
bluesabreback again00:52
micahgbluesabre: breeze recommends orion-gtk-theme01:01
micahgbut kubuntu packageset shouldn't be grabbing in that scenario01:01
bluesabrebreeze recommends orion-gtk-theme?  that seems odd01:08
micahgadded in vivid by riddell01:10
bluesabrefeels like a typo... its listed in debian breeze as well, but the package does not exist in debian01:11
bluesabreor maybe not01:11
bluesabremaybe he chose it because it happens to be a white theme?01:12
micahgbut, I"ll see about getting the script fixed01:14
bluesabreif you want to upload it, I can give you a tarball of the package ready to upload01:15
micahgI could do that01:16
bluesabresince its a multi-source package01:20
knomeoff to bed, see you tomorrow01:44
bluesabrehave a good night knome01:48
micahgbluesabre: is shimmer-themes not stored in a VCS?04:24
micahgbluesabre: I also realized, I'll need a signed sha1 sum file for the tarball you gave me to confirm authenticity04:29
Jake2234hi everyone06:23
astraljavaOh, gone already. =/06:34
knomegood morning astraljava 07:34
bluesabremicahg: the themes are all individually on https://github.com/shimmerproject09:59
bluesabredc8ad71119b2d5849bc670ac7fc2c10562c81e2e  shimmer-themes_2.0.0.orig-albatross.tar.gz10:03
bluesabrea0f31c8276c29f7325c0dbe371fdc69407c503d4  shimmer-themes_2.0.0.orig-bluebird.tar.gz10:03
bluesabrea01e6d35a7148fcc89191f1e8cbce256d194b8ad  shimmer-themes_2.0.0.orig-greybird.tar.gz10:03
bluesabre4c6202ffac02c2319193eb60d99f863f9cba424e  shimmer-themes_2.0.0.orig-numix.tar.gz10:03
bluesabreef900a5a8e6ceddae89b979dcc86db7de610f937  shimmer-themes_2.0.0.orig-orion.tar.gz10:03
bluesabreab3311a31e796117f6c4ab8176ac1382aef100f3  shimmer-themes_2.0.0.orig.tar.gz10:03
bluesabre838b575ca8210bc67e53eedfb9aa3bda69235cc0  shimmer-themes_2.0.0.orig-wallpapers.tar.gz10:03
bluesabreoh, signed sha1sum file10:04
slickymasterWorkUnit193, everything went almost smooth with the -core installation 10:05
slickymasterWorkthere was a small hick up in ubiquity after setting up the partitions 10:05
slickymasterWorkubi-timezone crashed -> http://i.imgur.com/jtAta3f.jpg10:06
slickymasterWorkbut it installed nonetheless 10:06
slickymasterWorkyou you want any logs just ping mre10:07
bluesabremicahg: https://copy.com/i3CPChMUaZlNrM6o10:13
astraljavaochosi: bluesabre: bug 130373610:45
ubottubug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130373610:45
astraljavaYou had played with this? I'm seeing _occasionally_ the same symptoms on vivid, except that in my case I never even see the password dialog, when this problem occurs.10:45
bluesabreastraljava: it might be related to the proprietary graphics drivers10:54
bluesabrevt switch with nvivia can take over 10 seconds10:55
bluesabrethen the greeter defaults to a sleeped display10:55
bluesabreas a "screensaver"10:55
bluesabreso keep clicking and wiggling10:55
bluesabre!team | Feature Freeze in one month11:00
ubottuFeature Freeze in one month: bluesabre, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster, Unit19311:00
astraljavabluesabre: Good to know, thanks! By the way, I need to remove the $vt_switch from my grub boot parameter list, otherwise I will not get the passphrase for LVM encryption.11:11
astraljavaIs it in any way related?11:11
bluesabreastraljava: I have no idea11:11
bluesabreUnit193 might know something about that though11:11
astraljavaOk, figured as much. Nobody seems to have a clue. :D11:11
astraljavaGreat, now he'll probably be annoyed enough for the ping, but it wasn't me, so I'm off the hook. :D11:12
astraljavaThanks for your assistance!11:12
bluesabrewe ping Unit193 all the time11:12
bluesabreUnit193 likes talking to us11:13
bluesabreUnit193 is almost always around11:13
bluesabreit's probably because of what we did the to other 192 Units11:13
astraljavaSo in essence he just keeps respawning when the earlier revision explodes?11:18
bluesabreseems to be the case11:18
bluesabrethis one seems more durable than the last11:18
astraljavaA bit like that Tom Cruise movie.11:18
bluesabre... mixed with Groundhog Day11:18
knomeboo, this is the development channel, not #bad-jokes11:19
astraljavaProbably much more like that than epic fighting with space aliens.11:19
bluesabrethat's okay knome, I'm done now11:19
bluesabregotta get ready for work11:19
astraljavaOh, oops. Sorry, knome, Unit193!11:19
bluesabrehf today guys :D11:19
astraljavaYou too!11:19
knomeyou too11:19
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
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dkesselmhh newest parole no longer freezes on startup, but on exit... :)15:47
