
Bashing-omSuperFAM: Welcome to ubuntu chatter .00:49
SuperFAMi'm new to ubuntu. is there a crash course guide to useful kb shortcuts + killer apps?00:51
Bashing-omSuperFAM: Shortcuts depend on the Desktop that you are ruuning . and killer apps, well ; install "synaptic" and serach the archive to your heart's content .00:54
SuperFAMi'm running the Unity desktop for now00:59
Bashing-omSuperFAM: I am not running unity, so my memory may not be exact. The super key to get a list of the shortcuts ?01:03
SuperFAMthe super key opens the unity search menu, if i understand what youre asking01:06
Bashing-omSuperFAM: Likely so . Ya might /join #ubuntu channel and get much better direction .01:08
SuperFAMi'll do that, thanks for the tips01:12
Bashing-omSuperFAM: See ya there .01:15
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:02
OerHekshi lotus03:02
ubot5Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu. Support for this release will end in July 2015. For more info see !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic03:11
lotuspsychjestill in topic hmmm03:12
OerHeksToday or next week03:12
lotuspsychjeTm_T or DJones alive?03:12
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: yeah its still early :p03:15
Tm_Tlotuspsychje: kinda04:18
lotuspsychjeTm_T: ah just wanna point you to 14.10 being eol to topic04:18
lordievaderGood morning.07:22
ObrienDavewaves. save us from the #ubuntu noobs ;P07:24
lordievaderLeave #ubuntu?07:24
ObrienDavehmm. not an option *sigh*07:25
lordievader#ubuntu is allways way to busy for my taste.07:26
ObrienDaveBeam me up, Scotty! There is NO intelligent life in #ubuntu! ;P07:43
ObrienDavemost common helpers excepted ;p07:44
OerHeks1725 and 1 silent07:46
ObrienDave2 ;p07:47
ObrienDaveoh, both of us, 3 lol07:47
lordievaderShould I join the channel? :P07:55
ObrienDaveonly if you can stand tonights idiocy ;P07:56
lordievaderIt can't be that bad </famous last words>07:57
lotuspsychjesomone i know bought this pc: http://imgur.com/AEonkt407:58
lotuspsychjebut the pcie slot is empty?07:58
lordievaderThe HD7000 isn't in there?07:59
lotuspsychjeamd radeon HD7000 1 gig should be a big card right07:59
lotuspsychjethe price seems rather low to me also07:59
lotuspsychjeto hold a gaming card07:59
lordievaderHD7000 is a series not a card per se.07:59
lotuspsychjelordievader: you think its the internal gpu?08:00
lordievaderBut yes, rather big card. two slots: http://www.pcper.com/files/review/2012-03-03/08.jpg08:00
lotuspsychjethought so too08:00
lotuspsychjeill have this guy mail them back first before i order a new card :p08:00
lotuspsychjelordievader: cant find anything on mobo:http://www.msi.com/product/mb/A78M-E35.html#hero-specification08:02
lordievaderIf the card ain't there, the card ain't there. They screwed the guy over.08:03
lordievaderLets hope it is a simple "oh I forgot" error and you still get it.08:03
lotuspsychjeyes i also hope it08:04
lotuspsychjeill keep you in touch :p08:04
lotuspsychjei mean what will happen with this story08:04
lordievaderOerHeks: I understand your frustration. Running a hybrid Trusty and Vivid system and wondering why your compiler is broken...09:39
lordievaderErr that was for ObriendDave...09:40
OerHekslordievader, i always wonder why they come up too late with this special circumstances..09:40
lordievaderYeah, I'd recon that is the first thing you say...09:40
OerHeksi still wonder how he added vivid sources in that live environment..09:42
lordievaderWhat usually bug me is that people ask for support, then when you try to troubleshoot an issue they are at some other pc.10:01
OerHeksor "wait" ....10:03
lordievaderMeh it is better than "Oh I am at work now".10:04
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
BluesKajHiyas all12:42
lotuspsychjegood afternoon13:54
JanCso 25% of Steam games run on linux?16:25
OerHeksJanC, less ..19:31
OerHeksfor 4% linux steam users19:31
JanCwell, 4% is not bad19:36
JanChow many Mac users has Steam now?19:36
OerHeksgood question, i got that 4% from a magazine .. http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey?platform=mac19:45

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