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h0mer___ | hey guys can anyone here help out with a maas/juju/openstack networking question? | 00:39 |
tasdomas | hi | 06:54 |
tasdomas | I'm working on introducing action support to amulet - should I propose the changes on launchpad or github? | 06:54 |
Odd_Bloke | jose: Pong. | 07:58 |
jamespage | lazyPower, beisner, coreycb: bug in deployer for git repos | 08:38 |
jamespage | https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/juju-deployer/git-cwd/+merge/265365 | 08:39 |
jamespage | tvansteenburgh, dpb1: any chance one of you could review https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/juju-deployer/git-cwd/+merge/265365 | 09:09 |
jamespage | that fixes from challenges I had with git support | 09:09 |
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tvansteenburgh | jamespage: i'll take a look | 11:45 |
beisner | jamespage, ah nice ^ | 12:20 |
aisrael | tasdomas: On github: https://github.com/juju/amulet | 12:59 |
beisner | hi jamespage, please review ... o-c-t: Q-G rename + pxc + wily/liberty prep https://code.launchpad.net/~1chb1n/openstack-charm-testing/liberty-prep/+merge/265106 tia! | 13:31 |
beisner | hi gnuoy - not quite ready for final review, but wanted to alert you to some re-working in the openstack-mojo-specs @ https://code.launchpad.net/~1chb1n/openstack-mojo-specs/baremetal-bundle-constrainer/+merge/264558 | 13:42 |
beisner | ^ this is what uosci is consuming atm, resolves several issues in automation, a few more yet to iron out | 13:43 |
gnuoy | ack, thanks | 13:43 |
beisner | gnuoy, the lint checker just got a lot pickier ;-) needed to ensure that specs are using sane u:os combos. | 13:44 |
gnuoy | ah, tip top | 13:44 |
jamespage | beisner, +1 lgtm | 13:44 |
beisner | jamespage, ty | 13:45 |
beisner | jamespage, ok, that's landed | 13:47 |
jamespage | awesome | 13:47 |
arosales | marcoceppi, aisrael, tvansteenburgh: I am loving cloud-benchmarks.org | 15:32 |
tvansteenburgh | arosales: <3 | 15:32 |
marcoceppi | arosales: \o/ | 15:32 |
arosales | had an idea I wanted to bounce off you guys | 15:32 |
marcoceppi | arosales: go for it | 15:32 |
arosales | if someone notices a key performance enhancing method is missing from the charm how can we make it clear for them on how to contribute to the charm? | 15:33 |
arosales | or they would like to add a benchmark. | 15:33 |
marcoceppi | arosales: yeah, we have a little bit of a call to action at the bottom, but we don't make it clear. We do link to the jujudocs on writing a benchmark charm/action though | 15:34 |
marcoceppi | arosales: we ahve a follow up blog post which addresses the comments our latest post has been getting, I think in there we'll discuss how contributions work since we're patching the charm in a few ways to iterate on feedback | 15:34 |
marcoceppi | arosales: adding it to the about page as well, may not be a bad place at a high level | 15:35 |
arosales | About page may be nice for some additional pointers to the docs and how to contribute to charms | 15:36 |
arosales | marcoceppi, be nice if on say "http://cloud-benchmarks.org/submissions/6" or "http://cloud-benchmarks.org/services/cassandra" there was a call to action there | 15:38 |
marcoceppi | arosales: ack | 15:38 |
* arosales just thinking outloud atm | 15:38 | |
arosales | wanted to see what folks thought | 15:38 |
marcoceppi | arosales: I think it makes sense on the services overview page | 15:39 |
marcoceppi | results page as well, but not 100% sure where it'd fit in there | 15:39 |
arosales | as we would like to make it super simple for folks to see the benchmarks (done) but also easily contribute code to improve the charms performance | 15:39 |
arosales | marcoceppi, may have to live in the submission page and parse out charm URLs | 15:39 |
