
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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dednickdavmor2: Hi. Waiting on QA test for silo54. You know if anyone has picked it up?08:27
davmor2dednick: it's in the queue, not picked up yet08:28
dednickdavmor2: ta.08:28
seb128btw for those who wonder about the mir blocked in proposed/bootest regression09:23
seb128it seems that the bootest test tries to update only the package it considers, not the silo set09:24
seb128e.g https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-boottest-mir/lastBuild/artifact/results/log/*view*/ updates mir09:24
seb128but doesn't update things that got rebuilt09:24
seb128so in this case old unity-system-compositor is kept and mir update09:24
seb128and the mismatch makes the compositor hit a stack smash error09:24
seb128ideally new mir should for to upgrade u-s-c then09:25
mandelsil2100, ok, si I'm getting a little annoyed with my silo hehe => https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-009-1-build/298/console09:40
mandelsil2100, timeout? wtf?09:40
sil2100mandel: hey! Missing build dependencies: libubuntuoneauth-2.0-dev (>= 15.10) <- the vivid part of the dual landing is missing this dep09:41
mandelsil2100, agh, and how can we fix that?09:42
sil2100mandel: the train was waiting and waiting for the dependency to be resolved and suddenly said it's enough waiting, since the dep still doesn't exist09:42
mandelsil2100, makes sense, but how can that be fixed?09:42
mandelsil2100, do we have to build the unit-click-scope in a diff silo?09:43
sil2100Let me check for this package09:43
sil2100mandel: I think you'll have to ask tsdgeos or someone from the ubuntuone-credentials team to release the latest version to the vivid overlay-ppa...09:45
tsdgeossil2100: mandel: i know nothing about  ubuntuone-credentials, dobey is your man09:46
mandeltsdgeos, ack09:46
mandeldobey, please.. whenever you are up ^^09:46
sil2100tsdgeos: latest release in wily was from your commit so I thought you were driving that ;)09:47
tsdgeossil2100: nah, i just fixed a wrong anchors in the qml09:47
dokosil2100, whoever: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1475982  can you tell me how this was built in the past?10:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1475982 in mir (Ubuntu) "mir (main) build-depends on abi-compliance-checker (universe)" [Critical,Confirmed]10:20
cjwatsonkyrofa: I cancelled some more unity-scope-snappy builds because they were hanging.  It looks like you still have a problem with processes (perhaps test harnesses or something) being left around by your build process.  You need to make sure that you clean them up.10:44
marcustomlinsontrainguards: could somebody please reconfigure silo 8, had to add 2 MPs11:36
zbenjamintrainguards: can someone please assign line 66 ?11:45
dobeymandel, sil2100: yeah, you can't do dual landings for unity-scope-click11:46
sil2100marcustomlinson, zbenjamin: on it11:46
zbenjaminsil2100: thanks :)11:46
marcustomlinsonsil2100: thanks11:46
cwayne_davmor2, sil2100 yo, you guys need me for anything or are we all set?11:54
sil2100cwayne_: hey! We'd need the custom tarballs pushed - we also were thinking we need the wily custom tarballs11:55
sil2100Once those land, we'll release the hooks and build a new image11:55
davmor2cwayne_: we alway needs someone to blame and ogra_ gets all of snappy now so feel free to hang around I'm sure we'll find something :)11:55
cwayne_davmor2, :P11:57
cwayne_sil2100, so am i good to press the buttons for both bq and arale?11:58
davmor2cwayne_: number 1 is obvious how did you let your phone get run over?11:58
ogra_davmor2, just to make popey happy... let me tell you that switching to snappy will fix that11:58
* popey adds 1 to the counter11:58
sil2100davmor2: ^ it's fine to release the vivid custom tarballs, right?11:58
davmor2sil2100: if it is the one I tested then yes11:59
sil2100davmor2: yeah, those you tested with the customization hooks11:59
davmor2sil2100: yeap that is fine11:59
sil2100cwayne_: then you're good to press teh buttonz12:00
sil2100cwayne_: I tried contacting penk to create the wily versions of the tarballs too...12:00
