
Na3iLo/ elacheche08:01
elachecheping chaker nizarus nabdev.. do you have internet issues?11:01
elachecheovh.com works for you?11:02
nizarusil y a eu beaucoup de coupures électriques chez moi :/11:02
elachecheping SalahMessaoud11:02
elachecheEmmm.. Ici j'ai des problèmes avec la ligne fibre :/ tout ce qui est en relation avec OVH est down + d'autres sites11:03
SalahMessaoudPong elacheche11:03
elachecheovh yimchi 3andkom SalahMessaoud ?11:03
elachechenizarus, j'essaie de savoir si c'est seulement moi ou c'est un problème general comme l'autre fois..11:04
elachecheentre temps j'essaie de contacter le FSI :/11:04
nizarusovh non accesible chez moi aussi11:04
elachecheOK :/ SalahMessaoud you have xDSL line?11:04
SalahMessaoudelacheche, didn't get it11:06
elachecheISP :D11:07
elachecheI see.. It's a topnet problem then :/11:07
SalahMessaoudya 7asra 3al topnet11:07
nizarusje suis chez topnet aussi11:08
elachecheBah, Topnet vient de me confirmer que c'estun problème chez eux au niveau de quelques lignes FO11:17
nizaruspas que FO :)11:17
nabdevfibre avec orange11:30
nabdevelacheche > problem with ubuntu , blocked for time to time  , and i must open console (ctrl + alt + F2 / F7) and close it to return to normal condition12:05
elachechenabdev, unity freeze?*12:35
elachecheyou connect to a TTY then reboot the OS nabdev ? or what?12:36
nabdevno simple using , i couldn't fix the raison of that12:59
elachecheDefine how "blocked".. It freeze or what?13:08
Dro__elacheche,  coucou13:59
elachecheHey Dro__ :D was looking for you :D14:06
Dro__elacheche, mekch msade9? google it for info :/14:51
elachechewhat Dro__ !14:52
elachecheAh! Talking about the cloak! didn't notice that till now :)14:52
fedy_salem evryone14:53
Dro__bech nkammel 3omri 9238238432 :/ :/ depression14:53
Dro__ahla fedy_  :)14:53
fedy_how are you doing ?14:54
elachecheHey fedy_ ! Do you have news?14:54
elachecheDid you read the logs again an understand what I was talking about all the time :) ?14:54
fedy_yes my friend i have good news14:54
Dro__fedy_, bored, what about you !14:55
Dro__fedy_, het farra7na :p14:55
fedy_so guys https://www.facebook.com/events/924742790920491/ this is the event the date and location are confirmed :) if you want guys you cant take an hour or a half for a interview or a conference <314:55
Dro__connection IK|[^#2J~{^~#^14:57
elachecheGreat fedy_ :) Happy that at least you fixed the date & location.. I'll share the news with the Loco via ML and discuss this with the others :) And of course take some time to read it myself :)14:57
elachecheI have you email & your subscribed in our ML.. If I'll have further private/public question you'll get an email via the ML or in private :)14:59
elachecheNa3iL, take a look and tell me what do you think about it :)14:59
elachechefedy_, do you have a fixed deadline to get our answer about your invitation??15:00
fedy_next mercredi15:01
fedy_and with your response i will wait the conference subject and duration :) talk in anything you want <315:02
elachecheThere is no draft about the planning and content? I think that it'll be a good thing to have the draft so you can make sure that people don't do the same conf15:03
elachecheAm I wrong?15:03
Na3iLelacheche, till now nothing clear! I hope that it will be a draft for the planning asap15:03
elachecheDro__, & others you can join the discussion guys :D15:04
elacheche+1 Na3iL I agree :)15:04
Na3iLfedy_, You remember when I told u that the first step is fixing the plan! I think you had the pad.tn link u might share it here?15:06
Dro__elacheche, its not clear enough to judge :p15:07
fedy_i still dont have any conferences just one from white hat hackers ( TN )15:07
fedy_10 H : meeting  / 11 H : ctf begins / 14 H : ctf ends / 14 - 15 / pause café / 15 H : white hat conference /15:08
fedy_thats it for now15:09
elachecheThat seems to be a draft :) You should share it publicly :) fedy_15:09
fedy_when im done with the hole plan i will share it i dont want each time to share something :)15:10
elachecheYou should fix how much time you have for confs, so you can find out how many conferences you can have during the event :)15:11
elachecheOK.. I'll think about it :)15:14
fedy_i have from 115:30 to 18H15:15
fedy_free time15:15
elachecheOK.. How much confs you can run in those 2.5 hours? :)15:16