=== jjfrv8_ is now known as jjfrv8
knome!team | meeting in 20mins16:11
ubottumeeting in 20mins: bluesabre, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster, Unit19316:11
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting16:28
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Jul 20 16:28:37 2015 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:28
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:28
knomewho's here for the meeting?16:28
knome(let's wait for 5 or so more for people to turn up)16:29
knomehey jjfrv8 :)16:29
jjfrv8hey, knome16:29
knomeallö micahg_work 16:29
knomehey dkessel :)16:31
slickymasterWorksorry, being nagged by my boss :P16:31
slickymasterWorkbut here, now16:31
knomeheh, hey slickymasterWork 16:32
knomelet's start then16:32
knomenot much on the agenda, so likely a short meeting16:32
knome#topic Open action items16:32
knome-> dkessel to investigate automated image testing 16:32
knomeis that done?16:32
knome(whatever that means, seems like a huge scope)16:32
dkesselknome: well... i did what i could16:33
knomeokay, so what's the current status of that?16:33
dkesseli contacted balloons, he told me that DanChapman would be working on it.16:34
dkesseli then asked DanChapman about it again.... this time by mail, just yesterday. no response yet.16:34
knomelet's not carry that action item on then16:34
dkesseli hope mail will cause a response...16:35
knomeultimately, it would be nice to turn that into work items in the blueprints if there is something we can benefit from and that is realistic to achieve16:35
knomethanks for taking care!16:35
dkesseli guess we can create a new item once we have some response16:35
knomeyeah, and in the blueprints rather than meetings if at all appropriate, to have it actually tracked16:36
knome-> xubuntu-dev to review requirements for xubuntu-core iso, investigating patches to livecd-rootfs, ubuntu-cdimage and debian-cd16:36
knomemicahg_work, do you know the status of this review?16:36
knomeor is it ochosi/bluesabre/Unit193 who are working on it?16:36
micahg_worknope, but I can help, I think Unit193 was driving this16:36
slickymasterWorkthat eas my impression also knome 16:36
knomei don't know much about it, so let's just carry it on and you can get on with working it later :)16:37
knome#action xubuntu-dev to review requirements for xubuntu-core iso, investigating patches to livecd-rootfs, ubuntu-cdimage and debian-cd16:37
meetingologyACTION: xubuntu-dev to review requirements for xubuntu-core iso, investigating patches to livecd-rootfs, ubuntu-cdimage and debian-cd16:37
knome#nick xubuntu-dev16:37
knomethose were the only action items carried16:37
knome#topic Team updates16:37
knome#info knome worked on a PoC for a work items tracker specifically for Xubuntu16:38
knome^ more on that under other discussions16:38
slickymasterWorknothing from -docs to report16:38
knome#info background: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-w/ was last updated on 13 July16:39
micahg_workbroken cron?16:40
knomei have no further information on that16:40
knomethe tracker is only used by us and some openstack people, so there's no guarantee that it will be kept running in the future16:41
micahg_workFile a bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-work-items-tracker/16:41
micahg_workis there some new shinier tool people are using?16:42
knomethe project isn't active, and it's not those people who control the instance anyway i believe, it'd be IS who could work on that16:42
knomelet's move on and get back to the subject16:42
knomejust a sec...16:42
knome#topic Announcements16:42
micahg_workoh, I supposed I could've mentioned dev stuff16:43
knome#info Feature Freeze on August 20th16:43
knomeyes... you could have :)16:43
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: INFO16:43
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: TOPIC16:43
knomego ahead16:43
micahg_work#info bluesabre packaged shimmer-themes 2.0.0 with the latest themes, micahg will upload soon16:43
micahg_work#info bluesabre is working to get QT apps to appear better in Xubuntu by setting environment variables appropriately16:44
micahg_work#info micahg to work on getting shimmer-themes back into the Xubuntu packageset16:45
micahg_workthere's probably more, but that's what I remember at the moment16:45
knome#topic Announcements16:45
knome#info Feature Freeze on August 20th16:45
knomeany other announcements?16:46
micahg_worknot that I can think of16:46
knome#topic Discussion16:46
