
=== silver is now known as Guest80248
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|aaronafter the latest kernel update when i reboot i just get a black screen. i know its related to my quadro k4200 video card, it always gives me problems after updates… ive tried (re)installing every possible version of the nvidia proprietary drivers but i get the same result no matter what. help!01:02
Finetundrahey guys, can I ask questions about running games running under wine on kubuntu in here?01:15
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lordievaderGood morning.08:14
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naftilos76Hi, i am on kubuntu 15.04 and when droping to a console (CTRL+ALT+F1) my language (greek) is not shown correctly. Could this be a package problem?08:58
lordievadernaftilos76: Your tty is likely not using utf-808:59
naftilos76Oh, thanks. Can i somehow enable utf8 in mu vconsoles?09:00
lordievaderFrom the top of my head no idea. And unfortunately I do not have time right now to look for it, sorry.09:01
naftilos76no pro09:02
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prillian5I have installed kde 4.14.6 with QT 4.8.6. If I do a SIP-Call with telepathy, my voice sounds in slow-motion on the other side of the line.09:37
prillian5any idea why?09:37
=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92
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Guest16631anybody here?12:17
Guest16631no one?12:19
Guest16631help !!!12:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:20
Guest16631i have ubuntu version 64 bit12:20
Guest16631but i can not here any voice12:21
Guest16631i  have checked driver , it is OK12:21
Guest16631system setting ->sound settint is gray12:21
Guest16631anybody know how to do ?12:22
murthy_Guest16631: hi12:27
murthy_Guest16631: we will talk here12:28
murthy_Guest16631: is the process pulseaudio running?12:28
Guest16631i checked with ps12:29
Guest16631it is runing12:29
murthy_Guest16631: do you see in the task manager?12:29
Guest16631yes, but i can not start it12:29
murthy_Guest16631: did you try a restart of the system?12:30
Guest16631it useless12:30
murthy_Guest16631: ok, open a konsole12:30
murthy_Guest16631: type alsamixer and press enter12:30
murthy_Guest16631: what do you see?12:31
Guest16631cannot open mixer: No such file or directory12:31
Guest16631system output12:31
murthy_Guest16631: ok you need to reload the alsa drivers. I will tell you how12:31
Guest16631thank you12:32
murthy_Guest16631: try this command   alsamixer force-reload12:33
murthy_Guest16631: sudo alsamixer force-reload12:34
lordievaderShouldn't that be 'alsa force-reload'?12:34
murthy_lordievader: why?12:34
murthy_lordievader: i think its more like alsactl12:35
Guest16631i confused,which one?12:35
murthy_lordievader: I forgot the command and  I just copied that from a forum12:36
murthy_Guest16631: wait12:36
murthy_Guest16631: let me check the manual12:36
lordievaderGuest16631: While he is doing that, could you pastebin the output of 'lspci -k|grep -A2 Audio'?12:37
Guest1663100:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor HD Audio Controller (rev 06)12:37
Guest16631        Subsystem: Lenovo Device 309812:37
Guest16631        Kernel driver in use: snd_hda_intel12:37
Guest1663100:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)12:37
Guest16631        Subsystem: Lenovo Device 309812:37
Guest16631        Kernel driver in use: snd_hda_intel12:37
Guest16631system output12:37
lordievader!paste | Guest1663112:38
ubottuGuest16631: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:38
lordievaderGuest16631: That looks fine, what is the output of 'aplay -l'?12:38
murthy_Guest16631: the command is    sudo alsa force-reload12:39
murthy_lordievader: you are right12:39
Guest16631**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****12:39
Guest16631card 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC662 rev3 Analog [ALC662 rev3 Analog]12:39
Guest16631  Subdevices: 0/112:39
Guest16631  Subdevice #0: subdevice #012:39
lordievadermurthy_: ;)12:39
murthy_Guest16631: stop pasting12:39
lordievaderGuest16631: Please use pastebin next time.12:39
Guest16631how ?12:39
lordievader!paste | Guest1663112:39
ubottuGuest16631: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:39
murthy_Guest16631: ok did you run the command?12:40
Guest16631i am trying12:40
Guest16631i have runned command12:41
Guest16631system output12:42
murthy_lordievader: This had happened to be earlier, why this happening with the alsa? driver bug?12:42
lordievadermurthy_: Are you jumping to conclusions?12:43
lordievaderGuest16631: Does your audio work now?12:43
murthy_lordievader: you mean in the case of Guest16631?12:43
Guest16631i don't know12:43
Guest16631i can't here any voice12:44
lordievaderYes. You have performed one step in the troubleshooting process.12:44
lordievaderGuest16631: Can you play audio?12:44
BluesKajHI folks12:44
murthy_lordievader: I am looking forward to the wayland of audio12:44
lordievadermurthy_: But Pulseaudio is great!12:44
murthy_BluesKaj: hi12:44
lordievaderAnd not likely to go away.12:44
BluesKajhi murthy_, lordievader12:44