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cwaynesil2100: ze buttonz, zey have been pushed12:07
dobeymandel, sil2100: it looks like content-hub and system-settings also have separate trunk and 15.04 branches12:07
sil2100zbenjamin: which line? 66 seems assigned already12:07
sil2100cwayne: thankz!12:07
sil2100dobey: system-settings is being dual-landes since a while now12:08
cwaynesil2100: ill try and whip up a wily guy today too if we dont hear from penk12:08
sil2100Content-hub I guess too12:08
dobeysil2100: well the upstream branches don't have matching history, so if that's true something is very broken there12:08
sil2100dobey: content-hub and system-settings don't have matching history as their being now built only from one trunk, the other is out of date probably12:09
zbenjaminsil2100: meh i was in the deprecated one again ....12:09
dobeysil2100: anyway, unity-scope-click/ubuntuone-credentials definitely do not support dual landings.12:10
sil2100mandel: ^12:11
dobeyand almost everything using the dual landings is probably going to find things breaking soon12:11
dobeydid u-d-m break abi?12:12
zbenjaminsil2100: 78 there it is12:12
sil2100zbenjamin: on it!12:12
sil2100zbenjamin: assigned12:14
ogra_did anyone else notice that there is quite some dealy before apps take input after being brought to fg ?12:18
ogra_that used to be below or around 1sec ... now it is rather 2-3 sec12:18
ogra_for me at least12:18
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seb128on what device?12:19
seb128no such issue on my bq12:19
ogra_seb128, most noticeable on arale but bq as well ... just not as long12:19
ogra_it used to be fine a while ago ... but recently got worse12:19
* ogra_ cant nail it to a particular image version sadly12:20
dobeymandel: ugh, you broke ABI but aren't bumping the so version?!12:21
* popey has no update to his bq e.4512:21
ogra_popey, system-image-dbus can take 20-30 min to time out12:23
* popey reboots :)12:23
* sil2100 away to prepare lunch12:25
dobeyugh and it's a 5 month old silo with the main MP still not approved12:25
* ogra_ gets an rc-propoased update on arale12:25
ogra_dobey, like a good wine :)12:26
dobeyogra_: no such thing. and whisky needs a lot more time :)12:27
ogra_so let it be for another 8 years :)12:28
jibeldavmor2, sil2100 only 6 preferred apps on arale rc-proposed 63, is it expected?12:28
dobeybut the really good ones are like $500012:28
ogra_dobey, well, perhaps that is what mandel is after with that silo :)12:28
dobeyogra_: well, then i guess we'll have to wait another 30 years to land it ;)12:29
ogra_but by then it will have become really tasty at least :)12:29
dobeyand we'll be deep into world war III wand won't care about it :)12:30
ogra_nah we'll be past wars by then12:31
popey\o/ OTA-5 installed on my retail bq12:32
popeynice work everyone12:32
sil2100jibel: the custom hooks didn't land there yet12:32
sil2100Next image should be fine12:32
dobeyogra_: then we'll be dead, so still won't care :)12:32
sil2100(no new rootfs)12:32
jibelsil2100, okay, thanks. I wasn't sure it landed at the same time than the tarball or not.12:33
boikosil2100: hi, so I know silo assignment is now self-service, but is it also the case for source landings?13:04
sil2100boiko: well, assignment of source landings is self-service, but you still need someone with rights to upload the source package13:07
sil2100(core-dev or trainguard)13:07
boikosil2100: ah ok, thanks, so could you please copy the source deb from this PPA to silo 57: https://launchpad.net/~boiko/+archive/ubuntu/source-uploads13:09
sil2100boiko: sure, will do in a moment13:20
boikosil2100: thanks!13:20
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ogra_sil2100, err13:31
ogra_i just got an update on my arale and now my favorites reverted to 613:31
ogra_i had 8 for the last week or longer13:31
ogra_jibel, davmor2 ^^13:32
ogra_that looks like a regression13:32
davmor2ogra_: you should have 8 I did13:32
ogra_i used to have 8 for the last 7-10 days13:33
ogra_the last two just vanished with this recent upgrade13:33
davmor2ogra_: how it only just landed13:33