knome#subtopic Work items tracker16:47
knomeso basically, the project you linked to has been inactive for a long time16:47
knomeand it would be canonical IS who to contact about cron jobs not working16:47
knomebut i hacked together a replacement last night already16:47
knomeit doesn't do all the same things as the current one, but we should discuss what we want from the tracker at some point16:48
micahg_workwell, code is public right?16:48
micahg_workwe could just set up an instance16:48
slickymasterWorkisn't pitti who maintains it>?16:48
knomeif you are volunteering to do that and work on the improvements on the python code, then certainly16:49
knomeslickymasterWork, the code, most likely not the instance16:49
micahg_worknot me, but there are others on the team with enough python experience that if they so desired they could16:49
knomethis has been discussed since ages, and nobody has stepped up16:49
knomewhich proves there isn't enough interest to do it with the current codebase16:50
knomei'm all for using existing tools... but idealism doesn't carry us too far, actions need to be taken if we want to go somewhere with it16:51
knome#action knome to follow up with team about the features the team would like to see in a status tracker, should we decide to use knome's code16:52
meetingologyACTION: knome to follow up with team about the features the team would like to see in a status tracker, should we decide to use knome's code16:52
knomeany ideas/feedback on this now?16:52
knome(i'll post the PoC url for the team later)16:53
knome#subtopic Other discussions16:55
knomeanything else?16:55
knome#topic Schedule next meeting16:58
slickymasterWorkit's ochosi turn, I believe knome 16:58
knomeochosi is up next for XPL duties16:58
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Jul 20 16:58:42 2015 UTC.  16:58
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2015/xubuntu-devel.2015-07-20-16.28.moin.txt16:58
slickymasterWorkthanks knome 16:59
knomeminutes are up16:59
knomemicahg_work, https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=2679216:59
micahg_workI'll have to look later17:00
knomewell it's just a ticket saying status.ubuntu.com isn't updating17:00
knomebut if you want to follow-up with it...17:00
knomeor follow17:00
ochosiknome, micahg_work: i asked "the maintainers" (i don't know who it was anymore) at the beginning of the cycle about status.ubuntu, because it initially didn't even get set up for wily for a few weeks19:15
ochosithen they set it up, but reluctantly, saying it could be retired19:16
ochosiso this lack of updates is sort of in line with that, and not a huge surprise19:16
micahg_workmaintainer was cjohnston IIRC19:16
ochosiright, i guess then it must've been him i talked to19:20
ochosieither way, one definitive advantage of using knome's code over the current implementation is that we can make it flexible and suit our needs, whereas general interest in status.ubuntu seemingly faded away19:21
ochosiand we can always make our code available, maybe that'll inspire interest in other teams as well (e.g. those who use trello atm)19:22
=== micahg_work_ is now known as micahg_work
bluesabrehello all21:41
knomehey bluesabre 21:43
ochosibluesabre: good timing, please try: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/commit/1745782e1928fd28fdd44530cd7b3bf6fb3283d121:44
ochosialso, in wily, the overlay scrollbars are not disabled in all apps21:44
ochosie.g. mousepad still has them21:44
ochosiso that env-var seems to work only with gnome apps that implement it, not gtk-wide21:44
bluesabreyeah, seemingly thats the case :(21:44
ochosiso anyway, with my patch they should be usable21:45
bluesabrechecking it out now21:46
ochosisoon it's taking you longer to check out the patch than it took me to write it ;)21:52
bluesabretook a while21:52
bluesabreyeah, that seems ok21:52
ochosiyeah, the tweaking took most of the time21:52
ochosiwasnt sure what look to go for21:52
ochosii don't mind adwaita's look21:53
ochosibut then again, this one looks more like current greybird21:53
ochosiso yeah, personally i wouldn't disable the overlay scrollbars21:53
ochosiespecially not like we're doing it now, cause it's not working so well21:53
bluesabreif it disables any at all its more consistent with the overall desktop21:55
bluesabrebut yeah, I can remove it for next themes upload21:55
bluesabreit seems like a silly feature21:56
ochosioh right, the themes haven't been uploaded yet, right?21:56
bluesabreapps are able to declare whether to support the overlay scrollbars21:56
