
lazyPowero/ i'm workign through an issue i'm having w/ quickstart not finding my bootstrapped env in CI, as a quick pointer where's it looking for the environment info?  for context http://drone.dasroot.net/github.com/chuckbutler/kubernetes-juju-builder/master/b2336ddcd025927372d7cdd459f0efca2e69b40614:03
rick_h_frankban: can you help please? ^14:04
lazyPowerwait, this output just struck a chord with me, i think its pebkac.14:05
lazyPoweri see "ubuntu user" output here, and it shouldn't be - looks like i commited an older rev of the script that was still routing as a normal user.14:06
frankbanlazyPower: I can only that quickstart runs in interactive mode and then weirdness with the terminal happens14:07
lazyPowerfrankban: i think quickstart was doing what is right here, it was looking in $HOME which got exported as /home/ubuntu - and it doesn't exist.14:08
lazyPowerroot bootstrapped, and thats where it should have been looking. I did something silly here14:08
frankbanlazyPower: ok, ping me if you need any other "help" ;-)14:09
lazyPowerfrankban: yep - that fixed me once I cleaned up all the munging of who was running what - http://drone.dasroot.net/github.com/chuckbutler/kubernetes-juju-builder/master/c5d1853a5e6632d99ee7d99b2be33372dd0f41cb15:48
lazyPowersorry about the false alarm. I stared at that for a solid 5 minutes before i raised a flag, apparently i needed 6 minutes.15:49
rick_h_lazyPower: <315:49
frankbanlazyPower: nice! 15:50
frankbanlazyPower: now I am curious about this drone service15:50
lazyPowerfrankban: you're in luck - http://blog.dasroot.net/2015-continuous-integration-with-juju-and-drone-ci.html15:50
rick_h_that was a trap!15:50
frankbanlazyPower: that'll be a good friday reading15:51
lazyPowerEverything about this is basically alpha quality15:51
lazyPowerfeedback/bugs welcome15:51
lazyPowerone of the things i am concerned about this is kicking off builds from PR's for validation - how do we know we aren't d eploying a botnet in CI15:52
frankbanthe interface is surely pleasing than the jenkins one15:52
lazyPoweri'm working w/ upstream to land whitelisting of contributors15:52
frankbanmore pleasing15:52
lazyPowerand we have build matrix support coming in 0.4 - so you can do multi-cloud testing in one job15:53

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