ogra_(there were definitely 8 before reboot, i used the gallery from there right before updating)13:33
davmor2ogra_: what channel are you on13:33
ogra_which i assume just got the same new custom tarball13:34
davmor2ogra_: oh that is because the tarball is in but the hooks package isn't13:34
davmor2ogra_: next image will fix it13:34
sil2100ogra_: oh, don't worry, that's normal...13:34
ogra_ah, so it will switch back to 8 with next rootfs ?13:34
sil2100Yeah, should13:34
davmor2ogra_: I thought you meant on the stable channel you git ;)13:34
* ogra_ was a bit shocked ... last minute regression... yadda yadda ...13:35
jibelogra_, the debconf db is precompiled now in the custom tarball and the new hooks package uses the new path, so you need both to really fix the fav apps13:38
ogra_uh, debconf ?13:39
ogra_why would we use it at all13:39
sil2100rc-proposed is ment to be broken! I vote for renaming rc-proposed to rc-breakage13:39
ogra_it wasnt til last week :P13:40
* ogra_ wishes the telegram breakage would also quieten the telegram notifications13:40
davmor2ogra_: you can disable the notifications per channel :P13:44
ogra_davmor2, if you can start the app, yeah :P13:44
ogra_(telegram doesnt work anymore on -proposed)13:44
davmor2ogra_: or turn them off in system-settings13:45
davmor2ogra_: then you can turn them back on when it is fixed13:45
ogra_yeah, i could do that i suppose13:45
davmor2ogra_: you're welcome :)13:46
balloonsjosepht, good morning! When do you expect the changes to sudoku-app-ci to land today?13:48
josephtballoons: within the next hour or so.13:48
balloonsawesome, ty13:48
josephtballoons: np13:49
sil2100boiko: uploaded13:57
boikosil2100: thanks!13:58
sil2100Ok, landing the customization hooks14:22
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sil2100jibel, davmor2, rvr, robru: any objections for cancelling the evening meeting?14:27
sil2100I need to jump out to the vet and I don't know if I'll make it on time14:27
davmor2sil2100: what did you do to the cat14:28
sil2100It's either running around like crazy in the appartment or sleeping14:28
sil2100Currently sleeping14:28
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josephtballoons: the sudoku-app utopic jobs should now be disabled14:46
balloonsjosepht, thanks. I still see it as a downstream project on the job though14:47
josephtballoons: sorry, I forgot to click the build linke, should be done in a few minutes14:48
balloonssudoku-app-utopic-amd64-ci and the link to generic-mediumtests-utopic should be going away yes?14:48
josephtballoons: I believe so14:49
balloonsjosepht, ohh, don't forget about the -autolanding portion too :-)15:15
josephtballoons: you should be all set now15:18
balloonsjobs look good15:27
* balloons fires a build15:27
karniping trainguards - I've added Telegram to CI Train sheet. Telegram is completely broken on rc-proposed, because the old thumbnailer that we dynamically linked with, has been removed from the image. I would politely ask to prioritize if possible, as this affects a number of users/developers on rc-proposed.15:45
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robrukarni: I don't see anything in the spreadsheet?15:59
karnirobru: last row16:00
karnirobru: row 5016:00
robrukarni: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LiPHq39XvPaTQoE8vmi-dqSVMTGGLfCh7bFY01BcNNk/edit#gid=0 last row is 81 and isn't your thing16:00
karnirobru: tarballs and clicks sheet16:01
karnirobru: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LiPHq39XvPaTQoE8vmi-dqSVMTGGLfCh7bFY01BcNNk/edit#gid=5016:01
karnirobru: sorry I wasn't specific16:02
robrukarni: I guess you need QA then. jibel ^16:03
karniyes, thank you16:03
jibelkarni, did you test it already, is it ready for verification by someone in QA?16:13
karnijibel: yes16:13
karnijibel: 3 people tested this change16:13
karnijibel: If you're on rc-proposed, it would make it easy to test the fix. If not, you could temporarily move /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/thumbnailer/vs-thumb to vs-thumb.old, and confirm thumbnail generation still works in Telegram for sent videos.16:14
* karni goes link the branch with the appropriate bug16:15
