
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
jyfn91Can someone help me with a question?04:37
jyfn91Anyone there?04:39
jyfn91I have Ubuntu Kylin installed right now, and its running on a lenovo laptop with touchscreen.04:39
jyfn91I wanted to know if its possible to add the functions on to my current OS?04:39
jyfn91I did some searching, but I got kind of confused.04:40
jyfn91Hello, can someone assisst me?05:29
anpok_jyfn91: the function?05:30
anpok_do you mean the new unity8 desktop?05:30
jyfn91I'm trying to get the touch to work on my laptop05:30
jyfn91I have ubuntu kylin05:30
jyfn91is that possible?05:31
anpok_ah thats why you joined #-touch..05:31
nhainesjyfn91: this channel is for phone and tablet support, not the desktop edition of Ubuntu.05:32
ubot5The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com05:32
ubot5如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:32
nhainesYou might have better luck there, or on AskUbuntu.com  :)05:32
nhainesPlus, it's too early here... more people will be around in this channel in two or three hours.  But the other channels are more suited.05:32
jyfn91quick question, why don't you guys bother with the notepads that are touch screen05:32
jyfn91is that not on the agenda?05:32
anpok_it will be addressed..05:33
jyfn91for the touch interface, I was looking on ubuntu's website, and they don't seem to focus on the desktop version05:33
anpok_the applications written for tablet and phone have a way better touch support..05:33
nhainesBut work on the phone interface is still continuing and it's slowly being expanded to desktops.05:33
jyfn91thanks anyways05:33
nhainesProbably 16.10 will be where it all works out of the box.05:33
jyfn91oh, very nice05:33
anpok_jyfn91: if you want to try somethiing, not yet finished for productive use05:33
nhainesIt'll be easier to install and test in 15.10 and 16.04, but that's just how long it takes.  :)05:33
anpok_.. you coult try the unity8 desktop.. but beware - still in development.05:34
jyfn91thanks for the notice05:34
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jrgis there any word at all about a US release of the newer devices?06:47
jrgthe Meizu looks so nice06:48
dholbachgood morning07:10
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eschatusjrg: Order one to someone you know in the EU, then have them send it to you by mail. Worked for me. ;)07:48
jrgthey have proper bands?07:50
jrgi need one that works on tmobile bands here07:50
ogra_jrg, the maizu can do HSPA+ in the US .... no LTE though08:04
nhainesogra_: now I just need a convergence-ready LTE device to come out in the US.  :)08:08
ogra_i'm sure it will happen at some point :)08:09
nhainesMy Nexus 7 is already almost enough that people are becoming intrigued.  I need to test it some time to see if I could type in it with a Bluetooth keyboard without the screen shutting off.08:09
nhainesActually, I'd just be happy with a painted mouse cursor in Mir.  :)08:09
pete-woodsjgdx: morning. you got time to merge trunk into your hotspot-bindings branch following the USS landing yesterday?08:23
jgdxpete-woods, sure08:23
jgdxpete-woods, 'twas clean. Pushed.08:25
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nocturnHi all.  Can I develop python applications for Ubuntu phone?08:30
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nhainesnocturn: it is not supported, but you can apparently use PySide and package a python interpreter and the other python libraries you need inside your click package.08:36
nocturnnhaines, that is a shame, I will try pyside08:37
nhainesnocturn: while I agree on principal, I also agree with the phone developers that having a handful of python interpreters running at once on a phone is probably a bad idea.  :)08:37
nocturnnhaines, that is true, don't know how much overhead it would be.  Default is QT/QML?08:40
jgdxnocturn, yup08:41
nocturnnhaines, and there is no facitly for background processes I read?08:46
nhainesNot presently.  There's work ongoing for some kind of periodic data handler, but I'm not sure anything other than core apps use it right now.08:47
* RAOF 's Pebble Time should be shipping soon, so I'll probably poke at least at bluetooth backgrounding at some point in the near future :)08:47
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Gorgeous Grandma Day! 😃09:02
jgdxJamesTait, wut09:04
JamesTaitjgdx, https://youtu.be/g5TVKhjEVtQ09:05
jgdxJamesTait, aww, that's nice09:08
ulrichardAre there any plans to allow clipboard paste in the browser? I have been hoping for it with every system upgrade.09:09
r00t_xhi ;)09:13
r00t_xguys is there any option to put ubuntu to my samsung galaxy tab 3 ?09:13
popeyI dont think that's a supported device. Someone would need to port it09:14
