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r_riosHello. After some update (I think), my cursor is "jiggling" in some situations. Sometimes it's when it changes (like when I move it over the edge of a window), sometimes it's out of the blue. Anyone else experiencing the same problems02:24
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Guest88107I don't know why people use this.02:39
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DoyleWhere can I find qt 5.5?07:29
Doyleis there a ppa?07:29
prillian515.04, if I try to upgrade some packeges via Muon Update-Manager, I got a Message: An error occurred while applying canges:07:40
prillian5No other info. If I try to click on "Details"-Button, nothing happend07:41
prillian5Same, if I try to install additional flash-package (suggestion in Kicker to add it as enhancement for firefox)07:41
prillian5How to fix this bug?+07:41
prillian5If I press the install-button again, (in Muon update manager), I got the message inside of muon, that my software is up to date, last check 4 Seconds ago.07:43
valorieprillian5: you can try in a konsole: sudo apt install -f07:56
valoriewhich -f mean fix any broken packages07:56
lordievaderGood morning.07:56
prillian5valorie: Thank you. I know this. The point is, that there is no error-Message on muon-updater. It's a bug08:14
valorieprillian5: please file a bug08:14
valorie`ubuntu-bug muon-updater` in the cli08:15
prillian5have done now. But the bug-process don't ask me for additional information. Hope this fit the needs for the bughunters :)08:18
lordievaderDidn't the launchpad page open?08:18
prillian5ah, didn't see, he opend a browser-window08:19
prillian5btw: how can I set the focus on windows, if new opend?08:19
prillian5Since 15.04, windows seems not to focus (specialy chrome, if there was open only a new tab in an existing chrome-process)08:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1477003 in muon (Ubuntu) "Muon-Updater error-report with no Information inside" [Undecided,New]08:24
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aitchnyuHey guys, me and my friend installed 15.04. He was annoyed with wallet and fumbled. He then purged kwalletmanager. He is now unable to connect to wifi as kded5 still asks for wallet password. He has restarted08:30
lordievaderaitchnyu: You can give your wallet a blank password, it won't ask you for the password that way.08:34
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aitchnyulordvader: he gets an error about incorrect password, and he has PURGED kwallermanager08:35
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gf_good day! pls, I need help with HDMI sound configuration. I can play sound with aplay, but no sound in KDE.08:37
lordievadergf_: Is pavucontrol installed?08:38
aitchnyulordievader: that worked! Thanks!08:38
lordievaderaitchnyu: Good to hear :)08:39
gf_lordievader: how do I find it out?08:39
gf_lordievader: searching in Muon Discover: PulseAudio Volume Control -- not installed08:41
lordievadergf_: dpkg -l|grep pavucontrol08:41
lordievaderAh, well install it.08:41
gf_lordievader: ok, standby08:42
gf_lordievader: pavucontrol is installed now by Muon08:43
lordievaderOkay, open it and route all the sources towards your hdmi audio.08:45
MirosenpaiHello. I hava a freash intsall of a kubuntu desktop. I am attempting to add a .desktop file for a program that is started by double clicking a binary file. First of all, I wish to place the .desktop file locally for the use in the ~/.local/share/applications folder. The applications directory, however, does not exist. Even after i create it manually and place the .desktop file inside, the application is not found when I search f08:45
MirosenpaiHas anyone expereineced a simillar issue?08:46
gf_lordievader: okay, standby08:48
gf_lordievader: I have the GF119 HDMI Audio Controller Digital Stereo (HDMI 2) Port: HDMI / Display Port 2 (plugged in)08:50
MirosenpaiHello. I hava a freash intsall of a kubuntu desktop. I am attempting to add a .desktop file for a program that is started by double clicking a binary file. First of all, I wish to place the .desktop file locally for the use in the ~/.local/share/applications folder. The applications directory, however, does not exist. Even after i create it manually and place the .desktop file inside, the application is not found when I search f08:50
lordievader!patience | Mirosenpai08:51
ubottuMirosenpai: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.08:51
gf_lordievader: changed the preferred output in system settings --> problem solved. thank you!08:55
