
kingogameshey has anyone installed ubuntu touch on a samsung galaxy s6?01:45
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maestro_was just thinking how awesome it would be to have a "ubuntu tablet" to complement the smartphone and desktop03:00
maestro_is one in the making? i hope so03:00
nhainesProbably not, because nothing's really being done on the Nexus 7, except that it would benefit convergence.03:05
ahoneybunnhaines: did you not see the preview for the next OTA-5?03:09
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sturmflut2Good morning!06:08
nhainessturmflut2: good morning!06:09
svijmorning sturmflut2 and nhaines06:11
nhainessvij: _o/06:11
robin-heroHey all. When we can expect the new OTA?07:28
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Tm_Trobin-hero: today?07:36
robin-heroTm_T: Yeah, but before 12 o'clock, or after ? :)07:36
Tm_Trobin-hero: educated guess: depending on your timezone before or after07:37
robin-heroTm_T: :D07:37
Tm_Tkidding, I assume it's british afternoon07:37
Tm_Tfor MX4, earlier for BQ07:37
tsdgeossil2100: morning! mzanetti asked me to do the testing pass for silo 48 (row 40) today since he is off but i see on the spreadsheet it is marked as Testing pass, maybe he did have time on friday evening to test it? Can you confirm silo 48 (row 40)  is good from our side and only waiting for QA?07:42
sil2100tsdgeos: sure07:44
tsdgeosgood then, that was easy :)07:44
* tsdgeos checks one todo item07:45
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sil2100tsdgeos: everything looks ok, I think he found time to test it as it was him that marked it as ready for QA08:08
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Space Exploration Day! 😃09:08
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dexteruk_Hi Everyone, I really dont know how to start this conversation.  I have been developing voip solutions for years.  VOIP has some really big issues when it comes to mobile devices mainly the operating system09:53
dexteruk_I know there is a VOIP client being develop for Ubunto Touch, but i wanted to see if we can strick up a conversation about it09:54
dexteruk_Big problem with VOIP, especially in a mobile enviroment, if the OS has no understanding of traffic shapping wish is unlikly based on the processing power at hand, how can we ensure that theOS09:56
dexteruk_provides priority for the Voice conversation over background tasks such as email, updates and other downloading streams that are going one09:56
jgdxdexteruk_, for higher visibility, maybe make this an email to ubuntu-phone@lists.launchpad.net ?09:56
ogra_dexteruk_, i think this would be better suited for a mail discussion on the mailing list09:57
ogra_dednick, note that we (have to) use the android WIFI drivers, so we are limited to their features09:59
ogra_err dexteruk_ ^^^10:00
dexteruk_ogra_: I dont think worrying about voip at a driver level is really worth the effort, but from an OS point of view, when you try or recieve a call other backgroups actions could be suspended.  Android fails in this regard as you can right 1000 Voip apps, but if you on a  call and android decides to dowload updates you have no control over this and limited bandwidth now becomes non10:05
dexteruk_Besides you have no ability to control other traffic on the wifi10:06
ogra_well, you said traffic shaping :)10:06
dexteruk_so you will have to just take your chances.  i dont think traffic shapping is worth the effort, primarlly because of the changing infrastructure and processing power availible.  I think much higher level functions need to be created to make sure other apps dont use the bandwidth while trying to make calls10:08
robin-herosil2100: When we expect about the OTA5?10:23
ogra_oh, the impatient ...10:23
sil2100robin-hero: hey! I just copied over the BQ images to stable ;)10:23
sil2100Release notes will be published in a moment10:23
robin-hero\o/ :D10:24
sil2100And arale (Meizu) images will be promoted later today, as there's still something QA needs to finish testing10:24
jgdxpete-woods, no module named powerd? Is that why 46 is failing?10:30
jgdxlooking at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/212087029/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-amd64.indicator-network_0.5.2%2B15.10.20150720.1-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz10:31
touhhello i has an problem with ubuntu touch my resolution on my tablet is to small can u help?10:39
KnipleHey guys, how come you can't put login details when connecting to a wifi in the interface on ubuntu touch?10:40
Knipleor am I just missing something?10:40