arosales | marcoceppi, something to think about. Specifically if we would like folks to contribute make the UI to do so amazingly easy | 15:40 |
arosales | in this case contribute performance tunings back to the charm. . . | 15:40 |
marcoceppi | it's a good point | 15:42 |
tvansteenburgh | yeah it would be nice to parse charm urls out of the bundle and link to them at least | 15:42 |
* arosales really like how you got the juju quickstart command right there | 15:45 | |
arosales | makes it super simple to try | 15:45 |
* arosales was just thinking of try, "branch," tune, submit, share workflow and how that could be modeled for benchmarking | 15:46 | |
arosales | food for thought | 15:46 |
tvansteenburgh | good ideas arosales, thanks | 15:46 |
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g3naro | hi,, anyone used juju to deploy docker containers on aws ? | 16:09 |
lazyPower | g3naro: I sure have | 16:12 |
g3naro | lazyPower: haev you got any ref. guides for this? | 16:12 |
lazyPower | g3naro: are you looking just to spinup the docker based infrastructure and deploy containers to that? or are you looking to deploy your products docker container with juju? | 16:13 |
g3naro | exactly what im trying to seutp | 16:13 |
lazyPower | you have some options here | 16:13 |
g3naro | deploy the products (docker container) into aws | 16:13 |
g3naro | i guess try to see if it makes sense to use juju for that in first place, im not too experience with juju yet either :) | 16:14 |
lazyPower | well, we have a charm that can deploy the docker infrastructure - which takes care of setting up the latest stable docker, configuring the backend storage service (like UFS enablement) - and to deploy container into that theres 2 options. Charm it up as a subordinate and relate to docker, or we can skip the docker charm all together and write a quick bash charm (50 lines or less) to deploy that specific container. | 16:15 |
g3naro | ohhh interesting | 16:16 |
g3naro | so does infrastructure include things like elastic beanstalk (aws load-balancing app) | 16:17 |
g3naro | that sounds very similar use cawse as well | 16:17 |
lazyPower | Juju doesnt' natively integrate with beanstalk, at least not today. | 16:17 |
g3naro | ahh ok | 16:17 |
g3naro | so that could be a seperate task | 16:17 |
lazyPower | if you're looking to do load balancing, there's work and charms already written that leverages consul, consul-template, dns, and nginx to do this :) | 16:18 |
g3naro | ok, nginx probally sounds the way to go | 16:19 |
g3naro | i had the understanding that the aws ebs with docker does the service registry in one system | 16:19 |
g3naro | but maybe i just dont understand it well enough | 16:19 |
lazyPower | ELB can work - but unfortunately we dont have a representation of ELB in juju as it stands today | 16:19 |
g3naro | ahh kk no worries, then | 16:20 |
lazyPower | so what you could do, is deploy with juju, then configure ELB in the AWS control panel to point at those nodes. | 16:20 |
g3naro | yeah that what i was thinking | 16:20 |
lazyPower | which sounds closer to what you want to achieve | 16:20 |
lazyPower | g3naro: https://github.com/chuckbutler/docker-charm is a good place to start. The readme gives you just enough to drill down and run a deployment | 16:22 |
g3naro | interesting | 16:22 |
g3naro | yeah i have deployed that into lxc container actually | 16:22 |
lazyPower | g3naro: the merge for AUFS backend storage is still pending for the charm store unfortunately :( But its available in my namespace and offers an easy upgrade path from there. | 16:22 |
lazyPower | i'm highly surprised if that works. default APPArmor profiles prevent docker from working properly in lxc | 16:23 |
g3naro | i havent run the app on it | 16:23 |
g3naro | but it worked on my box just about an hour ago | 16:23 |
lazyPower | impressive, you've done what i've been brain bending around for a couple months now :) | 16:23 |