chakerfedy_: I think that you need to reconsider the time you gave to the CTF. 3 hours is very short periode ??15:16
fedy_how much then ? 4 ?15:17
elachecheI agree with that too.. I'll not join the CTF thing! but it's too short15:17
chakerI don't know it's up to the problem you prepare15:17
elachecheAn other question fedy_ ! the price is for join the CTF or for the whole event! The confs & stands are not free to attend?15:18
fedy_the price is for evryhting :) join the ctf / watching the ctf / attending the confereses ( all of them ) / and free food :D15:19
chakerI participate in a CTF that last one week! and it take me 2 days to solve one challenge so according to the difficulty of your challegnes you set up the time. Unless your challenge are verrrrrrrrry easy15:20
elachechechaker, you should share the link! o_O :p15:20
elachechefedy_, what about the stands?!15:21
elachecheThey are not free too?15:21
chakerelacheche: link for what?15:21
elachecheWe (#ubuntu-tn) should pay the registration fees too fedy_ ??15:22
* Dro__ relève le défi15:22
elachechechaker, the CTF :p15:22
fedy_tadfa3 nharet el ctf fel beb15:22
Dro__elacheche,  don't worry, we'll hack fedy_ money15:22
fedy_dsl 3al retard na7ki avec dautres15:23
elachechefedy_, if we're going to do a workshop/conf/stand we should pay too? Am I wrong?!15:23
fedy_do you khnow guys wlh wlh i paid 1000 dinar for the location + i dont have sponsors15:24
fedy_if you guys think 15 dinar is too much15:24
fedy_the guys of confs and workshops are for free15:25
elachechefedy_, I did NOT said that it's too much.. I'm just asking for DETAILS! I SHOULD share those details with my TEAM so we can take the rigth DECISION that goes with our VALUES!15:27
elachecheThat's all :)15:27
fedy_aaaaa ok ok :*15:27
Na3iLelacheche, you're not thinking about create a bot from the scratch like QA in #ubuntu-africa for u-tn?15:29
elachecheNa3iL, ubuntulog will log what you miss by 5pm.. Can you please take a look at the log later to see what you did miss?15:29
elachecheNa3iL, why not :D15:29
Na3iLof course, but just for fun :D15:30
elachecheNa3iL, the logs for what you missed about the CTF event :);15:33
Na3iLyup am checking it all15:33
Na3iLby the way I like ur cloak Dro__ x)15:34
Dro__Na3iL, el 9la9 ya3mel.. :P15:35
Dro__9olt neprovoquiw chweya jma3et el Hacking event.. haw tol3ou ma y7ebouch el fadlka :p15:35
elachecheNa3iL, you should wait for 5pm, that's when ubuntulog will finish enerating all the logs15:36
Na3iLxD u need to check the wikipage of Kilos the one in ubuntu-africa → https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kilos15:36
Na3iLyup elacheche it still 25 minutes15:36
Dro__Na3iL, how fhemt tawa :p ma tchalla9ch :D15:36
Dro__bein j'ai juste voulu jeter un coup d'oeil sur le bot de scratch, ye5i howa 64 ans w ched sare9 :p15:39
Na3iLI didn't understand u Dro__!15:40
Dro__ey mahou je suis un alien !15:41
elachecheloool Dro__ ! Bot c'est QA :)15:42
Na3iLtake a look Dro__ : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot_IRC15:42
Dro__Na3iL, lol je viens d'installer 1 déjà15:46
Dro__c'est un eggdrop non?15:46
Na3iLyup like eggdrop15:46
Dro__je suis sur IRC depuis 2003, j'ai installé plein de bot et de botnet.. ya 7asra :D15:46
elachecheShame on you Dro__ , t'es sur irc depuis 2003 et tu rejoind #ubuntu-tn just en 2015!15:47
Na3iLBotnet!! that seams very illegal xD15:47
Dro__-QA- VERSION Ibid 0.2.0dev15:47
Dro__ey ey15:47
Dro__j'avais +1000 botnet à l'époque :P15:47
Dro__ma t9oul l7ad :p15:47
Dro__elacheche, dima ntol 3al #ubuntu-tn mais avec plusieurs nicks...15:48
Na3iLyour conversation was spotted and I'll make sure that Bolice know about u :P15:48
Dro__mais très rarement ..15:48
Dro__ubuntulog, kollou mennek :P15:48
RobotI have 1 definition in my database (52 bytes).16:27
Dro__!learn a b16:27
Dro__!search a16:27
Dro__!seek a16:27
Dro__?? a16:28
Robot'a', (1/1): b16:28
Dro__!forget a16:28
Dro__!learn a La première lettre de l'alphabet latin16:39
Dro__!learn a un type de vitamine.16:39
RobotI have 2 definitions in my database (104 bytes).16:40
Dro__?? a17:09
Robot'a', (1/1): La première lettre de l'alphabet latin17:09
Na3iLDro__, are u using Unity?19:23
Dro__Na3iL, oui22:27
Na3iLhmm you don't want to give a try for awesome wm?22:29

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