pete-woodsjgdx: just rebased my code to clean up some stuff, and messed up the tests10:41
pete-woodswill try again10:41
jgdxKniple, what happens?10:42
Kniplejgdx: well, nothing... really. I pull down the wifi settings and connect to my network, and nothing just happens (it seems to be getting an IP adress), could there be some problem with non WPA/PSK connections?10:43
KnipleCause the network I try connecting to has a WPA2-Enterpris AES protection.10:44
jgdxKniple, there should be a fix for that landing shortly.10:46
Kniplejgdx: aight, I guess I could manually enter the details of the connection through the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections?10:48
KnipleThe actual connection might work, just that the interface doesnt prompt properly?10:48
Kniplealos, is there some kind of Release Schedule anywhere? so you can anticipate the updates?10:49
ogra_Kniple, roughly every 6 weeks ...10:49
ogra_a release is just gooing out10:50
Kniplelike, right now?10:50
ogra_(for the bq phones right now, for meizu later today)10:50
Knipleah, splendid!10:50
KnipleI'll look forward to it :)10:50
jgdxKniple, please let us know how it went. You can enter details manually in system-connections.10:52
KnipleI'll try, seems my adb shell isnt up to the task of connecting to the phone though, might be because its on windows idk10:52
jgdxKniple, you need to enable developer mode (System Settings -> About -> …)10:55
KnipleI have10:55
KnipleAlso added the usb id of the phone to the adb_usb.ini10:55
Kniple(got an meizu mx4)10:55
Knipletouh: sup?10:55
touhi have an problem with ubuntu touch my resolution on my tablet is to small can u help?10:56
Kniplewhich tablet do you have?10:56
touhtab 2 7.0 p311010:57
Kniplesamsung galaxy?10:57
=== EllieGoulding is now known as plop_its_ellie
KnipleWhat do you mean by "its too small"? like too low resolution?10:58
touhlike 800x60010:58
touhi triyed raring right now and i dont boots anymore10:58
touhi will take an pic in 1 minute :)11:00
ogra_i doubt the port for that device has been updated to anything functional11:05
ogra_forget about anything before utopic ...11:05
robin-herosil2100: Where can I find the OTA changelog?11:07
ogra_robin-hero, will be released later today11:07
sil2100robin-hero: still generating ;)11:07
robin-herookay :)11:07
sil2100Some google issues make it really troublesome...11:07
touhhttp://imgur.com/au7FfQT here's the pic11:09
conyoocool scissors! :D can you make another photo?11:11
conyoowith the scissors11:12
touhplease help me :(11:12
jgdxtouh, as ogra_ said: Anything before the Ubuntu version Utopic Unicorn (14.10) is not going to work well.11:12
conyoohe dead :(11:12
ogra_touh, thats a non-funnctional demo image anyway ... as i said above, anything before utopic wont be of much use11:13
ogra_(and i doubt there is an image for your device that new)11:13
tochhi sorry pc error now an u help me>11:15
Kniplejgdx: didn't work with manually entering stuff, would I need to reload the wireless module or anything for it to refresh the settings?11:15
tochyes but i have an other problem with my tabelt11:15
jgdxKniple, might have to kick network manager. sudo service network-manager restart11:17
tochhelp please11:17
tochPLEAS :(11:22
jgdx!patience | toch11:22
ubot5toch: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:22
ogra_toch, what other help do you need?11:22
tochwell i have an tab 2 7.0 with ubuntu touch and the resolution is too small. here is an pic : http://imgur.com/au7FfQT11:22
ogra_toch, well, that image wioll not work anyway, not worth trying to fix it ... it is a non-functional demo ... the first images that are usable are the 14.10 ones (utopic and newer)11:24
tochdid u see the pic?11:25
ogra_the "apps" you can start there are all just screenshots11:25
ogra_nothing will run on such an old image11:25
tochok is there any way to install ubuntu touch original on ta 2 7.0 p3110 ?11:25
ogra_yes i saw the pic, it clearly shows that you use a non functionsl demo11:26
tochok is there any way to install ubuntu touch original on tab 2 7.0 p3110 ?11:26
tochyes that is ubuntu touh 13.1011:26
ogra_if you can find someone who did a port of womething more recent like 14.10 or newer11:26
ogra_trying to fix a 13.10 image is wasted time11:27
tochplease i will start making apps for it please.11:28
ogra_well, find a newer port or  get a supported device then11:29
ogra_apps wont run on that version11:29
tochubuntu 13.10 is the lattest verion for tab 2 7.0 p3110(i think)11:30
ogra_yes, and that version was only a demo11:30
ogra_it can not run any of the current apps11:32
