
tasdomasmarcoceppi, do you think https://github.com/juju/amulet/pull/80 needs any further changes?08:36
tasdomasdoes bundletester keep a cache of charms anywhere?09:52
tasdomasit seems to ignore an updated local charm09:53
Odd_Blokestub: Might you be able to have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/charm-helpers/unison_patches/+merge/265633?10:37
Odd_Blokemarcoceppi: If stub can't, might you be able to have a look at ^?10:40
Odd_Blokestub: marcoceppi: Oh, hold on, that looks like I've screwed something up pulling the changes across to my branch.10:42
Odd_Blokestub: marcoceppi: OK, fixed now.10:50
stubOdd_Bloke: I've got a MP adding hookenv.peer_relationship_id(), which would allow you to drop the peer relation argument entirely if you want (not sure who is using this or how important backwards compatibility is)11:07
stubOdd_Bloke: I'm no longer using this, but I'll review since I was probably the last person to touch it.11:08
Odd_Blokercj: You might be interested in ^11:08
Odd_Blokestub: Thanks!11:08
stubOdd_Bloke: Are you just using the ssh bit btw? That is all I was using, and at the time thought it should really be separate from unison.11:09
Odd_Blokestub: I can't tell you for sure, I haven't really touched that bit of the charm.11:10
Odd_BlokeI'm trying to get a completely separate change merged, but need this to land in charm-helpers to remove our local modifications to charm-helpers to get that merged. :p11:10
stubOdd_Bloke: I haven't seen someone assigning to mock.call_args_list before. I use mock.reset_mock()11:13
stubI guess this way preserves return_value etc.11:13
stubniedbalski: You broke trunk. 'make test' fails on core.file with Python3.11:23
stubAnd the intermittent openstack failure, cause that's the sort of guy I am.11:34
Odd_Blokestub: Masochistic? :p11:34
stubOdd_Bloke: Avoiding my real TODO list.11:34
Odd_Blokestub: Thanks for the merge. :)11:42
stubShould I have landed that? I just spotted tarmac_tests.sh11:44
Odd_Blokemarcoceppi: If you could have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/charms/trusty/ubuntu-repository-cache/update_charm-helpers/+merge/265645, it would be much appreciated.11:57
Odd_BlokeThat's just a charm-helpers update (and removal of the patches we were using which have now been merged).11:57
Odd_Blokemarcoceppi: https://code.launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/charms/trusty/ubuntu-repository-cache/add-rsync-timeout/+merge/261424 is also approved by a couple of people and ready to merge.12:20
tasdomasdoes anyone know what could be the cause of bundletester deploying an older revision of a local charm?12:31
lazyPowertasdomas: git or bzr based charm?12:33
tasdomaslazyPower, bzr12:37
lazyPowertasdomas: do you have uncommitted changes in the repository? iirc there's a bug open about it not deploying the uncommitted changes12:37
tasdomaslazyPower, that was it - thanks!12:58
lazyPowertasdomas: sorry you ran into that, but glad I could help :)12:58
lazyPowertasdomas: https://github.com/juju/amulet/issues/55 might want to subscribe to this bug so you know when its resolved.12:58
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tvansteenburghlazyPower: i just realized why that's happening13:07
* tvansteenburgh goes to fix bug13:07
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jrwrenlazyPower: I really like that branch name14:25
lazyPower@jrwren - btw saw you starred gogs. You should alsos tar gitea14:25
lazyPowerits the fork thats under active dev, gogs maintainer isn't accepting patches.14:25
lazyPowerjrwren: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea14:26
jrwrenlazyPower: thanks. I will.14:26
lazyPowerjust FYI - i have a gogs server deployed that will be replaced by this when they land a stable.14:27
lazyPowerits not ready to replace it, but will be in short order.14:27
lazyPowerand re: branch name - its self explanatory.14:27
lazyPowerand i was having a rough day to boot14:34
tasdomasjrwren, are you writing a gogs charm?14:42
jrwrentasdomas: NO!14:43
tasdomasjrwren, sheesh, no need to shout ;-]14:43
jrwrentasdomas: I want to be very clear. :)14:49
jrwrentasdomas: sorry, even the thought of this nearly gave me panic attacks.14:49
tasdomasjrwren, yeah - I spent half a day trying to charm gogs once, started with the bright idea of "I know, I'll first package it to a ppa"14:50
jrwrentasdomas: hahaha, and its go code, so it doesn't package to deb without a fight :)14:51
tasdomasjrwren, not without trying to drive you mad first14:52
jrwrentasdomas: well, if you need help with that step, let me know. I've gotta good at it.14:52
tasdomasjrwren, yeah - I decided I don't really need gogs, so there went the motivation to charm it14:54
tasdomasjrwren, built an action-based git server charm instead14:54
jrwrentasdomas:that sounds interesting. What is an action-based git server?14:55
tasdomasjrwren, the charm uses actions to manage a git server14:55
jrwrentasdomas: what kind of actions? and to what end?14:55
tasdomasjrwren, juju actions - https://jujucharms.com/u/tasdomas/git/trusty/414:56
tasdomasjrwren, still ironing out a few kinks (and writing amulet tests for it)14:56
jrwrentasdomas: that is really interesting14:58
tasdomasjrwren, thanks14:59
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: any other thoughts on this? https://github.com/juju/amulet/pull/80 lgtm15:12
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: weird, never got an email about that, looking...15:16
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: lgtm15:25
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: cool15:26
marcoceppiI'm going to merge and do a release15:26
tvansteenburghack, although i have more fixes coming15:27
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marcoceppitvansteenburgh: oh, I'll hold off then15:28
ddellavjamespage, whenever you get a chance if you could take a look at my MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~ddellav/charms/trusty/glance/upgrade-action/+merge/26559217:05
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niedbalskistub, could you expand?19:57
niedbalskistub, this is not my change's fault, is in fact an issue with the latest mock package (please see: https://code.launchpad.net/~freyes/charm-helpers/mock/+merge/264884)20:01
niedbalskistub, if you are refering to the same issue.20:02
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