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lordievadergf_: No problem ;)08:56
aitchnyuI am playing a Udemy video on firefox:  <video src="https://redacted.cloudfront.net/WebHD_720p.mp4?>. Whenever I open a new video or seek a playing video, a sound output "CubebUtils Audiostream" with firefox logo sets itself to a very low value09:18
aitchnyueach time I seek, I have to set the volume higher09:18
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shahrukhcan I share a blog post ?09:34
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lordievaderartisanIndia: Err, why?09:40
artisanIndiajust to have some reads09:40
artisanIndiaI am going through a competition within my collegues09:40
yossarianukthis isn't directly involved in the kubuntu desktop - but you guys may know...09:43
lordievaderartisanIndia: Better post it in #kubuntu-offtopic if it has nothing to do with Kubuntu support.09:43
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yossarianukIf there a way to audit existing  linuxuser passwords? - i.e to check the strength, etc ?09:44
lordievaderyossarianuk: Pam can do that on creation. Not sure if you can do so after the fact. Hashes are kind of useless for that.09:45
yossarianuklordievader: thanks - i've seen about using cracklib/pam to enforce strong new passwords..09:49
lordievaderThat, yes.09:49
MirosenpaiHello. I hava a freash intsall of a kubuntu desktop. I am attempting to add a .desktop file for a program that is started by double clicking a binary file. First of all, I wish to place the .desktop file locally for the use in the ~/.local/share/applications folder. The applications directory, however, does not exist. Even after i create it manually and place the .desktop file inside, the application is not found when I search f10:21
prillian5is there a plasmoid for 15.04 for show left disk space10:47
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aitchnyuI am playing a Udemy video on firefox:  <video src="https://redacted.cloudfront.net/WebHD_720p.mp4?>. Whenever I open a new video or seek a playing video, a sound output "CubebUtils Audiostream" with firefox logo sets itself to a very low value. Each time I seek, I have to set the volume higher11:55
BluesKajHey all12:08
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PerdidoNaLuaaaand after this?13:14
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m_tadeuhi...my plasmashell is totally frozen for a few hours....what can I do to see what's wrong?14:42
s_20well.. have you tried turning it off and on again?14:46
m_tadeuthe same thing is happening since yesterday....killing it, rebooting always falls in the same situation14:47
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knro_How do I get the _latest_ KDE in Kubuntu? is it kubuntu backports?16:13
BluesKajknro_, do you mean plasma5/KF5 desktop etc?16:16
knro_BluesKaj: yes16:16
yofelknro_: yes, that's ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports which will give you plasma 5.3.1 for vivid. kf5 5.10 and plasma 5.3.2 are WIP16:32
knro_yofel: Why not 5.3.2 for vivid as well since it is backports?16:33
yofelknro_: that depends on kf5 5.10, and they're both not done yet16:35
knro_yofel: ok thanks, I just finished upgrading, let me restart and hopefully nothing broke.16:36
vividgood luck, plasma5 totally isnt ready for daily use yet : (16:38
aydenUsing konversation?17:26
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excognachi all. my laptop (acer i3, 4gb ram* is severly slow. I know I have m,any bad sectors on HDD, will run testdisk soon. Any easy method to test other hardware like motherboard?17:29
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KiranoWill qt5.5 comeback to 15.04 or 15.1018:35
kiranosdid anyone answer about qt 5.5 beeing made available on either 15.04 or 15.10 ?18:48
kiranossorry got disconnected18:48
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DaBrondoQuick question:  I've followed the Kubuntu turmoil a bit but I assumed it was still moving forward -- is this true?  There hasn't been any nightly builds since the 2nd ?19:12
geniiDalekSec: According to the kubuntu-devel mailing list latest, they are working on porting stuff right now to GCC5, which is proving problemmatic19:20
geniiWhups. misdirect.19:22
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diego_Hello, I'm looking for help to fix a bug that has already been reported regarding Okular.  I'm having trouble following the fix.  Can someone help?22:36
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