher i think12:39
MonkeyDust!manual | anomonus2015 start this first12:39
ubottuanomonus2015 start this first: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:39
OerHeksi think you need to start SCUMM-VM  to play that game12:39
st34lthanyone? screen shortcuts translated to keyboard?12:40
OerHeksst34lth, hold the super key for shortcut list?12:42
anttalthat script creates new use, i got local user enabled on vsftpd.conf and other users works, but those gives error 53012:43
st34lththis is a screenshot of what I see in the terminal12:43
anttaleven if i set password on hands12:43
OerHeksanttal, not all users can visit pastebin. use paste.ubuntu.com12:43
st34lthi just don't know what the bind-key -n or M-1 mean12:43
st34lthI used to have a bookmark for this, but can't find it anymore12:43
st34lthhttp://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/screen/screen_62.html this is clone but not quite it12:44
OerHeksst34lth, this ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts12:44
anttalVastaus:220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2) Komento:USER 27039 Vastaus:331 Please specify the password. Komento:PASS **** Vastaus:530 Login incorrect.12:44
anttalim kinda stuck again :/12:45
OerHeksanttal, i had to read it 6x .. echo $portti":"$ftp_password | sudo chpassw  ... do you see the " missing ?12:51
OerHeksor is that ":" correct12:51
anttal<OerHeks> : is string and others are variable12:52
anttal" is needed only when its string12:52
OerHeksoh oke12:53
fornaxHi, di anyone try to update or install an ubuntu to 15.04 on parallels? I can install everything but then after reboot I only have a blank screen12:55
anttalbut even if i place password on terminal it wont work12:56
anttali believe its config problem or something else12:56
anttalthats why i asked here not #bash12:56
ioriaantal you want use to virtual users  with vsftp?12:59
ioriaantal you want to use virtual users  with vsftp?12:59
OerHekshttp://www.shellcheck.net/ says you need to doubleqoute the variables ..12:59
muteboyanyone know about sox?13:03
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Flaggmannre my earlier posts here wrt ssh and xtightvncviewer13:14
Flaggmannhave completely uninstalled and re-installed all ssh and x11vnc and x11vnc viewer software to no avail still logs onto itself rather than the remote host13:16
ig0r_plese tell me how use the terminal to check my DNS servers...13:16
cfhowlett!dns | ig0r_13:16
ubottuig0r_: To set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/dns.html13:16
ig0r_cfhowlett: I don't need to set up anything just to check!!13:17
SchrodingersScattell us more about this check13:17
MonkeyDustig0r_  man dig13:18
cfhowlett!backbox | backbox13:20
ubottubackbox: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.13:20
MonkeyDustbackbox  we see you, but backbox is not supported here, you're in the wrong channel13:20
backboxno my name is backbox13:20
muteboycan anyone help me use sox to apply fades to audio?13:21
MonkeyDustmuteboy  #ubuntustudio is multimedia dedicated13:22
cfhowlettmuteboy, never heard of sox.  suggest you see their site for support of their product13:22
MonkeyDust!info sox13:23
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ubottusox (source: sox): Swiss army knife of sound processing. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.4.1-5 (vivid), package size 96 kB, installed size 219 kB13:23
cfhowlettmuteboy, better yet, read the documentation via terminal: man sox13:24
muteboyI've got all the docs, but a particular thing isn't working. I'll check  #ubuntustudio thanks13:28
Jrt3da4xAxgreetings fine people ... how do i launch the automatic updates13:36
ray__hi were can i download wubi ubuntu13:36
ray__cant finde it thanks13:37
Jrt3da4xAx... i postponed them a few hours ago13:37
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cfhowlettray__, do not wubi.  DO NOT wubi!13:37
ray__cfhowlett: why that13:37
ray__im on windows 713:37
cfhowlettray__, wubi *WILL* break your ubuntu 14.04 installation13:37
ray__cfhowlett: what one can i use if want wibui?13:37
cfhowlettray__, dual boot or virtualbox in windows then13:37
OzzelotJrt3da4xAx, click on Dash (if you have the standard Unity environment) and search for update manager.13:38
MonkeyDustray__  it's a pseudo installation and will give you more problems than frustrations13:38
ray__cfhowlett: only want wubi what one recamend for that one13:38
ray__heard its good13:38
MonkeyDustray__  wubi ixs not good13:38
Jrt3da4xAxOzzelot: what's dash ?13:38
cfhowlettray__, sorry, I don't advise people that deliberately want to break ubuntu. can't help you.13:38
ray__cfhowlett: will 16 work with wubi13:38
cfhowlettray__, now ignoring you - trolling suspected13:39
ray__15 not 1613:39
Jrt3da4xAxOzzelot: ok thank you .. i found it ... buddha bless you13:39
ray__cfhowlett: not jsut asking13:39
DJonesray__: There isn't an Ubuntu 16 yet13:40
ray__9i know i typeoed13:40
Ozzelotray__, any Ubuntu iso that you download should have wubi in it by default. However, I recommend just partitioning your hard drive - you can do that pretty easily within the bootable installer.13:46
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rtreleavenExcellent! My flat pack meat has arrived.14:21
rtreleavenhello shafire got a question?14:21
shafiresry :-)14:22
shafirehow do I pack something from sourceforge? because of the download url14:22
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rtreleavenNot sure I understand the question. by pack do you mean compress?14:22
shafireI want to pack software which is available from sourceforge14:23
shafirebut sf has confusing download urls14:23
shafireis there a trick?14:23
rtreleavenuse a synonym for pack. maybe that will clear things up14:23
MonkeyDustshafire  are you developer?14:26
MonkeyDustshafire  are you a developer?14:26
shafirelets say I want to pack firebird from sf: http://sourceforge.net/projects/firebird/files/latest/download?source=directory <- how can I get the "direct download link"?14:27
MonkeyDustshafire  and what do you want to do? modify something you found on sourceforge?14:27
MonkeyDustshafire  yes download it and tehn modify it the way you want, not sure what's keeping you14:28
rtreleavenme either14:29
MonkeyDustshafire  does the package allow you to modify it? (open source etc)14:30
shafirethats not my question :)14:30
WebDrakeHello all, I'm hoping someone might be able to help me with a few questions about the unity8 LXC preview: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8inLXC14:30
SchrodingersScatshafire: it should all be archived on archive.org14:31
WebDrakeIn particular -- after I log in to the unity8 LXC session, I find myself greeted by the Ubuntu Touch swipe page -- however, I can't work out how to get beyond this14:32
shafireSchrodingersScat: ?14:32
WebDrakeI have tried "swiping" it as with the phone, but to no avail -- can anybody advise what I should be doing to get into the actual unity8 "desktop"? :-)14:32
roraclehey guys, something has happened to my apt sources.  it can't find certain things, and won't install anything new.  how can i fix this?14:33
Ozzelotroracle: Have you tried apt-get update?14:35
roracleOzzelot: yep14:35
MonkeyDustroracle  is the release still supported?14:35
Ozzelotroracle: Yep, that's supported... Does it give any error messages when trying to install something?14:36
cfhowlettroracle, support ends this month14:37
roraclepackage is not available but is referred to in another package14:37
roraclewell i guess i do need to upgrade14:38
roraclewhat server do you guys suggest?14:38
Ozzelotroracle: It just gives it with one particular package or anything you try to install?14:38
cfhowlett!server | roracle LTS = 14.0414:38
ubotturoracle LTS = 14.04: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server14:38
roracleoh yeah, i did make a change to my apt sources, i never got the chance to mention that.  it messed up after that14:39
Ozzelotroracle: How about changing it back, then? :)14:40
roraclei did try that, putting it back to normal, but now it doesn't work14:40
someguy07i run into a strange problem when i try to make a persistent pendrive14:40
ioriaroracle  what package are you installing ?14:40
cfhowlettroracle, rebuild it with this:   http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/index.php14:40
roracleah yeah that was the tool i used cfhowlett14:41
Ozzelotsomeguy07, what problem is it?14:41
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roraclei'm trying to install php5-ldap14:41
someguy07not a com32 image, gfxboot.c32 failed to load14:42
ioria!info php5-ldap14:42
ubottuphp5-ldap (source: php5): LDAP module for php5. In component main, is optional. Version 5.6.4+dfsg-4ubuntu6.2 (vivid), package size 22 kB, installed size 118 kB14:42
someguy07I think the problem is syslinux14:42
jak2000why not work updatedb command how to install?14:42
someguy07my actual box is a debian, and its updated etc14:44
ioriaroracle  apt-cache policy php5-ldap ?14:44
drbytes_br /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER drbytes_br zltcgdebhmqf14:44
someguy07not sure which syslinux to apply for the persistent pen drive in ubuntu14:45
roracleinstalled none candidate none14:45
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ioriaroracle  can you install something else ?14:45
ioriaroracle  like  ... vim14:46
roraclealready installed....anything else maybe?14:46
ioriaroracle  try emacs14:48
roracleunable to locate package gedit14:51
roracle(i do have a UI installed)14:51
ioriaroracle  ok, but you can install it ?14:52
MonkeyDustroracle  what'sz the outcome of   cat /etc/issue14:52
roracleno i cannot install it14:52
drbytes_br /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER drbytes_br zltcgdebhmqf14:52
MonkeyDustdrbytes_br  change your password!14:53
roracleubuntu 14.10 \n \l14:53
cfhowlettroracle, try this:   cat /etc/issue | pastebinit14:53
roraclepastebinit is not a command14:54
ioriaroracle  try to sudo apt-get install a command line app..   pkg-config14:55
someguy07after the com32 error, pressing tab then "persistent" doesn't work14:57
someguy07haven't tried live, as I already made a live cd, i want a persistent usb14:58
roraclealready installed, none installed none removed14:58
roracleerr, upgraded, not removed14:59
ioriaroracle  try nmap14:59
MonkeyDust!persistent | start here, but keep in mind, usb is slow14:59
ubottustart here, but keep in mind, usb is slow: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:59
anttal500 OOPS: cannot change directory:/servers/csgo/csgo_clients/27040/csgo15:00
anttalits 777 chmodded and ftp user chown it15:00
anttalwhat the fuck15:00
roraclehey i just checked like, everything except the optional boxes at the bottom.  it's working now :)15:00
roracleon that site, that is15:00
someguy07i followed the instructions at LiveCD_Persistence - Community Help Wiki.html15:00
ioriaroracle  meaning ?15:01
roraclemeaning i'm able to get things installed again15:01
someguy07and the page you mentioned, still getting the com32 error15:02
roraclei didn't think it'd work but it did.  it didn't before when i tried, but this time it did15:02
ioriaroracle  good, but remember that .10 is going to end15:02
roracleyes ma'am/sir15:02
lotuspsychjesomeguy07: pastebin us the error15:02
roraclethanks for the help you guys :)15:03
ioriaroracle  no problem15:03
someguy07basically it was "failed to load gfxboot.c32"15:04
