
notnolaHello guys! For someone that isn't that fluent in the Linux of things... But has been using Ubuntu-Gnome and Manjaro on their laptop for a few months as daily drivers - I am courious as to what exactly makes each distro unique? Mainly - why can't Ubuntu packages be installed into Arch, and as well in reverse?01:57
krbtgtdifferent package managers01:58
krbtgtmanjaro uses pacman, ubuntu uses apt+dpkg01:59
krbtgtmost of the time this doesn't even matter much. for the most part, distro hopping is mostly changing default wallpaper.01:59
notnolaHaha, sorry I had to AFK for a minute, but thanks for answer krbtgt.03:00
notnolaThe reason I had asked is because I have been struggling to compile webcamstudio in Arch - while it was as easy as 1.2.3 in Ubuntu. I know it is because of different versions of the dependencies, and what not - But I would have just assumed there is something that would mediate this presumingly simple flaw.03:02
notnolaHello guys! I think I screwed something up. would somehow having installed both gnome2 in ubuntu-gnome be causing gnome to constantly lock up?08:52
darkxstnotnola, there is not any gnome2 left08:54
darkxstthat was forked to MATE, and won't conflict with gnome308:55
darkxst(some apps still use gtk2, but thats not a problem)08:55
notnolaWell - why would I have .gnome2 in my home dir?08:55
notnolaAhhh, okay.08:55
darkxstnotnola, because firefox, libreoffice are gtk208:56
darkxstand probably others08:56
notnoladoes apt have a command to let me see what other packages are using the gtk2 packages?08:56
darkxstapt-cache rdepends libgtk208:57
darkxstbut that won't break your system08:57
notnolaHum - Well, I am always getting weird forced closes - this sounds bad but i don't remember many of the applications that get closed - but I do remember "alacarte" getting closed quite often and just not working.08:58
darkxstdoesnt seem related to gtk208:59
darkxstalacarte should be gtk3?09:00
notnolaSorry about that - Gnome locked up all together.09:05
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notnolaI think I am just going to reinstall and start fresh. Is there a program that will take snapshots of the system; that I can restore from when things like this arise again?09:06
darkxstnotnola, dejadup09:09
darkxstI think, I do all my experimenting in VMware which has its own snapshot system09:10
notnolaHow does that work? it takes a snapshot of your current machine witch you can run side by side with your test environment?09:15
notnolaI have never used it, it always seemed to complicated compared to VirtualBox09:16
darkxstnotnola, vmware kills virtualbox in every possbile way (apart from price) but the vmware player is free and can do most)09:17
darkxstclick a button, it saves a snapshot, experiment/break and then you can revert to that snapshot09:17
notnolaI assume VMware Workstation is what you are referring to. It has a free trial that I am going to explorer.09:18
notnolaI remember hearing about a VM software that would allow you to run a dualboot side by side. For instance, I have Windows installed on another partition; would VMware Workstation allow me to run the Windows partition in a VM within linux?09:20
darkxstnotnola, vmware player is free for personal use (although yes I do use worksatation)09:20
darkxstnot sure vmware can boot a windows partition directly, never tried that09:22
darkxstit must be 10 years since I had one of those on any of my pc's09:22
notnolaTo be honest - I am not sure why I have not fully converted other than the lack of support for Grand Theft Auto 5 and Battle Field 4.09:24
notnolaAlthough, I am going to be taking a few classes in school that is going to require me to have Visual Studio's installed, so if I could just run my already configured and installed Windows partition from within Linux... Brilliant!09:26
notnolaThanks for the recommendations. If I could lend your services for one more question - I am curious as to how I would go about diagnosing my issues as they seem to be intermittent, so I don't make the same mistake twice. I am trying to get a better understanding of this.09:27
darkxstnotnola, Visual Studio will work in a VM fine, probably not the games though10:03
darkxstvmware 3D is way better than vbox, but still only about 60% of native10:04
notnolaYeah, I know performance won't be up to par, I wouldn't even consider it. My point was it would be cool to not have to even leave Linux, or install Windows in a VM - if I could just run the Windows I have already have installed in a VM. I'm reading about options now actually.10:05
krbtgtvmware can boot windows partitions directly11:13
krbtgtbut it's a good way to get a BSoD in the guest or at worst really confuse it11:14
LinDolhi all :)13:17
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