davmor2toch: We do not create the images for devices that are not supported by canonical.  So you would need to either find a newer version, build a newer version, or find someone else willing to build a version fro that device or purchase a supported device11:33
tochok is thre any way to install ubuntu on tab 2 7.0 p311011:33
tochhow to build an image?11:34
ogra_only if you port it or fine someone who ported a newer version11:34
tochi have ubuntu 15.04 if matters on this p11:34
tochi have ubuntu 15.04 if matters on this pc11:34
conyootoch, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/porting-new-device/11:34
ogra_porting means you need to know a lot about android and about ubuntu ... there is a link to the porting guide in the channel topic11:34
tochi need to have android on tab 2 7.0?11:35
ogra_you need the drivers11:35
conyootoch please keep us updated with your porting progress!11:35
tochok :))))11:35
ogra_well, read the guide first11:35
tochi will install android on tab 2 7.011:35
ogra_porting is not trivial ... you nered a lot of experience and knowledge11:36
ogra_so read the guide and see if you think you can do it11:36
LemmyHey, does anyone know at what time OTA5 will be released?11:36
tochok im and android developer and i make my own roms for android an i make a lot of ubuntu based oses :)11:36
conyooLemmy, for bq now for meizu later today11:37
ogra_Lemmy, for bq phones it should already be out11:37
conyoome first11:37
* ogra_ high fives conyoo 11:37
conyoo:D hi5 ogra_11:37
LemmyHm, i don't get it on my bq11:37
ogra_Lemmy, on the stable channel ?11:37
* ogra_ sees people posting on G+ with their updates11:38
conyooyep https://plus.google.com/+MarcinTydelski/posts/bCwUpgPyrRA?pid=6173541537075980594&oid=11158196908030288018311:38
ogra_(my own bq is on rc-proposed so i cant see if teh stable update went out)11:38
davmor2ogra_: it happened11:40
ogra_davmor2, yeah,. i thought so11:40
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LemmyI rebooted my phone and now i see the update :/11:45
Knipleaaw man, how long intil the meizu update ogra_?11:45
ogra_later today ... davmor2 is slacking, its not finished with QA yet :)11:46
Kniplestop slacking davmor211:46
ogra_(finally i can once blame davmor2 )11:46
KnipleI need to get a hold of a linux computer, gotta see if its because of my windows install of android-sdk that I can't adb shell into it11:47
davmor2ogra_: hey not my fault that you broke it :P11:47
ogra_i only break snappy nowadays11:47
ogra_(and in way more exciting ways than i ever broke touch :P )11:47
tochhow to download stuff from ubuntu one11:47
ogra_toch, ubuntu one file service has been ended around the 13.10 timeframe ...11:48
tochi need an file from it11:50
conyootoch,  ubuntu one is dead :(11:50
ogra_it was announced over 12 months and users got several mails about this11:51
davmor2toch: You would of had about 5 Emails from Canonical saying it was being closed get you files now11:51
robin-heroWhat will be the new release numbers for MX4, E5 and Neuxs4? #2, #4 and #21?11:51
robin-heroI know for E4.5 it is #24.11:52
ogra_robin-hero, the release announcement will tell you ;)11:52
ogra_sil2100 usually puts the mapping in there11:52
sil2100robin-hero, ogra_: the announcement e-mail sent11:53
robin-heroogra_: But I want to publish my article about the update and I need this info :)11:53
robin-herosil2100: Thanks, I'll check it11:53
sil2100The release notes have the image numbers, but still no for MX4 as the copy didn't happen yet11:53
sil2100QA still testing the new arale image ;)11:53
sil2100Once they give me a +1 I'll copy it over and update the release notes page11:53
Kniplejgdx: tried a bunch of things now, doesnt seem to work, furthest I got was it prompting for a password (which didn't work.)11:53
jgdxKniple, okay. I'd recommend removing the system-connections file and waiting for the upgrade, which, according to the log^ is, is coming shortly.11:54
KnipleI'll do that11:54
KnipleSee if I can get any connection at all going which it can connect to :D11:54
jgdxKniple, if you still experience problems using the correct credentials, it would be awesome if you could create a bug. I can guide you through it.11:55
KnipleI'll just try a couple of more things jgdx, so I am sure I'm not the problem!11:55
robin-heroWhat is the actual release number for MX4? #1 or #2?11:56
jgdxKniple, NetworkManager will talk a lot in syslog, so check there for more details.11:56
robin-heroBecause I thought it is #1, but I see release 2 in the system-images website.11:56
ogra_robin-hero, http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu.en/arale/ ... looks like it will become #311:56
