
didrocksgood morning05:15
seb128good morning desktopers06:50
didrocksre seb12806:51
seb128re didrocks :-)06:51
willcookemorning desktoppers06:58
seb128hey willcooke06:59
TheMusoHey willcooke, hey folks.06:59
willcookehey TheMuso!06:59
seb128hey TheMuso06:59
willcookeTheMuso, are we due to meet this week?07:00
willcookeI think the 1:1s in my calendar have started to vanish07:00
willcookeWhen I created them I set them to repeat for 52 weeks by the looks of things07:01
didrocksgood morning willcooke07:01
willcookeso I guess that means I've been here a year.07:01
didrockshey TheMuso07:01
willcookehey didrocks07:01
didrockscongrats willcooke ;)07:01
willcookedidrocks, speaking of 1:1s - can I move ours?  I have a clash.07:02
TheMusowillcooke: Yes showing up here.07:02
willcookeI can move it earlier or later by 30 mins07:02
willcookeTheMuso, cool, I just reset it to not end...07:02
didrockswillcooke: earlier is better07:02
willcookeI'd better check the others07:02
willcookedidrocks, done07:02
didrocksgreat ;)07:03
jhenkehi folks. The recent 8.1 release of ownCloud server does not allow owncloud-client < 1.7 to sync files. I have filed bug 1477421 about this. Would you consider backporting owncloud-client from wily to odler releases to make it work again?07:09
ubot5bug 1477421 in owncloud-client (Ubuntu) "ownCloud-client < 1.7 can no longer sync with ownCloud Server 8.1 and above" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147742107:09
seb128jhenke, hey, it's not really a desktop topic, that seems like a valid reason for an update though07:15
willcookeTheMuso, ready when you are07:36
TheMusowillcooke: Ok, jumping into the hangout now.07:48
jhenkeseb128 thanks, I will ask #ubuntu-devel then07:48
Laneyhey hey08:05
didrocksmorningning Laney08:06
Laney7~hey didrocks08:09
Laneywhat's up?08:09
didrocksand more importantly, why not 8? :)08:09
seb128nice, mir boottest are ok now08:38
seb128it got hit by the autopilot issues though08:38
seb128that makes ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts  fails08:38
LaneyI just tested that08:45
Laneygonig to ack it08:45
seb128Laney, great09:10
seb128anpok_, ^ btw for info09:25
anpok_seb128: hu?09:27
anpok_usc failed..09:27
* anpok_ crawls back into his abi cave.09:27
seb128anpok_, it seems a setup issue09:28
seb128I wanted to kick a retry earlier, but connecting to the vpn from nm in wily doesn't work for me09:29
anpok_seb128: usc fails now because boottest does not update the graphics driver..09:30
seb128I get a "VPN connection disconnected because the VPN service has been halted"09:30
seb128oh? :-(09:30
seb128Laney, is vpn connection from n-m working for you in wily?09:30
seb128I'm not asking didrocks since he's on vivid09:31
seb128hum, k09:31
LaneyI use it most days09:31
Laneysorry :(09:31
seb128Jul 23 11:30:02 localhost nm-openvpn[20232]: MANAGEMENT: Socket bind failed on local address [AF_INET] Address already in use09:31
seb128Jul 23 11:30:02 localhost NetworkManager[794]: <warn> error disconnecting VPN: The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn was not provided by any .service files09:32
* didrocks was unsure what this "I'm not asking" was about09:32
didrocksif you are not asking, don't ask, no need for hilighting :p09:32
Laneywe didn't want you to feel left out09:33
seb128didrocks, it was in case you upgraded to wily since the other day :-)09:33
seb128and that09:33
didrocksseb128: so, ask it the other way if I upgraded then please ;)09:34
seb128didrocks, do you have a wily install with vpn configured? if so does connecting from n-m works for you?09:34
didrocksseb128: and now I can answer you "no" :)09:35
seb128bug #129784909:36
ubot5bug 1297849 in network-manager-vpnc (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Virtual private network connection fails after distribution upgrade due to outdated Network Manager configuration files" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129784909:36
seb128I guess that's my issue09:36
seb128it was fixed yesterday09:36
seb128I didn't restart my session since09:36
Laneyah I went straight to wily on this laptop09:43
Laneyanpok_: do you need a versioned dependency?09:46
Laneythis mir release seems like hard work. :(09:47