lotuspsychjesomeguy07: http://askubuntu.com/questions/486602/ubuntu-14-04-lts-live-usb-boot-error-gfxboot-c32not-a-valid-com32r-image15:06
someguy07thanks lotuspyschje, gonna take a look15:07
someguy07ah, tried that, except picked persistent from the menu15:08
someguy07which syslinux version do i need to be compatible with 14.04.2-desktop?15:10
someguy07i could try and run the live and then use that syslinux, but I figured i'd ask someone who knew which version fit to 14.04.2...15:13
someguy07i'm kinda used to the repositories having a few incompatible options, a la this debian box im using, so i thought to skip that possible tangent by simply asking15:15
wyre1hi guys!15:15
wyre1i'm trying to edit logind.conf15:15
wyre1because i don't get that when i close lid only lock the screen15:15
wyre1the system always suspend, and it doesn't recognize power management setup :(15:16
wyre1and after to edit logind.conf i need restar systemd service, i think ... :(15:16
wyre1someone knows what is happening?15:16
dawciobielIf i wanna do drop from another process memory under linux do i have to have some special privilages to do it? Is there any memory access restricion under linux to read/write memory?15:20
MonkeyDustdawciobiel  you mean like the 'nice' command?15:21
dawciobielno no, im just wonder is it possible to read/write memory of another process15:21
dawciobiellets say i got no root priviliges and im launching my "script"15:22
dawciobielmy script is able to do memory dump of that PC or nto?15:22
dawciobiel*or not15:22
MonkeyDustdawciobiel  maybe the people in #bash can help better15:23
dawciobielwell but its not a question about script how to do it, but about access to do it15:24
ioriadawciobiel, i don't know if a script is enought to manage process and threads15:24
dawciobieldoesnt matter i will try to read/write under scipt or binary file15:24
someguy07well lacking knowledge on exactly which syslinux goes with 14.02.2, I'll try and sort through the options for "precise, trusty and utopic" from the live, and then slam them onto the casper-rw partition15:25
MonkeyDustsomeguy07  if you find a solution, share it with the channel, for future reference15:25
someguy07sure enough, heh i used to think "lenny" and "sid" were weird...15:26
MonkeyDustsomeguy07  and now it turns out's you?15:27
MonkeyDustit's you*15:27
jub36My whole system is on a single partition. Is it possible to keep the data on /var/ in a reinstall?15:30
lotuspsychje!home | jub3615:31
ubottujub36: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving15:31
MonkeyDustjub36  make a backup of /var/ before you proceed15:34
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SAJARbuenas gente15:53
SAJARaqui desde andalcuia con musho por aprender15:53
lotuspsychje!es | SAJAR15:55
ubottuSAJAR: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:55
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NokajiHi, I'm still fairly new with linux/Ubuntu however my DVD/CD Writer is largely in-operational. worked fine months ago but never satisfactory post install. Currently it does not show in nautilus as existing, shows in 'disks' and is even identified by model name however says 'no medium'. I've swopped over discs and now even cables in case it is H/W issue. I also tried setting 'mount at boot' instead of 'auto'. Any ideas?16:17
NokajiI recall it worked on the odd boot-up or after multiple disc swops/insertion but nothing of late.16:18
OzzelotNokaji: I'm afraid your drive is busted...16:18
likecolacolai have been trying to record with my mic with different programs and it sounds weird :\16:19
OzzelotNokaji: Or try booting from it, if you have a bootable CD/DVD. If that won't work either, it's probably a hardware thing indeed.16:19
likecolacolalast week i had no problems at all with audacity, now i am trying with ardour/audacity and they don't work, there's a background sound and whatever you record sound metallic and disgusting :\16:20
NokajiOzzelot: I was tending towards that as the problem but seemed a little odd with the timing, i.e. a new OS, anyway I was thinking of wasting some money on a new fangled blu ray drive16:20
Nokajimaybe I have an old drive I can swop it with for now16:21
MonkeyDustlikecolacola  you too: #ubuntustudio is multimedia dedicated16:21
OzzelotNokaji: Well, the drive detects OK, so it would be very odd if it didn't see inserted media... That thing's probably dead.16:22
likecolacolaMonkeyDust, great :)16:22
Nokajihardly used it but it is a few yrs old16:22
NokajiI must have another drive, that should narrow it down for sure - appreciate your response Ozzelot, thanks16:23
NokajiI know i have at least one spare as i dropped it on floor during another search :)16:24
anttalhow do i delete all users who start at number 216:24
NokajiHey Ozzelot, some marvellous news, I seem to have fully fixed it - I pulled the drive out of the slot (front loading), retried and it both recognises and plays my audio CD - I think it was wedged in the slot too tight16:33
MonkeyDustNokaji  that's how good #ubuntu is16:33
NokajiMonkeyDust: It's even better than that, i found two old CD Writers 1994.1999 and a quality bag of jelly beans left over form xmas :)16:34
owen1What's the keycode of my up and down volume keys? 'xev' show me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11896856 Any idea how to use that data?16:34
Nokajicould never have happened in another channel :)16:34
likecolacolaare there web apps which are only compatible with windows?16:35
likecolacolathere's one particular web app i want to use under ubuntu, it says the app require a plugin16:36
OzzelotNokaji: Yup... This channel and only this channel miraculously fixes hardware problems and helps you find candy! :D16:36
likecolacolai am sure that with windows it's all automatic16:36
riqdiizCan ubuntu 11 run on my very old toshiba 2400?16:36
Ozzelotlikecolacola: Which web app? And what plugin does it require?16:36
MonkeyDustlikecolacola  yes, cybercriminals know that too16:36
Bucky_Ball@<riqdiiz>: no longer supported. Go for 14.04 LTS supported until 2019. :)16:37
likecolacolaOzzelot, i fear you would have to register, i could give you my account thought, www.prolobe.com16:37
Ozzelotriqdiiz: Not the standard Ubuntu. You could try Lubuntu, Xubuntu or Ubuntu MATE.16:37
juan_Spanish help16:37
MonkeyDust!es | jub3616:38
ubottujub36: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:38
MonkeyDust!es | juan_16:38
ubottujuan_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:38
likecolacolaMonkeyDust, don't take me wrong.. i am giving details of the situation to make it easier for helpers16:38
juan_Sorry, the first of all is: HELLO16:38
Ozzelotlikecolacola: http://www.prolobe.com/tutorial/tut-sysreq.php Sounds like you need the Java plugin.16:39
Ozzelotlikecolacola: Try installing the icedtea-7-plugin package.16:42
likecolacolaOzzelot, great... my lazy mind :(16:43
likecolacolathanks a lot16:43
juan_I need help with .ttf fonts16:45
juan_Arial  and Verdana16:45
juan_How to install this fonts16:45
juan_I have the .ttf of both.16:46
juan_I used some Google tutorials... but, I am a big donkey16:47
juan_Help please16:47
sjoshijuan_: may be this will help you -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/191778/how-to-install-fonts-fast-and-easy16:47
Ozzelotjuan_: You should just be able to double-click the file and click the Install button.16:47
MonkeyDustjuan_  10.04, but i'm sure it's still valid: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts16:47
=== RickyB98|BNC is now known as RickyB98
Bucky_Ball10.04 is dead and buried. Need to upgrade to another LTS. 12.04 directly via the net or clean install of 14.04 LTS.16:50
juan_Very interesting. I go to... one moment16:50
Bucky_BallYou could go for an interim release, but why?16:50
likecolacolaOzzelot, hehe the app load but then does not work :p, i am trying tho :P16:55
riqdiizThanks all.16:55
juan_sjoshi, 0zzelot... THANKS a LOT. You save me.16:57
juan_Finally works fine16:57
CarlFKhow do I add times to my clock?  like Melbourne ?  Settings, Time & Date,[x]time in other locations, Choose locations...  +, Melbourne ... then I get a red - and no time17:00
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c0mrad3 I am having issues with my lan cable ; I was able to connect the same lan cable to a wind and a ubuntu working without any tweaks ;  how to do the same with ubuntu ?17:10
c0mrad3* I meant windows and mac working17:10
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/windows-networking.html17:12
c0mrad3I was taking about issues with lan ; not networking with samba17:12
squintymight want to explain a bit further then than just "lan cable"  :-)17:14
Ozzelotc0mrad3: Does it get an IP?17:14
anomonus2015hey guys was wondering if any of you use grub and have modifyed the background colour for the grub boot loader scren! Im wondering if you are restricted to what resolution you can use! Obviously if your 1200 x 1080 screen then you cant go 1920 x 1200. Also what colour choices would you consider if your wanting to keep a dark tone overall ! Any links to nice images are appreciated. I used to really upon deviant art17:14
anomonus2015but its pants these days !17:14
c0mrad3no I guess Ozzelot let me see it17:15
c0mrad3above is the paste Ozzelot17:16
DeaDSouLhow to specify the display number that i want the app to run in ?17:17
c0mrad3how to get the wifi Ozzelot17:18
squintyanomonus2015,  google for burg and grub and ubuntu  grub is the program17:19
anomonus2015squinty i have grub and set up already for win os and ubuntu 14.04. im in ubuntu right now but i want to change the background immage in grub17:20
DeaDSouLnever mind... I remembered... exporting DISPLAY17:20
Ozzelotc0mrad3: Looks like that works... What exact problem are you having?17:20
anomonus2015i know how to do it . im looking for insights into taste, bearing in mund im looking for a dark theme overall17:20
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squintyanomonus2015,  read what I said again about "burg"17:21
anomonus2015ok googling17:21
c0mrad3Ozzelot: I am not getting internet at all with lan only ; ps I am on debian17:21
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anomonus2015ok guys. image editor that can save as jpeg or the other high color version ! pca ?17:31
BluesKajanomonus2015,  imagemagick17:31
anomonus2015gimp seems restrictive17:32
infidelis there a ha cluster CRM that will work with red hat's ricci clients?17:32
anomonus2015Bluekaj thx. wish linux had paint.net17:32
BluesKajinfidel,  this ubuntu support , ask in #redhat17:34
c0mrad3Ozzelot: can you say how to fix it ?17:35
anomonus2015bluekaj. sorry but imo image magic is pants17:36
anomonus2015very poor gui17:36
MonkeyDustanomonus2015  try sumopaint, as online editor17:38
anomonus2015meh online editor17:38
anomonus2015i want paint .net or photoshop17:38
MonkeyDustanomonus2015  yes, ask adobe to port photoshop to linux17:39
MonkeyDustanomonus2015  i assumed paint.net was an online paint tool17:40
Leonitushey everyone, is there a package which is like MS paint?17:42
al2o3-crLeonitus: gimp?17:43
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HotSauceonToastPinta, I suppose.17:43
MonkeyDust!find paint | Leonitus17:43
ubottuLeonitus: Found: gchempaint, gnome-paint, gpaint, kolourpaint4, mtpaint, mypaint, mypaint-data, mypaint-data-extras, navit-graphics-qt-qpainter, rgbpaint (and 12 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=paint&searchon=names&suite=vivid&section=all17:43