Guest16631when i use player to play mp3, player will gone away12:45
murthy_lordievader: ya, but not good enough12:45
lordievaderGuest16631: Ah, do you hear audio when you run 'aplay /usr/share/alsa/Front_Center.wav'?12:45
lordievadermurthy_: Not good enough how?12:45
murthy_Guest16631: try a system restart12:45
lordievadermurthy_: Hold on.12:45
lordievaderSystem restarts are rarely necessary.12:45
lordievadermurthy_: Lets first troubleshoot this issue before doing random things.12:46
murthy_lordievader: not for noobs12:46
Guest16631/usr/share/alsa/Front_Center.wav: No such file or directory12:46
lordievadermurthy_: PA works fine out of the box.12:46
murthy_Guest16631: try what lordievader suggests12:46
Guest16631system output12:46
murthy_lordievader: It ignores the low level stuff12:46
lordievaderGuest16631: Err that should be: aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav12:47
lordievadermurthy_: What low level stuff?12:47
murthy_lordievader: not exposing the  sound channels properly12:47
lordievadermurthy_: That is alsa's job.12:48
Guest16631i can here voice when i run command ' aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav'12:48
lordievaderGuest16631: Great, it ain't alsa.12:49
murthy_lordievader: I know pulseaudio made a huge difference but if that is enough then why people are working on a new one12:49
lordievaderGuest16631: Do you hear something when you run 'paplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav'?12:49
lordievadermurthy_: A new one?12:50
murthy_lordievader: never mind12:50
Guest16631i can here voice,too12:50
murthy_lordievader: I got confused12:50
lordievaderGuest16631: Pulse audio works too. What is the actual problem?12:50
Guest16631how to handle this problem?12:51
lordievaderGuest16631: I don't know what the problem is, could you describe it clearly?12:51
BluesKajpulse is a sound server that handles simultaneous audio sources if needed and some cards need it for web audio , most intel-hda chips don't need it and can run on their own with alsa..it addsanother layer audio processing , hence more inherent distortion12:52
BluesKajthat's mainly the complaint about PA12:52
lordievaderAny audio chip should work with Alsa alone, but that ain't the point of Pulseaudio/12:53
BluesKajlordievader,  not all can . my m-audio card needs pulse for web audio12:53
Guest16631guys, i have to go home ,tomorrow i will continue to slove this problem,tahnk you all12:54
lordievaderThat is hard to believe, pulseaudio does not talk to any sound card directly, Alsa does.12:54
Guest16631thank you all12:54
BluesKajalsa doesn't play flsah audio on the m-audio card for some reason and I've never been able track down why that is12:54
murthy_lordievader: why is pulse audio only showing the main channel and not showing the lfe?12:55
murthy_lordievader: I mean through kmix12:55
murthy_lordievader: When using kmix with alsa it exposes all the channels12:55
lordievadermurthy_: No idea.12:55
lordievaderRarely use kmix.12:55
murthy_lordievader: use alsamixer?12:55
lordievadermurthy_: Pavucontrol12:56
=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92
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prillian5have upgrade to 15.04 today. Now my PC starts much much slower than 14.10. Any Idea why?14:30
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lordievaderprillian5: Could you pastebin the output of 'sudo systemd-analyze blame'?14:32
prillian5lordievader: you see anything on the output to fix?14:35
prillian5most time is needed before the login on KDE14:36
lordievaderprillian5: Is apache and mysql needed at boot?14:39
lordievaderAlso you are mostly waiting for your network devices.14:39
prillian5this seconds show there are not explain the time which is now needed to startup the system. I don't have use a timer to got exact time lapsed, but before System was after 30 seconds on kde-login, now on 15.04 it takes nearly 1,5 till 2 minutes14:41
lordievaderIs that the same with a new profile?14:42
prillian5lordievader: I only have done the upgrade by muon14:45
prillian5no other changes at all14:45
lordievaderprillian5: Hence the question.14:45
prillian5don't understand what you mean14:46
lordievaderprillian5: Well the problem might lie in your kde profile. So you make a new user to see if the problem persists.14:46
prillian5but the time elapsed "before" the login Splash appear14:47
lordievaderprillian5: Ah then I misunderstood.14:47
lordievaderSo the booting?14:48
prillian5I press ESC to see whats going on there, but screen leave black, till login appear.14:48
prillian5Strange behavior14:48
lordievaderprillian5: You could start by disabeling apache and mysql on boot.14:53
prillian5lordievader: you think apache is so much slower than on kubuntu 14.x ?14:53
prillian5And mysql is need for Kde ... like nepomuk or akonadi?14:54
lordievaderNo, but both combined shaves of two seconds of your boot time.14:54
lordievaderNot the mysql server.14:54
naftilos76Hi, my laptop has hybrid graphics and the only options that work are the intel and the nouveau. Nvidia options do not. I get a black screen or i get pushed back to the login screen. I have seen a few post threads which talk about nvidia prime or bublebee or whatever that is. Will that make any difference? What are my options here?14:57