seb128anpok_, anything we can do to help you to get mir unblocked?10:39
seb128session restart, brb10:40
seb128yeah, vpn back to working10:42
Laneyyeahhhh, shotwell green again10:54
seb128gnome-photos retry worked as well10:54
seb128qengho, hey, is https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-adt-chromium-browser/lastBuild/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/ known? autopkgtest from chromium are grumpy again it seems10:59
seb128that blocks cups gconf and probably others in proposed11:00
anpok_seb128, Laney: a better way to specify that drivers need to be replaced...11:06
seb128why do they need to be replaced?11:08
seb128did some other abi change?11:08
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
seb128mvo, hey, do you know if anyone looked a bug #147065511:14
ubot5bug 1470655 in packagekit (Ubuntu) "Update to 1.0" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147065511:14
seb128how much changed between 0.8 and 1.0?11:14
seb128"   * New upstream release: 1.0.011:15
seb128     - This release drops support for plugins11:15
seb128     - Aptcc is now the only viable backend for Debian, other11:15
seb128       backends have been removed upstream."11:15
seb128Laney, what's the status of webkit/webkit2? we should keep on using webkit right?11:25
Laneyseb128: yeah, for now in main11:26
seb128webkit2gtk is not/not going to this cycle right?11:28
seb128https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zenity/3.16.3-1 is why I'm asking11:28
Laneydoubt it11:28
Laneyprobably want to undo that bit11:29
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
mvoseb128: yeah, the plugin is the big one, someone *cough* like me *cough* needs to finish  lp:~mvo/click/native-dbus  and then we can get rid of the PK plugin requirement. right now updating to 1.0 would break the click plugin12:10
mvoseb128: but we don't really need much of PK in click, almost nothing, the native-dbus branch is implementing all thats needed12:11
seb128mvo, k, I was asking because gnome-software is blocked in proposed since it depends on the new packagekit version12:16
seb128it's not a big issue for us but eventually we want to update12:16
seb128bah, gnome-online-account is currently stucked in proposed due to webkit2 as well, bug #146629012:22
ubot5bug 1466290 in gnome-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Update to 3.16" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146629012:22
Laneydarkxst has been on that12:26
Laneyah yes, in that bug12:27
darkxstseb128, Laney waiting on infinity to review the proposed demotions12:27
seb128not jdstrand?12:27
seb128he's the one assigned on the bug12:27
darkxstseb128, oh oops wasnt actually subscribed to the bug so didnt see that, but infinity did say he was looking into it12:29
darkxstI can remove the dejadup dep in g-c-c12:30
seb128it's the other way around12:30
seb128deja-dup depends on g-c-c to build a panel no?12:30
darkxstseb128, I want to drop that panel12:30
seb128is that up to you or mterry (the deja-dup maintainer/upstream)?12:30
darkxstand hence drop libgnome-control-center, since deja-dup is the only remaining panel and its a pain maintaining the patches that allow for that12:31
darkxstno idea why there would be a compiz dep though?12:32
seb128because it integrates with the keybindings12:33
seb128and it uses the .pc to know the directory where to install the .xml12:33
darkxstcan that move to u-c-c?12:33
seb128I can have a look to that today12:33
darkxstok, I'm tired from a long day so out for the night, I will deal with deja-dup stuff over the weekend12:37
mvoseb128: yeah, sorry, snappy madness12:37
seb128darkxst, good night!12:38
darkxstleft a comment on the g-o-a bug, now gone!12:47
xnoxLaney: why is evolution so old?12:51
Laneywhat kind of a question is that?12:53
ogra_xnox, because it was born so early :P12:54
darkxstxnox, evo is on a 12 month release cycle now, so there was no 3.1412:54
seb128Laney, do you need help pushing that transition?12:57
seb128like me to nag some people to do reviews/land changes?12:57
xnoxLaney: ah, so 16 is in the works. I somehow thought 16 bits were all landed now.12:59
xnoxand i had no idea there was no 3.14. thanks darkxst.12:59
Laneyseb128: just need to test and upload it12:59