lazyPower | i can't even get the daemon to come online | 16:23 |
lazyPower | it gets immediately nuked when it requests cgroups resources | 16:24 |
g3naro | root@g3naro-local-machine-3:~# docker --version | 16:24 |
g3naro | Docker version 1.0.1, build 990021a | 16:24 |
g3naro | i used a different charm actually | 16:24 |
lazyPower | ah thats deploying the package from archive | 16:24 |
g3naro | and just did juju switch local, juju deploy docker | 16:24 |
lazyPower | 1.0.1 is quite old now | 16:24 |
g3naro | true | 16:25 |
lazyPower | but that's still the same charm. | 16:25 |
lazyPower | juju set docker latest=true version=1.0.7 will upgrade | 16:25 |
g3naro | i guess you have to add repo and updated it | 16:25 |
g3naro | ohh | 16:25 |
lazyPower | :) this is why managing docker as an infrastructure component makes sense. You get independent control of docker, where if you're shipping it with a charm you lose some of that, or you're duplicating effort | 16:26 |
g3naro | ahhh ok,, yeah now i see the point | 16:26 |
lazyPower | if you're following the mailing list, we're working through "juju compose" which will allow you to inheret from the docker charm, and only maintain the hooks that are important to your service - so delivering of that container and making sure its got hte proper env + relations. | 16:26 |
g3naro | but then what about if application is packaged as docker image | 16:26 |
g3naro | im not on the list, but i think i would be interested to | 16:27 |
g3naro | well definately would be intersted to | 16:27 |
lazyPower | so, using the juju compose methodology, you inheret, write a config-changed hook thats specific to your container, add any relations you need if its going to communicate with other services, and generate your charm. As we cycle and update the docker charm you simply regenerate your charm and publish. | 16:27 |
lazyPower | g3naro: i'm going to run for lunch however, if you need additional information feel free to ping. I should be back in about 45 minutes to an hour. | 16:28 |
g3naro | interestingok cool man, thanks alot | 16:28 |
g3naro | ill be here | 16:28 |
lazyPower | also my colleague mbruzek has some experience with docker and charming :) so feel free to utilize him as a resource as well | 16:29 |
* mbruzek waves | 16:29 | |
g3naro | wow cool :D | 16:30 |
g3naro | just fyi, ive only started using juju/lxc/docker <1 month | 16:30 |
g3naro | but very keen to build this out | 16:31 |
g3naro | so i think step1 is creating a charm that will create docker inf. in aws | 16:31 |
g3naro | https://jujucharms.com/u/mattyw/docker/precise/3 | 16:32 |
g3naro | this is what i had installed actually | 16:32 |
g3naro | "/alias hidelevels.set set activity_hide_level parts joins quits nicks modes" | 16:33 |
g3naro | seems a bit too quiet now | 16:38 |
g3naro | :/ | 16:38 |
mbruzek | still here | 16:45 |
g3naro | heheh, sorry been rambling a bit | 16:45 |
mbruzek | although your alias came across as text so I don't know how well that would work | 16:45 |
g3naro | yeah i had to re-send it | 16:45 |
g3naro | so.. yeah im trying to get my head around this still | 16:45 |
g3naro | if the application is a docker image | 16:46 |
mbruzek | Juju deploys a charm in AWS or GCE, or where ever. That charm installs docker and configures it for you. Then you can run commands on that unit to start docker containers | 16:47 |
g3naro | so step 1- deploy the docker inf. | 16:49 |
g3naro | creating ec2 instances with docker installed | 16:49 |
g3naro | then deploying application into those boxes | 16:50 |
mbruzek | g3naro: Juju can create an ec2 instance with docker inside it. Just deploy the docker charm. | 16:50 |
mbruzek | Then you can run commands on that unit to start docker containers inside the vm. | 16:51 |
g3naro | ok, so on the vm you ship the docker image and run it | 16:51 |