ochosiit's something iOS has, is all i can think of :)21:56
ochosiright, that is a bit silly21:56
ochosieither they should always work or they shouldn't21:56
ochosimaybe that option will be dropped and was only added as a compromise because some app devs didn't like the scrollbars or something21:57
ochosieither way, the patch should make those cases where users have those scrollbars a lot better21:58
ochosibe they always or just seldomly or never21:58
bluesabrethanks for that21:58
ochosino problem, just had to read a bit of gtk+ git commit backlog ;)21:58
ochosi(and convert the scss to css)21:58
ochosi(and make a consistent style)21:59
bluesabregotta love the great documentation21:59
ochosiyeah, it's all in git log!21:59
ochosirecently someone emailed me about making gtk themes and where to find docs for that, i guess this will be my reply21:59
ochosia new shimmer-themes hasn't been uploaded yet, right? still out of our package-set..?22:00
bluesabre1 month to work on new software releases now :)22:04
bluesabregoing to aim for 1/week22:04
bluesabremight lower some of my loftier goals ;)22:04
ochosiyeah, makes sense22:05
ochosiafter all, this is the "summer cycle"22:05
ochosinot the one where most of the work usually happens22:05
bluesabregotta get in a good position for LTS though22:06
ochosiyep, we better make that one cound22:06
ochosicount too22:06
ochosisome things like xfpanel-switch should really see a release so we can test it in wily22:07
ochosiand iron out in x22:07
bluesabreI might get that one out next week22:07
ochosii mean that one is "basically ready" iirc22:07
ochosiit still has some glitches with the save/restore routine iirc22:08
bluesabrethis is a short week for me (anniversary), so aiming for a bugfix menulibre release tomorrow hopefully22:08
ochosioh congarats!22:08
ochosi!congarats | bluesabre 22:08
ochosii thought ubottu knew something about congarats. or maybe it was conga-rats22:08
bluesabre!congarays-#ubuntu-devel or something like that22:09
ubottubluesabre: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:09
bluesabre!congarats-#ubuntu-devel or something like that22:09
ubottubluesabre: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:09
bluesabre!conga-rats-#ubuntu-devel or something like that22:09
ubottubluesabre: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:09
bluesabreor nope22:09
bluesabreochosi: got anything you need me to look at tonight?22:14
ochosibtw, i think the UI for panel-switch could be two simple buttons in the panel config dialog22:14
bluesabrein the xfpanel dialog?22:14
ochosilike, just put a "save" and "load" button next to the "+" and "-" http://i.imgur.com/mm8S8SC.png22:15
ochosinaturally, that would only save the currently selected panel, so slightly different functionality22:15
ochosibut maybe just copying the xml would suffice there22:15
ochosior was it still using .rcs22:16
bluesabreits reading/writing xfconf22:17
ochosii vaguely remember it being a bit hacky22:17
ochosibut it's been too long that i actually looked at the code22:17
bluesabresame here22:18
ochosihm, no module named panelconfig22:19
ochosiwhat did i miss there22:19
bluesabreone sec22:20
ochosi(fwiw, i think xfpanel-switch is more likely to make it than that parole workitem)22:22
ochosiunless ofc packagekit is as easy as they say and one of us has a spark of motivation + time22:24
bluesabrewas pretty sure this worked at one point22:25
bluesabrebut I think I have a fix22:25
ochosi"worked at some point" sounds like a nice release message22:26
bluesabrepull it22:28
bluesabre./configure; make; make install22:28
ochosidid that though22:29
ochosino new revs22:29
bluesabrewhere are you looking?22:29
ochosioh cra22:30
ochosisry, was looking at your junk22:30
* ochosi puts on his innocent not-native-speaker hat22:30
ochosiwell, enough for a 0.1 release and getting it into the archive imo22:32
ochosithen the way is paved for future updates in terms of looks and functionality22:33
ochosiand we might get some (useful) feedback too22:33
bluesabremight be difficult to get in, and maybe not22:33
ochosiso imo you can release it as is now22:33
ochosiand then we can start the process of getting it in, and into our packageset22:33
bluesabreI'll work on it a bit still22:34
ochosidunno, have little experience with that22:34
ochosiyou mean now?22:34
bluesabreprobably, or at least tonight22:34
ochosicause if you mean "in the near future", better release it now ;)22:34
ochosithat was were we left things last time, iirc22:34
ochosiwhat do you wanna improve?22:34
