
frankbanlazyPower: how do I push updates to the redis branch to the promulgated location? (bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/charms/trusty/redis) I am getting "readonly transport" errors11:58
lazyPowerfrankban: ah, it wasn't promulgated to a namespace you can do that to. it lives in ~charmers.11:59
lazyPoweranythign that lives in ~charmers still gates through us. :-/ i should have asked if you needed it promulgated in another namespace11:59
rick_h_lazyPower: we've got our namespace under ~juju-gui-charmers. Can we do that withuot breaking things?12:00
frankbanlazyPower: I have no problem in asking you to merge changes each time, but maybe it would be more practical to have our own promulgated location, like for the juju-gui charm12:01
lazyPoweri agree, i dont want to gate every one of your commits12:01
lazyPowerbecause #lazy12:01
rick_h_lazyPower: we'd like to be able to push as we're working with arosales_ to help take some charm review/management burden off your folks so this doesn't seem to help at all. 12:01
lazyPowerI can move it over there, i'm not sure about the breaking of the existing alias though12:01
lazyPowerI need to defer until i can ask marcoceppi about this, as its the first time i've ahd to move a charm. I know its possible i just forget the process12:02
rick_h_lazyPower: rgr12:02
lazyPowerwill circle back once I've got instructions.12:02
frankbanlazyPower: np thanks12:02
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arosaleslazyPower, is this a case where a branch needs to be made?15:13
lazyPowerarosales: they have an org/namespace in launchpad already. I need to unpromulgate the ~charmer branch and repromulgate to point @ the juju-gui org as the recommended branch15:42
arosaleslazyPower, ok15:43
rick_h_lazyPower: ~juju-gui-peeps to be official15:49
rick_h_sorry, ~juju-gui-charmers15:49
rick_h_even I can't keep the damn teams straight15:49
lazyPowerand its only goign to get worse from here15:52
jcastrorick_h_: ping17:56
jcastrorick_h_: hey so, you guys didn't deploy the new community page today?17:56
rick_h_jcastro: working on it17:57
jcastroah ok17:57
rick_h_jcastro: kadams is having fun building the release as we speak17:57
jcastrorick_h_: what's the tldr, business as usual or explosions?17:57
rick_h_jcastro: but the release is getting together17:57
rick_h_jcastro: his machine out of memory?17:57
jcastrorick_h_: but mostly, he got you everything you need right?17:57
jcastrohe being luca17:57
rick_h_jcastro: yes, we've got the new page and the videos page in there for release17:58
jcastroooh, the videos page made it too? hell yes.17:58
jcastrorick_h_: ok, so I'll probably start round 1 of bug reporting on it tomorrow.17:59
jcastrorick_h_: about how often do you guys deploy a new version?17:59
rick_h_jcastro: 2wks17:59
jcastrojust wondering what my cadence to landing things should be17:59
jcastrooh ok, perfect17:59
rick_h_jcastro: is the normal target, the issue tracker has the next milestone setup 17:59
jcastrorick_h_: one more thing then I'll shut up, `juju publish` still on for august ish?18:03
rick_h_jcastro: not sure atm. 18:03
jcastroaww man, you just cost me a bet18:04
rick_h_jcastro: ruh roh18:06
rick_h_jcastro: if it helps it's possible and I recruited lazyPower to help test it out :)18:06
rick_h_jcastro: but I'm not sure it'll be 100% out for all users next month18:06
rick_h_it'll probably be in some form of beta still for select folks18:07
jcastroI was like "hey guys, no need to be pessimistic, you know rick is ON IT."18:07
jcastrowill the branches under /charms/ still ingest automatically even when publish rolls out?18:07
rick_h_jcastro: no, the goal is that publish shuts off ingestion all together. It's causing too many problems18:08
rick_h_jcastro: scripts that want to upload can do so via the api clients we've got18:08
rick_h_jcastro: but no automatic pulling from anywhere, user focused interaction or bust. 18:08

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