anomonus2015MonkeyDust, no it got me confused too but paint.net is an executable you install. might have connection to java. cant remember17:50
motddhow i can restart bind ?17:54
motddubuntu 1417:54
motddservice named restart ?17:55
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mib_mibhi all - is there any way to disable ufw from the rules file? I have the drive just mounted now and want to disable it18:05
mib_mibwhatever the equivalent of the statement 'ufw disable' does18:05
mib_mibmaybe through ip tables directly?18:06
shiggitayhello all. I have a grub issue.... anyone around? (yes I know I can post my question and then just wait)18:07
shiggitayI compiled my own custom grub image, and when I go to install it grub-install complains that /boot/efi isn't an EFI partition... how do I fix that?18:08
shiggitayokay I might have fixed it... standby18:12
EllonHi i installed Ubuntu 9.3.. Can someone help me to install Broadcom wifi driver18:17
Pinkamena_DMy kernel folder (uname -a) is missing from /lib/modules . How can I fix this, as some packages require on having the correct kernel folder there.18:17
OerHeksEllon, 9.3? you mean 9.04 ?18:17
OerHeks9.10 ..... oh that is old, and EOL.18:18
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:18
OerHeksupgrade please18:18
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://ubottu.com/y/karmic for details.18:18
EllonNo i need 9.10 because i need proprietary video driver18:18
OerHekswow ended 4 years ago :-D18:18
OerHeksEllon, Sorry. nope.18:19
Ellonanyone else?>18:19
James_EppOkay guys. I'm usually not a complete novice with *buntu. So I have this install of ubuntu, and honestly I'm not doing much on it. Just a system for web browsing, honestly. All of a sudden I can't sudo. Says I'm not in the admin group. I swear I was able to sudo just fine last week. Any troubleshooting steps?18:19
James_EppIs my only option to reboot into ubuntu live environment and edit the /etc/sudoers?18:20
shiggitayYep What I did worked.18:20
wileeeJames_Epp, We can't give any definitive with so little info.18:21
EllonIm trying to install Broadcom STA linux wifi driver to Ubuntu 9.10.. But im not able. Need help!18:21
wileee!9.10 | Ellon18:21
ubottuEllon: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://ubottu.com/y/karmic for details.18:21
Elloni know18:21
James_Eppwileee: What else do you need?18:21
EllonBut i need someone help18:22
wileeeJames_Epp, Not an area I can really help, but that is a critical change that not just happens.18:22
Ellonwhy i can find broadcom driver in Synaptic Package Manager?18:23
James_Eppwileee: That's what I thought. This is a very new install, I'm the only user, and I assumed every new user made was automatically administrative.18:23
wileeeEllon, The only thing we can tell you is that is not supported and install one that is18:23
OerHeksEllon, how about the servers are down?18:23
EllonI need 9.1018:24
James_EppI'm rebooting into a live environment. Maybe I'll be back18:24
wileeeJames_Epp, No but you can make any user you make an admin, the account made at install is admin.18:24
OerHeksSTA drivers are oke in 14.0418:24
Elloni need 9.10 because of video proprietary driver18:24
wileeeEllon, You're needs do not outweigh the channel norm. ;)18:25
en1gmai have a dual boot win7/ubuntu 12.04 amd64 desktop box. i want to try ubuntu 15.04 amd64 desktop live on usb (with persistent install) so i can install drivers and what not. i have tried startup disk creator in ubuntu 12.04 and also unetbootin. in windows 7 i tried unetbootin and usb disk creator. why can i not boot to persistent? what am i doing wrong?18:25
Ellonwileee stop it18:25
Ellonjust tell me how to install wifi driver18:25
wileeeellon you will get the same response from any responsible helper here.18:25
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:25
Ellonwill that work for 9.10?18:26
OerHeksSTA is not a video prop driver.18:26
en1gmai think the persistent partition works but when i boot the live usb in grub menu i dont see an area where i slect persistent as a boot option18:27
squintyen1gma,  fwiw, you may also want to consider just doing a full install to a usb stick (of sufficient size) rather than live dvd persistent.  Just do a normall install but point the installation (grub etc) to the usb stick rather than the hard drive18:27
en1gmawhen i make changes to unity desktop and reboot changes are not saved so i know i not booting into persistence or i need to activate it somehow18:27
wileeeen1gma, You don;t boot persistent, if set up correctly, it is running18:28
OerHeksen1gma, that persistent part is available if you have made it. no special boot option needed to make it work18:28
en1gmathats good to know. ok so what do i need to make it persistent? this should be as ez as 12318:28
Ellonok i fixed my issue18:28
OerHeksYou make it during live-usb creation. it is an option18:28
en1gmain gparted i do not see an (extra) partition18:28
wileeeen1gma, generally is can't tell waht is going wrong.18:29
en1gmaisnt it supposed to make another partition and call it "persistence"18:29
squintyen1gma,  unetbootin   use the lower half of the screen for setting persistent size18:29
Ellonthat broadcom driver was on liveCD had to check package manager to use CD18:29
en1gmain windows or my full hdd install of 12.04 it shows it as 1 partition only18:29
wileeeen1gma, No, you can make a casper-rw partition lok for that name in the live.18:29
James_Eppwileee: Rebooted into an arch environment. mounted my / partition, arch-chroot in, and nano /etc/sudoers. Copied the root line and edited username and now I can elevate to root.18:29
en1gmayea i been using unetbootin forever18:29
en1gmaits not creating it correctly OR when i boot the live usb its not finding it18:29
squintyen1gma,  no problems with due to that aspect here using unetbootin18:30
en1gmai would think this to be a MAJOR problem as many people like to "try" before a full install18:30
wileeeJames_Epp, Cool, I would be concerned how you lost it is all without knowing. Was this another account made as a non admin?18:30
James_Eppwileee: nope.18:30
James_Eppliterally just disappeared.18:30
James_Epp(the root perms, I mean)18:30
en1gmaused unetbootin along with gparted and gnome default startup disk creator (ubuntu 12.04)18:31
wileeeJames_Epp, Hmm, I don;t worry about being pwnd, but if this happed to me, with no reason I would reinstall.18:31
en1gmaneither "created" an extra partition if they are supposed to18:31
Ellonhow do i install ati catalyst 9.3 driver?18:31
wileeeen1gma, None make partitions18:31
en1gmawileee yes they do18:31
wileee!who | en1gma18:31
ubottuen1gma: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:31
squintyen1gma, again, maybe try doing a full install to the stick rather than live dvd/usb.  that way you can also upgrade kernel etc to (which you cannot do with live usb)18:31
en1gmai use one where it installs to "persistence" and that has its own partition18:32
James_EppWAIT, wileee. I think I know what happened. I'm an idiot. I know what happened. I just remembered18:32
en1gmasquinty thanks for that info. didnt know you couldnt do that with live usb18:32
wileeeJames_Epp, Heh, cool, alright my son confess. ;)18:32
en1gmawill for sure look for a guide for that on 15.0418:32
James_Eppwileee: I remember trying to add myself to the vboxusers group sometime last week. I must have used usermod incorrectly and it reset my admin group access. Probably.18:33
James_EppYeah, I didn't use the -a switch. There's my problem.18:33
James_EppI tried to do it off memory. #UserError18:33
squintyen1gma,  no special instructions need (except for uefi etc related issues)  <squinty> en1gma,  fwiw, you may also want to consider just doing a full install to a usb stick (of sufficient size) rather than live dvd persistent.  Just do a normall install but point the installation (grub etc) to the usb stick rather than the hard drive18:34
wileeeJames_Epp, depends on what you open and change, that is a just a click generally, you would have to visudo generally.18:34
wileeeYour in linux though with a locked admin so it is safe when run safely18:35
Ellonsomeone help me please18:35
CarlFKhttp://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-display-time-from-multiple-cities-in-ubuntu/  "When you enter a location, you will be provided with suggestions to select a precise location."  that doesn't happen, and I can't seem to enter anything.  is there something I can reinstall to reset the time zone list?18:36
EllonSomebody help me to install Aty Catalyst 9.3 for Ubuntu 9.1018:36
xanguaEllon: please install a supported ubuntu release18:36
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wileeeen1gma, I like a full install as weel, the only issue you may encounter is drivers needed in random computer you might plug into, not a a real barrier is all.18:37
EllonWho want to help me ?18:37
Ellonwill get a cookie18:37
OerHeksEllon, xangua just helped you.18:37
Ellonthis isn't commercial stuff.. There must be someone who can help me18:37
bekksEllon: Get a supported release first :)18:37
psusiEllon, 9.10 reached end of life years ago.  you need to not use it.18:37
Elloni don't need supported release18:37
CarlFKEllon: the whole point of supported release is so you can get support.18:38
EllonYes i need 9.10 that's why im asking for help18:38
psusiyou do if you don't want to get hacked and get any support here18:38
Elloni dont care hackers18:38
bekksEllon: But you want support for it. So get a supported release.18:38
MonkeyDustEllon  you can use 9.10, but not upgrade it or install anything18:38
EllonI need Ati supported ubuntu version18:38
wileeethe rest if us do Ellon that is a social contract issue18:39
bekksEllon: 14.04 supports ATI.18:39
Ellonmy graphics card has no normal driver for above 9.10 ubuntu18:39
bekksEllon: Of course. It may not be the driver you want, but ATI is supported on 14.0418:39
psusiif you have an older ati card, then ati no longer supports it.  if you want support, use the open source driver in a supported ubuntu release, like 14.0418:39
Ellonopen source driver is bad18:40
psusithen you're out of luck bud18:40
OerHeksno, flash is bad18:40
ioriathere is the http://old-releases.ubuntu.com    but i cannot recommend18:40
MonkeyDustdon't reject every advice you're getting here18:40
MonkeyDustEllon  ^^^18:40
Elloni persoally like 9.10 better than 14.1018:40
wileeeEllon, There are 100's X who know what, of linux OS's you can find one supported that meets your needs18:41
Ellonbut i need 9.10 just because of normal graphics so i can watch youtube normally18:41
MonkeyDustEllon  you're entitled to that opinion18:41
MonkeyDustEllon  then use 9.10 and good luck18:41
bekksEllon: You will not get any support for 9.10 - but you want support for it. Guess what happens.18:41
Ellonnot from you..18:41
MonkeyDustEllon  you're in the wrong channel, 9.10 is not supported here18:42
* bet0x sup!18:42
BluesKajEllon,  you can watc h youtube nornmally on any version of ubuntu now that youtube has gone with HTML5 for it's videos18:42
=== Blaster is now known as Guest19973
OerHeksoke guys, he knows now.18:42
OerHekslets move on18:42
Ellonwhat is this place? Robots? can't help a guy and come out of boundaries?18:42
psusiBluesKaj, unfortunately, not all of their videos support html518:43
EllonBluesKaj no open source driver is bad for me18:43