Knipleyeah, its problematic to have to go back and check things there, since adb shell wont connect (and I aint got a physical keyboard for it), so I'll fix things when I get home,11:57
jgdxKniple, adb devices empty?11:58
sil2100robin-hero: the current for MX4 is #2, so OTA-5 should be #311:58
robin-herosil2100, ogra_ Thanks11:58
jgdxKniple, changed the usb port?11:58
KnipleI've tried a load of different ones, usb3, 2 etc.11:58
* ogra_ would recommend a VM instll of a minimal ubuntu 11:59
Kniplefor the adb shell?12:00
Knipleyeah, on windows atm, everything is so broken here.12:00
ogra_recent virtualbox should be able to directly route the USB port to the VM12:00
KnipleI'll try that12:00
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KnipleUbuntu works best with ubuntu phones, or would could I run any flavor?12:00
ogra_well, for just adb access you could even run a server install and just pull in the android-tools-adb package from the phablet-tools PPA12:01
Knipleoh dear, I wonder if this laptop can handle a virtual machine12:02
KnipleI hope so12:02
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robin-heroJust updated to r24 on E4.5. but the phone doesn't mount my SD card. If can see it in the SD card app, but I can't umount it, "the device could not be unmounted because is busy".12:28
dadexix86robin-hero, did it finish scanning it?12:30
robin-herodadexix86: Don't know. I put it in and it doesn't show the popup about the new card.12:31
ogra_are notifications for it enabled in your system-settings ?12:32
robin-heroogra_: Yes, and I my /media and /mnt folders are empty12:33
Kniplehum, doesnt look like the ubuntu vm finds the device either12:35
ogra_what kind of VM do you use ?12:36
Kniplewith ubuntu 14.0412:36
ogra_i think virtualbox needs some guest addoons installed inside12:36
Knipledid install those12:37
Knipleubuntu finds the device12:37
Kniplebut adb doesnt12:37
ogra_did you install the PPA version ?12:37
KnipleI just installed the one called phablet-tools from the typical apt repo12:38
ogra_you want the version from that PPA12:38
ogra_android-tools-adb is the package12:39
ogra_and if you want to use mtp in the VM, also the libmtp package12:39
Kniplemtp is file transfer, right?12:39
ogra_UI file transfer though12:40
Knipledon't think I need that, but thanks12:40
KnipleI can't find the android-tools-adb package there, :(12:41
CivicEg6I'm sorry my english is very bad12:41
CivicEg6I'm french12:41
jgdxKniple, did you apt-get update?12:42
Knipleoh, uh, probably not12:42
CivicEg6Someone has information on touch ubuntu on Galaxy S5 ?12:43
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CivicEg6anyone ?12:47
ogra_!device | CivicEg612:48
ogra_!devices | CivicEg612:48
ubot5CivicEg6: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices12:48
CivicEg6thank you ogra_12:52
ogra_i doubt anyone has done a port to the S5 though12:52
CivicEg6apparently it is in development yard12:53
Kniplehuh, adb now works, but I've notice you can't use the keyboard on the actual phone (it doesnt show up when you select a text sensitive dialogue box.) is that a known bug?13:04
Knipleor is it a feature?13:04
ogra_that woulld be a bug ...13:04
* ogra_ hasnt see the kbs crash in a log long time though13:04
jgdxogra_, except this bug 147372013:05
ubot5bug 1473720 in qtubuntu "keyboard stops working, maliit and unity8 consuming cpu" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147372013:05
Kniplenot -really- what happened for me, but close13:06
jgdxKniple, may be more ways to trigger this, actually. Kill maliit-server ?13:07
jgdxif that restores the osk, let's assume it's this bug13:07
KnipleKeyboard came back, jgdx thanks13:08
tathhumariogrip: no freezing... yet.13:21
dednickcharles: howdy. i seem to be having a bit of trouble with indicator-datetime appointments&events.13:25
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KnipleSigh, well, I've gotten a bit further with the PEAP connection, i get stuck after connecting to the network and it just keeps repeating a password box to me.13:29
jgdxKniple, what's the value of password-flags?13:48
Kniplea password13:50
jgdxKniple, it really shouldn't13:51
Knipleor, where do you mean, jgdx?13:51
jgdxKniple, from etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/wpa2ep-network, what's the value of password-flags.13:51
Knipleoh yeah a password.13:51
jgdxthat's very wrong13:51
* ogra_ guesses you want flags there ... 13:51
KnipleInternet told me to do it that way13:51
jgdxit should be 1 or 013:51
ogra_(just guessing though :) )13:51
Knipledoes the identity need a domain?13:52
