
axwwallyworld: we didn't do planning.. I'm thinking 8 for the force-destroy card, because I think I'm going to have to go and implement ListVolumes/ListFilesystems as well01:47
wallyworldaxw: or even break it up01:47
wallyworlda separate card for ListX01:47
axwwallyworld: well I'm not sure if that's how it'll work yet. I'll break it up when I have a better idea01:47
axwwallyworld: will set 8 for now and then break up later, ok?01:48
wallyworldwe'll do more tonight01:48
* thumper is running tests in windows and locally01:50
thumpergod I hate the uniter tests01:50
* thumper cries quietly as a different test fails intermittently on windows01:54
mupBug #1476060 opened: uniter_test.go, startUpgradeError{} fails for windows <test-failure> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1476060>01:56
thumperwallyworld: do you know much about the unit tests around "update-status"02:06
thumperwallyworld: I have an intermittent failure here02:06
wallyworldtest name?02:06
wallyworldthumper: ?02:08
thumperuniter_test.go: 135102:09
thumpernot that line02:09
thumperline 131002:11
thumpertest desc: "all relations are available to config-changed on bounce, even if state dir is missing",02:11
thumperit blocks waiting for hooks02:11
wallyworldfor idle?02:11
thumperstart_hooks(false) expects an "update-status" hook call02:11
thumperthen on line 1340, it waits for: waitHooks{"update-status", "config-changed"},02:12
thumperin the logs, there is only one "update-status" hook call, not two02:12
wallyworldmy line numbers are different02:12
thumperah... yeah02:12
thumperI'm looking in a branch where I added a few lines further up02:13
thumperdue to fixing another bug02:13
wallyworldif the next comment after the waitHooks //// Check the state dir was recreated.02:13
wallyworldi can't see anything immediately obvious but horatio has done all that code, reviewed by william. i'll as him to look02:14
wallyworldhow often does it fail?02:14
thumperregularly now on ppc64el and windows02:15
thumperenough to be a critical blocker02:15
wallyworldbut on ubuntu is ok?02:15
thumperwonderful eh?02:15
thumperand I just fixed a different bug02:15
wallyworldin uniter?02:15
thumperwell, fix is an extreme word02:15
thumperskip a test02:15
* thumper is submitting now02:15
wallyworldah :-)02:15
thumperthe bug mentions a failing test02:16
thumperthere were two02:16
thumperand I fixed the one this bug didn't mention02:16
* thumper sighs02:16
wallyworldok, we'll take care of this other one02:16
wallyworldmaybe we need to finally gate landings on windows and ppc tests02:16
* thumper nods02:16
wallyworldlike we've been talking about forever02:17
thumperI have a windows vm running02:17
wallyworldooh yuck02:17
thumperthere is one thing that looked strange to me02:17
thumperreplacing a real timeout value with zero02:17
thumperI'm not convinced that that time.After always works properly with that02:18
thumperseen evidence in other places02:18
thumperperhaps replace with 1 millisecond02:18
thumperrather than zero02:18
thumperwallyworld: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2206/diff/#02:20
* wallyworld forgot he was ocr02:20
thumperit is 1 millisecond now02:21
wallyworldthumper: i think also a mock timer was introduced02:22
thumperwhy do we have both?02:22
wallyworldto control the triggering of the idle event02:22
thumpers.PatchValue(uniter.LoopIsIdleCheckTime, 1*time.Millisecond)02:22
thumpers.PatchValue(uniter.EnterLoopIsIdleTime, 1*time.Millisecond)02:22
thumperthe timing is different on ppc and windows02:23
wallyworldin what way?02:23
thumperhence, I'm betting this is why we are getting different numbers of calls02:23
thumperscheduler works differently on different architectures / platforms02:23
wallyworld1 milli second is too small anyway02:23
thumperthese tests aren't checking for idle02:24
wallyworldno, but update status hook depends on idle02:24
thumperjust the update status02:24
wallyworldupdate status only fired when idle02:24
* thumper goes to make a coffee02:24
* wallyworld is jealous - coffee machine here is broken :-(02:25
menn0thumper or wallyworld: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2207/diff/#03:48
wallyworldmenn0: +1 - did horatio's fix need to be backed out now this is handled generically? ie i guess the whole doc can be passed in now04:16
wallyworldthat would be ore robust than naming the fields04:17
menn0wallyworld: that's the plan. I'm going to undo the fixes he made.04:18
wallyworldok, ty04:18
menn0wallyworld: there's also going to be a PR with DB migrations which fix the currently incorrect records04:18
menn0thumper or wallyworld: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2208/05:18
thumperpoke me with a fork05:43
thumperI'm done05:43
dooferladTheMue: hangout?09:01
TheMuedooferlad: omw, had phone09:02
dooferladfwereade: are you hangoutable?09:03
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mupBug #1476214 opened: --repository option for 'juju deploy' sometimes has issues with symlinked directories <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1476214>11:40
tasdomashas anyone seen test failures for github.com/juju/juju/service ?12:50
perrito666tasdomas: yes I attributed them to my system being dirty12:50
tasdomasperrito666, ;-]12:51
perrito666tasdomas: seems that it is something else12:51