MonkeyDustEllon  why did you come here in the first place?18:43
EllonMonkeyDust are you human?18:44
Ellonwhat is that kind of question18:44
BluesKajpsusi,  odd i was informed one no ,longer needs flkash for youtube period18:44
EllonIm asking for help18:44
MonkeyDustEllon  we are borg, resistance is futile... 9.10 is not supoorted here, period18:44
EllonJust ignore for a moment that please18:44
mojtaba1#join ubuntu-server18:44
Elloni know it's not supported18:44
psusiEllon, and you've been told if you want help, use a supported release... end of discussion.18:44
Ellonbut ignore it for moment18:44
wileee#ubuntu home of the sentient bots18:44
psusiBluesKaj, I've found a few videos that still say they can't play without flash.. mostly old annoying ones that want to show you adds18:45
Elloni need simply a soul who's willing to help me18:45
BluesKajpsusi,  ok then they don't count anyway :-)18:45
al2o3-crEllon: ask in ##linux18:46
OerHeksEllon, you will need to go elsewere, now please stop clogging the channel, thanks.18:46
EllonOerHeks and stop being prideful18:46
MonkeyDustEllon  what are you still expecting from this channel?18:46
EllonIm sure you could have told me what to do 10 minutes ago but instead you are being stone-headed18:47
bekksEllon: You've been told what to do multiple times - you are just ignoring it.18:48
Ellonyes im ignoring stone-headed responeses18:48
squintyEllon: following that logic, you could yourself have found a resolution.18:48
rtreleavenI watch youtube all the time on xubuntu 14.04. What is the problem?18:48
bekksEllon: Then at least I'll will just ignore your requests.18:48
Ellonthe problem is old video card18:49
xanguaEllon: you probably wont be able to install catallyst drivers or anything newer in teh future, because you are using an Old, Outdated, No longer supported, with No updated libraries and dependencies, is that the answer you are looking for¿18:49
Elloni know18:49
xanguayou Know, thanks good18:49
Ellonthat's why i have UBUNTU 9.1018:49
xanguafffuuuuuuuuu (intert fffuuuu picture here)18:49
Ellonyou are ignoring me18:49
jamesd_debian woody will never die!!!18:50
OerHeksEllon, you are ignorin US, not the way around18:50
MonkeyDustEllon  caps18:50
rtreleavenI can see the near future18:50
Ellonim looking for someone who simply wants to help and is smart in linux18:51
Elloni dont care whats supported or not18:51
Ellondone del18:51
MonkeyDustEllon  maybe you don't care, but this channel does18:51
Ellonthis is like talking to a WALL18:51
MonkeyDustEllon  true18:52
EllonIm going18:52
rtreleavent -2018:52
* squinty hands Ellon a fresh diaper18:52
Mysterytrainwell that was interesting18:52
* OerHeks feels sad18:53
rtreleavenI really like the model s. You think he could afford  a new graphics card.18:53
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psayian_How can I create a user on MySQL 5.5. using php myadmin 3.5.5 it keeps complaining it doesn't like the statement I am giving it. The statement I provided in the SQL Query window is CREATE 'pressMaster'@'<SERVER_IP>' IDENTIFIED BY 'Password for pressMaster'; Grants All ON  <server_ip>.* to 'pressMaster'@'<server_IP>'18:56
psayian_The error is : #1227 - Access denied; you need (at least one of) the CREATE USER privilege(s) for this operation18:57
wileeeCarlFK, Are getting all the gui that link is showing that is from 2011, however hard to tell the DE?19:00
CarlFKWillis: I am on vivid, default lightdm19:01
wileeeCarlFK, and?19:01
CarlFKer, wileee ^^ and yes, I get the dialog, just when I type Paris I get no set of choices19:01
wileeeCarlFK, Bummer, not sure, I see at times my computer having issues in this area similar but with a weather app.19:03
wileeeI'm in te gnome shell however19:03
CarlFKI have somehow added Chicago, so now I have UTC and Chicago in the "whereas other clocks can be seen from the drop down menu.".  but only UTC shows up in the Location's dialog.19:05
CarlFKwhat package supplies the clock?  maybe a simple reinstall hammer will fix it19:11
=== MonkeyDust_ is now known as MonkeyDust
regregi'm trying to run sudo dpkg -V to check system integrity but i get dpkg: error: control file 'md5sums' missing value separator with no mention of which package has an invalid md5sums file, and there is no verbose flag to dpkg either, any idea on what to do?19:13
=== psayian_ is now known as psayian
latemau5Hi guys, whenever I try to install or uninstall a package, I get the following:19:37
latemau5Errors were encountered while processing:19:37
latemau5 linux-image-extra-3.16.0-40-generic19:37
latemau5 linux-image-generic-lts-utopic19:37
latemau5 linux-generic-lts-utopic19:37
latemau5E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:37
latemau55Whenever I try to install or uninstall packages, I get the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11900606/19:39
latemau55Also, whenever I attempt updates, my computer tells me there's no room for them, when there clearly is. And finally, I get "system error" pops twice as soon as I start my computer and login.19:39
latemau55Would really appreciate some help :)19:40
latemau55For information, I'm on Xubuntu.19:40
bekkslibracious_: Whats the full output of which command you are running there?19:44
bekkslibracious_: tabfail :)19:46
bekkslatemau55: ^^19:46
OerHekslatemau55, " df -h " will tell were you have no space, clean up some old kernels ?19:46
azushow must i do to clean up some old kernels19:47
latemau55OerHeks, apparently I have 94% used on /boot?19:47
OerHekslatemau55, that could be it19:47
bekkslatemau55: Whats the full output of which command you are running there?19:47
latemau55bekks, 2 secs19:48
OerHeksthere is an one-liner to remove all kernels but keeping the current and previous one, see the Blue line.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224069719:49
latemau55bekks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11900672/19:49
bekkslatemau55: line 19 :)19:49
latemau55bekks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11900687/19:51
latemau55bekks, ^^ df -h output.19:51
bekkslatemau55: Yeah. Too less space free on /boot - as the first post already told you :)19:51
latemau55Only /boot seems full.19:51
latemau55bekks, okay, but how do I deal with that?19:51
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MonkeyDustlatemau55  what's in /boot/ ?   ls /boot/|pastebinit19:52
_ArcHey does anyone here know anything about installing ubuntu on a MacBook ?? Whenever I boot from usb I receive (could not open \EFI\BOOT\failback.efi:14) It then takes me to the boot menu and I can boot to unity desktop. Once the desktop has loaded I can move the mouse about and left click but not right & after a while the mouse completely disappears and I have to power off using the power button.19:56
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_ArcAnyone ??20:01
Sovekhey guys, I could use some help20:03
rypervencheSovek: Go ahead and ask your question :)20:04
SovekTrying to install the Nvidia drivers for my GTX 460, and when I run  sudo service lightdm stop, try to login, it keeps throwing "Incorrect login"20:05
SovekI've tried everything, including resetting the password, AND NOW, I got some sort of error20:05
Sovekwhen I booted Ubuntu up20:05
Sovekidiot me has already closed the error message, something about Xorg or something20:06
SovekOh, and Steam will not lock to the bar nor can I make a shortcut for it on the desktop20:06
barney_anyone here managed to get hold of an ubuntu phone?20:08
OerHeksbarney_, sure, join #ubuntu-touch for phone help and discussion20:11
barney_ok thanks OerHeks20:12
en1gmai have a single boot ssd that has grub on it from a full ubuntu 12.04 install (it shows windows 7 in boot menu also) for a different physical ssd. anyhow i have ubuntu 15.04 amd64 desktop that i also would like to install to that ssd. is it possible to dual boot ubuntu 12.04 and 15.04 and keep the windows 7 grub entry too? what do i need to do during 15.04 live install? i pick custom partition20:13
en1gmastuff right? do i need to create a new partition with gparted before i do that?20:13
Meerkatim having big difficulties getting my microphone to work in xubuntu 14.04. I've tried in mumble, skype, and audacity. The mic is enabled in sound settings, so what am I missing?20:13
MonkeyDustMeerkat  in a terminal, type  alsamixer20:14
_ArcAnyone know anything about running ubuntu on a Macbook ??20:15
MeerkatMonkeyDust, yes. It shows S/PDIF at 00. No other devices listed.20:15
OerHeksen1gma, sure you can. make some free space, and let ubuntu installer take care of the partitioning20:15
Sovekno one at all?20:16
OerHeks_Arc, there is a mac wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages and an UEFI wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI , i have no experience with mac/efi myself20:16
_ArcThank you for those links but I have already read them both. I will probably post on the ubuntu forums and get help from there.20:17
MonkeyDust!patience | Sovek20:17
ubottuSovek: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:17
SovekI've tried searching, I've only come up with one thread that isnt the same thing20:18
MonkeyDustMeerkat  in alsamixer, hit F620:18
MeerkatMonkeyDust, "1 HD-Audio Generic" is the only sound card that has "stuff" in it.20:19
Sovekno, wait, I think I found one20:19
Soveksame EXACT problem, Nvidia drivers, check, incorrect login, check20:19
Sovekaaand its not solved20:20
barney_so who uses ubuntu as their only/main os?20:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:22
latemau55MonkeyDust, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11900911/20:22
MonkeyDustbarney_  what is your real question?20:22
latemau55MonkeyDust, sorry for the late reply!"20:22
MonkeyDustlatemau55  ok, to start, type   sudo apt-get autoremove20:23
OerHeksautoremove does not remove kernels that are not in use ..20:24
latemau55MonkeyDust, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11900921/20:24
latemau55MonkeyDust, gives the same error...20:24
SovekOk, just to verify, Ctrl+alt+F7 will bring back the graphical interface after pressing Ctrl+alt+F1?20:24
* OerHeks sees water burning .. autoremove does ?20:25
latemau55OerHeks, I tried the command frome the link you gave earlier to remove kernals, and again, i get the same error.20:25
latemau55Whenever I try to install, uninstall, clean, purge, autoremove anything... always the same errors.20:25
latemau55Sovek, sure does...20:26
latemau55barney_, main OS, yes.20:26
anomonus2015guys can the grub bootloader screen support desktop resoutions ?20:26
OerHeksmaybe i am dumb, but how is it possible that AUTOREMOVE removes your last kernel ???? 3.16.0-4020:27
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Sovekso whoami comes back with the name I've been trying to use, password works everwhere else but the Ctrl+alt+F1 terminal20:27
MeerkatMonkeyDust, I am not sure what I need to change. Headphone is at 100 and works. Mic is at 100 and doesn't work. It is also not muted.20:28
SovekOk, so that worked20:29
Sovekso lets try that driver again20:29
Meerkatwill check bios20:30
Sovekso, I apparently cant used sudo anymore, cause it says incorrect password20:31
Sovekold password does not work either.... what?20:32
DroWnanyone know how to fix missing facebook integration no longer shows up in online accounts which means I can't use Empathy for FB chat.20:32
DroWnAlso Pidgin will no longer log into Facebook.20:32
