
bazhang<MotiveGFX> Is linux are ubuntu?00:26
bazhangserial troll, hitting 3rd channel in order00:26
=== Captain_h00k is now known as h00k
GitGudah i knew there was gonna be an ops channel16:25
GitGudso who can tell me why i was banned from #ubuntu?16:25
GitGudwell ping me when you answer16:38
tonyyarussoGitGud: Any chance your IP address is in
GitGudno sir17:34
GitGudhold on actually one sec17:34
GitGudcause i'm in my local library17:34
GitGudthats my current ip ^17:34
tonyyarussoAh, here it is17:36
GitGudso what is the issue?17:37
tonyyarussoikonia: Set by you, 2015-06-24, bt log=68159.17:37
tonyyarussoGitGud: Looks like there was someone being offtopic from that IP last month.17:38
GitGuddo you know the nick of that person?17:38
tonyyarussoikonia: btw, the whois does check out to that IP being owned by "Toronto Public Library Board".17:39
tonyyarussoYes, but that's not terribly relevant really.17:39
GitGudwell. I was just on here yesterday with my home IP17:39
GitGudright now I'm at my library17:39
GitGudso it must had hit the filter17:39
geniiGitGud: "gambl0re" was the nick used at that time17:40
GitGudyep. that's not me17:40
GitGudmust had been someone from the same library?17:40
GitGudso could I be unbanned?17:41
tonyyarussoNormally we'd leave it until ikonia responded, but I think looking at this I'm fine removing it now - he can yell at me later if that's a problem.17:42
GitGudthank you17:43
tewardanyone on watch in #ubuntu today?18:29
DJonesWhat are you looking at teward18:30
tewardDJones: the same thing you called them out on18:30
tewardjust a minute faster than you18:30
tewardit smelled reminiscent of a bot18:30
DJonesHeh, I looked at after commented, but thatnks for the prompt18:30
DJonesafter you commented18:30
tewardDJones: i'll keep you posted if i see them do it again, but likely you're already watching it18:32
tewardDJones: still around?18:46
tewardor any other #ubuntu op18:47
teward*!*@ARennes-656-1-358-140.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr joins then excess floods, then joins again, excess floods, etc. continually, botnet like fashion is my guess18:49
tewardcan we ban that from the channel in #ubuntu ?18:49
tewardTebhw just flooded off18:49
h00kteward: oh, interesting. Yeah, I'll grab it.18:54
h00kteward: thanks18:54
tewardh00k: keep an eye on *.abo.wanadoo.fr in the future as well - there's been a weeks-long trend of this activity as well18:54
tewardin here, #winehq, and others18:54
Unit193There's a few more hosts that do this.18:55
h00kscript fail.18:55
tewardUnit193: indeed, afaict from #ubuntu the most prevalent is the wanadoo one18:56
h00kUnit193: can you grab it, I'm gonna figure out why my thing is broken18:56
Unit193h00k: I'm not an #ubuntu OP, though.18:57
h00kUnit193: I knew that, standby.18:57
Unit193h00k: I can grab it still if you need though.18:58
Unit193Want me to just ban *!*@*.abo.wanadoo.fr for you?18:59
tewardUnit193: that's a pretty wide ban though18:59
h00kUnit193: no, that's the entire ISP18:59
h00kwhy did it +I them19:00
h00kautobleh what are you doing.19:00
Unit193teward: The more the merrier! :P19:00
tewardUnit193: heheh19:00
teward"BAN THEM ALL!" *bans everyone*  *500 complaints to IRCC*19:00
tewardbut yeah it's still a headache19:01
h00kherp derp. fixed it.19:02
tewardthere we go19:02
tewardthanks, h00k19:02
h00kwhy is it not showing the entire channel on my client19:02
h00k14:02 ::: Mode #ubuntu "+b *!*@ARennes-656-1-358-140.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr##fix-your-connecti" by h00k19:03
Unit193Should be $##fix_your_connection19:03
Unit193h00k: Really though, want me to tag it?19:03
Unit193h00k: There you go.19:06
tonyyarussoh00k: Just ban the Internet - 100% of the abusive users come from there.19:08
Unit193tonyyarusso: I've seen that happen! :D19:08
tonyyarussoMe too - #linode@oftc, a couple weeks ago.19:09
h00kmaybe I just need to try /forward19:10
h00kI'll do that later.19:10
h00kmy forwardban wants to +I19:11
tewardh00k: [2015-07-23 15:12:32] * Drone` sets modes [#ubuntu -b *!*@ARennes-656-1-358-140.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr##fix-your-connecti]  <-- drone is wrong19:13
tewardburn it with fire?19:13
h00koh come on, internet19:13
Unit193tonyyarusso: Drone is right, try reading it again, and look further back.19:13
Unit193teward: ^19:13
tewardoop yep missed that :/19:14
h00kit set the ban right, it's just not...19:14
Unit193Heh, sure. :)19:14
h00k14:02 ::: Mode #ubuntu "+b *!*@ARennes-656-1-358-140.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr##fix-your-connecti" by h00k mine did the same thing, but I told it proper19:15
h00kbut that didn't include the $19:16
h00ktonyyarusso: see, work is killing my brain, why is it not showing the proper ban removal in that line?19:17
tonyyarussoh00k: hrmwhatnow?19:19
h00ktonyyarusso: the ban forward is reporting not-the-entire-line19:19
h00kDrone` sets modes [#ubuntu -b *!*@ARennes-656-1-358-140.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr##fix-your-connecti]19:19
Unit193That's because that's what the ban was.19:20
tonyyarussoI wasn't aware "ban forwards" where beings capable of "reporting".19:20
h00kalso exhibit b: Mode #ubuntu "+b *!*@ARennes-656-1-358-140.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr##fix-your-connecti"19:20
