[06:22] mornings [06:27] Morning ThatGraemeGuy , morning everyone [06:50] hi mazthaand others [06:50] ai! [06:50] mazal ThatGraemeGuy [06:51] 'lo :) [07:03] good mornings [07:03] morning inetpro [07:15] hmm , I see my auto-away is broken [07:17] and now I can't find that setting again [07:17] lol [07:17] Ok , found it under identities and not under settings [07:17] i have given up with that [07:17] Was already on though [07:18] But not working [07:18] i think znc sets me away if i disconnect [07:20] new venture here. looking at repacking a laptop battery [07:20] repacking? :-o [07:20] that sounds dangerous [07:20] http://www.notebookreview.com/news/diy-laptop-battery-rebuild/ [07:21] will be very much cheaper than having it done [07:21] good luck with that [07:21] http://www.engadget.com/2005/06/28/how-to-rebuild-your-laptop-battery/ [07:21] lithium-based batteries are the last thing on the planet I'd be attempting DIY on [07:22] oh [07:22] well just looking atm [07:24] oh ThatGraemeGuy i hit a luck with the T410, everything works with 14.04 kde alongside win7 [07:24] yeah [07:25] so just a battery replace/repair and all good to go for loadshedding [07:25] you have an SSD in there? [07:25] no but will save for one [07:26] but its quite a bit faster than my dual core here so thats good [07:26] CPU is irrelevant, have you not learned anything? [07:26] and good luck getting 2 hours of battery with spinning rust HDD [07:27] they have same ram and its faster but maybe because of less stuff installed [07:27] oh my, only 2 hours === elacheche is now known as elacheche_anis === elacheche_anis is now known as elacheche [09:17] hi all [09:33] pieter2627: morning [09:38] this is the first time i have seen you around ronaldm (or i might be paying enough attention again) [09:39] pieter2627: I have been hanging around since end of last week. I am out of Harare [09:41] ah, yeah i have not been here since early last week. Welcome to ubuntu-za thu [09:42] pieter2627: thanks for the warm welcome [10:25] hi pieter2627 [10:25] hi ronaldm [10:26] Kilos: I am good and u? [10:26] good ty [10:26] oh ronaldm have you joined the africa group on launchpad [10:27] Kilos: yes I did, I have to check if the request was accepted [10:27] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-africa [10:28] then join the mailing list as well from there [10:35] i normally accept requests within minutes or the next morning if im asleep already [11:27] welcome to africa SubOracle [11:27] Haha [11:27] lol [11:49] Morning [11:50] Lo Squirm [11:50] Hmm [11:50] Rather, good afternoon [11:51] I was just wondering where in the world you are where it's morning :) [12:00] sjoe somehow i turned konversation off [12:00] or killed it should i say [12:00] oom Kilos , mus we ZA peeps also join the Africa group ? [12:01] mazal: "must"? ;) [12:01] Don't be elitist now. [12:01] no must its just peeps that want to mazal [12:01] ok [12:02] Wasn't sure if that group is "rest of africa" only [12:02] I'm a US person from the Nairobi LUG and here I am in ZA channel. ;) [12:03] We are global... don't limit yoursefl. [12:03] * stickyboy dreams of eating pahlava in Uzbekistan. [12:04] That was easy , why can't all things be like that :P [12:08] lol stickyboy [12:13] all things arent make by peeps that have the ability to think [12:13] i go lie down a bit [12:30] l8tr all , have a nice afternoon [15:05] hi Arcanum_za [15:09] afternoon inetpro [16:10] Good eve [16:10] hi Squirm [16:10] Good eve [16:10] that too ya [16:23] hi Tonberry [17:25] h ya Arcanum_za is trixie [17:32] Afternoon [17:32] evening superfly [17:33] you also losing time now [17:33] getting like the pro [17:35] Huh? Oh, sorry. Good morning. [17:35] hahaha [18:45] superfly: Happy Birthday!!! [18:46] oh and a good evening to everyone [18:46] Kilos: and to you as well [18:47] hi inetpro [18:47] oho happy birthday superfly [18:48] ohi [18:52] Woot ! [18:52] superfly: did I get the date wrong? [18:52] Happy birthday superfly [18:53] inetpro: no [18:54] ah :-) [18:54] well I hope you had a great day sir [18:54] and many more to come [18:54] we all do [18:54] oh supposed to say ditto [18:55] we must learn to do what them boards and things do [18:55] i had a good laugh [18:56] ? [18:56] one syas happy birthday to you and the next one carries on with the song each one singing 1 line [18:57] s/syas/says [18:58] im ready for bed now [18:59] me too [18:59] Sleep well everyone [18:59] night [18:59] sleep tight all of ya [18:59] see ya tomorrow [19:00] will kill T410 soon as well. so if ya wanna say something say it quick [19:01] hmm... [20:32] 7~/exit