Ben64Sovek: you should install nvidia using apt-get, don't use the one from nvidia.com, you can fix your password from recovery mode20:33
Sovekyeah, I tried that, got like 1 FPS in KSP.... nope20:33
DroWnI don't care which one I use,just need one of them to work...I've tried the detailed settings for the Pidgin,but why my FB account isn't listed in Online Accounts I don't know.20:33
Ben64Sovek: then you didn't get the right driver20:33
Sovekno, wait.... wrong, it wont even load20:33
Sovekand Steam gives some sort of error about OpenGl or something, hang on20:34
Ben64Sovek: then you didn't get the right driver20:34
Sovek"OpenGL GLX context is not using direct rendering" whenever I start Steam20:35
OerHekssounds like optimus, dual videocard20:35
SovekOk, so how do I get the right drivers?20:35
Sovekforgive me, but its been ages since I've used Ubuntu20:35
Ben64what video card(s) do you have20:35
SovekGTX 460, just one20:36
Sovekyeah, I know, it needs to go, its on the agenda20:36
OerHekssudo ubuntu-drivers list20:36
Ben64what version of linux20:36
blackwccan someone please help me fix my internal mic20:36
Sovekwait, hold up. first I need to fix the superuser password20:36
SovekI dont know how that got screwed up20:37
Ben64you should not have a superuser password20:37
Sovekbut I do20:37
Ben64you really shouldn't20:37
Sovekhow do I remove it then?20:37
anomonus2015guys whats the most professional image editor fror linux currently ?20:38
blackwccan someone please help me fix my internal mic20:38
Ben64sudo passwd -l root20:38
Fuchsanomonus2015: depends on the use case. To edit existing (bitmap) images, I'd say GIMP. To draw / create stuff, I'd say krita20:38
Sovekfrom the recover screen?20:38
blackwcit says it's unplugged20:38
Ben64Sovek: well i guess you can't sudo, so 'passwd -l root' from recovery20:39
Sovekok, one sec,20:39
blackwccan someone help me to get my laptop's internal mic working I installed pavucontrol and it says the microphone is unplugged20:40
anomonus2015Fuchs, thx. what about conversion ? gimp only seems to save in its own filetype or am i wrong ?20:40
MonkeyDustlatemau55  try a live session, to delete files from your /boot/ folder20:40
Fuchsanomonus2015: no, just use "export" instead of "save"20:40
latemau55MonkeyDust, which ones?20:40
Ben64anomonus2015: export20:40
Fuchsit's a bit of a usability issue20:40
Ben64ah, beat by Fuchs20:40
anomonus2015:) yea its a bit silly20:40
MonkeyDustlatemau55  what's the output of   uname -pr20:41
anomonus2015krita easier to use ?20:41
latemau55MonkeyDust, 3.16.0-40-generic x86_6420:41
MonkeyDustlatemau55  then -40 is the one you have to keep20:41
Ben64i think krita is more about drawing and less about editing/manipulation20:41
MonkeyDustlatemau55  make a backup, first, always20:42
bhansahey all20:43
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bhansaIs This even working20:44
latemau55bhansa, yes20:45
Bashing-ombhansa: Yes, but, you are in a ubuntu support channel. Do you have an ubuntu support request ? Just ask .20:46
anomonus2015fuchs when using gimp i seem to have lost the default windows that appear when you open it. you know how to get them back ?20:46
Fuchsnot by heart, let me check20:46
Fuchshttp://askubuntu.com/questions/461152/how-to-restore-the-default-toolbox-windows-in-gimp   looks like it20:46
anomonus2015that was fast20:47
OerHeks!info ubuntustudio-photography20:47
ubottuubuntustudio-photography (source: ubuntustudio-meta): Ubuntu Studio Photography Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.134 (vivid), package size 3 kB, installed size 42 kB20:47
MonkeyDustwhat's the apt-get install option again, to fake install?20:50
OerHeksapt-get -s simulate20:55
MonkeyDustOerHeks  tnx, but man apt-get was just as easy20:56
anomonus2015fuchs ok ive restored the lost toolbars but another problem is persisting. The gimp menu bar seems to be overlaying the system bar along the top of my desktop. its kinda corrupt20:58
SovekOk, I think its about time to uninstall and reinstall.... ugh21:00
anomonus2015also i would prefer the toobars to be snapped to the main gimp window rather than floating so when i launch gimp its one window' insead of all over the screen21:00
EriC^^Sovek: why?21:00
Sovekso, after the command passwd -l root in the recovery boot, I get this error21:00
MeerkatMy microphone was disabled in bios apparently. Thanks for your time, though, MonkeyDust!21:01
Sovekunable to lock /ect/shadow21:01
Sovekplease try again later21:01
EriC^^Sovek: what's the issue?21:01
Soveksuperuser password got changed somehow21:01
Soveknothing works21:02
MonkeyDustMeerkat  glad you found it21:02
EriC^^superuser password or your user's account pass that has sudo?21:02
Soveksuperuser password21:02
Sovekthing is, I didnt do anything to change it21:02
OerHeksanomonus2015, tons of forums about that "problem", and take a look at the gimp magazine http://gimpmagazine.org/21:02
EriC^^Sovek: by default the superuser account isn't enabled21:03
EriC^^Sovek: are you using ubuntu?21:03
Sovekwell, regardless, I'm unable to use the command sudo21:03
MoonlightningSo you can switch back to upstart…for now. Is it being phased out?21:03
EriC^^Sovek: ok, how do you login usually?21:04
OerHeksMoonlightning, seems so, systemD is the new way to go21:04
OerHeksalso on Debian21:04
Sovekit just logs in, thats the weird thing, the account password (which is the admin) is fine21:04
anomonus2015OerHeks, thx21:04
EriC^^Sovek: ok, type sudo -l21:04
iongraphixhello how do I install systemd. need help21:04
Sovekcant do that21:05
OerHeksiongraphix, systemD is default in 15.0421:05
Sovekasks for password, keeps saying its wrong21:05
EriC^^Sovek: type id21:05
EriC^^does it say sudo in the groups?21:05
EriC^^Sovek: ok, try passwd, then change your password to 1234521:06
iongraphixwhy did they have to do away with sysVinit21:06
OerHeksiongraphix, sysvinit basicly needed to be rewritten https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers21:06
EriC^^Sovek: are you able to change it?21:07
DroWndoes anyone know that the plugin to add facebook account integration to Online Accounts in ubuntu settings is?21:09
Sovek_Ok, now....21:09
EriC^^were you able to change it to 12345?21:09
Sovek_I THINK I changed it back to what it should be21:09
Sovek_now, whats a command to test it?21:09
EriC^^type sudo -l21:09
Sovek_better yet, how do I remove the password21:09
Sovek_it works21:10
Sovek_what I want to know is how the heck it got changed21:10
EriC^^it didn't if you were able to change it then you typed the right old one first21:10
EriC^^i think it's something to do with your keyboard layout21:11
EriC^^like qwerty vs the french one, etc.21:11
Sovek_it was just numbers21:11
EriC^^the old one?21:11
EriC^^that's odd21:11
Sovek_I changed it back to what it was supposed to be21:11
Sovek_now... on to the Nvidia drivers21:12
SovekOk, STILL gives me "incorrect login" after shutting down the graphical interface21:15
Sovekso, how to install Nvidia drivers via apt-get?21:16
balahi all21:17
anomonus2015guys the menu bar of firefox is also stuck to the system bar on my desktop ? what gives ?21:17
anomonus2015EriC^^,  ?21:17
balaneed a help to recover my old linux partition21:17
balacan anyone help plz ??21:18
wileee anomonus2015 This unity full screen for app?21:18
ShinzJrwhat's wrong w/ your partition bala?21:18
anomonus2015um i dont think the app is full screen21:18
balamistakenly i installed windows21:19
balaover linux already there21:19
OerHeksanomonus2015, that is called Ubuntu global menu, i think unity-tweak has that option21:19
wileeeanomonus2015, Hard to tell exactly what you men how about a pic in imagebin?21:19
balaso grub menu is lost and only windows boot manager pops up21:19
balaso linux is hidden in a separate partition21:19
EriC^^bala: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999921:19
wileeeanomonus2015, I think OerHeks Is right that was what I was heading to21:19
ShinzJrbala, try using easybcd from windows, or boot using ubuntu live cd21:19
SovekEricC^^ do you know how to install the Nvidia drivers via apt-get?21:20
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wileeeShinzJr, Please don't just spit out 3rd party apps and give real support, people can be confused here.21:21
lucas-arghey all... i have just installed ubuntu on my sshd, ive managed to put / on my ssd part of disk, everything seems to be running ok, but not sure if a part of a disk that was supposed to work as a cache is ok to work as a partition or disk by it self... is it ok?21:21
anomonus2015Umm well i have hexchat open atm ! ok but the title for hexchat is imposed on the top left of the system bar and if i mouse over it i get the hexchat, view, server menu etc21:21
wileeeanomonus2015, That is part of the desktop, can't be changed21:22
OerHeksanomonus2015, get used to it man21:22
anomonus2015can u link me to image bin21:22
anomonus2015it want like that before21:22
anomonus2015it wasnt like that before21:22
anomonus2015link to imagebin please21:22
wileeeanomonus2015, On what desktop was it different?21:22
EriC^^anomonus2015: settings > appearance > behavior, menus21:23
wileeeanomonus2015, and a com to it and your there.21:23
EriC^^wileee: ShinzJr was actually giving good advice about how to get the install booted again21:23
wileeeEriC^^, easybc with asking for any info?21:23
ShinzJrsorry all21:23
blackwccan someone PLEASE help me to get my mic working21:24
ShinzJri'm new to this irc thing21:24
EriC^^he meant if he didn't have a live cd, he could use easybcd to boot his linux install21:24
wileeeEriC^^, That is an assumption, but I get your point, my response was fair I think is al.21:25
Sovekwell, I'm screwed21:25
OerHeksanomonus2015, type that in your browser, oke?.. that is too easy to find yourself21:25
Sovekevery single method requires me to shut down the graphical interface, ctrl+alt+f1, login.21:25
Sovekonly problem is, I cant log in21:26
Sovekkeeps saying login incorrect21:26
wileeeShinzJr, Do not worry about it were all here to help we need all we can get. ;)21:26
anomonus2015wileee, got that image for you  !!! http://ibin.co/2964adT75vaD21:26
ShinzJroky thank you :)21:26
Bashing-omSovek: Lost authority to access "your" /home ? When ypu do ' ls -al /home/<user_name> ' do 'you' own all the files ?21:28
wileeeanomonus2015, Take a look at EriC^^'s post above anomonus2015: settings > appearance > behavior, menus I have not used unity for years but I'm sure that is a built in deal.21:28
SovekI think so21:29
Sovekok, what happens is when I go into the lightdm terminal, try to log in, it keeps saying incorrect login21:29
Sovekand I'm not the only one with this problem, but I've yet to see anyone solve it21:30
EriC^^Sovek: in ctrl+alt+f1 it works?21:30
EriC^^Sovek: it sounds like one of the most common problems here :)21:30
Bashing-omSovek: Checking is better than 'think so" . Generally 2 causes of that condion, lost authority, or bad graphics driver .21:30
blackwccan someone help me get my internal mic working21:30
Soveklets go with bad graphics driver21:31
EriC^^blackwc: did you try settings > audio ?21:31
Sovekand no, ctrl+alt+f1 does not after going to lightDM21:31
blackwcEriC^^: yes. it's not there21:31
blackwcin Input there's only analog stereo input21:32
Sovekso if its a bad graphics driver, how do fix it?21:32
EriC^^blackwc: ok21:32
blackwcbuit-in audio rather21:32
wileeeblackwc, Type alsmixer in the terminal and check there21:32