Unit193What about the one Drone` set?19:20
h00knot reporting, just the server echoing back the mode change19:20
h00klook at the channel19:20
h00kI clearly had ##fix-your-connection in my line, I even did it manually, but it comes back "Set this to ##fix-your-connecti" and is cut off19:21
h00kDoes that make sense?19:21
tonyyarussoh00k: But you didn't have the $, right?19:22
h00ktonyyarusso: I did not, but Drone did19:22
tonyyarussoand Drone's worked19:22
h00kI get I needed the $ for the actual ban to work19:23
h00kI don't know why it's echoing this:19:23
h00k* Drone` sets modes [#ubuntu -b *!*@ARennes-656-1-358-140.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr##fix-your-connecti]19:23
h00koh, that was Unit193 clearing my ban19:23
tonyyarussoThat's the REMOVE19:23
tonyyarusso14:05:37 -!- mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@ARennes-656-1-358-140.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr$##fix_your_connection] by Drone`19:23
* h00k sips19:24
tonyyarussoWithout the $, the whole thing is being interpreted as the hostname, and hitting a (probably wrong) character limit.19:24
h00kIt's probably hitting a chara-19:24
h00kexactly that.19:24
Unit193h00k: Whatcha drinking?19:24
h00kUnit193: not enough, holy balls.19:24
Unit193Sorry for the confusion?  I have french pressed columbian. :D19:25
DJonesSounds like Unit193 is genii in disguise19:26
h00kI thought drone set a ban, and then removed that same ban19:26
h00kbut drone set a ban, and removed my idiot screwup19:26
h00kI was wrong on the internet today. Let it be known.19:27
geniiDJones: We are both purveyors of fine coffees :) Consider joining us sometime in ##coffeeclub19:27
tonyyarussoSee, now I'm stuck reading IRC RFCs to see if they have different character limits than SMTP.  Darn you.19:28
h00kthat brings me to another point - my autojoins are screwed. irssi ends up joining my Freenode channels on other servers (slack)19:29
h00ktonyyarusso: because...that's great info to know...19:29
h00ktonyyarusso: what's the verdict?19:32
tonyyarussoOn what planet are RFCs one-pagers?19:32
tonyyarussoAlso, there are like six of them, soooooo19:33
h00ktonyyarusso: I thought you knew how to ctrl+f19:33
tonyyarussoDear god.  This thing references RFCs from before DNS was a thing.  "the format of the Internet Host Table"19:34
h00koh lord19:41
h00kthat was probably the same time somebody read that RFC last, tonyyarusso19:41
tonyyarusso"<hostname> has a maximum length of 63 characters.  This is a limitation of the protocol as internet hostnames (in particular) can be longer.  Such restriction is necessary because IRC messages are limited to 512 characters in length.  Clients connecting from a host which name is longer than 63 characters are registered using the host (numeric) address instead of the host name." - RFC 2812, section19:42
tonyyarusso 2.3.119:42
h00kAnd TIF19:42
tonyyarussoPretty much19:42
h00k(Tomorrow I'll Forget)19:42
Unit193Wouldn't it be easier to read the source of the ircd? :P19:42
tonyyarussoUnit193: That was going to come next if the RFCs suggested it should be longer and I thought it was an implementation error.19:44
tonyyarussoh00k: At the beginning of this hunch I pasted the string into a text editor and said "63 characters?  That's an ....interesting length."19:46
h00kI bet you can figure out why!19:46
geniitoday I learned what TIF means19:47
Unit193Can kIoeri be removed from #ubuntu?20:27
Unit193kloeri is Freenode staff, kIoeri was a troll.20:30
geniiUnit193: Are you trying to confuse me now? Did i do good or bad? I need more coffee20:33
kloeriyou did fine :)20:33
Unit193genii: A bad, you hit the staffer rather than troll. :320:33
Unit193kloeri might get angry. :320:33
* genii hides20:33
kloerireally? I must be mixing up my channels then :)20:33
tonyyarussogenii: That's fantastic.  Thanks for the day-brightener :P20:33
kloerioh well, can't really complain as my targetting is also off a bit from time to time :)20:34
Unit193tonyyarusso: Nice, though since he's already back in I wonder if it matters. :--D20:36
tonyyarussoUnit193: Not really - probably had to invite, but not hard.20:36
tonyyarussoBad tab-completes used to happen *all the time* when the channel was busier than it is these days.20:36
genii@comment 68455 Boo-boo, bad tab-complete20:39
ubottuComment added.20:39
tonyyarussoIs that a pic-a-nic basket?20:40
geniiHah, smartass20:40
geniiWell, at least there's that failsafe here that won't let you ban *!*@*  , which my Quassel used to substitute when the person left before command executed20:41
geniiI did that a couple times before I figured out what the problem was20:42
Unit193There's no failsafe.20:42
geniiI think i did empty the channel at least once that way20:43
h00klol genii remoed a staffer.20:43
h00kthat'll get back at them for accidentally k-lining me one day many years ago.20:43
kloerigenii: even more fun back when it was possible to kline *@* (yes, that did happen a few times)20:44
geniiI'm afraid to try removing it now :((20:47
geniiI'm having "one of those days"20:47
tonyyarussoh00k: I remember that20:50
tonyyarussogenii: I already removed your ban if that's what you mean20:51
* genii feeds tonyyarusso tasty cookies in thanks20:51
h00ktonyyarusso: lol you do? Good memory.21:06

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