xnoxit seemed like it's stuck on old series for one reason or another.12:59
seb128xnox, do you need it for something?12:59
xnoxseb128: yes. it looks like the only client that supports XOAUTH2 authentication =) hence it's looking like i'll be switching to evolution by default.13:00
xnoxand xoauth2 is enforced by google for me =(13:00
xnoxyeap, definately switching to evolution now.13:05
seb128xnox, good, maybe you can help maintaining the packages then :-)13:06
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
mdeslaurxnox: doesn't thunderbird 38 support it also?13:09
mdeslaurxnox: https://blog.mozilla.org/thunderbird/2015/06/thunderbird-38-released/13:10
xnoxhah, but their bug tracker is not updated. loads of developers screaming there "we must not let google dictate email standards"13:10
xnoxhorum, checking which thungerbird i have.13:11
xnoxi'm on 31 =(13:11
seb128when did middle click/dnd stop working?13:12
Laneyseb128: what is middle click/dnd?13:25
seb128Laney, like in nautilus doing an icon dnd with the middle button used to open a menu asking if you want to symlink/copy it13:26
Laneyoh, never seen that before, but it seems to work13:27
Laneymove here, copy here, link here13:27
Laneyreal mouse though13:28
seb128here I can move the cursor after clicking13:28
seb128k, it's limited to the trackpad nibble13:28
seb128works on the touchpad13:28
* Laney fixes chromium tests14:24
Laneyqengho: if this works please merge14:24
qenghoEr, okay.14:24
seb128qengho, did you see my ping about that earlier?14:24
seb128I didn't see a reply14:24
qenghoseb128: No, I didn't.14:24
seb128qengho, hey, is https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-adt-chromium-browser/lastBuild/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/ known? autopkgtest from chromium are grumpy again it seems14:25
seb128 that blocks cups gconf and probably others in proposed14:25
qenghoseb128: I see it in my scrollback, but didn't see a notification.14:25
seb128but I guess Laney is handling it for you14:25
LaneyI was like oh hey14:25
Laneyit looksl ike a missing dep14:25
Laneythen it wasn't quite just that ... :)14:25
seb128qengho, is there any way we could get those tests run before upload to minimize those sort of issues in the futur?14:35
qenghoseb128: of course. I usually do. The last two breaks were some other package without tests. I'm interested to see what this is.14:38
LaneyI didn't investigate why these things changed14:38
Laney'convert' is due to not depending on the package which provides it14:38
qenghoseb128: no, actually, there was a problem in the tests last time. That's true.14:39
qenghoLaney: I thought it would be easier to see files from Jenkins, but it's so difficult that I may just remove the screenshot convert'ion one day.14:41
Laneythere's meant to be a way to attach artifacts14:42
qenghoLaney: IIRC, they used to be in the result list, but I haven't seen them in about a year.14:44
Laneyqengho: Ah, you changed the harness to catch more errors but some of them are innocuous14:53
Laneyqengho: I just added a grep -v to filter those out14:53
qenghoLaney: my tests still pass here. What did you grep away in Cr test?16:23
Laneyqengho: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/212478045/chromium-browser_43.0.2357.130-0ubuntu1.1188_43.0.2357.130-0ubuntu2.diff.gz16:48
Laneyqengho: Are you running with adt-run?16:48
Laneyadt-run chromium-browser -s -U --apt-pocket=proposed --- qemu ~/temp/reallytemp/adt-wily-amd64-cloud.img16:49
qenghoLaney: Thanks. I'll have Cr 44 in my PPA soon.16:50
Laneyinstead of 'chromium-browser' you can give a .dsc or an _amd64.changes there16:50
Laneythe latter to avoid rebuilding if you already have it built16:51
qenghoLaney: thanks. I think that logic is buggy. Pipeline return value is the final item, right? I'll reverse to remove good things first, then test for error.16:53
Laneyqengho: Dunno what you mean, but fix as you wish as long as it works. You probably want '-qs' on the last one too to silence it.17:02
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
willcookecya Laney17:15
* willcooke -> EOD too17:15
* willcooke <- Columbo17:18
willcookeso long17:19

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