Kniplei.e. domainname\username?13:52
jgdxKniple, i don't know. Doesn't the network come with instructions? “password” should contain the password, btw.13:53
Kniplewell, network manager does yell out a bunch of information about the network (like the domain and the radius server, etc.)13:54
jgdxKniple, identity is often a username or email.13:54
Kniplehmm, I'll try the password flags13:54
Knipleoh geez13:54
Kniplethere we go13:54
jgdxpassword-flags=1 password=hunter2 identity=kniple@niple.com13:54
KnipleI needed the password-flags=1 line13:55
Knipledidn't show up in any of the threads I found on google.13:55
Kniplehuh, well thats odd13:57
KnipleWhen checking for updates on the phone, the update spinnotron does a few laps, then it blinks with information and becomes white.13:57
Knipleand the " < Updates" does not respond to touch13:58
jgdxkenvandine, ^^13:58
jgdxKniple, could you paste the output of $ system-image-cli -i13:58
jgdxKniple, preferably in a pastebin13:58
kenvandineand ~/.cache/upstart/application-legacy-ubuntu-system-settings-.log13:58
tathhu.. can I remove those preinstalled apps/scopes or do they come back in next ota? :/14:00
Kniplejgdx: http://pastebin.com/ZMuBnxih14:01
* ogra_ would wait for todays OTA ... 14:03
Kniplewell ogra_ I can't update the phone if the update page doesnt allow me to update, now can I? ;)14:03
ogra_no, just reboot and see again14:04
KnipleI guess a reboot could solve it.14:04
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ogra_not worth filing a bug about it since we cant really retroactivelly fix it :)14:04
kenvandinelogs aren't very helpful14:04
Kniplethis is true :D14:04
Kniplelogs are always helpful, if you know how to read them14:04
Kniple(which I don't in 90% of cases)14:05
KnipleI hope the battery problems are fixed on the MX4 in the next update14:05
ogra_no, but the battery behaves a lot better ... there are still some issues left14:05
Kniplenope jgdx, ogra_, it does the same thing after a reboot.14:06
ogra_it also still gets warm but not hot anymore14:06
Kniplehmm, aight ogra_, well I have this problem where it doesnt charge at all sometimes.14:06
ogra_ah, i dont know, never had that myself (well, during the very first days, but never after )14:07
Knipleis there an easy way to update it from a terminal?14:07
ogra_it will definitely last longer than 24h if it is charged ...14:07
KnipleI've notived that apt is locked (presumably by the "app store")14:07
ogra_well, more by the fact that your rootfs has to be readonly14:07
Knipleoh yeah14:08
Kniplethat makes sense14:08
ogra_system-image uses binary diffs between two rootfs versions ... to produce these diffs your phone an the server need to have identical filesystems ... thats the reason it needs to be readonly14:08
Knipleso, is there a way to run the update function from the commandline?14:11
Knipleor is it locked to the UI?14:11
jgdxKniple, how are you accessing the updates panel?14:13
Kniplethrough settings > About this phone > "Check for updates" button14:14
jgdxKniple, try directly: Settings -> System Updates14:14
Knipleoh yeah, that works14:14
Kniplewhy havent I seen that button before?14:14
jgdxor just "Updates"14:14
jgdxokay, great14:14
Knipleversion 3 is apparently out?14:14
jgdxthat's today's OTA5 afaik14:15
Knipleso its already out for meizu? :D14:15
conyoohow do you make the partition read only again?14:19
jgdxKniple, so the wpa-ep works?14:19
Knipleit does14:20
KnipleIt started working as soon as I added the password-flags=1 line jgdx14:22
jgdxokay, great14:22
tnozyroxHello, Today scope not translate correctly New object moon?14:23
seb128mandel, hey, is anyone looking at bug #1368090? it's ranked high on e.u.c for stable touch reports14:24
ubot5bug 1368090 in ubuntu-download-manager "/usr/bin/ubuntu-download-manager:11:Ubuntu::DownloadManager::Daemon::FileDownload::resumeTransfer:Ubuntu::Transfers::Queue::updateCurrentTransfer:Ubuntu::Transfers::Queue::onManagedTransferStateChanged:call:QMetaObject::activate" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136809014:24
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mandelseb128, I'll add it for this sprint, should be fixed soon (at least by the end of the week)14:26
seb128mandel, thanks14:26
mandelseb128, no problem14:26
charlesdednick, pong14:28
charlesdednick, what's up?14:28
peat-psuwitHow can I clear mediascanner's cache?14:29
dednickcharles: seems like the times are wrong when integrated with evolution calendar14:29
dednickgetting UTC, but the wrong way :/14:29
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dednickcharles: i have event at 3pm BST tomorrow, showing in indicator as 4pm UTC.14:30