perrito666series "\" is certainly wrong12:51
tasdomasperrito666, yeah - that was my thinking too12:52
dooferladTheMue: could you take a look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2197/ when you have the time?12:58
TheMuedooferlad: will take it for you *rofl*12:59
sinzuikatco: alexisb: 1.24.3 needs one commit and bless to be released. This review has "Ship It" http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2210/, may I queue to to merge?13:09
mgzsinzui: it's not clearl which part of the fix for the bug that is...13:12
sinzuimgz: The bug lists 3 branches, that is the only one not merged.13:12
mgzsinzui: landing it seems good to me, I'll queue13:13
sinzuimgz: meno also added the same comment on his other in progress bug https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/1.24.3. I think bug 1474195 is fix committed13:14
mupBug #1474195: juju 1.24 memory leakage <cpec> <deployer> <performance> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by menno.smits> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1474195>13:14
mgzsinzui: see uniter tests thread on juju-dev list for more fun13:17
sinzuimgz :/ I am reading the argument to merge jes-cli snd make it master13:17
lazyPowerdoes anyone have a moment to help debug juju-db not running on a state server? I'm out of ideas as to why its failing to start up and syslog is not giving me anything helpful to go on.13:23
lazyPowerlukasa in #juju would appreciate it i'm sure.13:23
katconatefinch: standup14:01
katcowwitzel3: ericsnow: natefinch: doh just remembered. i will be out over lunch. doc. appt.14:17
ericsnowfwereade: thanks for those reviews!14:17
fwereadeericsnow, yw, hope they helped14:23
ericsnowfwereade: definitely14:24
fwereadeericsnow, do you see what I mean about having details nested inside what one whight thing were model packages?14:24
ericsnowfwereade: haven't read through the reviews in detail yet :)14:24
fwereadeah god I just can't type14:24
fwereadeericsnow, let me know if anything bears further discussion :)14:25
ericsnowfwereade: will do14:25
mupBug #1476214 changed: --repository option for 'juju deploy' sometimes has issues with symlinked directories <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1476214>14:25
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mupBug #1442149 opened: UniterSuite.TestUniterUpgradeConflicts fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1442149>15:25
TheMuedooferlad: have to swap offices in a few moments, so I'm not sure if I'll be at the network hangout15:41
dooferladTheMue: OK, join when you can15:41
TheMuedooferlad: will do15:42
dooferladTheMue: you merged didn't you... *slap*15:44
TheMuedooferlad: I should, shouldn't I ... ;)15:44
dooferladTheMue: rebase! rebase!15:45
dooferladTheMue: it is easy to fix15:45
dooferladTheMue: just a bit annoying15:45
TheMuedooferlad: ah, the newest one, hmm, I thought I rebased15:45
dooferladTheMue: don't worry. The best thing to do is only make changes on a branch that are related to the topic you are working on15:46
dooferladTheMue: we can do a rebase on master as a specific task15:47
TheMuedooferlad: I do so15:48
dooferladTheMue: odd. Oh well, merge-commit from master onto net-cli, then rebase net-cli on master works to clean things up.15:49
TheMuedooferlad: I currently don't work on net-cli15:49
katcoericsnow: wwitzel3: so the status api server has the same interesting property as state, which is to say it's difficult to abstract without embedding your type in the existing status apiserver struct15:57
ericsnowkatco: lovely15:58
katcoericsnow: wwitzel3: we could begin a pattern wherein we register accessors that return either a json string or interface{}15:58
katcoericsnow: wwitzel3: returning a structured string (json) doesn't strike me as horrible, but it may be a bit different than we're doing things currently15:59
katcoericsnow: wwitzel3: we'll have to see15:59
wwitzel3katco: hrmm, I think json sounds reasonable16:11
katcowwitzel3: i do too... so we would register functions/types that get status for something and have sig func() (string, error)16:12
katcowwitzel3: and then the common apiserver stuff would iterate through those and bundle it in the result16:12
katcowwitzel3: and then the client would have to understand how to parse that16:13
katcowwitzel3: it's just a bit different than we do it now, b/c we have our RPC functionality do that bit for us16:13
katcowwitzel3: i.e. FacadeCall("FullStatus", &statusType) instead of FacadeCall("FullStatus", &jsonString)16:14
wwitzel3katco: yeah, the thing that is nice about that is then state and registered clients have an implicit contract and we aren't having to try and force things for future clients in to some interface that is likely to be different depending on the needs of the component16:14
katcowwitzel3: i don't think it solves our versioning problem, if that's what you're saying16:16
katcowwitzel3: we still have to account for combinations of client & server version16:17
wwitzel3katco: no, not versioning, it simplifies how things look when we start to add and/or refactor other things to components16:17
katcowwitzel3: ah, yes16:17
sinzuikatco: Do you have a few minutes to review http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2216/18:39