karnidone. jibel, here I describe how I tested it. I also had 2 other people confirm. https://code.launchpad.net/~libqtelegram-team/libqtelegram/app-bundle-thumbnailer/+merge/26526016:16
jibelkarni, that's fine it should be alright. Which part of telegram uses thumbnails?16:16
karnijibel: sent videos ;) like I mentioned just above :)16:17
jibeljust sent videos?16:17
karnijibel: yessir16:17
rvrdobey: alecu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/147631916:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1476319 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "[Dash] App label word being wrapped" [Undecided,New]16:27
slangasekrobru, sil2100: I'm afraid I have a conflict today for our call; would you be ok to move it a half hour later, or should we skip?16:27
robruslangasek: I'm ok to skip; just working with IS and nothing really to report16:28
sil2100I'm ok to skip as well16:30
boikokenvandine: do you by chance have some time to look into the packaging changes on silo 57?16:49
dobeyrvr: that is the dash16:49
rvrdobey: Sorry. Which project is that?16:50
dobeyrvr: unity816:50
dobeythere's already a bug or two open on it even16:50
rvrdobey: Ok16:50
kenvandineboiko, sure16:53
boikokenvandine: thanks!16:53
dobeyi thought so, but i can't find it now. i know i moved a bug about that over to unity8 recently16:53
dobeyoh, no16:54
dobeythat's a different bug than the previous one i moved, ok16:54
kenvandineboiko, ack on silo 5716:56
boikokenvandine: great! thanks!16:56
boikokenvandine: do I need to tell the trainguards I got an ack, or do you mark a flag there or something like that?16:56
kenvandinetell them16:56
boikotrainguards: hey, kenvandine gave his ack on the packaging changes on silo 57, could you please go ahead and publish it?16:57
boikokenvandine: thanks!16:57
sil2100boiko: sure16:57
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dokoinfinity, can you setup additional transition trackers for the silo16?17:08
dokofor now, it would be icu, boost1.57 and apt17:09
rvrboiko: Silo 30 approved17:12
boikorvr: nice! thanks!17:12
boikorvr: I know you have a queue, but silo 43 is a really trivial one (just testing that one string shows translated in messaging-app), so in case you are looking for a break from long testplans, that's a good candidate :)17:13
rvrboiko: EOD here :)17:14
rvrboiko: Buy maybe tomorrow17:14
boikorvr: no worries, enjoy your evening!17:15
rvrThanks :)17:15
infinitydoko: silo-016 is just represented in the main transition tracker, it's not a seperate instance.  So, if you just commit ben files to the tracker, they'll DTRT.17:37
balloonsfginther, fyi all the -ci jobs are cloned on jenkaas now, I'm just going through and resolving the build errors17:38
mandeldobey, around?17:41
infinitydoko: Oh, I realised you didn't commnit the last one, Colin did for you.  So, yeah, if you get me the right configs and either propose an MP to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-transition-trackers/ubuntu-transition-tracker/configs or just give me the files raw, I can commit them.  Or, if you'd rather be added to the team to do it yourself, we can do that.17:42
dobeymandel: you cannot do an ubuntu/dual landing for unity-scope-click17:44
mandeldobey, really? how come?17:45
mandeldobey, does that mean that we will have a diff scope in the overlay ppa? is that what we want?17:45
dobeymandel: we maintain separate branches for wily and vivid landings.17:45
dobeymandel: yes, because we develop features in the development release, not the stable tree17:45
mandelsil2100, so... that ppa cannot be a double one, sigh :-/17:45
dobeythere are also lots of other things different in wily, from what's in vivid17:46
dobeydual landings is going to be pretty much impossible in 2 weeks anyway17:46
bfillerrobru: can I get a silo for line 80 please?17:51
boikobfiller: according to robru silo assignment is now self-service, so you just select the row, Landing Tools -> Assign/Reconfigure17:56
bfillerboiko: ok cool, didn't know that17:56
boikobfiller: yep, I have been using it for a few days already17:57
robrubfiller: yeah it's a recent thing. there'll be a larger announcement about this when the spreadsheet replacement goes live (any. day. now...)17:57