charlesdednick, can you try with ubuntu/landing-003 and see if the problem persists?14:30
dednickcharles: ok14:30
Knipleare there any changelogs somewhere? I guess there are, but I can't seem to find them.14:31
ogra_Kniple, yeah, they were mailed to the meiling list a bit ago14:32
ogra_(probably something to subscribe to :) )14:32
KnipleYeah, will do14:32
ogra_the mail points to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes/OTA-514:33
ogra_popey, how about a topic update ? :)14:36
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: Home: http://bit.ly/YEqEfo | Install: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install | Porting (advanced) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting | Bug filing: http://bit.ly/1aV9AJG | Dashboard: http://bit.ly/12AQV53 | Changelog: http://bit.ly/1ljube1 | http://www.bq.com/gb/ubuntu.html | http://www.meizu.com/products/ubuntu.html | OTA 5 is out!
Kniple\ o /14:37
dednickcharles: \o/14:38
dednickthe problem indeed does not persist14:39
dednickor something resembling proper english14:39
charlesdednick, huzzah! :-)14:40
charlesdednick, it's always one more thing with those timezones. I'm glad the silo fixes it :-)14:41
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ubot5Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:42
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tnozyroxAnd for app translate is waning gibbous... è importante! 😃14:44
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seb128boiko, hey, I submitted https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/dialer-app/tweak-some-strings/+merge/265096 ... is that ok to have on merge request for those changes or would you prefer to split those?14:53
boikoseb128: that's fine, let me include it on a dialer-app silo I have14:55
seb128boiko, thanks :-)14:55
KnipleAnyone know if its hard making your own spaces out of existing websites, would I need to know internal workings of the websites to make basic spaces?14:57
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TenLeftFingersWhich log files should I attach to a bug report for the Today scope?15:08
TenLeftFingers(if any)15:08
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cwayne1TenLeftFingers: .cache/upstart/scope-registry.log15:48
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TenLeftFingerscwayne1: thanks15:52
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peat-psuwitHow to wipe mediascanner-2.0 thumbnail cache?16:19
=== brobosti1on is now known as brobostigon
CluelessNewbPlaying with a new asus touchscreen laptop, wanted to try the recent ubuntu touch builds, but am not familiar with how to force the ppa to install things.16:27
CluelessNewbI've add the ppa list, but I'm not sure how to force it download it16:28
CluelessNewbsudo apt-get upgrade just seems to download the lists as oposed to the updates themselves16:28
CluelessNewbany idea what I'm missing?16:28
tathhuadd ppa -> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:28
tathhuor dist-upgrade16:28
CluelessNewbalright, did that, lots of text flew by... How do I access some of those apps?16:29
CluelessNewbsay " calendar-app"16:30
CluelessNewbIs that going to register itself with a launcher or do I need to navigate to a subdirectory somewhere?16:30
tathhushould be in launcher16:32
tathhuor dash, whatever its' caleld16:33
CluelessNewboh. I'm running xmonad with a custom launcher, that might be what I"m missing...16:33
CluelessNewbLet me try the default, (derr)16:33
CluelessNewbbrb, thanks16:33
CluelessNoobSo I'm now in the default ubuntu setup, dash launcher on the side... Still don't see the touch apps that supposedly downloaded from the ppa16:38
ogra_how would they have been downloaded ?16:41
CluelessNoobSo I figure one of two things is happening...16:41
CluelessNoobEither ubuntu successfully pulled the packages from the ppa and I'm just not seeing them in any launcher...16:42
ogra_how would it have pulled them ?16:42
Laneycharles: can you quickly look at https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/indicator-datetime/eds-3.16/+merge/265287 please? supersedes https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/indicator-datetime/libecal-3.16/+merge/260789 which was approved but now conflicts16:42
ogra_did you tell apt explicitly to install package "foo" ?16:43
ogra_your system doesnt magically install stuff for you if you think of it ;)16:43
CluelessNoobOh... That might have been the issue, I'm still new at the package management....16:43
ogra_(not that clever yet)16:43