bluesabreupload frequency?22:35
ochosiyeah, in terms of xfpanel-switch though22:35
bluesabreI'll do it22:35
bluesabrebug me about it if no action by this time tomorrow ;)22:36
bluesabregoing to work on it now22:36
ochosiunder the hood or UI wise though?22:37
bluesabreprobably both22:38
bluesabreI'll get it to something I'd want to blog about22:38
ochosihm, anything i can help you with?22:39
ochosiit'd have to be within the scope of 20mins though22:39
ochosiafter that i gotta get some sleep22:39
bluesabreif you have any ui tweaks you'd like to make, go for it22:40
ochosiif you're not adding functionality, i'm not sure tbh :)22:40
ochosiother than an "import" button, i can't really think of much22:41
ochosior an infobar saying "your current configuration hasn't been saved. [save] [x]"22:41
ochosibut that'd mean somehow checking whether it has been saved22:41
bluesabrecan timestamp the xml file22:43
ochosisure, but then it'd still be almost always visible22:43
ochosioh, or did you mean something like "you haven't backed up your configuration in a week. [save now] [x]" ?22:44
bluesabrethe message would only be displayed when this app is open22:45
bluesabreso if there are unsaved changes, can notify22:45
bluesabreor maybe not do that at all for this release22:46
ochosithat's why i meant maybe this is for later cause it needs changes under the hood too22:46
ochosiso anyway, i got no ideas how to do this basic UI significantly better for the moment22:50
ochosithe app is still a bit rough/dumb, and so is the UI22:50
bluesabredefinitely not release ready22:50
bluesabrelots of buttons do nothing22:50
bluesabreparticularly saving22:50
bluesabrewas pretty sure I made more progress than this22:51
ochosithat's interesting22:51
ochosididn't it "work at some point"?22:51
bluesabrepretty sure22:51
Unit193I was sure bluesabre was patching cdimage/livecd-rootfs.22:51
bluesabreI'll work on this22:51
bluesabreer, not that22:52
bluesabreUnit193: I don't know what changes are needed there22:52
Unit193That's OK, nor do I.22:53
bluesabrewe'll need to start asking around then22:54
bluesabreochosi: I'll get it up to par tonight22:58
ochosithis is why workitems should really be assigned to individuals rather than teams22:58
ochosii mean the -core issue22:58
ochosi(xfpanel-switch too though)22:58
ochosiUnit193: you ok with getting assigned to the xubuntu-core workitem?22:59
knomebeing assigned a work item shouldn't mean that you do 100% of the work either, just that you are the one that oversees the progress22:59
knome(except maybe when it's a specific task, eg. a bug or a new feature)22:59
ochosibluesabre: btw, it also doesn't set an appicon yet, so no icon in tabwin23:00
Unit193Eh, I'll likely put it off as long as I can, tbh.23:00
knomeUnit193, pick another work item then? [:23:00
* ochosi takes that as a "yes"23:01
knomeochosi, you'll take anything as a yes...23:01
bluesabreochosi: yeah23:01
bluesabrewill fix it all23:01
bluesabrepretty sure it was past this stage :D23:01
ochosibluesabre: oh also, isn't the x-d-s workitem already done?23:01
bluesabreyeah, why do you ask?23:02
knomebluesabre, it isn't marked as such?23:02
bluesabreknome: you must have an outdated page, reload once in a while23:03
ochosiknome: i think "he asked knowingly"23:03
* bluesabre is being mean23:05
knomehah :P23:05
knomeochosi, you know, his wife likes photography23:05
knomeochosi, could be holidays23:05
ochosithat is just too befitting23:05
ochosiyeah, i think he's a man of the world, he's been around23:06
knomeyeah, he's always going23:06
ochosibluesabre: let us know if you need context ;))23:06
knomei bet she goes too23:06
* bluesabre is lost23:06
knomebluesabre, you STILL haven't watched that sketch23:07
bluesabreoh wait23:07
bluesabreI think you gave me this one to watch once23:07
bluesabreits been a while23:07
bluesabredidn't absorb it completely23:07
ochosibluesabre: try again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrDFGa0juCM23:07
knomeooh, absorb23:07
bluesabredidn't marinade in it for a few years23:07
knomesays he knowingly23:07
ochosi4mins not wasted23:07
ochosiknome: yeah, he's a go-er23:08
ochosibluesabre: good luck with xfpanel-switch, gotta hit the sack23:17
bluesabreseeya ochosi: pull from the repo again tomorrow and give it a spin23:18
ochosiwill, and i hope it'll spin!23:18
knomeooh, spin23:18
knomei'm off as well23:19
knomenighty and ttyl23:19
bluesabresaving fixed23:29
bluesabrecleared out deprecated widgets23:54

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