alexisbsinzui, katco is away atm18:52
sinzuithank you alexisb18:52
alexisbmaybe another moonstone team member can help18:52
alexisbwwitzel3, natefinch, ericsnow ^^^18:52
ericsnowsinzui: done :)18:53
sinzuithank you ericsnow18:53
natefinchdamn beat me18:53
alexisbericsnow is lightning fast!18:55
katcoalexisb: ty :)19:00
alexisbkatco, thank you for keeping the team calendar up-to-date :)19:01
perrito666sinzui: hey, is there a way I can procure a ppc machine for a moment to try out some things for the uniter blocker?19:06
sinzuiperrito666: I can put your key on stilson-09. You can hack on the same machine that runs the test19:07
perrito666sinzui: that would work19:07
katcoericsnow: is your state branch landed yet?19:40
katcoericsnow: cool... does wwitzel3 and natefinch know so they can rebase?19:41
ericsnowkatco: right now trying to land the branch with the fixes for bugs we found while trying to get the demo working19:41
katcoericsnow: ah ok. so hold off?19:41
ericsnowkatco: for the moment19:41
ericsnowkatco: actually, that shouldn't be a real blocker19:42
wwitzel3yeah, once those fixes land I'll be able to give another end to end run of the wordpress-wpm charm19:44
wwitzel3I cleaned up the charm and fixes up the errors I hit along the way though, so it is pretty good shape now19:44
katcowwitzel3: cool ty19:44
katcoericsnow: wwitzel3: natefinch: if anyone is interested in what i'm doing, i can pair. some interesting problems19:45
wwitzel3katco: yeah, that sounds good19:45
katcowwitzel3: cool i'll hop in moonstone19:46
katcoericsnow: hey which struct stores juju's notion of process state?20:36
ericsnowkatco: in what context?20:37
natefinchericsnow or wwitzel3: can one of you give me edit rights to the Juju Charm Workload Process Management doc? I have to tweak the juju status output, because what's there is invalid yaml :)20:37
wwitzel3natefinch: will do that now20:38
katcoericsnow: so when we run juju status, where do i go to get the new process info out of state?20:38
ericsnowkatco: see State.UnitProcesses() (in state/processes.go)20:39
katcoericsnow: can you join moonstone rq?20:44
ericsnowkatco: sure20:44
natefinchback later21:02
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
thumpersinzui: if we want ppc64el tests to pass, we NEED to increase the timeout21:14
waiganikatco, ericsnow: wasn't this fix landed in 1.25: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/146881521:14
mupBug #1468815: Upgrade fails moving syslog config files "invalid argument" <ci> <regression> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1468815>21:14
ericsnowwaigani: wwitzel3 is working on that21:14
waiganiericsnow: okay, thanks21:14
sinzuithumper: I can do that. 30 minutes? 40?21:18
thumper20 should be fine21:18
thumperthe default is 2021:18
thumpersorry, 1021:18
sinzuithumper: 20 right. I chage the safe and robust options to use a 20 minute timeout21:20
perrito666back, sorry21:22
perrito666k Ill revert the update status patch, the issue will not be solved (as it is there) but it wont be visible (as it was before)21:23
sinzuikatco: Your observation about feature branches verses blocked master is relevent to my expereince when Lp development did the same. The maintenance teams becase a source of blockers, and since they rotates off maintenance quickly, others had to undo the fixes21:53
katcosinzui: i suppose we're just getting started with this. we'll see how it plays out. i just wanted to make sure to raise the point that i think regardless of whether jes is landed now or after master is unblocked, the end result will be the same both in terms of time to unblock master, and quality of master.21:56
katcosinzui: but that if we landed jes now, that could be a large positive. so no negatives, one positive21:56
sinzuikatco: Indeed. I had gave hes a higer rank in CI testing because that team had more incenitive fix master. :(21:57
thumperperrito666: shipit22:02
sinzuithumper: the 1200s change is in place22:02
thumpersinzui: cheers22:02
thumpersinzui: fyi, I'm never going to fix master issues on the jes branch22:03
thumpersinzui: will always fix in master, then merge master into jes22:03
thumpersinzui: doesn't make sense to fix in the jes-cli branch22:03
sinzuifair enough22:03
thumperso once perrito666's branch lands in master, I'll merge master in jes22:03
thumperthat and the timing fix *should* give us a good shot22:03
thumperhowever there are still racy tests in the uniter code, particularly around metrics22:04
thumperso we may need to hammer it a few times22:04
thumperfixing the uniter issues is not going to be a quick fix22:04
perrito666thumper: so, I $$ed the branch, now we wait22:06
perrito666about racyness22:06
perrito666the metrics races are better covered since I merged update-status extra hooks since it made clear what was failing (fake timers)22:07
perrito666s/better covered/a bit les racy22:07
perrito666and regarding uniter, the race is still there it just lacks coverage22:07
perrito666idle is still happening at different times in every run we are just not looking at it22:08
perrito666thumper: merged22:36
axwwwitzel3: thanks for forward porting my rsyslog fix, forgot about it last week23:05
wwitzel3axw: thanks for fixing it :)23:27

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