CluelessNoobI assumed it just pulled everything... But that seems a bit absurd now that I think about it... If you pointed at some of the larger project repositories... THat would be painful...16:43
CluelessNoobONe day perhaps it will be :D16:44
CluelessNoobok, so how do I explicitly tell it to install a package once I've added the ppa?16:44
CluelessNoobjust sudo apt-get install (name of package)16:44
ogra_sudo apt-get install ubuntu-docviewer-app16:44
ogra_would get you the docviewer16:45
BOHverkillyay update :D16:45
ogra_it will likely behave quite different to the phone though ... simply because the environment is very different16:45
CluelessNoobIT WORKS! Yay!16:46
CluelessNoobLinux is so weird, you run into strange unintuitive parts, but once you figure out what's wrong (and its usually possible to resolve), the experience is absolutely magical...16:46
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CluelessNoobogra: just spent the past 2-3 days learning windows 8 weird touchscreen interfaces. Mostly eye-candy, but there a few things on there that I kind of miss with the app swishiness...16:48
tathhuLol I somehow thought you we're upgradin LO...16:48
* tathhu needs coffee16:48
ogra_tathhu, uuh, hopefully not :) you dont want to use apt on the phone to upgrade :)16:48
CluelessNoobLooking forward to playing around with these new os builds16:48
CluelessNoobthanks for your help!16:48
tathhuogra_: wasn't CluelessNoob talking about desktop?16:49
* tathhu is totally out 16:49
ogra_tathhu, he was ... luckily :)16:49
CluelessNoobyep, desktop16:49
CluelessNoobit works16:49
CluelessNoobi think...16:50
* ogra_ wouldnt expect anyone to run xmonad on the phone :) 16:50
CluelessNoobi guess its all relative with dev builds :D16:50
ogra_yeah, and you are not running the apps in theior native environemnt16:50
ogra_they will behave different to how they do on the phone and also expose additional and different issues16:51
CluelessNoobpart of the fun factor with dev channel :D16:51
CluelessNoobTouchscreen transformer tablets are weird. There's all these use-case scanarios that are different from standard laptop vs tablet setups... I'm having fun experimenting with different UI setups.16:54
CluelessNoobYesterday I had fun hooking up wiimotes and barcode scanners, all sorts of strange UX scenarios happen when you can start positioning the screen at strange angles16:55
Laneycharles: I went rogue and self approved it, nae bother16:57
CluelessNoobCalendar app is very smooth.17:03
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CluelessNoobCalendar app might benefit from a "pinch to zoom" gesture. Aside from that, pretty slick.17:06
CluelessNoobalright, thanks for your help guys17:10
=== eschatus is now known as Guest94473
Guest94473Hi, I've been having trouble updating both the aquaris and the MX4. Managed to get a system update to r24 installed today on the BQ, but still having trouble updating the apps: http://pastebin.com/Xh0hkduZ17:13
Guest94473It just sits there at 0% and nothing happens... Any ideas? :)17:13
=== Guest94473 is now known as eschatus
conyooomg ubuntu touch runs so smooth on mx517:14
ogra_eschatus, try removing and re-adding your U1 account ... the token expires regulary, sadly there is no popup message telling that to the user yet (there is a bug for it open somewhere)17:22
mcphailooh - "Ubuntu" is in my updates :)17:22
eschatusogra_: Thanks! I'll try that :)17:23
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charlesLaney, you wildcard, you17:47
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mcphailthe new landscape mode is buggy in an interesting way for those of us interested in sdl development17:58
mcphailDid podbird always adjust to landscape rotation when you rotated the phone? Just noticed this - very neat animation18:09
greybackmcphail: interesting how?18:14
tochhi remember when u sad to keep updated with my ubuntu touch bild?18:15
tochhi remember when u sad to keep updated with my ubuntu touch build?18:15
greybacktoch: who said that to you? You had better ping that person directly18:16
tochim making ubuntu touch version 15.04 for nexus 4 :)18:17
mcphailgreyback: need to explore a bit more. Seems like SDL apps still get informed of the portrait x and y values when in landscape, so although the app rotates it doesn't get the correct size18:18
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greybackmcphail: you say x & y? Or width & height.  Shell is resizing the surface, so sdk should see width & height switch18:20
greybacktoch: please have patience, it is 8pm where he is, he is probably away from his computer18:20