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r00t_xok then ;)09:28
r00t_xthanks ;)09:28
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conyoor00t_x https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/porting-new-device/09:55
nocturnHi, Can I access files on my ubuntu phone (Meizu, OTA-5)?10:26
nocturnIt does not show in filemanager when I connect USB10:26
popeyis it unlocked?10:27
nocturnpopey, I just found it I think, it need a usb3 port?10:28
nocturnit works on my usb3 port10:28
popeyshouldn't do. but the meizu can be very picky about ports and cables10:28
nocturnpopey, do you know what the files tab in the notification bar does?10:30
nocturnAnyone know if Jabber/XMPP will ever happen on Ubuntu Touch, Ticket had been untouched for a year and comment today pretty much say it is abandonned (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/messaging-app/+bug/1247216)10:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1247216 in messaging-app (Ubuntu) "Support for XMPP" [Wishlist,In progress]10:41
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r00t_xconyoo: thx ;) but too much work with this ...11:25
boghisonHello! I have a question/error regarding apparmor. When I try to initiate an XHR, this happens: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11924773/11:25
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cwayne1is there a way to programatically revoke permission to get location from a specific app?11:50
cwayne1tvoss: ^11:50
tvosscwayne1, I don't think so, we leave it to the user to do that. Probably best to check with kenvandine if there would be a way via settings11:51
knuellai think i have found a bug in the webbrowser-app. Every time when i open the app a "java-warnmeldung" (engl.: warning massage) appears with the following content: "Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Ihr Ubuntu wurde zufällig als das heutige gklückliche mobile gerät ausgewählt! [...] Klicken Sie auf OK [...]" (engl., analogous: "You have won s.th., pleas press the OK!"). Does anyone know this?11:53
knuellaor is this only facebook advertising? Problem is i cant get back to an other side...11:58
TonyBostonis exchange web services possibly being implemented in ubtuntu touch?12:04
TonyBostonin future plans12:04
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JamesTaitVery weird behaviour from my Nexus 4 the last 18 hours or so. Received an SMS from my dad last night, responded via the notification, he didn't receive it and it's not in my sent messages; got a call from my wife this morning, but the notification showed the caller as the person who sent the last SMS I had open in Messaging, and the recent calls in Dialler show the same even after a reboot.12:10
nocturnTonyBoston, technically, they can as there is an evolution backend for it12:28
nocturnDon't think gui integration is anywhere on track though12:28
nocturnI'm personally waiting for activesync support (which Android and IOS do) to connect with Zarafa12:28
TonyBostonnocturn okay, yeah active sync would be good too12:29
ogra_TonyBoston, patches will surely not be rejected though :) the code is out there :)12:32
TonyBostonogra_ haha, If I would know how to do it, I'd do it12:32
ogra_just find someone who and and convince her/him ;)12:33
ogra_*who can12:33
ogra_i didnt say yoou need to do it yourself ;)12:33
TonyBostonokay :)12:34
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robin-heroHey all! I followed the instructions from the [Call for testing] Wi-Fi Hotspots (Internet tethering) e-mail on mailing list, but can't see the new menu entry in the Cellular data menu.13:15
popeyjgdx: ^13:15
robin-heroI am on r24 (bq E4.5)13:16
davmor2robin-hero: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TestingProcessesUbuntuPersonal#Silo_Testing follow the bit from pinning the silo13:17
davmor2robin-hero: it might  be that you didn't actually install it at all13:17
robin-herodavmor2: Thanks, I1ll try this13:20
robin-herophone is rebooting, so excited :D13:22
ogra_someonbe should really write a warning to such "please test" threads that users need/should re-flash their devices afterwards13:22
ogra_or at least switch them to readonly manually afterwards13:23
robin-herono luck, still no menu entry13:23
jgdxrobin-hero, could you paste the output of apt-cache policy ubuntu-system-settings ?13:23
robin-heroReading package lists... Done             + adb shell SUDO_ASKPASS=/tmp/askpass.sh sudo -A apt-get dist-upgrade --yes Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. + adb shell rm -f /tmp/askpass.sh + adb reboot13:23
jgdxno menu at all means it hasn't been installed, like davmor2 says13:23
robin-herojgdx: how can I do that?13:24
robin-herooh I got it13:24
kenvandineElleo, any more news on the autopilot issue?13:25