blackwcwhat am I looking for21:32
Bashing-omSovek: OK, then one needs to know what hardware ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 ' and if a driver is loaded ' sudo lshw -C display ' Then match a driver to the hardware .21:33
wileeeblackwc, anything on what it's using and volumes21:33
Sovekok, lesse21:34
SovekCapabilities: <access denied> Kernel driver in use: nvidia21:34
blackwcif I go to capture I see this https://i.imgur.com/nQ7NE2W.png?1 wileee21:34
Sovekok, thats odd21:34
Sovekshowing GTX 460, which is what it is, GF104, rev A121:35
wileeeblackwc, I'm not an expert on this area, just info on another area to check, basically a standard response in context.21:36
Bashing-omSovek: GeForce ?21:36
EriC^^Sovek: so ctrl+alt+f1 works or not? i didn't get what you meant about after lightdm it doesn't21:36
SovekGTX 46021:36
Sovekit doesnt21:36
Sovekit keeps saying incorrect login, no matter what I use21:37
SovekI've tried passwords, logins, ect, nothing21:37
EriC^^so how are you typing lspci and stuff?21:37
EriC^^terminal where? in the gui?21:37
EriC^^you have been 0% coherent til now21:38
EriC^^so gui logs in fine?21:38
Sovek0 problems21:38
EriC^^ok, and sudo works now?21:38
Sovekeven with sudo being locked out21:38
Sovekyes, sudo works now21:38
EriC^^is the pass still just numbers?21:39
EriC^^are you typing your username with a capital letter or something?21:40
Sovekone sec, lemme try something21:40
Sovekno, wait, nm21:40
EriC^^? :D21:40
EriC^^caps lock on ? numlock?21:41
wileeewe know your frustrated, just swear locally please Sovek ;)21:41
EriC^^check numlock21:41
Sovekso the superuser password is still numbers, shows up when I attempt to change passwords in system tools21:41
Dualitycould someone maybe help me out with my webcam? i have got a hercules webcam that has leds, i don't want them to turn on. (i removed the ir filter and wanted to test, but can't really test with the leds on21:41
Soveknumlock on, yes21:41
EriC^^Sovek: try sudo login <your user>21:42
EriC^^then type your password21:42
Sovekstill get "incorrect login" username does not start a capital leter21:42
Sovekok, that works21:43
Sovekin the terminal, that is21:43
EriC^^try typing your password instead of the username just to see what it'll print21:43
wileeeDuality, End goal is not clear, sound like you need the led off and need help.21:43
Sovekwhat do you mean?21:44
EriC^^Sovek: type your pass instead of the username21:44
Sovekuhhh, that does not work21:44
EriC^^what do you mean?21:45
Sovekit prints the numbers fine21:45
EriC^^oh ok21:45
Dualitywileee: yes21:45
anomonus2015EriC^^, thx for the tip on menu behaviour. that worked21:45
Sovekso why does it not work after going into lightDM?21:46
EriC^^anomonus2015: np21:46
anomonus2015wonder why it changed :/21:46
wileeeDuality, Cool, that maybe a hard one, no idea myself.21:46
EriC^^Sovek: it works if you don't login to lightdm?21:46
Dualitythey turn on when it gets to dark21:46
Dualityand hope it isn't a hardware feature21:46
SovekI cant login to light dm21:46
wileeeDuality, I figured as such is it an infared as well?21:47
EriC^^Sovek: lightdm is the gui21:47
wileeeDuality, I have sleep apnea and the sleep studies have cams to watch in the dark is why I asked that.21:48
Sovekwait... lemme try something21:48
otircEriC^^: you seem to have the patience of a saint21:48
Dualitywileee: do you meen the leds? no they are bright white leds. kinda blinding though21:48
blackwccan someone PLEASE help me get my mic working?21:49
wileeeDuality, Ah, I would when it's plugged in usb plug run lsusb in the terminal and find any other info on it and include that.21:50
wileeeI assume it is usb plugged21:50
Dualitywileee: yes usb plugged21:50
Sovekso far its intsalling the drivers, not even having to run that command21:51
wileeeDuality, So run lsusb and find all the info on that cam, names can be just not enough or even a model, but the hardware info21:52
SovekOk, I THINK its installed, need to reboot, brb21:52
beshoysudo apt-get update21:52
wileeeis at times21:52
wileeeDuality, Sorry, hardware info can be the key is the issue.21:53
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Dualitywileee: i understand i am googling it but not really getting info i want :)21:53
wileeeDuality, post it here if needed, best of luck. ;)21:54
soveknope..... grrrr21:55
sovekload up steam, "OpenGL GLX context is not using direct rendering,"21:55
Dualityit showed Bus 001 Device 005: ID 06f8:300d Guillemot Corp.21:55
* wileee puts on his drama blinders21:55
sovekwhy is it hell just to install simple drivers?21:55
ganeshaditya1hey ... so I recently bought a digital ocean vpn and I am ssh into it. I have sublime installed on my laptop and I was wonering if there is a way I could use the sublime installed on my laptop to edit remote files in my vpn21:57
blackwccan someone PLEASE help me to get my microphone working21:57
heilelfast-track is a good website exploit?21:58
SchrodingersScatganeshaditya1: never used sublime, but if you use sshfs then you should be able to work on files, afaik21:58
OerHeksganeshaditya1, download any file first, edit, save, and upload again.21:58
ganeshaditya1@DerHeks I am currently doing that but it is sort of tidious. Once I have all my files setup I will start using git21:59
wileeeDuality, Heh, I see just the opposite no leds on really early ubuntu releases, tough one to find on the web.21:59
Dualitywileee: yea me too :)22:00
OerHeksganeshaditya1,  so you have a copy of your file too.22:01
LArry_Bow the SU passsword for the live CD ver 15/0422:01
LArry_Bim told I havbe no internet adn wanted to set it if possible22:01
wileeeDuality, You could go goth and use some black fingernail polish, just a bad joke. ;)22:01
wileeeLArry_B, Should not need a password on live.22:02
Dualitywileee: i see what you did there :D, maybe i have to solder them out, i don't need them for my purpose though, planing on putting it on my telescope :)22:02
wileeeDuality, Cool, I'm a huge physics and astronomy fan that's cool.22:03
wileeelooking for plantes?22:03
ganeshaditya1ShrodingersScat sshfs is awesome!22:04
blackwccan someone PLEASE help me get my microphone working22:04
EriC^^blackwc: which laptop do you have?22:04
blackwctoshiba satellite L645d22:05
SchrodingersScatganeshaditya1: it can be handy, have fun.22:05
EriC^^blackwc: ok, try sudo apt-get install pavucontrol22:05
EriC^^then run pavucontrol and see what you get there22:05
blackwcEriC^^: I have that installed22:05
EriC^^blackwc: ok, do you get anything there?22:06
Dualitywileee: i have mostely been looking at the sun with it :D and a few times at the moon. no other planets/moons yet, but maybe soon :)22:06
wileeeDuality, Sounds like just good fun, hope you able to get this camera working for yah.22:08
Sovekok... I follow the steam instructions on the problem.... and nothing makes sense22:08
YellowGTOHi guys. Is there another way to add wget http://www.webmin.com/jcameron-key.asc if sourceforge is down?22:08
Sovekglxinfo just dumps a bunch of numbers22:08
YellowGTOI don't really understand what the key is for in the firstplace22:09
Soveknothing about what Valve is talking about22:09
Sovekso try to make sure I have the 32bit version, tried sudo apt-get mesa-utils:i386 says it doesnt exist22:09
OerHeksYellowGTO, that would be the encryptionkey, and please do not use webmin on ubuntu22:10
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.22:10
YellowGTOIs there an alternative?>22:10
wileeeYellowGTO, The key assure your talking with the the right repo, it is security.22:10
YellowGTOAh, I understand now22:10
OerHeksYellowGTO, take a look @ http://alternativeto.net/software/webmin/ or zpanel or zentyal22:11
wileeeYellowGTO, You can usually give a yes on using it with this error.22:11
Dualitywileee: looks like it worked :) https://youtu.be/WaOHOzf_JzM22:12
wileeeDuality, Looks like gearhead fix I can relate.22:13
SuperLagI'm getting an error about duplicate entries in sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/11901351/22:14
SuperLagit has to do with the Google Talk plugin22:14
bekksSuperLag: So remove the duplicate?22:14
bekksSuperLag: Take a look at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/22:15
SuperLagI know I need to remove the duplicate. Just wasn't sure where, since it's not in the main sources.list22:15
bekksSuperLag: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ is directory where ppa entries should go to.22:16
wileeeSuperLag, There is a gui access software & sources 2nd tab22:16
Dualitywileee: what do you meen?22:16
wileeeDuality, A mechanical answer basically to the problem, I like to see people with multiple skill levels in conflicting areas.22:18
wileeelike physicist writing their own code etc22:18
andre____hi, so I have an Alienware m17x r4 and ever since i installed ubuntu i noticed that my touchpad isnt working22:19
andre____i have to plug in a mouse22:19
SuperLagbekks: wileee: I have to make SSH forward X to get GUI access. What's the name of the binary that launches that app where you enable/disable PPA's? Or, should it be fine, and not break anything, if I simply delete the corresponding entry in sources.list.d?22:19
EriC^^andre____: you might need to drivers for it22:19
andre____Where can i get Linux drivers for it22:19
wileeeSuperLag, You can turn it off there or remove22:20
andre____my razer naga works with it22:20
wileeenot sure on the actual question sorry SuperLag22:20
bekksSuperLag: apt-add-repository and ppapurge22:21
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Dualitywileee: i am not sure i understand :)?22:21
blasterHow can I check a column to see if all the values are unique or not?22:21
bekksSuperLag: Uninstall the software from the ppa you dont want to keep. Then just comment out the version in sources.list.d you dont want to keep.22:22
SuperLagbekks: in sources.list.d there are two entries... google.list and google-talkplugin.list, and they point to the same URL. And I'm sure they want to keep the software.22:22
andre____so in my terminal i typed in javac22:22
wileeeDuality, Sorry, in my little personal world it was a compliment. Basically you were creative in how you did this is the point.22:22
andre____and it said this22:22
EriC^^andre____: http://askubuntu.com/questions/647505/alienware-13-touchpad-not-working-under-any-distro-dll068b00-06cb76e9-hid-r22:23
andre____* default-jdk22:23
andre____ * ecj22:23
andre____ * gcj-4.8-jdk22:23
andre____ * openjdk-7-jdk22:23
andre____ * gcj-4.6-jdk22:23
andre____ * openjdk-6-jdk22:23
andre____Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>22:23
bekksSuperLag: One points to a amd64 repo, the other one to i386 repo. Thats whats causing the duplicate error.22:23
Dualitywileee: I guess thanks :) it was what i had laying around it's not that creative.22:23
EriC^^andre____: apparently installing 15.04 solved it22:23
SuperLagbekks: I'm not sure where it specifies the arch, as both files contain this: deb http://dl.google.com/linux/talkplugin/deb/ stable main22:24
andre____well the problem with me installg a new linux version is22:24
wileeeDuality, That is one point of creativity; looking at something and changing or creating a new state with it.22:24
andre____while installing my current version, I overrode windows by accident22:25
andre____and all my files got lost22:25
SuperLagbekks: and simply commenting out the line in one of those files did the trick22:25