mbruzek | g3naro: Juju doesn't ship images, it configures the base image. So a charm installs and configures Docker on that unit. | 16:52 |
g3naro | ohh | 16:52 |
mbruzek | You could write a charm that installs docker and starts a container with your application | 16:52 |
mbruzek | If you run it in a container. | 16:52 |
g3naro | yeah that is the step needed then | 16:52 |
g3naro | charm the application | 16:52 |
mbruzek | But you could start with the base image and just install the application on the VM. | 16:53 |
mbruzek | But it is up to you how you want to organize and architect that | 16:53 |
g3naro | hmm yeah,, thats what i have to find out,, and fast :) | 16:53 |
mbruzek | g3naro: Well just ask here if you need help. I have to run for lunch too. There are others that can help. Also lazyPower and myself use #system-zoo to discuss container stuff, you are welcome to join us there as well. | 16:56 |
g3naro | ok cool man! thanks so much | 16:56 |
g3naro | im trying to get started so would this charm lazy provided before be stuitable to test | 16:57 |
mbruzek | g3naro: #juju is still your best bet for general Juju questions. #system-zoo is a smaller group of container related technology | 16:57 |
g3naro | yea.. juju is still new for me, and ill have few more by 2morrow :) | 16:57 |
g3naro | im in UTC time | 16:57 |
mbruzek | We will be here | 16:57 |
g3naro | nice :) | 16:57 |
tasdomas | hi, I've submitted a PR that adds action support to amulet | 16:58 |
tasdomas | https://github.com/juju/amulet/pull/80 | 16:58 |
mbruzek | There are folks working on Juju from all over the world. I happen to be in CST, but we have an office in London, lots of folks on that timezone | 16:58 |
g3naro | yeah man, would be great to be part of ubuntu one day ;) | 16:58 |
mbruzek | tasdomas: Thank you for your contribution! tvansteenburgh, or marcoceppi will likely be the ones to review that | 16:58 |
tasdomas | mbruzek, don't thank me yet ;-] | 16:59 |
mbruzek | tasdomas: if you don't get a review let me know and I can take a look as a back up. | 16:59 |
mbruzek | happy to have interest in making our tools better | 16:59 |
mbruzek | Ok I have to get going to lunch | 17:01 |
g3naro | ez bro | 17:01 |
mbruzek | be back in a few | 17:01 |
tvansteenburgh | tasdomas: thanks for the PR, i'll have a look in a bit | 17:03 |
jose | Odd_Bloke: hey, I had some questions about the ubuntu-repository-cache charm. if you had a min, mind a pm? | 17:08 |
marcoceppi | g3naro: hey! Thanks for the contribution, we've left some feedback, though I usually jsut defer to tvansteenburgh | 17:20 |
tvansteenburgh1 | s/g3naro/tasdomas/ | 17:21 |
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marcoceppi | blehhhhhhh | 17:24 |
* marcoceppi disappears for a while | 17:24 | |
lazyPower | g3naro: o/ | 17:37 |
tasdomas | marcoceppi, thanks for the feedback | 17:46 |
marcoceppi | tasdomas: thanks for taking a stab at this, overall the implementation looks great, I just had some small comments that are pretty inconsequential | 17:48 |
tasdomas | marcoceppi, I'll try to address the comments shortly - I need the implementation of actions to be able to test my own charm (that uses actions extensively) | 17:49 |
marcoceppi | tasdomas: well we're starting ot see a lot of actions show up, so it's pretty perfectly timed | 17:49 |
Odd_Bloke | jose: I'm EOD now, but rcj can probably answer them. | 17:52 |
Odd_Bloke | (Sorry rcj ;) | 17:52 |
jose | lol | 17:52 |
rcj | Odd_Bloke, jose: no problem, I can answer questions on that | 17:53 |
tasdomas | tvansteenburgh, ping? | 18:02 |
* arosales got a sack full of k8 shirts | 18:12 | |
arosales | I made sure to get a few for marcoceppi cause I know he loves himself some docker | 18:12 |
marcoceppi | arosales: the winters are long and harsh here ;) | 18:12 |
arosales | marcoceppi, :-) you need something to change the midget's oil in | 18:15 |