kenvandineElleo, if i remove the tests for the phone and security panels, i don't seem to get those keyboard issues13:25
kenvandineboth of those panels include number pads13:25
kenvandinenumber layout rather13:26
robin-herojgdx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11925219/13:28
Elleokenvandine: interesting, I'm just running again now with the autopilot fix package reinstalled to generate some errors to upload13:29
Elleokenvandine: the tests runs I did without it all passed (except one where unity crashed)13:29
jgdxrobin-hero, in my last email in the call for testing thread you'll find instructions.13:29
kenvandineElleo, ok, yeah i got 2 full runs 100% with those 2 sets of tests moved out of the way13:30
kenvandine107 passed :)13:30
Elleokenvandine: cool, that should help narrow things down then13:30
peat-psuwitjhodapp: Could you please take a look at https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/#/c/374/13:30
kenvandineand i think the difference in those panels is the number only layout13:30
kenvandineElleo, call forwarding and PIN setting13:31
Elleojgdx: I tried installing the wifi hotspot silo on my arale, but I don't see anything in the Mobile panel?13:31
jgdxElleo, _nothing_ new?13:31
Elleokenvandine: right, once this test run has finished I'll see if any of the errors we get on the keyboard tests are on layout change tesets13:32
Elleokenvandine: did it actually happen on those tests, or on tests after those?13:32
jgdxElleo, up the priority on the silo could work: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TestingProcessesUbuntuPersonal#Silo_Testing13:32
Elleojgdx: nope, nothing13:32
kenvandinei think after those tests13:32
Elleokenvandine: ah, okay13:32
kenvandinejgdx, did you see my comment about bumping that sleep up to 1 second fixed the focus issue?13:33
Elleojgdx: okay, will give that a try13:33
kenvandinejgdx, i'm guessing in normal use 0.5 is enough, but sometimes under testing it isn't13:33
jgdxkenvandine, not yet13:33
kenvandinelook at my query from last night :)13:33
kenvandineat least it seemed to fix it, i had several full passes with that fix :)13:34
kenvandinewithout needing to touch the dialog during autopilot testing :-p13:34
* jgdx looks frantically at all channels, all windows13:34
jhodapppeat-psuwit, yes, thanks for submitting that!13:35
popeycwayne1: bug 1476501 for you perhaps?13:35
ubot5bug 1476501 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Full of "No title" events" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147650113:35
popey(in today scope)13:36
cwayne1nope, we just take whatever EDS gives us13:37
seb128mardy, hey, are you around to discuss https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/account-plugins/lp1432613/+merge/256629 ?13:38
robin-herojgdx: davmor2: I am a dumbass, I made the silo.pref file on my laptop, not my phone :D Now it works :D Just started testing13:38
davmor2robin-hero: \0/13:39
jgdxrobin-hero, nays!13:39
Elleojgdx: nothing to upgrade13:40
jgdxElleo, how'd you install the silo?13:40
Elleojgdx: the citrain tool13:41
jgdxElleo, manually then: sudo apt-get install {indicator-network,qml-module-ubuntu-connectivity,libconnectivity-qt1}=0.5.2+15.04.20150722-0ubuntu1 {ubuntu-system-settings,libsystemsettings1}=0.3+15.04.20150722-0ubuntu113:41
Elleoright, those are being upgraded now13:42
Elleojgdx: restarted, but still nothing new on the mobile panel :/13:43
jgdxElleo, you don't even see "Foo bar is disabled because baz?"13:44
Elleohmm, interestingly it actually only updated some of those packages13:44
Elleodidn't update ubuntu system settings or libsystemsettings, only the other three13:45
robin-herojgdx: It works very well. :)13:46
Elleojust claims they're already the newest version, despite being 20150413 instead of 2015072213:46
jgdxElleo, uuh what13:46
jgdxrobin-hero, awesome :)13:47
Elleojgdx: wrong version, just looked at the ppa it's 20150723 now13:47
Elleojgdx: so those are updating now13:47
jgdxElleo, right13:47
mardyseb128: yep, what about it?13:52
Elleojgdx: awesome, works now; connecting to this via my phone right now \o/13:52
seb128mardy, why did you keep the account-plugin-windows-live deb?13:53
seb128mardy, is windows-live.provider or login.live.com.conf still useful?13:53
jgdxElleo, \o/ \o/13:53
Elleojgdx: based on what you said yesterday, I'm guessing the arale acts as a sort of wifi repeater if you're already connected to a wifi network (instead of sharing its cellular connection)?13:54
Elleojgdx: as I'm getting very high speeds on speedtest.net when connecting through it, but it only shows Edge being available for cellular data13:54
jgdxElleo, yeah, and looking at nmcli d/c reinforces this, unless I'm misunderstanding something13:54