andre____why didnt i get a backup brogram ._.22:25
wileeeanyway back to starbucks anyone want anything?22:25
andre____i have a Geforce GTX 660m22:26
andre____but in details it says my gpu is22:26
SuperLagwileee: wait, you're in PDX aren't you? Yep. Bring some over. :)22:26
EriC^^andre____: you can get all your files back22:26
andre____how eric22:26
andre____please tell me22:26
EriC^^very easily22:26
andre____i must know22:26
OerHeksandre____, please one problem at the time.22:26
andre____I dismiss any other problems22:26
EriC^^andre____: ok, boot a live usb22:27
andre____then what22:27
EriC^^actually first22:27
andre____sry for rushing lol22:27
EriC^^type sudo apt-get install testdisk22:27
wileeeSuperLag, Heh, met you at freegeek22:28
landauhello I'd need the E04XAF  NAG fortran subroutine...please could someone share it with me? I need it very much!! 22:28
andre____andre@andre-M17xR4:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-get install testdisk22:28
andre____Reading package lists... Done22:28
andre____Building dependency tree22:28
andre____Reading state information... Done22:28
andre____You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:22:28
bekksandre____: USe a pastebin please.22:28
bekksandre____: You got quieted for the second time for not doing so ;)22:28
SuperLagCan I clone an Ubuntu install with rsync?22:29
EriC^^SuperLag: yeah, just not the mbr22:29
landauhello I'd need the E04XAF  NAG fortran subroutine...please could someone share it with me? I need it very much!! 22:29
andre_____i got that error22:29
SuperLagI've got a machine to take from 10 to 14. I want to make sure I have a copy of it outside of production.22:29
EriC^^andre_____: type sudo apt-get -f install22:30
pokergodI had dual screens setup.  I unplugged the monitor, and usually the apps move to the left ...  I have apps open on the right, how do I move them to the left screen without seeing them?22:30
andre_____ok  done22:30
pokergodyay i found a way22:30
EriC^^andre_____: did it work?22:31
andre_____it looks like it*22:31
pokergodif you ever have a window you cannot find;  alt+space, move, drag until you see it22:31
EriC^^andre_____: did you install testdisk?22:31
andre_____how can i double check?22:31
OerHekslandau, you might want to ask in ##fortran too, as that script is not in our repos22:32
EriC^^pokergod: yeah, or alt+f722:32
EriC^^alt+space then n is probably my favorite22:32
landauOerHeks, ok thanks22:32
pokergodwhat is alt+space,n ?22:32
EriC^^minimize a window22:32
pokergodand i didn't know about alt+f7, gotta look that one up22:33
andre_____kk its definatly installed22:33
EriC^^andre_____: ok, now type sudo testdisk22:34
andre_____sudo: teskdisk: command not found22:34
andre_____omg fail22:34
andre_____kk its a sorta cyan screen22:35
EriC^^ok, choose no log then  no log22:35
EriC^^then choose your disk22:35
andre_____im assuming intel?22:36
andre_____(i have no idea)22:36
EriC^^if it's default yeah22:36
EriC^^press enter, if it was over gpt choose that22:36
EriC^^then do a quick search22:37
EriC^^let it run for a bit then hit stop22:38
andre_____now it says linux, extended, linux swap22:38
andre_____in that order22:38
EriC^^any MS DATA ?22:38
andre_____im not sure22:39
andre_____which option should i choose22:39
EriC^^do you see anything that says ms data to the left?22:39
andre_____is that bad22:39
blackwcSomething happened to my wifi22:39
EriC^^try deep search22:40
blackwcIt won't turn on22:40
blackwcRfkill says hard block22:40
EriC^^blackwc: does your laptop have a switch?22:40
andre_____how do i do deep search22:40
blackwcYes but it won't work22:40
EriC^^andre_____: press enter, then press on deep search22:40
andre_____there was no deep search option22:41
EriC^^andre_____: after you press enter what do you get?22:41
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blackwcEriC^^: it's a dunction key and rfkill says that it's a hard block22:42
blackwcIt won't turn though when I hit fn and f822:42
EriC^^andre_____: press enter22:42
andre_____now everything is still22:43
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EriC^^andre_____: you should have deep search at the bottom22:43
histoblackwc: rfkill unblock all22:44
andre_____the screen didnt change22:44
andre_____now i just cant interact with the cmd22:44
blackwchisto: doesn't do anything22:44
EriC^^andre_____: ok, try to exit22:44
EriC^^then type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999922:44
tuxusyou speak Spanish22:44
histoblackwc: and the physical switch does nothing?22:44
blackwcThat is when I hit fn and f822:45
EriC^^andre_____: try ctrl+c22:45
blackwcIt doesn't turn on wifi22:45
OerHeks!sp | tuxus22:45
tuxusque que paso22:45
OerHeks!es | tuxus22:45
ubottutuxus: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:45
andre_____ok there22:45
EriC^^andre_____: ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999922:46
andre_____it says http://termbin.com/qoaz22:46
tuxusbecause only they speak English22:46
EriC^^andre_____: ok, type sudo testdisk again22:47
blackwcEriC^^: oddly enough my mic works now22:47
blackwcBut now my wifi won't come on22:47
tuxuseric because only they speak English22:47
andre_____then what22:47
OerHekstuxus, we speak english, #ubuntu-es is spanish22:48
EriC^^andre_____: same thing, no log > choose disk > intel > analyze22:48
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andre_____now it says try to locate partition on bottom22:49
EriC^^andre_____: when you get to quick search press stop, then enter then choose deep search22:49
andre_____it says : warning: the current number of heads per cylinder is 255 but the corect value may be 128. you can use geometry menu to change this value.22:50
EriC^^andre_____: nevermind that22:50
andre_____ok i pressed continue22:50
andre_____there was never a deep search option22:51
andre_____nor do i see one22:51
andre_____nvm it says deeper search22:51
andre_____kk its doing stuff22:51
EriC^^andre_____: any ms data partitions showing up?22:52
andre_____there is a hpfs - ntfs22:52
andre_____and the rest say linux22:52
andre_____to the right of the hpfs - ntfs it says recovery22:53
andre_____2 morehpfs - ntfs appeared22:53
andre_____one says recovery22:53
andre_____the other says os22:53
EriC^^press enter22:53
EriC^^ok cool22:53
EriC^^press enter22:53
andre_____enter on which partition22:54
andre_____theres 422:54
EriC^^just to stop the deep search22:54
andre_____i already did22:54
andre_____when you said22:54
EriC^^ok, press p over the biggest partition22:54
EriC^^check the size22:54
andre_____linux says 96019251222:54
EriC^^at the bottom i think is in gb22:54
EriC^^you want the ntfs ones those are the windows partitions22:55
andre_____and hpfs - ntfs [OS] says 95836569622:55
andre_____so the biggest ntfs?22:55
andre_____when i pressed p22:55
andre_____a popup said system program problem detected22:55
EriC^^no problem22:56
andre_____press cancel?22:57
andre_____so on the second line from the bottom22:57
andre_____its saying22:57
andre_____Enter: to continueandre@andre-M17xR4:~$22:57
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andre_____im assuming that means that the program stopepd22:59
andre_____what should i do now23:01
andre_____you quit.23:02
EriC^^andre_____: sorry got dc23:02
andre_____what should i do now23:02
EriC^^andre_____: i think it hanged again, try pressing p over the partition to view the files, you can then restore them23:02
EriC^^andre_____: also, if you have a live usb you should use it instead, cause the more you use ubuntu the more likely you are to overwrite your files23:03
andre_____its fine23:03
andre_____i barely have 1 gb23:03
EriC^^ok, well, can you press p?23:04
andre_____i think it crashed23:04
EriC^^andre_____: you don't need to fill up the hdd to overwrite them23:04
EriC^^ok, well anyways i'd try from a live usb cause it keeps crashing anyways23:05
andre_____i have a usb where i test ubuntu23:06
anthonyb92hey guys, I need some help configuring mopidy, anyone care to try?23:06
andre_____meh its fine23:07
andre_____im in the middle of building a desktop23:07
andre_____i dont mind one with ubuntu23:07
andre_____also all my files were slowing down my computer23:07
andre_____i guess a fresh start isnt that bad23:07
EriC^^andre_____: well, you can get them easily23:08
EriC^^ntfs and fat is really remarkably easily to get files back23:08
andre_____ok fine23:08
EriC^^ext4 not so much23:08
andre_____i do23:08
andre_____so on my usb when i boot it should i run the test version of ubuntu23:09
EriC^^yeah, then enable the universe repo in software & sources23:09
EriC^^and install testdisk23:09
andre_____then should i join this irc again?23:10
andre_____i will be back soon23:10
andre_____in 5-10 mins idk23:10
andre_____my name will be andre with some amount of _'s23:10
EriC^^andre_____: ok23:10
OneM_IndustriesAnyone of tools to access a partially corrupt SD drive with the ex-fat filesystem?23:15
wileeeOneM_Industries, partially meaning like one partition?23:15
otircOneM_Industries: have you tried to repair it with fsck?23:16
OerHeksOneM_Industries, 1st: you need some tools to read/write it> sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils  # 2nd, fix corrupt exfat by doing repair from windows23:16
OneM_IndustriesNo, it was in a video camera that got jiggled as it as writing to the chip.23:16
OneM_IndustriesWindows wants us to format the chip.23:17
OneM_IndustriesAnd it spits an error when I try to mount it.23:17
OneM_IndustriesThe video is from a nearspace balloon launch, so we need this data.23:17
blackwcEriC^^ wileee I have absolutely no idea23:17
blackwcwhat I did23:17
blackwcbut my mic is fixed and my wifi works now23:18
blackwcthat was just plain luck23:18
andre____brb 5 mins23:20
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OneM_IndustriesOerHeks, you are amazing. It works!23:21
OneM_IndustriesThere are 4 very happy near space balloonists here now.23:22
OerHeksOneM_Industries, have fun23:22
OneM_IndustriesWe will be uploading this at some point, so I will send you a link. Thank you!23:22
OerHeksOneM_Industries, please do !23:23
Imcan someone help me..23:23
OneM_IndustriesI will.23:23
OerHeksIm, just ask, wait and see23:23
OneM_IndustriesHahaha! 3.6 GB out of 21.6 GB!23:23
Bashing-omIm: Ask and see :)23:24
Immy Ubuntu is running really slow some help me?23:24
andre____erik i installed test disk23:24
andre____should i get to the place where u told me to pres p and it crashed?23:25
EriC^^andre____: yeah23:25
Imwell... im getting ignored ;(23:26
andre____im, you might want to give more description23:26
wileeeIm, No you give no ifo to use.23:26
andre____eric im at the place where i press p23:27
andre____should i press it?23:27
Imsometimes when i load something it lags or take long to load up...23:27
andre____that could just be a slow computer?23:27
andre____try getting an ssd23:27
wileeeIm, Can you give the hardware info the chip and ram23:28
andre____solid state drive23:28
andre____EriC^^ should I press P?23:28
HudsonkemIm maybe ur swap is in use.23:28
andre____im at that plase23:28
Imswap in use?23:28
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Hudsonkemyeah! it can make ur pc slow23:28
EriC^^andre____: yeah press p over the ntfs one23:29