tochhere is 9pm 2018:20
mcphailgreyback: need to explore that a bit more, but I'm not sure it is working as intended18:21
mcphailgreyback: great to see it beginning to come together, though18:22
greybackmcphail: ok, well feel free to ping me if you need a hand. I can either help, or point you to those who definitely can :)18:22
esch|BBLogra_: It worked :) Removed the account, added it again and afterwards it updated just fine... Would be nice with a fix for that. Haven't checked if it's a registered bug?18:22
mcphailgreyback: great - not at a proper computer for another week or so but will play around on the phone in the meantime18:22
tathhutoch: that's not the case everywhere :C18:25
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tathhuWhat if.. that "lol i'm changing orientation :D"-animation lags?18:33
tathhuToo smooth18:33
dunc_hi volks18:45
dunc_do you know any good references/examples for QML and JS? On the Ubuntu website there is not so much18:46
tochhi im folowing this tutl https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/uduntu-for-devices/porting-new-device/ but is there any way to export an tar.gz or zip for recovery installing you know like open clokwork recovery and click on install from xd card and stuff ?18:48
jgdxdunc_, what are you looking for specifically? The JS is pretty standard and the qml is well documented imo.18:48
mcphailCan anyone confirm a rendering bug for me?18:48
dunc_I am total new to QML and I would like to learn the basics18:48
dunc_but unly ubuntu-touch related QML, for the desktop i am using GTK18:49
greybackdunc_: http://qmlbook.github.io/en/ch04/index.html is a good resource18:49
mcphaildunc_: QML is QML, on the desktop or phone18:49
greybackmcphail: rendering bug? With what? More detail plz18:50
dunc_thanks guys, I will start with this website, looks good18:50
dunc_I now that QML is general but I am only interested in QML because of Ubuntu Touch :)18:51
mcphailgreyback: open browser in portrait. Rotate to landscape then back to portrait. The outline of the "location" input field gets corrupted on my phone18:51
jgdxdunc_, sources for the coreapps made by contributors and Canonical are also great resources. E.g. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app or https://launchpad.net/address-book-app18:51
dunc_jgdx, thank you, I will check it out, I will get my phone soon and I cant wait to play with it18:52
greybackmcphail: yeah I see that. I think I saw a bug about it, but can't find it now18:53
greybackmcphail: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1466656 maybe18:53
mcphailgreyback: do you know what package I should search for the bug or file a new one? Presumably one of the UI packages rather than the browser?18:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1466656 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "Rotated ubuntu shapes have poor anti-aliasing" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:53
mcphailgreyback: cheers18:53
mcphailpopey: ^^ do you think this is the same as your bug?18:55
mcphailok - I'll append a screenshot to your bug and see if it gets kicked out18:56
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Se7my phone it s become shit19:28
Se7camera problem19:28
Se7doesn t load pics19:29
Se7and as well in the gallery i haven t the pics that I made19:29
Se7updating hope this resolve the problem :)19:40
Se7but the most funny things it s that I made a video of my son and when I play it start a song that i never put on the phone suuper lol20:01
tathhusomeone is playing with you ;)20:09
mwenningHi guys, I have an associate who loaded his Nexus 7 with this, he's having trouble with it:  can't get a cursor to move with the mouse, and the apps don't shrink into desktop mode.21:32
mwenningRing any bells?21:32
=== howefield is now known as howefield_afk
eschatusSo, with everything fine on the Aquaris - the MX4 needs some attention:22:49
eschatusEvery attempt to update ubuntu has lead to this: http://imgur.com/kvGznSb22:49
eschatusI'm still stuck on version 1 - and now I see people downloading version 4. :)22:51
eschatusThe logs (http://pastebin.com/nT66M6fS) don't really tell me much, so if anyone can help I'd be very grateful. :)22:52
eschatus(Strangely, the MX4 has behaved opposite of the Aquaris; it updates the apps, but not ubuntu. Weird.)22:55
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jgdxeschatus, removing and re-adding the u1 account seems to fix these problems. I am unsure if this bug is tracked or not, nor if there's a fix coming.23:55

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