
cmaloneyEvening and all that03:05
cmaloneyGood morning13:38
cmaloneyHow's the morning so far?13:38
rick_h_heh don't ask :P13:38
cmaloneyBut how will I know otherwise? ;)13:39
cmaloneyalso: that good, eh?13:39
rick_h_by hacking my email?13:39
rick_h_we're having a lovely run13:39
jrwrencmaloney: this may interest you: http://trixter.oldskool.org/2008/09/28/the-diskette-that-blew-trixters-mind/13:39
jrwrenits 7 yrs old, but oh well.13:39
rick_h_with the icing that an email that dad in engaged for the 4th time13:39
cmaloneyjrwren: Yeah, the disk that has both C64 and IBM PC formatting on it?13:39
cmaloneyVery clever13:39
jrwrencmaloney: yeah. cool.13:39
cmaloneyrick_h_: Oh no13:40
rick_h_cmaloney:  and we're heading to VA for our annual visit in a few weeks13:40
=== brousch_ is now known as brousch

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