Elleojgdx: okay, that's a pretty cool feature really, although it'd be nice if we could make it clear somehow that's what's happening13:55
ElleoI can think of a few places it'd be handy to be able to instantly turn my phone into a repeater and extend a wifi signal13:55
jgdxElleo, yeah, I'll create a bug for that as well as the "n connected clients" bit. They need design++13:56
Elleomaybe have two modes or something "Hotspot" which disconnects from any existing wifi and just uses cell data and "Wifi Repeater" that requires an existing wifi connection?13:56
Elleoas that's a pretty cool extra to be able to highlight and show off13:56
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mardyseb128: there was some reason, let me see if I can remember14:02
seb128mardy, the package is blocked in wily-proposed because you made oauth conflicts on -windows or -windows depends on oauth, which makes it uninstallable, which block the migration script since it's a regression14:03
seb128mardy, so either we need to drop the binary, or the conflict, or make -windows not depends on -oauth14:03
seb128mardy, unsure which one is right though14:03
mardyseb128: IIRC, we added the Conflicts because we wanted to get the binary uninstalled14:05
seb128mardy, why not deleting it then?14:05
seb128in addition14:06
seb128what's the point to keep an uninstallable binary14:06
mardyseb128: I was advised to do it this way, I don't remember by whom14:06
mardyseb128: I guess because we also wanted the binary to get removed from users' machines14:07
mardyand not just from the archive14:07
seb128mardy, so it could be removed, the windows-live.provider and login.live.com.conf are not useful?14:07
mardyseb128: no, at the moment they are useless14:07
mardyseb128: please suggest a solution, I have no reason to defend the current state14:08
seb128mardy, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/account-plugins/delete-windows-binary/+merge/26566814:11
mardyseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11925373/14:11
mardyseb128: maybe you want to double-check with Laney14:12
jgdxElleo, given that we're actually repeating, yeah :)14:13
seb128mardy, "12:39 < Laney> mardy: what about removing the packages" from that lo14:13
seb128mardy, I think the mp I just did should work (ideally you would delete the code bits from the upstream source as well, but that doesn't need to be done today)14:14
Laneyseems sensible14:14
mardyseb128: thanks, approved! Will you take care of landing that yourself?14:24
seb128mardy, yes, thanks14:24
seb128Laney, thanks ;-)14:25
tathhuogra_: pong14:52
ogra_tathhu, pong ? did i ping ?14:53
ProstheticSHey guys, i have a few videos stored on my phone, if i go through the file browser, it doesnt launch media player, it launches gallery, which then launches media player ,is there a trick to getting this to be launchable from the file browser, or just not possible at the moment?14:54
antimion_can you help me in one question, i found many information about installation ubuntu touch on meizu mx4, but nothing about meizu mx3. but i saw many wideos with mx3+ubuntu14:54
tathhuogra_: i just did. :D what logs I should collect when (just did) my ui freezes? (if they're there after a reboot :()14:55
ogra_tathhu, look in /var/crash14:55
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zumbihello - are there any plans to move to bluez5 in vivid cycle?15:34
zumbierr.. wily15:34
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pmcgowanzumbi, plan is being worked on, hopefully yes15:55
zumbipmcgowan: thanks - do you happen to know a list of pending issues to migrate?15:57
pmcgowanI think thats the first step to revisit that, real work starting next week afaik15:58
pmcgowanzumbi, seems there is work for kernel, pulse, ofono among others16:01
zumbioh! nice.. then I'll wait for next week :)16:03
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JonathanFergusonCan someone confirm that my starting point for an Asus Nexus 7 'flo' is correct?http://s23.postimg.org/8lvy4s5nv/20150724_001.jpg16:45
davmor2JonathanFerguson: Sorry how do you mean starting point?16:55
JonathanFergusondavmor2, Are the values for "SIGNING - yes" and "SECURE BOOT - enabled" correct?16:57
davmor2JonathanFerguson: Yes17:00
JonathanFergusondavmor2, I am trying to determine where I went wrong, and ended-up with http://s7.postimg.org/d64zjinkr/P1270959.jpg17:01
davmor2JonathanFerguson: No idea on that, It might be that the version of android you were running is too new maybe17:02
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dobeyJonathanFerguson: did you start with android 5 on your device?17:06
JonathanFergusondobey, I do not believe so.  I still have the original bootloader 'FLO-04.02'.  When I tried going back to Android, only 4.4.2 and 4.4.4 would be allowed using the -w switch. (Didn't bother trying 4.4.3)17:09