kyrofatrainguards: My silo has passed its test plan, and I'm ready to put a "yes" into column K. However, it's destined for Ubuntu Personal which does not have an official release image yet. Will "Yes (#1 Ubuntu Personal kyrofa)" break things?18:02
boikorobru: so, now sync doesn't work for non-train generated versions, right? should I ust change the silo to be a source land to vivid too? (regarding silo 54)18:03
fgintherballoons, cool.  Have you tested any of the .click artifacts?18:03
balloonsfginther, no, but I should do so for the ones that built. lol, thanks for the reminder :-)18:03
robrukyrofa: won't break anything... the train has no ability to push packages to anything other than ubuntu though, so you'll have to get your packages manually copied from the PPA I guess.18:04
robruboiko: did that start as a manual upload to wily?18:04
boikorobru: yep18:05
boikorobru: well, not manual, a source landing via train18:05
robruboiko: righ18:05
kyrofarobru, I actually want it to land in wily-- Ubuntu Personal is currently only a seed18:05
kyrofarobru, is that okay?18:05
robruboiko: yeah you'll have to do another source landing for vivid then. if you'd faked the train-style version number it could have done a sync for you.18:05
robrukyrofa: just put 'yes' in column K18:05
kyrofarobru, well that's easy!18:06
robrukyrofa: ok what's going on? is this the one that's never been released in wily before?18:06
sil2100cwayne1: ping!18:06
boikorobru: ok, no problems, let me cook a vivid package and then I put it on a ppa for you to copy to the silo18:06
robruboiko: ok18:06
kyrofarobru, that's correct18:06
sil2100cwayne1: could you add ci-train-bot to the https://launchpad.net/~savilerow-team/ team?18:06
sil2100cwayne1: the train was unable to merge the branch in...18:07
robrukyrofa: and you're ready to publish? you tested the packages in the PPA and they look good?18:07
kyrofarobru, the failure is only due to a lack of depends on a few archs. The issues are ignorable and should get better after the initial publish18:07
kyrofarobru, yessir!18:07
robrukyrofa: ok, will publish18:07
kyrofaThanks robru :)18:08
robrukyrofa: you're welcome18:08
kyrofarobru, and that will merge the relevant branches into trunk as well and update the status of the MPs?18:08
robrukyrofa: what happened with your packaging? I know we were talking about that last week. aside from me/steve did anybody else look at that?18:08
kyrofarobru, changing to quilt solved all my problems18:09
robrukyrofa: right but did you get any blessing from any official people?18:09
kyrofarobru, well, I guess not. Like who?18:10
robrukyrofa: ultimately it needs an archive admin to do a NEW review, hang on18:11
kyrofarobru, ah, that makes sense-- brand new package and all18:11
robrukyrofa: ok it's publishing, it'll sit in the NEW queue for a bit, I just asked in #ubuntu-release if they can review it, we'll see if there's any takers. Maybe ping there again if nothing happens after a few hours18:14
kyrofarobru, on freenode?18:15
robrukyrofa: yeah18:15
kyrofarobru, great, thank you!18:15
robrukyrofa: you're welcome18:15
balloonsfginther, clicks work. I heard rumblings about tarmac the other day in regards to having jenkins respond to mp's. Are you planning to provide some more example jobs18:17
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fgintherballoons, that's one of the questions we're planning on addressing this week.18:27
boikorobru: can you please copy the source deb from this PPA to silo 54? https://launchpad.net/~boiko/+archive/ubuntu/source-uploads/+packages18:27
robruboiko: one sec18:28
boikorobru: sure, take your time18:28
balloonsfginther, ack. Something else that came across my mind in regards to sustainability. Can we setup the jobs to pull from an lp source?18:29
robruboiko: ah, apparently I can't copy the binaries until after the binaries finish publishing. will be a few minutes then.18:30
balloonsfginther, I mean, pull the job definitions ofc, not code :-)18:30
boikorobru: ok18:32
fgintherballoons, do you mean store the job configurations in a LP branch? For saving and restoring?18:32