en1gmai have I7 cpu-gpu (which i use hdmi out with) and i have an old 9600gt which i want to use as a dedicated gpu (mostly for pyrit). if i set bios to boot cpugpu i have a intel driver in "Additional Drivers" that i currently have installed. i also have the nvidia binary 340.76 driver installed but it can only be used if i switch bios to pcie (dedicated gpu) and then boot up23:29
Imhow do i stop that23:29
andre____same thing23:29
OerHeksIm, give use some hardware info, this has nothing to do with swap i guess23:29
andre____it looks like it crashed23:29
Hudsonkemjust change the default value 60 to 1023:29
Hudsonkemhow much ram do u have?23:29
en1gmacan someone walk me thru with what i need to do.? right now in bios i using my I7 gpu and in ubuntu it using the intel driver i believe23:29
Imwhen i checked that it said 10 so im good thier23:29
EriC^^andre____: try pressing p over another ntfs partition23:29
andre____the recovery?23:30
OerHeksHudsonkem, please don't say random solutions. lets see the specs first.23:30
ImRAM how do i find out?23:30
EriC^^andre____: which one did you try the os one?23:30
en1gmaif i leave bios at cpu-gpu and try to boot up when i have the nvidia binary enabled in addition drivers i get stuck at screen23:30
andre____Yeah, the [OS]23:30
EriC^^andre____: do you need any files on ubuntu?23:30
en1gmaso that is when i have to change back to nouveau or change bios to gpu 9600gt) and boot up23:30
EriC^^andre____: ok, when you get to deep search23:30
Imhow do i find out my RAM?23:30
HudsonkemOerHeks isn't handom but, is the recommended to plus more than 2 gb23:31
EriC^^andre____: press the right arrow so you select the partitions, the ntfs ones23:31
en1gmai have gnome-flashback-session installed too23:31
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andre____should i go into deep23:32
andre____or no23:32
en1gmaright now in additional drivers. nouveau is selected for 9600 gt and intel driver for my cpu-gpu which im actively using right now23:32
EriC^^andre____: yeah23:32
andre____kk deeper search is running23:33
andre____now what23:33
ImHudsonkem how do i find out me ram?23:33
HudsonkemIm in terminal >> free -m23:33
EriC^^andre____: press enter so it stops23:33
Hudsonkemcheck the total ram value23:33
andre____now what23:33
en1gmaif i install nvidia binary 304 then everything boots fine no matter what i set bios too but i have no bbswitch to select the 9600gt as dedicated physx for when im booted up using my cpu-gpu as primary over hdmi23:33
Im             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cachedMem:          2010       1589        420        135         58        997-/+ buffers/cache:        534       1476Swap:         2036         54       198223:33
Bashing-omen1gma: Do you have nvidia-prime installed " Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime " ?23:34
HudsonkemIm let we pm23:34
en1gmaBashing-om i dont think i have that stuff installed. is that just a regular packag in ubuntu 15.04 or do i need add a ppa?23:34
andre____it says use left/right arrow keys to change partition characteristics23:35
EriC^^andre____: ok, press the right arrow so they ntfs ones have a P next to them or so23:35
andre____all the ntfs?23:35
andre____or just [OS]23:35
EriC^^andre____: you're selecting which partitions to have in the partition table, so they have to match and not overlap23:35
EriC^^andre____: you can do all of them if you want23:35
andre____ill just do OS i guess23:36
EriC^^ubuntu will disappear though, but you're get the files back23:36
EriC^^andre____: ok,23:36
EriC^^press enter23:36
andre____(idc if ubuntu dissapears23:36
en1gmaBashing-om tried to install nvidia-prime and it says i do have it installed23:36
andre____will this be the last time we talk?23:36
andre____will it go back?23:36
EriC^^what do you mean?23:36
andre____or will it just take me to another menu23:36
EriC^^it should ask if you want to write the partition table23:37
Bashing-omen1gma: Not too sure at what version nvidia driver picks up and installs nvidia-prime, and it only works in MUXless systems . What returns ' dpkg -l nvidia-prime ' ?23:37
andre____it is asking23:37
EriC^^or it should say write at the bottom23:37
andre____select write and press enter?23:37
andre____confirm y/n23:37
andre____you will have to reboot for the change to take effect23:37
andre____i pressed OK23:38
EriC^^ok, reboot the live usb again and you should be able to mount it and get the files23:38
en1gma"ii  nvidia-prime                                 0.8.1                       amd64                       Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime"23:38
andre____brb in 5 mins23:38
jhsf78afafdandre____, tyt (5 mins only)23:38
en1gmaBashing-om if i try to run 'nvidia detector' it dont detect anything. do i need to leave dvi to vga cable hooked to card and tv?23:38
en1gmaremember i just want this as a dedicated physx pretty much just to assist in pyrit23:39
Bashing-omen1gma: If you have to ise a VGA adaptor, yuk !23:39
en1gmai know. i dont want to leave that fat vga cable hooked up in my living room attached to my lcd on the wall23:39
FelixFire619How would i go about clearing all netstat resaults23:40
andre______im not gay but23:41
andre______I LOVE YOUY23:41
andre______THANK YOU SO MUCH23:41
andre______MY STUFF IS THERE23:41
EriC^^no problem23:41
andre______sorry for caps23:41
andre______but my joy23:41
andre______cannot be contained23:41
OerHeks!cookie | EriC^^23:41
ubottuEriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!23:41
Bashing-omen1gma: You are just not going to get good performance with a VGA cable is all . Will not support higher resolutions.23:41
andre______did it restore windows?23:41
andre______!cookie | EriC^^23:42
EriC^^andre______: no, you'd have to select all the ntfs ones, and restore the mbr too23:42
SuperLaglibpango-1.0-0:amd64 conflicts with plymouth:amd6423:42
andre______did u get the cookie?23:42
en1gmaBashing-om i just want the 9600gt to have no output and use it as a dedicated physx/cuda card mostly just for pyrit23:42
jhsf78afafdandre______, i'd give you some.. cookies, if you know what i mean ;)23:42
SuperLagdoing an upgrade from 12.04.5 to 14.04.223:42
SuperLagHow do I fix that?23:42
en1gmaim using my cpu-gpu onboard hdmi and everything in 1080P and looks good23:42
andre______i am so happy23:43
andre______like srsly23:43
en1gmai would like to use that cpu with the 9600gt gpu for pyrit23:43
en1gmabut use the hdmi out on the cpu-gpu23:43
en1gmafor display23:43
andre______you are amazing23:43
andre______thank you so much23:44
andre______i cannot repay you23:44
EriC^^andre______: no problem :)23:44
jhsf78afafdis anyone rich enough here to buy me a GOOD, POWAFUL pc so that i will be able to accommodate my beloved OS somewhere lovely?23:44
Bashing-omen1gma: Should be able to control the graphics sets from within the nvidia-prime GUI tool . Set the card you want and restart the GUI .23:44
jhsf78afafdok don't ban me, i need support now and then and i come here, i will just go for now23:45
andre______ok i am running a test ubuntu from my flash drive23:45
andre______how do i install ubuntu to my flash drive?23:45
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wileeeandre______, from another booted ubuntu for install23:46
EriC^^andre______: you need another usb, or a working grub23:46
en1gmayou mean keep bios to cpu-gpu (for hdmi out) then go into addition drivers and keep the intel active and pick nvidia binary driver 304.xx? the 340.xx wont boot when i have cpu-gpu in bios selected23:46
andre______oh nah23:46
en1gmai get blank/black screen23:46
jhsf78afafdandre______, or a cd-rom23:46
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EriC^^andre______: grub still works right?23:46
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andre______how do i check23:46
EriC^^try booting the pc without the live usb23:47
andre______when i did that23:47
andre______it went to grub rescue i think23:47
wileeeiso from grub you got it23:47
EriC^^ok, cool i think you can use that to boot an iso23:47
EriC^^then install to the usb23:47
EriC^^hold on23:47
andre______you are like a freaking23:47
andre______at comps23:47
EriC^^andre______: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot23:48
SuperLagDoes do-release-upgrade actions get logged anywhere, so if you have issues during an upgrade from 12 to 14, so that you can go back and address issues that come up?23:49
jhsf78afafdEriC^^ is lovely, isnt she ;)23:49
Kully3xfHola - how do I connect to a nas?23:49
rtreleavenSuperLag I want to know also23:49
Kully3xfwindows just go to \\\ and it populates,23:50
wileeeSuperLag, You been at PSU labs at all?23:50
rtreleavenKully3xf depends what protocol that nas offers23:50
Kully3xfhere it's asking for a password and on term. it won't mount23:50
Kully3xfit's a usb drive plugged into my router23:50
SuperLagwileee: no, sir. We've only talked on here.23:50
en1gmaBashing-om how do you get into nvidia-prime. no command in bash23:50
andre______TBH i would feel much safer if i would get on my phone IRC, and you assist me step by step23:50
wileeeSuperLag, I meant just for use or study. Excellent computer science program, linux labs and all, you may know this already.23:51
EriC^^andre______: sure, no problem23:51
jhsf78afafdEriC^^, may i have your number too23:51
EriC^^andre______: you need an .iso23:51
SuperLagwileee: I haven't. I finished college in '13. University of Phoenix, Business Management. I *wish* I'd have just done CS at PSU.23:52
en1gmaim going to install an nvidia older binary driver of 304.xxx thats in the additional drivers. that lets my boot cpu-gpu hdmi and still have nvcc but i dont see that switcher that lets me selected intel for power savings and nvidia for performance like i used too.23:53
jhsf78afafdSuperLag, future and opportunities await you23:53
SuperLagjhsf78afafd: <vomit>23:53
andre______will you be on for the next half hour or so23:53
wileeeSuperLag, Me to, I went there but different undergrad in the end, best.23:53
jhsf78afafdSuperLag, let me clean that23:53
SuperLagjhsf78afafd: I finished because I was >75% of the way done, and it didn't make sense to swtich.23:53
SuperLagjhsf78afafd: believe me, I wish I'd done CS23:53
andre______eric i will join the irc again if i ened help23:54
EriC^^andre______: yeah23:54
jhsf78afafdSuperLag, why? aren't all jobs being given to indias nowadays?23:54
wileeefeed the beast ;)23:54
EriC^^andre______: can you download an .iso for ubuntu?23:54
EriC^^from the live usb and save it to the partition?23:55
en1gmashouldnt be so hard to set onboard gpu as primary over hdmi and then set dedicated nvidia cards as secondary and for physx only so no cord is needed23:56
jhsf78afafdSuperLag, y did u choose that major in the 1st place23:56
jhsf78afafdSuperLag, watch the wolf of the wallstreet and you wll know that you did the right choice ;)23:57
Andre______Ok so23:58
Andre______turns out23:58
Andre______i need help lol23:58
jhsf78afafdEriC^^, andre needs help23:58
EriC^^what's up?23:58
Bashing-omen1gma: see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics ; http://askubuntu.com/questions/412452/getting-hybrid-graphics-to-work-nvidia-prime-gt650m .23:58
SuperLagjhsf78afafd: because I could have taught over half of the courses in the IT program they were offering at the time.23:58
en1gmaBashing-om those are the guides i been following23:59
en1gmathanks though23:59
en1gmahave a few more guides bookmarked too but nothing working yet23:59
en1gmamy vcard is older then his and i have a different problem.23:59

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