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tvansteenburgh | tasdomas: pong | 18:58 |
tasdomas | tvansteenburgh, marcoceppi - thanks for the reviews, I'll speak to you tomorrow | 19:09 |
tvansteenburgh | tasdomas: sounds good, thanks! | 19:10 |
lamont | if I have a service that was deployed and working with juju 1.18.1-0ubuntu1, and now I have juju 1.20.11-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 and it says 'ERROR no such request "NewServiceSetForClientAPI" on Client', what is the best fix? | 19:34 |
marcoceppi | lamont: well, that's not supposed to happen | 19:34 |
lamont | marcoceppi: I have an existance case to the contrary.. :( | 19:35 |
marcoceppi | did you do an upgrade or fresh deploy? | 19:36 |
lamont | https://pastebin.canonical.com/135766/ | 19:37 |
lamont | which isn't the answer to your question | 19:37 |
lamont | deployed with 1.18.1 (maas host, which ahs been up for 6 days) - dist-upgrade yesterday brought in 1.20.11 (backported to trusty), and today, juju set fails to perform | 19:38 |
lamont | but the 1.18.1 binary works just fine | 19:38 |
lamont | marcoceppi: interestingly, it looks like 1.18 was just ignoring the error and plowing on ahead, based on what the 1.18 binary produced in the machinelog | 19:40 |
lamont | in slightly different questions: what do I need to restart to have juju notice that I changed the IP address of the machine? and what side effects should I expect? | 19:46 |
marcoceppi | lamont: typically you need to restart the juju-machine agent on the instance, IIRC | 19:48 |
lamont | marcoceppi: should have no side effects? | 19:50 |
marcoceppi | lamont: well, 1.20 is still pretty "old", so can't say it won't have any side effects, ideally it should recover jsut fine. the agent will go from up to down to up again in status and in that time events will be queued but not dispatched, if a hooks is running it'll likely be marked as an error | 19:51 |
aisrael | is debug-hooks part of juju-core | 20:37 |
aisrael | or a plugin? | 20:37 |
lazyPower | i'm fairly certain its a plugin that lives in core. | 20:39 |
lazyPower | but, a core dev might be a better candidate to answer that | 20:40 |
lazyPower | aisrael: i'm wrong its core - https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/596210921f2291010d94682f3fcc3cea71534efe/cmd/juju/commands/debughooks.go | 20:40 |
aisrael | lazyPower: ack, thanks. To open a bug report or write a patch, decisions decisions. | 20:41 |
* aisrael goes the lazy route | 20:41 | |
lazyPower | aisrael: why not both? | 20:41 |
lazyPower | also, i had no idea you hacked in golang | 20:41 |
aisrael | lazyPower: Maybe after I'm out of the weeds. :/ | 20:42 |
lazyPower | marcoceppi: stop working aisrael so hard | 20:42 |
aisrael | Very minor hacking in it, but it's piqued my curiosity so I just need a strong enough itch to scratch. | 20:42 |
lazyPower | i just recently picked up the golang bootcamp myself, so i can start learning and helping | 20:43 |
aisrael | There's already a bug for what I need. Almost two years old. Time to fire up the go machine | 20:48 |
mad4comp | Hey guys. I'm trying to deploy a Maas/Landscape/Opestack instance with 8 machines connected to two networks, but for some reason it seems that all my vm's get spun up, but can't reach out to the internet to configure the meta-data service. Anyone know if this is a bug? | 21:14 |
blr | hi there, is there a workaround for https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1464335 | 21:31 |
mup | Bug #1464335: debug-log does not work with local provider <debug-log> <local-provider> <regression> <vivid> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464335> | 21:31 |
tvansteenburgh | blr: i usually just tail the log i care about under /var/log/juju* | 22:02 |
blr | tvansteenburgh: yep I'll do that thanks | 22:04 |
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