balloonsfginther, yes. In theory that could allow others to easily suggest tweaks to job configs, etc18:33
* dobey sees "tarmac" and raises a brow18:36
robruboiko: ok, started a "build": https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-054-1-build/4/console18:37
boikorobru: thanks! on a different matter, silo 30 is ready to publish whenever you get some time18:37
robruboiko: oh,s ure18:37
fgintherballoons, We're not providing any pre-package method for doing this, but it can be done. I would recommend something like python-jenkins as the interface for a simple script to read and write job configuration data from a branch18:38
balloonsfginther, noted. I'll look into it18:38
jgdxthe qa signoffs "ready for testing" column, is that an ordered queue?18:44
robrujgdx: maybe? they track it at https://trello.com/b/AE3swczu/qa-testing-requests-for-questions-ping-eu-jibel-us-jfunk-or-ubuntu-qa-on-ubuntu-ci-eng18:46
jgdxrobru, okay18:49
robruboiko: no qa on 54?19:04
boikorobru: it is just a missing dependency on the dev package19:05
boikorobru: so I guess it is not worth spending the precious time of QA on that, right?19:05
robruboiko: oh, is it really so trivial? ok then, will publish19:06
robruboiko: lel https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-054-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/libphonenumber_content.diff/*view*/19:06
boikorobru: you can check the diff to confirm, but it is basically that the  dev package should require libprotobuf-dev19:06
kyrofarobru, should I ping anyone specific in #ubuntu-release, or just ask in general?19:36
robrukyrofa: ask in general I guess, those guys are usually pretty busy and I've seen them get fussy about being pinged by name19:37
kyrofarobru, soudns good19:37
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veeberstrainguards, Do I need anything to trigger another publish attempt for my silo (051) failed earlier due to MP not being approved21:18
robruveebers: ah crap i stepped out, just on phone now. Will be a couple hours as in at the doctor's21:28
robruveebers: maybe kenvandine is around to hit publish?21:28
veebersrobru: ack, if he's not I can wait for you. Hope all is well :-)21:31
robruveebers: yeah I'm OK just a checkup, thanks. I'll probably be 3 or 4 hours though.21:32
robruveebers: ah, that was way faster than I thought ;-)22:00
veebersrobru: ^_^22:01
veebersI guess a quick checkup is a good checkup22:01
robrubzoltan_: zbenjamin: need this top-approved: https://code.launchpad.net/~zeller-benjamin/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/mzanettis_switches/+merge/26416822:05
robruveebers: indeed! all good news22:05
bzoltan_robru:  done, thanks22:05
robrucihelp: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?q=ubuntu%2Flanding-004 did anybody look at these boottest regressions yet?22:49
fgintherrobru, ah, these are all part of the same landing... These all fail. In the ones I've looked at more closely, there's an unity-system-compositor crash22:52
robrufginther: oh wow, so it's a legit failure and not just flakiness?22:52
fgintherrobru, I thought something else was going on, but didn't realize these were all connected22:52
fgintherrobru, yes, I've been able to reproduce locally and look at the symptoms. unity8 does not come up22:53
fgintherrobru, I have to run to dinner, but will be online later if you have more questions22:54
robrufginther: no worries, thanks22:55
robruanpok: are you aware of this ^^ ? seems silo 4 is broken22:55
slangasekfginther: hi, I notice your name on https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-boottest-bind9/lastBuild/console - are you actively debugging boottest stuff? infinity just noticed it was broken and blocking things23:03
infinityslangasek: Read a few lines up from your ping, he seems to think all the failures are a legit unity8 bug.23:07
slangasekinfinity: that appears to be referring to a landing; not clear to me that he's talking about a problem with something in the archive23:09
robruslangasek: that landing is stuck in proposed due to bootest failures...23:10
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