dobeyJonathanFerguson: are you trying to dual boot, or just have ubuntu on it?17:11
JonathanFergusonI wish for only Ubuntu17:11
dobeyJonathanFerguson: my first suggestion to try, would be to flash android 4.4.4 back on the device, boot completely to the android welcome wizard, then reboot to the bootloader, and then use ubuntu-device-flash --bootstrap --channel ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu17:13
dobeyspecific order of options for u-d-f might be slightly different to that though17:13
JonathanFergusondobey, the problem is that I have already tried reinstalling Andoid 4.4.4, but the result was Android with an open padlock.17:16
kalikianawoot, just found out there's a way to open other email folders in dekko by tapping/ clicking the second account-name-here label of the current account17:17
dobeyyou mean the open padlock at the bottom of the boot screen with "Google" in white?17:17
JonathanFergusondobey, yes17:17
dobeyJonathanFerguson: yes, that's fine. that just means you've unlocked teh bootloader, which you must do to flash ubuntu17:18
dobeymy nexus phones have the same since the day i got them :)17:18
JonathanFergusondobey, I waited for it for hours, and nothing17:18
dobeyJonathanFerguson: you mean it is stuck on the boot screen?17:22
JonathanFergusondobey, yes it remained like that17:23
dobeyJonathanFerguson: ok, i'd suggest rebooting to the bootloader and then trying to flash android again17:25
dobeynot sure what's wrong though. could be anything, but seems like it didn't flash correctly that time17:26
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JonathanFergusondabey, thanks, I will have to give it another whirl17:26
SturmFlutJamesTait: I sometimes get an Error 404 while requesting the details of an app via the app store API. It happens at random and very infrequently, couldn't yet figure out what URL exactly causes the problem, but I only access URLs returned in the ['_links']['self']['href'] field of every store entry returned by https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/search?size=10000&page=117:46
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SturmFlutJamesTait: The last failed request was 15 minutes ago, I can tell you the client IP address in private if it helps17:46
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DanChapmankalikiana: yeah it's not very obvious that's what second "Account name" will do. I plan to bring that up with JMullholand and see if we can make it clearer somehow.18:07
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kalikianaDanChapman: and also because seemingly it already supports some folders but not others... but I commented on the bug. I'll be patient now that I at least can get to it18:18
mcphailHmm - the new rotation feature breaks cut-the-rope18:45
kenvandinemzanetti, speaking of rotation, i noticed 211 doesn't deal well with rotation19:08
* kenvandine loves that game19:08
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mzanettikenvandine, oh, thanks! Will fix19:16
mzanettikenvandine, looks like you're the only one playing it tho, according to download stats :D19:16
kenvandinemzanetti, thx, it's one of my favorite games :)19:16
mzanettikenvandine, hey, have something for you: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/+junk/contenthubtest19:17
mzanettikenvandine, it's not polished yet, but I've been using it to test my stuff for a while now19:17
kenvandinemzanetti, cool!19:18
kenvandinei've been meaning to polish up my test apps and combine them into one, and submit it to the store19:18
mzanettisame here :)19:18
kenvandineto make it easier for testing19:18
mzanettiyeah, it's hard to find counterparts for some things19:19
kenvandineyour's is probably cleaner than mine :)19:19
mzanettiespecially when it comes to handling multiple files at once etc19:19
kenvandinethis looks much more generic than mine19:20
kenvandinemzanetti, awesome!19:20
mzanettiyeah... tries to be as generic as possible. you can select which type, the amount and for some things also the content19:20
carifwhen i install a package, say 'guix package --install emacs' are the actions logged somewhere?19:56
eschatusI've enabled openvpn on my BQ and it works great, except routes pushed from the server are ignored. If I enter them manually with "ip route add" it works great. Does anyone know how to fix this?20:12
eschatusDNS settings are set properly, so it seems like just the routes are missing.20:13
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mzanettikenvandine, update time21:17
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wulfensteynhi all22:09
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