naftilos76I am on kubuntu 15.0414:58
naftilos76My nvidia is a Geforce 840M14:58
murthylordievader: isn't sql used by some of kde's components>15:00
naftilos76i have added a repo "ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa" which adds more recent nvidia drivers which do not work as well15:00
lordievadermurthy: It is used yes.15:00
murthylordievader: so we shouldn't disable sql right?15:00
lordievaderThey bring their own sql database. No need to run mysql itself.15:01
yossarianuknaftilos76: I would avoid the xorg-edgers PPA  it can also upgrade various other packages15:06
yossarianukbest to grab the binary from nvidia.com15:06
naftilos76it did upgrade a few other packages. I had to try!15:06
naftilos76I tried the binary from nvidia but when i jump into a console and try to install it with sudo i am warned that an x session is running and so i cannot continue15:07
yossarianuknaftilos76: its a fairly complex thing to do - this is why ubuntu should just have the latest package as an option....15:08
naftilos76that happens even if i am logged out15:08
yossarianukyou have to15:08
yossarianuk1) go to console - sudo service sddm stop15:08
naftilos76oh, yes15:08
naftilos76i knew that but i did not do it!15:09
yossarianuk2) add nouveua to blacklist module - recreate initrd - reboot15:09
yossarianuk3) go to console again15:09
yossarianuk4) install Nvidia driver15:09
naftilos76i am not sure how to do the second stage15:09
yossarianuk5) reboot15:09
yossarianukbear in mind you can end up with a system with just a black screen.15:09
naftilos76i think i will stay for now with nouveau15:10
naftilos76i have got some coding to do...15:10
naftilos76thanks anyway15:10
yossarianuknaftilos76: I would never settle for nouveau in its present state.15:15
yossarianukyes its open source but yor will lose 60-80% in speed.15:16
yossarianukand you cannot play any openGL4.x app/game.15:16
naftilos76I have no choice for the moment. I am not a gamer in any way. The most demanding 3d app i run could be glxgears :-)15:17
naftilos76I am trying to get it done though15:17
naftilos76i keep googling15:17
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yossarianuknaftilos76: my point would be whats the point in spending money on a card then underclocking it by up to 80%15:23
yossarianukmay as well run onboard...15:24
naftilos76yossarianuk: Your point is right :-)15:25
lordievaderBecause 80% is more than 0% :P15:25
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yossarianukthe lack of latest nvidia driver is a personal pet hate about most distros....15:45
yossarianukand it constantly causes users issues (and harms the linux desktop)15:45
=== drawkward is now known as drawkward_away
DDRHi all. I have a program I'm writing, but for the moment ctrl-f (for fullscreen) renders the desktop unusable. I use to be able to use one of my TTY terminals to kill the offending process, but those are broken on my new computer. Is there any way to recover my session?15:53
DDRThere are many ways I've killed the desktop, from taking screenshots (unreliable) to dragging windows between virtual desktops (reliable, as of a month or two ago).15:54
DDREach time, I have to reboot the computer. This is a pain, because only some of my programs restore and I have to enter long passwords a lot.15:54
soee_DDR: try asking on #plasma maybe15:55
DDROK, thanks.15:55
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BluesKajDDR try the F key15:57
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DDRBluesKaj: f ... I don't understand?15:57
BluesKajif fullscreen freezes15:58
DDRf and what?15:58
BluesKajnm, I'm mistaken , DDR15:59
DDR(The program isn't listening by this point; perhaps it has lost keyboard focus.)15:59
DDRno worries. :)15:59
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BluesKaj!ru | nikola_18:47
ubottunikola_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:47
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:49
=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92
ovidiu-florinBluesKaj: he just said hy19:21
ovidiu-florinanyone any ideas on this: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+TjaartBlignaut/posts/iFVDw7GHQ5419:22
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Sound like Systemd issues.19:22
yofelI've seen that myself when I'm at the login screen, but I don't know why it happens19:25
BluesKajovidiu-florin,  well, I don't read cyrillic, so I naturally assumed he wanted to ask a question Russian19:26
BluesKajin Russian19:27
lordievaderovidiu-florin, yofel: this answer sums it up pretty nicely: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/56531/how-to-get-fewer-ttys-with-systemd19:28
BluesKajno problem with ctl+alt +F1 to the VT/TTY here on 15.1019:37
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dannielwhats up19:42
yofellordievader: hm, we do start a couple by default though19:59
yofeloh, but that's async, so in my case they probably weren't there yet20:00
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